Bringing Images to LIFE with Cinemagraphs in Davinci Resolve

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how cool are they they're cinemagraphs still photographs in which a minor and repeated movement occurs they're really fun to put together and they look awesome posted up on social media now this is one of those weird processes which is both fun simple and easy on one hand but annoying and difficult on the other the actual process itself is really quite simple and easy but it can be difficult and fiddly to get the cinemagraph looping and looking just right so you just need to keep at it keep practicing until you get the general gist of it now if you want to practice using those stock footage i used at the beginning of this video all of them are linked down in the description below so you can download the exact same footage for free and start practicing with those before you go out and start filming your own now if you do want to go out and film your own your best bet take a tripod and make sure that's nice and sturdy and make sure your subject doesn't move around too much and then you have a much better chance of putting these cinemagraphs together right with all that out the way let's open davinci resolve and i'll show you how to do it so here we are within davinci resolve and i'm currently on the edit tab and i've got my timeline set up and ready to go now the first clip i'm going to use is this one this is just one i recorded myself with the camera set from the tripod of me with a hosepipe now this one is really simple but it shows you the fundamental idea of how this works so first things first i'm just going to get rid of my audio because i don't need it hold the alt key and click on the audio just select the audio on its own hit delete to get rid of that now what we want to do is to move our playhead to the point where we want to freeze frame so i'm standing still at this point here so i'm going to use this as my freeze frame so i've got my playhead right there i'm going to give my video a click on the timeline open up the inspector top right hand corner expand the speed change area and then we click on this little snowflake icon to add a freeze frame that'll make it cut exactly where your playhead is everything before the cut will be normal video and everything afterwards will be that freeze frame so i'm just going to drag the freeze frame up a track we can bring that back then we can bring the video forwards just to drag it like so then we're going to give our phrase frame a click and we're going to jump into the color tab now as with nearly everything in davinci resolve there are multiple ways that you could do this you could do it with infusion i just prefer to do it within the color tab so what we're going to do make sure we've got our nodes open by clicking on nodes in the top right hand corner right click on any empty space to add an alpha output and then drag this little blue box here to this little blue circle over there now what that means is anything that we cut out will be transparent revealing the video underneath so then we just need to do our masking to cut things out so click on this icon here in the middle to activate your power windows here and then we're going to grab the pen tool and then we're going to click on this icon here to invert the pen tool and then all we need to do is to draw around the bits which we want to be animated or moving within our cinemagraph so i'm just going to zoom in a little bit using my mouse wheel do a quick cut just on the little hose pipe there and then we don't need to be accurate with this because there's no camera movement there's no changes in lighting we'll join that up and then if we hit play we've got something like this now at this point what i'd like to do underneath your preview window use a little drop down and change that to off and then have a look to see if you've got any harsh edges so i've got a little bit of a harsh edge over here by the hosepipe end so i'm going to come down to where my power window is just to the right you've got softness it's going to increase that softness just to soften that edge just that little bit make it look a little bit neater once that's done we're going to jump back into the edit tab and now all we need to do we've got our freeze frame we've got our cut we just need to find a loop so this bit here looks good for me right there now the hose pipes and water is a great example because you don't really need to do any matching so i'm going to grab that bit there do a cut will delete that bit i'll hit play until there's some sort of distracting movement or something i don't want so the husband moves up at that point so then we'll do another control and b to cut that and delete this n section we'll move this to the beginning and now i've got this section and then because it matches really well it's just water you can't really see where any cuts will be we can just duplicate this section so i'm going to hold the alt key on my keyboard just drag i can highlight again and drag highlight again hold alt and drag just to duplicate this a bunch of times and then if we hit play we've got our very first cinemagraph you can make this as long as you like export it as a video upload it to instagram do whatever you want to do and there you go that's the basic core idea of the cinemagraph and then a quick tip to make life a little bit easier once you've got your cinemagraph like so so i've got my phrase frame and everything underneath here if you highlight all of it so it's all highlighted in red right click and then you're going to create a new compound clip give it a name if you want to and then hit create and that'll bundle the whole thing into a compound clip it's got your freeze frame it's got everything built into it so it's just a little bit easier to move around the timeline if you then wanted to get it back to the way it was you simply right click and then you decompose in place and then you get everything back as it was but to move around and to use it on the timeline you can keep it as a compound clip and it just makes your life that little bit easier so we're going to try this one here now this one's a little bit more complicated because there's a few more bits going on but it's still not too bad so the first thing we want to do again is to find that point we want as the freeze frame so i'm going to go where this doesn't move all that much is relatively stationary it'll just make life easier so there's a bit here where it wobbles a bit but it doesn't move around too much so we can go with about there and then we'll do our freeze frame so we've given the click inspector speed change freeze frame drag this up drag this out and there we go we're going to give the phrase frame a click jump into the color tab exactly the same thing right click add an alpha output connect our dots grab our pen tool invert our pencil and now we need to do our selection so again we're just doing the same thing we're picking the bits that we want to be moving and once again because this sort of liquid part here will be moving left and right a little bit we don't want to be too accurate because then it'll cut things off we want to leave a little bit of space either side to allow for some movement and at the bottom here i want a little bit of splash as well so i'm just going to come round and then we'll come back up and connect that up we'll turn our power window off so we can see what we're doing and then if hit play we've got something that looks like this now we have got these harsh cuts so we're going to add some softness just to hide those and there we go perfect we'll jump back into the edit tab just bring my freeze frame back and again what we need to do now is to find a loop so we don't want this beginning section the juice level is too low we don't want this section because the juice level is too high so we just want a short section where the juice is about