Gold Rush - The Best Gold Paydirt Possible! - Digging to Bedrock - Gold Rush The Game Gameplay

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how's it going guys Dre here and welcome back to gold rush the game now today we're finally gonna get an episode where we just look for gold and do some serious gold mining now that we have this amazing setup here I think we're pretty much set now I might buy one piece of machinery the dump truck I do indeed want it depends on where all the gold is on this mine site if we do have to transfer it for a long distance I think I'm gonna go buy the dump truck in this episode but I want to figure out where the gold is so we're gonna use our drill here for the start to figure out where the real pockets of gold are so let's get into that all right and I think that's enough for right now uh we did do pretty much the whole lot here so let's kind of see where that gold is we should get an obvious representation of where the good spots of gold are all look at that spread - I did it perfectly ah so what I'm seeing here is actually 282 is looking good way unfortunately at the side we also got some pretty dark spots in the middle here aside from that like the outskirts as you can see there's a lot of gray zones down here so let's go deeper into this quite literally and check the depth of this or so as you can see we're gonna have to dig down to 8 meters to get the good stuff in - 82 here so that's gonna take quite a bit oh you can see oh that's actually very stable from middle all the way to the bottom at 436 and just to compare oh these ones actually I'm liking this one actually this is looking real good because you start getting gold and then right away basically you get a lot of gold 235 Gold a meter let's actually see comparison 243 so it is a little less but it starts way earlier we have to remember that 282 oh this is actually only 213 so I thought again it's a good thing we check this because it's looking like technically our best square was 436 but I like the spread of 490 more I think there's actually gonna be more gold in there just less dense amounts of gold in the ground very little difference though so I think we're gonna go for that one let's actually because it's looking so good around here though let's go to 490 and just check the other areas around it alright so I wrapped all the way around it now we get to see if 490 is the best or if there's a little bit of a better pocket just kind of around it I just want a pinpoint where the best of the gold is cuz why I hope to do today is basically mine out one full square if we can do that that'd be great that's a lot of dirt we'll see how we can do but now that we've seen oh yeah you can tell that the big pockets definitely up here it's looking like anywhere around here though 241 you can see the difference in height though I'm still liking 490 it's just it goes right to the gold is there any one that's actually higher 465 is actually very very similar actually 465 technically better so I think what we're gonna do is do 465 this is the square that we're gonna hopefully mine out today and get lots and lots of the good stuff so let's waste no time first thing we're gonna do is buy that dump truck now I did just cash in all my gold we got 450 grand I got oh sim it's not more than that I actually forget how much it is Oh 159 not bad at all I was getting a little worried oh we might even be able to buy the fuel tank and we may as well since we have money to do it alright so we're gonna test send this to our site I do want to order that there we go and we just gotta move that over to our main site so the nighthawk Valley we should have enough space with a glacier Creek not sure why that's there did I buy another one or did I not bring the glacier Creek it doesn't matter let's just confirm this which one is the glacier Creek is it I'm very confused it should be this yes and I have that there so did I buy two I might up now the big field tank that's gonna cut me way too close I was thinking about getting this the small field tank works but I do need to refill it you know firstworldproblems this would obviously make my life easier but I do have employees I have to pay so let's not buy that for now all we needed was the dump truck and there she is now that's so cool it actually has a fill amount see you can actually see when the thing is fully filled so what we're gonna be doing I think my best strategy for doing this oh wow that I expected to have two seats in here for some reason alright let's turn this thing on alright so my logic here is what we're gonna do is we're gonna use Frankenstein to conveyor belt the dirt into the dump truck now that's gonna save a little bit of time because they won't have to lift the excavator is high to put the dirt in the dump truck and really I want a reason to use my Frankenstein piece of machinery because it is pretty damn cool we're actually we're not too far away from the Frankenstein we definitely could reach it if we buy another Frankenstein but I think this is yeah this is maxed out right now this is extended as far as it can be so unfortunately we are gonna have to move this and put it into the dump truck and then just travel a little bit to dump it into the machine alright so I have this a good position this should be able to reach this whole spot pretty quickly now my logic is we could put we could go all the way around and put the excavator belt up here but it takes a long time to go all the way over there so what I'm gonna do is put the excavator belt actually over here that way my travel distance is minimal all right so that looks like a good spot for the Frankenstein now we may as well extend out this belt you know