BUGSNAX All Endings & Final Boss Fight (Bugsnax Ending Cutscene PS5)

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we did it buddy we're all together again well almost all of us but you know what knowing edgabella's out there gives me hope that lizbert is out there too i mean none of this would have been possible without you buddy i know you have to go back for your job eventually but i'd sure miss you if you left and well you still need to interview whisper right so our end is nice what and well is that a metaphor or you gotta move now are are you okay buddy all right i i know this looks bad but as long as we keep calm our doom approaches pray to your gods children it's the queen of bug snacks she's rising from the depth to devour us all the grandparty aim to silence us for good their machinations are coming to fruition now hold on we're not gonna die cause of some cult or monster that's right we're gonna die cause the volcano's going off that's right wait what oh bad timing suppose we're gonna end up buried like all the others eh come on bro we can survive this as long as we got bug snacks we'll be fine my barn collapsed all of my little ones escaped bummer whoa whoa whoa whoa we're homeless and out of bug snacks oh it's a grumpy grump world now dibs on eating filbo please do i'm quite curious to see the result will befrigger turn into filbo or the bug snacks he's eaten hold on a moment while i retrieve my notes hey hey hey you don't give up yet we may not have homes or snacks but we have each other i know it's pretty scary right now but we can't fall apart every single time something bad happens we have to stick together well said philbo edgar bro you're all right what a pleasant surprise welcome back dr batta nugget hey everybody chandler mr trouble ham doc i'm glad you made it does that mean you figured it out that's right filbo i know how to get to liz that's amazing we got to go right away sorry to say it but is now really the best time this might be the only chance we get liz is in danger and this disaster is only getting started the worst is yet to come so spills farther toxin unending quiet you doctor you are only subjecting yourself to needless risk elizabeth is likely deceased dog this bird is alive and we're not going to leave her behind i just need filbo and uh philbo's buddy sorry chamblow bomber well what are the rest of us supposed to do while y'all were gone you prepare for the worst what do we need right now well i'm sick of being in the dark for one i want to know what's out there no worries beth i'll build a couple bonfires maybe a watchtower whatever is out there we'll see it coming but what do we do when the queen comes to devour us well i have a few prototype traps that i could put to use how about the more practical threats you know the earthquakes the volcanoes and what have you simple we find a way to get off the ground if the need arises well none of that matters if i starve to death we got my sauce yeah no way pal i ain't going to chow down to that nasty plant group i stand corrected no more concerns great let's get to it then [Music] huh hey after we get liz bird are you two gonna come back to town oh i don't know i'm starting to like sleeping on freezing cold rocks but i'm sure liz misses our bed well it'll be ready for you i've been keeping your hot clean for whenever you got back you're such a weird guy filbo mountain still tall oh do you need a break uh how about water let me check your vitals oh no i'm okay besides we're we're almost there right right but in the future you could stand to do some exercise or just hang out with chandler all right we're here um how do we get this thing open ichabel turns out she wrote the order backwards i guess even the great elizabeth megafig can still make mistakes well nobody's perfect right okay i'm ready when you are we're coming liz one two three what is this thing oh oh thanks buddy is igbo with you i don't know how we all got separated well you found me pretty quick i'm sure she's not far yuck what is this stuff ugh it's slimy and cold and i uh i uh i kind of want to eat it uh if lizburt is really down here we better find her fast let them through it's you you're alive bilbo you're here i i i i can't believe it we've got so much catching up to do i i wish i could but we're out of time you have to get out of here you have to gather up the others and get off the island okay then we can talk on the way back no philbo i can't go with you like this i'm so sorry are you seriously trying to interview me right now [Music] i regret inviting you you came here to interview elizabeth megafig fine keep it quick this this is the island's true form it's bug snacks all the way down that's kind of amazing it's disgusting once you understand what bug snacks really are they're parasites they get inside you and they change you your body and your mind they make you want them and before you know it you become them it's not that simple they're insidious patient you'll show them a weakness and they'll exploit it what you see here this is what's left of everybody who came before us of every living thing that wasn't bug snacks they always win after i saved a bell i fell into this place before i knew what was happening i was swarmed bud snacks were crawling down my throat they tried to erase me to make me into them that's horrible i almost lost myself but somehow i pushed back i made them into me that's right i'm sorry if i scared you i just wanted to make everyone leave this awful place but i can't make bug snacks talk [Music] no the bug snacks are in a frenzy they have been since we came here they're so ravenous that they're shaking the ground apart i'm the only thing keeping this island together right now but it's like fighting a tsunami with