right and it's pouring nicely so i'm going to go with about here to start with we can probably get away with about there so we'll cut that we'll delete this last section and move this back now because we've got things moving around a little bit more we've got our liquid level rising we can't just do the same thing so we can't just duplicate this because this cut will be too obvious we can see it looks a little bit janky so we need to hide that cut now we could use a transition here but then we'd have to make the transition every single time and it'd be time consuming so there's a quick hack you could do for this what i'm gonna do is come down here roughly in the middle of this clip do a quick cut so control b and then move the front section to the end like so and then bring this back so now this cut that we've got to deal with is right in the middle here but if we were to duplicate this these two sections would flow perfectly into one another so then we just need to deal with this cut here so i'm going to grab either a cross dissolve by opening up the effects library go into video transitions and then cross dissolve or a smooth cut both work well sometimes you just want to experiment with each one to see which works the best i'm going to go across dissolve put that on this section here lengthen it out a little bit and if we hit play that doesn't look too bad at this point as well don't forget you can click on your cut and you can move it around just to try and level it out to get it looking exactly as you want it tinker with it mess to make sure that your loop is looking the best and then what you're happy with it highlight all of that section hold alt and then once again you can duplicate it it will duplicate it with that transition all ready to go and now you've got your cinemagraph with your loop now for the final one we're going to go slightly more complicated still so this one is this lady here she's standing on the train station with this train and we want sort of an infinite loop with the train like an infinite train going past now this one's difficult because this lady moves forwards a little bit so what we want is you want a phrase from at the point where she's covering most of the frame so you see if i was to do a cut a freeze frame here at this point she's further forward so she's going to be in the way of the train and that's going to make her life difficult so what i want to do is freeze frame which is the furthest forward which is here with her eyes open there we go that seems like the perfect place for me then same thing i'm going to do my freeze frame i'll bring my freeze frame up and i'll just bring it back and there we go and we're going to give it a click jump into the color tab add our alpha output grab our pen invert that and then job done so this bit we do need to be a little bit more accurate there's some shadows down here caused by the train so we want to make sure that they are moving as well and then this bit where the train goes past this lady's sort of coat and front we're going to be really accurate there so the top won't matter too much come down be relatively rough here but then at this coat we want to be quite accurate i'll do it quickly for this video but we'll sort of cut through there like so and then we can just come around and jump that once again turn your power window off so you can actually see the cuts is there anything it looks a bit janky there a bit of a harsh edge so we will add just the tiniest bit of softness i'm not going gonna add much at all because we don't want this coat to start becoming a little bit see-through and there you go that looks pretty good so we'll jump back into the edit tab and now once again we need to find our loop now this train is a bit more difficult because we've got these advertisements down here we don't want those in it because they're going to cause us some issues we don't want the front of the train because that will cause us some issues as well so what i'm going to use is this first section of the train here because it's pretty uniform you can't really tell one door from the other so we should be able to make a nice loop there so i'm going to grab this door when it's right there next to the right side of the frame and then we're just going to move forward until the next door is in the same place about there we'll do a cut and we'll delete this section now we should be able to duplicate that clear play there's a little wobble but overall that's pretty good so we're going to do our little trick we'll do a cut right in the middle we'll swap the front to the end bring that back we'll grab a cross dissolve just to smooth that cut out in the middle and then we can duplicate this do it a few times we hit play and that looks pretty good we've got our infinite train with our freeze frame and we've got our cinemagraph job done now if you want to get fancy you can start to add some adjustment clips with some fake camera motion just to give it a bit of extra so if i come down to the effects library again go to effects i'm going to grab an adjustment clip put it on top of everything like so come down to open effects scroll all the way down until we get to our resolve fx transform area add the camera shake hit play it's going to be a bit crazy like that give the adjustment clip a click inspector in the top right hand corner go to effects and then just bring down the motion scale and the speed scale and then if we hit play needs a bit more motion there bit more still and there we go we've got a little bit of camera movement just to make it look a little bit more authentic now in this example if you want to get really fancy you can also start to add some additional motion blur to this train to really sort of hide it and make it look a little bit more realistic there's a bunch of ways that you can do that in davinci resolve but what i like to do i'm going to highlight all of this section i'm going to right click and i'm going to create a new fusion clip we're then going to right click again and we're going to open in the fusion page and then when we're in here i'm going to hold ctrl and hit the space bar to open up our select tool option i'm then going to type in motion i'm going to find the motion trails and then we're going to click add i'm going to hold shift and drag it up to this line until it says yellow and blue just to attach it in there and then you can see we've got these motion trails on our train which just to help hide things a little bit more you can use the inspector to adjust the motion trials as you need to so let's i'm going to leave it as five and if we just jump back into the edit tab we go back to the beginning we hit play and there we go we've got our cinemagraph with our blurry train job done ready to go then you just need to export this as normal as a video you can make it as long or as short as you like and upload it to youtube instagram facebook or do whatever you want with it and that's it for this one now if you do make some cinemagraphs of your own and post them up on social media don't forget to tag me or let me know so i can come and take a look now if you did enjoy this video give me a thumbs up any thoughts or feedback down in the comment section below and if you're new here you enjoyed this video consider hitting that subscribe button for me thanks for watching take it easy i'll catch you next time see ya [Music]
Channel: MrAlexTech
Views: 30,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrAlexTech, Mr Alex Tech, davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve 17, how to, cinemagraph tutorial, cinemagraph pro, cinemagraph ideas, cinematography, cinemagraph examples, cinemagraph davinci resolve, davinci resolve cinemagraph, davinci resolve 17 tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve effects, moving photo
Id: IbVapkLx55c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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