the less travel time the better and also we have to put this in a dump truck so it does have to be high off the ground so there we go just like that now the travel time for the dump truck won't be too bad because it's really not that far away so we'll shut this off we'll turn it on when we're ready to go and we should be good just put the dump truck below it and turn everything on alright so now we just drop this right kinda well it's hard to tell we're gonna have to go back in the other excavator I really wish it showed on the ground where it was when you're not in the vehicle but it does not show the indicators on the ground okay I am stuck that's not good can I please get off my dump truck there we go alright but if we go back in this let's just make sure that we are indeed I guess that's technically in it let's turn this thing on and just rotate it just a little bit yeah you know what that actually looks pretty good if I can see okay so yeah that's definitely going into it as you can see so we'll activate that belt that's ready to go we got to turn everything else on I guess we could can we actually turn this vehicle off we can turn this vehicle off and the conveyor belt keeps going so I'm assuming this is battery run obviously because the engines not on and we don't need the dump truck on so let's just make sure we're not wasting gas right now because gas can get pretty costly really quickly so we'll turn that off for right now that's gonna be the one hard thing is you know making sure that this dump trucks in the right position right now it's perfect on I guess technically we don't need to do anything else but we may as well set up the wash plant to be ready to go I think we do oh yeah see we need to refill some things probably forgot to turn off that pump no big deal we also had the wash plant all set up or rather the gold extraction is it all oh it actually looks like it's good right no actually I lied if we have this hose we need to connect that to that now the wash plants ready to go so aside from a little gas I think that's pretty much it we I'm not gonna turn on the wash plant yet cuz we won't be using it until we fill up that dump truck so let's focus on getting that dirt out of the ground extracting everything just gonna quickly fill up this this little pump here and there we go we still got some gas and now we'll keep that there let's get in our excavator and I'm excited it's been a long time since we just had a simple episode of gold extraction I want to see how much we can get today we do have some workers working but they're not gonna get only a little amount of gold we should hopefully get lots and lots of gold today we have the mine site we have the equipment there's no reason not to have lots of gold by the end of this so let's get it started and do our first little dig here and hopefully everything goes well all right we have commenced it starting oh it actually shows me how much gas is being used by the thing so I guess it is using gas to run the conveyor belt which is weird cuz I turned off the engine now is there a limit to how much dirt can be on here it's looking like I'm not sure what this is referring to it must be referring to the conveyor belt so there's a certain limit to dirt okay that's looking like it's actually missing I'm hoping it's not let's go over there well we'll do a couple more we should see a mound on the ground if it isn't missing if it is missing rather it might just be a visual thing obviously you can see that it looks like it's missing it so I'm not gonna do too much more I just want to see if there's a mound on the ground over there well look how quick this is like I'm able to do three scoops before the conveyor actually gets to the dump truck alright so let's go over there yeah this is looking like well it's hard to say yeah we are definitely okay we're losing lots of dirt we have uh actually we've lost everything my god I don't know how that happened we checked it it was inside the dump truck oh I actually see exactly what happened here if we go over here I actually saw the tire tracks the freakin dump truck it moves it slid all the way down the hill so that's a little concerning all this dirt here is great and that that's unfortunate that we just lost it all all right so to make this easier on myself let's just pull this back a little bit we don't need to worry about the travel distance too much I'm more concerned about making sure that dirt goes in the dump truck so we're actually gonna bring this all the way back I'm even gonna lift this up a little bit that should be perfect let's go set up this dump truck and see if it's a lot easier God what did I just do okay I did I did screw this up a little bit that's actually much closer to the hole as well which is good so we're gonna shut this off there we go that one's all set up now let's just set up the dump truck again and hopefully this time it doesn't slide down the hill all right so we did dig a little bit of that and lost that dirt that's obviously unfortunate but mistakes happen that's how you learn you know now we should it be good and look at this this is so close to our setup assuming yes it stays in there there we go yes that's so much better and hopefully this time it actually goes into the dump truck we have it all set up I don't see why it's not as long as that dump truck doesn't slide because we are on a hill I guess that would be one use of the bulldozer is to flatten a spot out for the dump truck I really don't see the bulldozer being used for much else now is that actually going in this time I'm actually wanting to make sure because I do not want to waste a lot of this it's looking good this time and yes as you can see oh it's