Brilliant Idiots: Facts Over Feelings (Feat. Chantel Calloway) (FULL EPISODE)

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it's so stupid yep Charlemagne to God Andrew Schultz we are two brilliant idiots and today's show is brought to you by take it away co-host mates so your personal food and grocery delivery service all year round download the app for iOS or Android for free browse local restaurants and businesses and track your delivery anything you're craving posts mates can deliver 24 hours a day 365 days a year and for a limited time post mates has given our listeners $100 of free delivery credits for your first seven days to start your free deliveries download the app right now use the code idiots get anything you need anytime you need it download post mates and save with the code idiots brilliant answers also brought to you by Philo Philo has over 50 of your favorite channels alright discovery HD TV Food Network AMC vh1 IFC MTV ane Nickelodeon life time history the list goes on enjoy live and on-demand TV plus unlimited recording for only what $20 a month nope excuse me with no contract needed Philo is available on roku iOS Fire TV Android TV Android TV Android TV and Apple TV start your free trial instantly no credit card needed to start your free trial visit Philo TV slash idiots that's Philo TV slash idiots now let's start the show Taylor I just want to show you something but let's start the show yeah let's start the show I want to salute everybody who's been watching a emerging Hollywood on The Hollywood Reporter that is a new show that I do with the Hollywood Reporter the first episode had Trevor Noah on it we got another episode coming out this Thursday at noon so salute everybody who's been watching that and I got an interview dropping an interview dropped I did yesterday with school boy cute me and Schoolboy Q had a conversation wonderful emergent Hollywood it was just me and Schoolboy Q had a conversation for his new album crash talk and now that came out yesterday salute to everybody who watched that and salute everybody who's been in my mention saying things to me like um Oh Joe Charlemagne is biting to pull up from Joe Budden yeah yeah yeah I just want to tell you stupid [ __ ] some because the day this show is really gonna be dedicated just to be [ __ ] right won't tell a lie you stupid [ __ ] something Joe Budden did not invent the one-on-one interview mind I wanna know people's ages because maybe they just don't know maybe you could be 15 and you've never seen Oprah maybe you've never seen Diana SOI Larry King Larry King King is 2,000 years old maybe you never see people before TV before radio yes me or Joe Budden did not invent the one-on-one interview okay yeah and if we did when he did that who the Catholic Church confession was the first one-on-one interval is really what it just wasn't hey we got fam and I bet you did she slap just came back from war murdered about 300 people brother think about how [ __ ] up culture was back then yeah so what the [ __ ] did you need to get off your chest went all the Bulls it was legal what did you know but imagine he was doing it bro we had to eat someone on the way home there was no food was it tasty did you barbecue it did you fry it did you sautee it back then lega larry was pop you may have six Hail Marys and then you go on with I hate stupid ass commentary like don't don't come in my mentions with that dumb [ __ ] alright what do you think what do you think that's about it because people being ignorant cuz I mean if you if you want to just keep it in modern times why you I'm gonna act like I wasn't walking through the hills of Calabasas last year what Kanye West's around this time yeah you know what I mean like you know if you want to keep it even all the way real tax tone had a show called so pull up like tax don't had a show called the pull up where tax tone would go to people's hoods I think he had a rapper I can t remember to wrap his name but as a rapper from ATL I don't know how many he did maybe he did like one or two issues with me he was in the dream equals a pull-up I think meek might have been an episode of tax season no I think it was the pull-up it might have been might have a I don't I don't remember what he had a show that was the idea he pulled up on you and then boom and it was called the pull-up so once again no ideas original nothing new Under the Sun yes no like that's why I was talking about last week when I was talking about Shaq and why Shaq probably doesn't want [ __ ] saying [ __ ] like Felipe Lopez was better than you in high school because people believe that stupid [ __ ] so you have to nip the narrative in the bud it's not even a narrative these are facts [ __ ] your feelings yeah the facts [ __ ] your feelings I'm like Ben Shapiro I'm just saying I know we live in the era of feelings over facts but no yeah [ __ ] all that yeah solutely Joe button I enjoy watching the pull-up and I hope you all enjoyed watching the merge in Hollywood and I hope you all enjoy the interview with schoolboy q and I hope you all enjoy I got a big one I got a big one coming to someone Ben had that in the can Ben did that long while ago so emerging Hollywood this is you interview he's all about diversity so non-whites what diversity means you know what I think that you would be considered diverse nowadays I think you consider disruptive but it's really just people who are diverse and disrupting the status quo in Hollywood right and the status quo in Hollywood is Latino black Indian Asian yeah oh those are not the status quo know that those are the disruptors yes so there's quote they're disrupting the status PS yeah yes yeah no there's a there's a funny thing you know brie Larson yeah cap tomorrow yeah so Captain Marvel she was talking about how they need to diversify Hollywood and so a petition went around saying that her characters would be played by a gay woman of color like she was like she was like Hollywood needs to be more diverse this is some [ __ ] so they all right bet start job and then she was like oh hold on hold on now we're included in diversity but I think she's speaking she got it must be included she's got to be speaking from the perspective of uh you know where she's at now with Marvel right cuz in Marvel she'd be considered very diverse because they have no woman leaves so for Marvel that's a first that's a historic thing now she can't be talking about all the hollywood but in that little sector of Marvel the phrase that she had was Hollywood mm-hmm that's how she but it's just funny to see like it's funny to see somebody like put it out there and then when they have the opportunity to change it well that's like I learned this like I've got some some family members and they were pretty conservative when they were like younger and now they're retired they didn't have that much money retirement they're kind of living off of you know they're not only maybe like a small pension and like whatever the government gives you when your tire what is that called 401k Social Security right okay and like now their politics have completely changed now their politics are like hey we need you know the government's gonna take care of people we need someone who's gonna give us money and someone's gonna take care of the own etcetera so it's like what you believe it is really a function of like the opportunity that you want 100 persons gonna give you the most opportunity that's what you want I mean that's voting on your interest is yeah you know there's no people who gravitate towards what their interest is yeah yeah so my next one is what Jameela Jamil you know Jamila Jamila Jamila Jamila Jamila no who's that she's a she's an actress so uh I think she's I don't want to say what I don't want to say what she is if I don't really know what she is okay look did she show beyond emerging Hollywood just started but she's real big on feminism and people that have body issues you know what I'm saying like she doesn't that no no she used to be okay and she doesn't like the girls that are out here with the surgery doing the flat tummy tease cuz she was like that's not realistic you know and she was like people aren't telling these other these girls that are admiring them the truth about how they got to where they are body-wise so she be calling out khloe kardashian cardi be Nicki Minaj like she calls all of those young like right basically because they set like an unrealistic beauty standard yes exactly how do you feel about unrealistic beauty standards um man to be totally honest I'm not I'm not into telling people what to do with their bodies I don't care like I'm just being dead-on if you want to go get a big fake ass yeah right whether you go get it done the right way in dr or you go to a basement in brooklyn and put [ __ ] caulking that [ __ ] alright that's on you I wouldn't want my daughters to get it you know me but then again I'm not against getting breasts you know I'm saying I'm not against lip augmentation I just don't want it I don't want you doing anything that's gonna cause you to [ __ ] die right I mean don't be don't be in Brooklyn getting your [ __ ] in your ass and you don't actually gonna kill you yeah I mean that's the only thing I care about but if girls even guys wanna do [ __ ] they enhance you know what it is they look like have a fun why do I give a [ __ ] yeah like baby say what you eat don't make me [ __ ] yeah what can we do to enhance the way that we look well actually girls don't only care about the way we look they just want us to be successful I don't think girls care about the way we look I think girls lose [ __ ] you've gotten laid girls are superficial is no you're just great at what you do and they're drawn to greatness if you want everybody great is gonna get laid there's ping-pong players getting [ __ ] some guys just like some girls they'd look beautiful within the opening mouths my girls is like now I'm off you oh for sure but if those guys provide a certain amount of security like what did jay-z said if we're gonna quote jay-z no such thing as an ugly billionaire I'm cute yeah but you can easy to say what you got Beyonce on y'all I think that's what he's making it's like yo when you're a billionaire you could even get Beyonce and look like me jay-z's voice still hasn't dropped right doing me like jay-z is is maybe the he's the goat I took that line is a line about a self worth toe like like like validating yourself like I think that's the problem you know we talk about what I usually carry and stuff girl we're gonna get to that I think now's a great time I think Aisha you know you're looking for validation first well that's the problem with this era we live in period everybody wants validation and they invest in the opinions of others way too [ __ ] much first of all I you should carry you will never get the attention to stuff car you know why because you didn't win three championships in the last four years you're not on TV every day balling the [ __ ] out you haven't won my VP trophies you don't have any doors made deals you're not on commercials all the time Steph Curry is a super star who were not appreciating because you don't appreciate that kind of [ __ ] in this era no disrespect Ayesha curry she's just not famous so he's women that are rushing to you the rushing middle want to talk to staff and kick it was right they not doing that [ __ ] could they think oh he's gonna be my man imma give him some [ __ ] he doing it simply because he's famous and how people are drawn towards in this era well he's great that's what I was saying but he's also famous it's what are you grateful nobody ever [ __ ] watch him Duncan bro nah you don't think Tim Dunn gonna get [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here this guy's crazy man tell us use hush you want to jump in in 12 minutes coming appointment what's the we can ask a woman what their what's the point he'll tell me what the point is Taylor what would interview without you say yes I saw the whole table I think it's like she's not saying because he's famous everything I think that is this as human they want like regardless if you have a mate and suffer that this to be seen as pretty and Spiller foolish logic and I'm gonna tell you you see that's what she says women I never happened exactly that's never is a curry girl ism 100% right right you are saying she has a you know you shoes that what should be the ideal situation she is a man who is god-fearing loving of her loving of the family is great at what he does you can see it like the Whitney days all off rhythm and [ __ ] you know I'm saying no talk you they listen to Christian rap together I mean can you get any more perfect but think about like