Sunday Evening Live Worship Sept. 19th, 2021

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[Music] well good evening friends we welcome you into god's house this evening it's lovely to see each of you even though your face are masked it's okay we're still glad that you're here and we know that god indeed will bless us as we gather for worship tonight i'm going to read a scripture portion from ephesians chapter 3 verses 20 and 21 from the message translation it says god can do anything you know far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams he does it not by pushing us around but why but by working within us his spirit deeply and gently within us glory to god in the church glory to god in the messiah in jesus glory down all the generations glory through all the millennia oh yes glory to god and we serve a god that can do anything do you believe that let's stand and sing god can do anything anything and he can save he can keep he can cleanse any will god can do anything but fail let's share it together clap your hands and enjoy his presence and worship him as we sing [Music] anything my god [Music] me [Music] we [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] anything [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] amen the band is going to help us out as we prepare to sing a hymn this evening that says to god be the glory and we continue to give him praise and to declare his praises to all that they might know who he is and the wonders that he performs to god be the glory great things he has done so loved he the world that he gave us his son we rejoice in that fact do we not that's why we are able to sing that's why we have such joy in our hearts and smiles upon our faces because of who he is and what he has done for us let's have a great thing together as we sing the song straight through to god be the glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise the lord amen it's good to be back together for an evening service inside amen anybody glad to be here tonight [Applause] we're glad you're here it's wonderful that we can worship together 6 p.m evening service looking forward to what the lord has in store for us in these days as we continue to worship together god is so good isn't he we praise him for all of his goodness his many blessings provisions that are ours his mercies that are new every morning great is his faithfulness amen amen we come together this evening and we realize that there are needs and that there are concerns that surround us and i have no doubt in my mind as i look out over this congregation this evening that you have needs that there are concerns and that there are things that are weighing heavy upon your hearts and upon your minds isn't it great that we can bring all of that to a god who loves us one who cares for us one who loves us unconditionally and says bring all your cares to me because i care for you we're going to sing together the beautiful hymn this is a wonderful savior if we could just hear the music just want to hear that melody playing wonderful saviors jesus my lord a wonderful savior to me the course as he hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock isn't it great to know that there's protection in the god that we serve he's the one who watches over us guards us and guides us every step that we take i want you to remember this evening major winnie perrin and her family their brother-in-law passed away suddenly yesterday we pray god's blessing upon them as they grieve that loss today my wife and i spent a couple of hours out to pleasantview towers this afternoon with the peyton family as we gathered around the bedside of her brother ross it was in the closing hours of his life here the side of eternity families in need of your prayers and we know that the journey for them has been great it's been long over these last 10 years as they journeyed with ross through dementia and now in these final hours just watching him slip from this life into the eternal but boy we have hope don't we today our hope in the lord jesus christ of heaven of knowing that this is not all there is but there's more and we can count on that reality today and so we realize that though we grieve here we do not grieve without hope our hope is in jesus keep the peyton family in your prayers if you would please there's an unspoken request that come to us and as well i just want you to remember and pray for the missing fisherman off the coast of mary's harbor and uh the latest report i received is that they're still missing is that correct anybody hear the latest updates oh lord help those families be with them we pray oh wonderful is [Music] he hideth my soul [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] first [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is jesus [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh we're gonna keep singing that final verse with numberless blessings amen with numberless blessings each moment he crowns filled with his fullness divine i sing in my rapture what are we singing oh glory to god for such a redeemer as mine oh friends let's count the blessings let's allow the lord to bless us this evening let's enter into his presence as we bring these needs before him and as we offer up praises and thanksgiving onto his name i wonder major bill could you come and have prayer with us over those needs after we sing these words together with numberless blessings let's sing it out [Music] is oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] i'll sing that course again [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] amen father we thank you lord for such a song as that father that you hide with our soul and the cleft of the rock and the father that shallows a dry thirsty land and father some of us are thirsty thirsty dear lord with burdens and heartaches and crying out to you dear lord for family members but lord help