Apostolic Teaching | Bible Class: Monday, September 13, 2021

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amen we give honor glory unto the king of kings to the lord of lords tonight amen welcome back to bible class mount zion apostolic church 3rd republican court amen as we gathered once again hallelujah to give glory and honor unto the king of kings and also to hear what thus sent the lord god tonight so i just want to greet each and every one to our pastor bishop calling to ellen lloyd our assistant pastor amen here tonight so we just want to greet everyone that are online that are joining us and especially for the visitors tonight to those who are joining us especially for the first time or you have been you have not joined us in a while i just want to say welcome back and greetings in the name of jesus it's so good to be back in the house of god we give thanks for another day's blessing hallelujah as we come together amen hungry and thirsty once again hallelujah for the word of god thank you jesus for your goodness and your mercy amen mayor each and every one of us join with me in prayer as we open up tonight's service in the name of jesus hallelujah father our god and our savior our great deliverer our king our creator as we come before thy presence tonight lord jesus we give thanks for another day we thank you for joining mercy we thank you oh god as you wake us up this morning in our right mind oh god took us throughout the day safely to those of us who are in school oh god we pray for each and every one in this time oh god that we're facing to those of us who have to go to the workplace unto those who are at home we pray to god that you bless each and every one tonight oh god we commit once again everything in your hand lord as we come before you tonight hear our cry lord jesus every petition is before you tonight as we come gathered hallelujah in great anticipation oh god of your blessing and your mercy great anticipation of the word of god that will be coming our way tonight lord god we are so favorable and highly favored in god tonight oh god that we can receive thus said the lord god and i praise jesus that as we receive the word of god that it will embed in our spirit our spirit oh god will come alive once again oh god as we glorify and praise you the king of kings and the lord of lords have your way now we pray bless and sanctify tonight's service as i give you the honor glory and the praise in jesus name hallelujah glory to god hallelujah amen i'm going to ask everyone to join me in reading the scripture for tonight tonight we'll be going to the book of colossians uh we'll be looking at chapter 3 verse 1 to verse 17. so we're in the book of colossians in the name of jesus verse 1 read thus if he then be risen with christ seek those things which are above where christ sitteth on the right hand of god set your affliction and things above and not on things on the earth for he are dead and your life is hid with christ in god when christ who is our life shall appear then shall he also appear with him in glory modify therefore your members which are upon the earth fornication uncleanness inordinate affection evil concupiscence and conviciousness which is idolatry for the for which things say the right of god comment on the children of disobedience in the which he also walks sometime when he live in them but now he also put off all these anger rats malice blasphemy filthy communication out of your mouth line not one to another seeing that he have put off the old man with his deeds and put on the new man which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him where there is neither greek nor jew circumcision nor uncircumcision barbarian citizen bond or free but christ is in is all and in all put on therefore as the elect of god holy and beloved bowels of mercy kindness humbleness of mind meekness long suffering for bearing one another and forgiving one another if any man have a quarrel against any even as christ forgave you so also he do and above all these things put on charity which is a bond of perfectness and let the peace of god rule in your hearts to the which also he are called in one body and behave thankful let the word of god of christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing with grace in your heart as to the lord and whatsoever he do in words or deeds do all in the name of the lord jesus giving thanks to god and the father by him amen god may you add his he had his riches blessing to the reading of the word of god tonight thank you hallelujah amen this word have a whole lot in there for us tonight let us put on put on christ hallelujah amen giving thanks again for each and every one tonight i just want to um draw your attention once again to our announcements amen saints of god we continue again on the prayer line from tuesday wednesday and thursday from 8 p.m amen i just want to reiterate the telephone number is 647-360-4694 access code is one three zero eight three seven pound amen just to remind by we have reminder saints um this saturday which is september 18 will be prior and fasting so again the entire church is asked to be on prior and fast this saturday the prayer line will be open from 12 p.m and again it is the same number we'll be on the prayer line from 12 p.m this saturday for fasting and prayer amen if you have any requests for prayer please remember that you can send it to info at mzac.ca your request will be prayed for and sunday evening on the prayer line amen please continue to honor the lord in your giving by making your financial contribution online a donate at mcdc.ca amen we give god thanks for these announcements amen and if you miss anything amen i'm certainly it's on our website at mz mcdc.ca god bless you saints it is wonderful again to be back in the house of god as i'm going to turn over the microphone to the teacher for tonight hallelujah who will be none other than our assistant pastor elder hallelujah lord ricketts will be coming to us right now in jesus name amen amen amen amen amen praise ye the lord can we give the lord the highest praise and the highest shout glory to god praise you the lord brethren we're here to lift up the name of jesus yet another time greetings to bishop and sister kali ministry and saints praise the lord jesus near and far we're here tonight just to exercise some tests some text praise the lord jesus and um just see what the lord has in store for us we just come through a great convocation a couple sundays ago and the after glow is still there brethren praise the lord jesus advancing the kingdom of god what more could you want than that praise the lord jesus that is her calling that's our election to lift up the name of jesus proclaim it near and far this gospel must be preached brethren then shall the end come glory to god and to that end i'm just going to sing a little song here a few verses praise the lord before we get into our teaching tonight hear the lord of harvest sweetly calling who will go and work for me today who will bring to me the lost and dying who will point them to the narrow way speak my lord speak my lord speak and i'll be quick to answer thee speak my lord speak my lord speak