Sunday Morning Live Worship Sept. 19th, 2021

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[Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] one [Music] so [Music] so [Music] praise the lord how marvelous how wonderful is my savior's love for me welcome to church this morning good to see you and we pray god's blessing upon us this day as we worship together i'm sorry you got to wear your mask but it's not my fault but thank you for adhering to those restrictions that have come back to us and i believe this too shall pass and we will overcome this but we've come together today to worship the lord and for no other reason to worship him and him only to him be praised to him be glory in the church today and let's sing to the king [Music] glory to jesus [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] christ [Music] we will be [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] let us sing a song a song declaring we belong to jesus hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we're going to sing and we're going to shout a little bit more we're going to get some more adjustment on my mic as well you're hearing it back there aren't you a little bit of a ringing but when we get to that part praise the lord i want the music to stop all i want to hear are your voices all right you're good for it practice say praise the lord praise the lord say it again [Music] [Applause] [Music] the oh is [Music] give the lord a hand clapping [Music] amen amen matthew matthew's gospel chapter 5 verses 14 to 16 says you are the light of the world a town built on a hill cannot be hidden neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl instead they put it on its stand and it gives light to everyone in the house in the same way let your light shine before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father who is in heaven amen my what a challenge we have let your light so shine that others would know jesus let it be we're going to sing the old hymn with the help of the band good to have the band back on the platform with us today whosoever heareth shout shout the sound send the blessed tidy all the world around spread the joyful news wherever man is found whosoever will may come [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] all right let's stand together and sing this verse here we go [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] amen what a challenge we have in that song we have the challenge to go out and to share the gospel and to let the whosoever will know that they can come to jesus christ to let the whosoever will know and whatever means is possible for us whatever doors god opens for us we are to walk through and to make sure that we fulfill our mandate into reaching out to others to let our light so shine before others that they may glorify our father who is in heaven we need to let them know by our lives and by our testimonies that we trust jesus and that he has never failed us and then that in turn gives them reason and hope and the assurance that because we can trust him they can trust him they need to know they need to have that assurance and these days in particular when things are so uncertain we need that hope there are so many with so many different needs today we're remembering major winnie and her family major winnie's brother-in-law passed away i believe it was yesterday and we continue to pray for her and her family and what they are going through um in a sudden passing of a loved one and we just pray that grace and strength might be given to them ross payton is not doing well these days and so we remember esther and charlene and the families and we just pray that god would strengthen them and surround them and uplift them we have family members all of us who are going through something with their health with doctors with appointments with tests where things that have been discovered things that are causing concerns and we just pray that god when in his with his almighty hand would just reach down and touch them and would help them realize that they can trust him and they can turn their cares and their concerns over to him and believe that whatever his will is for them that he will give them strength to continue to walk through and to face that journey whatever it may look like he is more than enough to meet our needs friends and of course we have the story right now we have missing fishermen off the coast of mary's harbor and so we pray for them we pray for their safety we pray for the families who are struggling right now we pray for the responders who are looking and searching and we just pray that god would just have his hand in the midst of that situation and i'm sure that as we pause for a moment you have things that's going through your own mind you're thinking about the weights that's upon your own shoulders that probably haven't been mentioned here yet this morning trust jesus [Music] trust jesus regardless of what it is regardless of what it looks like regardless on if you can see hope or not recognize that there is hope in christ and you can trust him because he will take care of you let's share the course together this morning i can trust jesus [Music] [Applause] is [Music] yes [Music] he takes care of me [Music] me [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] me [Music] trust me [Music] [Applause] [Music] i can trust [Applause] [Music] father we find jesus assurance in those words this morning to know that we can trust you and we know we can as we are walking with you daily and we have that relationship with you in which we grow every day and every day you prove to us that your mercies are new every morning and your grace is there for us even though we do not deserve it and yet you give us strength from day to day as we read through scripture as we look around our world we can see evidence of where you are and how you are watching over us though there is darkness and though there is fear and though there are so many unknowns yet you are right there in the midst and you dispel all that darkness and you have told us that perfect love drives away fear and so when we are in that love relationship with you we have no reason to be afraid and so no matter what the storms of life may be no matter how high those waves might seem or how loud that thunder crashes in our ears we can trust you and we can find our peace in the safety of you and your care for us lord you know those who are upon our hearts today we all have family and friends and we're remembering major winnie and her family today we're remembering ross's family and ross esther and charlene and god we just pray that you would walk along and that you would just make your presence known to them that they might recognize that you are there in the midst