Can We Save Our Marriage ? It Takes Two Ep.1 With Mrs Z1 ! | Z1 Gaming

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hey how was your day great the uh toaster broke and rose refused to eat her vegetables how did it go at the dentist the dentist don't tell me you forgot about the dentist appointment no i didn't forget i thought you were taking her tomorrow no it was today i'm working tomorrow but it's saturday i know i've got to work overtime you have to do that every week oh cody i'm not in the mood for this discussion again hey hey rose needs both of us okay that's not fair using her i'm not using her i'm just stating a fact why don't we just go ahead and tell her that we're divorcing oh just like that yeah may this isn't let's not tell her let's stay friends instead yes let's stay friends forever i love you cody i love you too mae [Music] that's almost a sad intro and that's what i was thinking i was like man we're gonna start with all the feels already oh my goodness what's going on everybody here welcome to a new game uh it takes two me myself and missy are playing this so myself and missy are playing this uh i'll link down to her channel if you guys want to check it out but it is a it's a little co-op two-player game it looks super cool and apparently we started off with all of the feels so we're gonna get on into it hopefully you guys enjoy if you do like subscribe all the fun things links down below to the game to mrs channel to absolutely everything so uh yeah let's hop in you ready z i'm ready are you ready i'm ready let's do this because it takes two it does take two this is like a sad game like immediately awkward silence hey honey can i just take elephant a sec all right uh rose honey you know we love you right yeah and sometimes that means that uh we have to do stuff that isn't always very fun what we're trying to say darling is that well mum and dad we've decided to go our separate ways [Music] okay can i come play in my room uh yeah yeah of course this is terrible i want to cry for this list it's like the worst aspect of like this and they just played on it [Music] she's leaving she's bailing she's like i'm out of here [Music] dr hakeem you have to help me now they have to stay together look it says here love is work see you have to work on it you can't just give up mom dad i wish you could be friends again is this some like voodoo voodoo stuff it sounds like some magic is about to happen like some magic is about to happen [Music] oh hello hello i'm trying to sleep hey is that you cody why'd you look like a blob of clay why do you look like a wooden doll what have you done what what why do you always blame me huh yes why do you always blame him thank you oh what is that i'm dr hockey worldwide best seller and an expert on love your daughter purchased me she was lucky i was the last copy because i was selling the best i've kept millions of couples and now i will help you too to get together again this is definitely a nightmare i need to wake up no oh [Music] oh my god you can't wake up here exactly okay um mr um book so uh how do you wake up cody may you're here to fix your relationship we just fixed it yeah yeah we're uh divorcing it's all good no i will help you fix your relationship chapter one fix your relationship plus i promised your daughter to fix your marriage see love is like a mountain [Music] floating in the mountains like lovebirds you know what i'm saying hello hello interesting so we're the parents oh wait i can see you i can see your screen too oh that is so weird how do we get up to her we are not couch co-op right now but this is totally a couch co-op feeling well let's find a way what is the heck is going on this is super weird you know i gotta say this game looks really cool but like good gosh did they take a deep approach to it for real like oh i think we need to pull this uh got it oh whoa uh they're alive what is going on here i have no clue but whatever's going on we can't lower that staircase without those fuses but those fuses they just they just ran away i mean did you see them on their little fuse legs worry about that later let's just bring them back oh this is so weird that we could see each other this is kind of cool though it feels weird it is kind of cool made of clay keep your eyes on the cruises there's one hope the other one's up here you feel weird i mean you know made of wood a bit stiff same here how did you get up there uh you can like you can like jump again when you're on the edge of the box how are we going to get this one out i don't know maybe it takes two it might take two uh oh jump and left control is a ground pound oh where'd oh this is so fun this is so much fun this is cool uh jump oh i fell double jump there's a double jump first step yes it wasn't me second death me oh man double jump good job oh it takes two of us to pull it down it does this is cool this is so fun cody watch your head i am i am ouch you know i'm hoping by the end of this game they uh they fix their stuff and they stay together now like you know i wanna i wanna know caps is toggle sprint oh what's this oh we're gonna need this together okay okay oh grindstone original how do you get up there oh you can kind of just like hold on to it i fell off be careful okay hey you kind of just like hold on to that thing come on come on let's see we got this