How to make the BEST Crab Dip! | Chef Lorious

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[Music] good [Music] hey fam chef loris here welcome back to the love lab today on calaba cooking we're making crab dip this is one of those appetizers or dinners that you can make pretty quickly and it's always a winner come on in the kitchen guys let's cook [Music] all right family let's get into this crab dip now it looks like there's a whole lot of ingredients here but it's really only a lot because i took time to put them in all these little pretty bowls you know the truth is if you just took out your containers and sprinkled you'd be fine all right let's get into it here is some uh cream cheese at room temperature okay so i let this sit out for a long time get it to room temperature that's what i want now to that we're going to start adding things here now i'm going to add some onions i've got green onions and what's my thing here i've got green onions and white onions okay yeah yeah i know i know onions yes we're gonna put it in the oven don't worry you're not gonna be wrong now i put more there because if you want more onions get you more onions okay i'm not gonna be mad i'm not i hope your family's not mad okay folding these onions in a little bit like that okay cream cheese is the base of all good dips all right now we're going to add to that some mozzarella cheese okay and some cheddar cheese yes yes bring put a little mozzarella in there felt like the cheddar got a little more leather than mozzarella here we go all right see this folding this in again just like so all right now we're gonna add to this i'm just telling you as we go along so i'm telling you all you do is go in the refrigerator to pantry put all the stuff out and you will be good to go i'm going to put a little bit of mayo in here not much okay not much just about a tablespoon that's just going to help sorry double star let's just go up loosen it up a little bit okay all right yeah you don't need much makeup you know just a little all right now we're going to add to this also some herbs and some seasoning here we've got some garlic powder and again i'm not measuring i'm putting them in until i hear the voice of my ancestors telling me to stop better known as when it looked right i'm through this is chili powder because i love chili powder this is some oregano and parsley i think i'm gonna actually put the oregano in like that and put more of the parsley in because parsley i really like parsley it doesn't have a strong flavor but you can tell when you haven't put it in something you know what i mean all right look at that i'm putting the crab in last in case you hadn't noticed because crab meat number one ain't cheap great amen so you want to make sure that you really taste and crab i'm going to go ahead and put a squeeze of lemon juice in here so i've got a half of a lemon and this oh yeah oh oh it smells so good i love the way fresh lemon juice smells oh yeah squeeze it real good there we go all right stirring see it gets even easier to stir okay and i'm gonna put in there a little bit oh wait i got my others got some garlic minced garlic oh there's so many goodies in here y'all do we need some more onions in there nah my kids will get mad mommy and then i'll be like maybe sorry baby oh look at that and here we have a little hint of cayenne because it needs to have a little bit of heat there not that that's not too much okay see how i'm stirring this up now we're going to add one more little secret ingredient of mine and that is a little splash of white wine you don't have to do this but i find just a little splash of dry white wine just just right all right let me see i'm gonna switch to this spoon i think it'll be easier to mix now now the crab meat that i've bought i got real jumbo crabmeat okay see that oh yeah i get back to the crabby the second job look at that oh man that's right i'm gonna give a little taste because everything is done oh those cheeses see a little salt in there oh my god that was good okay i'm gonna season it up a little bit more though a little cracker pepper and some more of these little herbs right there okay i'm just going back giving everything a little bit more i heard the ancestors say more they said more it's a little more garbage power all right there we go oh crazy and one more thing this little white one it's another tablespoon there we go see we just put two tablespoons ish in there yes oh that smells so good and that fresh lemon fresh lemon in here is everything some people like to add mustard to this i'm not use mustard fan but you know what if you have some dijon or even like a creole mustard or something that would probably be awesome all right let me give this one more taste oh that's right okay last but not least we're going to add this crabmeat and i've got jumbo see this you want this big crab meat don't get that filler or that little stuff that's going to make you mad because it's not cheap now i put it in here last because i don't want it to break up you know what i mean it's going to break up a little bit anyway so if you put it in last you have less time for it to come apart and i'm just gently folding this over see i'll switch instruments so i can show you all the fold over technique all right the fold over it's kind of like a cake go under push it over under over under over all right i have rinsed this crab meat so it's nice and clean technically it's already done but you know what you should put it in the oven just so that everything can come together and form a relationship i've got my cast iron here today you can put it in anything i just like cast iron it also is a beautiful setup for a party if you're looking for a dish look at that it's really nice to put things out in cast iron you can also put them in like i have little cast irons you can put them in the small cast irons as well oh my god this is so good this looks so good i'm getting now you see how i'm just kind of going in just spreading it out so it gets all in the dish look at that y'all know that look good don't even lie and say don't because you know it do oh there we go smooth that down we're going to put this in a 350 degree oven for about 20-25 minutes you want it to get nice and bubbly see them pieces of crab that's what i'm talking about i'm gonna get every last drop here we go all right and on the very top i'm gonna add a little bit more cheese just for good measure that cheddar and the mozzarella like so and then i'm gonna hit the top just last little bit of cayenne just for a look you can put hot sauce in here too boom all right into the oven at 350 she goes about 20 25 minutes so she's nice and bubbly and then we'll take her out and we will devour her well family look at this delicious crab dip that came out of the oven it's beautiful i cannot wait i cut some bread up just anticipating and look oh my god look y'all look look look look look you see that big old piece of crab meat right there that's what we were going for remember i told y'all we didn't want no little pieces we wanted that big joker there she is hello baby hey girl how you doing but you'll find stuff she's thick and she pretty oh she hot too okay i'm taking one for the team fam you can serve some vegetables with it too and dip with vegetables whatever i'm a dip with bread and crackers and any other carbohydrate i can find this is so good i just i won't test five thanks for joining me fam i'll see you guys next time right here back in the love live for more alabama cooking with me chef glorious happy cooking [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Chef Lorious
Views: 216,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ChefLorious, Chef Lorious, Calibama, Calibama Cookin, crab dip, cajun crab dip, how to make crab dip, best ever crab dip, seafood dip recipe, how to make seafood dip, how to make the best crab dip, seafood recipe, crab and shrimp dip recipe, cajun crab and shrimp recipe, how to cook crab dip, delicious crab dip, skillet dip, home made crab dip, crab dip from scratch, appetizer recipes, the best ever appetizer
Id: 6Saq71XImZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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