Brotherhood's Sunday Morning Service - "It is Sifting Time" [12-Sep-2021]

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hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] you are the risen kings hallelujah [Music] you have one thank you jesus thank you lord yes is [Music] you are the risen king [Music] nobody like him he is the risen king praise the name of the lord our mission statement and our pledge in the name of the lord praise god together we endeavor to love obey and serve our lord and savior jesus christ strive in all ways to fulfill our purpose in making disciples of all men for the advancing of the kingdom of god on earth on the direction and power of the holy ghost and with an empowered people we will foster unity love and fellowship within the apostolic community in carrying out our mission we pledge to build god's kingdom through the ministries of apostle prophet evangelist pastor and teacher as we seek to rescue our fellow men from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light teach believers the word necessary for maturity growth and mission and to prepare believers for the glorious appearing of jesus christ praise the name of the lord jesus christ hallelujah hallelujah it is the day that the lord hath made we will rejoice and we will be glad in it praise the name of the lord god bless you god bless you thank you for joining with us on this beautiful day and though it is a conflicting day in our emotions here at bethel united church of jesus christ portmore assembly because he recently lost a member who has been with us for quite some while and as we go through this grieving process we want to keep our minds stayed on him who is able to keep us in perfect peace it's never an easy thing to lose a loved one and so even on this day we want to remember the families in our prayer and by attention the church family of which our daily beloved sister has been for a number of years and we're grateful to god for the life hallelujah and the gifting that she has been to us here in this side of the vineyard and so we grieve and although we grieve we want to keep our minds on the lord we want to pray for the family members and even for those in the family remember who are grieving even possibly more than others if you're not yet saved we're encouraging you to be saved because the reality is that one of these days we're going to have to face our appointment because we have an appointment that we must fulfill it's appointed unto man wants to die after death comes the judgment and so i encourage our hearts to keep our minds on the lord especially in these trying times as we seek to weather the storms that we're faced with in the name of the lord jesus christ so just very briefly i'd like to just pray for the family at this time as we get ready to go into this service so we want the whole sister claudia thompson's family before the lord and by extension the church family our heavenly father we thank you for your love and your mercies we thank you for your grace grace that is absolutely amazing grace hallelujah that supplies all of our needs according to your riches in glory thank you lord for waking us up this morning thank you lord for the desire to be in your courts in your house another time and as we come lord god of heaven we lift your name on high we honor and we exalt you thank you for this privilege to share the good news of jesus hallelujah across the airways into the homes of many who are connected by way of internet those who are in the immediate prisons of this edifice god we pray hallelujah that souls will be saved healed and delivered on this day hallelujah we want to remember those who are grieving at this point in time not just here but so many across the planet especially in this season hallelujah we have heard of the many deaths that are taking place and so we pray in your name jesus for your undergirding arms to support your children in this season in the name of jesus christ of nazareth comfort lord because you are the comforter hallelujah breathe god upon us your children as we weather this storm that we're going through hallelujah keep our minds stayed on you help us lord to prioritize and to ensure that we ourselves are ready should it be that death come knocking on our door or should our appearance occur in this season lord god of heaven we ask of your lord to help us lord to strengthen us lord because indeed you are our refuge our fortress our hiding place our secure foundation and so god we run to you as we look to you for safety and for solace and for peace hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah give your angels charge over us assign your angelic host to minister hallelujah to every hurt in soul you can be touched with the feelings of our infirmities you know our uprising and our downsetting hallelujah minister lord unto us in this season hallelujah and bring us through as pure gold we commit ourselves into your hands we commit this service into your hands we commit the praise team the moderator hallelujah the technical team the musicians everyone in their respective places as we come together hallelujah to declare the lord jesus christ as god and savior hallelujah to lost humanity breathe upon this service today oh god my savior jesus and cause somebody to come to know you to know you as life eternal hallelujah fill somebody with the power of your holy spirit abba father hallelujah heal some brokenhearted in the name of the lord jesus christ of nazareth some broken hearted soul he lord deliver and set free commit this service into your hands in your precious name jesus christ we pray amen and amen praise the name of the lord if you are joining with us for the very first time this is the bethel united church of jesus christ apostolic we are located in fort morris and catherine praise god on all britain main road we're certainly glad to have you joining with us we salute our all of our officers our associate pastors to all our families brothers and sisters god bless you please accept greetings in the wonderful name of the lord jesus christ those who are in the sanctuary those who are online god bless you god bless you god bless you do join with us in worship do lift your hands in praise and even those of us who are feeling the pain of losing a loved one hallelujah the lord is with us to strengthen us hallelujah in spite of and as we keep our mind stayed on him listen to his voice as he speak his words into our hearts and bring us comfort in the time of need god bless you as we continue to worship let me invite to come to us brother always smith as he leads us into worship in the name of the lord jesus christ shall we praise the lord everybody shall we praise our mighty god everybody come on musicians help me out shall we give the lord some praise shall we give the mighty king jesus some praise hallelujah those of you online do you have a sound of worship do you have a sound of worship this morning oh pray god we offer up unto you a sound just the sound of worship wherever you are wherever you are this morning come on come on praise steam just the sound of worship yes lord yes lord yes lord [Music] yes lord yes lord you deserve the glory you deserve the honor you deserve the praise you are mighty you are high and lifted up your name is great your greatness is unsearchable good god almighty we come this morning accept your offering accept your sound god [Music] yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord those of you online offer upon to god now a sound a sound of worship lord [Music] he's mighty he's mighty he's mighty i know it's a difficult time hey i know it's a difficult time but we serve the god of all difficulties he's still mighty he's mighty this morning as the musicians play the psalmist says oh come let us sing unto the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come before his presence with thanksgiving and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods in his hands are the deep places of the earth the strength of the hills is his old soul the sea is his and he made it and his hands form the dry line we're talking about the mighty god oh glory unto his name oh come let us worship and bow down let us kneel before the lord our maker for he's our god and we are the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hand today if you will hear his voice offer upon to him a sound come on let's just wave our hands wherever you are and offer up unto jesus the mighty god the king of kings some praise i know we are hurting as a church i know some of you online are hurting i know it's been a difficult season for all of us but we must remember that we serve a mighty god we must remember that in the good times and in the bad times he's mighty the songwriter says what a mighty god we serve praise team get ready because we're gonna sing that song this morning because we're gonna set the tone for all things because in everything we must see god we must see his might we must see him lifted up hallelujah it says what a mighty god we're going to go slow for first weed the song says almighty god we serve angels angels [Music] join us online let's do it slow for another time it says what a mighty god what a mighty god [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah come on hallelujah [Music] is [Music] hallelujah hallelujah we encourage everybody [Applause] that we can shout hallelujah anyhow no matter the temptations that we face no matter the adversity no matter the troubles and the trials we know our god who is able to keep us from falling aka bashar and to present us faultless let us endure this morning saints visit us online on saved persons we serve a god who gives us grace to continue come and serve this god with us today we want to give the lord god thanks for being in his house one more sunday morning oh god this is another day to exalt king jesus another day for his kingdom to be established hallelujah somebody another day for somebody to be saved for you online who are contemplating today is the day today is the mercy of god this morning i was driving to church and i thought about it my god such grace and mercy today was not promised to any of us let us not take it for granted if ever a time life is to have meaning it's now hallelujah sometimes we get up and we take it for granted that we are alive but let us not let us always be grateful we thank the lord for life wherein we can live in a better way to please him where we can become more surrendered where we can draw close another opportunity to get it right another opportunity to win a soul to god another opportunity for our soul to surrender we welcome every one of you to the house of god bethel