Bethel Sunday Morning Service April 4, 2021 Message by Pastor Michael G. Lewis

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[Music] the lord for he alone for [Music] thank you jesus get all excited go tell everybody that jesus christ is king get all excited go tell everybody that jesus christ is king get all excited go tell everybody that jesus christ [Music] tell hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] tell [Music] [Music] is for [Music] tell me [Music] is [Applause] [Music] everyone tell everyone for me [Music] is tell everyone [Music] jesus oh for me amen amen jesus is alive and well tell everyone you meet tell them for me that jesus is alive and well on this resurrection sunday morning we bring to you the good news of the gospel of jesus christ that jesus is alive and well wherever you are can you shout hallelujah that jesus is alive and well join with me as we repeat together psalm 27. the lord is my light and my salvation whom shall i fear the lord is the strength of my life of whom shall i be afraid when the wicked even my enemies and my force came upon me to eat up my flesh they stumble and fell the one who should encamp against me my heart shall not fear the war should rise against me in this will i be confident one thing have i desired of the lord and that will i seek after that i may dwell in the house of the lord all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the lord and to enquire in his temple for in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me he shall set me up on a rock and now shall my head be lifted up above my enemies round about to me therefore will i offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy i will sing yea i will sing praises unto the lord hear o lord when i cry with my voice have mercy also open me and answer me when thou sayest seek ye my face my heart said unto thee thy face lord will i seek i don't thy face far from me and put not thy servant away in anger thou has been my help leave me not neither forsake me o god of my salvation when my father and my mother forsake me then the lord will take me up teach me thy way oh lord and lead me in a plain path because of mine enemies deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies for false witnesses are risen up against me and such as breathe out cruelty i had fainted unless i had believed to see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living wait on the lord be of good courage and he shall strengthen thine heart wait i say on the lord this morning we are encouraged by the word of the lord to wait on the lord and to be of good courage we can wait on the lord knowing that every good promise that he has made he will fulfill we can wait on the lord with confidence knowing that whatever he says he means what he says hallelujah to god he told us like as jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights even so must the son of man be in the heart of the earth we know as we celebrate this morning the resurrection of our lord that up from the grave he arose with a mighty triumph over his foes that he arose the victor from the doctrine and he lifts the river with the saints to reign praise god we know this morning that we can stand on his word we can stand flat-footed on the promises of god knowing that every promise that god has ever made they are sure if we only believe god bless us this morning as we stand on the solid promises of our amazing god join with me at this time as we repeat together our mission statement and our pledge our mission statement and pledge guides the activities of our church and clearly sets out for us the mandate that god has given to the church we endeavor to love obey and serve our lord and savior jesus christ striving always to fulfill our purpose in making disciples of all men for the advancing of the kingdom of god on earth on the direction and power of the holy ghost and with an empowered people we will foster unity love and fellowship within the apostolic community in carrying out our mission we pledge to build god's kingdom through the ministries of apostle prophet evangelist pastor and teacher as we seek to rescue our fellow men from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light teach believers the word necessary for maturity growth and mission and prepare believers for the glorious appearing of jesus christ on this resurrection sunday morning let us pull out all the stops wherever you are you're in your home you're in your room you're in your kitchen wherever you are pull out all the stops praise god this morning and let us worship god because we know jesus rose from the dead god bless you as we proceed in jesus hallelujah jesus is alive and well and we are going to be singing number 50 as our opening song death has no terror death hath no terror for the blood wash one oh glory hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh glory hallelujah [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah together [Applause] is is hallelujah oh oh my jesus rose hallelujah glory to god he is not here he is risen said the angels to mary jesus rose from the dead he rose triumphant as he said he snatched the victory from the grave rose again our souls to save hallelujah o glory hallelujah to the lamb aren't you glad he rose praise god praise god our scripture reading comes to us from saint mark chapter 16 verses 1 through 13. praise god saint mark chapter 16 verses 1 through 13. and when the sabbath was passed mary magdalene and mary the mother of james and salome had brought sweet spices that they might come and anoint him and very early in the morning the first day of the week they came onto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun and they said among themselves who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre and when they looked they saw the stone was rolled away for it was very great and entering into the sepulchre they saw a young man sitting on the right side clothed in a long white garment and they were afraid and when he saith unto them sorry and he saith unto them be not afraid he seek jesus of nazareth which was crucified he is risen he is not here behold the place where they laid him but go your way tell his disciples and peter that he go it before you into galilee there shall he see him as he said unto you and they went out quickly and fled from the sepulcher for they trembled and were amazed neither said they anything to any man for they were afraid now when jesus was risen early the first day of the week he appeared first to mary magdalene out of whom he had cast seven devils and she went and told them that had been with him with him as they mourned and wept and they when they had heard that he was alive had been seen of her believed not after that he appeared in another form onto two of them as they walked and went into the country verse 13 and they went and told it unto the residue neither believe them praise the name of jesus this is the word of the lord he promised to add his