How to build a TANK ELDRITCH KNIGHT in Baldurs Gate 3!

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[Music] all right I am doing another build guide because the other one did amazingly thank you for that by the way um and also I think this build is very fantastic especially granted take this with a gra of salt haven't actually completed honor mode yet but with the way I've built it I feel like it'd be even better on honor mode due to the changes of Honor mode so yeah let's just get into it this is going to be a uh eldrich Knight build with wizard which going it's kind of like eldr Knight but like actually good but um yeah so the reason we're using lasel here you don't have to use lasel but um I just have it on lasel because uh that's how I I did use this build on my first playthrough so that that lasel is the one who used it uh cuz you are going to use a great weapon so just like GI racial features are good other races I'd recommend or just like other good ones like half work and stuff but like race doesn't really matter just like pick whatever you want like I I don't think it's really worth Min maxing race to be honest but um yeah so you're going to start INF fighter because you get Constitution proficiency um fighting style great weapon fighting is the one I'm going to pick um cuz I am using a twoand weapon I would recommend uh great weapon fighting but if you for whatever reason don't plan on using a two-handed weapon you could go if you have a shield maybe protection might be worth it uh or you could use defense I wouldn't really go with anything else but uh I think Ray open fighting is definitely the best one as for Ability points since you're going to be in Wizard and eldrich Knight and stuff you're going to want intelligence you're going to want that at hang on we just okay you're want strength and intelligence at 16 and then the rest of your points I i' put them all in the Constitution uh like that and then since you're going to using heavy armor Dex isn't that big of a deal you're going to be pretty low in initiative but um later on with some gear you could uh fix that issue if that if it's really a big deal to you I mean with this build like you're just immune to damage so like even if you move last like I like when I was okay when I was playing through the game the most I've ever seen lasel take was like I think it was 39 from cazador's Blight spell and then that I think that's like she didn't even get to like half Health that's like the most I've ever seen her take otherwise she just like walks into a group of enemies doesn't die it's it's so funny but um yeah so this how I'd go and just put the rest in wisdom for for wisom saving throws honestly actually no I keep it at 10 never mind this is what I'd go for if you are a party face if you're like the main character maybe you could do something like this but like I'd value wisdom saving throws more if you want to focus more on the wizard capabilities or the strength maybe you could do something like this if you really don't want to fail dialogues but um or just like intelligence too but like I don't think that's necessarily worth it but um skill proficiencies just pick whatever you want really uh one thing I will say is animal handling not really worth it if you could speak with animals but yeah um probably just take inside I guess uh just going to hit confirm and take our second level going to keep going fighter cuz I think in the early game especially where you don't really have a lot of options I really don't think it it's worth taking wizard yet you really want action surge having action surge for as long like as you can like I think it's I think it's worth it I don't think I don't think the wizard is worth it yet just going to hit accept on that and then this is where I would start taking the wizard I would start taking the wizard at level three because here you could I mean you could go Al your snight here pick your can trips or whatever but like I think getting the wizard subass online is way more important so oh where okay there it is you're going to pick wizard for the sub CL so we get to the sub class uh just pick your can trips I like Ray of frost is good minor illusion could be useful um I wouldn't actually I'd be careful with friends because on higher difficulties you know uh once it wears off they might start a combat I don't know if that's worth it uh oh most important one actually take blade Ward you're you're going to see later you're going to want to take blade Ward um actually I guess I don't know if I think I'd rather have like shocking grasp actually but like the main one you really want is blade Ward but other ones are customizable in terms of spells you're going to learn more later so I'm just going to pick what I usually like um if you are playing gith it is important to note that you will have your own enhanced sleep so I wouldn't I don't know if you'd necess want to pick that um uh yeah so I'd focus on I one spell I would take actually you're going to want Shield Shield's also going to be another big one uh I think magic Missile is just great protection between good and evil can be useful in the early game uh I like chromatic orb a lot too if you don't have anyone with a long Strider I'd take that Mage Armor I wouldn't pick Mage Armor at all because you are going to have heavy armor it's not going to be particularly useful and then in this last spot I guess you could just take um grease has good utility fog CL good utility I'll take grease and then pre oh um this is awkward because I I've played the game as a wizard but um yeah these are just I guess these are just all the Spells I've learned this is going to be another um upside to playing this build instead of just playing a pure Elder sight you're going to get so many spells these are just the ones that I taught L out like just think about like like haste haste is a huge one because you're going to want to because if you're going to want to haste yourself and the big thing about Hasting yourself in honor mode is that you can't they changed it in honor mode to where you