Brooklyn 99 Moments To Watch While You Eat | Brooklyn Nine-Nine

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did you see the menu Lobster thermor Baked Alaska it's so fancy it don't even sound like food here come on order something order do it order no thanks I'm on duty come on perata you going to let the criminal have all the fun all right fine I'll have one lobster thermador extra Thermador on the side I have no idea what I'm ordering me neither we're like culinary mellin you know how we take this to the next level robes [Music] robes maybe we should talk about de to the case plan our next move grab a little Chow no need I brought these nutrition bricks I have um original no flavor and whole wheat no flavor nutrition bricks sound great or we could grab a little street meat kind of a classic Steakout food but whatever huh meat from the street sounds like a fun treat I'm a poet and didn't even know I was rhyming those words but it happened anyway it's a great idea partner let's grab some freet meat okay ah ah pepper relish on your Aron Chini very playful cut through the richness add a little levity I love that you really know your food you could say it's the only thing I'm allowed to talk about I'm Charles I work with Captain Holt I'm Vivian lutley I work with Kevin no the Vivien ludley author of Stone fruits and stone Stones food of the Paleolithic Era I'm a huge fan it's got the best recipes for making salads out of moss the trick is you have to lean into the dirt tape so what grade are your daughters in they're in sixth grade oh wait I'm sorry that's their reading level they're in second wow they sound quite impressive oh good the food I'm starving hello detective Jeffs do I know you Ronald Palmer you arrested me 10 years ago you testified at my trial oh hey what have you been up to prison yeah I shouldn't ask I spent 10 long years was thinking about what I would do if I ever saw you again lettuce Cup oh do you think I'm trying to poison you am I always going to be a criminal in your eyes even though I've served my time no no no I'm just not hungry right now oh you said you were starving yes John thanks for reminding me John what do you want the food and do braided hering and jellied starfish count as food Oh indeed it does I may be stuck in a tiny room but my palet will travel the world white rice brown rice those are just some of the Rices I love also Basmati now that's all of them now I should have known agent Wheeling was dirty there were signs he wore v-neck ones mom you did nothing it's my greatest regret well at least he's still alive when he comes out of the coma we'll get him to talk you mind getting us some food I can't fathom eating these candies that Peralta bought us chocolate is the devil's carab and carab is Satan's raisin I'll go down to the cafeteria see if I can't scare up some untoasted bread yum okay see the cut is a little slopey I want you to cut it straight across no big deal again slopey don't overthink it again now you're not thinking enough again still slopy again again you know what why don't we try this this why don't you just take that knife put it to my throat and finish the job do I look like Jake to you do I look like Jake to you no not at all then why are you trying to screw me oh my God Charles what is going on with you it's Chef you're not ready for this Gina you're up okay but I'm not calling you chef and you're not yelling at me mhm there you go ah thank you no slope a nice straight cut thank you I felt good cuz the knife but you smush the bread it's too smushy again hey Rosa the Flatbush Diner's pie is terrible it's inedible food is supposed to be edible so you were lying what the hell boil put it in the sucket bucket crust isn't any better it's fancier but it's all bells and whistles desserts don't need to be clever they just need to be good this is the best pie in New York City Apple from Argo Bakery founded 1910 recipe unchanged taste it this is amazing the pie is so good I hate it you just graduated pie School sorry I said I'm just really worked up Santiago can we please please just eat what if Captain Holt and Jake are coming back hang on I have a toast I am thankful to have someone in my life who gives me a reason to get out of bed every morning and I hope that my relationship with this person will only grow more intimate who are you talking about um Hitchcock okay enough is enough I'm eating what it need potatoes butter a little milk and I ran out of salt so I used baking soda why wouldn't you they're both wiped powders of course they're interchangeable yeah yes lunchtime wait's over that was easy totally I feel like we just had our snack an hour and 17 minutes ago I never got into diets though I did take diet pills in the 70s I love these pills they give me so much energy and I can eat whatever I want oh God he's dead actually I was in a coma when I woke up I had so much meal weight loss science has come a long way since then ingredients carrot got to