a bucket there you have your answers i hope you write a story worth telling i'm sorry that i put you through so much to get it i can't hold them back for much longer please go and warn the others wait i i have one more question if you're really not coming back then then what am i supposed to do without you what do you mean you've been doing just fine without me it's only a matter of time before i screw up and ruin everything i i'm not good at stuff and everybody hates me but you they love you lizbert they love the idea of me i'm sorry i put so much on your shoulders bilbo but you you are the one who can bring them together me well i'm the one who made it all fall apart what are you saying i led you to this terrible island i filled your bodies with parasites i ignored all the warning signs i didn't understand what any of you really needed so now i'm taking responsibility for my mistakes i'll keep the bug snacks at bay long enough for everyone to escape liz no no no there has to be some other way we can help you no i should be the only one to suffer the consequences of my actions nobody else needs to get hurt because of me where have i heard that before ichabeel you shouldn't be here you need to get away get up get up come on let's go get up hey bill stop it no you stop it i didn't sleep in an igloo for months just so you could play martyr we're getting out of here together i i can't my control is already slipping if i step outside this cave my connection to the bug snacks will break and the island will collapse before i make it another step huh all right then i'll get in there with you move over move over it's not a car bill see that wasn't so hard right it worked ichabelle you beautiful genius wait how did you lose your eye oh i didn't i just got conjunctivitis at least the eye patch looks cool right it does make you look a bit dangerous so um how long before the island explodes oh i don't know it could be any moment but i'm sure liz and i can keep it together at least until you get everybody out of here what so now i'm supposed to leave both of you behind hey don't worry about us we've been through worse than this right we both survived so much by ourselves imagine what we can do and we're together okay good luck and i'll see you again someday time to get moving get back to snacksburg you're going to have to take a bit of a shortcut hold on aggabel is that you oh sorry buddy head hurt oh bad not dream time yet gotta save friends yes yes save friends we've got to get back to snacksburg as fast as we can we can't let the others need any more bug snacks if they transform all the way then then then who knows what'll happen resist until we're all out of here [Music] snorpy there they are wearing grumps name have you two been i'll explain later the bug snacks are coming to wipe us out we gotta get off this island now i suspected as much luckily the balloon is almost ready to take flight great but where is everybody they're holding off the swarm as best they can i've supplied them with all my most dangerous inventions but that'll only buy us time snort dog they're coming down from the mountain i need you here now hold steady my love i'm on my way oh but somebody needs to finish fueling the balloon don't worry snorpy leave the balloon to me go and help chandler splendid as for you you may need my snack chop it's much like the snack trap if it was set to puree good luck okay uh this looks simple never mind buddy you better put that trap to good use [Music] oh okay i'll be fine for now buddy go and help the others i'll have the balloon ready by the time you get back why did snobington make this so cumbersome one has foreseen the bug snacks will be five feet to the right of where you're aiming i'm a scientist not an exterminator you do it if you're so inclined one is strictly a pacifist also one is pushing 70. fat enough ah but here comes someone with a healthy capacity for violence take this device and clear a path for us [Music] please thank you [Music] [Applause] is [Music] that's enough mortal danger for one day let's abscond while the bug snacks have subsided you don't have to tell me twice you however must continue the others still need your help come on snacks let's see what you got uh tom over here i've just finished another device the trip drone with this we can hold off the bug snacks and escape before chandler collapses don't worry snort dog i could do this all day oh you beautiful fool i'll pilot the drone you aim the shot unfortunately you are short on connective surfaces how about this hello battle too [Music] relocating this one's for snork dog [Music] [Music] ah we crushed it dog i'm gonna give you the hug of your life don't celebrate too soon we're not safe until we're off this horrid rock to the balloon you see anything yet all this smoke is making my eyes water don't worry there's one thing i'm good at it's looking for trouble speaking up snacks at three o'clock you got it fire in the hole they're toast who knew snackwater was so flammable huh it's almost a shame to waste it like this oh bestie you're just in time for the end of the world but now that you're here if you take over the lunch pad cromto can pick up the speed on those barrels can't you kromdo yeah sure dang bath if i don't break my grumping back first oh another one here take this another one [Music] oh it looked pretty nasty for a sec but i knew you'd pull through bestie we made it that means snorpy owes me five bucks let's blow this popsicle stand huh run away never come back oh i don't get it why are the little ones attacking us they love me they're like a mob of adoring fans darling they love you so much that they they each want a piece of you even so i can't bring myself to to hurt them so why'd snorpy have to go and