richest blessings to the reading thereof it is part time and for pearl we will sing number 265 guide me oh thou great jehovah at the singing of the last verse we will be led in power by elder trevor ferguson [Music] my [Music] feed me till i won't know more bread of heaven feed me [Music] a healing [Music] lead me on [Music] and still my strength and shields when i trade the verge of jordan beat my anxious fears [Music] on [Music] [Applause] songs [Music] [Music] [Music] anxious [Music] wondering [Music] songs [Music] hallelujah oh we bless your name jesus we bless your name jesus hallelujah let's bow our heads for prayer or father and or god we worship you as the creator of heaven and earth we acknowledge you as king and lord of our lives lord today you are worthy to be praised as the writer says lord from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same your name is worthy to be praised we come before you on this special sunday morning lord as we remember your resurrection how you rose from the grave oh god and wrought triumph for all humanity oh god we were without hope we were without god in the world we had no access to your throne oh god but you were willing to lay down your life that today we might have lie and have it more abundantly we thank you for your plan of salvation god because we recognize that in our human frailty god we have messed up so many times oh god from adam and eve unto the present day we have sinned and come short of the glory of god but lord you have not held it against us you have made a way of escape you have provided an alternate path and today we can come before your throne with assurance of salvation so today we rejoice we magnify you lord we bless your holy name we declare you our god and our king you are our savior and our friend so we have come together lord jesus despite the limitations god we have joined oh god from our various homes oh god and the few of us here in the sanctuary but we have come to i pray lord god almighty that as we worship this morning that we will give our all to you lord jesus that we will come be completely focused on you oh lord god almighty we are offering ourselves this morning as living sacrifices holy and acceptable unto you lord we repent this morning of every evil deed every evil thought everything o god that is unworthy or unrighteous god we place it at your feet this morning and we say forgive us oh lord god almighty because we recognize lord jesus that if we come to worship we must worship with a true heart lord i pray that our sacrifice will be acceptable oh lord god almighty because it's genuine oh god it's not meritual it's not just custom oh god but we have experienced oh god you we have experienced your love oh god and we have come to worship hamusha jesus jesus jesus here we are giving you honor giving you glory giving you praise nothing oh god that we have done but because of your mercy and your grace we give you thanks lord we thank you this morning for everything that you have prepared for us god as we prepare to hear your words god i pray that we will have receptive hearts oh god that your people will be edified oh god that those who are down and depressed will be lifted up those o god who had no hope will have new hope god we pray for those who are sick in body o god they have come before you to worship evil though oh god their health may be failing hallelujah but you are the healer your word says god that by your stripes we are healed so today god we declare healing oh god for all those who are sick oh god and listening to this broadcast all those who have come to worship despite their ailments god in the name of jesus let heal invert you flow oh god almighty touch that one who is having pain oh god back pain joint pain neck pain oh god almighty we speak against it now in the name of jesus that person who has been afflicted oh god with cancer oh god and really don't know what to do but in the name of jesus i speak healing i speak healing i speak healing now lord [Music] jesus hello shaman yes god almighty i speak healing jesus somebody needs you lord somebody needs you lord somebody needs you lord help lord then even right now as that woman with the issue of blood oh god they will press through press through doubt press through fear oh god almighty press through pain press through weakness or gonna touch even the head of your garment let heal and virtue flow elaborate oh god some are lonely and depressed because of the pandemic oh god almighty but in the name of jesus we speak peace we speak peace we speak peace hallelujah a peace that passes all understanding and we declare lord jesus that your people will have joy lord we pray for this country oh god almighty this courage of murder lord god almighty we stand today with authority in the realm of the spirit and we speak against principalities and against powers against every plan of the adversary that seeks to sneak out the lives of your people in the name of jesus we cancel those plans we cancel those plans god in the name of jesus and we speak deliverance oh god let those with evil intent change their ways change their ways god and turn to you jesus because you can save to the utmost lord your word says that we're sin amounted grace did much more about remember the leaders let there be righteous government got every decision that is made concerning your people i pray god that you'll speak to the hearts of those who are decision makers oh god the prime minister the members of the cabinet oh god the members of parliament the members of the senate oh god we cancel every agenda oh god that is against you and in the name of jesus we declare the council of god god step into those situations right now and let your name be glorified god for the rest of this service lord i pray that you'll speak a word of comfort and encourage to mentor hearts let your people be edified today god we pray for salvation whoever is on this platform who has not yet known you who has not yet lord committed their lives to you i pray god that before the service is over god they will make a decision to follow you to put their trust in you oh god to take on your name in water baptism and to seek for the baptism of the holy ghost save lord jesus let your name be glorified let your name be honored let your name be praised we have come before you lord jesus with true hearts seek in your will seek in your purpose and your plan for our lives bless this service bless your people bless this country and let your name be glorified in jesus name amen in jesus name hallelujah can you just wave your hands wherever you are and just say in jesus name hallelujah we agree with the spur in jesus name up from the grave he arose with a mighty triumph or his falls he the arrows comedy [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah christ the rose praise god praise god and today we are here singing with joy he lives within my soul praise god it's such a wonderful day to be in the courts of the lord praise god and we