I Mined So Much Gold It Almost Broke Hydroneer

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so now that i've cleaned up my mess and secured a little bit of funding it's really only natural that we escalate i don't yet know how i especially don't know why and i even don't know where but we're gonna do it because we have quite a bit of dirt going up that i want it like a constant stream of dirt take point where the game just gives up currently we have 15 drills so i'm thinking we just double that i mean how hard could that be to do the answer is it doesn't matter because i've got too much time on my hands the first painful thing we need to do is find a home for a million boxes that are also all blacksmithed down and good luck finding the hammer on this mess and the boxes have been released now to find them a home i don't mean to intimidate anyone with my intelligence but i found a simple storage solution that couldn't possibly backfire in 10 or 20 minutes would do to give myself some more room down here particularly in the storage area just pickaxing dirt by itself is going to take a long time if i'm really lucky i'll find some treasure here in the dirt well i haven't started to regret this idea yet so that's a good sign anyways i'm gonna go grab 15 of these drills for now then we can figure out how we're going to plumb this all and i forgot i still had a bunch of crap in the back of my truck but look how low the fuel is getting anyways i've got a solution for that and then we have a great truck well at least the game isn't lagging yet so then we also need 15 davids which only cost 35 000 for some reason the drills don't want to place exactly where i want them no place literally any other place though just not there and things are definitely a little bit laggy since i brought all this equipment here there's number 15 and i hear a computer fan we haven't even turned this thing on yet i love pickaxing dirt so much the hardest part of any of these projects is figuring out how to orient these the right way because there's a million different ways to rotate these and it gets very tricky how to do that every single time but that should work nowadays need to do that 14 more times then attach the electricity and water to each and every one of those by the time i've done that i will definitely be in regret mode you know if i was smart i probably would have moved this operation above ground that way i don't have to carry everything below because i individually have to carry things from there down to there then run up grab the next thing and run down that eats up a lot of time there's all the david's laid down now i have to figure out how to plumb it and also find my pick again because i know it's around somewhere even this figuring out like how to place these is gonna take a good few minutes i'm also long overdue to just do this if you follow the natural slope of the ground you can actually have a clear smooth path i wonder how many times i've made the trip to the store sometimes i wish my ideas were more well thought out plus is once again doing that thing where i need to stand just right just to attach pieces together and we've got all the tees and all the bends put in i still need to connect them all but we're making progress and believe me this just gets funner and funner as time goes on are we ready for this excitement it's exciting to me okay i'm spending hours putting pipes together the water pipes are actually fairly easy to connect that's already done all it took was three extra pieces of pipe now it's just the wiring and then we'll see how the game likes this wait did my old truck have pieces i would need i'm not going through all that we're gonna go buy brand new pieces because nothing says i'm rich like buying all new pieces and you probably have enough lying around somewhere and you know what let's buy a few extras anyway you can never have too much crap lying all over your ground and we still haven't cleared enough dirt there's always more dirt in the way i also haven't decided where to connect all the electrical but that's a problem for 10 minutes from now it actually looks kind of nice right now while nothing's moving so all i really have to do is connect this over to that somehow i've got an idea of how to do that but we'll see and there's the final piece that shouldn't get in the way of anything except for maybe me but whatever the case i can now walk along the top of my drills and that works not bad i think the final piece of the puzzle for now is going to be lots and lots of repair kits because i've got 800 very hungry drills that are going to be breaking every 10 seconds this is all gonna be worth it though we've invested probably hundreds of thousands of dollars just today but we're gonna make that back in no time i'm also not factoring in the damage i'm doing to my computer because by the sound of it it's not super thrilled right now and then before we turn all of these on for the first time i want to repair them just so that we can be sure that they're all going once they are on even turning on all 30 of these seems like a tedious task just because there's that many of them and i think we're more or less ready to get started so one thing at a time let's see how this is gonna go so for the first time ever hopefully there's gonna be 30 drills going no light so far so that's an optimistic sign anyone does anyone of the drills want to work the conveyor is also not working again so that's curious never mind i see the problem i replaced this and i shouldn't have that is stupid but i'm glad it wasn't a more complex fix than that there we go that's the sound you want to hear so most of the drills and ones that are going i assume once these get some dirt underneath