respect it damn Gina what is that oh it's a sloppy Jessica mac and cheese chili pizza on a bun it's everything I've wanted to eat for the last 48 hours what happened I thought you were going to last forever turns out I gave up easy you hear that I gave up so easy I got to say Chinese know how to make a terrible Scotch they certainly do oh it's bad get you drunk though well I found all the worms they're eating a fox corpse in the ouse speaking of which I'm getting hungry what's for dinner dinner yes of course dinner did you not pack any food there's fresh Fox oh it is not fresh are you serious we stopped three times on the way up here to buy fireworks and you never thought to get groceries what was in those coolers the fireworks look I thought we would be incredible at fishing excuse me for believing in US it'll be okay guys no need to worry I just took a foraging class and not to brag I was voted Mr fungus aha Mr fungus to the rescue see sge everything's going to work out and you don't have to stress all the time boy you really think you can find us dinner um let's just say it's going to be a sporus board something bad happened to Charles didn't big time oh God what if the last thing we ever heard him say was sporus bored why are we sending him in one of my men should do it would take two of your people three trips each to hold this much food my guy's a pro I've been carrying takeout since before you were born son fine but I want to know what's going on in there we're putting a camera on him you're on camera no audio thought so that's why I'm tied up Scot what are pepper flakes will you calm down the food's a diversion although Scully it is crazy that you forgot the pepper flakes anyways you know what to do now what I do best turned my heart off what just happened looks like Scully collapsed what the hell your man just had a heart attack stand an Ulus now the first step in learning how to cook is learning how to taste so close your eyes and open your mouth this isn't Burning Man boil tell me what I mean meeting fine it's a sharp fromont cabbit now describe what you taste cheese and cheese okay that's good but try being more descriptive I know you love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches why their components have a long shelf life they're coste effective and they're so simple a child could make them okay I was looking for more of an emotional connection for example my favorite meal is a simple roast chicken and potatoes it was the only dish my mother knew how to cook and when I eat it I feel as though I am once again inside her womb what's your story behind a PB&J I want a sandwich I make a sandwich I eat the sandwich oh how good is this food I'm eating it I accidentally put a stone in mine oh no no no no that's the hoof that's the best part of the stew oh man think of it as marrow nugget wrapped in a thick toenail hey did I tell you guys what the doctor said mhm a couple times but we'd love to hear it again he said that if the bullet was a fraction of an inch left and 2 ft up it would have hit my brain oh yeah the alarm went off before we could even talk oh that's too bad bud but at least you have people to want to come and visit you my family hasn't been to see me since my trial you eat nine people and all of a sudden they don't know who you are anymore wait what did you say eat people are you a cannibal Caleb well that's not how I would Define myself if we're going by what I'm most passionate about I would say that I'm a woodworker why did you think I was in protective custody I don't know I guess I hoped you were another cop wrongly convicted of crimes you didn't commit nope I did all my stuff and more there's tons they can't even Trace to me the secret is eating the evidence okay this is just great I don't see anyone from the outside for another 3 weeks and my only friend here is a cannibal woodw worker look if you really want to talk to people on the outside just get a cell phone yeah that'd be great but it's illegal right there's this guy in genp Romero he can smuggle anything in at his place phones drugs big bag of hair why would you want that you know what don't tell me the less I know about you the better okay let's find this Romero guy right now I really want to chop down on his meat Caleb thank you hey are you sure it's a good idea to eat all this schwarma right before your text fitting oh yeah I'm not going to be one of those Grooms who doesn't eat mhm hey thanks for being so supportive all day best man whatever you need I will do actually there is one thing do you have a pen I could bar to sign these forms you bet I don't have a pen I never do but I will get you one what is it some sort of marriage license thingy oh no it's my retirement paperwork what shut up what yeah Vivian got a job in Suburban Ottawa she wants me to retire from the NYPD and go with her retire okay hope you guys are hungry made bake zi thought it would be fun to use gal's Ultra authentic recipe oh great pity