want to acknowledge our pastor and his wife our musicians who are here we are here just few in numbers they are the visual team and we just want to give god praise that we were able to come we are able to come and to bring to you this worship service in the name of jesus god indeed is good all the time god is good and so i want to welcome you all wherever you are this morning worshiping with us we are coming to you from 20 south camp road bethel apostolic church we are situated in the island of jamaica and we are the passionate and compassionate church and we believe in the oneness of god we are here this morning just to lift up and exalt the risen savior praise god praise god wherever you are this morning a warm christian welcome to you may your souls be richly blessed if you are visiting this morning we welcome you we just want to thank god for you because we knew you had a choice you could have clicked on any other live stream but we are here this morning and we glad that you are here with us we ask that you worship with us whether you're in your bedroom whether you're in your kitchen whether you're in your living room or you are driving on the road worship with us but be careful because a blessing awaits you we ask that you share our social media platforms with your friends and your family as you whether you view us on youtube at bethel united church of jesus christ apostolic or on facebook at betel scr or at twitter wherever you are joining us we ask that you share the links with your friends and family and tell them that something good is happening and you are invited to come and taste and to see that god is good praise jesus at this time if we were all gathered together in the sanctuary we would have been collecting our offering but we asked that you put your offering together as you have always been doing and you submitted the next time when we meet face to face god bless you in jesus name at this time let me ask missionary monique lewis to minister in song gone the stone is rolled back on the tomb is empty gone to sit at the father's side gone over death triumph and gone sin is defeated gone he lives forever is foreign the lord is [Music] is is [Music] [Music] away [Music] is foreign [Music] is is foreign [Music] gone to sit at his father's side praise god praise god and i know a lot of you are jumping and shouting and doing the signature clap like the late bishop done gone the stone is road praise god praise god it is time for the word hallelujah praise the name of jesus we have worshiped we have danced we have sent up the praises but it is time to be fed with the word of god so prayerfully receive the ministry of our pastor pastor michael george lewis in the name of jesus [Music] father's side is gone over death triumphant gone sin is defeated gone to live forevermore we honor the spirit of the lord this morning because we know we serve a risen savior he's in the world today i know that he is with me whatever men may say we know that the tomb is empty we know praise god that an empty grave is there to prove that our savior live so we give honor to the spirit of the lord this morning to lady monique praise god who ministered for us to associate pastor elton to dr ferguson to the members of our music team members of the audio visual team just a few of us here amen but we're here to ensure that the message of the resurrection continues to be echoed throughout the length and breadth of this country and by far the length and breadth of the world so we welcome everyone who is joining us by way of youtube by the way of facebook and by the way of twitter amen we welcome you to service this morning amen get on your phone call another church brother calling on the church sister telling make sure you're online right now pastor is about to preach praise god get on call your friends your co-workers amen your unsaved family members amen tell them log on to our youtube channel log on right now do it right now do it right now amen right now right now log on to our facebook channel amen as we are getting ready praise god for the word there is a time when there is going to be a famine for the word of god but we are thankful even now that the word of god is being preached and the word of god is being echoed praise god this morning as we come to declare to you the message of the resurrection of jesus christ aren't you glad that jesus rose amen can you shout he's alive can you shout he's alive can you shout he's alive type in the chat if you're on facebook type in the chat if you're on twitter type in the chat if you're on facebook type and let somebody know he's alive jesus is alive and just in case they don't know who you're talking about just that jesus is alive jesus is alive he's alive he rose triumphant as he says snatch the victory from the grave rose again our souls to save and so as we prepare on this easter sunday morning amen please remember that tomorrow amen is the beginning of our annual blessed holy convocation praise god amen we begin tomorrow at 6 00 a.m amen with prayer meeting on zoom so get ready for convocation 2021 starting tomorrow amen tomorrow morning at 6 a.m at prayer meeting on zoom and at midday is our opening ceremony you don't want to miss our opening ceremony on midday and then we are back on monday night at 6 30 and you've got to be online to support your pastor as i preach on monday night amen so please we're asking everyone and we continue on to friday we're asking everyone to join us and to be amen online praise god get enough data get whatever you need for this week this is our holy annual convocation our 51st holy annual convocation and we need everyone to be on board god has blessed us with an awesome lineup of preachers praise god bishop devin c brown will be preaching amen i'll be preaching pastor romano willis will be sharing the word of god with us bishop dexter edmund out of the united kingdom will be shared with us amen dr colin cawley from all the way in toronto canada will be sharing with us and our own missionary doctor casherno ferguson amen will be preaching we have an awesome lineup of teachers praise god you don't want to miss anything that's going to happen in this convocation praise the name of our god pastor linton snowball will be teaching for us amen we on tuesday praise god dr patricia wholeness will be teaching for us on wednesday morning at 10 00 a.m overseer valver and whittake will be teaching for us on thursday at 10 and we have bishop ca ozward from the greater grace assembling dinner road who will be teaching for us on friday we have bishop john smith who will be shared with our leaders also on friday you don't want to miss anything that's happening in this holy convocation praise god the department will be on amen and sharing each day in the department sessions praise god you don't want to miss any of what's going to happen this week starting tomorrow morning praise god make sure that you have internet log on amen make sure you have enough data for the week praise