actually gonna be pretty quick to fill up this dump truck guys we're already at 11% so that that's actually a good sign hopefully this is a lot of good dirt then all right so hopefully we can dig till bedrock today it's actually it's not too bad with this setup it's so quick because I don't have to travel too much I can just go to the dirt turn it 90 degrees and I am good to go so this is really great and with this setup dump truck moving is gonna be easy I mean there's really no reason to not get a lot of gold today so I'm excited it's actually good that the dump trucks closer now cuz I can visually see how filled the dump truck is I don't know if it gives me a warning well I'll probably check that just to find out but you can see already like I've only been doing this for a couple minutes we're at 70% look I'll field that thing is this is awesome so I think after this one oh yeah it's already turning red yet we already have one on the thing like look how quick I just put a load in and we're putting another load and these are huge loads so I'm gonna turn this off we should probably get to 90% I don't want to risk it too much uh and yeah as you can see it's filling up so now well that's you know still filling up I'm just gonna turn on everything and make sure everything's good to go over here which is great because all my stuff is right here oh I turned on the pump all I gotta do is go in here and assuming I have everything set up correctly everything should be good to go right away once these buttons are pressed I just love how automated everything is now we really don't have to do too much so what would that some wash plant parts I just got a warning so hopefully I'll have to go check that out all right let's go over here okay we do not have our buckets so it's a good thing last thing you want to do is look for gold and not have your buckets set up I don't even know where my buckets are we still have a lot of our things they're only ten percent filled so we're not gonna worry about that right now looking like everything else is ready to go we just gotta go grab those buckets all right one very important bucket and two very important buckets that should be everything so yes the buckets are now white everything else is green we're ready to go guys let's do our first load here now I've never used the dump truck before I don't know if we can overflow it or anything so I'm kind of excited kind of nervous as well though hopefully we don't lose this very important dirt actually to be fair this starting stuff really isn't gonna have too much gold in it we have to remember that the gold is much deeper in the ground six meters Ivor if I remember correctly but this is still gonna be some good dirt there's good effing utley gonna be gold in there so I love that this thing has an articulating base which is really really cool so that should be good you know what let's do it right here I I don't want to lose a lot of my dirt there we go be responsible and I'm assuming this is what this thing's made for really is for dump trucks so let's see how do we do it bed down bed up simple enough RF and let's just do it kind of slow make sure we're not overflowing this oh this isn't bad at all actually looks like I can actually just go crazy here oh oh we got a yeah you could actually just totally dump this out and go absolutely crazy and that's slowly going to sift the dirt and put it in so this is truly how this is supposed to work so it's nice that we bought this dump truck because we can see well I actually want to see how much one dump load does so I'm just gonna kind of sit at the bottom here we have 2% filled in our buckets now obviously the deeper and the more gold-filled the dirt the faster those buckets are gonna fill up before this starting we still have 13% in here a lot of its going throughout the system so now you can kind of visualize how much dirt is required to do this because that was a whole dump truck filled and we'll just give it a second to go through the thing but I'm thinking there's only gonna be like maybe 10% in our bucket well yeah this is definitely the Glacier Bay shaker that's the one that we bought this is the best one we have all the best stuff oh yeah look at that shiny gold going throughout the system so exciting that should hopefully be the vast majority of it gone through the system so let's go see what we got going on down here yeah only five percent even less than I thought but you gotta remember the Gold's deeper down so hopefully as we go deeper into this ground we'll get more and more gold let's set this up again and start really getting some dirt out of the ground here well I learned some valuable information I accidentally overfilled the dump truck so I just left and when you do that you leave ground nipples on the ground and I can't actually get back to the right spot so I guess what I'm gonna have to do actually this is a good indicator of kind of where it is and I'll set this up so now that when I'm right right beside it we should be aimed up so I won't have to always check because every time when I get in my dump truck or when I'm placing my dump truck I have to go into mr. Frank and sign over here to see if it's in a good spot so now at least I have an indicator on the ground so I guess that luster was a good thing because now I can just to simply extend this just a little bit more and you know what let's even rotate this a little bit that should be oh it actually shows you there's like a visual oh is that just to highlight over it yeah that's a little glitch okay so that's a good spot though I don't think we're gonna lose too much there alright I think we're gonna end it for day one here now we did dig quite deep as