Sloppy Joe Dip | Sloppy Joe Recipe | Appetizers

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[Music] welcome back to my channel smoking and grilling with me a B now you guys read the title you know what I'm making I'm making a sloppy joe dip hey listen this is excellent to put on you know Darren football season it even if you having some company you know you got some people over or whatever and you'd like want to just put something out something that they can just like dip and go you know something that's a little different or even pairs good with like having Wiens you know any type of finger food or anything like that so I'm not gonna overtalk it I'll just be ready to show you guys just how easy it is to make you know a sloppy joe dip boom alright now we're gonna go over some of these ingredients right here look got this tomato sauce you know this like the most popular brand I see this all over this is hunts this is like 15 15 ounces we got a red wine vinegar we got that W sauce look this right here is that cream cheese look this is four ounces usually when you buy it is gonna have something like uh it'll probably come in eight ounces I just cut it in half and I cubed it it'll help me wonder you know when it comes time to milk it this right here is some steak seasoning I'm using here Murrell most of my seasons are still out in our Texas right now you know we're but this is a great you know I will just call this hey look this just worked fine just no matter what you guys can use whatever steak seasoning you would like this right here is brown sugar you're gonna need some of that then what I'm getting ready to do is I'm going to dice you know this onion right here and then this green bell pepper this after you bell pepper is optional you guys know how you like your sloppy joe you know this is a this is just the way I make it I like it like this and then right here we got that Colby jack cheese listen we gonna get three cups you're gonna get put two cups inside and then you're gonna save an extra cup this right here you gonna like this part in here I open this bag right here this is a new bag but I open it just so you guys can see the toast ro scoops so listen since it's a party food you putting it out as a gift check it out look how they be just Dibble boom and here's another option got a sourdough bag yet you know what i'ma do is I'm just gonna cut these into some thin slices you can use this also as a dip now I'm gonna go ahead and gray and dice now I just finished dicing the onion now I'm gonna go ahead and finish up this uh I'm gonna go ahead and just finish up this bell pepper but listen I just wanted to say this to you guys hey too bad we can't play no music you know like regular music copyrighted music cuz I'm gonna tell you right now I just put on pause right now cooling again Summer Madness I remember their original you know I mean that's something that my momma used to have playing like on Sunday morning I mean on Saturday morning I knew when I heard that it was time to get up and you know start cleaning up the house before I started asking can I run the street alright so I'm just dicing them about this size right here you can see I'm gonna go ahead and continue I'm gonna finish this half and then we're gonna move on now look I thought I'll show you guys me show you guys you know me grading this this Kobe J the reason I'm grading it cuz this when you buy regular let's see when you buy a regular shredded cheese it has some kind of like waxy film sometime when you melt something that'll look like it have a greasy texture greasy grease on the top but that come from whatever they put on there so they did the slices just on a stick together so my suggestion and I'm gonna just say this is a pro tip you got to go ahead and grade general cheese they listen it's better and if you want it to melt you know with that Louie just a way to go right here alright just wanted to show you this alright what you guys don't see cuz I gotta steal a lot more strategies you know on the side but we want to have approximately two cups to put in there in the beginning then we going to add another cup at the end so this is two cups we got our diced onions then we got our bell peppers and then I just went ahead and just cut up you know the baguettes so there you go now listen you can drizzle a little extra virgin olive oil on here put them in the oven and just toast if that's what you would like but I like mine to be just a little bit you know like this right here is good for me alright now let's go ahead and start preparing our beef and let's get this party started all right we gonna set our our gas our fire to medium-high just so you guys can see what medium looks like we're gonna go now we're getting ready to start browning our you know our beef all right listen I can you can do this with either a pound and a half or two pounds I chose to use two pounds all right look know once you get it all cut down you know you want to break it up you wanted to be like you know truly ground up you know I just drain the grease off of it just now I didn't you know I forgot to show you guys that with I went ahead and just drained it what I'm doing is just breaking up the larger pieces and now I'm getting ready to start adding my onion let's jump to the ground beef absorb some of this onion flavor and we want to cook it down you know until it starts to get them just a little bit of salt you know you don't want to like cook it down where it's too saw and the reason I put the onions in first because the bell pepper is going to cook you know much much faster so I just want to give the other onions this a little head start and then again I'm going over some of these bigger chunks and making sure I got them broke down now we'll come back with the bell peppers then we'll just keep giving this a stir working this in then we go let's just cook football maybe about five minutes or whatever and after that we'll move over to the next step and again remember this is two pounds of beef you know you can do it I've done it as little as a pound and a half I mean that works fine too but if you guys know me I like everything meaty you know my meat and potato guy no matter what it is a dip or whatever