Brilliant Idiots: Leaving Reparations (FULL EPISODE)

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it's so stupid Andrew show yatta brilliant idiots and listen today's show is brought to you by Squarespace turn your great idea into a reality with Squarespace Squarespace makes it easier than ever to launch your passion project whether you're showcasing your work is selling products of any kind what beautiful templates and the ability to customize just about anything you can easily make a beautiful website yourself and if you do get stuck Squarespace is 24/7 award-winning customer support is there to help head to slash idiot for a free trial and when you're ready to launch use the offer code idiot to save 10% off your first purchase of a website our domain now Chris you lied to me you said we had more than one pre-roll ic1 pre-roll on here that say Christopher Chris come on Chris I know [ __ ] I can read Chris oh there's a poster let's start the show first of all god damn grabs sharepoint anxiety playing tricks on me available everywhere you buy books now it's a national bestseller yeah go scream while I breathe our hope documentary executive produced on my man Bakari sellers they scream that on okay and go stream another show I executive produced called on the run eaten okay well my man Noi II it's available on Hulu right now oh you guys license it to Hulu license to Hulu baby good for you Amen you know that's the way life works sometimes it's funny that show was very interesting to do because uh huh we shot the original pilot with MTV MTV too they didn't see the vision you know then it where did it go out complex I believe right it ended up on conflict but I think somebody else tried to get it before that I don't know but it went it ended up on complex yeah did well on complex and now it's all you know time saying so it's just like same episodes or episodes so they're licensing the content yes sir right right absolutely the complex gets its its its its logo credit on there yeah I mean I get my EP credit Nora gets his EP credit yeah season two is gonna end up on another network really yes see the tools absolutely going to be on another network not Hulu all right probably it might be I don't know might pick up season 2 but we already have an offer from another network for season 2 so c-segment I thought good to have streaming services like that because it can be one place then you license it somewhere else right mean alright that's why so good you can do things yourself like go shoot a film and then go to these places and try to Celica guess what they always need what's that content that is very true hunting his [ __ ] king so which you got ah views from assist man ok I dropped the chapter 2 which was the first full joke of the of the of the the special got to grab a bite a [ __ ] joke yes [ __ ] thank you so much Lance and man dude it was crazy I didn't realize was gonna get this many views this quick I think we're up to like in the first few days across all platforms like 280,000 zooms and view it like it's just nuts this is part this is part this is just part 2 not including the views from part 1 so just part 2 and we're gonna keep on growing next week is gonna be crazy and that next we drop it you drop it another one every week I drop another one for the month okay know what basically happens is like by the end of the month it will be all the way out okay right and then you could watch it within its own playlist so you could just watch it one through six Wow right but the goal is if we're gonna get into how to sausage made is every week a new person could potentially see that clip right and then when they see that clip they're gonna go oh [ __ ] this is chapter three and you'll see the other things so new people can discover instead of new people discovering it one time new people can discover it six times you want you to burn in the end up going down to Andrew shows butthole exactly I don't like wormhole no more wormhole Plato's Schulz so this one was the yeah it was the Trump joke man I really think it's the best Trump joke ever and it's one of those things like for me when I look at like specials I look at it a lot of times like a like a music album you got to have your hits yeah you have your massive hit right and every if we look back at every special Eddie Murphy you might not know the first joke you might not know the last show you got joking that you gonna quote exact same with rocket motors right absolutely so you gotta have your your your bars you got to have your big big slammin jokes and that's kind of the reason why I want to break it up as well is because I want to give the opportunity for people to find each one is brought up in a different every piece that you get is a different joke you're like a rapid drop in singles before you give them the whole bottom the first Soundcloud comedian that's what I look at myself it's the exact same model it's not having a mouth right you know it's crazy this this Trump joke this is what this what happens when you operate with a scalpel this Trump joke if it was just said in podcasts right there'd be wild backlash there because it wasn't like refined you know to me you know an oil first comes out the ground you can't put it in a car you got a refined absolutely the beauty of stand-up is when I grind that for over a year and I take out little bits of fat and I fix each word and I can moderate it it's not if you're not saying anything just to get a cheap laugh you're not saying anything to be offensive that it's actually smart smart it's funny but there's levels to it's like so you guys can go check it and tell me what y'all think but in context matters you're on stage of course connie's knows the whole if for those of you guys who haven't seen his joke the the premise of his Trump was 100% right what he said about grandma [ __ ] I'm just saying that's the premise right the 1% right about grandma [ __ ] you go check it out but um but what I realized is like I was looking at the I was looking at the the likes first dislikes on YouTube right I think where I like 6,000 7,000 likes right we're at 40 dislikes not 400 not 4040 and this is what I've been trying to prove to the world it's like if you operate with a scalpel there's no topic you can't touch there's no such thing as something that's why we that's why I always say that's why you get in trouble on the podcast we get in trouble on the radio yes by the time we're just having conversation the way that we would be having conversation amongst each other we haven't fleshed these things out we're figuring this is yes we're figuring it out in real time just like y'all if you would just give everybody a little time the flesh things out and figure things out you realize we're not really trying to [ __ ] offend you bro I mean that's why I do the show inside jokes right and you would actually be great for the show even though you're not a stand-up but just the way that you think about content your brain wraps around it like jokes very funny it very well and the whole idea is like I like so in comics process with jokes but more importantly I need to show people how we come up with them right it's a puzzle to us yeah we're not trying to hurt your feelings we're not trying to offend you we know that we're bullfighting you know what I mean like for me comedy it's not boxing is bullfighting it's just another observation of the world yes but like you said it's a little rough in the beginning like Patrice O'Neal will always say unfunny jokes and funny jokes start from the same place yeah you got to give us time to get there you know so it's like I need to show that process to people and hopefully even people listen to podcast now that there might be like Oh salt is problematic and then when you see where the idea that was initially problematic here ends up on stage you'll be like oh go whether you get in your butthole penetrated to your vagina penetrated right no pain in the beginning you know I'm saying the first time might be actually very painful right but eventually it becomes a pleasurable experience probably the most pleasurable experience that we all experience 100% all right goddamn Jaime busted at first who'd you last interview in there I can't get Michael Jackson [ __ ] out of my mind bro when he said Michael like to let the little boy bend over and he just looks at their butt holes and masturbates which I don't believe by the way I didn't get to that part I tapped out of her 30-minute hike it was boring I seem to enjoy I seem like I enjoyed that time I might too much I didn't watch it because I just think it's unethical yes and and when you got to people and this left I've been saying this for