RIDE ALL THE ANIMALS!!! - Rodeo Stampede | Part 1

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all right I want on the game beaver welcome back to another episode I always tell me it's the fifth episode oh god yeah a rodeo stampede a little app game that I've seen popping up all over youtubes and I was like oh give it a shot it looks like fun when I first saw that it's okay but recently they've added Dallas hours into the game unfortunately if we go in and what one thing that's good about this game is it has the best music basically the concept is we you click play you go and run through a stampede blast sue and animals all the animals yellow sue and the zoo you gotta keep or at least the ones the new ones you get one of each one so and each creature has its own perk so the world of beasts I mean you can max it up as well that's what's really good about this game and I kind of wanted to make a oh god that was awful yeah I meant to go for the vault and I completely missed and that's pretty it that's pretty that's pretty much it a simple concept but executed really well because there is loads of different things you can do and not only when you capture the creatures you can start with them which is really great you get point along the way see where level of your creatures and you can upgrade them with said coin so when I do that and I jump oh god yeah I bumped that Buffalo either way words usually I would I would die but the ostrich is the best I'll show you why the else which is the best when it gets angry like that they all do the different things some book but the ostrich gets faster and faster until he goes water I guess now there is a trick to this and it like what's really good about this game is that there is no like there is basically no ads unless you request them by getting an extra life so then you could only watch one as well you can only watch one advert per life you can't just keep on going keep on going which is good oh there we go gotcha I love it it's so cute the art style I've gotta admit like it's what turned me off the game to begin with actually when I first saw I was like ah God not another low pixel one yeah this one like you know a good game like this but not to have pixel are like tiny dinoworld I want like a good like good graphics no they know there's anything bad with the graphics I mean we've come so far that you know it's a style mode it's a style choice more than a graphical way choice oh bloody giraffe find me oh there we go and each animal you get it's a rare like this one you'll notice I got a little hat and that shows that you get experience and when you get experience you would lock different hats which is why I'm a crazy oh that's you get that thing now okay don't die now don't die don't die don't die go go go go go oh come on boys it's a taco giraffe oh it is a giraffe yeah and every time you get a new creature and there's my pet behind me as well my little pet Buffalo every time you get in your creature you care to do a thumbnail for the video I love it so what's it called all done so you can breed for these animals as well and Oh God when you breed from them the pets you get oh thank god let's go say can I break through that I can't okay oh good oh this is good Oh a fro draft give me that oh he's telling missed it Oh Oh God okay you've got a time it's like perfectly as well like your jumps so if we click the video to continue alive it says your ID will play after this run which is awesome what kind of game but you know what we're gonna wait for we're gonna wait for the affo giraffe to catch up to us and then we're gonna start and we're gonna snag it I'm hoping he's gonna come past because that's the way this game works like when you die the Stampede keeps on going so hopefully we didn't get too far past that and what's really good about it is the fact that it like when you restart it gives you a moment Oh there's the rail Strich yum-yum-yum oh yeah I've already got the breathing so oh god no take me that way go to it it was just about a Laker and there you go there's the other oh god no look at it it's a sandwich elephant so yeah there you go the end it tells you how many coins you earned and you can double them by just basically watching over which is really cool and like what I like about its way nap games should be done like a free up game if you want to watch an ad but it's there it just it doesn't just hit you in the face like some games do I don't know what like the games they hit you with an advert as soon as you start other games that really just don't care yeah but this one there's been a lot of like love that's being put into it so in order for me if you go on the map now that looks like aisel a new blah but it's not it's Savannah we have the jungle map here the mountain map there the outback and the tundra now I'm pretty sure there is a space map and that is where the dinosaurs is so so devs if you watch you please oh come a play again okay yeah let's do it let's do the super impede alright I love this game it's so much fun it's so happy and fun and go lucky now one thing about it is I don't get dizzy like we played a Jurassic Survivor which was a side-scrolling version of it kind of like this it's just like a racing game where you just try and beat your score and get collectibles along the way I think there's like then the dev of that game actually did get him touching me thanking me for covering that game which was so awesome because I know I don't cover games thinking that people like the craters well get in contact with me even though please go cut that we all a review dinosaurs the beasts yes this thing before that's awesome come here you but yeah like I know oh yeah it's just a bison sorry are you so happy yeah throw porkchop no don't ya know oh no oops oops no no no no no not likely um Oh God probies go throw it there we go I can't remember oh say now yeah completely lost my train of thought oh dear no but it's a really fun game I really do like this yeah that's right yeah I don't cover games thinking that like the devs are gonna get in contact with me like in hungry shark there's a there's a place in the snow biome or the Arctic map which