united church of jesus christ apostolic portmore if you're just joining or pastor greeted us earlier we're under the leadership of pastor romano willis i'd like to greet all officers of the house and of course our associate pastors who i'm sure occupied online or in other quarters for work elder brown and evangelist oliphant members online god bless you strength to you we can say hallelujah anyhow let us bond together this time as we edify each other to endure this race thank you jesus praise team there's a song that says standing on the promises of god it's hymn number 18. we're going to sing that song as if we know the promises of god thank you jesus thank you lord standing on the promises of christ my king through eternal ages let us praise his ring glory in the highest i will shout and sing standing on the promises of god [Music] and then on the promises of christ my king through ages let his praises ring glory in the highest glory in the eyes and see standing on the promises of god [Music] is standing on the promises [Music] [Music] [Music] ground [Music] resting [Music] hallelujah are you standing today i am standing on the promises of god [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] we are standing on the promises of god do you know the promises of god this morning mighty god sometimes we have to speak of ourselves and encourage ourselves hallelujah the scripture says why art thou disquieted my soul hope thou in god we get hope when we remind ourselves of the promises of god thank you jesus thank you god at this time we will be having our scripture reading and our scripture reading is taken from first peter 4 reading from verse 1 through to 19 and i'll read for us and those online will follow as it is projected for as much then as christ has suffered for us in the flesh arm yourselves likewise with the same mind for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin for he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lust of men but to the will of god for the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the gentiles when we walked in lasciviousness loss excessive wine revelings banquetings and abolitionable idolatries wherein they think it's strange that he might run with them to the same excess of riot speaking evil of you who shall give you account who shall give a count to him that is ready to judge a quick and the dead for for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead that they might be judged according to the men in the flesh but live according to this god to god in the spirit but the end of all things is at hand be therefore sober and watch unto prayer and above all things have fervent charity among yourselves for charity shall cover the multitude of sins use hospitality one to another without grudging as every man has received the gift even so minister the same one to another as good stewards of the manifold grace of god if any man speak let him speak as the oracles of god if any man minister let him do it as of the ability which god giveth that god in all things might be glorified through jesus christ to whom we praise and dominion forever and ever amen beloved thinking not strange concerning the fiery child which is to try you as though some strange thing happened unto you but rejoice in as much as you are here are partakers of christ's sufferings that when his glory shall be revealed he may be glad also with exceeding joy if he be reproached for the name of christ happy ari for the spirit of glory and of god rested upon you on their part he is evil spoken of but on your part he's glorified but let none of you suffer as a murderer as a thief or as an evildoer or as a bitter busybody in other men's matters yet if any man suffer as a christian let him not be ashamed but let him glorify god on his this behalf for the time has come that judgment must begin in the out at the house of god and if it first begin at us what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of god and the righteous scarcely be saved where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of god commit the keeping of their souls to him in well-doing as unto a faithful creator we read 19 and last those of you online join us wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of god commit the keeping of their souls to him in doing as unto a faithful the faithful creator this is the word of god unto us and we give the lord praise at this time thank you jesus right at this time we're going to enter into a season of prayer we're going to ask brother the maine to get ready for the main living stunt to get ready and to come to pray and to lift up these requests unto the lord we believe in a god that hears an answers prayer and we are gathered here today brotherhood sunday and i take the opportunity to salute all the men of this house from our pastor our leaders down to every member and visitor put your hands together and salute the men of this house thank you jesus those of you online men who are watching god bless you today today is brotherhood sunday i'd like to honor brother agri brown the leader of scots small thank you very much the leader of the men's department the brotherhood's department god bless you sir hallelujah to jesus and all officers who lead with him thank you jesus we are going to pray at this time and we believe god thank you jesus we believe god i'm going to ask the praise team to lift up this song but just before just after lifting up the song i'm going to read the respective requests that have come in unto us thank you jesus and we are going to believe god since god is able hallelujah god is able thank you jesus he's able hi hi hi xiao kai he's able believe it today somebody you've sent in your request god is able i've not yet read it but god is able we're going to sing him number 33 trust and obey as the praise team raises his psalm listen to the words trust god for your requests as brother damein comes as he prays believe god he's more than able god bless you praise him when we walk with the lord [Applause] yes [Music] is [Applause] [Music] this morning [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] not a [Applause] smile quickly [Applause] this morning [Music] [Music] us is [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] church be encouraged [Music] we know we know we know [Music] [Music] the light of his love is [Applause] [Music] them god [Applause] me [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] i don't know what your need is today [Music] you may not have sent in your prayer requests but we believe in the god who is able to meet you at your altar we believe in a god who says trust him hallelujah we believe in the god who is moved by our faith hallelujah because his word says that faith causes things to be possible wherever you are this morning if you sent a question if you have not trust him we put before you this morning for salvation god sister andrea brown's family brother donkey believing for the holy ghost sister marcie evans and her family jody and rodney roshan morris oh god praying for sanity chidaya or jedidah groves and deschanel bailey also for healing and deliverance we put them before god brother damien will come and he will pray for nicolas james gervais knight mark daniels unipet employees donald muir raymond and duane goldsmith ramona miller calilla anderson errol daley oh god he's also seeking healing for cancer can god church can god church oh god god is setting us up for testimonies thank you god the court's employees sister novelette francis all for so far healing from cancer we have testimonies in the house and we clear that these two are testimonies coming we pray for healing cornell mclean excruciating pain in the eyes and unable to see georgette bryce sinusitis sister esha from malaysia our faithful sister esha my god she's hospitalized but we are believing god for rose barn at low oxygen level oh god can god church can god can god goes online can god sister angela williams she needs deliverance and healing sister anastasia brown in the hospital oh god we're hoping you this morning sister eleanor reyna uncontrollable cough oh god oh god oh [Music] god oh god oh god [Music] oh god you're the cry of your people today for covering and deliverance the thompson's family and the bethel family as we mourn the loss of sister claudia oh god there's a word in the house today for us javon edwards troubling his mind needs deliverance oh god sister charmaine bennett sister then the date diane kennedy's uh sister judith enriquez strength and comfort she has lost her husband oh god the mirror tope and davis's family for covering sister wallin kimisha oh god sister walling lost her father and tracy and summers samuels for deliverance church can god can god can god god likes to boast of his healing power god likes to boast of his deliverance power there is a boast in getting ready for god's salvation power and we trust god this morning comes in jesus name we believe with him as he prays today in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord there's a word in the house hallelujah and the word is trust and the be hallelujah jesus hallelujah is there anything too hard for our god to do hallelujah jesus hallelujah let me just worship the lord you're in your home hallelujah jesus just for five minutes hallelujah hallelujah if we could just focus just for five minutes hallelujah you need the holy ghost you need healing any deliverance even there is nothing that you need hallelujah we could just stand on someone else's behalf hallelujah jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah if you could just stand in the gap hallelujah there is a god that we serve that's great in battle hallelujah jesus hallelujah just go ahead in your home hallelujah just lift up the name hallelujah jesus come on come on push push butcher hallelujah jesus hallelujah push me on your feeling hallelujah you might be sick this morning just push hallelujah hallelujah just forget about yourself this morning hallelujah jesus hallelujah god we exalt your holy name jesus hallelujah for your god all by yourself holy ghost and there is nothing in heaven or earth that is impossible hallelujah for you to do lord you are the man of war holy ghost great in battle hallelujah hallelujah jesus hallelujah jehovah hallelujah hallelujah we call you by name jesus hallelujah before us almighty god your friend your king god hallelujah lord we have experienced you god as our savior hallelujah we have no new god as our healer jesus hallelujah we were once bound but god you have delivered us so god it is with this confidence lord that we come before your throne jesus before your throne room lord we