us father to hold on to hold on dear lord and believe father in your time that father you will hear and answer our prayer father this evening you have heard the names that have been listed you know them all dear lord you know their burdens and i pray just now lord that you would watch over them now father that you will hold them in the hollow of your hand and father once again for those that are on spoken prayers for all of us here this evening dear lord as we whisper prayers to you father i pray dear lord that in your time father that we will hear that there's victory father we give you all the praise this evening and father for those there lord that will be listening to the service this evening there lord those that are burdened those there lord that are in their homes their lord by their selves maybe and watching this telecast watching it in days that lie ahead may they truly understand that father you were there on your throne for whosoever so lord bless his servants just now bless your word in thy name i pray amen [Music] every day there's no peace [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] every day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen and when we allow him to do so and to move in our lives there's no telling what god is able to do he is able he's able i know he is able i know my lord is able to carry me through it may be an old course for some of you it may be a brand new course for some others of you who are here but beautiful words he can save you can heal the broken heart right set the captive free let's stand we're going to share together romo you're gonna give us the words to follow no she's not okay we're going off the cuff [Music] once again [Music] is [Music] is [Music] to walk against [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] again [Music] i don't think we need to end it there isn't that great words as we believe in the power of almighty god what he's able to do in our lives how many of you know you're doing a good job with it by the way at least clapping your hands do you know it let me see your hands if you know the words sorry we don't have them for you i thought they were there anyway maybe roma will keep digging he's able he's able i know he is able i know my lord is able to carry me through he heals the brokenhearted set the captive free made the lame to walk again cause the blind to see he's able he is able i know he is able amen i know my lord is able to carry me through whatever it is that you're going through we can count on him let's sing it again is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] one more time [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is the touch of jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] eyes can't seem [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] please [Music] is [Music] god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen he's saying that like you really meant it he is more than enough you've proven it haven't you how many of you have proven it he's more than enough whatever whatever our lives look like whatever is going on currently in our lives we can be certain of that reality he is more than enough do you have your bibles i invite you to turn to john chapter 6. it's a familiar passage my wife alluded to it this morning briefly and said that i would be speaking from this passage tonight john 6 the feeding of the 5 000 i believe it's timely that we take a look at those words for a few moments this evening john 6 beginning to read at verse 1. down to verse 13. sometime after this jesus crossed to the far shore of the sea of galilee that is the sea of tiberias and a great crowd of people followed him because they saw the miraculous signs he had performed on the sick then jesus went up to a mountainside sat down with his disciples the jewish passover feast was near when jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him he said to philip where shall we buy bread for these people to eat and he asked this only to test him for he already had in mind what he was going to do philip answered him eight months wages would not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite another of his disciples andrew simon's brother simon peter's brother spoke up here's a boy with five small barley loaves two small fish but how far will that go among so many jesus said have the people sit down there was plenty of grass in that place and the men sat down about 5 000 of them jesus then took the loaves gave thanks distribute it to those who were seated as much as they wanted and he did the same with the fish when they had all had enough to eat he said to his disciples gather the pieces that are left over let nothing be wasted so they gathered them and they filled 12 baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten may the lord bless his word and i trust that miracle the feeding of the 5000 doesn't get old for you doesn't get old for me because it's a reminder of the lord's provision it's a reminder of what the lord is able to do it's a reminder that little is much when god is in it and i believe it's true for ourselves in these days corporately as a church i believe it to be true individually as we seek the lord's direction in these days little as much when god is in it seek him in all things seek his direction for your life may the lord bless you sing the chorus little this much [Music] again [Music] there's a crowd [Music] in the heartless field now ripen there's a work for all to do the [Music] there's a crowd and you [Music] does the place you're called to labor seem too small and belittled it is great if god is in it and he'll not forget is [Music] [Applause] [Music] give me a little break [Music] go to the key of c [Music] oh when the conflict [Music] earth is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] there's [Music] [Applause] oh when the conflict here is ended and our race