god because every session is going to be powerful and we are praying and we're asking god for a mighty move of his spirit we want souls to be saved we want souls to be filled with the gift of the holy ghost even as we preach even as we declare the counsel of our god so get ready for convocation 2021 let's go forward in the name of the lord grab your bibles it's time for the word amen in times like these we need a bible in times like these we need an anchor we have to be very sure that our anchor holds and grips that solid rock it is in [Music] the gospel according to mark the 16th chapter that god would have us to hear his words today i want to just read from verse 5 to verse 7 just three verses amen as we seek to set the context for the sermon this morning mark chapter 6 verses 5 to 7. and entering to the sepulcher they saw a young man sitting on the right side clothed in long white garment and they were a frightened and he said unto them be not a frightened you seek jesus of nazareth which was crucified he is risen he is not here behold the place where they laid him but go your way tell his disciples and peter that he goeth before you into galilee there shall you see him as he said unto you the word of the lord and we give god thanks for the reading and the proclamation of his word i want to share this morning on the topic messages from the resurrection messages from the resurrection brothers and sisters as i reflected on the story as told in the book of mark one can only imagine what it must have been like in jerusalem approximately two thousand years ago the anointed one the messiah came to deliver his people please remember that the jewish people were under roman domination and their ever aching desire was for the messiah to come the anointed one who would come and to deliver them from the bonds of roman oppression and when we study the jewish writings there was a need for the messiah the jewish people longed for their messiah they prayed daily for messiah to come come messiah come come thou anointed one come and deliver us notice firstly there was a prophetic need for the messiah the prophets both major and minor prophets had prophesied with great precision and with clarity concerning the messiah who would come it was the prophet isaiah who is often referred to as the eagle eye prophet because he was able to look down the telescope of time and to declare almost 700 years before the messiah came an accurate record of his coming in isaiah chapter 7 and verse 14 the prophet says therefore the lord himself shall give you a sign behold a virgin shall conceive and be our son and we shall call his name emmanuel it was matthew who reminds us that emmanuel then means god with us so the prophet isaiah tells us that the lord himself is going to give us a sign that the messiah has come a virgin is going to bring forth a son and we know that the spirit of god overshadowed the virgin mary and how she conceived and that which was born in her womb was off the holy ghost then the prophet says in the ninth chapter and the sixth verse of the book of isaiah he says for one to us a child is born unto us then a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulders his name shall be called wonderful counselor the mighty god the everlasting father and the prince of peace and glad that we know who the messiah is we know his name we know who is wonderful because the name of jesus is wonderful for neither is there salvation in any other name for there is no other name given on the heaven or on the earth whereby men must be saved not only that but in saint matthew 1 21 the bible says thou shalt call his name jesus for he shall save his people from their sins i'm so glad that i know who jesus is i'm so glad child of god that we know who the messiah is we know who our delivery is his name is jesus can you shout jesus hallelujah type in the chat jesus let somebody know that you know who the messiah is it's jesus christ it's jesus christ it's jesus christ time now in the jesus christ declare in cyberspace who the messiah is declare it now in the name of the lord jesus christ type in the chat jesus christ get on your thrones get on your phone and type in the jesus christ is lord hallelujah to god not only then child of god did the prophets declare that the messiah would come but then the jews were on the roman oppression and they were really being oh god oppressed by the roman empire and they needed a messiah that would come and to give them political reform so not only was there a prophetic need but there was also a political need for a messiah remember how the jews are on the roman control and they long for their messiah who would relieve them from roman oppression and would provide for them jewish independence the jews held a much distressed child of god and often hated the romans because of their oppression but my god they looked for a political leader who would come that had overcome the charisma and the wisdom to help the jewish nation to break the bonds of roman oppression uh god almighty the prophet isaiah in the ninth chapter and the seventh verse says of the increase speaking of the messiah and his political agenda of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end upon the throne of david and upon his kingdom to order it and to establish it with judgment and with justice from ends forth even forever and the zeal of the lord of hosts will perform this understand then that the jews had a political agenda in their mind they look for a political messiah a political leader who my god will order the kingdom and to establish the jewish nation in judgment and in justice they looked for one o god who was sit upon the throne of king david and upon his kingdom most of the jews who believe then in a personal messiah had depicted in their minds or had a a reference in their minds of a triumphant king who would march into jerusalem and to declare the full council of god well well when jesus came he was born as a babe in a manger it really didn't fit the political profile of the jewish messiah not only that but he was born in a place called nazareth remember how it was said can any good thing come out of nazareth so when jesus was born oh my god he didn't look like their political leader even when he was grown when he walked triumphantly into jerusalem he rode upon a donkey he didn't have the political profile that they were looking for and so many of the jews rejected jesus as their messiah they didn't want him as their messiah but i'm so glad for the bible tells me he came unto his own and his own received him not but to as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of god you see not only was there a prophetic need and not only was there a political need for a savior but thirdly there was a personal need for a savior you see i needed a savior i needed a savior to settle my account you needed a savior because we were all gentile dogs and sorcerers we were barred from the commonwealth of israel each of us were going in