humbly bow our hearts jesus hallelujah god while we yet pray god hallelujah lord you said you will hear god hallelujah and that you will answer holy ghost so lord replace these requests before your jesus mighty god hallelujah those in need of salvation god we pray almighty god that you will touch your hearts god we pray almighty god that you will turn to your hearts god we pray god that you will grant your penchants holy ghost to your hearts almighty god god we pray almighty god that they will come to the knowledge and the realization almighty jesus that their true lord needs to be saved god so we pray that you will turn your hearts god that you will break your hearts god that you will lift up a standard holy ghost that the chains and the scales lord from their eyes god will be falling off almighty jesus in the name of jesus god we pray that you will deliver your spirits lord we pray almighty jesus that ever fetters and every chain and every stronghold holy ghost hallelujah god be loosed almighty jesus that the chain over your minds and over your spirits god will be broken almighty god that day two holy ghosts can experience god the salvation power lord for you said it's not your will lord for any man to perish jesus but all to experience salvation all to experience god eternal life oh lord to experience lord the outpouring of the holy ghost and of fire jesus so lord we pray almighty god for a change almighty jesus hallelujah as the world winds up us time lord winds up into eternity lord we pray god that in your hearts jesus you put a sense of urgency almighty god hallelujah to turn god from your wicked ways from sin and immorality almighty jesus in the name of jesus lord that they will run lord to you almighty god for you are the only one lord who can save heal and deliver hallelujah jesus so touch those hearts hallelujah god break those hearts lord hallelujah let them feel uncomfortable jesus until they have turned lord their lives over to you jesus hallelujah god we pray for those who are sick almighty jesus hallelujah those in need of healing holy ghost we pray almighty god that your healing virtue will flow hallelujah god flow in this house jesus flow on this youtube line almighty god flow god in the individual homes jesus that someone god who is not weller hallelujah it doesn't matter what what man almighty god called these sicknesses lord there is nothing too hard for you hallelujah god so we pray lord that you will grant healing of cancer grant healing of colvin hallelujah hallelujah is the simplest thing lord as a call for almighty god we pray god that you will grant healing from the crown of their heads god to the soul god of their feet jesus lord we pray almighty god hallelujah for your word declare that healings lord is the children's brain so god we pray this very day that healing god will be granted almighty jesus lord in your word almighty god the man asks you to shall speak the word hallelujah jesus hallelujah so we stand in this host god in agreement almighty god and we speak healing almighty jesus hallelujah those laid up in the hospital bed hallelujah god like lazarus jesus hallelujah we pray almighty jesus that we will raise up almighty god hallelujah jesus hallelujah like your servant prophesied god when he saw the valley of dry bones hallelujah god we call him fort in the name of jesus that the knees will function as they are to the box almighty god the internal organs jesus god will call him back to life jesus breathe in them holy ghost hallelujah let the lungs god what is supposed to do let the heart pumps lord as it's supposed to pump let the mind holy ghost think lord like he's supposed to think so we buying our rebuke almighty god our mental illnesses hallelujah our suicidal thoughts hallelujah the blood of jesus rise of holy ghost hallelujah and wash almighty god rise up holy ghost and break chains god destroy fetters almighty god mash up stronghold jesus in the life almighty god of someone who is sick god hallelujah god we we expect and we anticipate god that testimony hallelujah of your healing virtue we expect god hallelujah and it is high expectation because we know that you are god of your healing virtue god to flow holy ghost flow and greed upon those bones god that they will sing almighty god hallelujah that they will worship almighty god that they will pray against jesus hallelujah god we pray almighty god intervene almighty jesus hallelujah we see what's on the paper god we see what's on the doctor's report holy ghost hallelujah god but whose report will we believe we will believe the report of the holy ghost hallelujah that you are a healer jesus that even when the situation lord to man looks dead almighty god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah even when preparation is being made for a senior funeral service that you can bring back to life holy ghost hallelujah jesus so rise up almighty god hallelujah a mighty army jesus of tribals almighty god rise up god like the woman god with the issue of blood almighty god hallelujah many suffering for years upon years god many have given up on the situation many of us are praying for the same situation when you are comfortable god hallelujah with that sharp pain hallelujah many almighty god hallelujah don't paint anymore mine but god hallelujah we pray for an instant miracle hallelujah for your word declare immediately almighty god so we pray god for immediate shaking almighty god for immediate god healing hallelujah god and bring them all mighty and strong those who need deliverance god hallelujah god you once delivered us from sinner hallelujah we were in our very own mess in our very own vomit almighty god hallelujah jesus and you saw so far off hallelujah jesus and you call us by your name and you fill us with your spirit and your anointing jesus oh god we pray that you will deliver holy ghost hallelujah every strong man almighty god that holds captive almighty jesus every principalities and powers almighty god for your word declare what shall separate us from the love of god so god we pray that neither principalities our powers our spiritual wickedness in high places jesus from so should stop almighty god those who need deliverance god of your delivering power lord have your way jesus show up in that home almighty god hallelujah show up on that job holy ghost hallelujah jesus hallelujah let there be a wind of change almighty jesus let there be a paradigm shift holy ghost hallelujah of the very atmosphere jesus and that deliverance lord will take place almighty god lord we thank you holy ghost and we pray by faith god hallelujah that you will come through god flex your muscles holy ghost show yourselves strong almighty jesus hallelujah god do what pleases you god hallelujah god hallelujah so that souls will be saved souls will be healed god and souls god will be delivered hallelujah above all else lord grant salvation jesus hallelujah in the mighty name of jesus even though god we pray that you bless this host god the moderator the praise team lord hallelujah it's all about you jesus so move as you so desire and please almighty god and have your way in this house hallelujah we tell you thanks in the mighty name of jesus thank you holy ghost hallelujah hallelujah to jesus put those hands together and give the lord praise give the lord thanksgiving offer upon to him yes come on clap them louder clap them harder and give unto the king of kings his worthy praise i'm going to hand over to the praise team at this time but i just feel like someone needs this song hallelujah to god it's been a rough season hallelujah in the life of the church and particularly for me it's been a rough week i know some of us we've had some rough times but oh god almighty prayer scene there's a song says though the battle may be hard can you leave that song for me please though the battle may be high hallelujah and the conflict souls hold on god [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] glory [Music] let's look to jesus [Music] right thank you jesus god bless you praise to you hallelujah i hold the word of god today i say to us better put more and those of us watching online that this season of the church good god almighty we need to hold god at his word hallelujah his word is life hallelujah i know fear may be gripping us depression all sorts of spirits which are not of god may be coming at us but we hold jesus at his word god bless you today praise team at this time will be coming to us and during the ministry of the praise team the media ministry and i want to bless god for the media ministry in a time like this i know those of you at home you know i'm happy to get a glimpse of it to see the dedication of these members oh sunday after sunday the musicians the praise team put your hands together those of you online and clap those hands for them god bless all of you right at this time i know they will project the necessaries regarding the offering and the praise team at this time in jesus name [Music] it was such a lovely day [Music] and the sun was shining bright a gentle breeze was blowing my way [Music] not a storm cloud inside suddenly without a warning a storm surrounded [Music] i can feel the calm [Music] i know the peace speaker i know here by now i know the peace he controls the winds says peace [Music] i'm glad i know the peace [Applause] [Music] i know him by name there's never been another man [Music] by simply saying peace be still he can come the strongest way [Music] so now i'll never worry storm clouds come my way i know that he is near to drive away by [Music] [Music] speakers [Music] speaker he controls the winds and waves when he says peace i'm yes i know him by name speakers [Music] [Music] [Applause] he controls the winds and [Applause] they [Music] speakers [Music] speaker i know is yes i know in my next [Music] i know him by now [Music] he controls the winds and waves [Music] [Applause] i [Music] i'm glad [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] they have to hold [Music] [Applause] yes i know here my name [Music] is [Music] i'm glad [Music] [Applause] [Music] sweet spirit of god can we just call the name of the peace giver jesus [Music] hallelujah can you type that name in the chat room jesus can we just whisper the name jesus we thank the lord for that word praise team jesus right at this time saints those online it gives me great honor on this brotherhood sunday to introduce to bring the word the pastor of the house i am humbled because in a time such as this for the church it takes commitment to be a pastor good god almighty a pastor who has to come and his wife and children are at home online god bless you lady willis good god almighty