cannot get extra attack on your on a second action on on your second action of haste or like a potion of speed but you have all of these spells you could use so you could haste yourself and then cast a spell and the next turn you're still Hasting so you can attack extra attack and then like cast Fireball or something it's really fun and you get stuff like ice storm wall of fire you know the wizard spell list the wizard spell list is good crazy who would have thought but um this is where I'd stop taking wizard for a bit after this just you going to want to take the abjuration subass cuz you're going to get the what am I doing um I just lost my train of thought you're going to get the Arcane Ward which is really important it's going to let you take a lot of damage and an important thing to know about that too is casting abjuration spells increases your Arcane Ward uh I don't know why it doesn't I guess I could show it after but it doesn't actually give a really good desri description here of arcan word but um abjuration by casting abjuration spells is going to increase your Arcane Ward so you're going to want to do that and then you know just more spells here just fog Cloud Thunder Wave and then um from here I'd St taking wizard for now for now I'd stop taking wizard going to get more later if you want to I'm not like I'm not going to stop you but I think getting more fighter out of the way is really um really important um so now you're going to get three fighter I like to pick ALR Knight because you get like you get more spell slots and it's just like I think maybe if you want more melee capabilities and you like that more Battle Master might be better but if you want to do more wizardy magic stuff Elder snight would be better it's more of a personal preference I'm going to pick Elder snight but Battle Master is definitely viable I I wouldn't bother with champion on this I don't think it's really worth it because you don't really get much but Elder snight just gives you you get two more canant trips two more spells another spell just take Firebolt and like I don't know bone chill and then some more spells and another spell um ice knif all right just going to get a little four fighter another reason to uh start doing more fighter is so you get your extra attack because you're already it already kind of hurts that you're delaying extra attack by a couple levels so I wouldn't take more wizard cuz you're just delaying extra attack more I don't think that's particularly worth it but yeah you get one more spell level four at this point just take just take Mage Armor it's the only one um you can just replace spells if you want to but I know uh for the Feats now there's actually a lot of different Feats you could take at this level like at level six in particular it I think it really depends on if you know haste yet so if you don't know haste I'd say take you could take great weapon master I don't think I did take great weapon Master when I first played this which I feel like might have been a mistake but I oh no I took Savage attacker yeah so you could take Savage attack or a great weapon master um basically it lets you roll two dice takes the highest result very good uh great weapon Master uh you get another action I think I think Savage attacker is better I will say that Savage attacker is probably more useful because um the perk of this when you kill a creature with the you get a bonus action um it's definitely still useful don't get me wrong but like you might want to use your bonus action for other things especially cuz we're not just a pure melee build so you uh you might want to leave that open also um this toggle um I don't know it this really depends on your play style i' I've tried many of great weapon master and Sharpshooter builds and it feels so bad to miss I I'm a reliability kind of guy I I I like when things hit I I am a fire own player after all I like safety I like when things hit I like taking the most safe option me personally I'd pick Savage attacker but you can go gr weapon Master it's definitely still good but if you do have haste you do have another option which you could pick later as a feat or you could pick it now um and that would be warcaster the reason you would pick this is for Advantage on saving throws to maintain concentration spell the the opportunity spell could be useful but like your your attack probably does more but it's mainly for this that's what you're going to want it for so you're going to have um you already have the proficiency from starting as fighter so ADV if you have Advantage if you're concentrating on a spell it's basically never breaking um so it's really up to you whether whether or not at this point in the game level six you are using more concentration spells and you want the advantage or you're using more melee and want Savage attacker I'm just going to pick Savage attacker and pick warter later but um yeah all right hit Five Fighter now extra attack and you can replace a spell uh let me just check this yeah these are all spells you get otherwise I wouldn't even bother replacing anything but yeah extra attack very good who would have thought um um now see this is a good thing about being a fighter too you're taking this fighter you're going to get your next feet very very quickly you can just take warcaster like it's not even that long relatively like you're still in the cursed lands probably or like actually no from Level 6 to 8 you're either in the crush getting out to the you're probably once you hit six you're probably go about to go to the crash and then when you hit eight you're probably in the curse lines so like basically I'm trying what I'm trying to say is uh not a long time two levels is not that much um so you could take War cter if you want to go more melee Great weap Master the one thing I will say about this build is you're not taking any ability Improvement at at any point I think if I remember correctly um so I guess that's one thing but I I don't even think you really need it but yeah warter very good I'm going I'm going to take it and then this is uh