and even in the even in the sorrow and the grief yet there is joy and peace that's found in you be their strength today we're remembering the fishermen who are missing right now and we pray father that you would just be in the midst of that situation we pray that they would be found we pray that there would be cause to rejoice we pray that there would be a peace in the midst of the chaos that's happening right now and that you would just strengthen and guide each one that's involved in the search and the rescue today [Music] lord i have family members as well as others who have such needs today hearts are breaking and there's sorrow and there's fear and there's questions and there are doubts about tomorrow there are struggles about how to handle what's happening today [Music] and i pray that as i remember them and as each one here and online remembers those friends and family that they know going through circumstances that are beyond our control that we would all learn that we can trust you and that when all else around us may fail us and when we are surrounded by grief and questions and health concerns and anxiety when we're still faced with this pandemic when we have little children like trinity who's having to go through such difficult moments and we have unspoken prayer requests that are coming in lord we all need to know that we can trust you and we would just lay our all before you that you indeed would take care of us because you love us continue to guide us may you be blessed by our worship today may you indeed be glorified by our praises yes as we declare who you are for the world to know that you are the one who saves and who keeps and who satisfies as we trust and follow you we pray amen [Music] amen can trust jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] i [Music] can trust jesus he takes care of me [Music] bless you so truly is all about jesus excuse me we've had a wonderful week we've been surrounded by such beauty and i don't know if any of you guys have seen the sunsets here in cbs this week but they've been absolutely amazing amazing you can't help but think that god is a wonderful master of color so i thought that seeing how you guys were going back to school this week we talk about color we talk about crayons or markers whatever you use i have crayons here with me today and i i think i've just burst some crayons through um your sunday school bags if you have them so if you have some of these colors you can hold them up with me as we go along color i want to start with is the color purple so if you have the color purple you might have it in your bags you can raise it up with me if you have the purple crayon purple did you know is the color for royalty it helps me remember that jesus is the king of kings fully god and when the bible begins in the beginning god jesus was there in heaven ruling as god the son john 1 verses 1 to 3 says in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god he was in the beginning with god all things came into being through him next we have the color orange she might have a color orange in your bag orange can be the color of some types of dirt like clay like terra cotta pots and stuff for our flowers it helps me to remember that jesus came to earth as fully man he left heaven and came to live here as a man here on earth yet he never sinned john 1 14 says and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we saw his glory glory is of the only begotten from the father full of grace and truth next we have the beautiful color red so if you have red in your bag how many things can you guys name that are red a lot i bet when we see red it also reminds us that jesus died on a cross to pay for our sin jesus did what we couldn't he was both god and human yet he never sinned red reminds me of god's great love for us john 3 and 16 says for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish perish but have eternal life next we have black so if you have a black crayon hold it high the bible says we are helpless and dead in our sins without jesus black reminds me that jesus was put into a black tomb and was there for three days he experienced the punishment for our sin but sin couldn't hold him god raised jesus from the grave and he still lives because he lives we have eternal life too black reminds me jesus conquered sin death and darkness acts 2 and 4 says but god raised him from the dead putting an end to the agony of death since it was impossible for him to be held in its power next we have brown everyone got brown this reminds me of one of my favorite things chocolate what does chocolate have to do well just think about an m m or smartie without the chocolate inside the m m the m m would just be a fragile shell right with no taste in the same way without god's love without jesus our lives are fragile and empty without jesus we are empty and hopeless there is nothing we can do to save ourselves it is god's gift we must choose to say yes of course and if we don't say yes we're saying no i don't want it john 1 first john 5 and 12 says he who has the son has the life he who does not have the sun does not have the life now we have green green is the color of the grass and the trees and so many other beautiful things that grow green green reminds me of the new life jesus gives me when i trust him as my savior and it also reminds me that as i continue to grow in knowing him i can study my bible and pray and serve him more and more every day next we have the color blue blue makes me think of the sky and all the air all around us we can't see the air but we can see it affects when the its effects when the wind blows and the leaves fall off the trees and you can feel the breeze on your face this reminds me that jesus is always with me through his holy spirit although i cannot see him with my eyes and lastly boys and girls we have yellow yellow is just like the sunshine i love the beautiful sunshine it reminds me of heaven and that heaven will be a place full of light and warmth because god is there god promises that if we trust in jesus as our savior and lord then we will one day be in heaven with him for eternity and that is a beautiful place where we can be let us pray dear god our heavenly father we thank you so much for all the beautiful colors you provide as we are in school this week lord i pray that we will look at those colors and they will remind us of your son jesus lord and all that he has done for us so that one day we will be able to be in heaven in your love with you for eternity amen everybody ought to know [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] everybody [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] everybody [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] is [Music] oh [Music] amen