this is kind of cool it's almost like a grounded kind of a feel to it kind of yeah oh this is third death fourth fourth death stop that's number four okay but you can do it uh oh he did it hey touch the saw blade yeah i don't think so it looks like a scroll saw or bandsaw jump double jump and then dab oh yeah i had to try it okay oh wait can i move this can we move this this way yep i'm on top oh i i just ran you over you crushed me brushing it you up here okay yeah oh what's this this little fuses watch out whoa i think this power's up for saw yeah let's check it out hang on oh so fun [Laughter] we got it wow hey may did you see my flip let's do it again oh we're not here to do flips oh no you're right this is serious we're hunting fuses with legs all right this is the last note we did it oh my gosh we did the thing oh i need you again i'm coming let's go we got the stairs down [Laughter] there she is rose yeah get out of the way i need to go and talk to my daughter just your daughter oh you talk like you own her ask yourself can you really own the people you love you just let us through come on i will but first there's someone i want you to meet cha cha cha cha cha oh what the heck why do i recognize your voice me oh is that a vacuum cleaner it looks like it sorry looks a bit like a vacuum cleaner oh yeah because it is your vacuum cleaner yo vacuum capacity you know who this guy is let me tell you this is cody you know the guy could suck up all kinds of crap in your stomach oh no that's uh that's you you ruined my bowels crack what i was just sucking up dust that was it there's a battery oh look there it is call that just well i mean you know some of it it's so that's why it broke down it was your fault oh and you promised him you'd fix me thank you instead you put me away for life in here z you made the vacuum cleaner mad at us but you were the one that's supposed to fix it remember [Music] oh my gosh the vacuum's huge you want to get back to rose yes you want to talk to your daughter yes and you need to climb the vacuum together oh come on why are you doing this to us because you two must learn collaboration that's not all strong points you know collaboration is the key to what successful relations huh collaboration you understand now i see you later hasta la vista good luck bye bye now crazy book i like this book he's got a lot of gusto oh yeah well this would never have happened if you had fixed it like you promised well i didn't know we'd end up in a place where our vacuum cleaners alive well now we are maybe we're stuck here forever forever no way we're getting a divorce yeah i know we're getting a divorce but we can't do that unless we get back into our real bodies okay let's climb that damn vacuum cleaner here we go let's go leave some anti-freeze annoying book even came from he said rose bought him he doesn't sound like a book she would buy oh don't fall into the liquid oh [Laughter] i don't know there's some over here too let's get to rose i don't know maybe we'll see later oh we got a super amazing sucker thing do we go in the sucker probably but i'm curious like what else is around let's go in the sucker [Music] yeah what are these little red deals in the in the water oh i thought you grabbed them oh wait jump inside the hose oh try not to drop it oh am i supposed to jump in on the other side oh no just don't fall in the water here go i'll shoot you get free i think what are we supposed to do with this okay slam it there we go there we go what happened it reversed the oh now this one's sucking yeah so i could get up here [Music] this is a cool little game this is very cool are you ready jump and double jump and a shift didn't shift enough let's see you have to shift i kind of jumped before i saw that uh that help that tip on the bottom is somebody keeping a uh a counter of misty's deaths if you get in the comments down below let let us know how many she has at the end of this video that'd be great we can just keep that information to ourselves absolutely not hey you made and i'm proud of you now you can do this one there you go i got it i got it under control now uh hold on i think i need to i think i need to control the thingy unless you want to control the thingy then i can go through it it doesn't matter i'll control the thingy okay you ready for me yeah i'm coming okay so what is that doing i don't know oh it reversed it [Music] so now i'm going to come in on this side yup coming fire okay i'll push this one what does that one do oh what is that what is that i don't know should i go in it do it i'm in i'm out oh my gosh oh my gosh you gotta oh my gosh you gotta you gotta fall you gotta go into the next one [Music] how many of these did you go through a couple hey i have this door held open don't let go okay don't let go please i think you need to yeah okay i'm fixing the wires maybe or do i have to wait for you to fix it uh well i can't get through because there's a fan maybe you have to touch different wires there are different wires to touch uh there's several oh i don't like i feel like i oh can you hold the door open from the other side oh i might be able to oh no you can't huh oh i can do this oh yeah move that so the fan stops okay can you get through yep i made it through okay i'm off okay i think we need to fix these together yeah but there's three of them that's