also at least I'd recommend taking stop stopping to take fighter like level eight would be your last fighter level and I just take more wizard but if you want to take seven fighter and five wizard that would also be all right and that's mainly if you want you know um like these two spells from here I guess but I don't think it's really worth it you could just you just learn these two cuz you're you're going to be a wizard but if you want this this is also oh that's why okay that's why I was uh I was saying like oh um you want to do stuff with your bonus action if you do take the level seven lri Knight you can get War magic um so You' get the weapon attack as a bonus action anyway but that's after you get a cantrip I I don't like this I'll be so honest I I I don't like this at all I I if you're playing to like if you're playing honor mode and you want to beat the game I wouldn't take this I just stick to wizard for your last levels if you're playing to have fun or like you know if if you taking this means is is going to be a little bit less optimal you're still going to have a really good build but like if if you want to just experiment with this like you know go for it but like I wouldn't recommend it on the viability Spectrum but uh we're yeah we're just going to take It's The End build is six fighter six wizard at least that's what I'm going to be showcasing so we're just going to take more wizard you know get whatever spells you want uh again if you are playing as a GI you will have Misty step by now but if you want more Misty step go for it um I'm just going to take Cloud daggers Cloud dagger is hilarious and now we're going to get our third feat at level 10 this is where you can take great weapon m if you feel like it um oh I lied I think you actually can take building Improvement here this this build is very um you could take a lot of different feeds and have it work cuz like you know great weapon Master still very good I think on my f when I was playing through the game I actually made a mistake when doing this I think I did yeah I think I did resilient con and the reason I'm saying it's a mistake is because you get Constitution Prof efficiency from being a fighter so I basically did nothing I basically when I played this the first time I basically Wast the feat but um let's just go with some other good feeds mobile is always very nice just more more movement um like I said great weapon Master Elemental adapt is kind of nice too um if you're honing in on more specific element types for damage like cold fire lightning whatever it's here it makes you ignore resistance and you can't roll a one um for this build in particular I'd recommend either cold or fire cold fire or lightning basically for basically ice storm Fireball and lightning bolt and then also your can trips of Firebolt and Ray of frost if you have those but um those are the main ones I think if you're if you like Fireball and stuff I think fire is going to be the most worth it in the long term because there are a lot of things resistant to the fire especially in act three when this really comes online at the end of act two uh if you want to take that um you could also take building Improvement if you want to do you know higher intelligence very good if you want more wizard stuff if you want more strength very good I'm just going to do I'm just going to take the strength I'm now remembering like that you could I forgot about the third feet for a second I don't know why but um yeah just taking building Improvement or there's a lot of good Feats here it's really up to you but um and then you'd also get some more spells take you know whatever flaming sphere magic weapon I actually know abjuration Wizards got magic weapon that's kind of cool uh just take I don't know M no true strike don't take true strike but it's hilarious so I'm taking True strike um yeah so accept and another level take whatever you want um just be careful also to be careful of your concentration spells because especially if you're if you're focusing on haste cuz I've done this so many times be careful of what you're concentrating while concentrating on haste because I've been times where I've been concentrating on haste and then casted another concentration spell and made myself lethargic and in the worst case scenario casting a concentration spell breaking my concentration and then making one of my other guys lethargic so uh yeah I'd be careful about that um but uh let's take some spells oh counter spell very good make sure you have counter spell because it's also another abjuration spell every time you counter spell you get Arcane Ward so very very nice and with this cuz you're not only a wizard but but also like a half cter and you have strength and stuff uh you can actually afford to counter spell a lot I know when I play more spellcasters I've played other spellcasters that weren't this build in particular sometimes I'm like oh I want a counter spell but like I'm using so many spell slots I don't really want a long rest but with this build it's not really the biggest deal in the world because you know you can still smack guys you have 18 strength it's not the biggest deal like oh my spell slots are used and you have the Arcane recovery like you just gets them back and there's other ways to get them back too like counter spell here is actually very very nice um yeah so now level 12 last level uh now you're going to get the projected Ward so it's basically um when an ally when a nearby Ally takes damage and you have an active Arcane Ward you could sacrifice your ward to reduce the damage they take so a level gets taken off of Ward and then they your Ally gets damage reduction so so that's very nice you get uh level four spell slots uh two more spells uh Glyph of warding is cool I haven't really been able to use Glyph of foring super well in my playthroughs but I know it's very good um just take like uh protection from energy is bad don't take that actually I guess remove curse normally remove curse is a very inefficient action but like it it gives you Arcane w i guess so like it's also