do you know jesus if you don't it's very distracting trying to talk when all you're getting is our echo in the background you know we're in god's house this morning maybe you can mute claudette's mic daryl please maybe that might have something to do with it i don't know but there are some technical challenges here this morning for some unknown reason all right i have a special privilege this morning a wonderful opportunity is mine to be able to speak of the many blessings that god has been pouring out on the conception-based south core of the salvation army keep cheering me on i'm not giving up the devil wants to shut me down but not happening is not happening so daryl we just discovered the problem buddy it is my mic whatever is going on it's in my mic mute that shut it off and uh here we go isaiah 54 verses 2 and 3. it's going to be before you on the wall and here it is enlarge the place of your tent stretch your tent curtains wide do not hold back lengthen your cords strengthen your stakes for you will spread out to the right and to the left your descendants will dispossess nations and settle in their desolate cities i want you to listen to what the message paraphrase says of these verses clear lots of ground for your tents make your tents large spread out think big use plenty of rope drive the tent pegs deep you're going to need lots of elbow room you're going to need lots of elbow room why because your family is growing yeah these are powerful powerful words let me give you just a little background what's happening here in isaiah god had plans for increase for causing israel to burst forth as water the overflow would be so great that they would have to enlarge their tents enlarge the ropes and the tent pegs in other words israel would have to stretch to receive this great increase here at the salvation army cbs we have a vision a vision to go to the next place god wants us to be lengthen your cord strengthen your stakes for i believe we have spread out to the left and to the right we need to prepare ourselves for a little more elbow room as it were here we are casting a vision a vision for expansion a vision for a new building the salvation army cbs community program center amen come on come on i'm going to invite my senior leadership team here to the front as well as my building committee you know who you are without even calling names now remember we're still in physical distancing mode so try and space it right across the front here we are blessed with such a team that god is just i believe put together brought together for such a time as this i want you to face the congregation this new salvation army conception-based south community program center will have the opportunity to impact all residents of conception based south regardless of age gender or need our goal as a salvation army cbs is to meet the physical emotional spiritual needs of those within our influence with as great an impact as possible friends we're suffering from growing pains now you know sometimes growing pains hurts a lot in our case i will say growing pains is a real blessing because it proves that the lord is pouring his holy spirit up on us in such a time as this the community of cbs from topsail to seal cove continues to grow it continues to expand the salvation army cbs continues to grow and here's our role as the community of cbs grows the needs grow and let me say this our responsibility grows our responsibility grows and we can't take what's happening around us for granted we're going to expand and meet community needs through our community and family services program it's pretty small now in comparison do i to what i believe will be fairly large in this community the thrift store that's currently across the highway will be on this property as well karen we're going to move you our goal is to improve the environment in which many of our volunteers serve through programming and community service you look around this current facility that we are in what you see is pretty much what you get this is what we have we have a couple of little rooms out here but they're little rooms we have what's called a little program house there off from the off the parking lot provides a little need but certainly nothing in comparison to what the needs are looking at having a community drop-in center that will be a coffee house a connector piece where people can feel free to drop in and out any time they desire with the help and the volunteer base that we have here to provide conversation to provide counseling services to provide to meet the physical as well as emotional and spiritual needs of the folks that drop in daily expand and meet needs through a variety of programming for all ages we have run out of space and i'll say we have no space there's lots of programming that happens here although we're on hold now due to covet as you're all aware but there's lots that's happening there's a lot about to happen lots about to launch when it comes to programming of all ages senior groups youth programming children's programming music ministry counseling services special interest groups women's ministries men's ministries it's happening and we've run out of space the possibilities for additional programming and services to meet the needs of the residents of the town of conception-based south are endless we need the space to do it and this community program center can provide that space the new salvation army community program center can provide a more adequate and efficient space for all together for events activities fellowship and community functions providing a safe place for all town residents for all salvation army cbs attendees adherance soldiers friends of the army all of us can come together to connect to fellowship and as well to receive the help need it i'll say it again the community is growing the needs are growing this church is growing our ability to impact this community friends is growing are we in need of this absolutely and i say yes and i say amen now is the time 331 conception bay highway in cbs can be and will be a bright shining light in this community like it's never been before yes some of you may be sitting there some of you may be listening at home and all this may look and sound impossible may look and seem like a long way off can i tell you something let you know a little secret this morning looking back through old files looking back through old minutes from previous meetings it dates way back in colonel ralph stanley you're here this morning and you can attest to this this has been talked about over and over and over and over again right back to 2001. right back to 2001 i'm casting a vision this morning we're all casting a vision this morning and it's not just talk but friends listen it's time