is named like beavers belly and although it was so cool I never asked for anything like oh now it wasn't like oh you should make a place after me cuz I'm a musical I could be your game I I don't do that but the fact that they they did I was like oh that's awesome cuz I never asked they're just like oh you wanna be and I was like really yeah cuz all I do is let's play I don't really feel it oh look another player's can be like oh this should be a beaver yeah oh it's awesome so we got 373 coins the Buffalo has been added to the exhibit I think hasn't it one day I mean they all sort of come in here and like each creature also has its picture that you take so you can go back and look at all the fun happy times yeah yeah there you go animals get three percent slower angry animals get three percent slow that's really good for the ostrich actually and what's in my love [ __ ] oh that's right it's the the ostrich cuz I'm pretty sure that we also I love the ostrich how quickly it can go and if you just want coins it was like smash through all the boxes so let's go again come on why do I start a bison I just on something awesome hold on hold on hold on let's go back to zoo and also this missions as well let's start with an elephant elephants are awesome ride yes so if you if you take a t-rex then you could you can ride I don't think my elephants can go through rocks just yet only downside with the elephant is that they I don't ride them for very long I love the sound effects as well these zebra sound effects awesome yeah Bisons must staple right now yeah but I like ostrich because we've got our little pet following us who's so cute looping along I love ya I think that like Jurassic Survivor should take note on like different things they can do because I get this in that game even though I love it I like the art style I mean they're just you know pictures with you no moving parts really oh yeah I got too fast I had to switch out to switch come on little ostrich you're basically a dinosaur you're like a further Gallimimus there you go anybody likes feathered dinosaurs ostrich is basically the kalam atmosphere yeah mister 100 coins I don't know why you would want that though upgrade the habitat for your Buffalo okay let's have a look to see what's what things we go jump over six trees in the savanna four to go oh it's just in total oh that's good smash four animals while riding the Buffalo in one turn okay so what you have to do is basically on the Buffalo and bam what the thing is the Buffalo has to like smash something else so I said let's jump over that tree but we would but we'd die I love the music as well it's awesome it's so happy it fits it so well yeah there's one there's one yeah there's two push we need to jump over trees as well so let's get this guy oh dammit dammit there there's one almost hit didn't quite get him whoosh you need to be too close oh there we go this is more like it ah dammit I love this whole like running it's like it's a good version of the Lion King yeah well the fuss is not dying go and you're off your mind there we go Oh God I don't like how the draft takes like a couple of seconds Boosh oh yes oh we did it how many coins a hundred Oh we're doubling that so in this one we got 109 I'm watching that video it's like the only game that makes me want to watch videos so now we have 496 awesome so we need it upgrade so upgrade Savannah animal habitats 12 more times so in this sort of mission you kind of just want to upgrade the cheapest don't upgrade the craziest so they're all actually 250 oh no we've got something the some sort of animal I haven't like encountered yet I didn't work though so we're like one going away one going away from upgrading another exhibit so if we wait here patiently somebody will drop the painting so yeah when you open up your zoo you see in the bottom it says next to it in 3 hours and 51 minutes so every time you open your zoo the more creatures you've got in them and more greater they are the more coins you get from the families visiting so I'd probably get like 400 coins for my next visit which is basically the game's way it just gives you a little accountant upgrading and the whole time however if you want to just continue like if you want to play this game constantly you can do it there will not be anything that stops you like addressed world the game and like farm bills you'll have to wait for things to be made whereas in this game if you just want to keep on going this reward for it like you could say in drastic world and just constantly just get enclosures for coin and coin and coin and coin and just wait but there's no difference between you waiting for things to gather coin and you click on it all the time however in this game there is a difference between you waiting 3 hours 50 minutes to get like the big neck slot busload of visitors you can't just play the game for another three hours and 50 minutes and get loads more coin and oh there it is awesome so let's upgrade the Bison so game 50% more ticket money from buffalos that's great that refers to when people visit oh look at that and also they've landing charges on Buffalo are two times longer game 50% more ticket money from servers oh I get that as well well we need to anyway we need upgrade um I'm just gonna hope hey the friggin ass space thing isn't like I feel like it's gonna be the end if we go here it's gonna be like it's gonna be that coming soon space Oh God well like I like the fact that there's different like Savannah jungle mountains out back and then Tundra men's space which is I think the dinosaurs I could be wrong so let's go I'm doing one more time on DLF on have you got another mission or which yeah you just start instantly the elephant could knock everything out of the way and you can constantly get missions back by just watching videos which is great so jump over the tree oh okay oh did that work this have to be a big tree I think it might have to be a big tree so we're gonna get this guy because we get experience from that hence the reason why I'm wearing a cool little Chinese hat yeah just my character to be again I don't want to look at a man riding and I'm an animal all day