just useful to have for like outside combat there's like definitely some quests and stuff that and just like other stuff that gets applied to just a random cage remove it uh so yeah that's that's all the levels they're taking now we can get into the equipment also as you can see here you have a decent amount of spell slots you are going to get up to level four which I don't if you take Battle Master I don't think you get level four or if you do you only get one I yeah I think the Battle Master you know correct me if I'm wrong in the comments but Battle Master I think You' have two level two level threes and then one level four so if you want more spell slots you definitely go Elder Knight but um yeah as you can see too you have three Arcane recoveries uh if we're just going to go here as well you're going to hit all the wizard spells you just teach whatever um I'm actually I'm just going to put in some stuff that I would recommend uh haste of course very good we love haste in this house uh lightning bolts very nice counter spell um you can go Fireball uh cloud of dagger just kind of nice but at this point in the game not really worth it Missy step is always nice long St is good for the party magic missiles always useful you're going to want shield shield is going to be the one thing I'd recommend just keeping on at all times Shield is Shield is very good shield and counter spell are very good for just raising your Arcane Ward um yeah and I guess um do hold person just take scorching Ray for a lowle damage spell I guess or no let's go ice storm oh that's not ice storm yeah um oh okay it's a good thing I clicked on this oh it already has it um this is just a general tip with this game make sure to look at your reactions menu and like have this on toggled especially if you're playing something like Paladin I know this is a complete aside but like make make sure it's they're all on ask so you know what you're doing um yeah so I just completely lost my train thought um yeah so you have all the Spells uh I will showcase the Arcane Ward so let's just cast blade Ward so now uh excuse me am I losing my mind what now whoa whoa oh oh I got so confused for a second uh I think I was not supposed to go into turn base mode action not reaction okay it's going to be at two I think it's it's I think it's a two cuz I just reach back once you long rest because it matches with your whistle level so this will start at six after a long rest but um oh I'm a [ __ ] okay it's cuz uh it's cuzz of the armor yeah no we already have blade W I'm very silly okay let's just do something else um did I not put on protection of good Evil all right we could do that I actually did this in the end game I just put this on and then right before cuz I knew I was going to get a a heal so right before like one of the fights I just casted used all of my spell slots to cast this and then I used the restoration pod it was very funny but let's do it on Withers yeah as you can see here uh now the Arcane W goes up we'll use a spell slot you do that before fights or whatever you feel like it um you also have this uh weapon bond uh and initially I thought like you wouldn't really use this but it does also it can't be make sure your weapon can't get knocked out of your hand so even like cuz we're not going to be throwing at all all but I'd say it's still worth it to do this like Ju Just in case might as well you know uh and also depending on the weapon you might you could also use those like eldrich Knight weapons that like get benefits on a bond but as you can see I didn't really do that here cuz I got the silver sword of the astal plane uh very good weapon for this build a lot of other stuff as you can see here I also have the the Boulder and giant slayer is also very very good just any great sword really um is good for this build uh other gear I have on the Grim's skull helmet that Grim drops when you kill him i' I've had on ever since I really like the fact that you can't get crit I love this so much that you can't get crit it's it's so nice and then you have resistance to fire damage Hunter's Mark I didn't really get use much use out of it again be careful because it is a concentration spell uh it's also on for long rest but yeah I didn't really make use of that but I didn't really need to uh I just have on the cloak of protection it's just more AC as you see the AC is 21 right now it's pretty nice um the armor of persistence you can buy from Damon and act three that the this is like what you're aiming for the whole game this is the best piece of armor you can get however it is very expensive um I will say that but there's also other like you just look out for other heavy armor there's a lot of good heavy armor in this game also this is the heavy armor that I believe this is the heavy armor you get from defeating what's his face I'm forg his name oh my god um wow I'm blanking on his name the guy that's voiced by JK Simmons you'll know uh [ __ ] H oh my god wow that's crazy okay I'll put it in the description I cannot believe I forgot his name oh my God that's crazy um 400 hours in forgets one of the main villains names in insane um okay but I'm pretty sure this is the one that he drops uh another good uh armor uh magical damage oh no all damage reduced by two uh again uh this is also very endgame the Helm of balerin works as well oh this is this was def this is definitely better than the helmet I have on you should definitely put this on when you get it oh boy oh God I definitely didn't think about that oh also I guess keep in mind that is medium armor okay yeah that's so much better when you get this give it replace the Grim skull helmet cuz this is also I didn't see this before this is also a no crit weapon huh yeah wear this instead um I I put on the gloves of dexterity uh this is just you get attack plus one it's also uh you get higher initiative now I will say there are different gloves you can get especially if you are playing a gith there are other gloves you can get um cuz I know that these are in high contention for many people like they want to give this