80,000 KG of Fish in 1 Net! - Is A $20,000,000 Fishing Trawler Worth It? - Fishing North Atlantic

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well hello there everybody dre here and welcome back to the north atlantic on the dexter today we're going to be doing more trolling fishing but you guys have been asking for it and finally i did the massive grind to get around 20 million in the bank so we can upgrade to the best trawlers in the game now i have two options to do we have the lunar bow which is not at this point in the hermes now the hermes is a little bit cheaper to be more specific it's about 400 000 cheaper which isn't actually that much when we're talking about 20 million dollars so i think they're very similar boats i wanted to get this one first though because we'll be able to sell this boat and at least upgrade this thing a little bit more with the money we get from the dexter so yes we're finally doing it goodbye dexter and hello 23.5 million dollars so i hope this is worth it i'm a little nervous but finally we got into the massive boats it doesn't even come close to fitting on the screen right now so yeah before we get too far let's actually check out this boat i'm just going to um return my crew to the hermes here i don't know how many we're gonna need on this boat but it's probably similar to the dexter just a hell of a lot more high-tech oh my god i feel professional finally dude i have screens everywhere this is kind of overwhelming but yeah let's check this out look at this layout it's so clean oh my god i have a boat on my boat guys okay so i think this was the final boat in the berency game but it's been years since i played that so i don't really remember this is kind of a weird layout i can't even get over there i guess it's not intended for you to get over there from here so we're going to go out the other side but it looks like we can get over to the front of course as well i don't know if you would ever come down here but you can i there is a little crane here what would that be for maybe the anchor for some weird reason i don't think that's it though okay we got some bunk rooms here i don't know if we can get inside we'll check later this is kind of a weird layout i got to be honest because to get around you'd think they'd add like a staircase on this side in case you needed to go to this side it's just it's going to take a lot of walking to get everywhere here but check out the size of my net now all right we're at the back of the boat so it doesn't look like we can uh connect down to the bottom over here oh there's a damn staircase right here okay so i didn't see this one but we can at least get down now watch your head i guess we'll just go right through it no big deal check out the troll doors you can actually see them on this boat and they are freaking massive well we can go inside at least check out this place so oh my god i have a freaking hospital on my boats oh my god you know you're living large when there's hospitals on your boat and snow on the inside too got some little offices here i'm assuming these are all bunk rooms and whatnot that i can't get into because privacy is a thing there's an exit this way i'm hoping i can actually get out yes go to work deck okay oh i guess we got through here technically but this is considered a work deck that's kind of weird all right and i think that's the majority of it i still didn't figure out how to get up there i'm kind of sad i couldn't get up there but um regardless we're really not going to move away from here pretty much at all so i just like checking out the boat because i mean they are quite detailed but yeah we're gonna sit at the helm and make my workers do the hard stuff so yeah before we leave obviously we have to um upgrade this thing to the best we can we probably won't have enough money to do it all because these are actually they're not as bad as i thought so i'll i'll upgrade the storage now plus 200 000 kgs that's definitely gonna be worth it engines half a million but uh i think that's gonna be worth it let's get the big things first radar doesn't really matter the autopilot hardly ever works fishing quota we don't really need at least yet let's get the good fish sonar oh i own it already okay we can get three freezers on this thing so that's the the most we've ever had um that's actually not bad at all so we might actually be able to upgrade this thing thruster actually we already own it sweet and let's get the door sensor as well so a cool 2 million um i guess we could have got the best boat i honestly thought we'd spend a lot more money here all right let's get out there and test this thing so i'm going to try and get some fish locations i guess we could do cod a week ago though i was hoping to get something better than that you know what i'll check out some ports real quick um and uh hopefully we can find something a little bit closer to today all right having some struggles finding some deep sea fish we got pollock over here the redfish are unfortunately really close to the um shoreline we need to go down here so the only thing i can really have um yeah that redfish this unfortunately a year ago is cod way up here well this is concerning i've been exploring for at least 15 minutes now just kind of going around here looking for wherever the hell these cod went um as you can see i have not seen one fish on my sonar that makes me worried that the sonar is broken or that we're at the dead spot of the map again i have had major issues over here finding fish i usually go on this side of the deep because of that well my sonar clearly works i went to the real shallows right now just to make sure and yeah it seems like we're at the start of the year so all the fish might just be in the shallows right now um so i might actually need to skip ahead time but yeah i'm gonna go look for some more intel hopefully we can get something in the deep and would you look at that i skipped ahead uh a month or so and we're out where we were once again with