50 British Vs American Word Pronunciations - Part 1

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when I was a kid we watched a lot of American television and one of those shows was dynasty dynasty dynasty dynasty dynasty what dynasty hello I'm Lawrence thanks era and we are on a quest to uncover all of the memos that Britain and America lost in the pond and one of those memos pertains to words and how we pronounce them maybe the most important memo pertains to words well absolutely where's the one I discussed most isn't it and you know living with somebody who is American and especially being in quarantine with her I get to hear a lot of her mispronunciations different pronunciations all the time don't I yes and so when we're talking about mispronunciations I think Lawrence is gonna go first oh I'm I was pressure and then I'm gonna go next with the correct pronunciation Oh mark Oh bother there is no correct pronunciation yeah language is fluid and we understand that something else to point out before we get underway you know while we are representatives of our respective countries here today there will be a few of you watching this thinking I don't pronounce it that way and I'm American or I'm British we understand that there are regional differences this is just how we do it without further ado we're going to get started and we're going to say each of the 50 words with each variation on our own pronunciations and because we didn't want to discriminate against certain words we are phurba ties this list and since one of you in the comments below I'm sure is going to categorize each of these words then you can find them very easily since they're alphabetized it's just so considerate of us wasn't it it really is let's get underway all right let's go oh you always bring me up on this this is a big-ass adidas yeah yes yeah advertisement advertisements this is not an advertisement for lost in the pond or for adidas we should point that out not a sponsored ad no not oh this one's this one is controversial so I actually do pronounce this H right but I think when I was younger it was H a lot of British people do pronounce it that way not even younger you've pronounced it H since I met you well I was younger than a lot younger I guess come on eh now here's the thing I pronounce this aluminum because it's spelled aluminum but if it was spelled the British way aluminium I pronounce it thus aluminium there really is only one banana banana not much different really ah another food item and you know a person's name I call this basil like Basil Fawlty Basil for sure for sure brochure doesn't rhyme but it does when I say it brochure yeah it does don't it that's not for yeah maybe I'll adopt your pronunciation of that for sure I like rhymes aha aha yes this one caught me off guard because I'm a practicing Buddhist I'm not but still whenever it's spoken about I would say Buddha I say Buddha I'm not sure why it doesn't make any sense it doesn't have the two O's language doesn't make sense does it Tara not at all easy one this Jimmy Buffett know the words it's not the name Buffet that's what I say they say but you don't put like a weird emphasis on it or anything like that buffet buffet but I say buffet oh is here's an example of a British homophone we pronounce this just as you would pronounce the word boy as in boy and girl Bowie Bowie that's the way I've always said it lifebuoy soap is lifebuoy soap but I don't think it's Bo why I think it's be you oh why again not a sponsored ad for soap is this was one of the big ones when I moved to the US because there's a place in Indiana called caramel we'll get on to that in just a second my pronunciation of this word is caramel as is mine what but the place is caramel yeah but I've heard you say caramel caramel I say caramel carob do you rate but some Americans don't do they know some of them say caramel yeah this one's got quite a regional difference caramel and caramel are spelled differently too I know that I've just heard people pronounce the two the same way ah yes this was Tara's former profession to me she was my chauffeur I was never a paid chauffeur for him how did you pronounce it chauffeur see you're getting the sort of the French down there I think right usually we're bad at Spanish in you're bad at French and speaking of Spanish I used to pronounce this chillie and i think most people in britain do but I've since evolved my pronunciation because of this one well it's chilly because it's the place chilly but if you were to eat chili that would be chili chili it's chilly enough that's another definition of the word say chili absolutely oh this is a good one so when I was a kid I used to color in inside the lines I must make that clear with a crayon he didn't because I've seen his artwork from when he was younger but I say crayon as well I was artist of the year in year 7 however there are lots of Americans who say crane one vowel is another example of the French going weird in America I pronounce this COIs song which that's super French even for England isn't it I mean we say croissants if we're saying an American