our own direction and we needed a savior there was a gulf that stood between us and god because of the sin of adam we could not get to god because of our sin but in order to purchase our redemption and to pay the price the bible said jesus died because in hebrews chapter 9 and verse 22 we are told that without the shedding of blood hallelujah there is no remission of sins the righteousness and almost all things are by the law purge with blood and without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins you see i needed somebody to pay the price we couldn't pay the price we couldn't save ourselves but thanks beyond to god that jesus came thanks beyond to god that jesus died thanks be unto god that he took my place thanks be unto god that he took your place my god when they stretched him out in calvary i should have died you should have died we should have been crucified but jesus walked to gilgal and he took our place he stood in my place he stood in your place and the songman said jesus paid it all all to be my oh sin that left the crimson stream but he washed it waited and snow i'm so glad this morning that jesus died i'm so glad this morning he took my place i'm so glad he shed his blood i'm so glad that one day his blood that reaches to the highest mountain but i'm so glad that the same blood that reaches to the highest mountain flow in the lowest valley so that when that blood hit the valley it found me it found you for we were messed up i feel like preaching we were messed up we were polluted in our own blood we were in the valley of sin cut off from god but one day one day the precious blood one day the saving blood one day the cleansing blood stopped by our heart's door came where we were hallelujah to god washed our sins away settled our count listen to me we had an account it was growing with sin an account we couldn't settle but on that faithful day when jesus walked to calvary he settled our account no wonder he cried out it is finished it is finished man's redemption is finished so i hear the song and said there was a time on earth when in the book of heaven and all the count was standing for sins yet unforgiven my name was at the top i'm sorry i gotta tell you the truth my name was at the top and when you look below my name there were many things some of them i can't even tell you but there were many things below but thank god i went unto the keeper and he said lid long ago long ago down on my knees long ago he said it all yes the old account was settled long ago when the salmon continued his narrative when he says well the whole account was large and growing everyday for i was always sinning and took no thought to pray but when i look ahead and saw such pain and whoa i thought i'd better get it settled and suddenly long ago thank god for the blood thank god for the blood for when i look ahead and saw such pain and whoa i said that i would sit and settle it long ago aren't you glad that jesus settled your account when he went to calvary every sin of your path was settled when you went to calvary he said deliver sin in the present when you went when he went to calvary he said to never sin that would ever happen in the future because his blood it's the remedy can i tell somebody jesus blood it's the remedy for the sins of mankind he paid the utmost for god's heist he paid the price so that's why when the prophet answered saw him as he walked to calvary i hear the prophet isaiah says who shall believe our report and to whom is the arm of the lord revealed he was despised and rejected of men a man of sorrow and acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised we esteemed him now but i hear the prophet said surely he has borne our grace and surely he has came with our sorrows yet we did not esteem him speaking of god and afflicted but i hear the prophet in the fifth verse of the 53rd chapter of the book of isaiah but he was wounded for our transgressions and he was bruised for our inequities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we healed he had to die thank god jesus had to die i needed his blood he had to die you needed his blood oh god almighty he had to die i needed a way out of hell he had to die we needed victory over sinner he had to die we needed victory over here he had to die we needed victory over the grave hallelujah to god through the sun which is calvary covers it all aren't you glad for calvary can you shout calvary can you show calvary you know i'm going to tell you the type in the chat calvary because calvary represents our station of liberation calvary represents our place of washington calvary represents our place of cleansing kill murray someone says when i suffer i think if you can get that one that'd be good the wondrous cross on which the prince of glory died my richest gain i count but loss and poor contempt and all my pride calvary and calvary and calvary his blood was shed on calvary when they drove those nails into his hand oh there it is when i survey the wondrous cross on which the prince of glory died my richest gain i count but lost and poor contempt and all my pride see from his head his hands his feet sorrow and love the flowed mingled down derived such love and sorrow meat or thorn composed so rich a crowd oh since i who was undone and lost have powered and through my savior's blood forbid it lord that i should both save in the cross of christ my god he's dying crimson like a robe spread all over his body on that cruel cross that we call calvary child of god when they lifted him up when they drove those nails into his hands and they began to lift him up you see they made a fatal mistake when they lifted up the cross they nailed him on the cross while the cross was on the ground but they made a fatal mistake but it was a mistake by the romans that i loved because it brought me salvation when they raised that cross up when they lifted him up from this earth and they suspended the cross between earth and heaven i hear jesus said if i be lifted up from this earth i will draw all men unto me so when they lifted him up he began to draw you when they lifted up the cross he began to draw me when they lifted up the cross oh yeah an open door was made when they lifted up the cross a way was made back to god matoshaya hallelujah to god when they lifted him up he declared when he died it is finished man's redemption is paid jesus paid it all now when he died they thought it was all over the roman powers thought well we got rid of their messiah we got rid of their king of the jews we got rid of their god but how many know that the devil is a liar you can't kill the god who is immortal invisible you see jesus christ was god manifested in the flesh he was fully man and fully god hallelujah to god and so they buried him in a tube and my god they said well it's all over he's buried in a tube now there was the religious powers those were the pharisees and the sadducees they exerted great influence over the people and the child of god hated jesus because he taught