Loading Crushed Cars On A Semi & We Started Another Farm Cleanup!

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good morning everybody silas back again today it's another fantastic day it's a little bit warmer than it was last week but it's supposed to start raining and cool back down tomorrow not looking forward to the rain but i am looking forward to the cool weather again because it's a little bit warm yesterday and probably again today but the show must go on i got a lot going on today i should have a truck here probably pretty soon it's about 9 30 now i think yeah about 9 30. so it'll be here pretty soon so i need to set this load out and get it wrapped you guys have never seen me do this before but what i do is i'll take these bundles and i'll line them up and reverse reverse order of what i'm gonna load them that way i can just start at the first one and set them on the truck i'm gonna set them all out and then i gotta wrap them in some netwrap zip time together and then when the truck gets here i'll load them on there now i forgot to bring my gopro it's in my other truck actually and i drove the chevy today and i didn't have time to go by where i parked the dodge and get my gopro so i would have to set my camera up or something like that and actually the truck is pulling in behind me so he's probably gonna be mad that i don't have these wrapped but it's just been a crazy morning [Music] all right we got them all wrapped i wasn't able to record wrapping them the camera didn't want to cooperate so didn't get that done but we're going to go ahead and load them up and i'm really really kicking myself for not going by and get my gopro right now that would make this recording so much easier for this but i'm just going to set my camera up over here and do a time lapse of loading the whole thing so you guys can see it from start to finish [Music] so [Music] it's all chained down ready to go i just got to fill out the paperwork now and he's going to be on the road he's going to pull up on the scales and we're going to see what it weighs real quick i haven't loaded a truck in a long time so my i used to be able to guess the weight of bundles pretty accurately but we're going to see how accurate i was now he's about 75 000 pounds so it could have been a little bit heavier it's still pretty good load now we've got to clean this loader out i've been just stashing odds and end neat things in here for a while and i'm just tired of being in here so i'm gonna take it all put it in the building got some license plates some coupled carburetors some emblems off of old cars i'll get that all cleaned out and then scholars down there loading up tractor parts on his truck i pretty much gave him away there's well over a thousand dollars worth of stuff there probably closer to fifteen hundred dollars for the stuff i put it on facebook for a hundred dollars he's the only one that responded so it's his he can go make money on it if i had the time to do it i would but i'm just out of time to do everything and today's been one of those days everything seems to want to go wrong but i've had a few things go right but all sorts of stuff being backfiring on me i was cleaning out the loader had a whole crate full of antique license plates and a guy came in with a car he didn't bother to call in before he brought the car in he just showed up and i forgot those license plates were there because he was in a hurry and i was in a hurry and i got in the loader unloaded his car and ran right over the top of him ruined him several hundred dollars worth of license plates down the drain but i can fold most of them flat and sell them for probably a dollar a piece still that's just a whole lot less than what they were worth but anyway i am done here i'm gonna head out for the day they're done at this location anyway i got some stuff to do out at the ranch so i'm gonna go out there and do something out there maybe hang out in the shade for a little bit and try to cool off and relax a little bit sometimes you just gotta stop take a minute reorganize your thoughts get your mind back on track and then go back at it again with a whole new mindset otherwise you'll just get super super frustrated and burn out and there's times i've done that but right now i'm just gonna go get something to eat and go chillax for a little bit you know had a few junk cars coming out here while i was out here got that big box truck off of my truck off my trailer put it over there for now i'll move it again later but they drove this old truck out i think it's a 56 is what they said they drove it out to v8 truck fenders are pretty rusty and they've filled them full of putty at some point in time up there above the headlights as well but the rest of the truck is pretty solid it's all solid in here yeah it fired right up they drove it right out just purrs like a kitten got an all-steel bed on it not a bad little truck not sure what engine's in it i'll have to look at it more later i got to get out north and look at that cleanup again now but yeah the cab corners are fairly solid you can tell they've done some body work on it a long time ago but it's still not a bad truck looks like it was originally that orange color that they all were guess we'll check this engine right now ooh that hood pops open hard i'm not sure if it's original engine or not could be not sure what year they started putting v8s in these it's probably a 283 i would guess but it's got the center dump exhaust and it could be a different engine he said he rebuilt the radiator a long time ago and he used to use the truck all the time but now he has a newer truck so he never uses this one anymore didn't want to mess with trying to sell it so he just drove it out here for scrap i paid him a little bit more than scrap for it since it's still complete with the radiator and it is an old truck that i can cut up i paid him a couple hundred dollars over scrap value for it yeah we'll we'll do something with it i doubt anybody will want to buy the whole truck honestly but i think a guy might be able to pedal this cab looks like that door is pretty rough looks like a mirror ripped out at some point and it's got the typical rust up there above the windshield they all have that because mice build nests up there and water sits up there and dirt and whatnot it rests them out so it's got some issues but the issues it has they all have the thing that this truck has going for is that the floors are rock solid a lot of these trucks the floors are completely rotted to nothing so i think it's got some good potential to it somebody may grab this up this place is way out here in the boonies this part of the road isn't too bad but back there behind me it was pretty sketchy so i may not go back that direction i may go the other direction to get back out of here i think we're almost there though it's right up here i believe somewhere in these trees on the right-hand side it's pretty out here though yeah here it is right here we are loaded up and headed home i just grabbed this truck for now it's an old 90s dodge ram just junk pretty well worn out i went ahead and decided to take this road back you can see it's a little bit on the rough side but i just take it nice and slow we'll be all right so i thought there was only two more trucks left out there well actually a ranchero and a truck but they actually found two more trucks way way out back in the trees so those go