months but I forgot this part yeah to people who defended Michael under oath against another little boy little boy named Jordan Chandler right Chandler was suing him wait and uh was a guy named Jimmy Wayne and Jimmy they defended Michael against this kid so my thing is this about to sit here and act like Wayne and Jimmy is some type of heroes I'm just and that's this hypothetical I don't believe them but if hypothetically what they're saying is the truth I'm about to look at them something like some type of heroes because where would their apologies to the little kid right that they defended Michael against that locating getting no justice that you'd don't got no closure that little kid ain't on HBO special I mean ya know what I'm saying he here's here's a question I have do you think they regret it do they regret what having that relationship with Mike uh uh no I don't think they do I know this sounds crazy but like I'm looking at Wade Robson right and he literally did everything that he want to do with his life it depends what you think though if you think that Michael actually molested these young boys he did they probably regret you think wave Robson's making it out of Australia and becoming like one of the most popular and famous dance choreographers without moderated say again you made it from Australia I don't know she had to [ __ ] a black guy too oh did she yep oh okay just saying Australia if you're listening from Australia we found your way out mate I just I just thought it was unethical and you know it everybody said the same thing I did not watch it I did not watch it on purpose I didn't miss it I chose not to watch it i watching the [ __ ] bt social wards okay and on Monday I was I was doing nothing didn't give a [ __ ] it wasn't trending right HBO thought that there's about to have a goddamn surviving our Kelly moment and everybody was gonna be on board right no you know why cuz this situation was too sketchy right it's too much gray area right and there's not enough evidence that to say that Michael did this you know people can say you know Michael didn't do it I don't see evidence that says either or hmm all I'm saying is did he say of two individuals with no other narrative you know I'm saying no no Michael Jackson's lawyer to say well this is what actually happened and this happened none of that it's just two people getting on TV telling the story I'm telling you right now that is [ __ ] dangerous it is that is dangerous and I'm suspicious because of like how the parents would talk about it they would talk about this time of their lives with such excitement I couldn't possibly talk about a time in my life where I knew my kid was getting groomed for molestation with excitement who do you mean I could never do that right like absolutely no no I go to layers I'll tell you what cuz at first you're excited because it can be like this you could be genuinely excited because Michael Jackson hasn't befriended you I'm saying reminiscing on it I'm not talking about good times right no not if I know my kids getting diddled but there was good if it's true there was good in bad times I can't see you you have kids yeah you can you can compartmentalize good and bad while your kid is getting ghosted talking about the whole experience like it was more than just the molestation aspect though there's still a story arc it's starting to start good it could get bad you can get sad like there's different parts to me saying my kid was getting molested I don't think I'd be talking about how incredible his live show was like I couldn't do that I'd be like this guy's a piece of [ __ ] how could he be grooming my [ __ ] kid that's how great Mike was that what you said they'd been Roscoe's burger won two Super Bowls yes do we talk about him winning those two Super Bowls the kobe bryant drive 81 in the game do we talk about the greatness of cold on these are allegations I mean they all got charged those late but like the parents truly believe that this happens we're just like Michael we don't know the true for Kobe we don't know the true for bidam's all I'm saying is we can still give them props for all the good stuff they did and then say yo everything was [ __ ] up on our end yo okay let's just listen hello I'm not seeing I believe I can fly slap absolutely absolutely so you can say that and still say the piece of [ __ ] I can yeah because it's not my kid being hypothetically molested right I'm removed from it so I can think maybe that didn't happen I'm saying if it was my kid that was being molested 100% believe my kid that you know way I could look at Michael and be like I mean he could really [ __ ] dance she could do-- so it's the truth I know what you're saying I'd be like one of those dudes it's like prince was better dancing that's not true no he did even dance once you touch my kid Prince is better what you're saying but this Brown is better everybody's better you're basically saying it I don't you don't see how parents could see the nuance in this situation they can't there should be nothing good said about Michael Jackson from these parents not good at all got them listen to the [ __ ] do you remember time do you that's all I remember think about how [ __ ] horrible you got to feel you're so excited to be going to Michael's house all the while you don't realize you're delivering your kid may allegedly I'm with you it's a lot of conspiracy theories I don't believe I am a conspiracy theorists like author Kelly ain't no [ __ ] conspiracy - okay you believe you definitely did it I've seen the tapes right there's a marriage certificate to Ilya when he was 50 I'll Kelly cash up - all the way to [ __ ] up forever I've been I've been said that where before there was a special yeah I don't believe Michael Jackson I think Michael was a weirdo I questioned whether Michael Jackson really loved his blackness but I don't think Michael Jackson touched those kids interest I just don't I just honestly don't I don't I don't I just don't see it because Michael had hundreds thousands of kids at that goddamn ranch mm-hmm why would he just pick three Raymond some of us have standards but some people only go for the best yeah Macaulay Culkin yes it was at one point Macaulay was the cutest kid in America yes listen MJ's not a star [ __ ] he's not chasing Instagram likes no fashion Nova did you see what Corey Feldman posted Corey defended him right Corey said look everything these kids said was true up inside a sexual [ __ ] mmm he was like yes we did all that other stuff that's just Corey being arrogant you mean because Corey feels himself so much he's like well he would have done it to me Corey can't live in a world no he wouldn't I think what Corey said is Trudeau pedophiles can't control themselves can't you can't turn that [ __ ] on and I have a theory on pedophilia okay I don't think anybody's alright this refined ride for fine fare yoga fire I don't think anybody is physically attracted to kids mmm and dooble actually was wanted that presented this idea to me and I've been ruminating on it it's about a power dynamic and he pointed it out with with our Kelly he's like our Kelly had these like teenagers but he also had like a 30 year old woman now if you're attracted to little kids you're not gonna be attracted at 30 woman but you could be attracted to two things that they both have and this also goes into like priests being pedophiles and [ __ ] we'll get there in a second a kid and you probably know this as a parent can look at you like you're God they can love you and look up to you it admire you in a way the adults just do not do that you're not as important right I think that these pedophiles are attracted to that the power that they have over the power this undying affection and love you are God to them and then we ask well why do they become priests the being a priest doesn't make you the pedophile being a pedophile makes you want to be the priest because what do priests have within their community undying love and affection and power the entire community adults and children are coming up to you please can you give this message to God how can you help me you're essentially this godlike I agree is power dynamic but I also agree that something psychologically is off I mean absolutely but I don't give a [ __ ] [ __ ] them all you know the ground and I saying if we're trying to understand why they have the attraction of the kids it's not that they're looking at this boy body or little girl body and go I'm turned on by that it has nothing to it it's they're looking at this person that views them as God if they get turned on by and those people are [ __ ] dangerous control yes you know what I'm saying I can see that