against their laws and rituals he told them that they were white worshippers because they tried to keep the law while abusing their neighbors and so jesus was often times in opposition to their kind of religion so the scribes and the pharisees often hated jesus remember it was the scribes and the pharisees who went to the roman authorities and to ask them to crucify jesus and so when jesus died all of them were around the tomb because they said we've got to watch this too because we don't want the disciples to come and to do any anki panky around these two there were also the civil power there was a seal that was placed upon the tube by the government of rome prohibiting and preventing anyone from taking the body of jesus christ out of the tomb now behind the seal that was placed is all the power of the roman empire so when they put jesus into joseph of amethyst they sealed it with the roman seed and they said we're sealing it that no one can get in and we're sealing it that no one can get out well well well child of god i got a question for somebody if you don't believe in the resurrection why do you have to see that if he's dead and don't remain there you don't have to seal it he'll rebuild ain't in there but they must have known something not only were there the civil power but there was also the military power for there were soldiers who were placed there to guard the tube and to make sure that nothing or no one disturbed the two my god you had around the tomb save the power religious power military power but then there was also satanic power you see my god the demons in here thought they had everything covered jesus is there they began to dance in the garden with thee heard glee jesus was there and in the combined force they were going to do my god their victory dance because we're finally silence jesus but you see outside of the tube was silver power outside of the two were religious powers outside of the tube where satanic powers outside of the tube were military power but inside the two was almighty power because on the third day hallelujah the god up from the grave he arose with the mighty triumph over his foe he arose the victor from the dark jamaica and he began to live forever with the same strain oh my god inside the tomb was the resurrection was almighty power so on the third day everybody say the third day on the third day when everybody thought it was all over when everybody thought it was on the third day really one sunday morning jesus got up triumphantly out of the grave to come off the grave closer lady walked out of the tomb declaring i am the resurrection and the life he that believed in me though you were dead yet shall you live i'm here to tell somebody that jesus rose from the dead he died yes he died he died didn't he die but haley sunday morning he got up from the grave he got up with power he got up with victory he got up triumphant jesus rose from the dead he rose triumphant as he said snatch the victory from the grave rose again our souls the savior o glory hallelujah to the lamb and if you ask me here pastor michael how do you know he lives how do you know he's alive well i'm about to tell you but i think some of you know because you can feel him in your heart he lives because i can feel him in my hands i can feel him in my head i can feel him in my feet i can feel him all over me how do you know that jesus rose for what he the bible said in romans chapter 6 that is the same spirit that raised jesus christ from the dead dwells in you it shall quicken your mortal body how do you know he lives he lives because i feel him in my soul the holy ghost is inside of you you know he lives feel him can you feel him moving in you can you feel him moving with you can you feel it moving on you we know he lives because we can feel him hallelujah snatch your victory from the grave rose again our souls to save he lives that's why when we receive the holy ghost it's an indication of the reception of resurrection everybody who has received the holy ghost we have the sure evidence of the resurrection of jesus that's why you've got to make sure that you are a recipient of the holy ghost make sure can i preach it this morning make sure that you know that you know that you know that you know without the shadow of a doubt that you're filled with the holy ghost make sure that you can feel the resurrection moving in your life transforming your attitudes transform in your behavior make sure that you can feel a resurrection let the church shall power let the church show hallelujah i feel the resurrection power somebody is about to receive the gifts of the holy ghost on this resurrection sunday somebody is getting up with a testimony on resurrection sunday 2021 april 4 20 21 i receive the gift of the holy ghost i prophesy to you now receive the holy ghost receive thee the holy ghost receive thee the holy ghost let the church shout holy ghost type in the chat holy ghost receiving the holy ghost with stammering lips with summery lips with stammering lips and another turtle shall you receive the gift of the holy ghost somebody type holy ghost hayatosha the resurrection has come to your house the resurrection has come to your heart the resurrection has come to your tongue holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost receiving receiving receiving the holy ghost with stammering lips with slimmer and lips and another tongue [Music] yes that's the holy ghost that's the holy ghost moving in you that's the holy ghost moving on you yes holy ghost my god holy ghost holy ghost my god i hear god saying who lord ever sanctified one god apostolic holy ghost believer i hear god saying on this resurrection sunday we are going to get a refilling refreshing of the holy ghost lay your hands upon your own head whether you're in your bedroom your kitchen your bathroom wherever you are lay your hands up on your own and say holy ghost holy ghost ah shut up till you feel the anointing holy ghost holy ghost did you feel a revival holy ghost holy ghost till you feel a refreshing holy ghost holy ghost until until you'll be in judah with holy ghost holy ghost revive holy ghost refresher [Music] holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost [Music] i feel it i feel it ain't but a few of us here but we feel the power of the holy ghost [Music] yes yes holy ghost [Music] yes holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost my god i feel crazy on up in here my god holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost i'm about to run up in here i'm glad that none of you are here so i can run and not be in trouble holy ghost i feel some motion my god if you feel like running in your house if you feel like running in your room if you feel like running on the spot get ready just shown holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost [Music] holy ghost my god my god my god holy ghost i feel i feel a feel of it victory in the house yes deliverance yes [Music] yes my god my my god power power