Buffalo Chicken Macaroni and Cheese

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[Music] what's good everybody and welcome back to my channel smoking and grilling with me a b check it out i got two questions for you do you like buffalo wings and do you like mac and cheese because if you do i got a banger for you right here today i'm getting ready to show you guys just how easy it is to make listen this is just a buffalo chicken mac and cheese now listen i don't want to over talk it we're going to go over these ingredients so let's get it now i'm going to start off by showing this to you right here like this look simple and don't forget you guys can see it right there and read it the full ingredient list will be down in the description box below now i'll start off salt and pepper right we got to have butter flour milk then you got your powders right here you got garlic onion and this right here is that dry mustard now check this out right here you guys know about this this that frank's red hot you know just that wing sauce this is what we're gonna be using today you guys use your favorite this right here is gonna be my favorite this is my my ingredient of choice right here for the hot sauce right sour cream mozzarella cheddar cream cheese we got another thing of butter panko chips and olive oil hey super simple and again i'm not going to over target i can't wait to put this together so you guys can see just how easy it is to make now let's get it okay we just went over those ingredients now let me just show you the two key things that you gotta have right you gotta have macaroni which i've already boiled these and gotten these ready and then right here you can see this is my chicken i got it in water only no extra no nothing we just want to go ahead and cook it so we're just going to boil it and we're going to go from there okay now that we're here we might as well go ahead and just set our oven right we're going to go ahead and hit bake and we're going to preheat it to 350 degrees okay look what you want to do is you want to get a pan and we want to go ahead and melt our butter right so i'm going to go ahead and drop that in there all right then once your butter is melted you just want to go ahead and start adding your flour and remember if you've been watching me you know we talk about making rules and stuff like that the key is you want to keep everything moving right so let me just go ahead and get this in here now you just want to take your whisk and just keep moving it around just like this right now i'm at 330 degrees right so i'm in between medium and a medium high but you want to cook your flour a little bit just to get that raw flour taste out of it only takes about 30 to 45 seconds after you let that cook for just a second you want to start introducing your milk now we're just going to order put a little beanie out of time just like you see now once we got this smooth you don't see any more lumps you just want to keep moving it just like this just keep stirring it they'll eventually dissolve once that happens then what you want to do is you want to go ahead and start adding the rest of your spices inside you know so we almost there now you'll notice the longer you keep this under heat the thicker it starts to get so you can see the texture starting to change i like that now i'm going to go ahead and add a little bit of pepper and a couple of pinches of salt to be honest with you yeah yeah two pinches is just fine you can always add salt later you know it's about watching our sodium you know so we just continue to stir this make sure it's blended and mix well it should smell excellent to you right now okay so you see this right here look at this texture this is what i like right here just so you guys can see it this is what you're gonna be looking for now we're gonna go ahead and re reduce this down to a medium low now what i want to do is let me get myself myself a rubber you know a rubber spoon right so look you see me i put in that cream cheese then the sour cream and now i'm coming with just look notice i always tell you guys just put a little bit at a time when you're adding whatever right so you saw me put in just a little bit of the cheese that cheddar cheese then i'll come back and just add a little bit more now i'm using my whisk you guys can use whatever you want to use you know just like stir it up but under the heat you just want everything to just like that's a low heat also you just want everything to just like melt and now i'm coming with that mozzarella and when you're looking at this right here tell me what you guys are thinking once i give this a stir look at how this is starting to work out hey under that heat it's going to melt just right and that right there is a nice sauce now once you got it nice and creamy like this all your cheeses and everything has melted and blended in together go ahead and get your buffalo sauce hot sauce however you want to do it and just go ahead and pour it in this way just like you see for those of you guys that love them buffalo wings you know what i mean this is a treat because just about everybody on the planet loves mac and cheese so look at this you can see the color this right here should be working that brain of yours you know telling the sending signals to your mouth to salivate and then look at this texture right here that's what you want that right there is a creamy buffalo salt you know cheese sauce now go ahead take you know once your chicken is done you want to just take two forks and just give it a shred if you want to cut it up in the cubes that's up to you okay done shredding the the chicken now we're just gonna go ahead and add this you can see it coming together now now you guys can