that we stop the talking and start working to make this a reality we need it more than ever before we need it and we welcome your prayerful support number one we welcome your prayerful support number two we are welcoming your financial support yes the major senate we're welcoming your financial support you know a project of this magnitude will never happen first of all without prayer and the lord's leading and direction in the midst of it all and will certainly never happen without dollars and cents that are needed we need you to help make this vision a reality as we continue to build the kingdom of god together and so church i'm asking you a question this morning are you with me are you with us as a team as we move forward in this vision planning to become not just a vision but a reality are you if you are will you stand with me come on stand to quote to quote general john gowan some years ago who made it his motto in his term as general of the salvation army he said we have a mission we have a goal and we need to think in this manner and it is this to save souls to grow saints and to serve suffering humanity and i believe friends that's what we're all about here in the salvation army cbs we don't gather just to gather we don't gather just to pass an hour and to pass time we gather because there's mission behind what we do and i'm talking what i'm talking this morning because i believe in this mission i believe in this vision and i believe what god is up to at such a time as this and we need to move it forward we need to move it forward friends god bless you you're going to hear a lot about this in the weeks in the months i don't want to say years because i'm hoping it won't take years but the challenge is great before us but let me leave you with this and our course sergeant major major lloyd will come to pray god's blessing over what we've talked about here this morning i'm going to leave you with this thought with man what i'm talking about today might seem somewhat impossible but with god all things are possible now you can clap to that today praise the lord [Applause] amen amen let's pray together father we come humbly in your presence this morning we're realizing lord the challenge that lies before us is from you when you only although we we visualized today the building that will be built not for our glory not for salvation army glory that's right but for the glory of the kingdom lord we we visualize lonely people we'll come into that building and find friends we find young people who will find love and trust lord we visualize here hurting people will come in and find healing the lost who will find jesus yes the unloved will find a family who loves them unconditionally praise god a sanctuary for the weary of life yes lord we realize too that without a vision the people perish that's right without vision people will be forever lost and lonely without vision nothing will change and lord we just pray that we would have the compassion of christ who will realize without love we will do nothing without love we will not we will not be attuned to the needs of others lord give us unconditional love a love that will not judge but will embrace a love that will not question but help a love for the people for who they are not for what they are labeled or god over a heart of compassion moved at the impulse of love yes and lord we dedicate this vision to you today for we realized lord that anything would be accomplished with this vision we wanted to bring glory and honor to you the lord has already said for some this might seem impossible but nothing is impossible with you the lord we pray that we will not do it for ourselves but for the glory and honor of the kingdom of god lord we want to see lives changed lord we want to see lives enriched lord we want to see victims become victors yes amen and oh god we just pray that your holy spirit would indwell us then fill us so that we would be walking ambassadors of christ in this community of ours we've heard the challenge lord and lord i'm reminded of the fanning cross being rescued and perishing care for the dying snatch them in pity from sin in the grave and alway may we weep ordinary ones and lift up the fallen and tell them of jesus the mighty to save yes she goes on to say down in the human heart crushed by the tempt feelings lie buried that only grace can restore then our challenges is touched by a loving hand yes awakened by kindness cords that were broken will vibrate once more lord that is our vision that the broken will become whole again the weak would become strong again amen and people with no hope would have hope within their hearts and in their life that's what we envision lord as we as we prepare to build this sanctuary as we begin to to build this outreach outreach building yes this community building and lord right now we dedicate it to you it is yours lord for you to use as you would see faith praise god accept our humble offerings lord as we as we prepare that which you have challenged us to do and lord there are times when we will feel weak but we will be strong in you yes use us lord for your honor and glory that the people of conception based out and beyond their lives would be all the better because if you're calling upon our lives just be asking jesus holy name amen amen amen you can be seated team thank you david lee oliver claudette roma rick wilson lloyd randy thank you so much for all that you will contribute in these days to the mission that we're bringing forward here and the vision i have not much to give thee lord but all i have is thine major claudette is going to bring the word and i would ask that you would listen intently to what she has to say today god will use her i believe i believe a seed has been planted here today and we're looking forward to what god will do to just feed into that as we see it grow and as all of us work together to make this vision a reality god is in it we trust him i have not much but all i have is thine i [Music] [Applause] to give me [Music] my [Music] is [Music] do [Music] is [Music] father we thank you for who you are today and though we have not much we recognize that with you it's more than enough and so we pray that you would have your way and as we listen to your word this morning may it be you who speaks may it be you who moves within the hearts and the spirits of each one that here today in your name we pray amen if you have your bibles we're going to be reading from the book of exodus really easy to find the beginning of the word second book of the bible exodus chapter 5 if you have them or chapter 35 sorry if you have the words in front of you if not they'll be on our screen chapter 35 verse 4 moses said to the whole israelite community this is what the lord has commanded