How to Make: Cheesy Buffalo Chicken Dip

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hi welcome to crystal for you to most of the cooking is done by my daughter he is my camera person so she can't hold the camera and then do the cooking as well a lot of it is done by my other daughter neither even some of it is done by my granddaughter so today this is a dish that my granddaughter likes and she's going to be fixing it you will hear my voice but she will be actually putting the ingredients together and then showing you how to actually bake this all this is called buffalo chicken dip okay it's a very good recipe we learned about it through an affair that we went to and then we came back and she put a twist on it decided to cook it her way so we're gonna share it now there are only five ingredients maybe six that's required for this dish you're going to need ranch dressing cheese and her choice is the Fiesta blend cheese but use whatever kind of shredded cheese that you would like to use Philadelphia Cream Cheese Franks wing hot wing sauce or thang Frank's Red Hot buffalo wing sauce okay and you're going to need a rotisserie chicken now if you look at all of these ingredients most of them came from Walmart the only thing that I want to make certain that you use to the letter is going to be the Franks because whenever you make an any type of hot wing dish Franks is the best sauce to use whether it be wing sauce or it be hot sauce that's required in your hot wings whatever frights is the best one to use and you're going to need something to dip with so here is Tostitos chips and you can get whatever brand whatever kind that you want I'm going to put the measurements at the bottom we're going to follow along with her while she do it and put everything together but I also have the measurements and the exact recipe at the bottom now this chicken I don't know if I mentioned it came from Walmart all we're going to do is shred it up I'm going to come right back and show you how to shred this chicken and we'll put together this fast easy and delicious chicken dip be right back okay I'm back and I just want to show you how to shred this chicken because it does require you to shred the roasted chicken now there's an old-school method that I use that's with two forks placed backwards and then you can just take it and pull it apart okay and this is this is nowadays it's a long tedious process because there's a faster way to do this but I just want to show you that if you don't have a mixer it doesn't matter you can hand pull this chicken apart by just putting two forks backwards okay and it gets the job done it's just going to take a little bit longer than it normally would take for you to do this now there's another method and I think I've did it on one of my other videos that you can do now we're making a large amount this is just one roasted chicken that I've just D boned and I pull the skin away from the chicken took it off of the chickens all I have in here is just the chicken now there's another way to do this and that is to just take your mixer your handheld mixer I swear that chicken up and to friend of prevent it from following the other way kind of tilt the mixer back to you you okay I can go back in and just get the finer pieces but I just wanted to show you that this is a simpler way okay to get that chicken I'll pull the back and I'll go back in there and just kind of do those little smaller pieces but this is kind of like wild because what happens is your chicken does fly but if you tilt your mixer back to you this way you won't get as much flying you know chicken all over everywhere okay so I just want to show you this next voice next time you watch us put this together it'll be my granddaughter be right back okay now we're back and my granddaughter is getting ready to put this dish together now she's going to put a small amount of cream cheese and this is softened cream cheese at the bottom of a baking dish and this is approximately probably on nine by twelve inch baking dish but I'm going to have the actual ingredients at the bottom for just a small amount as you know I have a larger family so we're going to be eating on this for a minute so this is the we did two rotisserie chickens now she's doing this layer in a small amount of the cream cheese at the bottom of the dish while she's doing that because we don't want this dish to stick now as once she gets that done then she's going to move that dish over and she's going to bring the shredded chicken and see we got both of the chickens all shredded up she's going to bring that in and she's gonna start to mix the ingredients now like I told you this is softened cream cheese and this is 2 8 ounce packages of softened cream cheese you can let it sit out or you can look it in your microwave either way you want to do it okay she's going to mix in the cream cheese into this dish now this is a relatively simple dish to make but this is a good dish and I think that your family will really enjoy it I also think that if you're having some kind of party and you really don't want to serve a large amount of food you just want to have dips and chips and you know things like that I think that this will be an excellent dish for you to put on that table now once she gets that um that cream cheese kind of semi mixed in with that shredded chicken she's going to add one cup of the ranch um dressing now like I told you can use any any ranch dressing you want by anybody we're using Walmart Walmart is your cheaper brands but their brands dressing is just as good as anybody else's so that you don't have to worry about now that's