on earth is say if we are faithful welcome home my child will die [Applause] [Music] there's a crowd and you can win it if you go hallelujah [Music] [Music] if [Music] praise god hallelujah hallelujah little this much sing it again when god is in it believe it later [Music] [Music] [Music] there's [Music] if [Music] lord we thank you thank you for that reminder lord thank you for that reality that we have all experienced in our lives that nothing is impossible with you little this much when you are in it when you're in control when you're in charge when we trust in you when our faith is strong lord we know you can do it if we go in jesus name now lord you look at us at times and you see that we're weak frail earthen vessels [Music] we feel at times that we can't we feel at times defeated we feel at times just too weak to take another step too insignificant to make a difference oh lord change our minds this moment and help us to realize placed in the hands of god we can accomplish anything because we go in the name of jesus in our own strength we could never do it but with you help us to realize what we can accomplish in your name use your words bless your people speak to your people challenge your people encourage your people through your word this evening i pray and the church said amen amen any baseball fans here come on don't be shy anybody i'm asking you a question any baseball fans here in our house thank you terry i've never heard you're so vocal in church buddy that was good it was good in our house over the last few weeks i don't know that we've ever watched so much baseball in our lives you know why the toronto blue jays are doing extremely well aren't they i'm glad you're here and didn't stay home and watch the finished watch in the ball game maybe it was over before church started i don't know but they're doing great aren't they and it gives us that desire to just want to watch and see what's going to happen next and are they really going to make it to the postseason or are we just wishful thinking in our watching thinking about that played a little softball this year with the church league had a lot of fun mitchell was our coach yeah mitchell was our coach and i realized something i discovered two things i'm not always good with the bat and i'm not always good with the glove don't be laughing mitchell neither are you when i hold a baseball bat or a softball bat in my hands it's literally just a bat that's all often times i'm swinging there's not a whole lot happening same things happen same thing happens to mitchell and terry who else is there brandon hits home runs he's a little bit out of my league put that same bet in the hands of vladie guerrero jr and you have a hot bat that can hit a ball traveling at 113 miles an hour make it a home run become the leader for the most home runs in the league put a baseball glove or softball glove on my hand and oftentimes i'll miss the ball sometimes i'll catch it and make a play if a lucky put that glove on the hand of marcus simeon and you have a potential gold glove which means he always makes the defensive plays works hard makes very few errors and makes some spectacular plays how is it that the same things can bring about such a dramatically different result simply put depends on who's holding them and how they're being used and whether or not you even know how to use it we look at john's gospel this evening jesus is at the height of his popularity he's just healed a crippled man of 38 years on the sabbath this didn't sit too well with the pharisees but after the series of miracles that he performed large crowds are starting to gather in and follow him and see what he's about to do next the miracle we're looking at this evening is perhaps very familiar to many of us and perhaps the greatest miracle that jesus ever performed as it's the only one told in all four gospels the feeding of the five thousand jesus multiplies a little boy's lunch and feeds five thousand men plus their families many times we may feel like the little boy in our passage we may feel like we don't have anything of significance to offer god some may feel you're too old some may feel they're too young some may feel that they don't have enough time talent or tithe to offer god some may feel they have too much of a past too much baggage how could god ever take interest in me and use me here's the truth and it's the truth that i want every one of us to walk away with from this service this evening and it's this if you give it to god god will take it any more amens or hallelujahs out there you give it god will take it if you give it god will multiply it if you give it god will use it look at this story read verses 1 to 6. we have the words on the screen roma verses 1 to 6 of john 6 sometime after this jesus crossed to the far shore of the sea of galilee a great crowd of people followed him because he saw the miraculous signs he had performed on the sick jesus went up on the mountainside and sat down with his disciples the jewish passover feast was near when jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him he said to philip where shall we buy bread for these people to eat and he asked this only to test him for he already had in mind what he was going to do i read these verses i think this don't focus on your limited ability don't focus on your limited ability one of the reasons we don't see god performing miracles in our lives is because we spend all of our time focusing on our inabilities rather than his abilities is that true could that be right answer this question if money weren't an option and if you had all the talent in the world what one thing would you do for someone else think about that that's how you should think when it comes to serving god because it's not about you it's about him it's about him there will be times in our lives and in our church when god is going to speak there will be times