but I say class on as well hell yeah well cuz you're pretentious like me absolutely okay so the Bond actor still haven't seen any of those films shame on me but I pronounce his name Daniel Craig Daniel Craig what what revelation that he's a genuine revelation to me yeah I'd say Craig if it was like a first name but I think that Daniel Craig has been in the news enough that even in America we would say his name Daniel Craig I suppose the fact that he's British as well you hear that pronunciation quite often right but if it was the the first name Craig it'd be Craig Wow Craigslist right yeah Craigslist in fact perfect when Daniel Craig made his first appearance as bond he made his debut his debut well this is similar isn't it where we park the buses all of the buses in England is called the Depot and we say Depot here it is again we spoke about this just the other day how it's used in different ways in both countries but it's also pronounced differently I've always said Darby I love this one it's one of my favorite ones but it's Derby and it doesn't matter what we're referring to the town the Hat or the type of race if you're from Derby then let me know in the comments should i pronounce it Derby or should I pronounce it Dobby or should I pronounce it Derby there are of course 13 states with a Derby as well how do you pronounce it Americans when I was a kid aren't we watched a lot of American tell I'm one of those shows was dynasty dynasty dynasty dynasty dynasty what dynasty here's another french-inspired one they're all French or Spanish only four yay we would probably say four but I think I've learned over the years to Safeway as well I've been fluence to this one just reminds me of Elton John why when does he say this word because he says in the garage by the motorway by the motorway motorway unbelievable which is weird because he often sings with an American accent doesn't he before me think is even in Britain people can't agree on the pronunciation of this word I I happen to say carriage but some people would say garage oh well mine's pretty similar to that it's garage oh I I hope there are some people called gray in watching because it's most decidedly in my pronunciation Graham not grayham Graham Graham all one vowel yeah when you do it and it when I went to school there was a kid named Graham and I couldn't figure out why his name was spelled the way it is and pronounced the way it is at the same time was he friends with somebody called Craig for some reason this one gets people in a tizzy I say herb I say Arab although people in the west country might also say herb herbs and spices like I just had absolutely ah easy one this home address home address I've had a lot of this in recent times being here in quarantine leisure leisure leisure think it sounds like lesion I don't feel like you've had any leisure I've got plenty of leisure just especially now I'm full-time on YouTube here's the thing I think I don't remember ever pronouncing this the British Way of leftenant I've always said I think probably not lieutenant you know who says leftenant who Poldark does he yes but of course I say lieutenant so ah it's back uh so I pronounce all three of these differently Mary Mary and Mary I just pronounced them all Mary easy is depends what I'm referring to here if I'm referring to you know the phone cell phone I'd say mobile or a mobile home if I'm referring to the place in Alabama mobile I'd say mobile for phone or for home and mobile for mobile so at least we can agree on the last one aha again not a sponsor nee-san that is the silliest pronunciation is it look it begins with NISS Nissan which you know that's fine too I'm certain that that's the way that somebody in Japan might say I bet it is you're probably right America is very good about doing that actually this word actually seems oddly appropriate now nonchalant nonce a lot there you go okay getting your french down it's amazing why can't you do that we'd not tread on Notre Dame ah this one was a revelation I'll regard no oregano and again I hate to admit it yours is closer to the original Spanish I always thought it was Italian parmesan Parmesan doesn't make any sense either way it makes no sense the way that I pronounce that I just realized I've been again English does it and it's you know it's borrowed from other language all of these words come from other languages originally so they're gonna have weird nuances to them and I think it's fine that you say that but I'm just gonna stick to parmesan it's just is slightly quicker in the privacy of your own home privacy privacy either way don't give out your home address address progress progress progress progress to be honest I I go back and forth between both of them I don't know if I do or not to progress is to go forward to have progress is what you have once you've progressed that's a good distinction I like I actually like that for me this will always and forever be route routes and it is for you too but a lot of Americans would say routes and route is for us we'd only ever use that sound if we're talking about a football game with somebody hammered