food but thank you anyway but I can cook for myself wow I would roll my eyes so hard right now if it didn't make my brain burn okay Captain this ends now I know your pride is hurt but no one ever took pity on you all we wanted to do was help you when you were down because that's what people do when they care about each other they tell each other lies and invent urgent Mysteries that need to be solved come up with excuses to spend time together like trivia nights or folk art festivals or working old ass cases with their mpy boy Jake back to you Amy we're doing great you're going to eat this ziti and you're going to appreciate it and you're going to grow the hell up okay you're right I'm sorry for the way I acted I can't wait to eat your food oh this is revolting Wow have you learned nothing oh God that is worse than the months Amy what the hell I use gab baldi's exact recipe I know I'm not a great cook but I love following instructions 7 Cups of salt even I know this isn't a recipe which means it might be a code ooh interesting 10 digits maybe it's a phone number look 718 Brooklyn area code yes that's definitely it wait Did you actually use all of this salt and 18 cups of oregano back off I solved the case nine onions oh Amy how am I the bad guy here Terry has a passion for compassion turkey pin wheel oh you're back again you seem to be working this one spot a lot well we're old friends remember I'll ask again turkey pin wheel why is there just one I made a special for you how was it special there's a little something extra in it wait are you still SU suspicious of me you don't think I deserve a second chance impossible Lieutenant Jeffords has a passion for compassion yeah you're right you know what I will take this pin wheel M delicious three lofer thermidors spaghetti and meatballs seizure salad with tater tots instead of croutons oh that's me salad trying to eat healthy I hear that bodies a temple all right I'm searching it whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa P what you doing putting your fingers on my Fancy Feast what how I'm supposed to escape using a lobster squeeze the lemon in my eyes so I can't see stab me in the jugular with a claw and then shove the tail down my throat so I can't scream for help I got to keep my eye on you Judy you're a slippery guy fair enough that I am but for right now I'm all about helping you so why don't you just chill and eat some sexy ass Lobster that meat was good you know what we should order more meat yeah we should where the steak studs the steak studs no no no wait Charles already gave us a name and that is the only one we're going to use Stak St Stak St St St St St it's Charles oh no oh no what do we do what do we do everyone calm down it'll be fine I have an idea why is everyone looking at me you just said you had an idea and then you stopped talking oh my goodness I'm very intoxicating oh man he's FaceTiming me you guys what do I do you can't know we're at the restaurant I need a neutral background I'm a neutral background I'm huge yes genius let me put on my jacket okay hey best man Jake oh I'm so scared the kidnappers have me tied up and where are you guys I don't want to say in case the kidnappers are listening smart but please hurry they're torturing me like James Bond a Casino Royale it's all groin stuff oh my God save me save that was close so should we order another round whole hour till we testify hey donut holes don't mind if I do oh fish fish Donuts boil what is wrong with you it's takayaki I'm drowning my sorrows in octopus balls I've been online dating it's a total disaster I've only had one match and it was a pretty obvious catfish situation my name yennefer you gave me Social Security oh yennefer now I see that as a positive story out of all the identities he could have stolen he chose yours and you want to know why because I posted my annual income because you posted your annual income you excuse me is that Takaki yeah from senka right down the street oh I love that place the chef lets me take octopus Hearts home for my dogs oh lucky how many dogs you have oh too many three that's how many I have all right wait uh quick question how do you keep them off the bed I gave up I sleep on the floor me too it's better for your back wow anyone want seconds can't so stuffed Amy the toilet's overflowing what ew Scully what did you do and then I gets worse better I I didn't do it although I understand why you suspect me well then who clogged it so none of you ate anything Terry you said you ate the whole turkey toilet I ate one string bean it tasted like fish vomit that was it for me but I'm a good cook you all ate those brownies I brought in last week I thought they were erasers Charles said he loved them I'm a textbook people pleaser I have a serious problem this was great though you must be so proud so what's up you need another bag of hair yeah no we'll talk later same order though I hear you're the man to talk to about getting a cell phone I