them they'll start going we are again getting that intermittent conveyor problem though i'm really not sure what that's about we might add another one of those power plant things to fuel everything well there's our first bit of dirt and i did see some of the lights on the drills down there go on we're just getting intermittent power which is super annoying even as those few drills though spit a lot of dirt out there we go the lights came on for a second the game was trying real hard to make this work i can't really blame it for not working super well so far but whatever it'll get there you know what before we go any further i'm basically just gonna go grab another one of these things and just fuel the other side from its entirely separate area so before we do that let's pick it out i'm at least going to have the conveyor running on its own system it seems to be the thing struggling the most aside from me and now before going to get all these new parts we've got to unload all the old parts these pieces are expensive at twenty five thousand dollars but they're absolutely worth it then i just need to kind of visualize exactly what we're gonna need to put all this together and since i'm just too lazy and or stupid to do that i'm just gonna buy a whole bunch of everything and hope it works out okay i think i'm actually gonna split it half and half because we tend to divide the resources right here anyways so this new power plant powers this side including this conveyor the other side does the other side again this probably isn't the greatest idea i've ever had but whatever we'll find a way to make this work this might not be the prettiest design i've ever had but it's actually going to work so if i fire that one up everything seems to be moving without any stoppages along the way so that's a good sign aside from the fact that i'm stuck things are looking up so i'm gonna try and let everything wow i just felt right back into the hole i'm gonna let everything try and run for a second and make sure it's all going to work but so far it's looking good it is at least pretty consistent right now here comes all the dirt and i forgot to turn that other conveyor on so that's maybe gonna cause some issues uh that's okay the dirt clumps just kind of consolidated but there we go there is a bunch of dirt going up it's maybe falling a little bit closer to the edge of the conveyor than i would like but we have a remedy for that if need be let's see what's going to go at the top kind of worried about that big dirt chunk i'm going to process that separately because i don't want to overwhelm things quite too quickly that's the sound i like to hear though there's lots of stuff coming out the end and it's the big stuff too so yeah i think this is gonna work out very very nicely because it's pretty much gonna be that just endlessly now well i was hoping it would be endless maybe once they kind of average themselves out but we'll see we got a long ways to go and i'm gonna go through a lot of repair kits but so far this is working about as well as i expected a few bumps along the way but so far so good the only resource i am physically piling up are going to be the gems just because i don't really know what else to do with them everything else smelts itself including the claudium though everything coming over the conveyors tends to ride to one side but that doesn't really seem to be a problem right now but look at all the dirt coming out this is gonna be fun and we also have several breakdowns already that's not a big surprise though is it my job at this point really is basically gonna be full time fixing things all i gotta do is apply my wrench to things to fix them weren't you broken by the time i was done wrenching i have to come back and get another repair kit adding some filters probably would help for this and i probably will eventually but i just wanted to make sure this is gonna work before i got too carried away yeah this is gonna work out really nicely wait why is that thing not going did you break already it probably broke already those things break every five seconds there we go and now it's probably gonna process everything there no well we're gonna have a pretty massive build-up of stuff in there but i just want to sit here for a minute and enjoy the gold now where is my leg stick it's definitely lagging pretty hard at times so we're clearly moving some material found it uh it's already processing a lot of material every single second but we're just going to kind of give it a little lift up to jar all that stuff loose i want to sit up here while i do it though come on maybe i do need to get down closer and oh i think we got it because the game's skipping a beat maybe two okay it might have crashed i think it crashed nah never mind it came back to life uh uh-huh there's a lot of gold going through the thing right now but that's fun that actually took a long time to recover but i'm impressed that it managed to recover itself that was probably like a hundred thousand dollars in gold right there i wonder if we could do that again just for fun we could let a bunch of little rocks build up here and let them through all at once it would probably almost definitely crash the game but it would be pretty amusing anyways i suspected things down below probably basically all need to be repaired by this point i'm gonna fix this for now because it's running out of life every 10 seconds yep this is what i expected the other problem too that i never really considered is it's hard to access these even to fix them now i literally can't keep up right now with all this stuff breaking by the time i get back and fix it and come back down there's more stuff broken again and then it hides for a second so it's hard to see