and i will answer lord send me verse three millions now in sin and shame are dying listen to their sad and bitter cry hastened brother has hastened to the rescue quickly answer master here am i speak my lord [Music] oh speak my lord speak and i'll be quick to answer thee speak my lord speak my lord speak and i will answer lord send me soon the time for reaping will be over soon we'll gather for the harvest home may the lord of harvest smile upon us may we hear his blessed child well done oh speak my lord speak my lord speak and i'll be quick to answer thee speak my lord glory to god speak my lord speak and i will answer lord send me oh speak my lord speak my lord speak and i'll be quick to answer thee speak my lord speak my lord speak and i will answer lord send me praise the lord i hope that's the desire of our heart tonight praise the lord jesus we're called to this gospel praise the lord not only to be saved but in the work of saving others praise the lord again bishop was speaking yesterday that the kingdom of god is within us praise the lord jesus and it's not just to reside there praise god but it's to empower us praise the lord it is to propel us oh glory to god to have the same oh god passion and compassion and love that god had for lost and dying world praise the lord so he has equipped us praise the lord that we're able to do a work also and this was paul's desire and we look at his situation in romans as he was speaking to the romans and we look at chapter a few chapters here as a matter of fact maybe 9 to 11 and see the compassion and the burden that was up on paul because his new the condition of his fellow fellow israelites praise the lord jesus say the truth in christ i lie not my conscience also bear me witness in the holy ghost he's going deep brethren he's going deep hallelujah there's a burden here that i have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart why is that heaviness and that sorrow in his heart for i could wish that myself were accursed from christ for my brethren my kinsmen according to the flesh and so we understand this heaviness that was upon paul this burden that was up on paul he knew the waywardness of his people he knew that they'd come short of the glory of god glory to god you know he came to his own and his own rejected him even paul had a similar situation in ephesus where he brought the word of god to the jews praise the lord jesus and he was thrown out of the temple and he turned on them and he says because you won't receive it i go to the gentiles he became the minister for the gentiles and so he went minister to the gentiles and we see where jealousy had set in and the jews come together against him and cast him out of ephesus praise the lord jesus so he knew firsthand their condition and where they stood in jeopardy and he had a burden for them brethren hallelujah and he wanted to impart in um to the romans praise the lord jesus what was the will of god and to have them to understand the sovereignty of god praise the lord you there's a sovereignty to god brethren there's some things that god say you simply have to believe accept it and believe it and that's it because it's not for debate it's not for questioning praise the lord jesus god is sovereign and he's right at all times who are israelites to whom pertaineth the adoption and the glory and the covenants and the giving of the law and the service of god and the promises god had ordained all these things for the jews he called them by a man named abraham praise the lord jesus and ordained a people for his name's sake who is to be an example and to show forth his glory praise the lord jesus among all the nations israel was never to be like another nation on earth all other nations were to be like israel themselves they had the common the conferences they had the covenants rather the promises and the glory of god was bestowed upon them whose are the fathers in whom as concerning the flesh christ came praise the lord jesus who is over all god blessed forever amen praise the lord so the father had received the word praise god and they had established the word as a matter of fact and concerning the flesh christ came praise the lord so the fathers had a hope so many of them died in hope died in faith having not received the promise but sorry to far off and would not deny it no matter what came their way brethren imagine we have the fullness of the promise and yet we struggle glory to god to go from day to day and uphold the righteousness of god and the integrity of our commitment to the lord jesus so this was a concern for paul and not as though the word of god had taken none effect for they are not all israel note that they are not all israel not all israel will be saved they all passed under the cloud all through the sea praise the lord jesus and baptized unto moses but some god was not well pleased with praise the lord so not all israel is israel not all israel would be saved predestination election won't get into that too much praise the lord but we have to simply take god for his word he will choose a people he will kill some and he makes some alive and we can't say that god is unfaithful or that he's wicked or that he doesn't have compassion for mankind it's his choice it his praise the lord jesus his will my god and so we simply have to understand what god's purpose is in the world and in our lives neither because they are the seed of abraham are they all children praise the lord and they even tempted john the baptist saying that they were the abraham seed and and john turned to them and says the seed of abraham that means nothing god can raise up the very rocks to become seed praise the lord jesus so that can't be your excuse but in isaac shall thy seed be called praise the lord jesus not old uh totally fulfilled in abraham but in isaac the seed the promise was brought forward until it came to that place where um you and i would be involved at some point that is they which are the children of the flesh praise the lord jesus the natural man the carnal man israel was a natural man the carnal man had to see it had to feel had to touch it had to be able to smell it to comprehend god had to deal with them at a lesser level than the spiritual level praise the lord jesus and paul was fully aware of that and he's rehearsing all this paul had such a revelation as to what the plan of salvation was praise god that even peter was confounded at a time to understand where did paul get such insights into the gospel and the revelation of jesus christ that it was even hard to understand some of the writings brethren if you get to that level in god you have to come some way down before man can really understand the heavenly declaration that you are putting forth praise the lord and paul had that experience and he's imparting it now that is they which are the children of the flesh these are not the children of god uh but the children of the promise accounted for the seed so they were all children but some were of the seed and others were not not all israel would be saved brethren not all gentiles will be saved praise the lord jesus not all the assembly will be saved come on we come here on a daily basis praise