has to demonstrate the word at all times irrespective of what may be going on he must live an example and a word oh god we thank god for our pastor today and it gives me great honor and privilege stand everywhere where we are and we welcome pastor romano willis and the holy ghost when he says [Music] they have to obey [Music] i'm glad i know [Music] yes i know him by name [Music] sweet holy spirit [Applause] sweet stay right here with us filling us with your love [Music] and what is [Music] [Music] we know that we have been rewind when we shall leave this peace wonderful peace [Music] sweep over my sword [Music] [Music] is we thank him for his peace today thank you lord jesus praise the name of the lord praise god praise god praise god we honor the presence of the lord certainly the lord is with us the hearts are truly grateful to him for his mercies another day god bless you god bless you you may be seated in the presence of the lord thank you lord jesus thank you lord thank you praise god praise god praise the name of the lord we honor the lord we magnify and exalt his wonderful name certainly he remains faithful and true and we give him all the praise that is due unto his name praise god let us pray as we get ready to hear the word of the lord to our hearts today our god and our savior it is before you that we come as we come lord we humble our hearts before you seek in your face your will it is indeed trying times in which we live and there's ever a time we need you it is now now more than ever hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i'm grateful for your grace as your grace supplies our needs according to your riches in glory i stand before your people lord anoint me afresh speak through me to the hearts of your children in this hour let your word find good soil upon which to be planted in this day cause somebody to be saved today somebody who is broken to be restored somebody who is sick to be healed confirm your word with signs and with wonders have your way with us today and let your will be done in jesus christ's name amen and amen so the book of first peter let me just honor the lord again and to all of our officers our associate pastors those online especially those visiting with us for the first time and if you are visiting with us for the first time we are the bethel united church of jesus christ apostolic located in bethel in port morrison catherine praise the name of the lord it's our brotherhood's day and we salute also our brother's president brother agaris small to our moderator brother smith who let us i'm under the inspiration of the holy ghost even to this are in the name of the lord jesus we thank god for our praise team our musicians our technical team being in place to carry this word online to the hearts of those who are listening today and god bless you as we take heed to the voice of heaven in the name of the lord verses 12 and 13 of first peter 4 first peter chapter four verse 13 verse 12 and 13. and it reads beloved think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange things should happen unto you but rejoice in inasmuch as we are partakers of christ's sufferings that when his glory shall be revealed he may be glad also with exceeding joy praise the name of the lord praise god the times in which we live are troubling times one writer says to us there are perilous times speaking of the fact they are dangerous times and amidst the times it would we are assured that god is still there for his people and so as a people we have got to be assured and reminded every so often because oftentimes when we look and see the things that are happening around us naturally the tendency is to respond in fear tendencies to respond based on what we have seen with our own natural eyes but as people of the living god we've got to look beyond what the natural eyes can see and see things from god's perspective praise the name of the lord and know sometimes it's trying to shift from that domain into another but if my brothers and sisters if we're ever going to be successful if we're ever going to appreciate and begin to walk accordingly we've got to see things from the perspective of the master our lord and savior jesus so the bible admonishes us and helps us to understand that god's ways are different from ours and his thoughts are different from ours so the things that we are seeing today and how we perceive them from the natural realm is not the same that god sees it's completely different in fact the bible tells us that when a saint has gone home to glory it's a time to rejoice and not to be sad but naturally we respond in sadness because we never get accustomed to losing someone who we oftentimes see around us on a daily basis or someone who we have missed for quite some while to know that we'll never see them again and so naturally respond with grief and pain and heartaches and that's the natural response but his word tells us to rejoice when one goes home and for those of us who are remaining we're in trouble because evil times are coming upon the world in which we live and so it behooves each and every one of us to stay focused to ensure that that we prioritize and ensure that we focus on that which matters the most it is sifting times a time where sifting is taking place what is sifting sifting is a process of separating the finer from the coarser it is used by those who are harvesting to separate the corn from the wheat the kernel from the shaft it's a time to critically examine what is taking place in other words the farmer the master wants to sieve things in a way that we can separate the wheat that which is important to that which is not so important and so we see a separation that is taking place even in this time in which we live i submit to you that sifting takes place through various different avenues and and through through different mediums so the lord is someone who actually does sifting the devil also does sifting and we got to know who is sifting who at the time that the sifting is taking place in fact in the book of amos amos chapter 9 the prophet got a vision and he saw the lord on the altar i saw the lord standing upon the altar amos nine chapter chapter nine and verse one and he said smite the lintels of the door the posts may be shaken and cut them in the head all of them and i will slay the last of them with the sword he that fleeth of them shall not flee away and neither escapeth of them shall not shall not be delivered and amos contains the right to talk about the sifting that the lord is about to do so judgment was coming upon the house of almighty god and as we look around the world today we can see for ourselves that judgment is taking place there's a sifting that is taking place and if there's a place that judgment will always begin when it comes on to god's perspective it always begins in the house of almighty god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah the bible says in verse 9 of chapter 9 of amos for lo i will command and i will sift the house of israel among all nations like a corn is sifted in a sieve yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth all the sinners of my people shall die by the sword which say the evil shall not overtake nor prevail us so in the day that this was written people would come to the house of the lord and they would approach as though they were worshiping for the worship was not true worship and so the lord pronounced that there would be judgment that would come upon his people and he'll begin to smite them because false worship will indeed attract judgment of the living god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and so judgment was happening and people were dying because the wages of sin still is death you've got to understand god had sent the prophet to warn his people to turn and no matter how much time he had he sent his word to them they would not turn brothers and sisters about to understand that there comes a time with god that after sending his word time and time and time again he has an expectation that we'll respond according to his word but if we do not respond accordingly then his judgment will begin to take place hallelujah because god will not tolerate sin sin has got to be dealt with hallelujah and so he began to punish his people many began to die because of their sins hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i remember the lord telling amos no not no i hear your amos because amos was interceding amos was praying and said god give us another chance in fact as we read you notice that persons were saying of themselves that guess what the evil that is around us will not come over it's not will it will not overtake us it will not come upon us but guess what it was coming upon his people like we see what's happening in our day today many are being afflicted in one way or another i'm not saying that all afflictions are a result of sin but certainly some are it is for each and every one of us to examine our lives to see where we are because the times in which we live demands that we be ready for the return of our lord and savior jesus christ hallelujah it is dangerous times in which we live it is perilous times in which we live a time where we must critically examine ourselves and see where we are with almighty god hallelujah hallelujah those who were living sinful lifestyles were slain though they came to church hallelujah they still suffered the judgment of god and will not escape the wrath of god god said he would what he said that's exactly what he means so my brothers and my sisters there are times that god himself does some amount of sifting hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah the devil also sift in luke chapter 22 and verse 31 the lord said to simon he said simon simon behold satan hath desired to have you he desired to sift you that he may sift you as wheat so the enemy of his soul desire to sift him hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah he desires to separate you he wants to frustrate you hallelujah he wants you no longer to believe in god hallelujah hallelujah and we're living that day today where the faith of god's people are being challenged on every side hallelujah the question is who it is that we're going to believe who it is that we're going to put our faith in in these last and closing days hallelujah hallelujah no wonder the writer says when the lord returns shall he find faith in the earth because as we draw closer to the time of his coming my god and savior there's a pressure that's coming in the test is going to increase even more and the true child of god will rise to the surface that is the truth hallelujah hallelujah will my faith still