weaponize sprout ramble i didn't know you were so punk rock i'm not a punk or a rock i i can't do this well i know who can darling i've got them all warmed up it's time for you to bring the house down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] funny oh [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] is it over please say it's over my heart can't take much more of this no time for an encore grabble deer we better boogie call now get get get your varmints it's no use whammy must have learned a few things since the stone age well what do you want me to do i won't let them take my garden there's hardly any garden left there's enough i still got my special sauce fresh grown oh good thinking what that's not what i meant oh i didn't see you there would you mind helping out just a matter of life and death is all [Music] huh [Music] that's about as big a break as we're gonna get come on whamby it's now or never oh i gave it my best all right trippy let's go home okay we're all here though i think the balloon needs another minute never mind gotta get on board now thanks liz egg i was so close to giving up back there i get so caught up dwelling on the way lives end but that's not the only thing that matters yeah wambus and i we're gonna start the rest of our lives today well there goes another farm serves me right for building it on top of an island-sized pest i guess there's no shame in starting fresh i'll find a place with rich soil and even richer history me and trippy can settle down it's funny i spent all my time chasing one muse and as soon as i put it out of my mind another strikes me as we floated down from the sky watching our home crumble to dust a little song sprung into my head i call it an ode to gramble i thought i'd be real sad when i left all my little ones behind but i feel okay i don't know maybe it helps they tried to murder me but also i got folks who love me back for real like well wiggle oh hey bestie i think i need a vacay from this vacay going home doesn't seem so bad anymore oh my old life my old friends they're all gone but like now i know that i can make new friends and this time i won't ruin it for myself okay i know when i'm beat i draw the line at island full of monsters all i wanted to do was quit my dead-end job and do what makes me happy i don't need some big bug snack scam to do that hey maybe i'll get started in the music business while i'd regret that all my research was destroyed i have come away with a revelation i cannot improve grump is kind if i refuse to understand it it may be a long and frankly annoying endeavor but it is one worth pursuing i've never felt so wrong being right i wish i hadn't wasted so much time telling riddles i don't need to be all powerful to give good advice i just need to be me and those who listen will listen look at that mess it seems my enemies aren't so all-powerful after all but still there were many close calls and chandler was always there for me i think perhaps i could share everything with him bro that was intense there's no way i ever would have made it out of there by myself good thing snorpy had my back when did he get so strong maybe i hit my personal limit but that doesn't matter there's no limit to what we can do together hey buddy are you ready to go all right everybody we should head out i hate leaving it like this liz and egg what if they're still out there yeah if anybody can survive in that terrible place it's them no you're right nobody should ever set foot on snacktooth island again i know i can't go wallowing in regret now we're barely even out of the woods it's gonna take a while for the bug snacks to wear off on us i can't go back home like this so is it all right if i stay with you for a while i can help you with your story maybe figure out which parts to tell or great let's go i have to admit you got guts tracking down elizabeth inside an erupting volcano it's compelling dramatic sensational i'd call it fiction if you didn't have this philippus yahoo along as a witness it's filbo actually point is you're a regular grumpterous thompson it's just too bad those bug snacks weren't real huh yeah too bad i i hate to think that we went through all that for nothing so um i hope you can spread the truth about snacktooth before anybody else gets hurt don't worry gnn specializes in painful truths and speaking of you're fired these stories are paige turner and all but you lost your job the second you walked out that door oh please it's not like i expected you to come back also you're legally dead might want to clear that up soon well that wasn't ideal but you've had worse days huh buddy so i hear the elections are coming up and uh i was thinking of running for mayor i could use a helping paw how about it no no i sent them away it would be hard to make them disappear at this point do they suspect anything hmm hard to say could be their idiots could be they know the truth and they're keeping it quiet very well we will have to keep our eye on them to quit us omni vivamex bug snacks
Channel: RabidRetrospectGames
Views: 463,061
Rating: 4.7127662 out of 5
Keywords: Bugsnax, Bugsnax Ending, Bugsnax All Endings, Bugsnax End, Gugsnax Final Boss Fight, Bugsnax Solved, Bugsnax Full Game, Bugsnax Walkthrough, Bugsnax Walkthrough Part 1, Bugsnax Walkthrough No Commentary, Bugsnax Full Game No Commentary, Bugsnax Gameplay, Bugsnax Gameplay Part 1, Bugsnax Gameplay No Commentary, Bugsnax All Cutscenes, Bugsnax Final Boss Fight, Bugsnax Lizbert Found, Bugsnax What Happened to Lizbert, RabidRetrospectGames, Full Game, Ending, No Commentary, PS4, PS5
Id: 3l4GPG40ENE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 33sec (2433 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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