god and we clap our hands and speak in tongues and praise god and glorify god but yet not all of us will be saved in this house i'm sorry to declare that but that is a reality praise the lord jesus hallelujah there is a requirement ah glory to god there's a mark that has to be attained and we have to be at that place holiness unto the lord that is our watchword and our song for this is the word of promise at this time will i come and sarah shall have a son praise the lord jesus indeed this was a faith that abraham abraham had to have to understand that at their age him and sarah now to be giving birth praise the lord jesus and that a promised child would come through this union praise god how can that be we're past that time of um child bearing but um god has a way ah glory to god of revealing himself through circumstance and situation it'll never be about you and i brethren praise the lord jesus it's beyond us it is a divine intervention for god to have his work done and so we just simply have to put our trust in him how will it happen where will it come from are you going to make it happen god show me praise the lord jesus but just be patient praise the lord just be obedient just walk after his footsteps brethren he will see you through not only this but when rebecca also had conceived by one even by our father isaac praise the lord the seat is moving on down the line now that righteous seed brethren our glory to god for the children being not yet born neither having done any good or evil that the purpose of god according to election might stand not of works but of him that calleth praise the lord so god works out his purpose he will choose whomever he will choose in our glory to god he'll be gracious to whom he'll be gracious you show mercy to whom he will show mercy brethren it is up to him it's all in him all we can do is say yea and amen praise the lord it was said unto her the elder shall serve the younger it was purpose by god brethren as it is written jacob have i loved but esau have i hated how can that be two in the womb and uh god is the creator of the both of them and yet he hates one and yet he loves one he has chosen one and in fact he's rejected one knowing their destiny praise the lord jesus and the purpose that he has for their lives praise god brethren there's some things we will never understand simply take him at his word tonight brethren what shall we say then is there righteousness with god god forbid how can there be on righteousness with the holy one simply working out his plan simply making his choices brethren glory to god and you know the scripture tells us that god ways are not our ways there is a height and a depth and a difference between god's way and our ways praise the lord jesus to him a day is a thousand years a thousand years a day to you and i we won't know what a thousand years is like we know what a day is like praise the lord jesus there's a distinct different brethren for he says to moses i will have mercy on whom i will have mercy there you go and i will have compassion in whom i will have compassion glory to god so then is not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth but of god that showeth mercy praise the lord jesus mercy brethren you and i would never know mercy had it not been for the love of god who showed mercy to you and i we were lost we were undone praise the lord jesus there was a penalty for our sin but mercy there was great grace was free pardon there was multiplied to me there my burden soul found liberty hallelujah at calvary my god what a god we serve brethren what a mighty god we serve for the scripture saith unto pharaoh even for this same purpose have i raised thee up that i might show my power in thee and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth god raised up pharaoh for a purpose praise the lord to show forth his righteousness to show the might of god to show who's in charge on this earth no matter how mighty you might be nebuchadnezzar you had to come down brother and you had to crawl on your belly praise the lord jesus and eat grass till you come to the knowledge of who god is praise the lord and there was no difference god hardened the heart of pharaoh even when pharaoh might have relented god hardened his heart because he had not yet finished completing the plague he had 10 plagues to praise the lord jesus you know to let loose on egypt and that was going to take place so even if pharaoh had changed his mind somewhat god hardened his heart praise the lord jesus judas was had you know the son of perdition he was should i say preordained my god but nonetheless there was always a choice for even judas praise the lord jesus mercy was there for judas but the understanding was not there for judas and he couldn't find that repentance you and i need to find that repentance brethren and israel would have things their own way it cannot be that way it is through the word of god therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy and whom he will he hardeneth it's god's will brethren it's god's choice our glory to god sometimes we wonder how is it that bad things happen to good people glory to god and brethren god is working out his plan again i say be patient be patient on the lord ah glory to god seek his face try to understand what is it that god is working out in my life praise the lord jesus you get up and it might be an accident on the freeway or whatever it may be and you want wanted god i prayed this morning before i left i had every confident that things would be well and i'd get to work my god and i would have a song and i'd have a praise praise god but yet i met with this adversity praise god but brethren we have to get to that place where we're thinking what is god's plan here what is god working out how is this going to work for good i can only wait on god to see the good that will come from the situation possibly it's an opportunity to witness to the very person that you might have hit or otherwise around an opportunity to pray for someone praise the lord jesus that happens brethren and so god will make opportunity for you if your eyes are open it's about the plan of salvation that will say then unto me why does he yet find fault for who hath resisted his will is god righteous brethren simply accept it he cannot be otherwise but righteous praise god nay but o man uh who are thou that replies against god shall the thing form say to him that formed it why hast thou made me thus praise the lord jesus we know the story about the potter and you know the situation with the prophet having to go down to the potter's house and observe what was taken place and that which was marred in the hands of the potter praise the lord jesus and so the potter could have cast that away but he saw a fit oh glare to god to remold and reshape and bring that thing into and make something beautiful out of something that was marred something that was no good ah glory to god job had to ask the question who can make a clean out of an unclean come on and no good into something that's very good praise the lord jesus only god brethren only god why hast thou made me thus can the potter praise the lord jesus the part speak back to the