hold to jesus will my anchor still hold amidst the storms of life i've got to examine myself to know if my anchor still grips the solid rock hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah the lord says that the devil desire to sift you but i have prayed for you if there's anything that is going to keep our faith solidly placed in the lord jesus christ it is going to be a prayer life hallelujah hallelujah prayer begins to anchor our faith in almighty god hallelujah and so pray we must and we must pray in this season until our anchor our faith how it is fortified in christ jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah but let me remind somebody that when the enemy tries to tempt us hallelujah to try us hallelujah to test us he can only test us as god permits him he is still under control yes hallelujah he has to get permission to test the child of god and i heard somebody saying in the spirit even though why is it that god would allow the devil to test somebody hallelujah hallelujah every now and again hallelujah god decides that he wants to show his power show his glory manifest and show that guess what he does not have robots he has men and women who love him more than their lives itself hallelujah men and women who are willing to die for the cause of jesus christ because if you're ever going to demonstrate true love what love really is hallelujah hallelujah has got to be tested it is done by choice i've got to choose to love him with all of my heart with all of my mind with all of my soul and comes with me i still love him more than my life itself oh god i love you jesus the enemy was seeking hallelujah to destroy to attack job at various intervals and he found out that there was an edge around about him ah god might say they looked on every side and could not enter in yes brethren there's a place in god where the enemy can't cross the line job was there and it was because of his prayer life that set a fire around about him he prayed always and just in case his children had faltered and failed he covered them in prayer oh god i love you jesus and i people of the living god it's critical examination time we've got to look within ourselves and see whether or not we are ready for the coming of the lord oh god my savior jesus the bible tells us we've got to be careful that when we think we stand we have fallen i'm accordion oh god we've got to be sure and be very sure that my anchor holds and grips the solid rock oh god i love you jesus and so the pressure's coming in from every side it's taking place on every side hallelujah but the lord told peter i prayed for you that your faith fail not i have prayed for your faith to remain secure in me comes with me hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah mighty god and savior and so we know that job was tested on every side hallelujah hallelujah but he maintained his faith in god the old testament word for faith is trust and so the bible said hallelujah though he slay me job says though he slay me i will still trust him in other words i will keep my faith in him even though he chastise me even though he slays me i will still trust him oh god hallelujah hallelujah in this life many things will happen to our flesh brothers and sisters hallelujah testings and trials will come hallelujah he did tell us that we would go through circumstances and the situation hallelujah will not be exempted from the things that were happening around us hallelujah but we got to stay focused we got to keep our mind stayed on him we've got to make sure that my anchor hold i've got to be secure in the arms of king jesus hallelujah glory to god and so job hallelujah knew in whom he believed and he was persuaded that nothing could ever separate him though he had fl though his flesh was afflicted though his family was afflicted his children were killed hallelujah his livestock was taken hallelujah by the enemy hallelujah his wife turned and told him to curse god and die hallelujah found himself on a dung hill hallelujah picking his sores oh god the comforters that came around him were miserable comforters hallelujah but you've got to be sure brethren hallelujah when the arms of flesh has failed you that your faith remains secure in king jesus so when you can't see any friends to help you can't see your way through the writer says i will look to the hills from whence cometh my help because all of my help it comes from the lord hallelujah one songwriter says hallelujah my faith looks up to thee thou lamb of calvary so when my natural eyes can't see my help i'm going to look to the hills from whence cometh my help hallelujah so the enemy will try us he will tempt us and his desires for us to fail holland so god permits him a time to test us we're going to show hallelujah that god is still faithful hallelujah not by our own strength but by the strength of the lord we're going to still stand by by the strength of almighty god hallelujah i'll not submit and surrender to the enemy hallelujah because i know that god has been too good to me hallelujah hallelujah the truth be told is that i should not be here many years ago hallelujah i could have died hallelujah because i had an illness hallelujah a situation that caused me to go to the doctor to do a surgery hallelujah the doctors were amazed that i was still alive because under normal conditions you're not supposed to be in that situation and still be alive you're supposed to be dead hallelujah but when i think of the fact that i should have been dead and gone and i'm alive today i know if it had not been for the lord who was on my side i don't want to think of where it is that i would have been hallelujah hallelujah and soul to live is for christ hallelujah to die is gain and so forward still my eyes are upon you lord jesus lead and we will follow you to the very end hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory be to god know this of assurity that even while we're tested by the enemy the lord has not left us alone my god hallelujah he has not left us to ourselves for the enemy hallelujah though it appears as if god is nowhere job said i looked to the left i couldn't find him i looked to the right i couldn't find him i couldn't perceive him he was seemingly nowhere to be found but can i tell you my brothers and my sisters god has not left he is still there though i might not perceive him guess what he still is there because he said i'll be with you and he's a god of his promise of his word hallelujah says there hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man but god is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that which you are able but will with the temptation also make a way of escape that he may be able to bear it so god will see us going through and the of what we're going through he provides a way of escape hallelujah what we've got to do is make up in our minds to take the way of escape but sometimes we lead our own cells in the path of unrighteousness sometimes we lead ourselves in places that the lord has not led us and we're enjoying the moment and the sinful practices and the lord opens up a way because it's not his will for us to die for us to perish but in the midst of what we're going through he opens up a door and says hey here's a door opportunity grab a hold of it it's up to you it's up to me to decide that i'm going to take this way of escape escaping the damnation escaping the destruction and coming to know christ as lord and as savior hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory be to god said in sifting times god is sifting his house hallelujah hallelujah there's a separation that has taken place he's taking some people home and those who have not decided to turn he's taking them out hallelujah hallelujah and element to help me let me help you to understand that hallelujah because god doesn't see people and strike them it's not his will for any to perish but because he sees the sinful practices that is leading to destruction he provides a way of escape but if we don't take the way of escape we walk into our own destruction it may help us to understand god don't see people and kill them all it is his will for them to be saved he sees the destruction that is before us he says life and death is before us choose life but if we continue to walk in our own ways then our own way leads us to destruction and so there are many who are in the church were walking the way of destruction going through church on their way to a christless eternity i greased my heart to know that people would come to the house of god and not embrace the word of god so that transformation can take place in our lives so that we need not die and go to a christless eternity but live unto the lord hallelujah hallelujah the enemy of our soul satan is also doing some sifting but we see where the lord has prayed for us and somebody's praying for you because yes we are going through some turbulent times and that's why we got to bond together even in times like this we've got to draw closer together than ever before hallelujah where we begin to sharpen each other we're beginning to strengthen each other because we have similar situation left by ourselves we are left exposed to the adversary but god hallelujah said where two are three are gathered in my name so good together come together and watch god show up and when god shows up he gives us a word and we know where to go what to do have you ever been down feeling out feel like this is it i can't go any longer but then you drag yourself to the house of god you drag yourself to the presence of god and when you get there oh god god shows up i remember i remember last year hallelujah hallelujah last year i think it was one of our members came to church she said hallelujah i'm coming to church because if i stay home she said she feel like dying i feel like this is it i'm going to die she's an elderly lady living by herself she said i'm not going to stay home and die because if i stay at home and die i could be here for several days and persons might not know where i am hallelujah so before i die at home let me go to the house of god and die there because somebody there will see and know what to do i'm going to go to the house of god and die that in and of itself is a paradox hallelujah when she got to the house of the lord the man of god under the inspiration of the holy ghost lord sent him to her he called her out of her seat identified the situation that was within her being in her body hallelujah he spoke about the tablets that she's thinking of taking oh god my savior hallelujah the man of god got a bottle of water consecrated and gave it to her and said woman drink and you shall live my god and