from what you have take an offering for the lord everyone who is willing is to bring to the lord an offering as you move over to chapter 36 we begin so bezel a holy ab and every skilled person to whom the lord has given skill and ability to know how to carry out all the work of constructing the sanctuary or to do the work just as the lord has commanded and then moses summoned bezalel and a holy ab and every skilled person to whom the lord had given ability and who was willing to come and do the work they received from moses all the offerings the israelites had brought to carry out the work of constructing the sanctuary and the people continued to bring free will offerings morning after morning so all the skilled craftsmen who were doing all the work on the sanctuary left their work and they said to moses the people are bringing more than enough for doing the work the lord commanded to be done and then moses gave an order and they sent this word throughout the camp no man or woman is to make anything else as an offering for the sanctuary and so the people were restrained from bringing more because what they already had was more than enough to do all the work what a fitting scripture for today isn't it how many of you like to dream i'm not talking about nightmares but wonderful beautiful dreams walt disney was a dreamer and of course we have to go back to him because his story is so magnificent as we look at it walt's vision led him to borrow money to start a production studio that would use cartoons to tell stories and as you know during light during his lifetime the word disney had the same meaning as family entertainment still means the same thing today doesn't it but a production studio wasn't enough he knew there was more his vision and passion for telling stories gave him the idea of creating a brand new family vacation destination and so he went ahead and opened disneyland in 1955. disneyland wasn't enough he wanted people to feel like they had entered an enchanted land and how could people feel swept away when garbage was being hauled in public and employees were switching ships where everyone could see and so against some people's better judgment and to the objections of some who were closest to him walt disney purchased purchased land in a swamp near a small town in florida to build a theme park there as well and this park would have underground tunnels to handle all of the everyday tasks of operating a theme park nothing should interfere with the enchantment and the dream too much too fast his advisor said curtail the dream but walt disney didn't back down his dream and passion became a reality and walt disney world opened its gates in 1971 and since then its annual attendance hits in excess of 20.96 million people walt disney was a big dreamer but there's a problem with dreamers their dreams often require risks they often require big budgets and lots of help and that's hard to swallow exodus chapter 24 god calls moses to join him on mount sinai for 40 days for 40 nights moses stayed listening to all that the lord had to say and we discover as we keep reading into exodus 25 verse 1 that moses was told by the lord tell the israelites to bring me an offering you are to receive the offering from for me from each man whose heart prompts him to give and so following that command the lord lists specifically the offerings needed for the tabernacle everything from yarn and linen ramskins to olive oil spices onyx stones other gems he says to have the israelites make a sanctuary for him verse 9 says make this tabernacle and all its furnishings exactly like the pattern i will show you and so moses he says moses go go gather the offerings make the ark make a table make a lamp stand make the tabernacle make an altar make a courtyard make all of the priestly garments collect all the atonement money make a basin for washing do you think moses was a little overwhelmed a lot of risk involved a lot of expense there a lot of help was needed and i can imagine moses starting to have a few not enough thoughts think about it not enough time in the day not enough money not enough skill not enough knowledge not enough energy not enough passion have you ever had them do you know what these not enough thoughts what these attitudes do to the vision that god gives us when the thoughts of not enough come around it's like the air coming out of a balloon and you become lifeless and so then before you know it the passion is gone and we we become content to keep the width of things the way they are we don't want to rock the boat because if you rock the boat the boat might capsize and so we don't want to take the risk and so moses must have started thinking how am i going to do this i am not qualified for such a task but god didn't even let those thoughts linger in moses mind because moses didn't get a chance to even ask the questions of god god tells moses he has chosen those filled with the spirit of god who have the skills who have the abilities who have the knowledge to do the work remember bezel l we mentioned him just a few weeks ago in one of my sermons god says he chose bezel but he's even chosen a holy ab and other craftsmen to make everything he told moses needed to be made so moses didn't have to worry god assured him of the provision of workers that was being given but manual labor didn't cover all the needs how were the laborers those who would build the tabernacle to receive what was needed how was that going to happen it seemed like such a humongous task to get supplies to get finances to get every detail covered how is moses going to be able to do that and again before moses could even ask god gave the instruction and moses shared it with us in exodus 35 we just read it a moment ago moses said to the whole israelite community this is what the lord has commanded from what you have take an offering for the lord everyone who is willing is to bring to the lord an offering and you know i read those verses and then i started to think what is god thinking really i know david has the questions too think about who god is asking to make this happen he is talking to the leader of a bunch of former slaves and he wants slaves to offer gifts of precious metals and precious stones an expensive fabrics and rare woods that really doesn't make any sense does it how can god expect those who were in slavery for years and years and years to provide what is needed for the tabernacle in order to build this tabernacle and to furnish it as instructed it was going to require a great deal of wealth it was going to require a great deal of skill it was going to require many hands in order to accomplish the work how are a bunch of former slaves going to be able to make that happen only by god's provision plain and simple