power [Music] power power power holy ghost holy ghost [Music] whoa my god listen to me hear me if you believe as the scripture has said out of your belly i feel that a number of persons receive the holy ghost thank you lord on this resurrection sunday morning the true evidence of the resurrection closing the true evidence of the resurrection this morning is that you can feel the resurrected christ christ in us the hope of glory the resurrected christ lives in our hearts and the message of the resurrection is that he's not in a tomb hallelujah he's not in the tomb where is he is in my heart he's in your heart you ask me how i know he lives he lives within our hearts the resurrected christ lives in our hearts jesus told in the text that we read we are told of the promise the angel told the disciples the women who went to the tomb he's not here he's recent as he said and he said mark 16 and verse 7 he says there shall you see him you're going to see him as he said unto you but go your way and tell his disciples and peter he go before unto galilee listen the angel said if you go to galilee you're going to see him as he said unto you don't miss this child of god we weren't there in galilee first corinthians chapter 13 and verse 12 get that scripture for me we won't see him in galilee but those of us who have the hope of the resurrection is going to see him in glory for the bible says for now we don't see things clearly yeah we're going through pains and we're going through struggles my god these last 12 months have been a journey my god one crisis after another but it's soon be done with all the troubles and the trials first corinthians 13 12 says for now we see through a glass darkly but then face to face now i know in part but then shall i know even as also we gonna see him as he is you need the gift of the holy ghost if you're going to see him [Music] the holy ghost in us will transform this this this vile flesh and give us a new body everybody show it i'm getting a new body i'm getting a new body this body is filled with aches and pains my god some of you woke up with pains in your knee pain in your back pain in your neck pain all over your shoulder but but but i'm a child of god on that resurrection morning when on the dead in christ shall rise you'll have a new body praise the lord you'll have a new life sown in weakness raising power ready to live in paradise a new body praise the lord we're going to have a new home someone says i have a new home glory glory we're the redeemed of god shall stand there will be no more sorrow no more pain there'll be no more strife ready to live in glory land and have a new body praise the lord [Music] can i close with another of our favorite him here at 27 camp road what a glad thought some wonderful morning when i shall hear gabriel's trumpet sound when i wake up to sleep no more rising to meet our blessed redeemer with the glad shout we leave the ground when i wake up to sleep no more when i wake up on some glad morning to sleep no more she will start dawning happy i'll be over in glory on heaven's bright shore telling the story with the redeem of all the ages praising the one whom i adore when i wake up to sleep no more now we sleep but the air is coming a day matosha who said they we bury our loved ones over the last 12 months put them to sleep but there is coming a day when we shall wake up a shadow to sleep no more happy will be and heaven is by sure with the redeem of all the ages praising the one whom i adore the message of the resurrection is simple he's not in the tomb he's in our hearts and if he's not in your heart he wants to be in your heart is simple as saying come into my heart believe god say lord come into my heart come here to stay come in i pray repent of your sins and be baptized in the wonderful name of jesus the baptizers are here we can make arrangements for you to be baptized repent of your sins be baptized in the wonderful name of jesus christ and you shall receive the gift of the holy ghost dr ferguson is going to come to give this article but even before he comes somebody you've got to make up in your mind today that i need the resurrected christ in my life i must have the savior with me for i dare not walk alone the message of the resurrection is not in the tomb he's gone he wants to live in your heart god bless you today in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah [Music] lift your hands where you are right now hallelujah hallelujah he lives in the resurrection christ jesus he walks with me and talks with me a long life's narrow way he lives he lives salvation to him you ask me how i know he lives he lives within my heart is he living in your heart today have you had an experience with jesus have you committed your life to jesus are you currently living for jesus the preacher spoke of the resurrected savior and all that he has accomplished but in order for it to be meaningful to you he must live in your heart i invite all who are within the hearing of my voice today if you have not yet made a commitment to jesus you want to make that commitment right now yes you may be at home by yourself but you can make an altar right where you are and say lord jesus i want you to come in to my heart as you make that commitment the scripture says that you should repent of your sins and even right now god can fill you with the baptism of the holy ghost speaking in another tongue as the spirit gives utterance so right now make your altar make your altar holy yes lord jesus i believe that you rose again from the dead yes i believe that you died for me i believe that you want to forgive me of my sins yes lord i'm ready to offer myself yes lord so right now right now somebody needs to make that commitment some backslider might have walked away strayed from god you might have become careless during this pandemic and have not followed in the path as you used to because there is no longer the gathering of the saints but here is an opportunity on this resurrection sunday to renew your commitment to god to say lord have won that far but today i'm coming home some backslider today it's time to make a new commitment it's time to make a new commitment it's time to make a new commitment make that decision now we're going to be praying shortly but i believe that god is still talking to somebody right now as you reflect on the word you want to make that commitment make it a solid commitment and today if you need the holy ghost right now you can receive the holy ghost in your bedroom in your kitchen in your living room if you believe and lift up your hands in the name of jesus say god fill me with your holy ghost open your mouth and allow him to fill it with words the scripture says he that believeth on me as the scriptures has said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water right now there is something bubbling up inside of you open your mouth and allow the lord to speak through you hallelujah that anointing that you feel that unction you feel it's the