The Beauty of Shinobu Kocho

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good as all his other analysis videos

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/rule_of_roses 📅︎︎ Oct 03 2019 đź—«︎ replies

Just some info about him, he is one of the three biggest Jojo youtubers and focus on in-depth analisys of the characters like whats the meaning behind their name, design, fight style...

Also the video have a lot of info about her latest fight in the manga so beware of spoilers.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RavenAxel 📅︎︎ Oct 03 2019 đź—«︎ replies
when it comes to slang demons and commit sin oh yeah but demon hunters only have a certain amount of weaknesses that they can exploit during their hunts with the most-used of these weaknesses being the son with many members resorting to either exposing demons to direct sunlight or decapitating them with a Nichiren blade or a change in color blade with the latter of the two methods requiring an immense amount of physical strength as demons have extremely thick necks that only get thicker the more powerful they are so with the weaker bodied members of the demon slain Corp they need to find new and creative ways to kill demons and the best example this is the mistress of poison herself Shinobu kocho the insect pillar [Music] this video contains spoilers for commits an ogive up to the most current chapter of the manga as of this video's release so if you weren't caught up with the manga and you don't want to be spoiled watch this video at your own discretion Shinobu couch oh is one of the top skilled demon slayers in the demon slayer corp achieving the title of pillar though she is a unique case as she likely inherited her position as a pillar from her late sister acting as her sugoku or successor as shinobi who self lacks the strength to behead a demon let alone any of the higher moon demons which is a requirement for becoming a pillar though she does have a workaround for her weakness and it's one that she developed on her own through her own medical expertise so it is always possible that Shinobu herself slayed up to 50 demons to earn her title as a pillar but it is more likely that she inherited it from her sister as a lot of shinobis character is all about her inferiority complex and the burden of feeling like she has to be someone she's not though but before we get too into that we should discuss the meaning behind her name so shinobu kocho is a pretty simple name first you have her given name Shinobu which is a dictionary term for the word shinobi or ninja with Shinobu usually being used as a more feminine version of the word and Shinobu seems to have been given this name to the fighting style she had assigned to her with it mimicking the ninjas of real life with her excelling in speed and stealth allowing her to appear and disappear without a noise and being stealthy enough to sneak up on both people who have enhanced senses along with demons but also this mixes well with her uses of assassination tools like poison to compensate for her being less effective in direct combat as shinobi and ninja of real life would use a multitude of tools for the exact same reason then you have shinobis family named kocho which directly translates to butterfly hence why her estate is called the butterfly state and why her and her sister kanay had a butterfly aesthetic to their designs but it also plays into Shinobu zone fragile nests given her weak body as she is metaphorically as weak as a butterfly which was the inspiration for her own unique demon slang style the breath of the insect breath of the insect is a slang style that due to its unique is not about cutting or slicing but more about thrusting and stabbing with a heavy focus on fluid movements and speed and due to it being invented by Shinobu the Nichiren blade does not change colors for a wielder of this style it's also a style that derives from both the breath of the water and breath of flower given that bugs require both to survive and her sister was a breath of the flower user so Shinobu learned from her from some degree now unlike her pillar peers this breath style does not have any forms or styles that it works off of and said it's a variety of dances given that movement is a key component in the breath of the insect in fact a lot of what Shinobu does seems to be based on the logic that shot Cassie's clay also known as Muhammad Ali into mega stardom and boxing that being float like a butterfly sting like a bee the hands can't hit what the eye can't see so let's start with her first dance that being the dance of the butterfly Capri's the dance of the butterfly is an attack in which the user lunges towards the target with a swift single motion striking them three to four times injecting them with poison on each strike though the motion itself is supposedly the target bewildered to some degree and almost in a blissful ignorant state before both the effects of the strike and poison take hold the Shinobu named it caprese which is a sudden and uncontrollable change in behavior which also fits the matically with the scene in which it takes place as before the attack Shinobu talks to the demon like she's going to be friend it keeping up a cheery smile all the while before unleashing a painful and sudden barrage of strikes leaving the demon writhing on the ground as the poison takes its life the next you have the dance of the bee sting true flutter which is a single strike attack in which the user dashes forward at an extreme speed stabbing a target once with a piercing blow to the head that they cannot block this attack is used to inject a large dose of poison directly into a single area on a demon the name and use of the attack seems to be based on how an actual bee