you can see as you can see though you can actually see the bedrock so I can get a visual idea of how much deeper I need to go ah it's looking like we are about halfway there so this is gonna be a very deep hole this has been got about eight dump trucks full today so it doesn't take too long but man it does it take a long time to get gold because if we go over here this thing should be yeah 80% so we'll just wait for the rest of this to get in here but if we go over and see how much gold we had last I looked I wasn't too happy about it actually how much time do we got is this thing yeah it's about to be here so amazed we'll just wait for it but we'll go check out how much gold we still need to get to get a hundred percent I do really want to get a hundred percent today just to see how much gold comes out of actual good ground this is some of the best ground in the game so we'll kind of see how lucrative gold mining can be when you're at the top of your game but as you can see like we're at what are they red fifty percent how much is our moss mats because that's the important stuff all right our moths mats are at fifty nine so another full day of mining should give us a full yield and then we'll see how much that truly is well I made a mistake of leaving on my conveyor belt last night so I didn't even notice there's a little engine down here and that's how you keep the conveyor belt on so that's really cool that the Frankenstein actual piece of equipment you don't need to keep on you can just keep on the conveyor belt this is a small engine so this should hopefully be enough feel even if it's not too much we probably won't need much today I only use like 1% yesterday so the fact that we're at four we should be golden all right but we can always bring over our gas tank if we do need to later let's get back to working ah yeah as you can see I mean I mean that feels pretty deep it's hard to judge 6 meters to 6 meters is huge but we got up at least beginning to the gold now the good stuff okay and as you can see we've been digging a very deep hole here I am actually amazed though I have still not gotten a full load of gold so I think after this load we should be pretty damn close if not close enough to check out how much gold is in here and we've also gotten very very close to the actual bedrock but I don't think it's gonna happen we still actually have you know quite a little bit of space maybe like that might be two meters even if that but still two meters going down deeper is it's just getting harder and harder because I have to expand out my hole to reach down deeper so obviously that requires more digging as well I would need to have quite literally make an open pit mine to actually make it all the way down there because I don't even know if this thing has the reach to do it we pretty much are expanded out as far as we can as you can see because we're so close to the edge of the hole here but it's been going well aside from you know just the sheer amount of dirt I need to grab out of the ground to get this gold everything else has been going well I I just I didn't expect its amount of dirt needed to get a hundred percent I'm so excited though cuz I truly want to see how much gold is in this ground here so how much do we got left over there it looks like maybe let's do one more load for good luck and our moss match should be full our buckets definitely will not fill with this but you know what I'm happy with pretty much a full load anyways because the moss mats if you remember are the important part as long as our moss mats are full we should get a lot of gold so here we go this is the final one for me I need a break that was a lot of digging I mean you got to appreciate it we're actually breaking the game due to just how much we dug like that is a serious hole all right so let's just grab this a little bit of dirt here we looks like oh we actually came a little bit too early you know what let's go get a couple more loads let's fill this up make sure we get as much dirt as possible alright get that nice bottom stuff where the good gold is that was a really good scoop actually ah we're probably gonna overflow it now but it doesn't matter there's lots of dirt to waste so the important part is we have a hundred percent so there we go we got the last little bit of dirt and now that's a little bit better eighty-five percent we still are filling it up let's just wait for this a little bit of dirt here go put this through the Machine and we should be filled alright and there we go now we're totally filled now I pretty much streamlined this process now is actually quite grey just backup rates of where you need to go and you really don't waste too much time moving this dump truck around so there we go put it in the place and put it through the machine this should go up to about 70 percent if we do have a full load and yes indeed we actually went over that's actually the biggest load I think I've ever done but that's the final one why is me front wheel spinning oh yeah I must be just a little bit off the ground alright so we'll turn off that dump truck we're gonna take a little old break from that and let's actually check out what we got going on here so as you can see we're at the mid 90s most of these things we might not get at them actually totally filled but they're gonna be very very close once this goes throughout the whole system here we should see well I don't know if you actually see much dirt coming through here this is the for applying stuff yeah you actually don't see too much in this tunnel so that's when it gets really refined though we're at 95% I just want to make sure that everything go through by the time we disassemble everything it should