like truck you take a girl that don't have nothing by our McDonald's every day a pair of [ __ ] sneakers you know I'm saying she's looking at you like you know I mean I can see that listen I don't give a [ __ ] though you know saying I saw our Kelly on Gayle King screaming for [ __ ] help I don't want to hear that [ __ ] no more yeah me twenty twenty-five thirty years too late for that [ __ ] buddy [ __ ] your tickets right it's time for you to pay the piper Pied Piper time they go paid a [ __ ] piper now this is what I think's gonna happen and this is why I think it's very dangerous that Gayle King interviewed him okay right I don't see any reason to interview our Kelly other than entertainment purposes at this point okay unless he's coming to confess unless he's coming to say I'm [ __ ] up you know I'm saying we get when he said the Gayle King I need help and Gail said what kind of help you need instead of saying he needs somebody to help him cuz he got too much of a big heart he should have said man I got a [ __ ] problem I'm a pedophile I cannot control this [ __ ] I don't know what the [ __ ] is wrong with me I really don't brah if he just said that [ __ ] if he delayed his his his cell phone the mercy of the court of public opinion laid himself on the cross people would be looking at this situation a little different cuz they're already looking at it a little different one of his victims both the lady named I think her name was Joe juror on does something like that came from her name but I saw it on shade room she said she feels sorry for him she said he shouldn't go to prison he needs some [ __ ] help I'm starting to hear those little whimpers of people having sympathy for him right you [ __ ] around and go to trial do a couple more interviews like this well he's looking out of his mind looking disheveled looking crazy phone her vulnerable yeah [ __ ] start humanizing this piece of [ __ ] and they may be like you know what he don't need to go to prison and now you're saying Gail is enabling that in a way I don't think she's not know because there's no reason to interview him unless unless he's coming to confess his sins and say look I got my left one out of the child hurt people hurt people right you know just anything like that right other than that I don't see the reason to do it unless you just unless you're just bringing them in for the ambush which you know I'm all about that like unless you're just bringing them in to say you peed on that little girl and you [ __ ] take a water bottle unless you really Annette just to really ham this [ __ ] to [ __ ] up there's no reason to do it and by the way it was entertaining this [ __ ] yeah from a media standpoint great content great content for Oprah and Gayle was goes freezing Raekwon this week but that Dana Jaden Stiles this weekend drinking [ __ ] cold they bar enough all media to think about this [ __ ] they've control dishes there's not one every story is dominated with you that leaving Neverland or that mother [ __ ] on Kelly [ __ ] they got this [ __ ] tell Thursday could Gail dropping dropping apart to tomorrow right with the girls that he's wit down right and then on Friday Oprah and Gayle probably gonna drop another edition of Ong which is like their podcast that they got okay okay oh gee podcast yeah any probably will be talking about the whole thing recapping the whole week they went they do it of course obviously these are these are the best in the business that's why they are where they are but it's really cool to see them operate in the digital world as well yes yes it's cool to see them go oh we don't gotta wait till this day to drop we can drop whenever we want yeah yeah they became the wind and really really really they've been controlling it for two weeks if you think about it right because they they drop that they were they started the discussion yes two weeks ago I was doing to leave in neverland after show yes hey I'm gonna tell you someone comes to conspiracies man I did not know Michael Jackson owned half of Sony's publishing breath sony/atv I did not know that I knew you own the Beatles catalog I didn't know he owned 50% of all Sony ATV publishing Michael's whole life while he was alive he was saying they're going to kill me for this publishing they're gonna kill me for this publishing he did this one interview he goes soon as I acquired this [ __ ] catalog my life changed overnight he said immediately I was wacko Jacko I was a child molester I was broke like I was like if there's any case well conspiracy theory it's Michael [ __ ] Jackson this is really interesting to me that's what that's what I want to see they'll figure it out Blake it'll figure it out still alive that's the other thing too but oh recognize you don't gotta see Janet sometime if you see Hanako pull-up whispering loud how dare you Oprah he gave you your highest rating in a few never Oprah how dare you you didn't even call us she whispering like a [ __ ] she whispering loudly what if she actually just spoke at regular volume no what if for the first no she said she does but what if what if for the first time we heard Janet just back listen [ __ ] we're not gonna play with these documentaries no more like what if they came out whoa she's talking to regular tone happy shout frightening Oh that'd be more shocking in a titty I don't say if Janet talking to regular tone you didn't use [ __ ] one too many times with wit Oprah's name next to it now you have to stop Janet oh it speaking from this through Janet I'm scared of it a YouTube conspiracy video when is it over close-up on Dave Chappelle take a break when they say the black 94 mm toe Dave you need to take a break cuz she did not appreciate that little goddamn sketch Dave did when I don't know I'm sorry they pulled up on Jamie Jamie Jamie told that story Jamie who Jamie Foxx who pulled up on Jamie Denzel Oprah and a few others I don't know yeah but that was after he poor before you were like yo you're about to win this Oscar yeah you need to scream [ __ ] like that so I could believe if they pulled up on Jamie that they would pull up on Dave they have they pulled up on you um that's a yes that's a yes that way I mean I definitely have conversations the exam but not in like that way it's just like you know basically no to power your platform type conversations right saying you got a very large voice you you you move things out here which is something that I'm already aware nice to hear from right when you do have this platform you should be you know very responsible witty that's why that's what that's why I go back to the Yale and our Kelly thing I wouldn't game while Kelly that platform two years ago I told you I'll Kelly's former manager if he still is manager but that was my guy he wanted me to sit down with our Kelly he wanted me to possible interview our Kelly I said I have no reason to talk to our Kelly unless I'll tell you about to come clean this way before surviving our Kelly dock and all of that [ __ ] I said unless he's ready to come clean and tell us what the [ __ ] has been going on in his life what the [ __ ] he's been going to these young ladies why he thinks he does it you know what I'm saying talk about his abuse as a child like I said hurt people hurt people there's nothing to talk about so if I was gay I'm not mad at it cause it's anything as [ __ ] she gave us to do Michael Jordan crying face me me not I'm saying but I don't I don't I wouldn't have seen you need to do it that's fair enough it's just amazing to see the power of Beijing of Beijing that Beijing is a mother for Kelly what made me realize how stupid Beijing really [ __ ] I don't know what's Beijing that [ __ ] black [ __ ] man [ __ ] that's on his [ __ ] hair real hair oh no what is it the same should they use the spray paint to subways in [ __ ] Harlem it's a [ __ ] die it's like some it's not real that she washes off when it rains and she washes off in when if when your mother [ __ ] showers bro not when he sweat yes it does I wasn't watching off in that interview he ain't really sweat that great I thought he kept coming in with in [ __ ] touch-ups fair enough you know what I'm saying they kept coming in touch up the audience see the fan that was over Kelly keeping him the whole [ __ ] time when he stood up he got out of the way at a fan that's what a [ __ ] sweat came in and that's what immediately the glam squad came in to make sure that [ __ ] don't drip all over the [ __ ] place so there's there there's a different thing where people are getting real hair though right like Tyga has real hair stupid let's call it yeah that's that's like the male lace front that's a it's not like to chia pet [ __ ] if we want to be they