which ones are broken i suspect by now we probably have a decent one of these bars so let's go stuff this in something i wonder how much money we're making per minute so um i think that thing happened again we're gonna have a lot of dirt piled in here so let's see if we can do it again and make a whole bunch of stuff spit out the end i don't know how long stuff's been piling up for but i guess i have to repair it first anyways okay i just repaired it and there's a lot of stuff currently going you can see the little stream of gold out the end now i'm gonna touch this and the game's gonna pause for a second this time i was gonna say i think it might have actually crashed this time because that took a long time and there we go the conveyors are a little bit fuller this time that's a lot of gold coming out but that goes to show you kind of our gold per second uh we still have a big mess of uh where did the big one come from someone really needs to be steering this ship hmm at least we're making some money i think my thing also yeah it stopped working again it was still processing dirt for some reason but it had stopped already because it's processing a thousand things per second i've definitely never had gold being processed this fast we're making such an absurd amount of money right now that i can't help but smile well i'm pretty sure this thing can babysit itself for a while i've got a little side project to work on because we're obviously long overdue to play with logic explosives not entirely sure how these work but we're going to use them to clean up 10 of them should do for now this is a logic button this is a logic switch i think we need to use one of these to activate the tnt i've been gone all of five minutes but i bet my mind has turned into a giant disaster already well i can already see my processor stopped working again and that's just kind of fun because i like letting this thing go even though it can take like five minutes to actually do its thing but you know what it's worth the wait wouldn't look quicker that time still a big pile of stuff going on so i'm not going to complain and it's still just a pretty steady stream of stuff going in look at all the crystals look at all the everything anyways i've got some other stuff i want to focus on today because i'm pretty curious if i want to uh place this oh we're not allowed to place it here because it's outside of my ground that's okay pretty sure i have a solution for this too so we're going to put this probably right there then we're going to attach the logic button then we're going to add a few of the things we don't really use anymore and we're just going to kind of place them somewhere in the vicinity just because i want to see what happens if we blow stuff up look we can clean up this way so those can hang out there let's throw a few more bombs down there and then we're going to pile everything we don't want on top that is a bomb's blow up other bombs we need to experiment first you go here then we're going to apply the logic switch this time i'm not sure if there's a difference but we're going to experiment then i'm going to place another one nearby and see if they do chain react or not whoops and go they do interesting the game definitely also loved that by the way so yeah this is going to take a while and mostly just need to strategically place bombs a few areas zombies are close enough to each other to set up a chain reaction from the detonation point then we can fill this whole hole in with whatever we want to destroy does that look like a good chain reaction that looks like a pretty good chain reaction no it is so in a bit of a healthy mix of whatever i want basically anything that i'm not using currently is going in here because anything i need i'll just buy in the future anyways whoops and don't you worry as we're going i am going to throw a few bombs in there just to you know help distribute the explosives one thing i am however not going to explode are the boxes i always need boxes i'm impressed sometimes with how much crap i've managed to accumulate over the many hours of this game it's mostly this stuff that i want to get rid of anyways because this is the stuff that i'm never ever going to use again this is one of those rare times when i am going to utilize pallets the game is probably also going to love this but that's whatever down you go alright now we need more explosives i feel like this will do maybe i could have gone a little heavier the game's not lagging driving these around the trick is going to be getting the truck close to the hole but not in the hole that way it's very quick to pick up a bomb toss it on in pick up a bomb toss it on in until there's no more left in the truck and there we go it really seems like a lot less bombs once you get them out of the truck and into a giant hole but that's okay because this is perhaps a precursor to a bigger better idea anyways oh they didn't even change reaction properly luckily i do have another button so we're gonna put it maybe on this guy down here where he's definitely more attached to everything else ready and go wait go there it is this is a little picky at times and now we have a bigger hole than before and still a few tnts left even we've also cleaned up quite a bit of our mess but this also makes me think of other ideas also our gold and claudium are worth 110 000 and 5309 because apparently claudium isn't worth very much by itself but we've mined this up in a very short amount of time but now i mostly just want to play with bombs more
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 420,442
Rating: 4.9550271 out of 5
Id: W8qIyGkeKEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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