potter uh hath not the potter power over the clay of the same lump to make one vessel unto honor and another unto dishonor it's the grace of god ah glory to god it's the purpose of god god working out his plan and for man to understand at a level praise the lord jesus that consists strictly by faith what if god willing to show his wrath and to make his power known endured with such long suffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction praise the lord so if god wants to show forth his righteousness if god wants to show forth love if god wants to show wrath what is it to you and i it is god's choice brethren ah glory to god he will establish himself in this earth he will be exalted in the earth he will be high and lifted up as a matter of fact he is god all by himself brethren glory to god remember not all of israelis of israel not all of israel will be saved not all of gentiles will be saved either praise the lord you but he did make a way and that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy which he had of four prepared unto glory brethren it's all about his glory whatever it may be that he puts forth it's to his glory he will turn it to glory even even us whom he hath called not of the jews only but also of the gentiles praise the lord so the jews had the favor of god ah he there were his own came to his own his own received him not but the gentiles were another people praise the lord jesus that god had plans for also he was going to work out his plans as he said also in oc i will call them my people which were not my people and her beloved which was not beloved praise the lord so there was a people praise the lord that would be called after his name's sake not yet revealed the jews did not believe that the jews did not understand that they were god's chosen people praise god but they had failed god on so many levels as we'll see as we go through the word of god line by line and precept by his precept and it shall come to pass that in the place where it was said unto them ye are not my people there shall they be called the children of the living god praise the lord jesus so at some point god had to put israel aside why because of unbelief unbelief brethren praise the lord jesus israel's salvation would have been met way back in the wilderness had they believed god and had taken this uh praise the lord jesus the the land that was given to them the promised land had they received and believed that god yes who were able to take the land praise the lord and out of 12 spies only two two would believe the others because of unbelief and not only that they turn the others against the divine will of god isaiah also cries concern israel though the number of the children of israel be as the sand of the sea a remnant shall be saved here we go god's talking about a remnant he's not talking about all of israel being saved a remnant shall be saved praise the lord so what is going to happen to the other aspect of israel they will be lost brethren they have to make a choice also praise god they have to walk circumspect they have to know the love of god firsthand for he will finish the work and cut it short in righteousness because a short work will the lord make upon the earth it's in his time it's all in his time brethren might seem long to you and i but it's a short time praise the lord jesus and time is of the essence we are running out of time we are living in the last and closing days of time the signs are all around us brethren you understand when you you see the hearts of men being desperately wicked in fear upon the land even the church brethren we see some things that we fully can't understand how can this be the and situation in the church itself brethren sometimes you wonder brethren can't get along with brethren brethren can't forgive one another praise god and so it's as though we have to re-save those that are in the church praise god rather than the church going to save that which is outside the four walls of this assembly praise the lord so we're at a place where um we're making justifying ourselves also not unlike israel but we are justifying ourselves in our own beliefs as to what is appropriate for me where i can take it praise the lord jesus and whatever malice i might have or whatever i think praise god and i don't have to conform to what the preacher was saying to me praise god so it's not all of the assembly that will be saved praise the lord jesus we have to take that into consideration and i believe it's based upon the time in which we are living in crucial time and the time that we should be drawing nigh unto god is the time that we have confusion in our mind and in our hearts praise the lord jesus and we want to preach and point the finger but oh god if we look within we can see it's different inside we have not we've come short of the glory of god can somebody say amen or say ouch whatever it may be at this time but i think it's time for us to contemplate and assess our situation the bible says see then whether you are in the faith or not in the faith these are the days these are the times the trials are here the temptations are here brethren um there's some things that we don't fully understand but again uh despite covet despite this plague that's up on the land we still got to take god at his word are you hearing me tonight brethren take him at his word glory to god he has an expected end for you and for i for this cause he came into the world now come on we have to take it a little higher and as isaiah said before except the lord of sabbath had left us a seed we had uh been as sodom uh glory to god and been made like onto gomorrah it was a remnant it was a seed from that genesis 3 15 where god had made that ah glory to god that prophet prophetic entry into scriptures that the seed of the woman would bruise the heel of this the woman's seed praise the lord jesus and so we see that christ at some point would come the deliverer would come someone would come ah glory to the rescue adam had sinned adam had come short of the glory of god brethren but god had something in store for you and i down the line he wouldn't leave us oh god he would not forsake us what shall we say then the gentiles which follow not after righteousness have attained the righteousness even the righteousness which is of faith imagine that the gentiles which didn't follow after righteousness the gentiles did not have the law ah glory to god the children of israel had the law let's see what verse 31 says but israel which followed after the law of righteousness hath not attained to the law of righteousness come on now how can that gentiles outdo the children of god who had the law praise the lord jesus and the righteousness of the law but yet they come short and the gentiles now are attaining righteousness through faith in god it's about faith brethren it was never about works it's about faith so israel comes short because theirs aspect of salvation was by works and certainly not by faith the gentiles somehow got it right it was by faith praise god and even some of them were uh you know doing works of righteousness as of the law so it became a law unto them also and exceeding the righteousness of the jews