grow it though it's not it's not lace front like a chia pet yeah yeah and and you're not gonna do this never why not cuz I'm secure in my baldness okay so then you're securing your baldness you should be able to do it no I don't want to do it I don't know much maintenance I don't have time for this [ __ ] like I'm not a meat excuse for it but you would just do it because it doesn't matter to you either way you look stupid no you look good or Kelly looks now I'm gonna be honest with you I'll Kelly looks great for a man who's had a steady diet of McDonald's his whole life yeah but Dad mother [ __ ] Beijing looks dumb a [ __ ] on our Kelly like and I think that's what also I think that's what caused this breakdown it was the Beijing I think the chemical imbalance in your [ __ ] brain could be it causes you to be off he's always been sick yeah when I saw in that [ __ ] interview was an emotional breakdown from a guy who can not control himself psychologically okay but let's go back to the plugs okay you're not plugs no I'm talking about the plug so the plug should DJ self good self got it his looks amazing yeah why don't you just do it why not I'm not in the deception on that level that's deceiving color yeah but just get some fat hair that was me fixing my skin discolouration fix your head discoloration want to me I like I'll actually enjoy being bold when we respect Michael Jordan if he came out with the [ __ ] hair dye I met and Michael Jordan took the court in Beijing would it be as menacing as the Baldy how many they score 63 with the black rolling in his eye tripping on the jersey that should be don't bro Sean I think you need to do the hair just for just for the experience we did that one episode of guy cold ones what'd you do man do I remember that yeah when you look like a Jordan 11 yeah we look stupid as [ __ ] yeah we looked dumb I should have dog yeah but don't do Beijing do the plugs do the one that's real but you're growing the hair man just do it what's the big deal just do it you want it I could tell you want it I really don't I did I know you did it I did and now you're trying to lean the other way you know when I start when when self got it I was like nope cuz he did it first did not it's just that he's just like no it's not what I thought I should crispy bro oh it's crispy and imaginal and you dude imagine bro imagine the things you could accomplish listen I want everybody to embrace the the stages of their life I remember one time I thought I don't know who told me this but he said sometimes you just got to go on vacation yeah and let your beard grow out let your hair grow out look at your receding hairline look at your grace yeah look at that you got a little bit boy around the middle yeah and just accept who the [ __ ] you are yes you know I'm saying cuz I'm gonna tell you something now I love DJ stuff you look stupid with a new hairline in the old potbelly all right yeah so if you go on mother [ __ ] do it just do the whole thing don't just do the hair take a month or two off go to [ __ ] Brazil and get the package you know what I'm saying come back looking extra sexy like where was you little mental retreat you know what I'm saying spiritual retreat alright get somebody done got my body right got my hair right on the outside is nothing the inside I mean I understand what you're saying but the there is one telltale sign to see if a man is aging wealth talking and that is your hair no the one sign to see if a man is aging well is a full hairline if you see a guy with a full hairline right that is 55 years old the reaction is always wow you look great for your age there's another do with his face is nothing to do is skin all it has to do was the fact that he is a full hey I've got a great hand line up until he died bro I'm telling you if you look it up if you look at look up any old guy with a full head of hair how old it is JC Missy years old full head of hair I'm shot looks like he's 23 he looks he's 23 come on bro who you got T got [ __ ] DeRay Davis 25 you read Davis is 51 years old they got a full head of hair if they were but hey Steve Harvey probably same age looks way older I know let's turn that's the I'm this this right here so mitts right here makes that theory that you got another let me say rest in peace to the great Clegg max shooter blasts all right me say that is his last photo ever taken before he died right how old was he I have no idea 40-plus that hairline is immaculate bruh no that guy's exceptionally ugly he's a he's but that has nothing to do with the hairline imagine but imagine him bald imagine how much worse Oh a big old Craig Mack when he done yeah I feel like Craig Mack is a guy who's always looked old that is a fact you know he was 46 are you done yet amazing a method amazing hairline for 46 years yeah absolutely [ __ ] amazing let's pay some bills man les Louie les Louie my guys Oh tell him about it oh Jesus in marrow today's episode is brought to you by Jesus in marrow the all new weekly late-night talk show that's available now on Showtime the guys are starting off strong I've seen uh that was her name Alexandra Cortes you'll see you'll see you'll Cortes saw two chains on there I saw Don Cheadle on there like they they starting off strong I even saw one of his sketches go viral the sketch they did for a green book movie yes that went viral good sketch Jesus had the [ __ ] Beijing initiate but we're not gonna talk about that now the the Bronx is on Jesus nice in the kid marrow they bring their illustrious take on current events politics sports and pop culture all while talking spicy with the week's hottest celebrity guests all right new episodes of these America come out every Thursday at 11 p.m. only on Showtime and now exclusively for DS & merril fans you can scream Showtime for only $4.99 a month to six months after a 30-day free trial to see she didn't support the brand go to Showtime calm / hive off of the offer available for new subscribers only expires March 14th it is crazy how our Kelly's going to prisoner let him go to prison he deserves to go to prison yeah he's gonna go get what he's in for everybody saying that Joe our Kelly he needs some type of psychiatric help he can get that in prison get that in prison give him a little chemical castration you know I mean I'm okay with that um see no because oh by the way if he comes home ever yeah you gotta get chemically castrate I'm 100 cents support of that because the problem with being a pedophile is he won't even admit he's a pedophile so that's the first sign to getting help for anything that you're going through you have to first admit that you have a problem for whatever reason are Kelly does not think he had the problem yeah which psychologically intrigued me because I want to know how he sees these women well here's the thing I don't think castration is gonna stop it that's true because that's crazy cuz he's a crazy no because again it's a power thing right the sexual component is wrapped into the power dynamic it's very similar to like serial killers and that kind of stuff it's like they want that extreme power and control and then the sexual components tied into it so in order to achieve orgasm they got to do this you know murder or all that kind of stuff you must use all driven by sex though anything about I feel they're intertwined I think they're intertwined right but he needs that adulation he needs that love he needs to look people to look at him like this god-like figure I don't think that goes away without balls I think he might not have well he won't be able to have sex with him without balls he just won't physically be able to do it but he'll still be able to manipulate people and he'll still be able to punish people and and abuse them in other ways because he needs that to fulfill himself I think chemically castrate not Kelly would be the worst thing that ever happened to him because he loves to take that much seriously every song is few if sex driven yeah everything they cry all that she's a sexual being we watch this man come pee and then come in a matter of seconds yeah that's different he loves sex that much you know I'm saying I think chemically castrating him would ruin him but I think that is a necessary step to take in order to rehabilitate a pedophile yeah I'm down with that I mean just you could do it I don't have no empathy for Kelly whatsoever or any this are Kelly is in this situation because of all his piss poor decision yeah okay key word piss I don't have any [ __ ] sympathy for all Kelly what's well I don't care how much he cries don't fall for that [ __ ] yo yeah if he goes to trial in Chicago you jurors do not fall for that [ __ ] I know y'all love our Kelly