am but it'll cost you phone's $100 $100 that's no problem I got no use for cash I want 100 soups soups yeah Ramen they're like a major currency in here really that is very surprising you can't smoke anymore so Ramen is replaced cigarettes NPR did a big thing on it I thought they sold Ramen at the prison commissary I don't want commissary soups you stupid little boy okay that's fair I deserve that I want flavors you can only get on the outside chili lime shrimp southwestern chicken Street flavors Picante beef oh that's my favorite get me Picante beef boy okay so I just get some Ramen and then I get a cell phone prison is easy you stood too close to the fence yeah I know Caleb the two hunks have arrived hi so glad to have you here Dad happy to be here how's your flight oh good good you know I did the times cross oh great puzzle today right oh my God 17 down oh I know what about 16 across what about 34 across oh what about 45 down what about 20 across I also did it yeah so Jake and I had a great conversation on the way here you didn't tell tell me he was so interested in mutual funds Amy is so bored of hearing me talk about allocation asset mix attribution analysis these are just terms I throw around all the time in alphabetical order well that's just how my brain works I mean how would you list financial terms in random order what are you crazy he's got a point I like this guy yeah Oh Captain Holt uh this is my dad Captain heard a lot about you and I you do you mind passing me those crap Puffs oh certainly there you go thank you that was everything yeah pretty big night the three most important men in your life Under One Roof well will shortz isn't here ah burn on halt probably that's the one you're talking about my last meal on Earth that's a great question I'd go classic French orelon tiny Songbird eatting in a single bite bones and all an open Defiance of God it's illegal to consume oron but I actually got academic dispensation to eat one once oh the beak very crunchy that is literally the sexiest thing anyone has ever said how are you single you're not seeing anyone no there is nobody in my life Ding Dong The W is dead bagels for everyone so I guess you believe it now yeah want to see the Selfies I took actually yes I'll share the album with you oh my God I just heard about w she was so young for a redwood tree uh I don't understand what's going on why are you crying a person is dead I feel sad that's insane you don't feel sad when a monster dies in a monster movie in ET do you feel sad when ET dies yes he wasn't a monster it caused a real commotion it isn't just W I started seeing a fertility doctor and she has me taking hormones to help with ovulation and my emotions are an overdrive well I know just the thing to cheer you up wch is dead bagel bagel bagel sir I am loving this color on you but don't you think you should tone it down why in case I run into a family I'm not planning any trips to the Bronx Zoo wait does this mean you're going to be captain again it does the chief of personnel called to say the promotion is in the works her death means I've won it's finally [Music] over an email from madelin W subject line it's not over Jake I got to tell you the engaged life is amazing especially sexually well I don't want to pry I'm not prying I want you to know this no Vivian and I have a wonderful intercourse itinerary that we have planned I'm usually more of a chocolate guy but this one's closer so I'm going to do that spicy cake whyne that's habanero pepper frosting because our marriage is going to sayle unless you think it's a bad idea no sounds like a great idea Oprah to one this jet is insane there's a private Chef that'll make anything you ask for no matter how expensive I just ordered Lobster Asante oh damn what's that I don't know I just said the fanciest words I could think of oh I'm going to get the vo prime minister M that sounds good you know many people think that scrambled eggs are the easiest food to make but that is incredibly foolish they are a highly nuanced and complicated dish okay now go ahead and pour your eggs right into the pan nice and slow oh okay now what do I do oh boy okay well you hear that Sizzle that means the heat is a little too high on those eggs well the the higher the heat the faster the eggs cook the sooner Kevin eats am I incorrect no you make an excellent point but we don't want to feed Kevin burned garbage cooking is about patience are you completely insane you never salt can a pan the hand the hand is the middleman okay what you did is the culinary equivalent of unprotected sex you know what you sir are not ready to scramble eggs hand over your spatula fine I only wish in return I could get back all the time I just wasted on this futile project I'm just going to make Kevin plain toast for breakfast oh that is low lick lick lick it's an ice cream come you can't temp me Trader not when I got this big juicy cantaloupe wedge to keep me company it's so thin I can see through