Building a Bastard: Cioccolata

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on april 9th of 1990 hirohiko araki made history and jump with the beat down of steely dan as he stretched out what was a normal one-page spread beatdown maybe two to three and a half pages though he did so with the justification that the beatdown was so severe because of how scummy dan was and what helped this moment stand on its own and become somewhat famous is how rocky let it breathe he didn't try to top it right away not even with the main antagonist of that part or the next part but little over eight years later on august 10th 1998 hirohiko iraqi would top himself yet again but not only in the length of the beatdown but in how monstrous the man who received it was when he created the chaotically corrupt college grad carelessly cutting and crippling colonies chocolata in his stand green day [Music] chocolata was a minor antagonist in part five who acted as an active threat to the crew during the green day and oasis arc he was a member of pacione and part of the boss's own personal bodyguard called the unitas speciale though his own twisted mentality and sadistic nature made him someone that even diavolo found disgusting and he was only kept alive as a last resort option if he was ever needed which all these details really helped lay the groundwork for his undoing and why he was such a terrible person to receive the spectacular beatdown that he did though before we get too into that let's understand the meaning behind his name and design chocolata like other names in part 5 is an italian word with chocolata being the feminine translation of the word chocolate though during the publication of part 5 the name was changed to chocolate for a brief period which is just the masculine form of chocolate but in all versions after it retains chocolata as its main name and araki likely chose the feminine version of this name due to his more maternal role in the relationship between him and sekko but also because araki chose a lot of feminine names during the course of part 5. though the name itself meaning chocolate was likely chosen to play into the irony of such a cruel individual like chocolata being aimed after something so sweet even having an extra bit of irony going into it as chocolate releases a chemical when consumed that produces endorphins that not only reduce pain in a person but also give them a minor state of euphoria where chocolate's favorite practice was paralyzing the body so the victim couldn't actually move and then not giving them anesthetic while he operated on them so that they would feel extreme pain without being able to show it the exact opposite effect of chocolate chocolate's design itself is very interesting with his face makeup haircut and general personality quirks he seems like he has a lot of visual elements of a clown or jester which adds to the creepiness of his character but also it would appear that he wears a twisted and mutilated version of a normal doctor's lab coat with a large cross shape in the middle along with two on the sleeves which might be in reference to his belief of being superior or above others thanks to his views on life and these views would become manifested in the form of his stand green day green day is a humanoid stand with a body covered in cylindrical tubes either sticking out of his head shoulders or even fingers but the lower body of the stand is actually more up for debate as the anime of golden wind depicts the stan as having normal stand legs where the ps2 version of part five's green day has a lower body that is more rooted into the ground i personally prefer the latter given that it gives the stand a unique identity but the lower body is never shown in the original source material so it's really up to you to decide now the two design of this stand was specifically added because araki liked the idea of a design where it dispenses mold from its head along with this he would later double down on this with an interview with kazuma kaneko that he stated that if a stan had the ability to release a gas-like substance the origin of that substance would logically have to come from a hole on the stand the tubes of green day are very important for its major ability as the smoke or gas it releases is full of seedlings for its major ability mold creation mold creation is an ability that allows green day to release seedlings of a powerful and dangerous mold that rots and destroys flesh into the air to infect anyone around it and given that the substance is released from the tubes in the body into the air and is completely invisible those within the range must assume they are instantly compromised by this mole but it doesn't grow instantly instead it only blooms when the target goes below their base altitude when they were infected this applies to body parts as well so if you were to bend over and put your arm below your base altitude it would soon begin to bloom with mold and the lower the altitude the stronger the effect those who go from a standing position to lying on the ground will be consumed extremely quickly in comparison to someone who is simply bent over the only way to counteract the effect of this mold is to increase your altitude but the higher you climb the higher your base altitude becomes so the easier it is to slip up and go below where it is safe along with this there are only two things shown to be unaffected by the mold's effect this being things that were already dead prior like bruno's corpse and other stands as you see when mr retrieves his gun with sex pistols they weren't affected along with this the reason that sekko is such a good partner for chocolata is that he wears his stand making him completely immune to the mold though what makes green day's ability so much more cruel seeming as it also appears to be completely indiscriminate of its effects killing anything be it plant animal or person and along with that each corpse it creates makes it even more deadly because everyone infected by it that is killed effectively extends the range of the stand as the corpse then becomes a mold dispenser in a similar way that green day does making it extremely deadly in densely packed areas but what takes this stand from cruel to downright evil is shown through chocolate special usage of the stan lim puppetry which is where chocolata using his expert knowledge of human anatomy can sever his own body parts and fill them with green day's mold not only haphazardly categorizing the wound but also allowing him to control the limb as if he were still attached to it showing that chocolata has full control over his stan's mold meaning that the mold being indiscriminate is an active choice by him so that he can dissolve