in Chicago yeah but do not cry for this [ __ ] he put himself in this situation he did this to himself he's made out of years and years in years Brian changed his ways and he really destroyed everyone around him when you think about it do you know I mean it's not his fault Aaliyah died but like everybody that he was attached to all these girls seemed to be destroyed it's not like they went on to have illustrious careers like Michael Jackson's victims yeah I think that they would uh I think I think seeing our Kelly get his day in court and actually getting punished for these crimes yeah will do wonders for a lot of these women you know what I'm saying yeah I think that because even even when you have conversations with people like Lisa Van Alen Lisa's like yo it seems like everybody takes this for a joke and I'm gonna be honest with you man yeah I we laughed and joked about it back in the day when they spelled Limpy on you and Ann McGruder was doing boondocks you all had all kelly jokes yeah you know to survive in our Kelly documentary and the time where Ann made us all look at it in a different way yeah and start to have more empathy for the victims cause like Lisa Van Alen said it really was young girls getting peed on it really was young abuse it is very difficult very hard to not get these jokes off after this Gayle King interview okay this man has been charged hooks man howdy he's going to prison yeah this guy's got a gift he's gonna get these jokes you gotta get these jokes but now we're joking directly on him right not the women have nothing to do with the women we're joking on him on him don't feel sorry for you bro yeah cry [ __ ] cry we don't give a [ __ ] I don't yeah I can't speak for nobody else yeah I don't give a [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] I if we're ready to move on from our Kelly I have a theory yam over give me a theory can I say one more please here I just need some white white celebrities to really start acting up okay there's been no white celebrities acting up to the level of justice Millette I'm on Kelly's Michael Jackson is dead yeah we got the media I need you're being very biased right now okay I like this for I like diversity and my dysfunctional celebrities okay so I need some Elvis stories all right I don't know who the poppin white actor is that can fake a hate crime I just need some more I need diversity with my dysfunctional stories right now yeah we've been pretty good unbelievable I even Google Google are there any white celebrities acting up we take February on January it's February get ready okay the Smith family are ready to take out the Kardashians here's my theory talk to me the ecosystem needs to balance itself okay always in life this is what happens swings too far one way then it swings back the other way you see this in politics we go from Democratic president for eight years to Republican president for eight years the Democrat Republican this is how the world works right I'm watching these the red table talked a little bit with Dre shows amazing show right and at first I'm looking at this like The Smiths are protecting Jordan woods because they see the Kardashians really just mashing all over this poor defenseless girl who has no pull in the industry to set her narrative straight we like Jordans nice right so it's like so so I see them I didn't know that initially right and then I looked and I was like oh this is someone related to them so they're reaching out to her to protect her because they understand that the the importance of narrative and there's only few people with the power to set narrative right crow - teens have immense power so they can set the narrative going Jordan was is seducing I'm a million flash Kristen she's doing it everybody gets behind it billions of dollars you can expose her and make her look stupid etc so the Smith family comes in and they're like nah we got some influence out here - we're not gonna let you bury this girl she's gonna tell her side of the story we're gonna make sure of it come on read Table Talk sweetheart we got you now at first I'm like this is a really beautiful thing that they're doing and they took a step back and I go wait a minute this is a power grab you have to take power it's not given to you you have to rip it out of somebody's [ __ ] hands that's how power works the Kardashians stand for most things and this is maybe romantic to put it but evil right their business has built off a very shallow approach to physicality an aesthetic they're selling insecurities I wouldn't call it not the right way the way the way we traditionally want people to get get it in America they did it in a not another way and they you could argue that they're kind of feeding off of people's insecurities and feeding off people's fear oh you're not beautiful enough right we'll do this and use these lip things and then you'll be beautiful oh your ass isn't big enough well maybe you should get ass in plants you should do all these things look how wealthy we are they're really putting on a pedestal all the things that we would deem negative right they're feeding on like if it's the matrix they're Agent Smith right and they're spreading their real anti-heroes they're anti here's and more and more of them right or growing just like Agent Smith right now you have the Jenner clan and everybody's keep on doing it now so you have the ecosystem is waved in one way all the way Kardashian with the negativity right and then out of nowhere the Smith family comes and they are the exact opposite right they're the Neal they are Raw positivity and raw talent they're everything that the Kardashians are not if you look at the Kardashians like what the [ __ ] do they even do well look at the Smiths you're like yo Jayden could actually rap what you look at will you're looking at an all-time superstar literally the definition of it right magnetism drawn to him amazing actor amazing perform what is Jada same way you're looking at this whole fleet willow you're looking this whole family of talent but positivity even read.table talks is this discussion multiple generations trying to understand each other it's not judgemental it's really open fine so you see this raw positivity coming it's neo in the matrix right and I think they saw this example and now they're on social media now they're on all the social platforms now they're on Instagram YouTube Will's going in on YouTube and I think they see this as an example not only to protect Jordan but also to take the crown also to take power and defeat the Kardashians and be America's or the world's social media family right and the greatest irony in this whole situation is who was originally offered the role of neo in the matrix yeah I can see what you're saying I look at it's like it's right in front of us I like that theory but I think that uh we're I think we're under estimating the fact that both of them can coexist yes yeah I don't think that they cannibalize each other in any way because I don't think we'll wants to do what the Kardashians are doing and I don't think the Kardashians well no maybe the Kardashians do want to do a will is doing I doubt it though I don't think they can I don't think they can't either I don't this is drama if their business is so in a lot of way that I said this once again being responsible with your platform yes you should have Jordans back but you know what you also did Jada promoted season 37 of Keeping Up with the Kardashians what I'm sure is coming at any moment but it don't matter okay Jordans clean but what if the ecosystem the people all of us that exists in it start to realize especially in this time right now where everybody feels like they're losing what I mean by everybody I mean every group black people think they're losing white people think they're losing Jews think they're losing Mexicans think they're losing Muslims think they're losing nobody right now thinks they're winning in America I definitely think they're winning [ __ ] maybe our medians don't the Kardashians again she don't let the right I'm just saying my [ __ ] but but you understand what I'm saying right it's like every group in America right now feels like they're losing right in that type of environment what you need is inspiration what you need is positivity you need to watch a TV show where you compare your life to it and go [ __ ] I am losing you need to watch some people it's you like the Smiths that make you go you know what I got to do yeah I got to go spend some time with my [ __ ] kids and I got to live my best life and I got to jump out of a plane with my son and tell him I love him and I got to reconnect with my daughter and tell her how beautiful important