one cup she's going to add that in okay clear it all out of the they container as much as possible and that's going to help to loosen up your mixture that you're already um you know making uh then she's going to take that red spoon out of there and yes it it over to the side yeah okay now she's going to add one cup of the Franks red hot wing sauce and that's the buffalo style okay now we're going to I want to let you know that you're going to bake this off the end for twenty minutes in a 350 degree oven that we already have preheating back there and that's just so all of the flavors can absorb together now we already have the cream cheese on the bottom to prevent the dish from actually sticking together and then we're going to allow this to cool you won't come back and see them get their munch on with some of these tostito chips and this should be a great dish for any party or just for the kids are just sort of family if you all just sitting around just want something to munch on now this will cook like I said in a 350 degree oven for roughly 20 minutes then we take it out we're going to show you what the finished product looks like now as you can see it's not a lot of ingredients it's only a small amount of ingredients once that is mixed together she's gonna add that last ingredient that is needed which is going to be the Fiesta flan cheese now she's going to that's an 8 ounce package of cheese and she's going to put half of the 8 ounces okay you could just play it by eye she's going to put half of that 8 ounces over in the actual chicken dip then she's going to take the rest of it and she's going to layer it on top now we had this before and this is a fantastic yeah I think that you will really enjoy it and your hardest thing to do is to shred up that your arms you get that chicken all shredded up you're good to go and you don't necessarily have to get a roasted chicken from Walmart we did because they won't sell for $2 but you don't have to do that you can just go ahead and get you roast up your own chicken or wake up some chicken breast put it together make it and you're done ok now how fast is that that was a little really fast now she's going to take the container bring it over and put the mixture over inside on top of the already smooth out of cream cheese that's in the bottom and that's a small amount of cream cheese in the bottom you don't have to layer a lot just enough enough to cover the bottom of your dish ok so she's putting that in she's gonna spread that out all over dish and it really looks very enough to eat right now but you want to bake it off for that too note that she's to me over in it and you want the flavors of the hot sauce and the creamy cheese the regular cheese you want all of that to come together as well as the ranch then she's going to spread it out into this baking dish that was real real easy and simple to do you can pull it down on that side yeah okay take your spatula get that out okay all right it was real easy to put together again I tell you going to break the bake it off at 350 degrees for 20 minutes we're gonna sprinkle on top the rest of that remaining cheese that she had left over all righty we still make some good dishes up in here even though I'm not the prime I am the primary clubfoot I don't cook all the time but I will try watching me for so many years and being able to do this everybody up in here can actually cook dishes so you won't always see me you'll probably hear me and when it comes to a major dish or something like that and of course I'll be on the scene but they can cook just as well so give them an opportunity okay you need to scrape down anything from the bowl if you have anything in the spatula if you have everything in the bowl okay you didn't have anything left so just go ahead and scrape that little bin okay we're gonna go away and in 20 minutes we're gonna come back show you what this dish actually looks like and we don't give them an opportunity to taste it we'll be right back okay now it's been 20 minutes and we're getting ready to take it out of the oven and we're going to let it cool for a minute before we come back and dish it up your sugar plating show you how it is but there it is once it comes out of the oven has that layer of melted cheese on the top and everything else is already all cooked together and our sausage should be all of the flavors should be exposed now everything should be good and tasty so we'll be right back wants to schools and show you how to dish it up okay now she's scooping out some on the dish just so you can get a chance to see how it actually looks try to get closer I'm your camera person I can tell you right now I don't know who what I'm doing okay so now they're gonna take some and actually try it all three of them these are my three cooks in the house cook number one cook number two and cook number three now they're gonna get some everybody's gonna get a little bit so they can taste it and really tell us how it how it actually works now if this looks like a little bit off I can tell you I don't know what I'm doing with this camera but I have to do it okay triad ladies cook number one cook number two and the one in the yellow is actually the camera person okay so they're doing it y'all got to tell me how is how is it it's good okay and as always thank you for watching Chris cook for you too bye you
Channel: chriscook4u2
Views: 136,610
Rating: 4.8772922 out of 5
Keywords: chicken, ranch dressing, hot sauce, cream cheese, shredded cheese, food dip
Id: zBMcUhjFWfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2016
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