yeah yeah that coat is a tree awesome let's find a tree jump over it yes die cuz that one we don't have to do on all in one go so we could just restart so we try jump over to two left to go or we could wait five hours permission oh I just get one free so let's do that so we got rides eight zebras in one go oh my friend I can do that well then where is everything nothing around Oh what could jump off that tree but I'm not gonna we need to go for the Zephyrs what we really want is to get a separate and jump over trees all right let's go the vulture vulture yes woohoo awesome but yeah the vulture sovereigns out and then it can start dropping and then you'll hit the floor and dad so there's one zebra you're outta one out of eight awesome okay there's another one oh did I kind of jumping over a tree oh I almost jumped off in there oh god I missed all those Evers but I got some experience that's good riding riding experience Oh new vulture awesome one more what I see him Lucy the zebra buddy yes now just tip over trees we want to jump over trees rubbish yeah I think like I like this game that because I don't get dizzy but I think that's the downside of having like a runner it is also a side scroller but you could get very very dizzy go on drop down trees beautiful okay let's keep going let's watch your video the end go oh the tree awesome come on draft hey I'm worried about like the thing is with the vultures you don't really get to see them before they're like oh we are on the clay brother oh god just go over the top of them yeah there we go yeah it's really tactical ah yes just got oh god oh god oh god like you might think just staying on Armel is the best option sometimes it's not sometimes it's just like jump jump jump and like oh ah yes 421 awesome so what can we okay we look good like one thing I'm sure 200 and 250 250 450 for the elephants K gain 50% more ticket money from them Oh what to do what to do but yeah you could like this is what I love about the game you can just grind and grind a grunt I don't think this will be a series guys so if you don't if you're not enjoying this don't worry yourself it's not going to be a common one yeah and if you are enjoying it I am definitely gonna like play this again I probably just playing my own spare time because I played this last night now it was it was like 2:00 in the morning I was like oh yeah absolutely let's give it a shot and I was like moves pretty good so 350 we need 250 locks we'll do one more we'll do one more as an elephant again we'll just get like up to 250 coin upgrade another exhibit and have some fun it's like there's so many different things you can do with this like for the animals also the babies are really cool I wonder if I think of the idea not that they did it first put from Castle Crashers with a little to give you perks I mean yeah they didn't come up with the first but it's a pretty similar idea all right die whoa God you got a good coming yeah give me that oh there's a little groovy guitar ah strips there glam ostrich glam rich oh that was cool yeah just avoid that Boulder yeah go Mia if you want safe you want safety get on those damn elephants birthday you can't go through rocks or oh maybe they can actually I don't know get on the ostrich yeah ostrich is good ostrich is good on to the zebra so we need to be like 3,000 this salt like there's so many things so many things to concentrate oh yes let me go through and you and then off we go yeah we got loads of coins oh that was awesome oh oh there it is get it yes we got like a hell giraffe yeah oh god no oh god oh god oh no it's like a bison it's like a devil no okay I've got a hold on I gotta hold on I got it I got it I got it yes just got the coin cracks us oh that bison look awesome we're a little baby the background and the coin in front I love this game so cool Rhapsody bohemian maybe oh god oh thank you okay oh I couldn't get the coin box otherwise I would have got killed I would have died it okay on the ostrich dog really the best thing I wanted middle of us can we go I think we've probably beaten our record now oh my good looks good actually yeah we're gonna do hat what do we get Oh nah I prefer my old one it's well better yeah new record 27 years so we've been applying like a tiny amount I'm great you know booberella cornica I got so much going there I got like a t go back to the zoo 300 we've got enough to upgrade again 40% more 300 exactly we could have great the ostrich or jumping up from a giraffe temporarily increases lasso size by 20% Oh more money let's go for them off more we good to have more wood oh that is gonna rub this video I love this game I'm pretty good look like keep on it's a good game just if you wanna it's not infuriating that's the thing like with dinos sorry Jurassic survivor can I pull a reference as to why the skins good in graphic seraphic and jurassic survivor the game gets deadly steadily faster until the point where my eyes are dizzy and I'm gonna lose so I'll never beat like a record or if I do a bit like a tiny round whereas with this game you have grade your creatures look at high speeds ostriches will cause will throw you clear if you crash so that's great so if I crash I'll just go straight off it mind you I'll probably be trying to avoid something so I go straight into the side but still like I may be able to rescue myself from that and like the Bison and landing charges of Buffalo are 2 times longer so you get things that will you know increase your time and increase your length so you know you start off going you know maybe not long distances but by the end you'll be going miles and miles so that's really cool enjoy this video oh yeah wanna see more leave like until next time I'll see you beautiful people later bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 486,102
Rating: 4.8978434 out of 5
Keywords: rodeo stampede, all animals, dinosaurs, riding animals, app game, free app game, free game, free app, gaming beaver, thegamingbeaver, play through, part one, walkthrough, jungle, jurassic, jurassic park, dinos
Id: Byw_8CitM5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2017
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