these to a lot of people so if there are other options I can take a look open in my chest see if I have anything that stands out but um there's like a lot of options for this in particular uh definitely not I just like the the glove options are very um oh these are this is a good early game one the the gloves of G gr Underdog the wear the wear gains advantage on melee attack rules while surrounded by two or more foes this this is a like you're a very bulky build you can just kind of take hits you will be surrounded a lot so I'd say that's pretty worth it like I believe those are an act one so i' like I'd get those um some other things Who ah these are really good as well uh when a weapon attack roll inflicts a condition the wielder gains arcan Acuity um um because for this specific build actually it's very nice uh so if your weapon attack um I know the like this weapon in particular uh you can use the soul breaker you would inflict stun and then get arcan Acuity so that would help out your your spell casting but I know another weapon that's very good for this build is the everburn blade so when you hit people with everb bur blade you know they start burning condition AR you know very very nice um as for boots I have on boots of psionic movement again this another GI thing um so it's just a little bit more damage after you cast fly they also give you fly but as a wizard you'll have you know Grant flight as a spell you can cast um I guess I should also look for more boots cuz not everyone's going be a GI um I have nine boots that's crazy okay uh um these are fine I guess you know again the the the gear on this build isn't very specific you can just whatever you think is good honestly like go for it um oh that's what I going to do does anybody else have any boots that would be good dimension door no boots of speed are very nice if you don't have anyone with boots of speed I'd go with that actually but um yeah uh the As for the oh my God you can see the resistances too your resistance is so much that's crazy um Amulet of Greater health is very late game there are other good amulets besides this but this is the one I have because this huge 23 con you're never look at how much health you have I believe this is on balanced but like God that's a lot of Health like and you know it helps with your concentration and stuff it's just very worth it uh the strange conduit ring is a pretty early game ring that I still have on CU lasell is always concentrating on a spell so this is just free damage so I'd say those are worth it and then this is another early game thing that I feel I should have replaced on this run a while ago but I guess I didn't really find anything or I forgot about it but yeah that's horribly nice let's just look at some other things uh CTIC band is always good um [Music] uh the Ring of regeneration is good as well uh but I know it's another uh highly contested item uh I guess if you're using disguise self The Shape Shifter spoon ring um I I I I mean if you want to get very gamey you could always Sky self and then just get one D4 all checks but I I think that's pretty boring um why do I have so many Alchemy pouches what is going on here what was I cooking um sorry um yeah that's basically oh I guess the bow the bow uh the dark fire short bow just gives you another uh cast of haste like one free cast of haste every long rest and these resistances very good bow although you're not really going to be using your bow that often it's just nice to have for that effect um so yeah that's basically the build um you just like don't die to things it's very it's also just nice support to have especially once you hit act three and then get the projected Ward you just save a lot of uh damage you have the wizard versatility I think I think if you want to play an eldr Knight I think this would definitely be the way i' go about it because pure ELD Knight is um for a lack of a better word just like uh unfortunate it's very unfortunate in this game um they don't really get much um but I guess I guess I should over some like flaws with this you you do delay your extra attack by two levels which might come into play but I I'd say getting abjuration online sooner is worth it um you will probably if you don't want Savage attacker you can only get two ability improvements uh so take that as you will like if you don't want Savage attacker you could have went strength to 20 but I I think Savage attacker is worth it um and then some people would see taking warcaster as a flaw I I don't believe so I I because breaking concentration especially with haste is I I I don't like that one bit especially cuz like you can't just like most of the time there's no way of telling like when it's going to break it's just like you have again you have to just roll for it so it's like I can go into a knowing that if I cast haste on myself that there is very very little chance they broke my concentration if not like nothing most of the time so I just think it's very nice um so yeah that's uh that's basically the build um if you want to see more of this kind of content I definitely leave a like leave a comment maybe suggest something I could try to cook something up I'm mainly just making these videos based on like experience like of playing through the game with a build and then thinking wow I was cooking up something crazy let me make a video but um yeah that's basically it so if you if you liked leave a like uh you should definitely subscribe as well uh and I'll see you in the next uh Baler skate or Pokemon video I know Pokemon deals is coming out soon I'm going make hell of videos around that lying debatably we'll see I'm going to try though I'm be playing the hell out of that but um yeah I'll I'll see you in the next one
Channel: wyvern
Views: 7,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldurs Gate 3, Wizard, BG3, Laezel, Game of the Year, Baldurs Gate, ELDRITCH, Eldritch Knight
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 25sec (2185 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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