Buffalo Chicken Dip | Dip Recipes | Buffalo Dip

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what's good everybody and welcome back to my channel smoking and grilling and today we're making the appetizer and we're doing it with me baby now look you guys read the title you've seen the thumbnails you know this is a buffalo chicken dip recipe you know what's super easy not getting ready to reinvent the wheel been making this I don't even know how I found out about this recipe but for those of you guys that have never ever made it I'm gonna show you just how easy it is how simple these ingredients are and how inexpensive it is most of all and you can put this out and entertain company you know I mean hands down everybody gonna be all over you so go tap you can see it let's get right into these recipes and let's make it happen alright as you can see not a whole lot of ingredients it might look like a lot you know mean it's nice and colorful we got the orange the white we got red and don't act like y'all don't see this you see that thing but I ain't saying nothing just maybe a prediction to to okay but anyway suck it up look now you guys know that we can't say nothing you know with the word Buffalo in it without saying fringe red hot sauce right so listen we going you know measure out one cup now listen that's the key you guys don't forget to measure out your ingredients you know prior to right here we got black pepper garlic powder and here look this is fresh and I've already shredded this myself this is that cheddar cheese right here as you can see listen this melts the best I suggest you guys if you have the time get yourself to block and then just go ahead and shred it yourself you know right here we got mozzarella just a mozzarella cheese and that's it right here from this block so what i'ma do is after this video I'm gonna go ahead and just shred everything down so that I'll have it in my refrigerator and it's best to use that doesn't come with that waxing film and again it just mixes and melts there you know the best and then I'll start with this listen we know it's a chicken dip right so when you use chicken you can do it two ways for me I like using a rotisserie chicken listen they've done all the work only costs a few dollars you know means seasoned perfectly you know maybe we're just gonna shred that or you can use two to three chicken breasts you know boil those shred them down but listen when you do it that way man I feel like you got to like do a lot of seasoning and all that just so there's your chicken breasts you know come out you know just like perfect but we're gonna go ahead and just make it an Express version so we already got a precooked rotisserie chicken here did I mention this already alright so look we're gonna use a little salt this is just kosher salt you're gonna need a little pinch and then when you got all these hot sauce right here look you're gonna tie it all together and that's gonna be what your saw this ranch dressing right here listen this is what makes it metal so that this is not super hot or spicy here we got green onions look at the size I got some of them at a chop hope you got the seed up and then we got something small you know I went ahead and did the smaller version of it you know so I can turn out like you know like you sprinkle it over top or like a garnish but just mix it up and this right here they let this is like a little secret weapon this right here gives you that flavor that onion and that's optional you know I mean it's really up to you guys but I suggest you following this right here because listen wanna make this I'm not being on a whole lot of hot and spicy you know stuff like that but listen I eat this and I'm gonna be guilty eating one of these bowls I'm sure and they're right here I got hate out there's a cream cheese instead Philadelphia Cream Cheese it needs to be room temperature so after you watch this video and you say I'm about to make it just the first thing you pull out of your refrigerator and basically look this is hey this is it I mean I can show you lift you're gonna need a big bowl cuz we're gonna shred and put our chicken in the dish right here alright and then I got you go porcelain you know beause everybody was asking me about you know where do I get them from I'm gonna address that right now listen I bought these from Bed Bath & Beyond I can't find the exactly but if you look at my Amazon store there is a link to something that is very very similar works just the same and I got two of these so we're gonna get right into it let's make it happen let's get this presentation ready and let's make it happen so that we can go watch this game alright look first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna set our we're gonna preheat our oven we're gonna get baked we're gonna set it for 375 degrees and we're gonna get that going now we getting ready to shred this chicken and we gonna go from there all right now look took the top off I'm gonna go ahead and start pulling this this is already uh you know like nice and warm easy to peel so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take it and listen we're gonna shred it like this but are we gonna put it in the bowl right here so I'm going to do that and then there's skin right here imma go ahead and just peel the skin off because we're not gonna put the skin inside about you know I mean but you can see the flavor that's down into the meat you can't be buying them and again listen if you can get them for your grocery store or it depends on where you live out because this time of the year might be cold any type of smoked meat all of that works so I'm gonna go ahead and break this down I'm not gonna bore bore you guys with like shredding it but look you can see by looking at the color that listen that flavor has gotten all the way down into this week so what I'm gonna do is continue on and then when we come back we don't go ahead and we're gonna gonna move over to the next but right now let's just get this meat over into this bowl and moving forward now got that chicken off strip down nothing but a carcass left right so this is the first batch peeled everything off removed all of the skin as you can see some of its small some of it's a little bit bigger so now get ready to go through it i'ma find pieces like this right here that I've just stripped off this is some of that dark meat and you just want to shred it you want to get two parts you know the pieces a little bit small you know I mean but you wanted to have chicken throughout every time someone gives you want that so I just go through it this would be my second go-around just ensuring that some of these longer pieces like this can be just shredded you know I mean nothing wrong with using your fingers your hands are people you got to