Squares are STRONGER than triangles!? Poly Bridge 2!

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it's Richmond yes it won't be long until it's Bridge Miss and the Bridgeman's sweater is only available at my special spring store hello fellow Engineers so welcome back to poly bridge 2. now we all know if you take a bridge and put it inside another bridge and then put that bridge inside another Bridge you end up with this for exception but did you know if you get a poly bridge game and you put that within another poly bridge game you get polyception now that's what we're continuing today we're on snow drift world three now these are the Polly Bridge classic worlds remade officially in poly bridge too so we're on to level three nine routing or routing probably rooting I don't know why I said routing sometimes I'm worried YouTube is turning into an American anyway this one is probably gonna be a pain because it has hydraulics and looking at bottom left we've only got four pieces of road to use so we're gonna have to use the hydraulic now we've got three blue cars so a has to get over to there so that's just a case of doing straight three roads like that you see a goes then there's a hydraulic phase so the Hydraulics move from wherever they are and then C goes and C is that one so that's got to end up over there okay and another hydraulic phase and then e goes and that's got to end up oh actually this is this is quite simple I think although I've just noticed the stars in the middle okay so essentially we can't go straight through any of these we have to do diagonals because a has to go get the A1 star and then back down okay so I've worked out what I'm gonna do I start with a bridge like that I then just need to rotate it about the middle point so it does that how hard can that be all right first off let's make this a bridge by turning it into a truss then if we want that to stay there and obviously we need that to be a joint and that to be a joint so I have my truss there it's connected at either end with joints we've then got this it's just like a straight through piece and you can see there's joints there so the bridge can connect to them but there I've locked them rather than connects them to they're just locked so this bar shouldn't move and I imagine I can probably make this like way smaller I might do that just so I can see a little bit easier right let's grab all of this copy and then flip horizontal and shove it there do the four joints on this side lock those two and we're sorted so when we press play we should see this car goes all the way over then when the hydraulic fees triggers okay that didn't work as intended let's watch this in slow motion okay I think it's just way too heavy what I could do I could make it rope and whilst I can't connect to that one because that will replace the road I could connect to over there and that one like that as long as I lock those in and now yes you can see okay so that did that did actually work the bridge became completely detached and then just attached again so we've got to add now is the movement now underneath I reckon I need a horizontal hydraulic about the Middle Point roughly and then I can probably connect that to those of those and then expand that I don't know just a rough amount I could I can trial and error we don't need maths here oh my goodness oh see how close that was seasoned slow motion look look okay that's nearly perfect one thing I did just want to try first though if I were to get rid of that I know this is gonna probably swing a bit I'm just intrigued to see do I need the triangle there to hold that in place oh it's going upside down it's going upside down so back to original plan I'm just going to tweak this until it locks into a place like that nice oh why did that fail okay I need to make is trust a little bit bigger just so it's a little bit stronger and then I may as well whilst we're here copy the Hydraulics to the other side so we've got that if this actually works I am probably a genius oh hang on left side Works let's see is it strong enough to hold the spirit oh why does it keep doing that I don't know why it keeps breaking anyway this one failed because I messed up my actually why did this one fail ah because I didn't draw that bit of wooden okay there we go all right so now they should both go there we go and then oh that one broke and then that one broke sorry mate if we can get them to lock yeah and then don't try and move so you're moving too much you go down you go one pixel question is did it work what's looking good stress is way lower yeah there we go there we go okay nice now the Hydraulics just do the exact opposite yes oh I've actually done the level he's only gone and done it he's only gone and done it I did a hydraulic level I think I did it properly all right let's guess in the gallery and then sort by the budget I did this and I'm to 10 grand of my 15 grand budget that puts us on page 4 out of 10 so we're in the top half I will take that all right let's have a look at the cheapest solution so wait what are you only need one hydraulic so you can make this one so that both ways work oh that's actually that's really clever yeah this is another cheap one it's all about yeah minimizing not just the number of hydraulics but the hydraulic length look how small that hydraulic is and then look at the movement we get we get like such a big movement that's the difference between mechanical engineers and civil engineers I think they're quite intrigued by this one perfect it's got just one hydraulic in the middle oh and it does both that's really cool look at that and it basically is two triangles and it like pushes them apart oh my eyes are open for the world of hydraulics anyway on to the last page what do we have here what is that up there is that on a crane there you go it was even out it was even yeah oh 30 