way Amy said earlier girls call you for whatever reason handsome all the time so what and I don't care you know my wife loved me though you don't you don't seek it because I don't think you identify identity identify as handsome does that make sense I'm not trying to knock you off would you say it's like it doesn't like if I don't value that in the least and that's why nobody says yo your stand up is great I'm like yo I appreciate that that's not you know I care about you know I mean if someone's like yo you're an amazing radio host you're amazing you know interview or whatever that's a compliment that you [ __ ] care about because you identify but it sounds like Charlemont you're beautiful you're like and that's what I do and that's why I'm taking that out of the equation what Aisha because Aisha is is it she's actually being see she's looking at the surface in his whole thing if she thinks that people are sweating Steph Curry because he's a handsome [ __ ] let's stuff kara be that same beige [ __ ] working at UPS oh and then there's nobody would give a [ __ ] the fact that he's famous I mean that - it's he's famous he's he's literally one of the greatest basketball players ever play and then she's a kind of good cook looks good on you - right and it's like but you could tell she wants to shine she's just gotta accept her position she got accept her role you get to be married to Steph Curry you get to have kids with Steph Curry if that's not enough it's never gonna be another saying am i saying I disagree at a man and I imagine me I tell my wife every day baby I love you the most beautiful woman in the world yadda yadda yadda and she's like I guess like yeah that's cool but you I need another [ __ ] to tell me yo you want to know what you know you want another problem this is a really a problem is we started Instagram ruined the whole thing for women social media Perry's yo check it I got it ready Instagram we started liking your pictures on Instagram so then immediately after you started getting those likes you didn't want street harassment back in a day the likes will have to be street harassment it used to be that's annoying but it was like do like street harassment item back in the day now you don't need it cuz you go near Instagram you can feel desired but back in the day where there was no Instagram so you need to walk by a construction site and be like alright this outfit does look good so now the game is [ __ ] up now and I used to curry she realizes the frivolousness of those likes right and she just wants to feel desired that's what every girl that ends up cheated on her husband I just want to feel desired I just want to feel loved he's in the middle of a championship run brother these girls are crazy what andrew is what andrew is saying in a brownie is way is everybody seeks validation from [ __ ] that they shouldn't be seen allegations funny I'm not investing in the opinions of others if my wife tells me every day I'm handsome and I tell her every day she's beautiful why do you think about this I've been thinking about fake tits of how absurd they are right think about the fake titty right the fake titty looks great in a shirt it looks great in a bikini it looks great to all those other people out there that are looking at the girl it doesn't feel that good not like it feels weird it is so my point is you care more about being desired by strangers when you're getting fake tits then the one person actually actually gives a [ __ ] about you no I am NOT disagreeing with you I'm just saying I can understand anyway what is it like oh it's nice though to hear someone's pointing handsome though right I don't give a [ __ ] I like I swear I swear I think not much to need you literally got everything and you're like but he didn't say that I'm pretty this guy first of all no it's angel pretty because they're there they're treating step with respect you live in San Cisco or you live in Oakland where your mind you should you look bad and you know what now you open the door now you open the door and you can have a lot of foul dudes sliding in your dams and if I'm from Houston and I got any money and I got some swag and I want my rockets to beat the Warriors I'm siding with dick because she probably if you think about it how Steph Curry and Aisha re and you think about maybe another couple who is like kind of idealistic like good moment like Kylie I'm gonna put Kylie and Travis right yeah I mean both of our famous but regardless her like known as like the it couple in a way because Kylie and Travis have hung out four times their entire relation Travis Travis Scott is nowhere near as famous as colleagues in a true story not when I'm saying he's so famous you put him in a group of rappers from ASAP and nobody will be able to pick him out listen I was in Connecticut I was in Connecticut Travis Scott show reduced my my daughter had a Chilean competition Travis Scott show was sold out I'm in the hotel it is I'm in the lobby of this hotel I get on the elevator his white woman says I just saw Kylie Jenner's boyfriend I saw Kylie Jenner's boyfriend do you think chavez gives a [ __ ] if anybody thinks he's handsome he thought I'm saying he's got a woman that's worth a billion dollars DUI but you're also talking about a Latino in fimo too though like if y'all other great examples and instead me care that over gets all the shine you don't play your position that long in life happily caring that's you somebody else is getting more shine than you you know why oh furgus outside cuz she's more famous than say no your position in the ecosystem but I have a question cuz ya'll have y'all insecurities too though cuz you said we go you want to know what our insecurity is our girl wants to get [ __ ] can't cuz he knows his wife is out there looking for dicks that might go over 20 years next game thinkin about this oh who the [ __ ] is in the stands Tasha my gosh you know no how do we know I used to courage validation isn't what fuels stuff Oh Steph is out here thinking damn I ain't making my woman happy think about that yet another woman ruining a franchise whoa I'm just saying start with my man Jesus hungry madam a really slap bro if you gonna read the Bible he really do nothing he found the [ __ ] he was just a first but there was never a precedent for [ __ ] before that but he saw a [ __ ] which is a confusing looking thing what is that I work how it worked God took the rib from Adam to create woman and that's why I called you dick God is executive producer okay yeah it creates this show reality so-called did universe okay increase this things are you know me whatever he creates one thing and he's watching this you like but it's [ __ ] kind of barn like you know I'm saying like spice it up you need to spice it up that means let me let me figure something out then he designed Eve from Adam maybe was like - you born just watching him have sex on another rib so Adam could suck his own dick no let me freeze in a snake you know I'm saying to tell Eve hey I know Adam tells you you're pretty every day alright but you need to begin you're pretty from somebody else you know you go eat the Apple off that tree other guys to tell you that you're beautiful de lo so Eve when the Apple we talked about you what did you say I'm the same first of all look I'm the same from a woman's point of view we don't wanna feel sexy and everything is like how do y'all know for sure that's that's not doing that for her she's nerds okay but you know cheatin yeah I'm not dealing with these hypotheses - you cheated by not fixed because he loves his woman as woman's supposed to love him he keeps her pregnant but look this is why I'm saying like I kind understand this because I have friends I are they have babies whatever right so when they're a mom that's all they kind of are I feel like she probably will make you happy nothing more the story is this for men and women you just tend on people to build you up to have the same power to break you there's a moral story don't make your girl famous that's the moral story the second you make your girl famous she leaving your ass okay I learned the [ __ ] I learned this [ __ ] with not true okay we'll see y'all - y'all say in a successful relationship you and your wife and nobody knows who taught your wife is I'm saying there's something to it the second you make your wife famous look at what Hugh Hefner did he made all those [ __ ] famous on that [ __ ] show in 2018 called all these [ __ ] [ __ ] man if he said is my goat bro I'll go [Music] [Music] [Laughter] we're bigger we can't say the word figure we can't say the word [ __ ] if you call me a [ __ ] I'm fighting call you a [ __ ] I'll knock someone else if they call you a [ __ ] real talk what I used to say it was very disappointing no no I'm not saying like I agree with her I describe this kind of understand in a way just in general people and gentlemen validation because like you said show us about the about how social media is and everything else with lights she's she's getting that in her head right now validation they invest in the opinions of others that [ __ ] is wack yo how about first of all how about loving yourself yes number one and feeling like you are enough and you fly you do that you'll need from you a meeting from your husband you need for your wife like I'm good like no how about being grateful how about just be grateful you don't even need it love yourself if you're grateful the level happen organically yes how about sitting back and going I could be on a [ __ ] island somewhere afraid of hurricanes gonna rip apart my Shack I have no running water we might not have food but instead I'm living one of the most affluent luxurious lives in the history of humanity why don't I sit back gonna be enough to say what that's never gonna be a night you know no no no no gratitude starting with gratitude and realizing what you have and whatever else is out there is more than enough that is the baseline I drew it happiness I think gratitude but not believing in what you have believing in who you are sure you'll never appreciate anything you have if you don't appreciate who you are I think you can appreciate what you have when you compare it to what else is out there and I think that when we compare like every day.he bro there's a moment where I go how [ __ ] lucky am I yes what the [ __ ] you paid to do that's it that's what I'm saying so it's a few if Aisha can sit there go how lucky am I like literally how [ __ ] lucky like there are people out there who will never be able to just vote like this is never be you'll live your whole life in a car and have zero say about that country and we take this ship for granted let's be let's take it another level it ain't even affected you married to Steph Curry it's just the fact that you're married to a man who loves you oh you're married to a man who values you you're married to a man who appreciates you forget the money forget what his career is you just have somebody who loves you that not enough yes because again know Charlamagne like it's the same I feel like it's a back and forth thing between male and females like you're she express how she feels whatever but yeah y'all females disrespectful females say that y'all do you actually y'all cheap that's what I'm saying before we never I've always said and you can go back and listen any podcast men cheap because of ego security to go yes not anything to do with her or I'm doing that [ __ ] because I am just trying to fill a void fill a void and not even what that boy it is I could be the same boy that she's like the Instagram is not other self of lights that could be the scene you know what I realized I really that's some [ __ ] that's why I stopped cheesy and I realize I realize that's just some ego that's just some like past 45 years hello we talked about not cheating or cheated talking about cheating so once again I was insecure I was seeking outside validation so what did I use you she's insecure all right and that's why the internet came at her cuz they're like how could you not be grateful for what you have so anytime somebody doesn't show gratitude for the immense luck that that like so much this is luck it's we're so [ __ ] lucky there's electricity here because people are doing their whole life with no electricity zero electricity we have water without clean water like we could be in sleep - bad water and it's like in the fact that you can't be grateful of all the amazing things you have that's why the Internet's gonna go cuz Real Talk we're on the internet distracting us ourselves from how miserable we're feeling and then we see this show about this girl who has a little bit of misery with the greatest life ever and it's