Why Yo Yo Ma Isn't Bad

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another arc words I don't like too much this one as a lot of people have a problem with the yo-yo mama fight the user gained G has been sticking around for quite a while considering he's a minor antagonist so it was interesting to see what kind of ability his stunt would have this makes it all the more disappointing when yo-yo mom kinda stuck so the psychic extremists gave me good enough reason to make this video no hate on him he's actually a pretty cool dude with pretty decent content this is more of an excuse that I finally have to cover this idea or the subject and that being the yo-yo MA fight well [ __ ] I'm actually defending part 6 for once maybe it's true what people are saying about it being secretly my favorite part ah [ __ ] it let's get to it [Music] yo-yo ma is a stand fight in the loosest term of the word fight that I see a lot of people seem to hate but I really don't see why not only is it a well-made arc in itself but it completely follows the idea a rocky head for the stand in writing it but before we can talk about yo-yo Mon itself we should talk about its stand user that being D and G DM Z's names orient from Dolce and Gabbana a fashion company that it's just how a Rakhi has been naming the characters in part 6 usually after fashion company and before he was a prisoner at Green Dolphin DNG used to be an ex-cop which was an avid believer in Nostradamus and his ideas of the coming end of the world which is almost more shadowing of cookies made in heaven he used his paranoid fear in belief of the coming end of the world to justify his killing of people he disliked her people he found unpleasant and he used his job as a cop to cover up the murders until he was finally caught his design is actually kind of interesting he's wearing a weird toga and then a spike soldiers helmet they say he's dressed as a soldier but it's really only in the helmet that I see is the soldier side of things his personality isn't fleshed out too much before he dives in stone ocean but the backstory we give of him gives us the idea that he is easily able to fake some form of safe and normal approachable appearance that a cop would have and it hides his dark twisted side that personality quirk and is design the combination of deadly soldier and average citizen or commoner is reflected very well in his stand yo-yo ma yo-yo ma the circus is a weirdly helpful but very annoying weird green corn person he appears to constantly eatin fix complicated tasks for our heroes and comes off as a general non threat his design is based off of various Grimm's fairy tales fairies with a very weirdly whimsical yet very creepy aesthetic he mirrors the appearance of DNG with his very commoner design with the overalls that are like rubbery that gives the impression of dealing in swampy muddy water and the spike at the top of his head just like a stand user his incredibly simple yet somehow surprisingly complex design tells you everything you need to know about the stand before the fight even begins yo-yo Ma's a helpful face with a dark twisted manipulator side to him and the only ability to his name besides his obvious super durability is he is able to produce a powerful acid capable of destroying human flesh on contact without causing bleeding or leaving any form of a scar it also affects only humans as we see it injected into other creatures or objects during the fight a rocky himself wrote that this stand is based off of the essence of horror where you think I can't look away and this whole orc follows true to those ideas [Music] when yo-yo ma introduces himself by eating the green baby he is properly smashed for doing so and this is when were shown yo-yo Ma's nearly invincible with his [ __ ] high grade durability he is shot five times by Foo Fighters and takes an unquestionably large amount of punishment from everyone else in the crew he doesn't feel pain either he enjoys the damage he takes honestly tries to dive into his stomach to fetch the green baby but he only finds a near bottomless pit inside of there with a horrible stench so diver down can't retrieve anything from his stomach and that means nothing can and before he sets up Jolene and honestly with a boat he completely dissolves the Jah Foo Fighters without anyone noticing in a blink of the eye Foo Fighters doesn't even realize it has happened until it's already over then on the boat we realized that not only has yo-yo ma set up the perfect arena for his fight but he makes mention of things that he's going to be using later like when he drools down and captures all of the mosquitos around him or to ask if Julian ariana.sea wants the thing of water and says so don't worry the water here is undrinkable this might be a subtle hint to the reader to watch for water or watch as the water because he is slowly drooling off the side into the water speaking of drilling off in the water yo-yo ma hatches multiple plan to defeat honestly and Jolene quietly as they travel they can't leave without him because he has the green child inside of him and they can't trust him either because he's an enemy stand but he shows himself to be nearly useless as a stand and very helpful and durable when it comes to complex things so they write him off as that's his ability he's a little idiot who does everything you need him to do and he's completely durable that sounds believable as a stand ability but they've fallen right for his trap yo-yo Ma's illusion yo-yo ma slightly drools off the side of the boat filling it with his deadly acid this wouldn't even be noticeable onto the boat because it wouldn't dissolve the boat it only affects human skin but we also see him eat multiple mosquitoes this is the perfect arena for him because he said a swamps filled with these [ __ ] things and as they're distracted he releases the mosquitoes from his mouth so no one notices where they come from and as they're sucking Jolene's blood they let loose the acid into her mouth completely tearing up her tongue and dissolving most of it nullifying her ability to speak and completely eliminating her from the fight and not only that when Jolene finally completely figures out his plot she has her eyes dissolved by the acid in the mosquito she's too late to defeat him if you don't act quick enough you'll figure out what he's doing you're [ __ ] because even if he drops his act he drops his nice guy thing he's invincible what are you gonna do break him he doesn't [ __ ] care he'll his last days [ __ ] off honestly Luck's out in the fact that he has diver down he's experienced how to dive into the sky before and he rearranges his brain to act like a frog that doesn't kill him because you can't kill yo yo ma this only disables him and then Foo Fighters kills DNG and yo-yo ma disappears but without that without honestly without honestly he's broken diver down ability he'd be [ __ ] there's no winning this scenario yo-yo ma is one of the best assassins fans not only does it act on its own accord and you can just let it loose because it has an infinite range you have to worry about destroying [ __ ] it'll dissolve it yo-yo Ma's encounter isn't a traditional Jojo fight but it made me enjoy part 6 more than any of the traditional ones before that hell it's better than the two [ __ ] snorefest before it if you enjoyed this video feel free to give a like and if you have any other questions about yo-yo ma or you have something I've missed about yo-yo Ma's fight please feel free to leave it in the comment section below and if you want to support me on patreon oh the patreon link here it is have a lovely day
Channel: Meti『Not The Bad Guy』
Views: 312,539
Rating: 4.8762116 out of 5
Keywords: JOJO, JOJO PART 6, JOJO PART 2, Joseph, Joesph Joestar, Jolyne, Jolyne Kujo, WHose more shit, Shit, Shit head, Mothers Basement, JJBA, JJBA P6, JJBA P2, Yo-Yo Ma, YO YO MA, YoYo Ma, Yo Yo Mama, D an G, PsychicExtremist
Id: jgD5-E3_zFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2017
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