do it look stuff like this you know I mean we're just gonna break it down make it get a little smaller and then once we done with this then we gonna start adding our ingredients so all right now first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start off with my dry ingredients that's gonna be the easiest thing to mix with this right cuz this is semi dry right here so we start with just pepper and this garlic powder and it done right get yourself a wooden spoon you know and then we're just gonna give it a mix man with this chicken and aroma from that and just hitting it with these dry spices and hey this right here is enough to make you just want to put put some brioche bread a little Mayo you get yourself a nice sandwich got that done I'm gonna slide this up we're gonna move this over now we're gonna go ahead and add our cream cheese let me get this open it's nice and soft it's been out for about about an hour I can feel it there's a room temperature so we'll get this together and I remember room temperature is key listen if it's room temperature you won't work as hard now let me just take it I'm going to use this spoon I might have to get that another one we're just gonna keep working it back and forth we just want to get it all broke down and get it incorporated you know into the dish didn't take long at all so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna go ahead now we're gonna add our hot sauce and we're gonna give it out a little whirl you can see it's starting to come together right now listen that loosens up some of that that cream cheese also hey when you say Buffalo they look at it and tell me what you think about that color right here I'm not gonna go ahead and give it no whole complete you know mix up right now just gonna come together next or ranch dressing I'm gonna leave a recipe down at the bottom if you guys watch some one of my videos I made it from scratch I'll put the recipe down in the description box below you know right underneath this recipe so we just had this now after you got your ranch in there listen you want to go ahead and give it a thorough mix and listen you'll see the color you know that red or that oranges color along with that white gives you what you you know you're familiar with the color you know regular Buffalo anything now look at that right there now what you didn't see is I added my green onions to it I held back about a little bit over a little bit under a handful cuz we gonna top some at the end but you can see it right there in there now obviously I'm using two bowls that's cool but listen you can do it that way make sure they oven safe or you can get yourself a nine by nine you know dish you know that's what I saved it up going there and this is what I say back so I can garnish the top right so you just want to put that on there and then that half a cup that you have with that mozzarella and then cheddar go ahead and just start chopping it again and there's nothing wrong you got more if you want to put more cheese you can and there you have it let me bring it closer so you guys can see now we getting ready to put these in the oven right we're gonna put it in there for about 20 to 30 minutes we're gonna set a timer for 20 minutes we're gonna take a look at it and see how it is if it's starting to bubble you know around here where it's starting to get nice and hot you can only imagine that the shredded cheese inside of the actual rent the Buffalo dip is really really melted listen we're gonna take it out and then for me I like to brown my top so I would turn my I'm gonna take this listen turn your oven up to 450 degrees or 500 or whatever and then stick it in there and then we just gonna put it in there football I save up to 5 minutes we just want to make sure that we get this Brown to your liking and then we take it out all right so I'll go ahead and put these in the oven remember set a timer for 20 minutes now look at that right there you can see right here where it's cooking that's from that cheese that chickens is everything and look at how the the the cheese melted on top along with that green on you hey I can't do nothing to save my mouth is watering I'm gonna show you guys the second one we're gonna go ahead and just put this one right here you know there you guys can see it hey it looks good just like this right but we gonna go ahead and brownies me you don't have to but I like to brown my top just a little bit so now I'm getting ready to crank up my oven to 450 degrees and then we gonna go from there now when you come out of the oven after being brown that's what they look like look at the edges right here I like them to be a little bit crisp remember key thing you got to keep your eyes on so tell me what you guys think about this one here I know you've got to say this is like super easy and the presentation is there so listen if you're talking about doing something for game day or even just putting something out you know for your friends but with all of that talking up in the slide this over here with to me I'm gonna go ahead and get me some of this all right yeah hey check it out Cheers I can't say enough about it listen if you've never had it you gotta try it and listen for those you guys are thinking like you can't really do nothing spicy I'm gonna go ahead and raise my hand right now I just say hey whoo teacher pick me so I can say I don't really do that hot and spicy for myself but this right here got a smooth blend it's nice and I haven't drank anything you know after that bite and uh hey I don't want to over talk it I'm from the tear right into this I hope you guys like this get out for your Super Bowl that's coming up hey so that we listen with that being said let me just take this time to say listen if you're new to my channel let me go ahead and say hey don't forget to like this video and subscribe and tell everybody out here there's a channel out here there's simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking and if you've been watching me for a minute you know how he's gonna get out of here folks I'm out of here peace
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin' wit AB
Views: 505,215
Rating: 4.9674063 out of 5
Keywords: buffalo chicken dip, buffalo chicken dip recipe, how to make buffalo chicken dip, buffalo chicken, dip, buffalo, chicken dip, football, party food, buffalo dip, chicken, food, recipe, dip recipe, smokin and grillin with ab, cooking with ab, appetizer, cooking, recipes, super bowl food, super bowl recipes, appetizer recipes, blue cheese, superbowl sunday, kansas city chiefs, san francisco 49ers, hot sauce, how to make, how to, easy, superbowl, tailgate party, tailgate food, game day
Id: 46nNH2PlTN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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