like you couldn't find gratitude in that shorty come on I by the way that's just something I didn't even need to be safe you're right I guess like why why even like now me and my husband I'm we're looking at I'm looking at you a little crazy like I'm like me it's telling you that you're beautiful all the time isn't enough like why do you need validation from other men think about that sounds like seriously think about if you are a woman and you're a man if you dating a man and a man says to you you know what me I like when you call me beautiful but I need other women to call me beautiful yeah when you feel how would that make you feel I thought about it first I can train I think like I do in a weird weird weird way if I'm dating a guy and other girls find her find him attractive I feel like that's that's good oh my that's different this is like women you like this jealous did other buzz wanna [ __ ] exactly but it's no good and I'm glad you're honest about this but if no girls want to [ __ ] us you're like well why my [ __ ] you the guys that truly understand the guys have successful relationships and truly understand women just ignore everything because it's a constant it's a constant what is it called will you discredit tradition yes is not seeking that of course you just say you just say you just said the dude has girls that like him but he's not anything damn I really want some girls do you like me that's why you need to flirt with waitresses in front of your girl just let her know what what was your favorite app that's why I say what's your favorite I get it too that's why I'm saying yeah but we know as a man we know that you guys could get [ __ ] okay because you don't want one oh why applies cuz not you have a [ __ ] right and we're men and we fought [ __ ] right so we know you could get [ __ ] at any point in time during the day the reason you like to see a girl hit on us is because you're not entirely sure we could get [ __ ] right it's you're not entirely sure and then you see you're like okay you get [ __ ] too the ecosystem is balanced the equation is even here okay we know you could get [ __ ] at any point in time so you don't have to worry about that you have really desired we know it a hundred percent of the time and the only time that we'll be treating you like trash will be really bad is when if we feel like you're not respecting yourself you just let yourself completely fall off it's true like why'd you let yourself completely full up you you disrespected me that much you think that I can't get anything at all you just gonna let yourself completely fall off that's disrespect for me for room looks like if you're getting everything you need from your man emotionally and you know your man is still attracted to you physically he's gonna keep filling your cup up but when it sometimes if the physical wears off and I think that's superficial you know I'm saying but I'm not gonna I'm not gonna let myself go easy I'm not gonna get fat I didn't expect my woman to just be happy with that I don't like when you're faithful in the gym bro that's crazy hey that's crazy look by [ __ ] I used to carry got y'all let's pay some bills man all right Taylor I just want you to know women be in the south by saying you don't rep for them at all Wow the below okay listen Xebec man Zipit believes that everyone deserves access to lifelong interest-free credit which is epic you have the power to buy what you need and pay overtime 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right well [ __ ] salute the post-match baby all right post makes is out here doing what they do and other than your absolute best friends who could you have to bring you red wine at 4:00 p.m. so it's post Mason okay okay now we're cooking post makes is your personal full delivery grocery delivery whatever you can think of delivery service all year round no more trips to the store you don't even have to know where the store is post makes will deliver anything to you okay now download the app for iOS or Android for free browse local restaurants and businesses and track your delivery 24 hours a day 365 days a year post mates will bring you what you want within our okay anything you're craving postman's can deliver they're the largest on-demand network in the known universe of more than 25,000 partner merchants alright and for a limited time post much is giving all listeners $100 of free delivery credit for your first 7 days to start your free deliveries download the app right now and use code idiots alright that's cold idiots for $100 of free delivery credit get anything you need any time you need it download pulse mates and save with cold idiots what do you mean can we change all of our codes Christa [ __ ] [ __ ] is a good word when it's not used directed towards women you know understand what is this used like for example what's it like when you be like you be like yo them sneakers you win it [ __ ] hey you know I don't know man you [ __ ] buzzing ok so we do know what about like when you walk in the club and you're like man this [ __ ] back [Applause] [Laughter] what about you call of duty [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] that's a Google to little [ __ ] ass [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you ever do that one oh you ever do this life's a [ __ ] lives the bits are like you ever have like a girl she's walking in heels and then she starts to wobble and it falls and he big careful you go [ __ ] you know what it's not directed towards all women can one woman be a [ __ ] what if I know what if you see the girl walking in those heels and you say you can't even walk in in [ __ ] you call the shoes yeah like and then okay what if you just like what if you're like [ __ ] and then finish it boy if you start with [ __ ] like what if you're like [ __ ] come in guys do that though god we argued with other guys and be like [ __ ] if you don't oh but that's so a guy but I'm saying to a girl but what if what if your girl what if you go what if your girl comes in wearing like a dress or toes are painted and everything so good you're like [ __ ] you are fine as hell [ __ ] but know what if you're doing you're like damn [ __ ] you are fine you are one sexy ass [ __ ] yo yeah but it's different you're like you foreign it's like you say with your teeth closed fine ass [ __ ] trust me you know I used to been banging a guy to say that to hurry up that's how you were just saying like that right now is you're not gonna hear this way I was having sex with a guy oh god I completely stopped that [ __ ] you can please stop before marriage anyway Perez wanted trying to tell y'all like theses like to have sex before marriage they all going to have having chili y'all gonna be a hell real talk real talk do you have UK before me what that's crazy no reason is crazy oh that's that's silly what's marriage anyway like real talk what's marriage anyway it is a life long commitment between or it should be a life long commitment between so you knew that back in the day yeah but it's different when you walk down that aisle I like where you can argument for you right now but you can disagree with me no I do agree that you know you you are married spiritually before any there we go knows that spiritual in that way yeah yeah yeah that's some [ __ ] that [ __ ] just don't understand but I'm gonna be honest you don't understand something I am I did it my we did have our child before we were married but God told me to do that now you God told me do it God city God said that I don't even talk to you Taylor God told me you don't talk to you yeah he told me he did not talk to you Taylor I can't believe you stopped having sex as a guy called you a [ __ ] turn sex you know but what if he said this what if you didn't call you we don't know what came before that [ __ ] though oh you might imagine this before that [ __ ] like laughs you put a thick [ __ ] [ __ ] in front you put that stay [ __ ] in front of the [ __ ] I don't make the girl stop [Music] [Music] yeah first of all you were doing [ __ ] yeah walk away you stopped for something else nothing else he's like damn [ __ ] and that's a whoa and I stopped it and then what do you say right after why do you just say damn [ __ ] like that yeah that's who came out he never said damn like just in general damn what you mean like that during sex like she's doing some [ __ ] to you they not doing this you and Ruby I'm like oh oh [Applause] [Music] people from underground in us I'm just saying that time no like don't call me I just don't like that worried period I really not what else made you stop doing I don't want to talk about you doing what devil Satan talking that is definitely the devil talking to you yeah whispering in your ear double live in Philly you know that right that's why we've got the [ __ ] out of it got to fight everybody that stays in Philly is the devil talking to them really what fine think about the guys who left Philly tell me and how angelic they sent Kevin Hart Kevin Hart Will Smith Will Smith oh come on Meek Mill copy was still living in Pennsylvania oh yeah my lord he was out back meek noted devil on his show hole who else who else left that's why we shouldn't went to jail he was [ __ ] did a wheelie on the bike cause he's trying to knock the devil off his showed hoof not the devil try keep you there listen what do you think about 50 cent reposting teairra Marie Secretary had teairra Marie on The Breakfast Club okay and uh you know she sued fifty cuz fifty posted to take and what I was saying was that's not something I would have done but right trying to stop the Internet is like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube like once you got some [ __ ] like that that that's out there yeah everybody's reposed in that [ __ ] so can you break down what happened there a sex tape with her and whom her boyfriend at the time okay meat leaked I don't know it got out yeah and then somebody and then and then he's just a bunch of people started opposing it and fifty was one of the people who reposted it so this I am or Twitter Instagram okay so she decided this 256 lost anybody else no lost the case and now she owes fifty Cent thirty thousand dollars in legal fees that's why fifty is always attacking theory could fix like I want my [ __ ] money you know what is that so listen I don't I wouldn't have done that I'm not reposting somebody sex tape but yeah we can't act like that's not what the internet does the internet repos fight videos they reduce repost videos or people getting shot you kill the very post all kind of foul [ __ ] so how do you can't put that toothpaste back in the tube so I don't even know if and that's what I was trying to explain her like I don't understand you feeling violated yeah I just don't know if it was worth you going through this whole process of trying to sue fifty because in a lot of ways it just seems like you suing the guy who you take out money you know saying somebody saw that and was like yeah you know you could sue 50 for that but you couldn't right you lost the case right so what do we think about this I'm curious about what the rule is for slander you know like if you wrote an article about somebody slander and wouldn't you be able to sue them for that well no because you know I've tried to do defamation suits and you know you got some lawyers or take the cases within some lawyers to tell you look you're a public figure so it's almost like when you have a public figure it's you're allowed to be it's free it's free it's free reign you know I'm saying they can it and it also depends on the publication you know I'm saying the fifties prestigious publications that have some [ __ ] Deleuze yeah they'll usually you know do a retraction right cut you a check uh something like that was just this internet [ __ ] you can't do you really can't nothing about it cuz cuz you're not profiting off of it is that why I really don't know what the reason is they just say you're a public figure so it's almost like you're a public finger see if you have the right to say these things about you I think the L [ __ ] is gonna be when somebody actually soothes one of these apps when somebody's filed a lawsuit which I'm sure it's probably already happened before maybe but when somebody filed a lawsuit against Twitter Facebook or Instagram especially after making some complaints to these sites and saying like these things are constantly being said about me and they're not true so not only do you sue the person who said it you sue that app that's allowing this [ __ ] to be said you know I mean what but you're gonna have to make some complaints with that that prior though you don't have to have a history showing look I've told