what happens now maybe one of us has to push this button while the other person holds it yeah okay that is not what you're supposed to do you definitely electrocuted me no i think you're supposed to okay now go to the other one okay i'm going oh darn it okay all right so yeah you hold the first one i'll i'll do the second one then you gotta do the third one okay okay okay all right as soon as you can move run to the other one okay can't move let go let go let go sorry okay let me let you want me here i'll do this one okay and then you just gotta run to the second one okay um hold on can you let go hurry hurry hurry hurry got it oh my gosh that was a tough one that was yeah that timing was like key on that through the tube through the two it's so weird that we can see each other's screen i know like what games ever do that it's crazy [Music] [Applause] this is a long one uh oh oh my gosh that was like perfectly synchronized i know we were crisscrossing all over the place this is a really neat thing hey what do i do here let's go please go oh into the wire tube oh this is cool uh oh oh gosh all right um i'm predicting two missy days dangerous okay we don't need to be mean [Music] i almost died that time actually wow no miss c1 deaths that time almost oh okay you gotta hop on yeah go for it okay tell me all right uh good i think so i'm supposed to you probably gotta do something oh hold on there's a thing over here what's this i i shot a wire i shot on like something oh oh there you go oh there's one missing one death stop okay ready and go okay yeah you made it yeah let's keep moving we're getting closer to the top oh i didn't realize that you took away my platform did i there's too much [Laughter] why did i die because you took away my platform it wasn't on purpose okay whose fault was that you can do this have faith i'm gonna cut out all these different okay you can't cut them out you can't cut them [Music] there you go okay so i think you have to go through this and then i have to switch it in time for you to not get sucked up or something so i okay to trust you with my life yeah go ahead okay which one do i go in the green one first i think you have to go from this side over here you have to go across it's a jump okay well you're supposed to just you're supposed to i think you have to like get out of it okay ready like try to jump out of it oh yeah the dash okay switch it got you oh thank you i'm gonna do the same thing for you is this gonna be your first step what a jerk you probably killed me i actually didn't but it was perfect [Laughter] oh that was close nice are those like roombas oh those like flying roombas it looks like it those are cool i want a roomba oh my gosh they spin they make funny sounds i like them he takes turn my bingo man [Laughter] i'm guessing we go up probably oh whoa hold on there we go do we need some more fuses i don't know i don't think so [Music] we're still crawling up the vacuum huh what is this oh wait hold on but how do we how do you get in here you see anywhere that you can get in oh maybe you have to jump in that hole like directly below us it's it's the the thing right there the one right in front is that's the input oh down the tube and then back up just like that and then you can reverse the polarity yeah now you should be able to get up [Laughter] okay through the fan i love how they uh like use vacuums for uh the little tubes oh i don't know what we're supposed to do that i don't know maybe it's just for fun oh what's this what was that there's a thing in there did you see it no i'm gonna hide behind it maybe not if i stand far enough away there was a yeah there's like a thing oh i see it's like peeking out i want it i want it i can't get it i know uh did you just die no okay i guess we need help what what you do i don't think i can help you well you could have tried what is that what is that do you see it's like a bug on it it is i just went through it oh i'm going through now i feel sick okay you made it nice to see that again what are we supposed to do i think you're supposed to jump from this one to the one next to you that one over there you have a space and dash oh uh yeah it's a big jump yes okay go get it oh my gosh you almost didn't get me i couldn't let you get sucked in but i didn't find cody oh it's okay did you hop on i hopped on oh you made it i made it first try i thought for sure you were gonna try to kill me i was trying to be nice what does this do do that again i think supposed to go in it oh okay uh here do you want to do that because the person that does this also has to run over here and aim this at the same time what do you want to do that's fine well do you want to do that no because i don't want to make a fool of myself okay you ready get on that thing go down the thing no i you have to go in it no you have to get on it and then you have to jump inside the uh inside the vacuum sucker there's no push push it up and then you'll see there's like a a thing to go in no this is the vacuum sucker above you you gotta you gotta ride that up okay now jump into the thing and then i have to aim you there we go see okay good for you i'm here for you what's this gonna do wait where's that going to send me i don't know oh is it gonna send you right here i don't i don't know i'm pretty sure i'm probably gonna have to aim something i