smart she is have you have you have you heard of the presidential candidate marianne williamson no marianne williamson is running for president she she's an author I've heard her on Oprah super soul conversation she said she wants to give 200 trillion dollars to black people for reparations okay but her million 20 trillion but her logic behind that is the fact that she said she said she said we can change things in Washington yeah right but we got to change things inside of ourselves yeah you notice and so her whole thing is about how she feels like Donald Trump was a fear mongers she feel like Donald Trump ran a campaign and hate that's how he won she wants to be the exact opposite so that's kind of what you're saying yeah I'm saying you want somebody to come that is running on a campaign of love a campaign of you know better in yourself and in bettering yourself in a way that we all can better ourselves not good not go sit under the [ __ ] scalpel and get cosmetic-surgery yes that's who you are like if we go back to even to the smiths like you look at the Kardashian family right and the whole thing is going to the scalpel change the things about yourself instead of accepting you look at the Smiths it's like is Jaden straight or is he gay is he like identifying some Jaden is the Gandhi of our time that's what he is I'm with you I don't know what you mean by it and I agree a Gandhi of our time but okay but what I'm saying is his family accepts it right and they don't let the world decide who they are they decide who their it was it's what we need right now and they don't give a [ __ ] they don't give a [ __ ] it's raw positivity but guard though because the Kardashians can change narratives at the drop of a dime cannot with the power of Smith no Mattel you already did already how so Jordan Woods does read Table Talk alright everybody jumps on Chloe okay cool hey um Tuesday Kylie Jenner becomes the first the youngest billionaire ever whole conversation changes now everybody's like went back to a conversation he was having four or five months ago it's Kylie Jenner self-made on that is she's self-made sure like the whole joy that's all what's it gone it's gone but is it gone but it's gone because the Smiths made it die the dismiss make it die did the Kardashian save the conversation they changed over to both they change because they had to they do that all the time no but they need what I'm saying is right now like if you look at any trend this is the metaphor I like to use for it trends are wind right okay we had this conversation we were texting and I was talking about the way you make content right the industry or the traditional models or sailboats they go the direction of whatever the wind is taking them they can't go into the wind they have to go where the wind takes them right content creators for people who can create narratives are the wind okay Kardashians were blown a lot of wind at Jordan woods right and then the Smiths came around and they were like no no no we going the other way so they blew the wind the other way yeah right the Kardashians realize it and they're like I'm not gonna get into a wind blowing competition let's just blow this wind over to this Kylie Jenner's a billion or have another ship yeah but the ship can only go in the direction you set go drinks the window already exists right today we're never gonna fight this wind we just gonna blow some [ __ ] over here I get everything you're saying I don't think nothing hurts the Kardashians I think I think what we're gonna see is a shift in America's social family and my my bet is within a year the Smiths are the number one social family in America and the Kardashians have to accept that number two spot and then ratings will continue to dwindle and we will be less interested in them than we ever have been I'll tell you why I tell you I think first of all before I move on I would like to say that somebody is leaving for a rouble birthday in here eating cheese puffs you know I would just like to say that for whatever reason this person has been dieting for the past two months ready to hit Instagram and put a put a bunch of little thirst traps up but now she's eating cheese puffs which proves my theory right that she's gonna ruin ruin everything before she leaves for a room what happened that's what you see for whatever Alice is drinking is what you should have and Alice would have the cheese puffs no tail you don't want you on the microphone tdd we just want to make fun of you sit down first of all you're gay [ __ ] cheese puffs smell all over the microphone all over your fingers and get out of here I hope you all enjoy my pictures when I go why you gonna really thirst it I see that with his quote do you have do you have some bikinis and [ __ ] ready every time you see Taylor post the picture I want y'all to do this but but you look old but you look old those three words that's it our hands do the rest all I need y'all to do and every time she post a picture just say you look old I want y'all to be as annoying as that girl that's always saying do I have a huge booty on [ __ ] Instagram be like this fam okay that's what I want y'all to do the Taylor now back to this year I think you're right about the Smith thing and the reason I think you're right about the Smith thing is because the Kardashians in a lot of ways represent an old guard they've been reality TV show stars for the past decade the Smiths are coming in a very non-traditional way right table talk you would have to say is one of the biggest talk shows out here they're not even on network television there's only a few I think top of mind and a lot of that is just because they've been around for so long the view mm-hmm you know I think about the real mmm-hmm I think about Wendy Williams I think about Ellen yeah after that I don't know maybe doctor fillers different in a different Lane sure sure but as far as being in that Lane I don't think none of them are creating better content they read table talk right now at all wheels got a show coming on Facebook yep but listen yeah it is brilliant because it's so perfect for what he's doing yeah yeah so you could be right next thing you know Jade might have a show over there willow might be doing something over there so on the next year so I can definitely see it becoming a big social media family they dominate social media because they're doing all their content through social right their Kardashians repurpose their content through social they throw it out through E and then they'll take some clips and they'll put it on Instagram or the take something on so it's not the [ __ ] same because I can walk around and if my friend Texas me you text me yell if you see these red Table Talk I beg nob I'll go on Facebook right now and see it you can't do duty I'm gonna tell you that's gonna make that [ __ ] huge Will Smith still is a movie star still doing big blockbuster movies it's working on bad boys 3 right now when things like that happen you get a reminder of how we don't allow that this generation doesn't respect how big Will Smith is but when this bad boy 3 comes out bang it's gonna be all type of you know documentary then you're gonna be going back in time megastar the same mega started I can just go online and follow him on Instagram it's a mega started I can just go watch all [ __ ] Facebook yeah so it's like it's not even really a high low it's just that will is operating at all the highs it's it's a what is it it's an umbrella umbrella yeah I'm gonna scoop everything up under the Sun and the beautiful thing about the movie is it captures the old heads you and me yeah who grew up with bad boys right we're gonna go out boys well in marnie's Willam are either you cannot ever late 70s op early eighties lady not go see bad boy 3 you're crazy you you can't be racist miss Fanta Martin Lawrence friend and not go see bad boys 3 how old are you again top if you over the age of 35 you always age at 33rd gotta go cuz bad boys slapped yeah yeah right well then 20 you saw bad boys too Niles come on bad boys 1 maybe you didn't see it yeah yeah bad boys - definitely so so yeah bad boys one was when we'll had uh we'll had no muscle tone yet he looked like 21 savage yeah he had to put bulk up so so here's the thing right so you all of us gonna see the movie off a nostalgia and then you got all these new Will Smith fans from social yeah they have no clue about the type of movie star this [ __ ] is they are gonna go see that movie I believe it's hard to get people from social to the movie theater but I believe he's big enough that you'll see a little transition between social and movie he made us watch bright yeah but that was on social that was