when he's going to call us to do something that's bigger than ourselves something that seems impossible now here we are the salvation army conception based south cbs we have growing pains you heard it this morning we have run out of space so to speak we've outgrown the facility ministry is expanding it's growing new people are coming and we're going to focus on that next sunday major calvin what a wonderful challenge we have we need more space to do ministry in the community of cbs we need an expansion we believe that god has laid it upon our hearts and upon the hearts of our leadership team that now is the time to make this a focus now is the time now is the time to answer the call of god and to follow the lead of god to share the vision and to launch as was done today a vision that i would believe will become a reality there will be doubters major bill you went through a similar thing in clarenville and velma there will be doubters the majors have lost it the leadership team have completely fallen off the rails what are they thinking this is impossible this will never happen where's the money going to come from etc etc i say to you doubters god bless you may your eyes be open may you see the vision may you join the vision become part of the vision do i feel a little like philip who said in verse seven eight months wages would not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite yes i do if i focus on our limited ability and resources do i feel a little like andrew in verse nine who said here's a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish how far will that go among so many yes i do if i focus on our limited ability and resources we look to our passage of scripture here and we see jesus turns to philip in verse 5 and he says where are we to buy bread so that these people may eat this was more than just a question it was a test of faith think about this situation for a second it was an impossible task there was no way that philip was going to pull it off none and yet jesus was asking him to do it what is he asking us to do today where do we fit into this i believe as the wave of an outpouring of his holy spirit moves upon this church in conception based south newfoundland and labrador i believe jesus is saying this this is where faith comes in i believe jesus is saying this this is where you are to trust me and i believe jesus is saying this this is where we truly live what we say we believe how many times have we said to somebody who's been going through difficulties and struggles maybe disappointments didn't know where else to turn trust in jesus he'll provide the way it's time it's time i believe to truly live what we say we believe god can do it god can do it philip missed the point didn't he he was trying to solve the problem on his own he looked out at the crowd he figured out the cost can't you just see the figures going in his brain trying to figure out how much it would be how much it would cost to feed all these people then he turned to jesus and he said shame on philip he said it can't be done it can't be done you ever done it you're done the same thing you ever have the same response it can't be done we can easily say an expansion that will cost millions yes i just put it out there all of a sudden you're looking at me aren't you and saying it can't be done oh ye of little faith it can't be done how is it possible it can't be done god calls us to do something and we immediately start coming up with reasons why we can't what jesus wanted philip to say was i can't do this but you can and he calls us to do something that we know we can't do he wants us to do the same thing he wants us to turn to him and say we can't do it how in the world are we going to come up with those resources this figure is too big it's impossible how can we do it we can't but friends he can he can he'll use us to make it happen but it's all through him that it's possible yes we can't do it will you do it through us should be our prayer to him let me tell you a little something about myself i don't do this often i like talking about myself let me tell you a little something about this chat right here chris pilgrim i hated school anybody else i'm not alone i hated school dreaded for mornings to come to hear the door open and hear my father's voice or my mother's voice say chris it's time to get up for school i hated school i could care less what i scored on a test i could care less what the outcome of an assignment that i passed in turned out like i didn't care sometimes i didn't even care it was passed in a lot of times i didn't care that i even went at the end of grade 12 the results were in and the results weren't good and this guy had to go back and he had to pick up some more credits because he didn't finish well no surprise there i didn't work hard i didn't care the lord started to do a big work in my life and he called me to ministry what am i going to do with that that meant two years of school that meant two years of study that meant assignments that meant exams that meant work again in the classroom i hated school how is this going to work i'm not educated at this time i'm in saint anthony and i'm working at the irving station pumping gas the lord kind of taps me on the shoulder and says time to hang up the gas pump buddy need you for ministry and all i'm looking back at at my school days and saying there's no way i can do this this is not even possible what's the lord going to do with this young chap in my mind god was telling me to do something that was impossible something unimaginable something i couldn't do my initial response was i can't do it my initial response was i'm uneducated my initial response was i can't write a sermon my initial response was i can't lead a congregation how in the world can a young brat at 21 years old lead a congregation how can that be possible they're not going to listen to me i can't i can't i