another team it was a route simply the salon which you know I think a lot of us could do with right now that's quite French how do you pronounce it salon yes it's just an emphasis difference again I could definitely use it that's true in fact I was like got my hair cut just before this whole thing started sorry in fact you might say I was right on schedule although I never really pronounced it that way I've always said schedule and I've always said schedule to semi semi or send me something but on its own if it's a truck rich so you would actually say it's semi final for example yeah semi final any kind of semi words that prefix I say it as semi I bet you've got that from me and yeah I doubt it no okay I think whenever I've heard an American sports commentators say semi final they would say semi final ah yes squirrel squirrel one one syllable more or less it is and I don't understand that one either so you're definitely two syllables I pointed out ones it sounds like you've got a mouthful of nuts much like a squirrel tomato tomato we knew that one already I think everyone knows that one ha they may not do this one Tunisia Tunisia if there is anybody watching from Tunisia or Tunisia let us know which is closest to your pronunciation well I think I know who's gonna win this one Uruguay all right why do you usually do it like that I know you don't usually affect this far away word boy yeah but yours is closer again I think isn't it the considered Spanish pronunciation I'm certain that there are Americans who say Uruguay though oh really oh yeah well neither was i correct here so yes in Britain we say van Gogh here America growing up I was conditioned to say van Gogh but increasingly I've heard Americans say things like van Gogh or van Gogh I wonder if doctor who influenced that I've heard that the dutch is closer to that first one you said there but Val hawk or something thank you need a lot of phlegm ah perfect cause van Gogh did flowers VARs face but I also say Vaz do you think you pick that up for me as well no that was before you I'm just you know really pretentious like you said earlier and I'm losing my power I I'm gonna be interested here cuz I actually don't know how you pronounce this but I say versatile I go back and forth between versatile and versatile there's a distinction here because I think like you not all Americans would save us at all vitamin vitamin have you taken your vitamins yeah I haven't and this is the one that waiters you know get tripped up on a lot when they hear me speak when I asked for water this was something that I always had to order for him in fact to the point where I still whenever we go out and have food in a restaurant who does anymore what's a restroom but what we used to do that I would have to order all this food for him because the waiters and waitresses just did not understand him that's an exaggeration but at least the word water water and we couldn't finish this video without reference to the platform that it's on YouTube YouTube although when I'm speaking quickly I do find myself saying YouTube I think really sometime I found an old video of me the other day saying it that exact way without even thinking about it and here he thinks that he influences me get out so there you have it all the pronunciations of 50 different words some of them very similar some of them not so similar that's true and a little bonus entry because I forgot to put it in is the word paella pee yeah again Spanish let us know in the comments below let us know in the comments below some of your favorite pronunciation differences and if you like the kind of things that I do on this channel or that we do occasionally on this channel you can follow me on twitter at lost in the pond us and a big shout out firstly to my wife hi who also has a channel that has 2,000 subscribers now where you're gonna gain a hundred million more after this one where can people find you I'm you're on YouTube - at old fashioned AF and just to be sure that she doesn't get all of the subscriptions do be sure to subscribe to my channel too so that my videos don't get lost in the pond a huge shout out to all of my patrons many of whom have flocked to my patreon community in the last two months very very grateful for your support and if you would like to become one of those patrons and join our patreon community you can do so at patreon.com slash lost in the pond until next time stay safe stay home and stay looking at my video schedule schedule schedule thank you for watching this episode of lost in the pond don't forget to hit my stupid little face to subscribe and please share this video with the world hit me up on Twitter Instagram and Facebook and if you would like to support this channel please do so at patreon.com slash lost in the pond [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Lost in the Pond
Views: 571,256
Rating: 4.9463305 out of 5
Keywords: British English, Laurence Brown, American English, Old Fashioned AF, Pronounce, words, caramel
Id: J55QvbyNptM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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