who indeed had the law of god wherefore because they sought it not by faith but as it were by works of the law for they stumbled at that stumbling stone praise the lord jesus oh glory to god to the jews the cross was a stumbling block to them jesus was a stumbling stone to them the head of the corner glory to god was a stumbling stone to them they didn't understand that he was the messiah who would come the deliverer who had come our glory to god to reside inside the very hearts of men and women glory the kingdom of god is within you say not lo he is here he is there oh glory to god no ah draw now he is within you and if you're empowered hallelujah ah glory to god with the spirit of god of residing with you brethren what shortcomings would you have what is lacking in your life glory to god what is your excuse praise the lord jesus so certainly we have to sanctify ourselves at a level as we've never done before as is written behold i lay in zion as stumbling stone and rock of offense and whosoever believeth on him shall be uh shall not be ashamed belief belief believe on the lord jesus christ and he shall be saved it's about belief brethren israel lost up because of unbelief one one individual cried unto the lord help my unbelief praise the lord jesus but god's not interested in your unbelief believe on the lord and he shall be saved it's as simple as that just take god at his word brethren now in chapter 10 we see praise the lord jesus where um we've just seen pretty much what was established as a sovereignty of god and now we're going to see some aspect of what man's calling is praise the lord human responsibility now so the sovereignty of god established human responsibility god does his part brethren you do your part between the two of you there is salvation from mankind i say then let me go back to 10. brethren my my heart's desire and prayer to god for israel is that they might be saved listen to what paul's saying my harsh desire and prayer to god for israel is that they might be saved for i bear them record that they have a zeal of god but not according to knowledge they did not have the knowledge of god they did not know god they made their own righteousness as a matter of fact praise the lord jesus i think israel had a concept that you know if i elevate my righteousness and bring down god's righteousness then i should be able to meet god somewhere praise the lord and he would be pleased with what i'm doing here on you can't turn this thing brethren you can't change this thing not one jot not one tittle you can't mishandle hallelujah the word of god the divine word of god it is yea and it is a man for i bear them record that they have a zeal of god but not according to knowledge zeal won't do it knowledge is the criteria our glory understanding is the criteria wisdom is the criteria knowing who your god is is the criteria tonight come on somebody praise the name of jesus tonight it's all in him brethren the fullness of the godhead it is all in him for they being ignorant of god's righteousness and going about to establish what their own righteousness have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of god israel thought they were more righteous than god praise the lord the word was there for them the prophets were there for them the patriarchs were there for them praise the lord to bring them into fellowship to bring them into righteousness to bring them into obedience praise the lord but they kicked against the prick my god and praise the lord even grieve the very spirit of god for christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that what believeth believeth the law is dead brethren and christ is alive glory to god reside in the heaven sitting on the right hand of power praise the lord jesus he's in the heavens he's our intercessor praise god ah glory to god from moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law that the man which doeth these things shall live by them praise god so those that want to go back into galatian as it was described by um paul himself foolish galatians you started out in the spirit now you're going back to the flesh something is wrong praise the lord jesus and oftentimes we hear the word being preached to us as to what how we started when we first began and the zeal that we had for the things of god glory to god and we wanted to propagate this gospel we wanted to be a child of god everything that was preached to us we said amen brethren we conform to that and yet we look back now and we're backsliding we're walking backward rather than forward we're going backwards in some case to the beggarly elements that we once left my god how can this be glory to god glory to god the man which doeth these things shall live by them the righteous of the law is there but none could meet the righteousness of the law jesus christ was the only one that could meet the righteousness of the law and yet israel could not see the righteousness of god in christ reconciling them unto himself praise the lord jesus the understanding was not there but the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise say not in thine heart who shall ascend into heaven that is to bring christ down from above these people had their own concept brethren the jews had their own concept as to whether they can bring down christ from above our glory to god or who shall descend into the deep that is to bring up christ again from the dead so they thought they had the power within them to bring righteousness to them to themselves either from above or below but it doesn't go like that but what saith it the word is nigh thee even in thy mouth and in thy heart that is the word of faith which we preach paul now trying to explain to them the difference between law and grace praise the lord one is by works and it comes short of the glory of god one is by faith and it is the righteousness of god praise the lord jesus abraham was before law abraham walked by faith god accounted for righteousness praise the lord jesus glory to god if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus and shall believe in thy heart that god hath raised him from the dead thou shall be saved come on now israel was being encouraged by the man of god uh by way of understanding praise the lord if you shall believe from the heart our glory there's a height that israel had to attain and confess with your mouth praise god you can meet the righteousness of god for with the heart ah glory to god man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made onto salvation praise the lord so it's all about by faith it's all about by believing jesus came the works were there praise the lord he walked among them he talked with them ah glory to god he preached the gospel unto them that gospel had been preached right oh glory to god from the beginning of time the gospel is being preached to israel praise god and yet the miracles that were done by him they denied it praise god they um discredited him in every aspect of his ministry even when he healed people he said they did it by the spirit of beelzebub praise god and that is going too far that is blasphemy jesus said the son of man you can say all manner of things against them