can't what can god possibly do with chris pilgrim after some time i realized something it's not about me it's about jesus it's about the one i serve and let me tell you something there is nothing in this world i'd rather be doing today than what i'm doing right now why not because of me but because of the one i serve because of the one i serve if god can use me he can use you we need to just surrender ourselves to him and say send me use me i'm here today all because i realized i can't do it but god can that's what made the difference here i am 24 years as a pastor into my 25th year and i say to you friends i still can't but god can through me you see the difference you see the difference if it wasn't for him i would not do this all that to say don't focus on your limited ability when you look around at the needs of others in this community and we look around at this limited space what is needed to make a vision become a reality is your first response there's nothing i can do about it or is it what can i do about it when you take an evaluation of your life and you know that god is speaking into it what is your initial response could it be what can i do about it i can trust god and i can let him lead me i can let him have control and see what he's able to do limited abilities used in the hands of god listen to roman or two verses eight and nine of john chapter six another of his disciples andrew simon's brother spoke up here's a boy with five small barley loaves two small fish but how far will they go among so many don't limit god don't box them in don't doubt the almighty's ability as we look at andrew don't you just feel like encouraging andrew along i mean he's on the right track he's looking at the possibilities he knows that the only way this is going to happen is through jesus and he even goes so far as to say there's a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish it's almost like he has an answer but it's not big enough just know that he's going to go all the way and and he's going to tell jesus multiply them feed the crowd perform another miracle you can do it lord you want to just cheer him on keep in mind that andrew been with jesus from the start he saw jesus turn the water into wine saw jesus heal the man who had been crippled for 38 years at the pool of bethesda he saw and witnessed blind eyes made the sea deaf ears to here again demon possessed restored to perfect mental health he knew what jesus was capable of doing but then andrew says that little three-letter word that changes everything do you know it that three-letter word that puts doubt into every statement but here's the bread here's the fish jesus but i know you're able to perform the miracle but i know you're jesus and i know what you're able to do but get it andrew once again falls into the trap of the impossible in this case andrew was limiting god's ability to work he got so close he knew where to turn but truth be told andrew's faith in god was too small in essence what andrew was really saying was we've got these five loaves of bread we got these two fish but not even you can do anything with them large it's not even close to being enough listen listen listen listen but is a ministry killer but it's keeping our churches from being faithful to god's calling but has closed doors of church buildings but has kept many from doing the impossible through jesus christ our lord but has kept many who have been so near to the kingdom to never step in completely i've had coffee with individuals who've been so close to turning their hearts and their lives over to jesus only to follow it up with but major calvin you've been there but i have this going on in my life but i have this to deal with but my past but my family but my habits but my addictions but but but don't limit god don't box him in don't doubt the almighty's ability i tell you under the authority of god's holy word as i stand here this evening my god can amen my god can say it with me my god can say it my god can one more time my god can now you didn't just say that because the major said i should say it but i hope you said it because you believe it my god can leave the butt out of it my god can do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or think more than we could ever imagine my god can god is always at work all around us he's always calling us to join him in his work he's always calling us to do the impossible but we limit god we limit his ability to do miracles through us not because god can't do them but because we won't allow god to work through us to make it happen it's because when it comes down to it could very well be that we don't have the faith that we claim we have careful we want to live out the kind of faith that we say we have if we want to experience the miraculous there's no room for but there's no room for doubt we need to truly start trusting god like we say we do i can trust jesus we sang it this morning he never once has failed to meet my needs verses 10 to 13. i'm going to conclude in a minute i promise trust god to use what you give look at these words jesus said have the people sit down there's plenty of grass in that place and the men sat down about five thousand of them jesus then took the loaves gave thanks distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted and he did the same with the fish when they had all had enough to eat he said to his disciples gather the pieces that are left over let nothing be wasted in verse 13 look what they gathered they gathered together 12 baskets filled with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten god can god can in the eighth chapter of mark after jesus fed four thousand people in a similar way mark tells us that the pharisees came to jesus and asked him for a miraculous sign mark 8 and 12 says that jesus sighed deeply jesus sighed deeply and i just love that picture i think that's probably what jesus