don't know what i'm aiming i don't either i can't aim this i'm just riding oh i just got sucked in a tube too oh get down here i'm oh i see you you're boy what hold on what does this button do okay i just shot a red thing oh we got to make it in the hole we're making we're making baskets we can use some of this dust and other stuff what we're making baskets keep on putting the red things in we're put giving it to the roomba i can't put more red things in oh then maybe it's done aim i'm going to jump in and see what happens aiming at the bag yeah i'm going to jump in [Laughter] but i think that's what you're supposed to do because i can't pick up these red deals what i think you need to be on the other side can you get over here no you're good you gotta you're gonna have to add some more red things in there i there's i can't there's no way to do it shoot you're gonna have to shoot me into the bag and don't miss this is as high as i can lift it up yeah we'll see what happens oh wait oh look you're doing it you're going you went too fast i'm just keep sucking them up okay i think that's all you can do now you gotta jump on your roomba yeah and it lowered it got it i gotta come over here and push this and you gotta push the same thing okay pushing why are we pushing this oh get up here oh halo oh boss time took a screenshot no wait i can still fix you i can make you work again no more lies no no no she's right she's an engineer a really good one you are you're very good ah thank you are you really gonna believe that huh because i would not don't listen to him once i get my real body back i can fix you oh is that so then why did you buy the expensive turbo x2000 ah what you've replaced me with the turbo x 2 000 [Laughter] who can't even suck drop a lie i'll show you who's the best all right so oh we have a boss meter at the top oh you better run run oh what's happening you hop in oh we have to suck these up and shoot him back at him oh oh i think you have to go up top of the name okay okay watch out for the rings watch out for the rigs of death ouch ouch oh do i need to heal you i don't think so i have to keep on pushing e okay are you ready yes all right get up there get up there you ready yes aim that was fast for the rings of death i got it okay here we go okay i'm on top of it this time damn it oh oh nice gosh those things do a lot of damage oh yeah they do all right are you ready i'm ready that's right vacuum oh what the heck what are those are those tacks we're under attack literally so you can walk on them but like you can't once they blow up all right are you let me know when you're aimed up aimed up here we go oh we got him like halfway heck yes oh big big huge chunks all right you ready for this again i'm ready oh my gosh oh i might have died don't die come back again okay you ready i'm ready should this could be the final one you ready yep let's do it yeah we've defeated him he stopped yes time to finish this i don't know what we're doing i don't know either okay [Music] we're going down come on we have to find rose before she leaves i hope she knows what's happened to us well she must know something she made these dolls she made these yeah well why did she make them look like us i don't know why didn't you tell me about them oh why would i she's a kid she plays with all kinds of stuff yeah oh come on let's find her are we i don't know maybe she made him because she wanted to pretend like her parents were gonna stay together please i mean i thought probably everything looks different yeah it's like twisted version of reality we really uh we really destroyed the place didn't we we did oh i hit the wrong button you just walked into it i did that same thing i hit that button too it's hard to remember which one is the sprint and which one is the uh was your three now in this area it's hard to remember which one is which how did you get up there you just jump yeah you just jump against the wall and then like jump up again there's four you have to jump hello hello oh she's right there it's rose she rose hear us oh no how are we gonna get over there now i can help what what was that who was it who was that over here look i know the way come on is it a hammer i'll take you there if you help me save my friends well friends my tool friends we used to be important and taken care of but that human locked us up in her toolbox and left you mean may's toolbox yes yes that heartless woman do you know her well no he doesn't anyway i heard that heartless woman got a new job in town and doesn't have time for our hobbies anymore who cares about hobbies do you know how painful it is to die from rust it's like burning alive slowly slowly look at hammer some rust remover spray in that tool cabinet we can help save your friends but only if you can get us to rose over there okay it's a deal pick me up okay now go to that big door over there pull that nail out we're gonna need it okay here it goes whoa where'd it go just whistle what really oh cool oh we got a flying nail and a talking hammer let's go that's pretty cool that's all right oh i have like a nail holster okay i can use the hammer in my eye okay don't drop that hammer on my dough don't worry where am i supposed to aim it at tools oh yeah well me too uh maybe we're gonna see you you smashed your own thumb yeah well maybe but i'm in charge of the nail