it Santiago come hold this so it looks bigger in your tiny hand a Amy left the building 20 minutes ago that doesn't make sense Santiago loves cantaloup Town wrote a song about it cantaloupe cantaloupe this is nonsense without her singing high parts where is she Amy where are you it's cantaloupe time Santiago stop not to L I failed Sarge this is my second Burger Okay I lied it's my fourth so this is kind of a play on your typical Thanksgiving dinner for turkey we have the peeking duck with a veggie Samosa stuffing the potato are the empanados with an Ethiopian lentil stew gravy and for dessert some seasonal gelatin cups okay I ran out of money there from when Hitchcock got his colonoscopy bone I petite I'm here I'm here finally something to actually be thankful for what are you wearing Santiago said to dress up so well you look beautiful that's my thing now I'm just owning it okay before we eat nope not doing that again move could you pass you get that hand near me again you're going to lose it oh you do J let's eat yeah hey thanks for giving a copy of my toast to hold that was nice of you you're welcome I mean you don't have to get so freaked out around him you're just trying to tell him you respect him okay but to be honest I kind of gave it to him as a prank cuz I thought it would be super embarrassing for you but I'm happy it worked out but I would have been happy if he hated it but I'm happy he didn't so you pretty much got the disaster night you were hoping for yeah until you made the best Thanksgiving meal I've ever had ruined it excuse me uh so earlier at Amy's I didn't give a real toast because I didn't know what to say but since that time A wise unsmiling man named Gerald jmes made me realize what I am thankful for so I just like to say I am happy to be here with my family my super weird family with two black dads and two Latina daughters and two white sons and Gina and I don't know what you are some strange giant baby to the 99 to the 99 that was perfect oo boil cries I got boil Bingo yeah well the grommen are having a great time Jake just texted me about where to get a beel tongue tonight was amazing which I didn't think it was possible with you guys I don't know why we were competing you if you ask me what we're doing right now just hanging out out was the best part of the whole night I don't even care who won Charles won what huh yeah you had the best party we broke so much stuff W you guys I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with Adrien Pento my heart is so full Mama Mia to Rosa and pimento Rosa and Pento the main reason you want to break up with me is the psers I I like like other drinks it's delicious I what bore it's not just the psers there are so many reasons I want to break up that sounded bad didn't it as a lawyer it's my duty to tell you to sh okay look there's just no spark between us that's vague uh you're boring no that's too harsh this is why I wanted to write it down can I maybe just have two hours alone with my laptop so I can type up a draft great idea in the meantime we can just chat you know what we should go no actually I think you should stay so we can all talk about the real reason there's a problem in my relationship with Amy which is you Jake but what now huh about how you told her that you liked her before you went undercover you liked Amy um I did but that was many moons ago was it cuz I know for a fact you also told her when you got back and every time you would she would get confused and then our relationship would get out of sink and if you ask me I think it's because Amy liked you back did you maybe yes a little I mean I was confused and I really need my laptop right now you know what this is U officially too much for me so I'm going to go upstairs and rip the heads off some dolls good night I'm going to leave too if you'd please leave my toothbrush and my home brewing kit at the doorstep I'll pick them up tomorrow well guess that's the last time I invite Teddy on a trip right drama I'm going to go yeah me [Music] too order up Chef what is this why are you making six sandwiches at once it's more efficient now we're ready for the next five customers who gives a hump about efficiency the perfect meatball sandwich is is Sauced exactly 70 seconds before being served to maintain bread Integrity so sandwich number one would be fine but sandwich number six will be a soggy turd changing menu we're serving soggy turds now get them while they're wet okay I quit me too you're insane fine quit just like Jeff and Jason did you told us they got sick they got sick of hard work just like you too get out you'll never cook in this town again we're not chefs and you never will be so viven do you ever go watch hocke no I'm not one for sports of course you're not my graduate student told me the craziest story about her family it's hilarious hey can you pass me the maple syrup please speaking of where does the best maple syrup come from again Vermont oh in Canada Canada