no no it's on social if it's on your phone you'll watch it on your phone is different when you go from the phone to theater but I think that he has enough of a connection with these people that they'll at least enough of them will go and then once they see the movie star that this guy is I think he's made full transition back to number one a list box office I think when bad boys 3 comes out and if it's a success will totally will be will top story in the rock Johnson and I think this is the long play for will will goes okay I need to reignite these fans I need to re-engage them I need to get intimate with them and that's how I take out the rock cuz the rock is getting every role I would have been offered what the [ __ ] does the rock have time to shoot all these movies sitting at home and you'd be like it'll be a commercial on and like starring the rock son I'm like what the [ __ ] is in every mother why how does rock get a chance these other forgives you sweet something you're like how did he make a movie like I forgot to eat a thing tonight but why does the other thing why did the rock take every movie rock out here like you Kevin Hart the rock takes every [ __ ] movie Rock be a [ __ ] I don't know I don't I really don't know yeah but if you had to just I think a lot of this stuff yeah he shot cuz you really couldn't ever tell what the rocket he looks the same in the face yeah in diesel for level I think he shot a lot it he said a long time ago and now that he's the [ __ ] rock that's not really it's easy to just put this [ __ ] out so you shoot this movie 5 years who are three years ago potentially yeah and basically the studio goes okay we got fast enough yours coming out this year yeah an exit this year do us a favor wait one more year and then drop it right after yeah so it seems like he's doing a movie every couple months [ __ ] TV Rock The Rock is executive producer oh btw show which shows he I don't remember the name of it I doesn't know he's executive never what the somebody Google saw his crate I saw his name when the critters like executive position the rock Johnson I want to say it's like a documentary of awesome [ __ ] like that but he's hosting uh finding justice okay and he's hosting the UM the NBC show would carry champion right the yeah the yeah yeah yeah the Titan or whatever it's out yes and that's amazing for a man with pictorial muscles yeah they're fake though it's one throw that out oh you got fake titties yeah yeah oh it's steroids it's not implants [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm gonna say allegedly could I don't know what his legal team like but yo google it Dwayne the rock Johnson has factorial implants and even if he does it that's the rumor that I'm gonna keep our David it makes me feel better about my life alright yo hates everyone with implants hair implants Ches implants everybody bro Chris is there not stories about Dwayne the rock Johnson having pictorial implants no the opposite the one I found he admitted to having male breast reduction surgery no that's wrong that's a [ __ ] that's how nice he is City strangle but a rock pictorial plastic surgery want you a pectoral cuz pictorial is dinosaur I'm telling you he's as pictorial implants anyway run with that rumor kids google has pictorial [ __ ] implant you really think the rocks bigot in Will Smith yeah currently he is and he gets more money for movies now I'm looking at all the time legacy though resume why you know the rock where this is not a diss to the rock yeah but you only are what you are now right that's true history means nothing history is dead the past is dead you are what you are now and right now the rock is getting is the first person offered every big action movie if you notice wills movies are a little bit more dramatic sophisticated he's not getting thrown the big time that's why bad boy people be so good for him but let's be for real compared to Will Smith rocks resume in kayvyun Phil there's only one character the rock has ever played that's comparable to any character wolvesmouth resembles Mona no the rock no other character that's even remotely yeah as fly as anything wolf sniffles ever done that Dwayne Johnson is played except for the rock and the wrestling ring you can't even name any of the rocks characters and movies except probably for fast and furious and I don't even know his name in it I don't need the rock just call them the rock and every move exactly oh let me tell them wait in the lobby oh well I'm gonna take a break right now in Pinkerton Hills guys did you know that 66% of men lose their hair by age 35 thankfully baldness can be optional Charlamagne thanks to four hymns calm a one-stop-shop for hair loss skin care and sexual wellness for win for men so look here's the thing I spoke about many times in a podcast for all the new listeners right now the active ingredient in the pill that they're selling is called finasteride I've been using it for nine years I've got a beautiful thick full head of hair and that's why I look so young for my age okay unlike Charlemagne over here who is bald and hating on everybody with implants okay if you get him it's gonna connect with real doctors you get medical grade solutions you could do it all online you'd have to go into the doctor get your prescription etc you do everything all online it's no [ __ ] just look at my hair simple as that you look at my hair do you want to keep your hair until you're 35 or past that then you just make it happen the products can get shipped directly to your door there's no waiting rooms no awkward you know in-person doctor visits our listeners get a trial month of hymns for just five bucks today right now while supplies last that's while supplies last okay you go to the website get the full details that's for hems comm F orh IMS comm /bi okay /bi for the deal make sure you do /b I did it for the deal for hems comm /b I get your hair right make sure your aides right right get four hymns now let's get back to the show did that make you but help your butt hair hair your butt hair hair growth I've got an incredibly hair yes but it was Prior yeah to good doing the him so no it doesn't change at all okay but I do have a lot of blood hair got you yeah I just want you to ask me that earlier she was like yo do you shave your butt hair and I was like no that means tails eat mess she going to Aruba she's on that way to robot do we need to put a that's not the only cheese puffs she's been a slice of cheese that you and see if it sticks alright gas to go to a room who's a bunch of you do you have friends bunch of people from Philly oh you got guys going to one hotel room looking like state property in the early 2010 we beanie was winning are you gonna get a SD when you can go right to Germantown [Music] our half oh you are crazy absolutely Donald Trump yeah yeah shouts out DT maggle my [ __ ] yeah all right served another n-c-double-a championship team fast food it happened again yes when it was the North Dakota State bison steak 1 to 2019 FCS title my only note the [ __ ] sport that is okay well the cross oh is it lacrosse that's all he can get the calm Wow boy let me tell you something yeah this guy listen to the critics why what happened listen everybody who gave him flak last time for the fast food that he surfed all the way killing this time cheek [ __ ] late can't be mad at that you really gonna be mad a free chick-fil-a by alright black people you really can't find a way to hate on free chick-fil-a now that you know the chick-fil-a supports Donald Trump how you feel about it he's a butcher he bothered out his own pocket so he sends a little [ __ ] to go by they don't know who they're buying it for really say hey there's a door for Donald Trump one order a hundred chicks no you think they go to the store and get a hundred filets yes deliver or maybe they do the weeds I think they do it to the White House you know I doubt it you could do chick-fil-a to your wedding if you want you have a chick-fil-a truck pulled already through so that's what you had but you let them know so you guys don't discriminate bro say what unless you that is a fact love chick-fil-a may not agree with chick-fil-a's policies yesterday agree with chick-fil-a meat except there it is and it might be law uncomfortable for them but so is butt sex hey you know I'm saying if we're being honest I've been encouraging people to be gay for a long time talk to me what's this slogan eat more [ __ ] [ __ ] chick-fil-a doesn't say that no no it's true man it might be it see more chicken I'm from South Carolina chickens and [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah that's all but you really can't be mad at Donald Trump you