some new redfish intel and um yeah you can see there's at least something on the map all right yeah there's definitely fit fish here so this is good i don't need a lot of schools anyways and it's actually not too deep here so perfect all right let's do this thing where the hell is even my crew i think i set them out oh yeah they're down there it's such a big boat now i don't even see them anymore oh there they are hello little guys so let's set that troll and uh yeah hopefully we can be successful first try here all right i'm not sure what's going on with my radar by the way i don't know if this is the ground or a school of fish we're supposed to be 200 meters so yeah actually we might be actually close to the ground anyways let's keep this here i i don't want to go too deep because i'm actually on a school right now and yeah you can see the distance of my bottom is 188 meters um yeah dp4 is the bottom of the sea so this is pretty much as close to the bottom as i'm comfortably going like i said we're in shallow parts right now this is kind of fun actually all right so i hit that school a little bit um actually we're still where's my i i still have to get this set up um i had a fish indicator on here do i still have that i might have not have bought that it might be this catch one i'm trying to remember exactly what it was nope that's the same one okay well we're at least catching fish we'll have to buy i forgot one upgrade at the port um and it's useful to see how much fish we're catching but we got some fish there we definitely weren't on a school i'm very nervous right now we are way too close to the ground floor now there's not many schools close to us so maybe i should just pull this in right now yeah you know what i'm gonna do that um just because i wanna reset the net for when we're on a new school i don't know how quickly it's gonna be able to fill this up and oh it's so cool to see how massive this thing is so this isn't going to be a great catch but even with 20 i'm curious to see look at this it looks like a giant turd that is insane i love the design of this boat now that i understand the whole net thing so does it just drop out this actually takes a long time too oh it just pulls it in the middle i'm assuming with this crane and then you can open up the ends and it dumps it in the middle that's really cool all right and empty the net oh it just vanishes okay so the animation's not the best but there we go 18 000 on the boat and we are going to redrop i was thinking about going deeper but i think we might be able to actually get some fish here and there are some schools as you can see oh we are hitting the side of this um we're not gonna get much here probably but i'm definitely hitting a little bit of this school to the right of me um which actually we're already at almost 30 percent if we stay on this this might be great but with how wide this net is like we we oh yeah we're definitely gonna reel in here in a second so not an intentional catch but i'm so glad there there goes the school right there so we're at the end of the school so i'm just gonna reel in now yes come to me my fish sausage let's get a front row view here of what's going on oh i love this setup though it's so damn cool to watch the only downside is you don't actually see the net deplete i really just want to see a mountain of fish is that too much to ass game clearly um how much did we get there 63 000 ah we have a measly peasant fisherman over here i am i am i am clearly cocky now that i have this nice boat where did he go i swear every time i look for a guy he just vanishes he's gone now oh there he is what the what oh yeah that's right i'm i'm dumb i'm what the hell is that seriously was that the kraken like that looked great it's sinking is that my that wouldn't be my net that far out would it okay i should probably focus on what's going on oh would you look at that we are right on fish this is actually really exciting what's the depth of that 91 meters um obviously we can get the lower part of the school we have to go over a hundred meters or we don't catch fish but once we hit that hundred we'll stop and we should be right on this thing i'm gonna see if we can maybe catch a little bit more that might be dangerous though because we are right on this school as you can see so maybe i should real at least start reeling in okay yeah we're definitely going to hit this school so i'm going to reel in and we should catch a little bit more as we come in there we go it's a good thing i reeled in when i did oh god we got almost a perfect load there we're going to be right over 100 in a second it's going to hit 80. you could not ask for a better situation than that and this should be our biggest catch yet 63 was the best so far i'm hoping we can at least get it like i feel like this is going to be 80 at least and i was so close to being right 79 772 can't complain with that much though well this looks fun um yeah that is multiple schools of fish guys that are basically on top of each other we might be on the fish right when we hit 100 here come on do it do we eat a little jerk oh it just vanished the moment i looked over so i think we were on the school and we just fell off it worst time ever we got a little bit of fish though you gotta remember there's a delay because the net's behind our boat so it looks like we did hit that school after all at least jesus look at this though there is so many schools of fish this is this is actually great so at least i found a good part of the map now are we going up right now this is going to be pretty good as you can see i'm not really on a school i'm hitting the side uh as i reel in dude it is so creepy out here right now with this moon and the the birds uh i don't like it i don't like it but it's it's going well i mean i haven't broken a net yet i've been playing it safe intentionally and uh it's working out what are we sitting at right now about half the boat full so a few more runs and we should be good now one thing i'm