y'all over and over this isn't true I provided proof that this is not true why y'all continuing a lot of these things to be said about me on these sites because I mean isn't that what just happened with [ __ ] Facebook in a way not with the lawsuit point of it but people complaining enough that they're letting people put out this information that isn't true and so they got banned so officially that [ __ ] is gonna turn into some class-action lawsuits against some of these [ __ ] social media sites and then that's when I think the coach will change maybe social media shuts down after that because they're you'd have to police every single bit of content if the network itself was liable for everything that was on it they would have to please every picture every video that went up [ __ ] Nate oh I I want to say no mmm because they could act like they're just a microcosm of the Internet you know like they're just a smaller version of the internet it's like that they don't allow on this [ __ ] that they don't allow you know I'm saying like when they don't want something online you have seen they can get that [ __ ] all quick fast in the hurry right of a guy if you got money yeah but I mean not even if I'm if a guy goes live on Facebook right shooting up a synagogue right which happened right they get that [ __ ] off immediately immediately right Nick and wipe [ __ ] clean when they want a wipes you clean I think that's the tricky thing right now with with the censorship debate mm-hmm it's like okay once we start censoring right when does it stop I agree and everybody's gonna be offended by something you know there's levels this yet but like you know you tell a vegan you know eating a hamburger on Instagram live is just as offensive to them as you know somebody saying something you know racially insensitive to somebody else yeah I saw somebody post a video man I think I think I'm looking at damn - damn - she's vegan and maybe you know they posted videos I like the chickens on the hanging from named necks and the blood is draining this [ __ ] like that is why you should eat chicken Ryan over the death no chicken yeah okay I've never done I have I chase the chicken I grab the chicken pop and shake his neck and eat it yes what I never did this when you popped the chicken's neck oh yeah yeah yeah growing up I have two chicken's head off you run you you chase after the chicken but you my grandma my grandma used to catch the chicken and be holding the chicken by his neck and do like this what is he like swinging around in a circle and and that death I see would pop the chicken's neck and then the chicken would die cut the head off and it's dead time babe you know saying after a few feather plucks boil it yeah man that's wild you think so yeah regular down south [ __ ] but that's life that is the circle of life yeah you know I'm saying like but I'm saying all that to say the [ __ ] that they the [ __ ] like you see that [ __ ] somebody will find offensive if you're a vegan and you love all animals and you don't want animals to die you'll see that video of the chickens on the conveyor belt and you'll be like oh [ __ ] that's offensive like why I have that up you know why I put the why I put that up on the internet and you'll probably get offended by that you'll probably not want to see that so that's that's a complaint somebody could make yeah you said what well I don't want people to see that video Chris I think that that'll stop people from eating meat that ink will stop McGee yeah Chris you say down oh my god I could tell you exactly why that's not gonna stop me I could I have a I can I know exactly what I'm not gonna start making people eat meat right no what'd you just say Chris yeah I had to watch all those videos for book I was working on and I think the idea is that vegans want people to see that stuff because when you see what actually goes on in industrial farming in an industrial food processing right you'll be sick and to be honest with you I still eat meat but when you when you watch that it really makes you think about it does but it doesn't make you stop eating meat you know it makes people stop eating meat what the negative effects to meat has on their selfish yes that's that's when we stop find out that the meat is tainted and the meat is [ __ ] us up and he's giving us cancer then we fall back from the meat I've fallen back from because we see a chicken screaming but but I think when you strip I think use videos yes I have I watch the health was more effective than any at old videos what's the health documentary was more effective than any of those videos watching animals get slaughtered now what the animals getting slaughtered sad yeah yes but I figured they were killed I'm eating it no no I mean it's it's animation but it's also like damn you really probably do have e.coli on the majority but now that's different right now you're tapping into the marketing that works for human beings which is selfishness right so it's like if you convinced me that the food I'm gonna get and eat is gonna hurt me in any way make me feel slouchy make me fat or give me cancer I'm not gonna eat it but if I'm supposed to worry about a [ __ ] chickens feeling of a cow right I'm not worried about chickens feelings you'll men only started wearing condoms cuz HIV was affecting them yeah they didn't care about getting girls pregnant you can walk away from that yeah it's alright all boils down to how do these things affect us I don't give a [ __ ] if it's politics who would vote for what we eat whether we wear condoms or not how does this affect us and that starts with care about harkening right it's like I'm going to help you and you can attach yourself to people you could really move people if you understand that so if you want to get anybody doing anything if I want people to stop if I want people to start eating meat all I tell you is how dangerous a vegan diet was well if you want people to stop start eating meat so you want to start eating anything tell them it'll make you great that's it bye you start eating spinach Popeye [ __ ] yeah you know I'm saying like people are kidding that's it Wheaties yeah it made you seem like Wheaties and make you great why people buy Jordans about the gym everybody put all that [ __ ] is that make you better yeah anything that we love on this planet that we really invest in is because it makes us individually feel a weight why don't people get this with marketing because everybody that Google people want to front really people want to front and act like they care about everybody else it's such a luxury to care about other people it's such a look like that is the most privileged thing in the entire world if you can care about other people are barely making it I care about other people guess what cuz you rich but no but guess what you're black no I care about myself first oh okay I care about myself put your oxygen mask on first then help other people most most people would agree with you I think that I guess what I was trying to say about the previous thing is like the ability to care about others is a is a luxury like how many people do we truly know that have enough money and time to just donate you're from other people it's such as when you good when you good exactly so it's a good if you really want like if you really want votes let's say for politicians even if you really want votes tap into people's self-interest don't do the [ __ ] yes make a better place for everybody no no no talk to each group and tell them specifically what you're going to do for them stop going to a group of people going hey should we care peep about people who are not you by the way you're the president so you can do a lot of different things for different groups if you want I started doing on Bill Maher this weekend what was his name he's right he's another Democrat for this candidate island it's too many of them nah there's a lot his only issue is climate change good no it's not you're not but you're not even gonna stand a chance of winning cuz it doesn't affect me sure it does no it does but Chris you can't win just that policy alone because guess what it's a bunch of people I hate I've got other issues you know more pertinent pressing they have what they think are more pressing issues there's no denying biggest issue okay so let me just say this Chris let me just say this before you were in Chris all the original [ __ ] will be like I'm voting for a president because they care about climbing higher it's only rich [ __ ] care about like forty years from now most people don't even know if they're gonna make it forty years from now yes so the thing the problem with climate change is not it doesn't directly affect majority of voters the majority of voters in America are not directly affected by climate so they don't realize they are Houston gets wiped out by a hurricane I forgot what told me to start the day I was having the same conversation it was like yo there might not be a Florida he goes what about those Florida man stories so I'm like a news cycle be a little more boring but yeah if you got real estate in South Carolina or I'm sorry Georgia southern Georgia once Florida's gone that real estates poppin know the whole potentially 30 years look I'm I'm ahead of it you say I'm rich I'm already looking to take my money invest in the places in North America that aren't gonna be affected by climate change cuz I think I think like you look at Minneapolis yeah I think half the country is gonna be trying to move to explains the climate change affect the planet it does but the idea is that the area's you know the southern areas are gonna that a hot already you're gonna become unlivable within the next thirty years the coast the coastal area is flooded you don't I grew up as oculata Mac it's happening man I grew up a socket Lana can I get any hotter than 109 degrees yes Dubai they're living fine with Polish prostitutes you know we used to doing under 90-degree temperatures gonna turn the goddamn air conditioned so what happens when it's 120 in the appleís but it's gonna be too late you just want to live in like 70 degrees comfortable I'm not knocking I'm not listen I believe climate change is a real thing all I'm simply saying there's no cannot be the only issue you stand how do you know that's what vice does it's May we got hoodies on in New York wait that's good no I was too cold yes so there wasn't worried about melting what we hear I'm talking bout every well but it's do it I am I don't know if I really buy it I understand it's not a great platform to run on because it's gonna read the impacts not gonna be felt for 25 no it's not so only issues he had no other listen he had nothing else he was talking about right he came on Bill Maher to talk about that's not going to rile up enough people for you to even stand a chance as president you cannot be a one-issue but he's president a win he's just trying to get attention for cut which is fine all right let's make that yo you really want to fix climate change fam what talk to the Chinese bro oh yeah yeah we're not even close to the problem with climate you talk to newly industrialized nations so to try and start to India they just send that coal straight up into the sky there's some crazy statistic like the amount of air conditioners in China in the last 20 years is increased like you know but insignificant the West is in sync when I listen in the fight to climate change compared to what's happening in China John is the worst you really want to save the world let's go invade China Chinese are getting the [ __ ] out of China right the air quality in China almost like and Africa we don't know they got the [ __ ] lot of them getting the [ __ ] air pouring so much money into Africa right it's crazy there's no [ __ ] there that's another thing in China they had this one child poverty right and one child per family policy and they did it for like 10 years whatever and most families chose to have a boy because the boy conditional is that the head of Chinese culture plus could work the land though everyone passed down your name you want to keep your name going right so now you have this whole generation of Chinese people that grow up with a hugely disproportionate society between men and women right so thank God's got to go somewhere the guy's got to go now the real scary [ __ ] about this is is how [ __ ] forward-thinking China is I'm googling shallow vaginas because if the stereotype is true they should not be going to Africa all right they need to belong with the most shallow food [Music] stereotype is true I don't know if it's true or not I'm just saying the stairs every I'll go to Africa the whole website dedicated to Chinese guys have