did after testing philip and and andrew and i think he listened to them and heard their doubts and their lack of faith and just sighed deeply see jesus knew what he was going to do he just wanted philip and andrew to be the ones who trusted him enough to suggest it i think he does the same thing with us as well when he calls us to do something that seems impossible and we reply by saying but i think he sighs sighs deeply then he either turns to someone else or he does it on his own and we're the ones who miss out in this case jesus took over he fed the crowd himself and he showed us what could have been through andrew philip but andrew philip missed it and he showed us what he was able to do with or without them jesus wasn't asking philip and andrew to feed the people he knew they didn't have the resources he knew they didn't have the ability he knew it was impossible for them but what jesus wanted was for philip and andrew to come to him with what they had and say this is it this is all we have we know it's not enough we're not enough but you know that you can take what you have to offer multiply it and do a miracle through us we know you can do that you have faith to believe that today took the five loaves he took the two fish that the little boy had and showed what he could do let's be thankful for that little boy let's be thankful for that little boy he gave what he had and jesus used it jesus takes what we give multiplies it by faith producing a miracle every single time i'm going to invite musicians to start playing the worship team to join me just have a few more words to say before we sing before we respond in faith to what the lord has said to us this evening i want to make one thing clear god has called us to trust that we can do all things through him jesus said that we would do even greater works than him we look around our world we can't see it the problem is not with jesus he's faithful he's all-knowing he never changes he's the same yesterday today and forever he's the way the truth the life the problem is not jesus so the problem is in jesus where does the problem lie [Music] friends i encourage you in your own personal walk this evening corporately as a church let's give up the walking by sight and let's walk by faith [Music] i believe that's what the lord is calling us to in these days we've come to the conclusion that if we can't understand something then there must be something wrong with god let's erase that thinking because that's not it god is all-powerful he's all-knowing he doesn't mess it up [Music] nothing wrong with god he just wants to take our inabilities and he wants to multiply them together to do miracles in our lives miracle this church miracles in this community miracles in this world around us anyone can multiply with god it just takes trust it takes faith and it takes obedience to do so don't give up you're on the brink of a miracle can you sing that from your heart what is god asking you to do today pulling us to a vision that i truly believe will become a reality when you ask or i'm not sure but this i know i'm giving my eye cans and i'm leaving here this evening saying with you lord i can we have opportunity corporately as a church to stay together with you lord we can we have opportunity individually personally in my life to say lord i need you and i know through you i can what is it that you need to surrender to him what is it you need to give over to him what is it you need to place into the hands of god this evening and say here it is lord here it is lord it might not be much but here it is [Music] follow it up by saying this use it lord use it lord don't give up you're on the brink of a miracle don't give up you're on the brink [Music] [Music] god is still [Music] don't give up remember you're [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh we're gonna continue in this course we're going to continue to sing these words but i'm going to invite you to stand would you do that now just to stand all over this place [Music] will you claim that miracle this evening [Music] will you get rid of the doubts [Music] get rid of the butts get rid of the icants and step out and say yes lord yes lord i can't [Music] met with an individual just the other day for coffee my the hang-ups [Music] the hang-ups so near to the kingdom but this this this under conviction deep conviction wanting jesus wanting to be saved wanting to come into the folds but friends pray and believe don't be caught up in the inabilities but i'll think about the god that we serve and what he's able to do in our lives look at where you were look at where you are because of jesus isn't it wonderful when you think of that don't give up remember you're not alone is there one needs to come and pray i want us to make use of the mercy seat i believe there's some fear these days maybe we shouldn't oh yeah we should god is speaking to one yes you should and i encourage you to do so raise the fears and allow jesus to have his way in your life this evening don't give up you're on the brink of a miracle don't give up you're on the brink of [Music] don't give up bless the lord [Music] don't give up remember [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] don't give up remember [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] some [Music] is [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Music] feelings [Music] peace [Music] me [Music] me [Music] cleansing sweet peas [Music] [Music] come and quench the thirsting of my soul bread of heaven feed me till i want no more fill my cup fill it up and make me whole maybe there's someone needs to cry out that prayer to him maybe you feel as though you're a little dry in your experience there's too much doubt there's too much going on you don't know where to even find god in the midst of your life and your circumstances right now ah pray it fill my cup lord i dry and my thirsty soul