savior jesus hallelujah she came expecting to die but left with life hallelujah and she continued living hallelujah glory to god when you get to the house of god your situation is about to change your circumstances about to be transformed hallelujah and one of the beautiful thing about the times in which we live that we though we might not be able to come physically together hallelujah with the technology has provided for us the opportunity to virtually connect hallelujah and so if two can agree it doesn't matter how far the distance is in between but if we can come together even in this space then god shows up and when god shows up something good is about to take place something good is about to happen your situation is about to change if you put it in the hand of the master the one whom with nothing is impossible hallelujah the one with whom he can do all things but fail his name is jesus oh god i love you and i hallelujah back to the text in first peter chapter number four all right sorry peter writes hallelujah hallelujah and he's encouraging the believer those who are stay in the course those who are enduring to the very end he says listen to me brothers and sisters hallelujah keep on keeping on while you're keeping on i know that there will be times of suffering hallelujah he says i know but persons are going to be suffering for the name of jesus christ you're going to suffer hallelujah in fact you're not alone because jesus christ himself suffered and if he suffered we must suffer also but the suffering of the believer must be according to righteousness sake it is possible to suffer not according to righteousness sake because somebody's situation we put ourselves in it and we're suffering for it that's not the suffering that attracts the blessing of god the suffering that attracts the blessing of god is when we are doing the will of god and we're suffering doing the will of god that we're doing unto him he called us to do and while we are doing paul said it this way i'm glad peter the apostle said it this way we have been found worthy to suffer for the name of jesus christ we have been beaten hallelujah hallelujah i've been found worthy to be crucified for my master and savior he says paul said these sufferings are but light afflictions and i understand hallelujah i reckon that the sufferings of this present time is not worthy to be compared with the glory and that's where you have it the glory that's coming give me hope to go through the suffering that i'm facing and guess what we do the same thing in the natural it's not strange because guess what if somebody promised you a scholarship if somebody promised you some money hallelujah while you're waiting some of you might be complaining because it's not coming through the exact time that you want it to come through but you this much you know you know it's coming through somebody promise you that this is going to happen hallelujah and they're going to do this for you and you know they're going to do it but they have a little challenge every now and again this situation comes up in the way but you know they're going to do it hallelujah and so patiently you endure because you know that it's coming through and if we do that in the natural how much more in the realm of the spirit how much more knowing that the one who promised us is not slack concerning his promises but he is faithful hallelujah hallelujah and so peter says to the believer hallelujah you know you're suffering for my name for the name of jesus christ yes he left us an example hallelujah and i know you're going to be suffering because as we draw closer to the end of time and the urgency of my coming is drawing nigh guess what there's going to be a pressure that's coming there's more suffering that's coming my god can you imagine over 2 000 years this has been written but it's happening it's applicable even right now so the coming of the lord is closer than ever before and now that we're almost on the brink of going home the pressure is coming in even more and many are losing their way oh god my savior jesus it's not time to backslide hallelujah hallelujah it's not time to throw in the towel holly got a makeup in your mind you've gotta have a makeup mind he says i gotta make up my mind come hell are i water i've got to make it in hallelujah he says beloved my beloved children think take your mind and begin to focus think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange things happened unto you and i know that we're going through i know yes you're going through the situation that you look at it seems strange you're wondering where on the god heavens did this come from you're trying to discern under what situation or what did i do or not do that is causing this situation to come my way hallelujah it's not about what you've done or what you haven't done it's a time in which we live and the enemy knows that it's going home time and so the pressure is coming in what you've got to make of your mind ah hallelujah hallelujah i'm telling you peter says i'm going to tell you how to deal with the urgency how to deal with the test and the trials though they seem strange and when even though they're strange and they're they're hot they're fiery trials they're not even cold they are hot that means they bring pain they bring under the discomfort and so guess what think begin to put your mind keep your mind get your mind in order it is with the mind that we serve the lord so get your mind in order begin to realize that god didn't bring you this far to leave you he didn't bring us this far to leave us get it in your mind and abort shimon die holy ghost hallelujah i know you're feeling it in your flesh i know you feel it in your spirit and even your emotions and it feels like you can't go anymore but get it in your mind i remember i took a trip to blue mountain a couple of years ago and i've been there several times traveled about three or four times up the out up blue mountain hallelu and i remember when the last time i was going hallelujah as we were going up i felt my body giving way my knees were caving in my body came under pressure oh god and i said to myself romano you're not at the top as yet you can't give up now you made up in your mind that you're going to the top and guess what you're not at the top so i said to myself body you've got to come with me i don't care how you feel you're coming with me legs move and don't stop moving until we get to the top you've got to make up in your mind though the pressure come on your flesh i heard brother the main earlier says you got to push beyond your flesh because sometimes the body is telling us no but the mind is saying yes you can make it yes you can make it yes you can make it hear the spirit of the mind of god hallelujah yes you can and you will because it's not by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the lord appeal for peter says hallelujah think it not strange concerning the fiery trials hallelujah hallelujah which is to try you as though some strange thing happened unto you god allow the painful circumstances that we're going through to happen to accomplish a greater good in the life of the child of god yes god allows the pressure to come in oh god my savior jesus he knows the world in which we live that they are mockers and there's corners yes murmurs and complainers those who would ridicule us those who will reject us he knows hallelujah hallelujah he knows what we're going through he went through the same thing oh god my savior jesus and he allows it for his greater good and for our blessings for our benefits how is gold tried it is tried by fire and before that gold comes out the fire is even hotter you gotta heat it up some more so that all the impurities talk about sifting it's a time of separating yes so when the fire retrials comes at us what it is doing is separating the impurities from us it is separating the imperfections from us so that we can be purified in him in other words he wants us to be perfect and so he'll allow the circumstances to happen in our lives for his glory hallelujah he says wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of god commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing let me say it again wherefore let them not suffer according to the will of god commit their keeping hallelujah commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing as unto a faithful creator i'm going to keep on doing good hallelujah though the pressures keep coming in not by my own strength but by the grace of almighty god why because i know that all things work together for good to them that love the lord and are the called according to his purpose we know and because i know i can endure thinking not strange think get it in your mind and know that all things not some all things is working for our good to who's good to them that love the lord how do we love the lord with all of our hearts all of our minds all of our souls who doesn't work good for to them that love the lord with all of their hearts all of their minds all of their souls do i love him like that then guess what it's working for my good to them who are the called according to his purpose is working for your good yes the trials that you're going through yes that hellish condition yes oh god the home situation on the job in the community your neighbor is working as long as you love the lord with all of your heart all of your mind all of your soul and remember to love the lord that vertical relationship with all of my heart mind and soul it means that i love horizontally then i can say truly love the lord the lord because it is that person that all things work together for good for so god allows painful circumstances these trials and these testings are a part of the refining process ah god i've got to get rid of the impurities i've got to get rid of [Music] the imperfections i will allow some things to happen in your life so i can purify you so i can get the glory out of your life second corinthians 12 hallelujah and verse number seven said it this way unless i should be exalted paul speaking above measure through the abundance of the revelation there was given to me a thorn in the flesh the messenger of satan to buffet me yes my god to beat me unless i should be exalted above measure yes so paul the apostle haley was given a thorn in the flesh to keep his flesh under subjection yes he had many revelations he walked with god hallelujah in fact when paul pulled out his resume you would think it is jesus if you didn't know jesus hallelujah hallelujah he says i've been beaten just like jesus 39 times just like jesus did hallelujah i've been walking with him i've gone through their situation