go through but yes as you can see there's still actually dirt going through the system so hopefully we can hit the big 100% alright looks like that was the final cup we got it all in our system now so that is pretty much it did we get anywhere close yeah like as you can see we got 98% 97% you don't want to go any higher than that or you're basically just wasting gold now when our buckets how are they eighty-four percent that's really not bad at all that is going to be a really good day of gold mining okay and we're here now let's do the easy ones first that is just the buckets so we have extra buckets to fill up anyways now should everything be on here I'm gonna have to turn on the power yes there we go there's my generator now that's on we should well actually we don't have power let's say oh yeah we had to start at that I always forget to start at waiting we actually do not have power where'd my it didn't bring us extension cord to this oh that's right I share my extension cord cuz for some dumb reason there's only one net connection for the small extension cord on the generator so always got to remember to share your extension cord now where does this plug it oh yeah it's right there clearly I'm blind alright so there we go we got that these two are gonna be very very easy we should see our gold yield immediately now you gotta remember we do have workers we currently have 767 grams of gold that's gonna change though really really quickly cuz we'll be able to see how much we truly have so there we go we got that one let's grab this one now ah that should give us Wow we actually almost have a full bucket you can see the magnetite there's really not too much of it so it's gonna take a long time to collect all that but that's the good stuff over here we'll bring this over here and do I have another bucket yes I do okay so I did prepare ahead of time you need lots of buckets in gold-mining there are it's kind of funny you know a cheap $5 plastic bucket holds all the gold you can think of okay so there we go that's done the easy part is done and now we got to soak these things and start filling these but like I said because we need more buckets let's just extract this really quickly right now so this is just from the bottom just from the pails what do we got to do here so we got to bring the power over I think that's it this is kind of a ghetto system here in a perfect world I'd like to have this all automated and always on but it's not the end of the world to have to bring over one cord so now for the fun part again we have 767 but let's see 828 already oh my god okay that's what I'm talking about so from 727 to well over 2000 grams okay now you can see why it's worth it to get that trailer because it looks very similar when you're looking at it in the pail but when you actually extract the gold you can kind of see how much we've got now I I think we're gonna have a very good payday today guys were at five thousand grams Jesus alright let's let's go see hopefully there's just as much in these MOSFETs I'm starting to worry that maybe I could be wrong on this but from what I remember the mosque mats gave us the most gold all right you guys also gave me a suggestion which is why we're not moving the wash plant or the gold extraction because that's technically the wash mine I always call this the wash plant because you're washing the dirt ah but you guys told me that I can fill buckets with a hose so that's kind of why I didn't move this there's no need if we can simply fill buckets with hoses that's awesome so we'll go over here fill this one up oh why did that bucket just randomly decide to flip out okay but that is so cool so now we got buckets that can be filled with water and also the buckets don't lose their water so that's convenient alright so how many buckets do we got I know there's more than two isn't there is there really only two I thought we had like six buckets okay so I found another one so yeah we do have five buckets if you think about it with those two over there so there we go now we can probably only do one mas Matt per bucket so that's why I'm doing more multiples just to save time all right let's get these things though and let's see there we go now it's only once now it used to be before you had to do this multiple times now you only need to do it once so let's see can we do multiples and one yes we can all right so this isn't gonna take as long as I worried about so there we go oh that's looking good I don't think there's gonna be any more room for the dirt from these moths Matt's in that one actually all right let's just try I just want to see ya okay so wow you can actually do four for one so we should have all the water that we need here let's just do it again just to see okay so yeah it is it is four per and yes we did get all 12 so just two more but this is I'm so excited I don't actually know if this needs to go through the magnetite separator I don't think it's gonna harm anything if we do it so let's just try just to make sure ah yeah I guess we just throw this up here cuz we got 14 percent magnetite right now so if this goes up at all then we're gonna have to put it through the magnetite separator but I think this is just pure gold so is there actually any magnet Lu in there it doesn't look like it so I yeah we don't even need to do this process then because as you can see we just wasted a lot of time it's it just went through the system and gave us the same yield as it did before so let's just take this hose I guess and now for the fun part connect this with that get the energy here where is uh oh my god I'm so confused okay so that goes to that there's just too many cords this is like cord management when you're