cube them however you want to do it you know your chicken or your meat and now by now you got to be thinking like oh i could use anything i could have put andouille sausage in this you know it's super customizable but this is where we at right now now i'm gonna go ahead and get my pasta and bring that into play i'll put it in just a little bit at a time it depends on how big your pot is or your pan or you know what you're using if i had a bigger pot i would have went ahead and just dumped it all in here but for right now we're going to do it just like this just a little bit at a time now i want you guys to let me know down in the comment section below what you think about this right here you can see it coming together but we're not done yet we're gonna put a topping on this we're only gonna bake it in the oven for about 15 about 15 minutes and we're going to give us ourselves a sample and then you guys gonna make it then i'm gonna come back and i'm gonna read them comments and then we gonna go from there now that that's done i want you guys to take a look at this you guys can do it any kind of way you want to do it this right here is an 8x8 you guys can use a 9x9 if you're using this amount of macaroni you could use butter look you can take butter and grease it me i got this butter flavored nonstick you know spray so i'm just going to go ahead and spray it we'll leave it like that now and as you can see they fit in this this is the eight by eight but probably more people probably have like a nine by nine so you can see it'll be down just a little bit more now let's prep our panko get this on there and get this in the oven all right now i'm gonna go ahead and just add just a little bit like maybe about a half a half of a tablespoon something like that that's it maybe just a little bit more that's good right there now once this is already up to temp we're gonna go ahead and add our butter now that we have that everything is melted and infused together we're going to add our panko now what we're going to do is we're just going to move this back and forth till everything is absorbed and what we want to do is we just want to get like a little toasting on it right so we'll just move it back and forth okay i don't know if you guys can see it but when you leave it here it kind of like it starts to darken up a little bit look right over there that's what we're talking about when we say toast the panko this is good now i'm gonna go ahead and just remove it from the fire i'm gonna get myself a spoon we're gonna take take it like this and we're just gonna do a little sprinkle just over the top don't skip this step because look this adds a lot of flavor okay look at that top right there all right now we're going to go ahead and put this into our preheated oven where we preheat it to 350 degrees for 15 minutes let's get it okay so you guys see look this is what it looks like after you know 15 minutes right look at that right there you see how i started browning on the top that's perfect that right there is going to give it a nice little crunchy texture and it's gonna taste good too so i'm gonna go ahead let's just go ahead and hit it like this you know what i mean and we just get us a little bit right man it's so creamy we'll just leave it like that now let me get myself a spoon and let's taste that okay got some in the bowl as you can see spread a little parsley over the top of it now it's time to dig in all right so hey look enough over talking let me just go ahead and give me a little bit of this make sure i get a little chicken on here too cheers y'all and this right here it is fire [Music] hold on now right now my brain is just like running right let me just say hey for my meat lovers check this out you could have went chicken and dewey sausage or you could have put some ham cubes in here for me i didn't make it this way but i'm gonna go ahead and tell you the real truth all of those together in this you double this recipe put it in a put it in a big pan you put this out i promise you you'll never make this to the refrigerator listen it'll be a meat lovers buffalo look that spice make sure you use the hot sauce that you like that kind of like makes it you know it tailors it but if you ask me go ahead and use that mike's excuse me use that frank's you know that buffalo wing sauce that right there is truly fire oh yeah hey hey so look now i gotta hurry up wrap this up cuz i'm ready to get down you know put this next to this i got a little i got a little i don't want to uh spoil it but i got like a little custom-made sandwich right behind y'all then we finna get down and have this this this along with it now with that being said listen if you're new to my channel let me just take this time to say hey thank you for watching this video don't forget to smash that like button and hit that subscribe right and you want to let everybody know out there there's a channel out here that's simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking and with that being said we finna dig in here and let's get it peace
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin with AB
Views: 580,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, Buffalo Chicken Macaroni and Cheese, mac and cheese recipe, mac n cheese recipe, macaroni and cheese, mac and cheese, soul food, macaroni and cheese recipe, easy mac and cheese recipe, how to make, how to, mac n cheese, southern cooking, creamy mac n cheese recipe | baked mac n cheese, recipes, cooking, recipe, food, easy recipe, comfort food, how to make mac and cheese, easy recipes, holiday food ideas, macaroni, cheese, mac & cheese
Id: 8QL3KUhjiCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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