oh i can break the glasses i can break the jars off this is so satisfying uh oh i think we're supposed to nail it up hit it again i i nailed it oh yeah so now we can go over here like held something up and then i can whistle it back and call the nail back you you whistled it back before i got across what the heck sorry okay go call it do it again uh oh hold on dude again no no no i didn't get it do it again there you're good can you wait for me to get across this time yes i just had to check to make sure it functioned hey good maybe we can swing no not me steady now oh you can but i cannot sweet moves i like your style man oh maybe i need to go this way thanks hammer i think i'm probably going to need another nail over here oh thank you here for you oh my breaking all these glasses i think i see another spot for right there i got it for you threw a nail at it thank you this is cool i like this oh and then you died hey there's another nail let's go get it uh still over here hello the bridge please oh i got a new nail cause i grabbed it i think i need to hit this yeah okay i'm coming i'm going okay you're good keep on going i made it good job couldn't have done it without you what are these do i need to hit these it kind of looks like it oh okay you hit that one and then hit the other one there you go okay i made it up here how do i get you up here now that's the question oh i can't break these wall wait nope i can't break the bottles uh oh uh hit the thing again hit one of those things oh wait i think i need to come down here okay hit it there okay now uh come hit this one yeah there's nails underneath oh now we can both get up yeah oh i like this this is cool going to call my nails back uh now you can would you like me to break the bottles yes smash smash smash smash smash smashy smash this is my favorite part it's bloody hey i think we need to lift this up lifting oh yeah there are no relationships without challenges challenges make you grow what is it with you can't you just leave us alone when you're willing to face a challenge you always learn something new so remember when you hear this sound follow it keep following it and you will find the challenge you seek oh yeah welcome to your first couples challenge win or lose you must do it together oh our first challenge well i guess we're gonna have to all right you want to give it a try we haven't got time for this oh you afraid of losing me no way bring it on oh i'm gonna bring it are you going to bring it i'm going to bring it whack a cody oh my gosh uh it may hit cody with a hammer score by staying up a void by getting hit oh my gosh it's me versus yes are you ready i'm ready oh you won't beat me i'm faster than a mole my hammer's faster than that uh i thought you were going to destroy me that was fun oh that was fun oh we played again oh we do it again okay you ready do we play again or do we only have to play one time i don't know let's do it again okay these must be the mini games i was talking about these could be the mini games talking about yep you're getting better at this not fair you're going way too fast what's that yeah i'm not getting any points either because i have to stay up for so long before i get points are we done i don't know like is it are we done with it is that it i mean we can continue on okay we could continue on but that's gonna end this episode this is a lot of fun this is a lot of fun we're gonna be back we're gonna we're gonna play a little bit more of this i think it's gonna be a good time and you know what i think the best part about this game is only one person has to purchase it yes yes so yeah only one person actually has to buy it the other person just has to download it as the uh the what the friend was the friend thing yeah it was a free friend pass and you're actually able to play the first chapter for free if you guys both just download the uh each download the free friend pass yeah so it's pretty cool it's on steam but it's also it's like through origin so see link down below but it kind of like runs through origin so you have to have like origin account too but this is cool i like this i like this this is fun i like this too all right thanks for playing with me thanks for playing with me i guess uh i guess i'll see you the next one yep bye bye all right everybody that's gonna end it thank you so much for coming out hopefully you enjoyed if you did like subscribe all the fun things this is it takes to a link down below um i don't know what platforms it on it's on exactly we're playing on steam now um it's kind of cool because it's like it's couch co-op you can see the screen but you can't like i'm not physical she's not physically sitting next but she's in the other room playing on a different thing so it's pretty cool pretty fun uh i like it i like it but yes links down below uh mrs e's channel link down below as well and uh we'll catch you in the next one bye everybody [Music] you
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 58,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: z1 gaming, mrs z1, it takes two, co-op games, it takes two, it takes two gameplay, it takes two game, multiplayer game
Id: 9fSaQPBcZco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 59sec (2939 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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