hallelujah i know what it means to be empty and i know what it means to be full i've been through the perils of robbers shipwrecked anywhere you take it yes i've been there hallelujah and i'm persuaded i know beyond a shadow of a doubt that god is for me and guess what i'm going through this situation because it's purifying me yes he gave it to me i'm running with it three times i sought the lord and he answered me and says my grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness so paul i know you're going through but i'm going to get some glory out of your life so i got to put you under some pressure oh god oh god those who are wondering if god is hard god is not hard god is good because if you don't take the pressure from god no you're going to have to take the pressure from the devil and the pressure from the enemy leads to eternal damnation but if god puts you under pressure now what he's doing is putting the flesh under pressure so that the perfection hallelujah can come out of us so that we can become more like him so we can begin to shine like him so that his character can be fully formed in us and we begin to exemplify him and bring glory and honor to his name somebody give him praise and glory hallelujah james chapter 5 verse 10 through 11 tells us hallelujah this way take my brethren the prophets who have spoken in the name of the lord for an example of suffering affliction and of patience behold we count them happy which endure you have heard of the patience of job and i've seen the end of the lord that the lord is very pitiful and of tender mercies so today we can look back and see what job went through and be encouraged guess what if god took job through he will take us through it in the name don't crumble under it don't allow the pressure to overcome you and cause it to go astray hallelujah understand in your mind that it's working for our good praise the name of the lord jesus christ of nazareth hallelujah but then there's an expectation of the kind of response that needs to come from the believer so this is what i don't want i don't want you to think it's strange i don't want you to be surprised by the fiery trials i don't want you to respond in anxiety when you see oh hell is breaking loose have you noticed that a lot of persons are becoming anxious in this time i don't want you to respond in fear because of what you see happening around you because i have not given a spirit of fear but of power love and of a sound mind i don't want you to respond in fear or like the world don't be surprised that's not the child of god's response the child because guess what our god knows this before it happened i lead you in the path of righteousness for my name's sake yes all your work to the valley of the shadow of death do not be afraid oh god i will fear no evil why for thou art with me my god and savior jesus hallelujah hallelujah so there are times he's going to lead us in the valley of the shadow of death it's not death it's a shadow ah the shadow can't hurt you i've ever heard of a shadow hurting somebody you feel fearful it's a shadow oh god i'm not shy oh you're feeling fear it is a shadow put your hand in the hand of the master and it will lead us to the valley of the shadow of death ah some through the waters some through the flood some through the fire but all through the blood yes i know you're going through and can i tell you when you're going through the valley of the shadow that you feel like you're going to die you're saying to yourself it's my time now it's a shadow jesus somebody needs to hear this shima somebody need to hear it's a shadow you don't need to be afraid god is in charge i will lead you through the valley i can prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies oh god i'd rather put my trust in god than my trust in flesh hallelujah hallelujah so it says do not hallelujah don't think it's strange don't worry don't get surprised don't act out of fear but your response to the fiery trials is to rejoice is to do what brother peter get all excited start rejoicing when i'm going through hell rejoice i'm a koshanda when i feel like it's all over and it's done if you can just begin to shift your eyes from what you're going through ah glory to god hallelujah an example is seen in the stoning of stephen while stephen was being stoned to death he looked up the heavens opened up and he saw jesus oh god i love you jesus when you see what you've been hoping for when you see the reality of what you've been living for everything pales everything becomes insignificant so while we are looking at stephen being stoned he's not looking at the stone he sees jesus oh god my savior can you see jesus in the midst of your situation hallelujah and in order oftentimes for us to see god in the midst of it we've got to step back from it because too many times when we are so close to it all we can see is it it's too close in my face i need to step back and when you step back and look you're going to see god standing there oh god i hear the prophet said hallelujah his servant came to the prophet and said prophet ah we're outnumbered hallelujah we're going to die now the enemy has come for us the prophet said lord open the eyes of my servant so he can see from your perspective and when his eyes were open he looked and he saw the host of heaven and he realized that there are more for us hallelujah than they that are against us we've got to see it from god's perspective to start rejoicing so in one instance when he looked he was worried he wasn't rejoicing he was fearful he wasn't rejoicing he was afraid for his life but the master hallelujah opened his eyes and when he looked and he saw hallelujah that god is for us he began to rejoice it's as if he's saying master when he just came we're dead know when he went back and look and said master we win we win we have got victory you can rejoice peter understood this that while we're going through suffering it's time to rejoice mighty god and savior jesus because we're identifying with him who suffered afterwards he hallelujah was glorified hallelujah hallelujah and if we identify with his suffering we shall also identify hallelujah hallelujah with the glorification in other words if we don't go through the cross there's no heaven for us to gain there's no crown without some pain without a cross i've got to go through some stuff to make it to the other side jesus himself set the example the scripture says oh for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despise the shame yes he went through the agony and the pay because he was able to see joy ahead of him paul peter says think it not strange when the fiery trials come to try you but this you ought to do rejoice in as much as you are partakers of christ's suffering that when his glory shall be revealed you may be glad also with exceeding joy there's a joy that is coming that is beyond this suffering that is beyond this time hallelujah hallelujah and won't it be a time when we get over yonder won't it be a time hallelujah we're gonna be able hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah says god shall wipe away every tear from our eyes one of these days it will be joy forevermore but while we're here we've got to go through while we're going through we've got to keep focus hallelujah we are focusing we've got to endure to the very end knowing that he that endures to the end shall be saved the christian's response to the test and the trial is never to fear never to be surprised naturally we respond like that but every now and again we need to stop and say lord talk to me and hear the word of the lord and begin to rejoice with exceeding joy knowing that he is faithful that it promises victory in the end when you trust him today will you trust him today abba father somebody laying on your bed right now hallelujah hallelujah you're watching this by way of internet laying in your bed hallelujah god would have allowed you to tune in in this very moment to hear this word to your spirit lift your faith in jesus christ even now hallelujah hallelujah you shall not die but you shall live hallelujah you felt like giving up throwing in the tower oh god hallelujah hallelujah has reminded you today don't throw in the towel keep your mind stayed on him even though you don't understand what is going through it's strange this kind of trial it's strange i've never seen it before it's strange but god is not surprised by strange fiery trials he knows them inside out he knew that you'd be facing it today and he knew that you'd be watching us today and he knew that your heart would be open to receive his word this very hour lift your faith in the king of glory you who are not yet saved fearful unto death hallelujah probably sick in your bed right now i'm asking you to repent of your sins that knowledge that you have sinned against almighty god hallelujah ask him to convict convince your heart if you can't find the sin ask him convict my heart oh god hallelujah hallelujah so i can repent and turn from my sins and find life and that more abundantly god wants to save you will you repent of your sins hallelujah once you have repented your next step for the first step is to repent the second step is to be baptized in the wonderful name of the lord jesus christ for the remission for the removal of your sins and he promised that he will fill you with the power of the holy ghost hallelujah to the saved who are going through yes hallelujah want to baptize fill the holy ghost we've got to take it a little further hallelujah hallelujah we've got to go through the tests we've got to go through the trials we've got to go through the situation and remain faithful unto god to the very end because he who is faithful will hear well done good and faithful servant i'm encouraging i'm beseeching that i remain faithful to god even in fiery trials stay the course comes what may don't give up don't give in job got doubled for his trouble we're getting a heavenly bless a heavenly bliss that is far better than what job got stay the course don't turn back don't give up stay the course hallelujah don't succumb to the pressure of fear dot and anxiety believe god believe god what he said he will do that will he do god bless you in jesus christ's name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and glory to god thank you lord jesus thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you jesus glory to your name o god hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] be with you [Music] i will be [Music] with you if you will only trust me [Music] trust [Music] me jesus [Music] if only we remain faithful to the very end he promises [Music] me trust me trust me i'll