everything because of the malice and evil in his soul the stan's name green day comes directly from the american rock band founded in 1987 green day the band itself was pretty popular though it found its huge commercial success in 1994 with its mega hit album dookie which came packaged with one of the band's most iconic songs basket case which was a song that helped the leading man billy joel armstrong deal with his anxiety and panic disorder though the album was later followed up by one that was less popular but still important insomniac in 1995. now the effect of the stan it doesn't seem to be influenced much by the band green day at all seemingly the only thing that it got from it was the official color palette seems to be green because the green in green day though it would appear a good amount of chocolata and the green day and oasis arc was influenced by the band starting first with the name chocolata which might be somewhat of a dirty joke based on the album name dookie which would make sense given how much of a [ __ ] chokolata ended up being but in more relation to the dookie album you have their hit single basket case with basket case being a term that can apply very easily to chocolate himself as a basket case is a person or thing that is regarded as useless in some way and given that diablo didn't trust chocolata so much so that he put him on the back burner until he was absolutely needed he was basically regarded as useless diavalo even being made uncomfortable by the idea of having to use him along with this the origin for the term basket case refers to soldiers from world war ii who would be quadruple amputees or referred to as useless as they can no longer move on their own and given that one of chocolate's attacks is amputating parts of his body and using a stand to puppet them he fits both basket case in both terms but moving on to the dookie album itself the album art cover depicts a city being thrown into chaos as jets drop bombs below this idea is recreated almost exactly in the green dane oasis fight with chocolata procuring a helicopter and throwing the city into chaos for the fun of it and when attacked seko drops down on the attackers like a bomb though speaking of the cover art the album of insomniac also helps represent chocolate's design very well as insomniac's cover art depicts medical acts in a sinister or twisted away with the art itself being a collage called god told me to skin you alive which in part could play in a chocalata's cross written design as well and speaking of chocolate's design araki had a lot on his plate when creating him so he could justify the fate he was going to deal him as he needed to create a character that was more hateable and deserving of a beatdown than steely dan who if you've watched my steely dan video was designed to rile up the readers though instead of going with the same approach araki decided to let real world events influence the character itself as during the writing of part 5 and specifically around chocolate's introduction not only were there rumors going around japan of fake or quack doctors using medicine as a way to harm people but one famous case was just recently brought to light this being joseph michael swango who was a serial killer acting in the role of a physician swan go had actually a very similar history to chocolata where he was considered a brilliant student in the medical field but became obsessed with death using his job as a doctor to subject his patients to torturous pain as he would slowly poison them along with constantly falsifying his identity so that he could get back into practicing medicine in other places until he finally slipped up and was arrested the same year chocolata made his debut and this leads me to believe that he was the perfect inspiration for a rocky to create such a vile person someone that he wanted to see get a beatdown and he delivered on this in a spectacular way having giorno not only call this man out for his terrible actions but araki made jump history by dedicating five pages of the chapter exclusively to chocolata's destruction which was then increased in the volume releases to seven pages being the first ever seven page beatdown in jump and arguably in manga and the anime would extend on this beatdown even more using the sound design of the series during the beat down to imply that giorno gave chocolata a heavy dosage of life shots making the beat down for him last even longer in his mind the cherry on top of this all was chocolata's body would land in a garbage truck where he would be crushed to death in the trash compactor alongside all the other filth in rome which was later confirmed to be his death in the jojo village with this chocolate's character is an excellent example of araki being able to comment on the world around him that he was living in at the time personifying the evil that he sees as absolute bastards of humans and disposing of them with the swiftest justice that his manga would allow with even the closest allies badmouthing chocolata after his passing and considering him weak or completely untrustworthy making him into someone who will be forgotten with time or the protagonists of part 5 are legacies that will shine on reinforcing the idea of not only jojo as a series which is the beauty of humanity but how good will overcome evil in the end and so far no beatdown has surpassed chocolates and jojo cementing it as one of the biggest and most memorable moments in the series let alone jump history so much so that it was actually highlighted in the first jojo opening of the anime sonochino sadame as one of giorno's biggest moments and it would seem that aspects of chocolate's character might have actually been recycled into the steelbar universe in the later stages of jojolian with characters like the antagonist dr faction but more specifically urban gorilla who is a rock human doctor who has very little value for human life and equally deadly stand too green day and has a pet that can burrow through the ground with ease though that's more of a topic for a different video with this all said and done i hope you enjoyed this video and if you want to see more videos like in the future i have a patreon at the bad guy patreon is a very useful tool that helps keep this channel flowing and if you want to keep on the up and up you can do so by getting up and buying a copy of shimaneta a boring world where the concept of dirty jokes doesn't exist at
Channel: Meti『Not The Bad Guy』
Views: 131,944
Rating: 4.9764495 out of 5
Keywords: Cioccolata, Building a Bastard, JoJo, Part 5, Vento Aureo, Golden Wind, Steely Dan
Id: Au6_pSPMRjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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