holy ghost allow god to speak right now how your ocean receive ye the holy ghost yes i declare it in the atmosphere i declare it in your bedroom and declare it in your living room receive it the holy ghost i am osha jesus hallelujah somebody's making a commitment right now hallelujah the commitment that commitment that commitment that commitment god is doing something right now thank you jesus hallelujah go ahead sister money hallelujah the holy ghost power is moving the holy ghost power is moving just like a magnet somebody received the holy ghost the holy ghost power is moving just like a magnet hallelujah yes [Music] the holy ghost power is moving just like a magnet right now receiving the holy ghost receiving the holy ghost [Music] yes god we believe you lord we believe you lord we believe you yes come on saints right where you are lift your hands and worship god because somebody is going to receive the holy ghost somebody has received the holy ghost lift your hands in faith we act together hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] move jesus yes lord hallelujah the holy ghost [Music] oh shut down [Music] the holy ghost [Music] [Music] because he lives you can receive the holy ghost [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we're gonna pray praise god but at this time we want you to register your commitment register your desire to serve god if you've received the holy ghost i want you to testify write it in the chat tell what has happened to you o praise the name of the lord jesus if you desire salvation then make an indication whichever platform you are on just make a notation in the chat inbox or whatever tool you have send it to us you can also during the course of the week call the church office send us an email we will reach out to you because we want to see you saved so write it right now if you desire prayer just type that in the chat praise the name of the lord jesus we may not be able to see it right now but we're going to pray god has seen it and we have persons who are online or monitoring the chat who will help you pray in the name of the lord jesus so right now register your commitment register your need register your desire register your experience and allow the lord to have his way let us pray hey kosha mayo hallelujah yes lord you are worthy we thank you god for your presence your power and your anointing we thank you god for speaking to our hearts today we thank you lord jesus for the fact oh god that you rose from the dead oh god have given us this opportunity for salvation lord god almighty there was a personal need oh god for salvation and you made sure that each of us our personal need can be fulfilled because of the sacrifice that you made today lord jesus there are some who are listening god who may not yet have made a commitment trying at this time oh god to see what they should do i pray god that you will speak to their hearts oh god that even before this prayer is completed god they will make a firm commitment i will give my life to jesus i will follow his principles and his teachings i will walk in accordance with the gospel of jesus christ i am committing to jesus today help lord that somebody will make that commitment that somebody will be saved we thank you god for those who have touched we believe by faith god that somebody today have received the holy ghost lord jesus and we look forward for the testimony oh god but there may still be others who are seeking after you right now even now god somebody may have their hands lifted up saying here am i lord jesus pour out your spirit in them lord jesus pour out your spirit remember the backslider lord your doors are always open your arms are always ready to receive god so if there's a backslider who is listening right now it's time to come home it's time to come home your father is waiting he's looking out for you backslider heart god almighty help that that pakistani will make a commitment lord remember those who struggle with whatever situation that they're facing at this time we commit them to you help lord jesus that all your people will live in joy and in peace recognizing lord all that you have done and that you gave your life that they might have life more abundantly bless your people bless this church bless your pastor god as he weekly delivers the word i pray that you grant him function to speak oh god and restore his physical health lord we commit him to you remember all those who work those who labor oh god all those who are here oh god those who are working behind the scenes those who are praying god all those who seek to enhance your kingdom minister unto us lord and cause your will to be done blessed today we give you thanks in jesus name amen and amen god bless you remember today if you need salvation if you have made a commitment make an indication in the chat praise the name of the lord jesus somebody's monitoring we will be in touch with you you can also call the church office praise the name of the lord jesus you can send us an email and we'll be in touch with you praise the name of the lord jesus and sometime in the near future we give god thanks the doors will be open again and we'll be able to come in and worship but in the interim we're gonna give our everything to god because he is worthy to be praised god bless you please please await the announcements praise the name of the lord jesus today surely the presence of the lord was in the house and we know that he was there with you praise god praise god please be reminded that we continue this evening with sunday school at 5 15 5 15 at sunday school and we will because we will be going into our virtual convocation this week there will be no individual services that we normally have on tuesday and thursday but we'll all join together from monday morning straight through until friday for virtual convocation 2021 make an effort to join and be blessed and pray much for the convocation in jesus name praise god let us raise our hands for the benediction now unto him who is able to keep us from falling and to present us faultless for the presence of his glory with exceeding joy to the only wise god be glory dominion majesty and power now and forevermore let all of god's people say amen amen god bless you richly have a wonderful week in jesus i've got a mansion way over the hilltop in that old land where we'll never grow older [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] wonder [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm [Music] [Music] see you tomorrow morning six o'clock convocation 20-21 opening ceremony 6 p.m evening service 6 30 p.m [Music] from monday to friday [Music] streets [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Bethel United Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic
Views: 3,632
Rating: 4.7872338 out of 5
Id: k_2_aIOj6RA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 21sec (6921 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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