but when glory to god you come against the holy ghost you have blaspheme jesus was both man and he was both god and you got to know what role he was playing at any given time when he parted our glory to god the plan of salvation this was god himself brethren glory to god when he was tired he slept that was man but when he said ah peace be still come on now god himself glory to god yes lord for the scripture saith whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed there's that word again believe on the lord jesus christ and ye shall be saved there are some righteousness by way of belief brethren you will be baptized praise the lord jesus you will repent but first you must believe it's not being baptized in them believe it's belief believe on him brethren glory to god and it sounds very easy the plan of salvation is simply by believe but in the wilderness oh glory to god the israelites were being um bitten by the fiery snakes and they were told to um make a cross and put a serpent a brazen serpent on it and those that look on the serpent now would be saved would you believe some would not look at the serpent they would not turn their eyes and that was uh glory prophetic for christ who's coming down the line look unto him and be saved come on now simple as that believe on the lord jesus christ you shall be saved glory to god glory to god for there is no difference between the jew and the greek for the same lord over all is rich unto all that call him praise god so god is what should i say he's a god of love he loves the jews he loves the gentiles and the mystery of the church now when you're called into this church whether you're jew or whether you're gentile you are now one in christ jesus glory to god there is no distinction in the church barret ah glory buried in christ lord to god one spirit one lord one faith one baptism you become one praise the gore praise the lord jesus no distinction no discrimination no jew and no gentile yes the jew can enter into the gentiles house not a problem praise the lord jesus what a change what a difference what a blessing hallelujah for whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be what shall be saved come on what's that name brethren that name is jesus tonight oh glory to god what a lovely name the name of jesus oh how sweet the name of jesus oh glory to god angels bow before him you know the rest how then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed come on the word keeps coming up believe believe believe and how can you call on whom you've not believed you have to know him you have to hear and now how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard praise the lord jesus we have an obligation brethren and now shall and how shall they hear without what a preacher so we have to have the preacher this gospel must be preached in all the world then shall the end come there is a great burden for paul had that burden and that burden is given to you and i today brethren this gospel must be preached it is the heartbeat of god for this cause came i into the world to seek that which was lost praise the lord jesus that mandate is given to you and i the dearest thing to god is salvation praise the lord jesus and so we we have to rethink our calling rethink our election praise the lord what is my purpose glory to god is more than going back and forth to church it's more than speaking in tongues there has to be a burden for the lost out there for this cause brethren glory to god how shall they preach except they be sent and as is written how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace bring glad tidings of good things good things salvation is good thing praise the lord jesus they that preach the gospel praise the lord jesus it is a beautiful thing to impart the good news imagine you're you're bringing good news in all this world with all the troubles and trials and circumstances and temptations adversity that come our way there's good news bishop there's good news in the midst of all the chaos there is good news there is a savior and he's sweet i know glory to god he came all the way from glory for you and i what a lovely god what a mighty name the name of jesus come on brethren this gospel must be preached and so even as we're talking about you know extending um the kingdom of god praise the lord jesus um it is incumbent upon the church it is incumbent upon each and every one of us this house this spiritual house it is built with lively stones praise the lord it's not one stone he is a corner he's the head of the corner he's that stone but it's lively stones to build up the house praise the lord jesus not the preacher standing in the pulpit that's going to build up the house the house the church are the people sitting in the pews praise the lord jesus each and every one is a preacher come on you have a testimony praise god and and we can't take it lightly we come from day to day and back and forth we ask for prayer for ourselves we're not concerned about the loss oh glory to god but there needs to be a burden rescue the perishing care for the dying jesus is merciful you are merciful glory to god how shall they preach except they be sent you have to have the word brethren as it is written how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things mankind need peace for their soul for their spirit for hope oh glory to god that they're able to abide in this world glory to god to go from day to day ah glory and be able to ah find purpose ah glory to god hallelujah jesus but they have not all obeyed the gospel for isaiah saith lord who hath believed our report here we go again that word believe who hath believed our report isaiah knew it firsthand he saw the lord high and lifted up in his train filled the house where he was the very ma glory to god doorpost they moved smoke was in the house the presence of god was in the house isaiah had to cry woe with me for i am undone i'm a man of unclean lips come on and everyone came people praise the lord jesus he knew that the presence of god was in the house and after he was sanctified by the cold that went up against his lips by the angels and the word of god come to him now who shall go isaiah said send me lord send me hmm here the lord of harvest gently calling he's sweetly calling my god who will go isaiah said i will go and god says to him go and preach and isaiah says how long lord shall i preach and even before that god says to him you can preach to them but they're not going to hear you they're stiff-necked people but i want you to preach them anyhow and isaiah said how long shall i preach preach preach till none is left preach till the babylonian come and take them away preach them to the last ones left preach till none is i preach till i come if that's the case praise the lord jesus what is it to you you just do what you have to do jesus spoke to peter one time he called peter i said peter come with me follow me do you love me peter lovett thou me yes lord thou knowest peter feed my sheep peter loveth thou me yes lord you know you know it all together feed my lamb peter loverst thou me ye lord thou knowest holy ghost you know it feed my sheep praise the lord peter turns behind me