because you see god knew long before this moment what was going to be required and he had already made provision and you think how well let me remind you go back to exodus chapter 12. exodus chapter 12. do you remember what happened after the passover look at exodus chapter 12 verses 31-36 during the night pharaoh summoned moses and aaron and said up leave my people you and the israelites go worship the lord as you've requested take your flocks take your herds as you have said and go and also bless me and then the egyptians urged the people to hurry and leave the country for otherwise they said we are all going to die and so the people took their dough before the yeast was added carried it on their shoulders and kneading troughs wrapped in clothing the israelites did as moses instructed and asked the egyptians for articles of silver and gold and for clothing and the lord had made the egyptians favorably disposed towards the people and the egyptians gave them whatever they asked for and so they plundered the egyptians do you see what god had done as the people are in the process of leaving the bondage of slavery god is already equipping them with the materials to build the tabernacle and all its furnishings only god can do that but you see god will always provide the resources whatever they may be whether they be skilled personnel or financial or the continued support necessary in order to complete the visions that he gives god provided bezello with the skill to oversee the project he provided him with a holy hab and assistant to help organize and trained god provided skills to all the craftsmen to make what he had commanded god provided the gifts and the energy and the time necessary in order to complete his plan well before his instructions to build a tabernacle and in exodus 35 god commands a free will offering to take place you see when god provides a vision he provides everything necessary to make it happen exodus 35 and 21 says and everyone who was willing and whose heart moved them came and brought an offering to the lord for the work on the tent of meeting it was more than just things with monetary value money is not all it's not the be all end-all can be important but it's not the be-all end-all these people rallied together and they brought their skills and they brought their time as an offering before the lord it was like a spark a spark that ignites a huge fire and everyone caught a renewed passion for what god had planned what does god have planned for your life make it personal this morning this is not all about a new building it is about following god's vision for your life it's all about giving the lord what he requires and what he asks of you and so what does god have planned for your life what does he have planned for the life of this church and what part do you and i play in the vision that he has given both personally and corporately this morning god equips every believer who is willing who is willing catch that for continued varied works of service you see we can all be useful in god's kingdom regardless of our past regardless of our education regardless of our age and even regardless of our experience he wants our willingness to participate in building his kingdom and in bringing people to him in disciplining in reaching out to those who are the most vulnerable to meet the physical and emotional and spiritual needs of those around us that's our mission that's our personal mission not only the mission of the salvation army but it's our personal mission we exist to share the love of jesus christ we exist to meet human needs and to be a transforming influence in the communities of our world and i believe god will take whatever it is we have to offer him however small it may be and he will continue to multiply it until he has what he needs look at the israelites god equipped some to lead some to train some were equipped in carpentry some were equipped in setting stones or in sewing in dying fabrics some were equipped as priests or to butcher sheep others were equipped to lead in worship and god used the skills of everybody he brought them all together so that his plan could be accomplished as stewards then they were to use those skills for god and because we too are god's stewards we are to do the same now obviously it's going to look a little bit differently today than what it did back then but yet the partnership is still the same as partners we move and we work as god leads us as he mobilizes us to share hope wherever there is hardship and to help build communities that are just and right and fair and to ensure that everyone knows of the love of jesus christ how do we do that how do we do that we ask and we pray that god will open our eyes and our hearts to the needs that surround us and we pray that he will guide us in giving hope through the power of the gospel of jesus christ and we pray that he will give us power and grace to serve as we reach out to support others without discrimination and we pray that god will help us give dignity as we respect and value each other and as we recognize everyone's worth in the kingdom of god and we humbly ask him we humbly ask him that as resources become available to us that he will help us be good stewards and to responsibly manage all that is entrusted to us god has given us what is needed he has given what is needed for us to reach out and to be that transforming peace in our surrounding areas no matter where you live god has called you to participate in his plan to influence the world around you for us it is here in cbs for you who are watching online it is surrounding you wherever you may be today god has given you what you need to reach out and to be that transforming peace in the world around you the question this morning is are we willing to join him in partnership for us right now in the conception-based south area we know and we believe that god is leading us toward this community program center where needs can be met and relationships can be formed and where people can find hope and joy and peace and unconditional love god has given the vision and he has given the skill to the employees of the companies that are going to be needed he's given abilities to many of you who now are able to serve and encourage and perhaps even give financially and we believe that he has planted the seed of interest and passion in the hearts of all who can come together to make this a reality however however god had given the skill to all the israelites and yet they still had to make a willful choice to respond to the stirring in their heart their hearts were lifted up and they were set on fire for the for service to the lord they could have all said no they could have all been negative and rebellious as we know the israelites could be