so hey you know what I just start over just now what if I just cut some potatoes into some small keys put this in here too anyway I'm gonna leave well enough alone we're just gonna go ahead and get this going I'm gonna let this cook down a little bit you say five minutes then we'll see what it look like now about two and a half minutes in I'm gonna go ahead and just have my steak seasoning I don't know if this really makes a difference when you had it you know I mean I just want to make sure I didn't burn it or whatever I just went ahead and just you know put it on top now remember and some of my videos which I'm trying to remember to say it all the time listen we got to taste our food and stages now we know that this ground beef we've already cooked it what we're doing is we're just getting the veggies to get a little salt you know and adding that flavor to it right so we just added our steak seasoning now I'm going to say after you finish working it around getting everything you know mixed early trying to get that a steak seasoning everywhere I might just say hey now is the time to go ahead and just taste one you know just a little bit of this beef to see it and then we make an adjustment if you want to add more seasoning to it you can now after tasting it I can taste the seasoning in it it tastes good and remember we're making a sloppy joe we're not trying to like just overpower it with no seasoning we just want to give the meat some flavor along with this bell pepper and these on you and you can see these onions are starting to like soften up and they're on their way to becoming translucent so now at the time we're gonna go ahead and add our rest of our ingredients now we can ready to cut with our tomato sauce but those of you guys are making oil spaghetti sauce hey you own your way right here put some tomato paste in here and then some basil hey I'm giving up too much secret on red wine vinegar w sauce and brown sugar now don't forget we still got our heat underneath this pin just said what a medium heat in just a minute we're getting ready to set it for simmer you know put it on low and then we gonna simmer it for about I don't know about 10 10 to 12 minutes now I'm gonna go ahead and reduce this and put this on low we're gonna let that cook in for about like I said about 10 to 12 minutes and after that then we're gonna move over to the next step now this is after 10 minutes everything is nice and soft your beef has absorbed all of that tomato sauce you know right and then listen I tasted it it tasted great hey there sugar that's what did it now now what we want to do is we want to go ahead and have our cheese and then remember our cream cheese that we cubed just go ahead and the reason like a cubed it just makes it easier to help you know melt you know so you'll have like these big giant clumps once this is melted we're gonna take it off of the fire and then what we're gonna do is oh you know where here's the key thing that I should have said in the very beginning listen I use the oven safe pan this right here I can stick inside of the UH the oven so you want to use one of those because we're gonna go in the oven we're gonna go in here and we're gonna you know melted cheese that's on the top so we just want to keep moving this around keep stirring it now what we're gonna do is we're gonna add some cheese over the top then we're gonna stick it in the broiler and then we're gonna go ahead and melt that cheese I guess it suddenly took about five or six minutes you know I mean just to get you want to keep your eye on the - you want it to look the way you want it to now we get ready to put this in the oven like I say about five or six minutes keep your eyes on it make sure you don't burn your cheese you just want to like melt it caramelize it on the top and then once you get to look that you achieving you want to just take it out and then it's time to serve and here it is this is what it looks like I'm gonna set it right here for a second even though it's a cutting board I'm gonna go ahead and set this down because you know so we can protect it so this is what it looks like look when you melt that cheese on top you can see it now again remember I was telling you you can go ahead and you can use some of these toast title scoops you know party size you could just hit it like this we you know your guests can just you know get it like that and then you can see it I'm gonna go ahead and just get me a bite so tell me what you guys think about this one here hey I also want you guys to let me know it down in the comment section below that was the last time you even use the word it's a sloppy joe let alone having to dip listen I want you guys to follow my appetizer our playlist I got a lot of little gameday you know ideas in there and I'm getting ready to put together a video of how I made my goal post this was was a suggestion you know from one of my subscribers so I'm getting ready to show you guys some of the things that I use when I entertain you know just some cool things real inexpensive so you guys can put it on like you know one of them great gameday tailgating whatever you want to call it you know parties hey so if you're new to my channel let me just go ahead and say a thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe like this video and tell everybody out there there's a channel out here that simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking and whatever being said you guys thanks for watching and I'm out of here peace
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin' wit AB
Views: 321,762
Rating: 4.9602666 out of 5
Keywords: Smokin and Grillin wit AB, sloppy joe, sloppy joe recipe, sloppy joe dip, sloppy joes, sloppy joe recipes, sloppy joe sandwich, easy sloppy joes, appetizers, sloppy joes recipe, recipes, how to make sloppy joes, sandwich, homemade sloppy joes, #smokingrillinfam, game day food, tailgate food, party food, food, tailgate party, game day, cooking, super bowl party, easy recipes, best sloppy joe recipe, dinner, homemade, recipe, dip, appetizer dips, easy, sloppy, appetizers with ab, joes
Id: tcCehRoNbEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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