married African women you can look it up it's it's interesting there's three pictures just can't have one issue no you know this is why you got worried about China that hugely disproportionate population all those men that are growing up in China with no women to marry know whether to have kids with no possibility of a future family imagine China goes to war now they have a entire class of men willing to fight and die because they have no future in their home anyway China is ready bro if [ __ ] pops already but you're saying it's hard to go to fight when you got your wife and kids at home it's not as hard when there's no chance of you for you having wife and kids at home because there aren't enough women for you to impregnate and marry yeah it's Donald Trump which this goddamn trade tariffs on [ __ ] are you talking about the weed that's the truth yes yes see that's how you gotta talk to voters yo but that's who you want $700 bundles okay what if Donald Trump comes out and says you know what ladies I just want you to be natural cuz I think I think you answer and I don't want you with this fake-ass straight hair it's like I love a beautiful black woman with a natural curly hair go take a position on weaves like I Brian Kemp take a position on abortion what is it he was like he was like after step you know heartbeat you can't do it you know I'm saying what they said and what's the bill say if you if you can't have an abortion after six weeks about the stock up on that plan be like the Donald Trump [ __ ] right yeah we've-- is gonna be super expensive right ain't no more $3 fashion over dresses ladies over dresses jumping up to 100 you look now you wanna vote Taylor Taylor huh you know it's gonna be doubled a triple Taylor just said we've always been expensive yes how much is a weave yeah I for point lost $300 damn it's about nine now 900 so $600 yeah man what about those tracks what about that is one that's the same [ __ ] right so when you when you when you like get grabbed a girl's tracks right and you tear them out of her head what do you mean when you tear him out of here during rough sex what are you talking about why yg said in his song yg said in his song that's what yg said all I know is well yg says he says that wastes no time sending me this [ __ ] what's that Chinese men married to African women how many pictures really on it uh let me see let me see somebody's pics this is called China whisperer calm free Chris it's China whisperer dot-com od living living let me see one beautiful woman - let me see if don't count this New York oh no this is subway in South Africa my bed some Chinese migrant worker marries already living [Music] man this is crazy what is this let me see what is it this bro [ __ ] what the [ __ ] kind of [ __ ] is that Chris hey old male that young girl would you be where the [ __ ] is you looking at Chris Chris is a sick guy man did you see the picture yeah not a migrant worker for China's Shandong Province has a daughter with his African whoa oh my bad what the [ __ ] you give me no contact raise you do the hand me some she called China whisperer and said look at the pictures mama keep it I'm gonna keep it a hundred ain't no way that's his daughter be she was getting plugged by some other dude yeah you right let's pay some bills man did I want to bring my guest info yeah we got a guest who's our guests I'll tell you this guy's Yeezys Jordans off whites if you're buying sneakers for $100 online how can you be sure they're the real thing the reality is you cannot but right here today right here today we can guarantee they're real with the goat calm situation Chris is wearing a pair of sneakers that you got on go Chris let me let me get those sneakers right here he's got a pair of Adidas they're Adidas nmds tricolor let me tell if they were stitched in a sweatshop this in China Lee Chinese sweatshop stitching Wow first I can see the teenage boys tears you posted no literally inside of the sneaker I can't believe you Christmas is this is great look at that that is a real that's definitely a real nmd that is a real and MD Chris right there that he got from go okay go calm it's the safest way to buy and sell authentic sneakers then the largest marketplace in the world for authentic Easy's Jordans and over 600,000 sneaker listings they've made the whole process frictionless and trustworthy frictionless did you hear that frictionless go does this by only accepting all the sneakers every detail is inspected from the stitching in color size and weight goat certifies that every pair of sneakers on their site matches exact factory specification was over half a million sneakers on the platform at 10 million users you won't find better prices for verified 100% authentic sneakers anywhere else gentlemen find the perfect 100% authentic sneaker at Goat comm slash idiots that's goat comm slash idiots plus you'll also be supporting our show but you've got to go right now before the sneakers you want are gone when you go to go calm slash idiots that's go8 slash idiots let's get back to the show we have a special guest here yes I got my homey Chantelle in here Chantelle where you from I'm from Boston Boston be town what is that a crew sweatshirt yes but no hoodie no hoodie no just a crew let's Taylor see if you can bring the microphone a little closer to Chantelle so that we can hear I know so Chantelle you are here Chantelle is here because Chantelle has a great game that she invented all right would you call it a board game so it is a board game it's a party game and it combines an app so it's like it's a party game but it is a board game yeah I'm actually the first black female board game inventor and I was declared by the Patent Office it's called rhyme okay antics reason I think this is low because people come up to you all the time and you know they basically just have to same old ideas you know I'm saying have the same old [ __ ] today presenting to people nobody's ever called me and said hey I invented a board game okay now what did the board game do Chantel so Rhyme antics you got to spit bars in proper English okay so it promotes literacy while paying homage to the roots of hip-hop artistry but no rappers rapping proper English yeah well back in my era you know we're the same age true Charlemagne so well I grew up in the golden era of hip-hop where you know rappers are real lyrical geniuses right and so like tribe nas everybody like you spit by even Biggie spit a lot of bars and proper English rhyming on every you know bar and so basically two teams battle each other and it's a rap cypher game but you gotta spit bars in proper there's over 2,000 words in the game there's three levels of difficulty right in two teams battle and so you choose your level of difficulty and you get read a playing card at random like this right I call your bluff your team has 60 seconds for each one of y'all to spit a bar and the last word got around with bluff and so you're trying to guess all the rhyme words on the back of the card so you also you can't look at the card and see what the words ring you act a real tough huh rhyme they rhymes with them yeah you trying to guess all the rhyme words on the back and we have 60 seconds as a team so I'll call your bluff I said you acting real tough yeah and I'd be sniffing that stuff you could get snuffed okay good it's never enough that's right and that's why I used to carry don't want to be cuffed man you been in the gym you looking real buff [Music] pass it before you puff Andrew you haven't been in the gym you looking like fluff Oh you wanna talk to you like that you gonna be rough my favorite type of porn is snuff oh that you download and it plays music instrumentals so there's actually enough fluff gruff rough scuff snuff like a soft tough stuff tough bones love and Slough and then you get bonus points if you can use homophones and the correct what the [ __ ] that is I'll see this is my favorite part I'm an educator so homophones are two words that sound the same or different meaning origin or spelling so there's over 7700 homophones in the English language there there there right that's homophone line in lion night and night there's so many of them gay and gay okay but I am still nice Chris loves rice you better think twice a bit Chris got lice you could try it thrice I live in Newark there's a lot of mice if egg foo Yong is here Chris wants a slice I already said that bro I slice my fries right right sliced by suffice choice I get a bonus yeah now listen I think I think this is fun as [ __ ] right yeah but if you play it once you kind of know all the words right no so good because there's different levels right Oh team battles four rounds to determine a winner so you can play for a whole year because it's different so if your team is down in points you can challenge your vocabulary by doing a more difficult level so like you can see the intellectual level gets very difficult okay let's do it are you having a delusion all right that's right and your weave is an illusion there is no collusion count me in no exclusion I'm not good with losing words let me think were disillusioned with the collusion so many really there's a lot delusion yeah black clothes effusion that's a color infusion illusion conclusion confused goddamn alright give another hard one I like that I like this electric yeah yeah let me start the clock and go let's form a truce oh one of my favorite comedians name is Bruce Bruce [ __ ] up when they did that noose oh my favorite rappers Papoose Oh duck duck goose yo give me some juice time to try to choose some snus I said that smell is profuse oh my favorite color chartreuse okay give me no abuse oh let me see the back real quick I don't wanna see what so it's just worried that right ok abuse dues juice Moo snooze you lose profuse seduce Rekluse loose in my shitty songs it looks like one more let's do another intellectual I like this this is dope that you gotta be you do have to have a hell of a Cavallari to do this tea I'll kill this [ __ ] Oh wipe your mouth is drew and I was gonna use drool you know let's go swim in a pool you're looking like a straight fool damn I want to have sex where your stool you could pray at a shul oh sure no no what's a shul what's a you'll what is it young that's an animal it's on the back jewel no I was coming with fuel cool so wait wait can they buy this yeah so romantics is available in 33 stores nationwide thank you and you from the ground up right yeah yeah this is from ideation to market ready it took me five years to develop it and I've been on the market for two years and yeah let's talk about that because there's plenty of people who would have came up with this idea and tried to go out and sell their idea to other people what made you say not only am I gonna come up with the idea I'm gonna create the product myself you know my will so I got in trouble like a few years back and that really inspired me to change my life not a trouble no no way bigger actually in Atlanta I was arrest for bank robbery okay yes I also set it off [ __ ] yeah it's obsession when a with the mass going this is not what is it called the show shark tank this is a show we find about the coolest [ __ ] that's going on yeah so I want to know about this bank I mean big Robbie's not cool but that is it I was like I was lost I was like just trying to you know I was lost basically yeah and I was in a hard time and I was living in Atlanta me and my say my son I'm a single mom and but I'm very smart and I always did well in school I was you know and so I lost my way and I did some dumb [ __ ] and you know I've learned a lot from it but what it taught me like I always spent three days in jail because you know God definitely spared me from because I prayed and I just committed to change in my life when that happened and literally today I got a jail I started developing the game so you use the money for the bank robbery to get hard like as it is like in the movies did you plan it did you plan a getaway did you have a costume it's actually one of the easiest crimes to commit did you work alone mm-hmm okay so you roll it was crazy and it was dumb but you know God spared me how do you do it can you show us how to do it okay so you have a gun no no in jail if I had a gun so you walk in what do you say you don't say anything well I walk into my bank hole you have a no no oh and then what do they say um they either do it as it says or they don't and then if they don't what do you do um I don't know cuz that didn't happen so so you were just walking you pass him a note what does the note say I don't know I don't remember it happened so many years ago a great way that's a great way to not incriminate yourself exactly