Tension without Menace - Building Suspense in Let's Go Eat Italian Food

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hater HECO rocky when writing Jojo usually builds his fights off of tension and suspense using this method to keep the readers invested in the story via by creating overwhelming obstacles for the protagonists to climb or frequently throwing out curveballs to shock the status quo so no one exactly knows when a fight might go from a cakewalk to fatal along with making it feel like it's never fully forced when that shift occurs know sometimes the rocky desires to experiment with his own writing ability changing up how he could use suspense in a different way and make the mundane terrifying and part for itself was full of moments like this but probably the best example is the execution of let's go eat Italian food the arc tension tension tension we as people tend to get tense if we feel unsecured as safety and security are two very important aspects of everyday life meaning we must deal with it on a daily basis and sometimes it can be really hard to find a all-in-one solution in fact most 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home from school as they stumble upon a sign showing off a new restaurant opening up in morio Joe o kiasu attempts to guilt-trip Joe skate into going there and the two ultimately agree on this all the while pointing out how strange it is that someone would open up a restaurant next to a graveyard this strangeness helps build atmosphere and uneasiness which is only expanded on once the two reached the restaurant as once inside they encountered the head chef Tony otras Rd who not only demonstrates strange occult knowledge with his extremely accurate palm reading but he also explains that he doesn't use the menu in his restaurant instead he brings the food that his customers need these two elements on top of the location of the restaurant make him an extremely strange-looking and more suspicious man on top of this what reinforces this paranoia of Tony oh as a character is the fact that every person in part four prior to this has been a dangerous stand user and we as the reader are actually made privy to the fact that Tony O might be a stand user from the reaction to the water that he offers josuke no kiasu as both agree that the water tastes great but after drinking it okey ah Sue's eyes begin to tear up and a steady flow of heavy tears began pouring out of his eyes against his well and this begins to get so bad that OPI Sue's eyes actually start to shrivel up until they suddenly pop back to normal with OPI so even claiming afterwards that he feels better than he did before which leaves josuke and the reader reasonably suspicious of this kook and this is all Hitchcockian like setups for suspense in a story as this arc plays on to the prior knowledge that we have before with the prior arcs of the manga showing us all different blends of stand users be it Tommy the con man has Amada the future hikikomori or yukako the original yonder these stand users all come in different shapes and personalities but so far they were all equally dangerous for our main cast this leaves the arc with a never ending tension or suspense waiting for the moment that Tonio will snap like the rest which is actually very similar to Hitchcock's allegory of the bomb under the table all people are sitting around the table talking about baseball whatever you like five minutes suddenly a bomb goes off one of the audience had 10 seconds of shot now take the same scene and tell the audience there is a bomb under that table from the whole emotion of you because you've given them that information now the conversation about baseball becomes very vital because they're saying to you don't be ridiculous stop talking about baseball there's a problem you've got the Audion work and a reference to Hitchcock's writing is likely intentional as Araki mentioned in his book manga theory and practices when writing manga he tends to keep Hitchcock on the mind as he uses a book called Hitchcock and Truffaut as something that helped him stay grounded when writing his manga because no matter how much his editor doubted his choices he'd have this book to give him confidence in his work along with this but can't go without praise is the level of relatability added to this art making it very easy to get wrapped up in the suspense of it all and that's the fact that josuke no kiasu aren't bound to the situation by any supernatural force it is purely through the social contract of paying their bill for their food josuke even suggests that they dine and dash if they feel they weren't given something that tastes good enough for them and this is a situation that almost all readers could have been in at some point especially the younger ones that being going to a restaurant you've never been before and both not knowing what to order or how you'd feel about the food there but then Araki takes that subtle uncomfortable feeling of being in a new place and takes it to an extreme with the body horror that begins to occur and on top of all that all this information I've discussed here is given to the reader within the first chapter a perfectly crafted suspenseful hook for a very interesting arc but as the arc continues hours alongside josuke suspicion begins to rise as Tonio brings o kiasu appetizer those being a caprese salad that mostly gets a positive response while ochio's who didn't eat it correctly at first once Tonio assists him he finds it completely delicious and refuses to share it with josuke and as josuke is requesting the dish himself Tonio informs him that he'd do it but this dish is only useful for someone who has a stiff shoulder then Oh kiasu begins to dig out his shoulder while Tonio close would stand energy fully confirming to us the reader that he is indeed a stand user and working off of that logic and the logic of the previous arcs then he's likely a threat to Jos Kano kiasu building up the tension of their arc even more much like the bomb analogy the audience is now keenly aware of the perceived threat though again like with the water the food manages to soothe okey ah Sue's ailments and ease part of the tension in the room while leaving open room for skepticism especially so when josuke starts questioning Tonio who either plays off the incident as nothing more than the natural process of his food or outright ignores and scowls at josuke which given josuke sort of out outlet for the art it feels like Tonio is in some way scowling at us as well and this allows us to see partly that Tonio isn't being fully truthful with us laying in seeds of doubt within the reader regarding the nature of Tonio's own actions but given the result the boys are compelled to stay along with this the fact that au kiasu has been ignoring joe's case concerns seems to be done in a way to build up the same feeling that you see in a thriller movie where characters ignore signs of danger especially ones which the audience have more knowledge of going in and with that all in mind the third dish a pasta dish is brought forward at the end of the second chapter and this new dish presents a new type of problem this being that the spaghetti sauce made with it utilizes peppers and ochio soup can't handle spicy food at all so he begins to fight with his desire to eat the food and though Tonio does respect his decision when he says that he can't and josuke suggests that he just doesn't eat it at all Oh kiasu feels compelled to wolf down the whole thing and yet again he suffers from another horrible