but from bezalel to a holy ab to the others who came all came and all gave by choice when asked you see even willing hearts need to be told now is the time to give what you have exodus 36 2 and 3 says moses summoned bezalel and a holy app and every skilled person to whom the lord had given ability and who was willing to come and do the work and they received from moses all the offerings the israelites had brought to carry out the work of constructing the sanctuary moses let them know what was needed and the people started bringing their offering to the lord in fact they continued bringing offering after offering until finally moses had to say stop just stop the craftsmen who were doing the constructing came to moses and they said the people are bringing more than enough for doing the work the lord commanded to be done and then moses says no man or woman has to make anything else as an offering for the sanctuary the lord is giving us another moment of opportunity to respond to his leading and to follow the road that he has laid before us and to contribute to the building up of his kingdom it may look different for each one of us as we individually listen for his voice and and listen to recognize the vision that he has given us individually and personally and therefore individually we have to respond to him as for the salvation army cbs god is not calling us he's not calling us i really don't believe god is calling us to just be another religious dumb denomination he's not calling us just to be another church of four walls i believe he's calling us to be a movement of the holy spirit of the living god with our hearts to god and our hands reaching out to all as we continue to build community because you see that's what the church is that's what church is a community of christ followers who are empowered by the holy spirit to participate in the building of the kingdom of god and it has nothing to do with numbers amen it's about the quality of relationships not the quantity of people very different thing the measure of a great church is not the number of people who go there but the quality of relationships that take place within its community and we believe that we are a close family of god that's in this building today and others who aren't yet with us physically we live in community a place where there are authentic relationships a place where we feel safe a place where we can find hope a place where we know we can depend on one another a place where we do life together and i believe that's why we are are feeling so so much at home like we belong here planning retirement here because we are part of a community of believers who live that way and who do life together we are continuing to build god's house and so we pray it may be literal as we begin to build resources for this vision of a place where we can be the hands of christ but it is also spiritual as we pray that hearts and lives will be touched and transformed and built up in him you see god's mission is to have us partner with him in reaching out to our world if you cannot and this is a challenge for you who are here or whoever might plan on coming to the church at cbs if you cannot open your heart and mind and welcome and embrace all who walk through our doors you're in the wrong place you're in the wrong place the early church in acts chapter 2 was engaged in fellowship in praying and listening to the word they were involved in community action they were meeting needs they were loving people they were serving they were giving they were reaching others who were there on the outside that's how jesus lived he met the immediate felt needs of those he encountered on a daily basis through everyday activities look at the feeding of the five thousand i believe my husband is focusing on that this evening the woman at the well the woman caught in adultery jesus met their immediate felt needs and we are called to do the same and i believe i truly believe that we have not seen and we have not heard nor have we even imagined though we are dreaming big and though the vision seems huge i believe that we haven't imagined what god can do with the offerings of our time and our talents and our treasures as we commit them all to him and to his kingdom we have all benefited have we not friends from those who have come before us because someone someone before us said yes to jesus christ who will benefit from you who will benefit from me i pray i pray that we will pray about how we are going to participate in the vision that god has given us personally and corporately and that vision is certainly not about how much money we can raise not at all the vision is to do all that god is calling us to do and when god's people do all that god is calling us to do god is going to provide the rest because whatever that may look like in your life and mine if we are faithful to the lord if we are faithful to his will he will provide the resources that are needed to meet whatever vision he has given ephesians 2 10 ready amy here we go ephesians 2 10 we are his workmanship created in christ jesus to do good works which god prepared in advance for us to do first peter 2 9 but you are a chosen people a royal priesthood a holy nation god's special possession that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light why declare the praises why participate in the vision god has given to proclaim the gospel wherever we are because the gospel is the power of god for salvation to everyone who believes matthew 5 14 to 16 we read it at the beginning of the service you are the light of the world a city on a hill cannot be hidden neither do people light a lamp and put it under a basket but instead they set it on a lamp stand and it gives light to everyone in the house in the same way let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father who is in heaven and then romans chapter 10 14-15 how then how then can they call on the one in whom they have not believed and how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard and how can they hear without someone to preach how can they preach unless they are sent as it is written how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news and so we commit to doing whatever it takes and major lord i don't believe you have an order of service for this morning do you did you know that our our reflection piece this evening our song or this morning sorry long day already our reflection piece for this morning is rescue the perishing because that's the vision that's the heartbeat of god and that's the heartbeat of this church and if you look at that song and you recognize the commands that's in it verse 1 alone tells us to rescue and to care and to snatch and to weep and to tell that's the vision that's our mission and that's