says what about this man behind me john was behind them walking behind them also the lord says no what is it to you about that man i've given you a mandate glory to god fulfill your mandate what is it if this man would our glory to god remains until i come again it's none of your business according to you you have a mandate the church has a mandate everyone has a mandate praise the lord jesus not what the man on the right is saying to you or the one behind you come on do your duty fulfill your calling know your election tonight brethren praise the lord jesus hallelujah what about this man what about that man what about them it's about you and your calling paul ultimately says now save yourself from this untoward generation it's not about the other person brethren and if you have to do righteousness to save yourself despite the other person do that righteousness to save your self praise the lord jesus others are declaring their righteousness and what they have done and how they've attained such heights and so on but there's a knocking on the door after that door is closed and have i not done this and done that and would have been burned at the stake given to the poor i know you not i know you not praise the lord jesus so we might have our own righteousness and our own concept of what you're calling this lecture is but it is prescribed for you and i but not only that there has to be a burden even as our glory to god paul had that burden for his brethren he would have a name taken out of the book of life if it were possible for israel to be saved is someone hearing me tonight brethren praise the lord jesus yes verily there's sound went into the earth and their words unto the ends of the world but i say did not israel know first moses said i will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people and by a foolish nation i will anger you god wants to ah glory to god provoke his elect praise the lord into righteousness by way of jealousy by turning to the gentiles and bring the gentiles into fellowship with him but isaiah is very bold and saith i was found of them that sought me not who's that the gentile why because they believed brethren i was made manifest unto them that ask not after me but to israel he says all day long i have stretched forth my hands onto a disobedient and against saying people that is not our calling tonight brethren praise the lord jesus i'm just going to wrap it up here now and even as paul um finished off chapter 11 so beautiful here for he says now oh the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of god how unsearchable are his judgments and his ways past finding out for who hath known the mind of the lord or who had been his counselor or who had first given to him and shall be recompensed onto him again for of him and through him and to him or all things to whom be glory for ever let the church say amen praise the lord brethren divine sovereignty and human responsibility god has made himself known unto you and i according to his perfect will we don't understand it praise the lord jesus take him at his word oh the joy of sin forgiven o the bliss the blood wash knows oh the peace akin to heaven where the healing waters flow where the heat the waters flow where the joys celestial glow where there's peace and rest and love praise the lord we give god thanks tonight for his word tonight we thank god for his servant tonight amen releasing the word of the lord to us amen encouraging the body of christ that amen we're not just call but god had a purpose when he called us amen we're called with a purpose tonight amen not just to sit back god called us amen in the in the field to be workers we're not even working for him we're laborers with christ amen we're working with christ tonight amen sometimes we say what i'm working for no no god don't want us to work for him he want us to work with him so we give god thanks for the lord tonight for encouraging us with the word of the lord tonight amen as he went through the book of romans amen encourage in the body of jesus christ amen concerning our convocation as we've been talking about amen the kingdom of the lord praise god that god has authorized us giving us the key amen to open praise god whatever we open up on the earth god said he'll open up in the heaven amen so god gave us a key amen for us to use in this time praise the lord jesus and i like what elder lloyd said in as he went through the book of romans amen mentioned in uh romans chapter 10 verse 32 and i wrote that down praise the name of the lord jesus um israel because they sought it because they sought it not by faith because they sought it not by faith they stumble and i i thought that was so powerful to amen as as the lord was going through because they sought it not by faith they stumble and so it's telling us that in time we don't see god by faith we will stumble when faith is not applied to seek and after god we will stumble and that's why we have so much confusion in church so much different denomination because we saw not the lord by faith so i give god thanks for his word tonight praise god amen that we need to seek after him by faith praise the name of jesus and when you seek god by faith amen you won't stumble we bless the lord tonight for amen encouraging us amen to press forward amen there's more land to possess praise god we have not yet arrived god have much more for us amen and god just give us a glimpse praise god and if you're excited about what god is showing us amen are showing you amen then that should encourage you amen to pursue after the things of the lord praise god so we thank god for his word tonight in the name of the lord jesus and i believe god has a plan hallelujah i believe he has a plan god don't work without a plan praise the name of jesus god of the plan amen for this church god has a plan for his people tonight and all we've got to do amen is to seek after god and he'll show us the plan and when god released the plan amen in your spirit amen you will amen want to be a partaker of his divine nature tonight amen just to ask god show us the plan amen you can't build without a plan so we thank god again for amen elder lloyd encouraging the body of jesus christ tonight amen that the kingdom is before us john said amen the kingdom of god is at hand it's in our reach it's at hand it's in our reach we can grab a hold of it tonight we can grab a hold of the kingdom tonight it's within our reach tonight just to just reach out and grab a hold of it praise god hold fast and don't let it go praise the name of jesus christ thank you lord we thank god we greet our pastor amen in the name of the lord jesus christ as we bring our service to an end amen thanking god that we were able to hear such word of life in jesus name glory hallelujah praise the name of jesus christ amen just to follow up again on the announcement that was read earlier we will be back on the prior line on tuesday wednesday and thursday at 8 00 pm telephone number 647-360-4694 access code eight three seven 511-130837 just to remain again the saints will continue worship on saturday september the 18th in prior and fasting the entire church is asked to pray and to fast prior line