grand money well spent I think and next up we have a very efficient looking design here so that oh oh I don't something very wrong about the the structural round areas getting smaller as it expands anyway this one oh man look at the number of trusses on here what's gonna happen now oh literally the same movement that I managed but with all that trust and stuff I'm not gonna lie I sort of Love That brilliant you know this look at all the rope and like hydraulic muscles whoa that's cool you got this one which looks cool the question is what's gonna happen oh they actually man the amount of tweaking that must have gone into that they were like that's not like triangles they're all sort of like floating they look like they're basically on ropes and down here we've used we've utilized The Rock supports under the water it looks like again a lot of hydraulic used I will say Cuba craft thank you though you're making me feel a little bit like I've learned something in my over 200 hours of poly Bridge 2 I've played anyway on to the next level so Level 310 we have a 40 Grand budget to build an under bridge and if we zoom out we can see there's a blooming balloon in the way so if we just start this level and yep ignore him he's fine now there's a balloon so we're gonna have to do some sort of Arch under there okay got it got it well first off I'm guessing should we do should we put the road in as close to that as possible there's something like that and I think we're gonna do I'm gonna grab a bit of rope I'm gonna shove it sort of perhaps down there ish copy that to the other side and then we're gonna do another Arch from that point to that point and basically I've just made myself an anchor then in order to fill this in I've got this button here and this button could literally do anything when I press it but uh we'll give it a push and we'll see what happens all there goes it filled at the bridge and now unfortunately this has actually cocked up a bit I was hoping it would be somewhat in the middle so perhaps instead I might delete that and then do our Arch from there over to there make that tangent then fill that in and then we can build our trusses to the top but here it gets a little tricky and here I'm sort of worried that like this isn't the best way of doing this maybe your tension would be better I feel I feel like I should try this first though so let's see does this have the strength oh dear oh dear look at that first bit of Road goat right so when we start this you can see there's a bit of a bounce and that causes the first bit of road to break that is not ideal if we make those first two reinforced Road perhaps that will have the strength actually I've just realized do I need to go under oh Bulls we need to fit under the balloon which sort of means we could do like that sort of shape so if we just do half of this we can do that that that that and that yeah I mean we could try and Trust the hell out of this I mean I think we're gonna end up spending way too much money and oh dear and just to get it strong enough so I'm actually I'm gonna go away from this approach try and make all these triangles equilateral and then you'll see this probably yeah this will hold but it will break as soon as there's weight on it so we just need to add some tension so basically we want to do rope from there over to there and likely just all the way along this bottom so we end up with something like that now rope works a lot better in tension so I imagine these are the parts that are gonna break if we're stuck with wood you can see up there the road has gone first so let's reinforce the end pieces of road again okay perhaps we'll have to reinforce all of this and then we'll see how that gets on oh looking good looking oh okay what broke oh the road broke and what we can try is doing another bit of rope over to that point so basically that bit of rude is like snapping it's being pulled apart so if you put an extra bit of rape in the force that was going down the road and just that bit of rope is now going through another bit of rape which sort of means you've like you've taken a third of your of your Force away now unfortunately that is still breaking even with three of is so what I'm gonna do instead I'm gonna build a little dangly thing in the middle and we're gonna we're gonna do that now ideally you want this to go like under those but uh that should help I mean perfect it works straight away I wasn't expecting that um let's just see if we go back could we actually make this not reinforced Road could we do normal road because I'll bring the cost down as well as the weight and if it weighs less there's less force in general yeah that'll save us five grand how does that oh it actually works perfectly I saved us five grand yeah if we look at the stress on this so as it goes red it means each piece is under more stress you can see basically all of these all the trusses underneath are sort of not needed if we were to replace all that rope with wood yeah I reckon we can probably get away with just that so we're under 25 Grand now let's see where that puts us on the leaderboard so 25 Grand we're on the first page get in so 20 000 is this one they've made a sausage the sausage Bridge a true engineering Marvel so yeah basically glorified dangly road so I'm not really counting that one what is this one is that what is that even made out of is that steel so this is the first one that isn't dangling and it is just a tension Bridge pretty similar to mine just way more efficient and looking at all this pain each they're all pretty similar mainly using tension oh this one though it's got like cable stayed parts that's quite cool that's using tension but like in a different way as the price album was so cheap actually thirdly anyway to the last page oh well someone went mental with the cables and the Rope likewise this one pretty similar but