our goal and because it is god who has given that vision and he's given it to us we are to be the stewards he has called us to be and we are to do our best in everything we do we are to give our best in everything whether it's playing an instrument in the van i hope you're practicing every day because you are to give your best to the lord while you play worship team everybody here we do we try to do our best we take time to practice because we want to give the best to the lord we study his word we talk to others we tell them about the love of jesus christ we testify about who he is and we work we share a glass of water in the name of jesus christ we go and pick up those who are unable to come to church on their own and we bring them and we allow them to share and fellowship throughout the day all of that's been done whatever we do we do we give our best because it is for the lord we are working whatever it is it takes us right back into whatever we put in our collection plates we do our best because we are doing it all to the glory of god how we treat our neighbors how we treat our spouses how we encourage and love our children we do it all to the glory of god how we treat the one who's not going it's fast enough through that green light for you how we treat the one behind the teller at the bank or the supermarket we can't do things fast enough for us or there's problems how we treat others how we speak to others what we do to provide for those who are homeless for those who are less vulnerable what we do to reach out we do it all for the glory of god and we take time to rescue it's commanded to us we take time to care and to snatch them out of where they are and to show them that there is a better place to live in the light of jesus christ we weep over the airing one and we lift up the fallen and we tell them of jesus the mighty to save can we sing it from our hearts as we commit our lives afresh as we commit everything we say and everything we do to the glory of god and to the extension of his kingdom oh may it be our life's ambition to help extend the kingdom of god rescue the perishing [Music] me [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] to see [Music] me [Music] [Applause] uh jesus [Applause] [Music] the next verse says crushed by the tempter feelings lie buried and i'm sure you know people who look like they're cold and they're indifferent people who've become bitter through life because of circumstances that life have given them the journey that they have had to walk it has not been an easy road [Music] and over time people get cold and people get bitter and over time after they've been hurt so often people begin to build up these walls the walls need to come down the walls need to come down and people need to begin to feel again as hard as what it may be at the beginning when feelings start to come as brick by brick that wall comes down and as time goes on and feelings start to reignite back into the human heart oh god can move and his grace will restore that life his grace will restore the love that's there touched by a loving heart awakened by kindness and that's who we want to be that's our vision and our goal we want to be able to touch people with the love that god has given us loving hearts loving hands whatever it is we can do we want to wake them by the kindness that god has given to us kindness when you're one on one with people kindness when you're in conversation with a group of people kindness when you're on social media christians we stand as representative of god in jesus christ and the word of his gospel do not let anything destroy your testimony nothing rescue the perishing duty demands it it is not a suggestion but it is a command to go out into all the world and to reach everyone for jesus christ strength for thy labor the lord will provide last two verses together [Music] [Music] feelings [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] this foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] make is [Applause] [Music] i was [Music] your glory and your purposes [Applause] [Music] praise the lord what a mourning it's been in the lord's presence as we've certainly felt him around us in this place today you're going forth with a great challenge aren't you every one of us we leave this place go ye therefore teach all nations that says above our door just as we leave today that would be true of us each and every one of us their mission field out there and all that god would use all of us in these days to reach those who need jesus if it were another song we wouldn't sing it but this ties in so beautifully this morning or this afternoon now what our theme has been throughout our time of worship and i believe it's true these words we're singing it to the tune the pathway of duty we've caught the vision splendid could i have the words amy please we've caught the vision splendid of a world which is to be when the pardoning love of jesus freely flows from sea to sea when all men from strife and anger greed and selfishness are free when the nations live together in sweet peace and harmony and we're going into the course by the pathway of duty flows the river amen of god's grace let's sing it through [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] found this [Music] foreign [Music] um [Music] wow [Music] praise the lord thank you for worshiping with us today and we're inviting you back this evening those of you who registered of course come back worship with us and those who are not able to be in person worship with us online 6 pm this evening and i believe the lord will draw near to us and bless us again abundantly lord we thank you for your presence we thank you for going with us throughout this morning's worship you have ministered to our hearts you have challenged our hearts and lord we're going forth i believe strengthened and empowered as we leave the comfort of this sanctuary today to go out into our communities and to be lord what it is that you want us to be what you've called us to be help us lord to catch the vision help us lord to hold fast to the vision help us to see what's around us and how we can make that difference by being that bright and shining light for jesus christ go with us now dismiss us with your blessing and help us lord to truly be a blessing to those we are in contact with this day we pray in jesus name amen and amen lord send the revival [Music] it can be [Music] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Salvation Army Conception Bay South Corps
Views: 4,086
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Id: OOGdTY9-c2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 54sec (6294 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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