gonna have to worry about is machine gunning freezing and stacking um as you can see my crew's not doing so well so i'm going to throw michael on this and then nora can cook because she's the better cook and i guess i'll have one of each of these guys doing this and then hopefully the food will help me rest a bit oh damn the moment we get over the 100 meter we are on fish look at this this is perfect that's a it's a little deep to school but i'm glad i was able to at least hook it um god i haven't been able to like perfectly go on a school though it's frustrating we've seen what happens when that happens as well generally i break my nets this is actually as good as we've gotten so far we're definitely right on this school so i got to keep an eye out on this because we might actually max this net but this is exactly what i want our spider's pretty good right now too um speed's perfect oh yeah this is how am i not catching more fish right now all right so like i said there's a delay though so i think it's going to take a second before the net as actually affected by this um let's start reeling in though i forgot i was reeling out i was too focused on the school this is risky because we are way out right now and i've only been out here a full night it is now almost day time again so yeah you can't you can kind of get an idea on how lucrative this truly is oh yeah this is good okay if we can get this to 80 i'm taking a little bit of a risk here we should fill the boat i'm trying to get just the top of this school to the right of my starboard door i think this actually might go well you know what i'm gonna let out just a little bit because we are definitely gonna hit this school this is the best run i've had yet and uh this is what you dream of going right in the middle of a school but i do have to worry about possibly getting a little too much so i might reel in a little bit right now because i'm nervous all right distance yeah we're only 100 meters away we are going right on top of this school and there it goes um that means you hit it essentially so i'm gonna continue to reel in oh yeah we are going up okay so that was that was a perfect hit you can't get any better than that i'm hoping we're gonna give it some time here to catch these fish actually it might have stopped there so surprisingly i think we can still fish a little bit why is my symmetry so far off all right i ended up hauling the troll because as you can see there's nothing on the map uh i don't know if this is gonna fill the boat or not we might need to drop it real quick once again but it's gonna be close okay yeah we're at 364. so that's enough for one more net let's do it all right and we're on the side of a school which is perfect because i don't want much fish anyway so we'll grab this real quick and pull in and then we should have a full boat hopefully all right we ended off with a nice 50 yield in my net so uh yeah this is the final net coming in it should be at least um because we only need like 40 000 more and uh yeah we should go over by a little bit here but that's kind of the point fill this boat to its brim 35 000 um so only 13 000 was lost perfect that's exactly what i wanted and we have filled the boat on our maiden voyage i gotta say didn't get any massive schools or anything but i'm kind of glad i didn't want to break the net on my first outing so yeah we'll see how much this boat is worth totally filled oh dude dude no dude what are you doing i just finished and now some guy's crashing into me oh my god he's actually damaging me um you know what i'm gonna have to fast travel because this guy's being a jerk it's not even on the map it's just a troll okay give me the hell away from that guy jesus talk about unlucky right at the end okay let's fast travel the digby and sell this stuff oh i'm pretty sure we passed a million this time guys that was my only goal to finally get a million oh actually before i sell two a lot of you guys are saying if you send your crew back to the crew house they don't get their cut and their cut's pretty insane now because we got eight of them 15.3 so feel free to have a rest guys i'm so not going to sell the fish you were just spending two days cutting and freezing well that sucks it needs at least four crew members to actually leave and i don't think i can sell unless i leave the dock and reuse the dock so what we'll do is hire these awful guys and i can use them to sell okay so now we should have a better rate and would you look at that oh my god almost four million in one run now i gotta say it's a perfect situation right now all the prices are amazing and i have my selling crew now with their awful rates so we're only wasting 4.6 instead of the 15 and there we go bam we're back at 7 million we will be able to buy the other trawler in no time all right guys and on that we're going to wrap up this episode here i hope you guys enjoyed some massive fishing today we just blew our record away by a few million in terms of profits in one day and yeah now we're truly at end game fishing we have one more boat to check out the lunar bow bow whatever you want to call it and it is slightly bigger than this one so yeah we have a little bit more to do in this game and yeah i hope you guys are enjoying it as always thanks for watching and liking guys and i'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Drae
Views: 430,160
Rating: 4.9403744 out of 5
Keywords: fishing north atlantic, fishing north atlantic game, fishing north atlantic gameplay, fishing boat, fishing games, deep sea fishing, fishing sim, fishing north atlantic full game, net fishing, deep fishing, big game fishing, fishing north atlantic trawling, fishing north atlantic trawler, fishing north atlantic biggest boat, fishing north atlantic gameplay playlist, fishing north atlantic game boats, fishing north atlantic game drae, fishing north atlantic gameplay drae
Id: LNTq2YvK-kY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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