hey that reminds me weren't the two of you talking about maybe moving there oh yeah we are so excited to start this new chapter of our lives together yeah well although I have to say as someone who's read many of the older chapters in Charles his life I wonder if that's the best thing for him it's so sweet of you to care but Chuck is excited about moving to Canada right baby that's I love you but what about his job and all of his friends and his brooklyn-based pizza blog do they even have pizza in Canada yes it's puffier and it's sweet it's called Manitoba sauce cake okay there's no way Charles wants that Jake I think you're overstepping here Charles and I both want to move to Canada is that true Charles is that what you want uh yeah I want to retire from the forest and move to Ottawa with viven and frankly I have no idea why you're getting involved and no one asked for your stupid opinion baby we're leaving what I must say this is quite good is this sauce for your chicken of my lamp H I don't know should we try it let's risk it go it's amazing I don't care for it but I tried and what a story for Kevin Terry Terry Terry are you okay I'm fine but that dog came right at me and I have no idea why it looked like you had a lot of food in your pockets what no that's not true this jacket never had any Pockets this is the style oh my God God you did think I was poisoning you I mean you were the one who said he spent every day in prison dreaming of the day we'd meet again so I could prove to you I changeed you said you put something extra in my food love you said it's so creepy look tone is everything man I've been talking to a cinder block wall for the last 10 years I'm sorry if my social skills leave something to be desired that is a really good explanation quick take a more stupid stuff we can ask for grapes sorry I panicked and I couldn't think of anything no no no grapes is perfect excuse me sir is there any way you could get my wife some grapes yes sir right away he's running he's running for the grapes here are your drinks and a lovers tool box from a Mr boil ah thank you so much we will never open this oh my God Jake look yes the grapes ah and you brought cheese I don't even want CH no Jake in the lounge Captain Holt corala I Cara Mario this pie needs work good consistency on the crust but the cheese of Sauer ratio a travesty do you have to spit in a word yes amateurs go tasting they fill up and they lose their palet by the third slice I take this very seriously so Mario let me tell you what I think happened your credit card transactions are down by a third in the last 6 months meanwhile over at SS it was a bunch of smiling faces and happy stomachs one night you snapped a little gasoline a little match and poof no more SS how right am I the night of the fire is that my father's funeral oh my condolences do you know this pizza is much better than last time you've always ranked dead last in structural integrity and sauce but way more importantly I did a little research and it turns out you did 6 months in prison for a b& I did in the night of the fire I was at the prison given a motivational speech on how parolis can turn their lives around well it's good to hear that the system works and you are welcome have a good one this is a dead end we got to check out that crime scene can't fireman locked it down grab your spit bucket boil those hose monkeys can't stop us welcome to sensual food tasting the art of feeding your lover I feel like I don't belong here the smell of fresh cooked pizza where are we Rome Italy guys you got the vending machine you wanted you can stop with the play acting I don't think that's scripted that's just them talking about Pizza Yum Yum Yum and I shouldn't have pushed for the fish ball machine I should have just played it safe and gone for the fish cake machine so you don't think the fish part was the problem I don't here you go bro 105 picate beef great I'll keep five packs for myself you want me to get the rest thanks for the soups here's your cell phone thank you and by the way someone who's eating a lot of ramen in his life here's a tip leave a few noodles uncooked and then sprinkle them on top afterwards like a garnish gives you an EXT little fun bonus crunch saw you coming that time look who's got prison all figured out no he threw the ship you can't do that I hear you want to be part of my crew not ideally the nickname I would have chosen for myself but yes I think I could be of help to you do you know how long I've been in this prison 17 years well you look great and not once in all of that time beefy it's just beefy now have I ever seen anything as disrespectful as a cop H coming into my prison telling me how to eat my soups but damn crumbling the noodle on top gives it an extra little crispity snap I was blown away wasn't i t hasn't stopped talking about it come here beef baby okay great so does this mean that I'm part of the crew nobody can touch you now wow guess all I took was the