sting works as you see bees specifically honeybees when they sting something we perceive as a threat due to the shape of their stingers they have a high chance of hurting themselves when they pull out usually ripping out their stomachs along with the stinger making most bee stings a one-time use for the creature though the Stinger does leave behind a bit of venom in the wound causing a stinging pain thus the name stinger and thus the attack based off a bee sting is a single strike which leaves behind high dose of poison then the next dance in Shinobu arsenal is the dance of the dragonfly compound eye hexagon which is an attack that seems to be a combination of both the bee sting and butterfly dance which the user dashes forward and strikes a target in six different vital spots piercing through or going around any defense the purpose of this attack seems to be increasing the amount of poison flowing through a targets body in hopes of increasing the chance of crippling them now this attack seems to be based on a few different things starting first with the compound eye part of the name which is based on the multi-layered eyes seen in insects like dragonflies the purpose of these eyes being that it allows the insect to see in a multitude of directions independently from each other and this is interpreted through how Shinobu looks for and targets multiple vital parts of when striking with this attack and the Dragonfly aspect of this attack seems to be based on a dragonflies own unique movement pattern with Shinobu Smallville strikes coming out really quickly seeming to match up well with the dash or zigzag motion of a dragonflies movement but most importantly throughout Japanese history the dragonfly has become sort of a symbol of agility bravery and overcoming adversity having its name literally translate to the victory insect which matches quite well with the context of the story in which shinobi uses this move as she is pulling out all the stops to try to put down one of the high moon demons who keeps commenting on her bravery and determination throughout the fight while also seemingly mocking her and showing false compassion for her actions and when we later get the context the Shinobu knew going into this fight that she would die you understand the true bravery of these attacks with her luring DOMA into a false sense of security though this wasn't her final attack know that belongs to the dance of the centipede hundred legged zigzag which is an attack that utilizes the user's full speed as they move in a zigzag pattern to build up momentum along with making themselves nearly impossible to follow and ending with a final piercing strike to the neck with an injection of poison along with the built up momentum moving both the target and the user up into the air at full speed now the name of this attack seems to be based off the Japanese centipede which roams through Japan hunting small prey and fending off predators with its own poison and the movement pattern of the Japanese centipede is that of a zigzag shape which harkens back to these zigzag motion of it also appears that in Japanese mythos the centipede represents that of immortality and pure evil which is exactly what Shinobu is fighting with this attack and it also may be in reference to omekata the Japanese yokai which is a massive poisonous centipede which was slain by having an arrow pierce its eye which I bring up only due to the importance of the eyes of DOMA as the eyes of DOMA are very special as they are this beautiful rainbow color along with demonstrating what rank of High moon he is and also during this fight his eye area is often used to demonstrate the effects of Shinobu poison during the fight and is the first place pierce when she attacks with her Nichiren during the fight and of course the fact that the arrow that pierces omekata is I only crippled him and he had to be hacked apart afterwards which is very similar to the fate of DOMA earlier I mentioned Chenault bows Nichiren which is a blade specially designed to work specifically with Shinobu style having most of the blade completely removed leaving just a sliver of it at the base and the tip of the sword it resembles actually more of a needle or a stinger than a sword and given its purpose is to inject things with poison that makes sense though it can only deliver up to 50 milligrams of poison at a time when she she said it reloads as she specially modified her sword she though this isn't any ordinary poison that she loads into her sword it's actually a special compound made by Shinobu herself which heavily focuses on wisteria toxins which is a flower that Ward's off demons due to its smelling awful to them and being poisonous for them to consume the reason for this being seems to be based on both the fact that wisteria plants actually have a bit of toxic mist in their seeds that are poisonous to humans as well but also the Japanese more about the wisteria plant being the flower of life and having a sweet and intoxicating aroma so those who throw away their humanity feel the reverse effects of this plant notion oghuz medical expertise doesn't just stop at creating poisons she's also incredibly talented at crafting medicine and doing thorough body exams on people but most impressively Shinobu is also capable of extreme body modification as she heavily altered her own body infusing her bloodstream width wisteria poison making it toxic to all those who drink it and with help of the demon dr. Tom AO she was able to go beyond just her blood grafting this poison to every fiber of her mixing it not only with her internal organs but even her own cellular makeup and the reason that Shinobu felt the need to resort to such an extreme level of body modification even though she