they've used a truss as well this one they've done like the tension bridge but they've gone mental with iron very very expensive design now this oh look at that that's a bit of a built that is a bit of a bill shame it broke then this one looks very very efficient despite the price 79 Grand they are making the most out of it the max stress is 99.5 now some of these really really build around the balloon what even is that mess this one the balloon thing's like right in the middle I didn't actually know you could build through the balloon I thought you couldn't oh look out look out what's this one dangling road so you can dangle Road on it but it costs 30 grand how does that cost the same as my tension bridge and there's only Road on this random anyway on to the next level oh we got a tall bridge so this one we're we're in the desert and there's oh man a load of dumper trucks yeah we've got to get them across this Canyon and look the only anchor points are way down the bottom and bottom left we only have wood and rope now for this one I feel like there's going to be loads of different solutions for this I mean potentially you could just trust your way to the top yeah you can but very very expensive with 63 over budget we haven't even built the road yet now obviously that's using lots of triangles one of the strongest shapes I mean it's probably the second most strongest shape known to man however I feel like you could actually get away with for the first time in Bridge history potentially doing squares so if you were to do that then copy that across a few times then you end up with that and then all you need to do is put rude on the top and you've made a sort of bridge I know what a lot of you are probably thinking you're probably thinking well Matt they're squares they're not triangles so all these joints they can move so as soon as you press play as soon as some weight goes on the top it's just gonna fold in and collapse on itself oh yes your source of right have a look we've got walls either side so if we copy this this time with the road on top then there's actually there's nowhere for it to go so I think as long as it's got the strength oh it doesn't have the strength all right well now I really want to get squares to work so what if I replace that with a bit of road I think Road's stronger than wood yeah we've got one on we don't quite have the second one on I put like that in then it means the force that was coming straight down there will actually spread along it won't all go down there some of it will end up down this piece as well so maybe that will fix things and maybe it won't but using that concept maybe if I do it higher up and basically the force coming straight down it will spread along there earlier oh it held longer it did hold longer definitely still broke though what if I put another one there the theory here is the weight down there will spread all the way down to oh actually that that lasted longer yeah look a new piece broke in fact what if I just put one at the top because I think it's where we're like moving on it's the sort of forward movement that's messing things up so this is our design we've just got that there so now you can see as that moves on the stress all 87 89 92 94 but then it's down to like 50 it's worked we've done a square Bridge we made a square Bridge work I don't know if I'm impressed or annoyed of myself 61 800 quid but it was using squares and not triangles it puts us on the fourth page oh actually look other people have done squares hang on where's your blooming oh do they put Rodin up there oh look he did exactly the same no way exactly the same with one trust piece up the top left how did you make it work I'm confused oh I think they did a little bit of Road over the over the top there can you see that all right well I'm not the first person to do a square bridge then anyway cheapest solution is using a glitch to get one piece of road to go across ignore that one it's actually this oh man it's like it's like a huge Roman Viaduct fair play Romans are on something it seems the next one is attention Bridge with with like a a muscled Arch trap oh and it completely annihilates at the end this one looks like female anatomy like one of those science drawings of ovaries and tubes and stuff but it works it definitely works I think it's not actually attention Bridge because the bottom of it that's actually resting on the on the Node down there the anchor everything else is though yeah we've got some more true tension Bridges with tension muscles and also like a almost like a lesue like holding the holding the trucks back so they're not all Crossing at the same time that's actually quite clever to be fair yeah but let's go to the last page my favorite page right what do we have here why just why someone did trust it up they they were like screw the budget I don't care if my budget I'm doing trust is me I like trusses yeah this one all with a circle in the Middle look at that it's very impressive a bit architectural though I will say that this one oh wow what's even what am I looking at I mean you can't argue that it doesn't work because it definitely does work but uh oh this one they've utilized triangles and squares I feel like that could be more for architectural effect though so yeah not too impressed oh this one it's an M for map it's an M format this one oh it's like a it's like a multi-span cable State Bridge it's like the uh the bridge in France the really really tall one the milao viaduct and you're a little bit smaller scale I think it did actually break at the end as well there you've got the church window Bridge there I'm not gonna show you my secret design bridge and though I don't need your Anchor Point bridge I'm gonna build mine up here wait yeah I like that one lots of cool different solutions less let's move on to the next level dump down dump up are they