to be replenished right now in your presence fill my cup lord fill it up and make me whole let's sing it together faithful my god the lord [Music] [Applause] this first [Music] [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] lord we thank you for your presence we thank you lord for ministering to our hearts this evening and we realize lord in the midst of life that yes we we come up against obstacles that we feel are insurmountable and we can't get over them we can't get through them we have no way to overcome but lord help us in the midst of it to trust you and realize with you all things are possible we will not limit your ability we will not box you in as it were we will not doubt but lord we believe we believe and lord we trust you and we commit everything as individuals to you and lord we commit everything corporately that we desire in these days as we seek to follow your will lord help us to take what we want out of the equation lord help us to line it up with everything that you desire only what you want only what you feel is necessary in these days and so lord we commit all that to you we thank you for ministering to us throughout this day for all that you're doing for all that you continue to do and lord we praise you for it and we thank you and we continue to uplift the name of jesus here so that those around will know who you are they will come into experience as well of knowing you as christ as lord and savior and friends of their lives it's what we want lord pray that you would use us to be the difference we pray it in jesus name amen amen praise the lord there's been a word passed from online to this platform that there's somebody that knelt to their chesterfield at home and gave their hearts to jesus hallelujah hallelujah the online ministry is effective amen and we tell you at home don't give up you're on the brink of a miracle and we rejoice with you that soul who's come home to jesus this evening we praise god for your life trust him walk with him and know that the congregation here at the salvation army cbs will uplift you in prayer we love you god bless you maybe there's others but i want us to sing the course that says i cannot help but praise the lord when i look back over the years think of all the answered prayers i cannot help but praise the lord we're going to sing it in the key of f [Music] here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is uh [Music] is [Music] [Music] i've [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] praise the lord we're going to conclude in just a moment but one more course you know we have lots to praise the lord for as we move and journey into this next chapter whatever that looks like for the salvation army cbs we can't forget who paved the way we can't forget the journey that led us to this moment so can we sing the course we'll give god the glory for the things he has done for the wonderful things he has done and then we'll sing the chorus for the part that says god the glory for the things he will do amen for the wonderful things he will do okay we'll give god [Music] [Music] he foreign done for the things he has become [Music] [Applause] [Music] the things is will do [Music] the glory for all the things he will do [Music] all the things he will [Music] yes give do lord a clap of praise for that praise the lord praise the lord amen the ban is going to help us as we sing two verses of our final song this evening might eyes have seen the glory can we have the first verse roma please might eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the lord he is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored he hath loosed the faithful lightning of his terrible swift sword his truth is marching on and that final verse says in the beauty of the lilies christ was born across the sea with a glory in his bosom that transfigures you and me as he died to make men holy let us live to make men free while god is marching on that's our duty that's our responsibility as we've spoken today to get out there and share the gospel of jesus christ and we give god the glory for all that he has done glory glory hallelujah his truth is marching on [Music] [Applause] [Music] is is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] father we thank you for the opportunities that you have given us today to give you glory and to declare your praises and we thank you for those who have heard the gospel news and to those who have responded to you for salvation for those who have turned their lives over to you for those who are giving you an offering of themselves today we just praise you and we pray that you will take it and you will expand it that you will indeed multiply the offerings that have been given so that your will would be accomplished among us and in this place in this corner of your vineyard here on earth we thank you because you have been with us today and as we now prepare to leave this place we believe that you will go with us and we believe and pray that you will guide us and you will use us to make a difference in the life of someone who is out there who needs to know that jesus loves them and so we pray that you would make us vessels of mercy for you and that we would indeed live to make men free as we share the gospel of jesus christ may you have your way among us and go with us tonight bless the offering as it's received and given unto you and may you take it and use it for the extension of your kingdom for we pray in jesus name amen and amen [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] god's on changing hands god [Music] again [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: Salvation Army Conception Bay South Corps
Views: 2,952
Rating: 4.7735848 out of 5
Id: tMH24xCHO80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 58sec (6358 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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