ramen tip actually you got to do one more thing for me to close the deal absolutely no problem I actually have a great idea for a Ramen dessert you make it with Jello mix I need you to kill a guard okay great cool cool Co cool beef babies out for blood so good morning Bole oh good morning kol after I disagreement me yesterday I went online to read your culinary blogs and scoff to my dismay I actually learned something about how food tells a story so I made Kevin this it's warm it's a cro Miss year Kevin and I shared one on a rainy afternoon in Paris on our first anniversary it's one of our most Treasured Memories I'm sure it's not up to your standards but Kevin seemed to enjoy it so thank you for your guidance it's gross huh no it's perfect sir there you are we've been looking everywhere Kevin said he hasn't heard from you all night yes I've been sitting in my office wallowing in my hopelessness and eating the saddest food known to mankind ice cream oh my God he's Bridget Jonesy okay well it's time to put that aside and pull out whatever food you eat when you're happy dry beans sure cheese puffs sir no thank you they're full of chemicals well yes but everything's made with chemicals if you really think about it suppose you're right I am let me try one and imploded in my mouth that's the magic of the puff you don't have to chew so what are you going to do in your Commish I think you should focus on inter agency communication and Intel sharing also laser jails let's not talk about things that may not happen oh I'd like to see an increase in vacation days and we should all get Summers off like teachers let the city go to purge ladies and gentlemen we are gathered here today to answer an age-old question right what's Amy's deal is she single no we're dating come on the question is who here does the best impr of Captain Raymond HT you will be judged on voice body language and overall lack of flare everyone will perform the same scenario Captain halt eating a marshmallow for the very first time let the halt off begin what is this glutenous monstrosity before me sugar in this is quite sweet that's your halt impression I could hear him doing that looks like a sticky pillow I don't care for it classical music what's going on here what are you doing Captain hey nothing just eating some marshmallows care for one marshmallow I knew it what are you doing nothing just uh enjoying a taste of my favorite beverage the soda pop really I've never seen you enjoy soda pop before have some now it's delicious I don't buy it you're making the same face you made when you found a chocolate chip in your trail mix something's up I'm patting you down damn it nothing but a surprisingly toned set of ABS why would I have the CR Jake isn't it still in the interrogation room yes yes of course of course it's still in there well I guess I'll see you at midnight after you no after you I insist you drank of soda not sure that's the worst thing in the world it was the worst thing in the world worse than a fruit forward reasing okay we're all set up in there Mr Peralta just uh sign here what's all set up what's going on ah thank you for asking Terrence you see the food in prison was inedible all I thought about day and night were the things I wished I was eating and you Amy I thought about you a lot sex with you just us doing sex with forl great safe babe thanks and so I decided to make my food fantasy come true unbutton your pants and take off your shoes cuz there's going to be a dink load of sodium at Freedom Feast 2017 We Begin where all great stories begin in the quaint little town of french fry Village after that we're going to move our adventure over to Cheeseburger Mountain which consists you guest in of turkey burgers I'm kidding it's cheeseburgers this is kind of just stuffing you can avoid that but it's attached to the Thanksgiving turkey theme cuz I was thinking about that a lot up in the jail and finally we have a big old Passover brisket cuz you know I loves my mom if you would all take a seat while I make a toast kindly raise your two lers to freedom to you and most importantly to orange drink and sex with Amy to sex with Amy sorry shouldn't have said that last part [Music] he
Channel: Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Views: 1,454,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brooklyn Nine-Nine, brooklyn 99, b99, Stephanie Beatriz, Rosa Diaz, Jake Peralta, Andy Samberg, Detective Charles Boyle, Melissa Fumero, Detective Amy Santiago, Detective Jake Peralta, NBC, Terry Jeffords, Amy Santiago, Sitcom, Chelsea Peretti, Andre Braugher, Gina Linetti, Terry Crews, Joe Lo Truglio, brooklyn 99 bloopers, brooklyn 99 funny moments, brooklyn 99 cold open, brooklyn 99 jake and amy, brooklyn 99 rosa, brooklyn 99 food, to watch while you eat
Id: C6oRXCEsy64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 45sec (2445 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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