building a PC excepting you're dealing with a whole mind this time it truly is a nightmare dealing with all these pumps and wires and it's just it's just absolute chaos but that's what gold mining is all about what do we got here that one's an empty one this one's good and then we got the gold down there so we got three to do let's see though how much is this gonna give us is it gonna boost it quite a bit actually I'm really surprised now it does boost it quite a bit as you can see we got over a thousand gold in it but the dirt was worth more it was different last time so that really is interesting to me so we should at least get like ten thousand grams of gold though so not too bad at all ah really happy with that let's go see how much money this is truly worth well let's see how much we truly got as well if this goes to ten seven that means we got ten thousand grams of gold and we did we got over ten thousand grams ago we might even hit eleven thousand grams of gold and we did it's still going up let's just let it go through the system I'm gonna go take a much-needed rest and we're gonna go see how much this was worth because man that was a lot of work Oh God oh oh I stalled it i stalled it okay well we got a lot of money to spend now anyway so I guess the truck doesn't matter all right let's just get out of this thing we can always reset it to go back to base so that was truly the most difficult day of gold mining I've ever had in this game we truly did it extract a lot of gold and I'm actually lagging a little bit which is unfortunate all right so let's go wait why did what why did my gold drop I am so confused right now we had 14,000 grams of gold that I slept and now I have nine that's still a lot of gold but what the heck just happened I am so confused well it's not like I can do much about it I guess we just have to accept the fact that about quarter of our gold just vanished that is that is a big actually more than quarter if we do the math that's like 40% of our gold gone man that really does suck to be honest and if you think about it we lost more than that because I slept again I really shouldn't have slept I don't know why he slept it's just habit now at this point to sleep so we reset the day but if you think about it I'm still getting about seven hundred grams of gold per day just by my workers as well so I lost about half my gold and I don't know how did it get stolen was there something during the sleep screen that I didn't read I'm so confused or is it just a glitch it's probably just a glitch unfortunately oh good old Haines Alaska though it's always good to see this because either I'm buying something crashing in the cars evidently or getting lots of money from getting gold so it's always nice to be down here let's go see how much this is worth it doesn't really matter now that we lost the vast majority of well not the vast majority but some of it is just so frustrating cuz I wanted to see how much a couple days of work and truly extracting as much as you can gets you but we're not gonna be able to see you die now because some of it vanished I guess we could do the math and just see but it just doesn't feel the same you know what I'm saying alright but the good old black Smith is here so let's see how much is this gonna cost me to make 3,000 not too bad we've had bigger bars of gold before that's that's the sad part of this this is still a really good sized piece of gold uh yeah let's make sure it goes in there there we go yes would have been nice to see that fourteen thousand gram bar a gold though I would have been fifteen because we slept today but hey I'll stop complaining about it glitches happen it's just part of gaming so let's go see uh I wasn't able to do my little fishtail thing that kind of sucks let's go see how much this thing's worth though alright first of all let's check the stock price is actually down right now so that's even worse we made it still four hundred grand even with that glitch so he probably would have made about six hundred grand if that glitch didn't happen or whatever the heck happened happened so really not too bad for two days of gold mining it took a lot of dirt but it wore is definitely worth it in the end so we're gonna wrap up this one here guys and more importantly I think we're gonna wrap up this series here at least until something else comes out because don't get me wrong gold mining is great but we've done a lot in this game I expected to do one to two episodes for this game and I don't even know how many were on now but it truly has been an amazing experience we've bought in everything well aside from a few shakers that are the same as the other one except force we've experienced everything in this game and I truly had a great time playing it so I hope you guys enjoyed this one I will be following this game and if it does get more DLC or anything we will check it out again but until then we're gonna be saying goodbye to Gold Rush thanks for watching and liking guys and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Drae
Views: 2,462,850
Rating: 4.7694449 out of 5
Keywords: Gold Rush, Gold Rush The Game, Gold Rush Game, gold rush, gold, mining, gold rush the game gameplay, dlc, gold rush gameplay, gold mining, gold digging, part 1, part one, gold rush discovery, simulation, gold rush game, finding gold, gold panning, gold bars, gold simulator, simulator, gold rush update, gold rush full game, frankenstein, making millions, gold digging simulator, construction equipment, heavy machinery
Id: Ho7aKkHpRcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 19sec (1939 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2018
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