never leave you if you will [Music] they that put their trust in the lord shall never be ashamed hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah trust me [Music] i'll be with you to the very end even your dark times i will be there for you i never trust me [Music] yes trust god i'll find your battles for your [Music] trust god trust god trust him trust him with all of your heart with all of your heart lead not to your own understanding even when you don't see me i'm there up there [Music] my god [Music] [Applause] i will be with you [Applause] will you trust him today he has spoken to your heart if you would only trust him lean not to your own understanding but not your trust in man because the arms of flesh will fail some trust in chariots some in horses but we will today remember the name of the lord we'll trust him we will trust him yes we will trust me yes brother alwyn gets ready to pray the closing prayer [Music] under the sound of my voice while you're watching this internet while you're watching this message hallelujah and you want us to reach out to you put your name in the chat put your contact information we'll reach out to you hallelujah god has spoken into your heart today spoken into your life today into your very spirit you need not be afraid [Music] all you've got to do is to trust him and he will fight your battles and he'll be there for you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] you're [Music] trust me [Music] trust me [Music] hallelujah [Music] thank you jesus [Music] musicians keep playing lord god what a word [Music] what a word [Music] how will we respond god how will we respond nor will we respond [Music] what a word what a word what a word god i thank you we thank you we thank you for speaking to us god [Music] we thank you god for loving us through your word for strengthening us through your word your word your word [Music] mighty god almighty god you are mighty [Music] you love us god we know we know we know you love us you love us you love us you love us and so we thank you today for this world sovereign god we come now as a people we recognize that you're with us we recognize your presence through the world we thank you lord jesus for this day ordained for us who are here lord sovereign god this is the day that you have made [Music] and you god almighty orchestrated it such as this it's not by chance that we are in the house and those are online listening now no god it's because lord god you ordained its soul this is for your kingdom's cause and we come god grateful hearts and we thank you for today we thank you for the word we thank you for your presence we thank you for your assurance [Music] somebody strengthened lord god somebody's encouraged somebody's challenged somebody's repenting somebody's getting ready to turn somebody's getting ready to surrender somebody's getting ready to say i yield to the spirit of god in my life [Music] this is a word for this time this is a word for this circumstance good god almighty the spirit of fear is all around the spirit of depression is at work the spirit god almighty that seeks to bind us the spirit god that wants us to be down trodden the spirit that wants us hopeless the spirit lord god that wants to put us in this spear but hope in god kataya pusha because you will fight your battles because god you are able to keep us from falling and to present us faultless lord god we should count it joy we should celebrate we should kick up our foot and dance when hard times come that's your word god so many times god we know the word but we do not live the word oh god so many times we do not live the word but help us today to remember and draw it on your word and to speak to our circumstances through your word god we thank you god almighty that we now recognize it's important to trust you oh god so many circumstances around so many situations on every side every day problem after problem new ones grave ones but god almighty we will trust you because you will fight our battles because you're the sovereign god who will take care of us oh god almighty help us to get to know you because god almighty when we know you we can trust you [Music] when we know we are we are we can put our confidence easily in you makasha those who don't know you can't trust you ah god and if they try they will fail because when the pressures come god they will be faltered but may we come to know you hakka shaya may we come to know you god [Music] hallelujah as a faithful god may we come to know you as father and friend hallelujah may we come to know you as our defender or protect our healer oh god almighty our provider oh god this is a time when your people god must know you this is a trying season for the church but god almighty we will live in the knowledge of god we are challenged to live in god perspective at all times oh to know you jesus oh to trust you god ma kendo shy father god we thank you for the man of the house i pray even now lord god that this word will stand in his life so many times our leaders go through and nobody knows but lord god help him to trust you still [Music] i and to stand as the man of the hour in the season of the church lord god whatever it is ah god for to fulfill this call keep him in your word keep him assured alleluia that you're with him ah god almighty you will fight the battles for him and that you will keep him faithful to the call hallelujah lord jesus christ as a church oh god almighty may we come god almighty at a place of altar oh god almighty and recognize what you're saying to us oh god recognize what it is that you would have us do in this season lord god for those who are not yet saved are wavering lord jesus it is evident the times are clear your coming is nigh your coming is nigh so many things are going around oh god i hear the minister of health lamenting that someone died because they didn't take the vaccine but god people are dying because they did not surrender what moans god is that people are dying without you people are dying lost in sin oh god but today is a day of mercy tomorrow is not promised unto us cause someone now god to surrender cause someone now to reach out to the numbers online and to say i wish to surrender my life to god cause someone lord jesus to no longer live in fear but to say i want to follow jesus ah god there is a backslider that you've spoken to oh god clearly come home to jesus come home come home [Music] alleluia come to jesus love is in the house restoration is in the house come home no longer in sin no longer in shame no longer in pride come to jesus oh god those of us who are in the house and failing day after day god ah god having only a form but denying the core of god the truth of god lord we repent and we ask you god for mercy ah god this is a word of restoration but it's a word of warning ah god may we not miss the word the word the word akasha hey god week after week you speak to us i are we hearing god or are we like those who hear and it's as though god almighty they were deaf [Music] ah god are we submitted to the word week after week in this house have mercy on us have mercy on us god have mercy on us we bless your name [Music] we honor you we magnify you because you reminded us of your sovereignty [Music] you reminded us god that's by your will all things are in order and so when we suffer god may we see you with it oh god when it's hard may we proclaim your name i confess god it's difficult but such is it god such was the cross katoshi man oh god such was the cross and we were letters to you god may we recognize the burden that we must fear so that one day god we too will be perfect men ka-tai bashu sama we to god will be earth in your kingdom [Music] ah god i pray even now [Music] your sweet spirit will rest with us with us even as we sign off this platform those of us who are here and we leave speak to us hey bring us to a corner god bring us to our knees let us take 10 minutes god to just process this word let us take time god to search out ourselves and to resolve god that we must place you as sovereign in all things at all times and our lives god must manifest the knowledge of god at all times thank you for strengthening your people thank you god for touching my unsaved friends thank you god for this hour in your presence as we go throughout and on a week god straighten us keep us give us joy give us lips of praise and thanksgiving oh god almighty give us hearts that will turn and adjust our ways and come in alignment god with your will we thank you jesus those who are coming online we pray tonight that you'll bless us as we gather again to give you glory and to hear your word we give you honor we give you glory and we give you praise i'll fight your battles praise team i'll fight your back to us if you will [Music] the lord has spoken to us today trust [Music] [Music] [Music] if you will [Music] thank you jesus at this time we give the lord god thanks for the time that we spent in his presence yes and i'll invite at this time to bid us off the leader of the house pastor romano willis praise god praise god hallelujah hallelujah [Music] trust me trust in him trust then praise god praise god we thank god for another time in the courts of the lord we remind you to join with us online in our zoom room tonight as we continue this evening service at 6 30 so that's 6 30 this evening in our zoo room please join us please make note of the zoom link and password on your screen our bible study comes to us on tuesday night and then thursday our prayer meeting and friday our youth service at 7 30 tuesday thursday and friday these services respectfully our sunday school will continue online in our zoom platform every sunday morning god's willing please make note of the ideas and join us as we continue to share in the word of the lord our main services are uploaded to our youtube page that is bethel united church apostolic for more please like subscribe and turn on notifications god bless you god bless you god bless you let us raise our hands for the benediction even now in the name of the lord now unto him who is able to keep us from falling and to present us faultless for the presence of his glory with exceeding joy to the only wise god our savior be glory and majesty dominion and power both now and ever that all god's people say amen and amen thank you for joining with us god bless you in jesus name [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Bethel United Church Apostolic Portmore
Views: 717
Rating: 4.7241378 out of 5
Id: Ekvzx8bRtx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 44sec (9524 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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