will be open for prior starting at 12 pm telephone number is the same 647-360-4694 access code 511-130837 pound you may send your request to info at mzc.ca your request will be prayed for sunday evening on the prior line so you can put your request in amen for prayer and we believe god is doing a wonderful thing on the prior line amen god is transcending the airway praise the lord jesus god cannot be limited to a building hallelujah hallelujah god is on the main line praise the name of jesus where he's transcending amen with prayer amen all over the nation amen folks are testifying about the healing power praise the lord jesus as elder mentioned sunday what god has done amen that cyst that he had amen he just believed god and just god gave him a miracle we believe god is working in jesus name please continue to honor the lord in your given by making your financial contribution online at donate at mcdac.ca and that's to continue to support the church amen with your offering and your tithes in jesus name and that's something all of us can participate in in jesus name we'd like to bring our service to an end tonight in prayer praise god wherever you are amen we're just going to ask you to join with us praise god as we pray in jesus name eternal god father in the name of jesus christ we give thanks and praise we give glory and honor to you tonight we thank you god for your endless love we thank you for your mercy lord jesus oh god to our justice father we thank you god for your patience and your grace we thank your god that you didn't cut us off when we fail but lord jesus as we heard tonight god lord jesus lord you made us again lord even though we were broken god even though we were in the field the potters feel lord jesus we were discarded lord jesus but you knew god almighty you can make something out of us we thank you lord that you didn't give up on us lord oh god almighty jesus but you put us back together again you made a vessel that pleases you and lord as we come to understand lord the sacrifice that you've made for us tonight lord jesus we want to give thanks and praise her we want to give glory and honor to you tonight god lord for your patience towards us we thank you for putting up with us god lord you know us yet you still love us god jesus we give thanks and praise we give glory and honor tonight god and we pray god that you continue to work in us jesus pour us out tonight god that you can fill us lord jesus christ possess us tonight god in the name of the lord jesus christ give us what to desire tonight god that we don't desire the things of the flesh lord but we desire the thing that you want us to have we give glory honor and praise to you tonight we bless our pastor tonight god as you stand with us tonight we pray god that you'll cover your son right now we pray god that you're possessed in spirit lord jesus god downloaded him god we ask you to give him a fresh anointing hallelujah and every time he open up your word i pray god that you'll show him something that you have never seen before in your word in the name of jesus that when you stand before your people god to minister lord jesus hallelujah god almighty lord he will be a vessel that you can channel through hallelujah god that every word that proceeds out of his mouth not return void but will accomplish every assignment in the name of the lord jesus christ we ask your covering of earth house right now god in the name of jesus we pray god at your cover of the lord tonight we pray god that he continued to minister through him in the name of the lord jesus we ask you right now god that you'll possess his mind lord jesus oh god and give him understanding take him to that next level in you lord jesus that you'll see things you've never seen before i pray for the blessing over mount sinai and right now cover the saints god wherever the saints may be tonight we ask you in the name of jesus lord and camp run about your people put your children under tight security that no weapon that woman ain't your people prosper and every tongue that rise up against us god authorizes tonight god to condemn in the name of the lord jesus we pray for those that are sick and afflicted we ask you right now god to release god almighty lord jesus the word of healing in the name of jesus remember elder newbie tonight remember brother steve brooks tonight remember mother burton tonight we ask you tonight in the name of the lord those that are sick and afflicted those that are discouraged tonight god those that are weak tonight jesus those that are between opinion tonight we ask you in the name of the lord jesus lord that you will strengthen and lift your people tonight god give us another touch tonight god lord that we want to press oh and lord jesus and see what else you have in store for us now lead and direct us now we pray cover our children going to school lord keep them jesus preserve them god almighty lord jesus from every sickness every virus hallelujah in the name of the lord jesus bless your children right now god we pray your direction we pray your covering we pray your protection right now god lord jesus cover us hallelujah with your blood tonight lord and we give you the praise we give you the glory we give honor to you god for what you're doing right now in the midst of covet lord jesus but where you're taking the church in the midst of trouble in the name of jesus continue to rise god that made me know jesus that you're still god you're still the authority you're still the power lord jesus you're still in control of your church of your earth of your universe tonight god in the name of jesus we pray your divine blessing right now god and if there is anything we fail to ask thee lord jesus feel that to grant it to your people right now as we continue to believe and trust your word god that you're able to finish a good work that you're beginning your people in jesus name thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory hallelujah hallelujah glory mighty god mighty god we thank you jesus aye aye glory to god hallelujah glory glory glory hallelujah we thank you we thank you jesus you're worthy god your holy god you're worthy of our praise tonight we give glory honor and praise to you lord thank you jesus for your love and mercy and your grace we give thanks and praise tonight in jesus name glory to god glory to god glory to god [Music] now unto him that is able to keep us from falling and to present us faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding great joy to the only wise god our savior to him the glory majesty dominion and power both now and forever in jesus name god bless the saints in jesus name glory
Channel: Mount Zion Apostolic Church - Toronto
Views: 797
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: apostolic, mzac, mount zion, cawley, pentecostal, bible class, Jesus, oneness, monotheism, PAW, UPC, united pentecostal church, pentecostal assemblies of the world, preaching, praise and worship, ricketts, bible study, bible college
Id: 21YT6aXUSbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 36sec (4416 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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