says herself that she doesn't understand the lasting consequences of the procedure it's because of how fragile and small her body actually was because you see Shinobu small body is a big part of her character this lack of physical strength in size makes her life immensely more difficult she always has been too small or too weak and had to sit and watch as people she loved died via her family her sister or even her own successors and this helplessness helped Shinobu realize how fragile happiness was describing happiness as resting on a thin sheet of glass and once broken it cannot be fixed but in losing her own happiness she realized how many people have yet to lose theirs how many people's glass is yet to break and thus she wanted to hunt down demons that destroyed lives and protect those that still had happiness making a promise to kanay to try it to end this bloodshed as quickly as possible though this promise became more of an obligation to Chanel as when it comes to killing demons it's not a if you can but more of a thing you have to do though again due to her small size no matter how hard Shinobu struggled she was not great at demon slang causing her to dam her own body and idolizing people like yo mae for their massive physical strength and this caused her develop a bit of a bitter personality becoming somewhat sadistic and blunt in conversations she was developing a bit of a inferiority complex and she was really letting it show though after the death of her sister Shinobu outward appearance changed not only did she dawn the uniform of her late sister but she also adopted her personality as well wearing a big fake smile and trying to achieve her sister's goal of living at peace with demons even though she didn't fully agree with it but inside the inferiority complex only festered and grew more and more made worse by the dying words of kanay begging her sister to quit the demon slang Corp and maybe trying to settle down and get married to achieve that happiness that they had lost because even though she tried her very hardest to keep up with everyone else she would lose to the demon that killed Canaan though Canaan never actually finished that last part Shinobu believed she held back her final words as not to hurt her these words call Shinobu zone inferiority complex to fester and twist into fury and anger inside her this anger that she let out on the demons that she hunted offering them false salvations before melting them with torturous poison and viewing all demons as scum falsely champion her sister's dream of living at peace with them though after meeting Nessa CO and tandro her mindset changed she felt that her sister's dream might actually be more achievable than she originally thought along with this tandro helped her become more self aware of her own anger seeing through her false smile and asking her if she's angry this self-awareness helped Shinobu sort of overcome a mental hurdle in her own mind so much so that in her near-death state when fighting DOMA she perceives this aberration of kanae that appeared after she reflected on the final words that had been haunting her for so long though instead of this spirit telling her to run or quit the demon court instead it encourages her sister telling her that she needs to defeat this demon this spirit in a way with Shinobu accepting her own flaws and pushing her body past its limits striking DOMA with one final attack and during her final moments she finally accepts herself for what she is and in accepting herself she accepts what she has to do allowing herself to be completely absorbed by DOMA dying inside him though she does not die a useless death as due to the previously established extreme body modification Shinobu forced DOMA to willingly ingest 82 pounds of poison which is seventy times the amount needed to kill the average demon and though the poison took a bit to kick in once it did it wholly circulated throughout Domas body and began to melt him down to the bone leaving him in a crippled and almost defenseless state allowing her final successor Konoe to claim the head of the number two upper moon demon this moment was such a beautiful ending to Shinobu as a character because through her hard work and determination she was able to take her biggest flaw her weak body and turn it into an ultimate weapon against demons she may never have been able to decapitate DOMA on her own but she is able to claim the victory from beyond the grave her only regret being that the poison that put him down wasn't solely her creation and this whole arc that she goes through in the story is what makes Shinobu such a great character in commencement oh yeah she's someone whose tragic yet enjoyable to watch beautiful but absolutely terrifying and has some of the best back and forth with characters in the series learning how to tease them in a ways that really get to them or play with their emotions to help souter benefit hopefully we get to see more of her in stories like one shots that happened before the events of the story or maybe even seeing her and kanay hunting a teaming together if you enjoyed this video and want to see more videos like in the future I have a patreon at slash money not the bad guy and if you want to build up your own tolerance well you can do so by buying a copy of shimoneta a boring word where the constant rebukes doesn't exist at by Schuman and Anaka
Channel: Meti『Not The Bad Guy』
Views: 141,581
Rating: 4.959506 out of 5
Keywords: Shinobu Kocho, Kanae Kocho, Kanao Tsuyuri, Kimetsu no Yaiba, Demon Slayers, Insect Pillar Shinobu, Shinobu KnY, Shinobu Demon Slayers, Butterfly Estate, Insect Breathing Style
Id: 3hDXbgX0SCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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