as well so we got to get those out uh there's a big pile of lawn mowers odds and then just miscellaneous junk they're gonna drop off a dumpster tonight for me and wednesday morning i'll come back out here and get started on cleaning it up i got a busy day tomorrow with something different like i mentioned before they're coming out to cut off noses off old trucks look at some of my wall art stuff uh probably gonna buy a bunch so tomorrow's gonna be kind of an interesting day so i'm gonna record that vlog separately and then wednesday i'll come back and continue this vlog again so they'd be kind of out of order a little bit on the days but continuity wise it won't really affect the vlogs that you guys watch because they'll be totally separate topics i didn't really do enough today to make a vlog by itself so i figured it'd be good just to put them both together and that way you guys can see me doing another cleanup all right guys i'm going to continue this vlog now on this cleanup out here up north of town it's been kind of a weird morning didn't get much sleep last night so i woke up late so that was a rough start and then i get out to the yard and i can't find the key to the skid steer i haven't used it in a while so i finally found the key of the skid steer and then there's a gigantic spider in there so i got to deal with him he goes and hides so i got to get him out of there so i can get in the skids here to get that taken care of get the skid steer loaded get it all tied down get the truck trucks out of fuel i figure no big deal i'll just run back into town uh we have an account set up with a place i'll get fuel and i thought well no that's kind of out of the way that's gonna add 30 minutes to my morning i'm already running late i'll just get the higher price fuel it's on the way out of town it's right on the way no big deal i get there i don't have a debit card i don't have any cash nothing so i can't buy fuel and at this point i'm way far away from the place where we have the account so i'm like i'm not going to spend an hour and a half getting fuel so i'm just risking it i'm going for it if i run out of fuel oh well but i'm on my way hopefully we'll be there soon and hopefully nothing else goes wrong today all right i made it here it looks like it already rained here last night it's bone dry back home but it rained here evidently so it's a little bit on the muddy side but i'm here now the sketchers here now so i guess i want to do as much as i can [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] we got the dumpster packed full there was a bunch of stuff up by the house we got it out of there got most of the stuff out of these trees there's the dumpster's full so i'm starting to make another pile up here up front just grabbing stuff back here all this is back over here in the trees there's a little bit more stuff scattered around so i think it's going to take one more dumpster i got this big tank back here that goes not sure if i'll crush it yet or if i'll try to save it [Music] making a path to the weeds [Music] [Music] i walked this the other day and that's not fun walking through this stuff so but i had to walk it and make sure there was nothing i was going to run over with the skids here [Music] there we go [Music] yeah there's a big old goalie over there so if you run into that you'll get hurt there's what's left of the old i think it was an oldsmobile shot full of holes i'll probably take it home take it out to the ranch take it back in the trees just kind of neat got a whole bunch of cool hog feeders back here this one here is pretty neat i think it says pride of the farm on it cast iron trough nothing out last at cast iron trough it's still good there's two of these prior to the farms i think one's a little bit smaller yeah pride of the farm plus 10. pretty cool and then this one over here has those funky lids on it i think it says even flow on it see how these are neat there's a lot of good stuff there here's an old boat now why a boat is almost a mile away from the road from anywhere i don't know but there it is metal hog feeder there i don't know it's not as cool but this one here is really neat it says jolly and has a pig on it that's my favorite one last time i heard they said they had two more trucks but we couldn't find them oh we found them this time we have a chevrolet shiver national or however you want to say it yeah i call it a chevron national half chevrolet half international and then what else is in here looks like an old ford bump side forward they've been here a long time that's for sure yep there they are they said they were back here we just couldn't find them but i looked on google maps and i couldn't find them either but no wonder they're completely covered in trees that's a pretty sight they got all the junk out of the building this lawnmower doesn't go she's keeping that one that is a really cool lawnmower i would keep that one myself if she wasn't but there was a bunch of junk in there we rolled it all out all this stuff here there might be some old quarters or something in these but man they're clear full of rats nests so i can mess with that that stuff that's way out back what i'm gonna do there is wait till that dumpster is gone and then i can drive my truck and trailer back here load the skid steer up and just drive it all the way out there because that's about a half mile to three quarters of a mile back there one way so i don't really feel like walking that or carrying one piece at a time back up here so we'll do that tomorrow maybe or the next day just kind of have to wait and see what the weather does if we get a bunch of rain i'll probably have to wait till monday or tuesday and then i'll be gone after that for a little while but i joke some of the junk up here put it in the pile i got some more junk over there on this trailer the 10 they're keeping but the wheels and tires all go so i'll drag that over here and throw in the pile clean this trailer off and get it out of here and then i may go ahead and run that truck home and come back and get this ranchero out of here we'll kind of see how it goes real quick [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and with that we are done for the day i got this ranchero loaded up i'm not gonna take it out to the yard tonight i'm just gonna take it home i'll unload it first thing in the morning go fuel the truck up and get out there hopefully it doesn't rain tonight i say all that that's all conditional and what happens tomorrow with the weather tonight but if it doesn't rain we're gonna go back out there tomorrow we're gonna get those trucks out of the trees get those hog feeders hold in get the rest of the scrap picked up they're going to empty the dumpster tonight as well so tomorrow hopefully will be a good day so if you enjoyed this video please hit that thumbs up button keep checking back you never know what i'm going to be doing next might be another cleanup it might be crushing cars you just never know what's going to happen around here so with that i'll let you all go but remember to get out there and find an adventure we'll see you next time
Channel: Adventures Made From Scratch
Views: 29,590
Rating: 4.9553905 out of 5
Keywords: Car crusher, Abandoned cars, Abandoned farm, Antique cars, Antique trucks, Scrap, Scrapper
Id: g9sZs91FPzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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