instructions what what's going on here oh right dump truck down dump truck up okay I get it I get it now so Budget on this is 37 Grand I feel like to start with we should probably just do I think dump truck a has to go down there yeah let's just do straight line fill that in with Road and then perhaps just copy that up to that one to make it easy I think I'm just gonna just do a steel trust like this it's a bit of a slanty trust but if we do something like that we should be good so up here yeah we don't we don't have a clearance so let's just get rid of that piece then is that gonna fit in oh man or can we see how tall this is and maybe oh man the top one has to go up a long way oh okay I feel like I probably need to use the Hydraulics so we make a work and then we make C work afterwards and I was going to very quickly trust this up because I'm not convinced this is gonna fit down the bottom with my current sleep so let's have a look is it gonna fit down down the bottom assuming it makes it across it's not going to it's not going to fit oh oh man okay okay we're gonna have to do a curve perhaps something like that so fill that in with Road brush it up be embarrassed because the bridge failed your first time but then does that fit under yes just um however we're already over budget we haven't used any of our Hydraulics and there's no way of guessing this guy over there at all but my thinking to get him over is to do this sort of thing if we rotate it so it's definitely out the way like there playing a joint there wearing a joint there then we just need to hydraulic it to the right point and all should be good but the budget is not good let's turn on the stress now this thing is very green I should I could probably get away with making a lot of this wood rather than steel for now let's spend a bit of time trying to line that up that's a little bit too late that is all pretty spot on so now it's just a case of can it get back up so it failed but it didn't fail if you know what I mean the stress is very very high down the bottom probably not helped by The Swinging bit of bridge that's doing nothing we did actually complete the level though so now it's just a case of trying to make this way more efficient I guess first off can I just replace like most of this with wood if we trust this up make them nice and big then press play and watch the stress and it all just goes red in the field all right let's replace that with a muscle because we know your muscles are pretty much twice as strong as wood but uh they're cheaper than steel so oh this is looking good this is looking good oh my God it's done it okay the question is is it gonna cope with this one coming down because this has a bit of a thud so keep an eye on the stress oh a bit break oh now it'll break all right what I'm thinking perhaps I do two lock-in points if I copy this and rotate it to where I want it to end up which is there I can then see if I do a node like that make that a joint and that a joint all with the same number and hopefully both of these will lock in as long as it's Street to the right place and that should help to make the whole thing stronger right yeah all right I think I've got it lined up pretty well now so that goes down love oh that bit broke why did you break anyway all the road behind broke this is gonna fail isn't it how's the how's the stress looking all the stress is red the stress is very red but let's meet let's meet it okay so we're nearly there we are very nearly there I think if I just move that left a bit I think what happened it was either too long or Too Short yeah it was too okay it's got to go the other way it's got to go over there somewhere basically as this road came down and locked in it was being stretched and that's the right length nothing's broken the entire Bridge broke I all saw that it doesn't stay anywhere we can't have a one use Bridge 26 Grand we're oh we're on the first page we are on the first page yes it's only a four but that's beside the point so the cheapest solution and what the heck what the hell what is going on there it's like being dragged towards the flag underneath what all right let's play that again so yeah normal bridge that lands upside down and then it's a load of it's a load of pieces of wood team together slowly staying down there dragging it that way until the wheels make it drive upside down to hit the flag and then send that one on its way blooming out now the next one is this which is pretty similar to mine to be fair although they've got yeah that last bit of last bit of road I might when I doubled up the road this one there's only one piece of road very clever it looks like lots of them have done similar is that meant to be knob shaped or is that just me I that might just be me that one yeah last page oh look we've got my original design which was actually very very poor when you look at the price compared to what I did achieve in the end we got what is going on here this guy's made like five Bridges and a little lift oh it's so unnecessary I love it I think this is the first leaderboard I haven't infected with phallic sheep Bridges although that one technically kind of is I won't lie yeah that was poly bridge too polyception if you enjoy bush like button otherwise I'll catch you guys next time bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 1,332,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poly bridge 2 engineer, real civil engineer, engineer poly bridge, poly bridge 2 hack, polybridge 2 real engineer, polybridge real engineer, architect plays poly bridge 2, engineer plays poly bridge 2, over engineered poly bridge, poly bridge 2 challenge mode, poly bridge 2 tension, tension bridge poly bridge 2, poly bridge 2, polybridge 2, pb2, rce
Id: _PFTmO5_CXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2022
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