bout of body horror but bounces back better than before though three strikes is enough for josuke and he investigates and catches up with the audience the fact that Tonio is in fact a stand user ending the third chapter with this revelation then on the fourth and final check after it opens with a kiasu then suffering from a stomach related problem and the only logical solution that the reader and josuke can jump to is that Tonio is attacking out kiasu with his stand so in order to save his friend josuke enters the kitchen and here we enter a roller coaster like ascension of tension first we find Tonio feeding food to a dog in the back when suddenly the dog's stomach bursts open spilling its guts estroux this scene is obviously done to paint Tonio in the worst possible light rocky has mentioned before in the past the reason he tends to kill dogs a lot is that it's the easiest way to establish someone as evil since most people love dogs and anyone who would hurt them is considered immoral or evil so Tonio supposedly killing this dog is supposed to reinforce our preconceived notion that he is secretly evil backing it up again with the sinister face he strikes when josuke intrudes into his kitchen and the fact that he throws a knife in his direction which can be perceived as Tonio attacking and punishing josuke for figuring him out along with calling out i will never forgive you for this like a villain but if it wasn't worse enough yet then o kiasu caving to his desires begins to enter and eat Tonio's freshly prepared main course this being lamb with apple based sauce through the top of it and while he scarfs it down he suffers from the same fate as the dog leaving josephine no choice but to try to help his friend turning his back to the man that we assume is the villain behind all of this who we then see appear behind him and raised a brick shaped object over his head which i must reinforce in black and white manga that looked like a brick this is the metaphorical bomb about to go off and the audience is well aware of it but then with a swift hand motion it's revealed that Tonio is only offering josuke some soap to wash his hands and then it's revealed that the previously assumed dead dog is actually nice and healthy along with Oh chi-su back on his feet better than ever Tonio that explains his reasoning for freaking out is tied to his concerns with josuke bringing his unwashed hands to the kitchen without his permission and also wanting to keep his cooking ingredients a secret so he snapped a little and went maybe a bit overboard and once it's learned that he wasn't a threat the tension is relieved and the humor of the whole situation begins to set in which itself is Hitchcockian by nature as Hitchcock himself said that the bomb should never go off the bomb must never go off you work that audience into a state and then they'll get angry because you haven't provided any relief and fighting up there was actually enough hints throughout these four chapters itself to realize Tonio wasn't actually evil at all starting first Tonio was never the antagonize ER in this situation it was always josuke no kiasu they went to his restaurant he offered them food and he only gave off negative vibes when josuke gave them to him first he was also always upfront with his methods fully explaining how to eat the food what the food is made up and where it came from along with this the effect of his stand seemed too random in its effect to be an actual attack josuke drank the same water o kiasu dead and they drank it around the same time but only he didn't suffer from the body horror effects along with this o kiasu stomach ache that starts off chapter 4 and really gets us motivated to go after Tonio because we think he's causing it it's explained in chapter 1 when Tonio diagnosis him so readers who are paying attention can actually make that conclusion there so any cause for alarm is based on the reader and Joe's case by his view that Tonio was already secretly evil and then of course while this requires some knowledge of the manga himself Araki is a bit of an inn allah file that means he loves italy in italian culture so Antonio is unabashedly patriotic towards his home country of Italy it's kind of a wink and nod fourth-wall way of saying that he's basically innocent but most important of all and this is only really noticeable on a reread of the chapter the reason that Tonio is so keen on dodging the weirdness of his stands effect is likely due to the fact that he's never met a stand user before and unlike rohan he doesn't feel the need to explain to everyone that he has some invisible tomato ghost that could cure wounds with food but instead he opts in to using pseudoscience explanations for the reason why the food is taking the effect that it does which was shown to him to have a more positive effect on his customers Araki successfully built upon his previous chapters and worked within jojo as a whole who successfully build probably one of the most iconic bites in the series as it is a one-sided struggle which utilizes relatable situations that get elevated to an 11 out of a possible five and intensity and david productions approach this art and handle it with care as well adding some unique scenes that help build upon that suspense found in the original version of the story the biggest addition is the opening scene which paints a dark black kitchen with a quiet chef slowly disemboweling something while flashing an evil smile and the camera hones in on a dog cage behind it foreshadowing the later events while also building up the notion that Tonio might have just chopped up another dog but along with that the anime is visually interesting as well but the best example being the use of the kitchen as a whole when Joe scape rushes into it as the first time he enters it's shrouded in darkness Antonio stands crazily in the corner next to an innocent dog and once the acceleration of tension begins that roller coaster like ascension we get the shift in color palette and this also helps hide that brick like structure over how I mentioned in the black and white it looked like a brick here since the colors are shifted we aren't sure what he's holding until it's revealed though after the tension is lifted Tonio's motives are revealed the kitchen loses that spooky atmosphere entirely and it just becomes a place of work overall I say let's go eat Italian is a fantastic example of a Rockies writing shops he managed to pull off exactly what he set out to do and he did so spectacularly as not only does it make something as mundane as a restaurant as scary as any other fight in Jojo but it also helped continue the mysterious nature of morio show as a whole expanding the lore of the town and if you want to see more of Tonio himself I've actually made a full video on him so please check that out if you're interested and if you like this video and want to see more videos like in the future please a head on over to my patreon patreon helps keep this channel running and helps me keep motivate along with this if you want some great cooking advice on how to build some very interesting food quote-unquote you can do so by picking up a copy of shimoneta a boring world with the consul's and dirty jokes doesn't exist at buy shimoneta calm
Channel: Meti『Not The Bad Guy』
Views: 61,319
Rating: 4.9776149 out of 5
Keywords: JoJo, Part 4, Diamond is Unbreakable, DiU, Tonio Trassuardi, Let's Go Eat Italian Food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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