so I don't remember I was probably high when it happened I don't okay let's try a rhyme antics yeah but you know back to you know me change in my life and everything I just want to inspire honestly the grace of God that's the only thing I could give it up to is it drop the charges divine intervention yeah divine intervention they didn't have enough evidence and there's someone else maybe involved and you have to read about in my book oh so you don't know if you really did it or not what is it called we could talk about it so you go in there with a note she want to sell it yeah let me talk about the game that's what's dope that you can change your life and still be like my favorite music about bank robbery none of my favorite movies are about board games yeah that is not true my favorite movie that's not my favorite movie I wanna try that every big robbery movie ever a gun with the [ __ ] note and be like put the money in the bag the money in the bag and then the ladies presses the button and the [ __ ] stands there by police yeah it happens yo that [ __ ] is so cool boom you got your life together I got my life together although I said the day you got out you decided for literacy and I really push litter sad teacher programs I know you like literacy because you want them to read them notes you can't have a literate no but I teach literacy to kids that I have run a program at Boys and Girls Clubs and how'd you get an education was that before always a scholar I actually graduated a year early from like one of the best high schools in the country and Massachusetts and like I said I just lost my way but so I'm not officially an educator I don't have a degree in education but I love reading shout out to you I've read both of your book thank you great job I have my son read your book I have a 19 year old and with me through my development of the product I've just and teaching kids and even playing it what adults like we just aren't thinking and learning anymore you know what I mean our brains are stagnant the phones are really corrupting our ability to like retain information whatever and when I go in to you know boys and girls clubs in schools sometimes and work with these kids it just really gets them engaged they love it and so you really got to connect with kids on in a new way to get them to learn I got an idea sure what's up you send the kid in with the note right you put the kid in there with the note dude you've got to give the kid the money and nobody's gonna suspect it right think about that I don't think about that type of [ __ ] anymore honestly exactly but my education was the only thing that saved me out of that so I really push that like you can do anything you want to do go after your dreams but you got to have the education behind you you don't have to have school per se or college but you have to continue to educate yourself and read and have you um educated yourself on the Wendy Williams and her ex-husband's story I know all about that yeah and I read you and one of my favorite options that I've ever read on Instagram sure okay this is an Instagram caption written by Charlamagne tha God and it is about what is the guy's name again doo doo ba doo doo Brown seeking spousal support from Wendy Williams see the guide right this is why you never bite the hand that feeds your side chick when from eating off Wendy's to eating off the comeback this week and allegedly they came back Wow I don't know I don't eat me anymore so how did you get this in target oh okay discussions I have a LOI from them and so I want a pitch competition last October to go pitch to target in Dallas and from there that meeting went really well and so I'll be the first black owned product black own game product in big-box stores in like history so what stores are you in I'm in 30 store so I'm in the biggest toy store in Union Square called camp and I'm in grandma's place which is the only black Oh toy store in Harlem I'm in dinosaur Hill it's a store in the Lower East Village I'm in some stores in Jersey I'm in like five stores in Boston North Carolina so how do you get to that point you have to get a bunch of these major so yeah it's been a long road so I did an IndieGoGo campaign which is like Kickstarter where you have to like test your concept right so I saw a bunch I had like one mock-up one prototype and I went I crashed a bunch of holiday parties during the holiday season um in 2015 yeah I crashed like maybe 40 50 parties I played the game during intermissions at karaoke clubs and I just generated a lot of buzz and I was selling games and supporting the campaign like on the spot because it's a really unique game there's nothing like it and you like play a lot of board games right I mean I got kids what's your favorite game I'm monopoly you know what I really like I almost considered a board game I like Peter Peter pimple popper Peter popper belief lay like oh no like all this stuff is fun yeah you know what made me actually brought me to actually move forward with creating the game it's like all those games have been around for like 50 years yes right there's nothing really come out that has been innovative and then when new things do come out they still kind of mock old ideas you know what I mean and then you got the card games that are like like cards against humanity' and just a bunch of trivia [ __ ] you know what I mean that are like they're they're not this so my love for hip hop is really like which is my passion you know and then my love for learning is what really brought me to create the game and then use the idea I went from paper and then it was in a shoebox it didn't look like this this has been a long process I held a bunch of different focus groups over like five years and then I've created a bunch of interest and then after I had a successful IndieGoGo campaign I was able to buy my first thousand units and from there it's just been great I'm on my second run of inventory now and I've sold about mm Wow how much apart there twenty five bucks a pop Wow sounds like stories like this man cuz there's so many people who sit around and talk about what what is that they want to do yeah but they never get around to doing it so for you to actually have decide to go get it know created yourself go get it you know reproduce yourself get it in stores yourself that's dope to me so what's the ultimate goal to get in a big box to get in a Walmart and Target I mean that's that's really the goal and right now I'm looking for capital and so I want to strategically partner with someone big and entertainment who can like really help me get it to the next level how do you have to sell part of the company to make that happen yeah we give away equity for capital investment mmm-hmm so you wouldn't have to get down with actual gaming company no well and it's funny I do have one of the top gaming companies interested in licensing the game but I'm still trying to decide what I want to do I really want to build it myself I have a goal to sell 10 million units I want to every school in every store in every household you know hip-hop scene number one music genre in the world absolutely you know it'd be huge I can do other languages I can do future editions of it I want to do the dull dirty version of it you know there's so many things I could do with it so I want it to be around like the monopolies and who knows of the world retain that ownership though mm-hmm that's the most important thing absolutely I personally think so yeah I retain that ownership well give him your information chance I'll tell me what he can find you ins well you can find me personally I'm on IG at Little Miss Callaway and then the product is rhyme antics that's our hym ent ICS follow us on social media and you can order the game rhyme antics calm and you'll see my retailers on the website and you can definitely pick it up in the city near you go get rhyme antics man I'm taking with I'm taking this with me on a vacation just some off a family vacation house is a great vacation a game when everybody's sitting around drunk did you have a 10 year old right I got a 10 you but it's an adult the beauty of the product is this adult party game right drinking game or it's for kids in the family or teachers can use it in their classroom to engage their students so it's really diverse and dope and I'm just happy you know it adds a lot of value back to the community into the hip-hop culture which I adore Callaway Chantel Callaway go pick up rhyme antics romantics calm right yeah all right and thank you guys so much all right let's take a break pay some bills for a moment guys say goodbye to the expensive TV bills that you have with Filho all right follows the cheapest way to watch over 50 of your favorite channels ID BT on vh1 AMC vh1 MTV vh1 Nickelodeon vh1 discovery vh1 life time TLC history catch the biggest shows on TV like The Walking Dead Love & Hip Hop spongebob paw patrol for the kids Plus tons of classic shows and movies hey you can even watch The Breakfast Club on revolt enjoy live and on-demand TV plus unlimited recording save as many shows as you want and never miss a minute of the shows you love watch from your TV phone or computer whenever you want Philo costs only $20 a month did you know that yeah so you'll save hundreds of dollars each month on your TV bill Philo's available Roku iOS Fire TV Android TV and Apple TV there's never been a better deal on a cord free commitment free hassle free TV so start your free trial visit Philo TV slash idiots Philo dot TV slash idiots that's Philo dot TV slash idiots ph IL o-- dot TV slash idiots let's get back to the show I've got a couple of little church announcements going on obviously Westeros has been killing it thank you guys so much for watching man it's crazy to see that show blow up we've been doing Game of Thrones so we got two more episodes left in that so come you know join the conversation about that you could listen on the flagrant 2 podcast feed you could listen on or see the whole video on the youtube slash DeAndre Shultz or you can listen on the Westeros podcast feed as well I got some shows coming up we'll be in Nashville the when is it the 18th May 18th I believe that's right so not this Saturday but the following Saturday be there one night only two shows thank you guys so much for selling out the shows and Dallas man's been a crazy sellout streak so make sure you get those tickets really quick we added another show in Toronto thank you guys for selling out that show that's insane you guys sort of [ __ ] theater of that size so let's add another show see if we could do that we'll be in Columbus Ohio after Nashville I think that's what 24th and 25th 24 25th and just go to the angel shows calm for all the rest of the dates man New York City NYC get those tickets to the town hall show in November get them now I want that [ __ ] sold out out the way so get on that right now don't let Toronto get you guys okay Toronto really showed up so New York step it up man don't let it don't let tomorrow [ __ ] with you step it up New York New York is my home so we got to knock that one the [ __ ] out thank you guys so much for all the support and everything and let's get back to the show what did you I don't watch Game of Thrones so tell me so this is all you right here buddy that's on television but I just thought it was extremely stupid I mean it actually like really pissed me off that a show that cost fifteen million dollars to make an episode yeah minimum all the different production team and staffers and you do have one person who does that job is called a script supervisor to make sure this continuity on say how to [ __ ] in a period piece do you have a Starbucks cup bro how does that go pass all of these different people how does that happen I think I did on purpose really yeah who would fight that so we need to look up who the [ __ ] got stock in Starbucks oh who know that staff I don't think it's helping or hurting Starbucks I think they're just using the cup right there using the cup to to like have this conversation but I think that's whack because Game of Thrones is the show that literally I don't even watch but I feel like I watch it cuz everybody talks about it yeah and then I talk about no gimmicky [ __ ] you're talking about what happened on the [ __ ] show why would they have to stoop to antics three episodes left this is my theory okay the episode before this one was supposed to be the biggest episode in TV history and it bombed massive flop it sucked what rating wise or not way these guys everybody's watching it yeah everybody well good I don't even know the [ __ ] are is action yeah I don't know who are you but I know she killed the white wall exactly I don't even