The Identity Crisis of The Boss: Who was the Original Personality?

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Thing I'm more interested in: Who was "The Boss" in Araki's mind when he was writing the first few chapters of VA?

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/WhenTheWindIsSlow 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2017 đź—«︎ replies

I saw Meti posted this, and while I know sometimes he shitposts or whatever, I thought this video had a lot of good stuff.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/ajn728 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2017 đź—«︎ replies

I dislike the idea that there is any one original personality, people seem to argue about this but it makes far more sense to say that they are one person who split, making them both a part of the original.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/GrizonII 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2017 đź—«︎ replies

I came to this sub just to ask "does anything about Doppio's past make anysense?" but luckily looked here first, this vid answered just what I wanted to know tbh.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/PrettyTonyTiger 📅︎︎ Aug 16 2017 đź—«︎ replies

I've always liked the idea that Diavolo is the multiple personality, and Doppio is the original.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Barmn89 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2017 đź—«︎ replies

What I want to know is how Diavolo was going to operate after Doppio's death. He seemed super confident about taking over the world after he had the arrow. How is he going to do that if he doesn't have that second personality to hide within and do his bidding? He would either be forced to expose himself more people in his organization or recluse himself further and never have his dreams be realized. He really didn't think his plan through.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/quipquest 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2017 đź—«︎ replies
one of the most important aspects for the main villain of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure part five bento reo is his split personality this being his body is possessed by two different souls that being Diavolo and vinegar doppio now most people leave doppio to be the personality that Diablo created to stay hidden from the world but what if I told you that doppio might actually be the main personality and that Diablo is the split personality that doppio created [Music] [Music] as the story goes there was a very strange child born in the summer of 1967 in the Italian women's only prison this child was later adopted by a priest from the mother's home village the child never knew his mother by group to be a kind-hearted but somewhat cowardly and clumsy boy then some point between his tenth birthday ended nineteen he met his mother and then buried her under his home as you do then when he was discovered he burnt down his village killing six people and he faked his own death you know as you do but I have a few minor things I want to get into before I get to any of the major ideas I have that play into this theory of doppio being the original personality so let's start off with the minor stuff and get that out of the way first so first let's start off with his name well of course you have the meaning of his name being double an Italian and vinegar playing into the part 5 of Italian food puns though I say puns even though it's not really even puns it's more just people have names that are foods in Italian so there's that it's not really what his name means and more that he has a full name at all every one with a full name in part 5 is a major player to the story in some way or another you have gr no Giovanna Bruno Buchi Letty you have John Pierre polnareff even the leader of love squadra got a full name Rizzuto Nero yet diabolo seems to be the only exception from this list and I found that to be quite strange especially since they did give doppio a full name another small detail is the overall design of the young men in both Diablo and doe pios backstory he shares a strikingly similar design to dopey oh this is also backed up by the fact that doppio looks young either to the reader or the characters in the story even questions the fortune-teller whose claims he is a 14 year old daughter with don't be silly how old was I when I had her huh this fortune is so dumb doppio also resembles the bus made by Moody Blues more than Diablo does in my opinion and the last minor detail I'll point out is when you look at the series of judges Bizarre Adventure the chapter volume names have never really been lies before and they've always felt like they were telling us something in volume 12 and 14 of Part 5 volume 12 name is my name is dopey oh the volume 14 is name is the avila now this appears to be introducing the characters that they're featured in the part and this does also imply that Diablo is not the main personality but more as someone who needs to be introduced now you might say this is because it's doppio doing the introductions and he doesn't really understand Diablo and him aren't the same person but again the chapter volumes and chapter titles have never really lied to us before and I don't know maybe they're given special treatment to Diablo because he's a special boy no no you are a little lovey boy doe I love you lovely boy oh my lovely boy now on to the more major evidence that supports the ideas of my theory I'll start with a little thing called psychology so during doppio adolescence period of growth or if you know Erickson theory of human development the identity versus role confusion stage of growth he met with his mother this whole situation shatters his reality at the worst possible stage in his life that it could possibly be happening the reason I say this is because it is very common for adopted adolescents who are being informed that they are adopted later in their life rather than earlier to have a crisis of identity also polnareff explains that trauma like this can rend a person's soul doppio has his reality shattered and in that moment a more violent personality was born he might have used this personality to retreat from the shocking revelation he was just dealt his father wasn't his father now and so on this blame would then fall unto his mother and this might actually be the catalyst for Diablos paranoia toward blood relatives since she was able to track him down so easily this could also explain my doppio reacts with such rage and hostility towards people trying to get close to him and trying to change anything like with him and the taxi driver when the taxi driver isn't listening to him and almost spoiled doppio entire mission doppio nearly kills the guy for it but the envelope calls him and calms him down now we can also use something in the story itself of part 5 to explain doppio slack of awareness in the story now if you look at the specific example that polnareff uses when he explained split personality disorder he mentions a person named Billy Milligan and I met Milligan the real Billy had been asleep for seven years the other personnel had put him to sleep and shortly after that shortly after I worked and I months later when the other personalities all 23 fuse and became the teacher I was dealing with the most articulate the most intelligent fascinating human being I've ever met the sums help with all the others but occasionally he would unfuse and I would see the core Billy again who was an empty shell as you see Milligan when he would change personalities would lose consciousness and one of his personalities would then take over he retained no information of what they did or what they were doing while he was unconscious and weirdly enough his personalities would be able to recognize that he existed but until people pointed out to him it was not the same way around this is a very similar situation to Diablo and doppio what I mean by this is Diablo is very aware of dopey owes existence and who doppio is where doppio isn't aware of who Diablo is he only refers to him as boss I mean he knows the Diablo is a person but he doesn't realize that he is Diablo in essence is what I'm getting at you also have the age differences in doppio in Diablo polnareff explains that when a soul is rended that the broken pieces of the soul might begin to grow on their own he also mentions a person who has four personality disorders body would change to match the dominant personality at the time now the body shapes make more sense if you view things from a doppio being the original personality perspective since doppio had his soul broken in his late teens he would then resemble a late teenager or like a adolescence where Diablo was born at the same age that doppio was broken and he would continue to grow in age since he was in control of the body for most of their life now the final bit of this theory plays into the soul swapping ability of chariot Requiem now this is something that took me a reread to catch but still it I feel it's very important for this chariot Requiem stability is that it can swap souls of people that you're near or close by now everyone affected by this is affected the same way besides Diablo Diablo gets to parasite onto another soul now if doppio was the newly formed personality that Diavolo created wouldn't it be doppio who's piggybacking on people no in fact doppio works exactly the same as everyone else did meaning that his soul is a lot like everyone else's which strongly implies that Diablo might indeed be the split personality created by doppio you also have when doppio is reflecting on the whole soul swapping thing that doppio points out that Diavolo chose to go into a different body meaning that he functions differently than the other Souls now the end of the day doesn't really matter who the original personality was not really Diablo grew his empire on his own whether he did it in someone else's body or his own but this video is more of a fun theory and possibly helping people explain the actions of Diablo and doppio in their past now if you have any ideas for dopey or Diablo feel free to share them below in the comment section and if you want to help fund more videos like this I have a patreon it slash man you have the bad guy and you want to repair any damage to your souls you should pick up a copy of shimoneta Funimation complex show slash a minute I borrow the console pretty joke something exists you can also go to like Amazon so [ __ ] it I don't care alright somewhere just buy it
Channel: Meti『Not The Bad Guy』
Views: 506,220
Rating: 4.9515734 out of 5
Keywords: Doppio, Diavolo, JoJo, Part 5, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Vento Aureo
Id: y-zyphBKETI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2017
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