know I literally have never watched it so but I know Arya killed the white wall I mean they're just they [ __ ] up in so many ways it's it's insane so it was a horrible episode for so many reasons and but they thought it was gonna be the episode that everybody was talking about right and this is my assumption so now the episode that happened last week with the Starbucks cup is following the one that should have been the biggest episode in TV history so I assume they're thinking alright this is not gonna be as exciting this is gonna be a lot more setup why don't we throw a little Easter Egg in there and then just have something fun to discuss that week because there won't be that much to discuss since you have this massive episode the week before well it turns out the week before his episode was absolute [ __ ] right and now you got two Starbucks cup episode which I thought was really good I thought they got back to the chess match which is why we watched the show right it's not about the fight scenes it's about the politics it's like how you maneuver and the moves you're making and what those moves can do in the future and position yourself for power and now they just have this Starbucks cup which is a distraction from a really great episode they've been [ __ ] up big-time it just goes to show the people who make this show we're never there never very good storytellers they were good at adapt like adopting a great story that was already written and the second they had to do it themselves without the guy who wrote it george RR martin flop city every single we flop flop what did I say last week on this podcast is hard to close bro oh because it is hard to close you a comedian you never last ten minutes it's tough bro actually oh that's my favorite okay what is is hard to close bro not everybody can do it everybody I'm serious like that's why we that's why when we see something like in game we like oh my god it's hard to close when you've given people consistent greatness for all of these years and now you say okay this is the final one it's hard to [ __ ] close you know why they're sucking it because they're sucking at it because they're squeezing it all in endgame was stretched out to use think about what endgame did they made an ant-man movie because he was a character in The Avengers world that was gonna be somewhat important to that story right so they gave him his own movie and then they gave him another movie so they're stretched they stretched out this story into many different little stories and then all were wrapped up at the end Game of Thrones is wrapping up 20 different stories you're talking about the largest cast in the history of TV right they haven't that means they have more storylines going on than any other TV show in history they're trying to wrap that all up in six episodes and is it like a season though now that they'd seen issues haven't been going on every season like they haven't been leading up to these last six episodes they have but they've had so many different storylines and so many things happening and cooking like the reason the White Walkers this was a big everybody who's upset is you didn't even see my man fight like we're building up this huge threat like this White Walkers gonna be the most dominant person he's gonna [ __ ] everything up he didn't even swing the sword really like he had all these generals right they were like guys that worked beneath him that you would see him with all the time and you're like alright they're about to get busy in this fight it's gonna be crazy and [ __ ] [ __ ] up you don't even see them fight once they're useless they're literally you slit was just the biggest waste of seven seasons or eight season ounce to eight season it was just a huge way so they've been flopping and turns of the storytelling it's cuz the guy who wrote the original shit's not doing it hard to close bro it's hard to close to close after Brown James like you're trying to tell y'all I don't get [ __ ] how great you are it's hard to close bro you don't even have a situation to close listen did you see the Max Kellerman said speaking of closing Pro Max Kellerman said Kawhi Leonard is the is a better clutch player ya better closer then Kobe jellybeans [ __ ] Bryan I'm gonna be honest with you man this is what I keep trying to tell y'all that's why I said just watch Shaq did what he did if you allow people to revise history they will switch up your whole [ __ ] legacy the disrespect that Kobe has to [ __ ] stop what was his argument his argument was um he really don't have lookin Jay what first of all Steve and it was like I'm trying to be respectful to you right now like the Stephen even look like that's the dumbest [ __ ] I ever heard Jay Williams got a bit walked off the stage Jay we've sat down to say based off what numbers Max and Max are just like wow doesn't yeah what made him based off what Chi Kawhi has done in this playoff so Jay William said so based off what Kawhi has done in this playoffs that makes him a better closer a better clutch player then what we saw Kobe Bryant doing his prime for several years I just don't understand the argument a said shut up Chris that's what max tried to say so what Kobe had two Finals MVPs and massive trying to say well when Kawhi was Kobe they she's like knock that off all right we got us in Jay Williams used the right term stop with the recency bias that's it the last thing you saw Kobe was Kobe not making the playoffs Kobe being injured Kobe getting the big contract last we saw Kauai was Finals MVP winning the championship dominating in Toronto this year how do you compare that to what we saw cold we do in his prime for several years and should a disrespectful bro and we we all we everybody's guilty it is [ __ ] its recency bias yeah I think we do have recency bias that's life I mean the fact that Kareem abdul-jabbar isn't even mentioned in like the top five conversation as a perfect example well since it is usually which is [ __ ] up well Bill Russell is for some weird reason but I think it's rain count say what this ring cat's ring count yeah it's definitely ring caps that's important but Shaq should be mentioned are we talking about like top five top top five skilled players of all time yeah if honestly if I had to do my top five my top five is Magic Michael Kobe I'm gonna give bran fault I think we're Bron James is the fourth greatest NBA player of all time which is incredible and then I'm putting Shaq at five just because the V seven foot three and to be able to do the things that he could do on the court you got to be number five yeah any yeah book Kawhi is doing is unbelievable it's almost a shame that you have to compare Maccoby because you stop appreciating what he's doing in this playoffs he's shooting like 70 percent why would you compare him to Kobe at all that's what I'm saying like it's like you can't now we can't enjoy him cuz now whenever he was a good game we're just gonna go Bo Kobe drop 50 once why don't you shut the [ __ ] up and let us appreciate one of the greatest player performances in history what he's done this playoffs is unprecedented yeah yeah I think we've seen another guy we definitely not seen a guard put up these numbers can you remember a time of guard we've seen big men put up the high field goal percentage numbers but a guard that's shooting three why the guard son yes place of 2 is a 2 or 3 I thought I thought three or four three he's a two three Zoe six six six seven yeah three five three four no no no not not forward at all so it's like what you're seeing is unprecedented it just what a stupid comparison but look max is really good I really max it'll be so it's like shocking that he would do something to seal I think that was Mac Starbucks cup bro I'm being honest I think that was max table so I think max put that out there just to get [ __ ] talking I really do we got to get Jay Williams back in here and ask him why he's always so serious this guy is always [ __ ] cereal dude say what Duke what about it Duke Duke makes you serious yes everybody from Duke yeah it really does take your soul rush it in Duke ooh yeah that's one besides iron gotta get the [ __ ] out of there yeah he's having too much joy serious man about anything like he's in that commercial where he's like doing crossovers and she's like that with like the car something like that he's Jaden commercial or something there's some kind of thing with a yes but I think I don't know I'm not exactly sure what the thing was but uh but yeah we gotta get Jay to lighten up man just let's go like this a little bit just get your shoulders moving Christian bar Ditka why when Finals MVP so what did that mean how old is quite crazy say he's under 30 for sure I mean the other thing and I'm currently you know being victimized my sister's being victimized or badly Becca wise but you know I'm not saying that he's Kobe but he's definitely a much better defensive player than Kobe - he's not just dominating cuz he's shooting when y is like the best defensive player in the NBA yo Kauai is unbeliev he's [ __ ] he's murdering people on both ends he's offense it's unbelievable he's a man amongst boys it is what he's doing Simmons right now but I said this earlier Buffon's bends him is his trash Andrew Kobe Bryant was 12 time all defensive to touch I don't know that that's what we do in this I don't think player than kowai kowai was also maybe all defensive every year he's in the league all time elite defensive he's and he's avenged multiples at dude what Kauai is doing is Jimmy Butler to Jimmy Butler is a man and has no chance he looks like a child no chance dude it is sad no chance you want to know the saddest thing he's what Jonas is doing to the Celtics that's a beautiful time football jumping out the window saying that the Serie was always after Game one yo Paul Pierce is catching ELLs left and right bro this guy cannot get a break he jumped out the window he's not the one doing the Dwyane Wade [ __ ] and then he jumped out the window with this [ __ ] like why would you do it like why I understand you a lifetime Celtics guy but come on man you said the gate you said the series over there after Game one now you're facing elimination so do you want Kyrie after all this hell no I never wanted Kyrie Kyrie is a [ __ ] diva man you don't want to deal with that [ __ ] I want Kemba Walker give me KD smart bro I think you people need to stop putting that out into the unit and the Walker we are good to go matter of fact if we get the first pick and we get KD and we end up staying with Dennis Smith jr. I'm cool with that I'm cool with that no I mean if you get the first pick in yoga design and then KD and we have Dennis material we can work with that I interest you in Tobias Harris no you can take TJ McConnell words before like real talk honestly it's about time that you all need to put on TJ because you need a guy that's just gonna facilitate get people to rock get loose balls body up number anything hit a mid-range jumper dude hard dude Ben Simmons man this guy sucks man he can't a jump shot dude is Ben Ben got to take a long look at what Jonas is doing right you got a long look at what Johnson do it and he has to go okay if I can't hit a jumper in my career which it looks like he's not gonna ever be able to do Drive to the best a lotta issues finishing he doesn't have touch around the basket he does have touch ever if he doesn't dunk it's over it's over and you can't you can't be that way it's bad question why does Kobe Bryant I get to respect he deserves um because I think we see him as a worse version of Jordan like he didn't his game was modeled so directly there Jordan that we can't see him like you have guys that it and I'll remain nameless with them but you have guys that imitate you on the radio right and they're all upset that they're not getting the same you know like response that you get they're not getting the same maybe opportunities that you get and it's like Leah cuz we know the better version of you already but I'm gonna tell you what that's another boy will cope okay he did a damn good job sure it was he was five and two and MBA was fine as he won an MVP EP it was the body language of shots here exactly how great you have to be to emulate a great and actually be up there mentioned wit him do it and sometimes it works like Mac said think about the terrible shots call we took they were terrible shots they just happen to go in they went in because it's Kobe [ __ ] rocket that's why they went in sure I'm just saying why the the public perception is that way I think it's a rape charge I don't think that helps I think with the rape charge it helps and I feel like I feel like LeBron James has been the most hyped and marketed NBA player we've seen in the last 15 years yeah he's been a golden boy ya know for the most part they couldn't put they couldn't hit the wagon that is the league the Kobe after that rape charge even though Kobe came back and was just as dominant one two more Championships worth the three finals right they didn't put it they didn't give him that those jumper cables like you know this is yo League like I didn't for Michael like they did for magic and bird like they did for LeBron I mean they did the last game you got snoop in the crowd and social media think about when he was going here with the three fight of the row after saying that wasn't is League didn't understand in the way that they're giving it to Steph now the way to give the bronze sure I understand that I think it's reasonable and I think prior to that they did give it to him but there was still these these Jordan similarities it's also that he clashed with his own teammate you know it's like him and Shaq were supposed to be together for 10 years what is this way if they had kept it together that's a different story when we saw Allen Iverson play basketball it was so different and unique you couldn't compare them to any buddy so you were drawn to it same way the same way that we look at Steph what Steph has done to the game is so different in the right we don't even know what to do with it so a lot of times you look at Stefan you go well I get I think he's the best right now because it's so different and unique with LeBron it was truly different and unique what we saw with Kobe was a very similar version come fly with me oh yeah it's basically I feel like LeBron is Karl Malone and Magic Johnson mixed together no mixing it means that we're taking something we haven't seen right like I don't think we've ever seen somebody as athletically gifted with that much touch and that greater passing with LeBron like magic man was a great passer not as athletic he wasn't jumped out the gym different I mean different era no we didn't see this type of beast you have to job someone even jump back why would you jump well I really think it's because they like in Allen Iverson was a great point because Dilip they didn't get the lead Allen Iverson he took because he had the culture right Kobe never had to coach you if the coach was behind Kobe like that it had been lame hardly anything else but Kobe specifically Kobe specifically as a dude has never really related to the culture I try to remember you try to do a little rap career because he isn't part of the culture he is a weird guy yeah he likes speaking Italian he likes you know taking SAT tests or whatever the [ __ ] he is he's a he's not cool in the way Allen was cool Allen Iverson was effortlessly cool and part of the culture effortless yeah yeah bodied everything that the culture embodied at the time to call roll the tattoos his lingo is [ __ ] rebel attitude like he didn't frame it yeah that's ha ha [ __ ] people up yeah people like that they love that type of [ __ ] yeah yeah Kobe has never had a group that he represented nope and I think that that makes it yeah basketball players that really affect the game often have a group that they represent Kobe in a lot of ways is Tiger Woods yeah in a lot of ways I'm not I'm not I'm not gonna put him on Tigers level but in a lot of ways he's Tiger Woods yeah lean on saying like it's so funny with Tiger three weeks ago everybody's like Tiger one masters and Black Power wait I'm like when the [ __ ] did Tiger Woods become the black power yeah we never [ __ ] with Tiger yeah the [ __ ] with us yeah then three weeks later he's in the White House getting the Medal of Freedom and back like they don't see you know Tiger was three weeks ago y'all jumped on that cuz he got black skin as Angela Rises oh your skin [ __ ] - kinfolk right cuz this the truth to the matter when we was there was embracing Tiger like he was a part of the culture like he revered I couldn't a go on your masters I'm like I call good for Tiger right I mean I didn't look at it as I'm saluting he's a black man I'm looking at it as hey man guys should be able to bounce back from infidelity alright that's what salute him for a black man to say they were Kobe Kobe has that in him especially after he got caught up and then he told that Shaq was out here cheating too and it's like oh yeah Kobe's got some cornball in him yeah the tiger thing is interesting is because like Tiger Tiger I mean he could do whatever he wants he could take a stand he could do that kind of stuff but like the world that he operates in ain't that pissed with Trump they don't get they voted for them exactly yeah I could definitely see that so it's like you're talking about a golfer right yeah when you have a guy who plays basketball or you of a guy who's part of a sport that's way more working class you need the coach you need the culture so you go I'm not gonna go visit the president and eat fast food or I bet you they give Tiger fast food when he got that medal I bet it has some shelf a bit what if I'm saying oh yeah you sure you like Matt let's not soda pedants what we really [Music] when the golfers wish it's a different ball Tiger prices look I can't be around all that fast food I got so many endorsement deals yeah all right I'm not [ __ ] endorsing none of this [ __ ] for free Trump you know what it is Oh like you stay with all due respect Nike be today hey they bout to cash their check Nike waited that whole time to come back and now they had a [ __ ] congratulating him like oh [ __ ] what is your take on the but right now I'm going to be right in a PRPs like what we wear okay so my initial reaction to this right is it's just like rich people Halloween and which is fine if you want to get dressed up it's fine you want to get into the fashion it's fine right but I can't help but think that it's this Anna Wintour chick trolling these elites it's not just an idol who ever I was found last year whoever the group is right so like if I was gonna troll elites right how would I do it I convinced them to wear the goofiest [ __ ] most uncomfortable outfits possible right walk up some stairs and now you're stuck in a room for four hours wearing the most uncomfortable outfit that humanly exists comfortable when I saw Connie and Jay Dickey outfits go one time for you yes cuz really the only way to stand out of this [ __ ] right it's just an oculus and like did you hear what he said even mm-hmm this was honestly this is for the first time in like maybe a year I got a DAP up Kanye on some [ __ ] he was like you know like I just want you to be the star - Kim you know I mean it's like Kanye we she's the star you [ __ ] psychopath oh you mean you mean that Kanye doesn't care that his girls getting all the attention he's not saying hey I would love for people to pay me attention - oh I would love I would love for somebody to say I'm handsome you mean oh so Kanye is comfortable with himself doesn't anybody [ __ ] metonym Ricky suit yeah I'm good let my wife get all the shine she's more famous to me anyway Wow what kind of person would do that I'll secure person that doesn't need no validation from anybody even at the event that probably is the most important fashion yes everybody goes there for validation whoa oh and you have a fashion brand so one might think that yeah do you would want to get some shine there but you're able to no let's say let let my wife forget it this was she do what amen hey what a man what guy whatever say what a spouse what spouse that's what a spouse is supposed to do an example that's it for other spouses out there that's it that's it I mean that is just but that's it do be looking late though you know I'm saying I am oh [ __ ] look fun you know that I mean we don't know what there is sighs light would add you live they was in there it was just a bunch you were dancing around and [ __ ] like come on IG like the inside I thought you're not allowed to do the fat person I'll try anything once all right so fatigue but in crack but I would go you know what I mean like I would go out I want to be able to go to be like minutes away ya know interesting by the way if I get invited I'm not saying I wouldn't go yeah if I never go I it does not affect me in the least nothing matter of fact if I can invite maybe I'll bring like my mom or somebody who you know I mean you just do some [ __ ] like I would invite something where it means it means a lot to them yeah people talk about all these events I think they're stupid yeah but that [ __ ] means a lot to women like to get dressed up in some designers come talk to you and [ __ ] I don't care about that but I like what Kanye did just as an example you know what to do in a happy relationship that's all sometimes you gotta let your significant other shine that's it and that's all of it I guarantee that's all about listen Kim needed a night and you know that's all about these you can meet you then that I'm sure like yeah you know what my baby thinks I'm the flies thing in here can I tell you something you want you wanna know why I know that because Kim shared that really yeah she was like wow how great is this guy he told me boo boo boo boo I don't even know I'm gonna wear while you just do it oh she's oh that came from her she was like you know what the first time I went to the Met Gala I was Kanye's plus one so he was like now I want you to have the shine now it's you're the one getting invited Oh golly Wow golly Wow I mean that's a man right there that is Wow I mean I think we need to make relationships great again Wow what doesn't make any sense they weren't inviting Camp K back in a day she was a porn star yes the Met Gala yeah Taylor feels realize how famous Kim has gotten over the past five years he don't realize like it was a point with Kim Kardashian was organizing Paris Hilton's closets yeah you know I mean like nobody gave a [ __ ] who Kim Kardashian's I've been to I've been - Kim Kardashian's King magazine release party all right think about that Kim Kardashian the highlight our [ __ ] used to be the cover of King magazine magazine - vogue I've told the story many times when I used to work for Wendy Williams at WBLS from 2006 to the end of 2008 Kim and Kourtney used to come to the radio station hang out in Wendy's office with with Nicole who used to be well Wendy's book and introduce it and they just used to chill trying to get an interview with Wendy Williams this before this what she was doing Paris Hilton's closets I got oh I got a picture Kim before anybody [ __ ] him was so when the sex tape and everything came off because Wendy did officially give her a look before that just to bring her in here just like she's loving it yeah they talked once that staking him out Kim came back talked to Wendy first about it like Wendy Kim came up through the urban scene we're not went through Wendy but through the whole quote-unquote urban scene yeah Wendy Williams smooth magazine King magazine all that [ __ ] like that so it's just like when I see somebody go from that to where she is now and she's using her privilege and her her her money and her fame to get prisoners free ma'am god I'm not ever hitting it's hard to hate I have nothing bad to say about Kim Kardashian would rest her life that's hate that's just hating at this point yeah she is doing exactly what she's supposed to do in her position actually doing more than I ever thought she would do well you're talking about with getting the prisoners who ever thought Kim Kardashian yeah would be the one of the number one advocates for prison and criminals you just got I think 17 more that was what you were gonna bring up 17 more released yes I would say I don't think you can't hate on it no you can't hate on action you cannot hate on a hey don't work she's doing the work she is doing the work man it's so easy to talk about it yeah I need to [ __ ] out here that's you you trying to come in if you trying to tell me come the [ __ ] on oh all right as always if you listed this podcast you think we're smart you think we're intelligent you think we're brewing absolutely right you listening to the podcast you think with just a couple of idiots don't know [ __ ] you're right - mr. Burnett his podcast thank you for listening peace
Channel: The Andrew Schulz
Views: 188,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew schulz, andrew schultz, comedy, comedian, stand up, brilliant idiots, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, charlamagne, charlemange, breakfast club, interviews, alexxmedia
Id: eyv45SgYt9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 18sec (7218 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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