know I'm saying I [ __ ] Donald Trump gave the people what they wanted people say they wanted him to step it up and get it people chick-fil-a he gave him chick-fil-a God man of the people bro huh man of the people he listened he clearly loves it out rate from social media so you really can't be mad at him I'm gonna tell you something else that happens what happened I did a you know I had uncle ruckus on the boondocks yeah I mean I'll Caracas on The Breakfast Club uncle ruckus from the boondocks on the breakfast yeah how did you have him on the records club well you got a call in or somebody was actually there with you well I had him I had him go he's in he's in LA okay so I had him go to the I heart studios in LA and he was on the actual and it's ISDN line and the ISDN line this basically makes it sound like you know he's right there right yeah yeah yeah so so what I like about uncle ruckus now if you've ever watched the boondocks you know that the character of uncle ruckus has evolved especially now he's a racist author and radio host and he's the leader of the fastest American populous Republicans and he's the county executive for Woodcrest County Maryland he's got a lot of how either die he's a die-hard Donald Trump supporter right he um he he had a lot to say about the Democratic candidates a lot to say really a lot to say about Democratic candidates what was he saying nothing nice he's for reparations he did have some nice things to say about Elizabeth Warren what'd he say about her he said that if a little Warren hadn't lied about being Native American he would absolutely probably be with me Elizabeth in a sexual way because she's a white woman yes gosh okay he says you love Kamala Harris cuz Kamala looks like a fine white woman from the back ah turns around you can see the [ __ ] tree in her face that is such a harsh word now we can do one of two things yes we can continue to talk about it all we can play it why don't we put it and insert it in this pot why don't we give it a play it's 24 minutes long I mean that's a lot of minutes don't you got to go say what I'm good people Brock is trended really number eight in the United States of America when I played it on the breakfast come on I'm cool right yes how long you play it I play twelve minutes of it on your breakfast yeah let's do like a minute yeah people who watch the boondocks yeah they get it you don't saying when we talk about context when we talk about yes just scaffold you know what I'm saying like you can have that kind of content when you when people know what it is right people who did not know ooh who the [ __ ] uncle ruckus was Oh in 2019 Oh war trick when I say these [ __ ] were triggered poetry when I say they were triggered they were [ __ ] trash he's disgusting how could you support this you know did this is what's wrong with America this guy is black and he hates itself all I'm trying to do is lets both sides be represented everybody's Club lean so [ __ ] far left right saying it's not my fault all the liberal candidates request to come on the right doesn't ever request right Huggins we pulled that Roger stone one time he had something come up right caught a little arrest you know [ __ ] do so uncle Rucker decided come on right do you think that he represents the right authentically now you represent well maybe like an extreme he represents the extreme right conservative he represents the extreme conservative that's all right but you got some coming he's got interesting views I'll say that he has right interesting views on you know Donald Trump is what's going on in the wife feel responsibility to like showcase both sides a responsibility I think it's fair no say I think it's fair I mean I think that you know they say you have to I'm just curious think it's fair I think I think if you're really truly and I think people think that honestly a lot of times is just you know telling your truth right and saying what you think is true but no sometimes just being honest is being fair but yeah both sides should be represented so looser so you're saying that the the right wing folks just don't try to come on they don't work I'm actually gonna be on um we're gonna be on Fox News you know Fox News has been reporting a lot of Breakfast Club stuff right and we're supposed to be on Fox News soon right and I don't have a problem on the Fox News I actually was thinking about it when we know when they first told me you used to be on Fox News all the time white people Kennedy on Fox Business News we're actually on the news news right right the show is called the independence cuz it's just for people who are just independent like she's a libertarian yeah a libertarian yeah you know I'm saying but this we're going on like Fox Fox News you know I'm saying and I'm like why not you know I grew up in the area where you see Cameron on Bill O'Reilly you see Dame - on Bill O'Reilly mad yeah you know like like so why wouldn't I why wouldn't why wouldn't we you know for whatever reason The Breakfast Club has become like and I don't want to say how to become because that's another thing that we gotta clear up mm-hmm political candidates have been coming to The Breakfast Club whatever you know I'm saying it really started around 2015-2016 it didn't when we've been we've been on air for the last two right coming up on three presidential elections you know me Barack didn't need us in 2012 we were knew we were up starts you know 26 15 2016 Bernie came on Hillary came on like people that were running for president came on um now every Democratic candidate damn names come on you know we've had Carmel oh we've had Cory Booker we've had Bernie Sanders we've had marianne williamson we've had Andrew Wang who I find very interesting by the way very interesting so the right just isn't requesting to come on you know me but if they want us to come on their program all the time we've been on we re so I would not go on with I think you should yeah I don't have any knock on that at all the problem yeah you know saying and I watch Fox News so it's it's people on Fox News I agree with it so I might disagree with i watch for the moment I'm a fan of talent right yep I think I thought Bill O'Reilly was extremely talented well I think Sean Hannity is extremely talented tucker's talented he's talented the kid is talented yeah I mean compared to what have been on Fox yeah he's cool you know I mean I don't that and he's a beast burn hey uh yeah I maybe I think techno something to make I maybe I don't watch enough took her to make that maybe that's fair maybe I'm watching up but I like Tesla infocar oh okay you know she's on Fox a lot of the time we had our own Breakfast Club I think she's phenomenal I used to like ebony I still like ebony remember whenever I say used to collab it used to be on Fox right I thought heaven he was phenomenal Fox I watch Fox so I have no problem going on you ever have Candice on [ __ ] never had Candace on funny you say that cuz I'm gonna tell you something man I know y'all gonna hate me hear me say this Candace is talented bruh yeah that's what I did what Rosa was haha Larry why have you never had her on you think I don't know has she you think she's asked her she didn't want it she didn't want to come on mmm I don't know yeah I mean I don't know not a particular particular reason ya know it's there's something the reason I bring it up is uh there was an interesting Joe Rogan episode that came out yesterday where he brought Jack from Twitter the guy who runs Twitter and Jack brought a lawyer from from Twitter and they brought a guy named Tim Poole who I guess is like a conservative journalist who and and the reason why Rogan brought temple is because he felt like Tim could properly explain his argument way better than Joe could and the argument was are they being biased towards conservative journalists and conservative news and terms of banning them scuse me on Twitter and it was a fascinating conversation you know it was a truly interesting conversation he basically conservative views the argument is is that they've been that twitter has had a liberal bias like many tech companies have had a liberal bias where they're banning certain people for their views and not banning others people throw the word conservative around are they are they banning people who are being racists people who are spewing hate crying bigots under the banner right of conservatism right because you wouldn't just ban somebody just for being concerned that's correct so what they're saying is and you should listen to both of em because both of them have really interesting arguments like it's a fascinating conversation and right before I answer that question I just thought it was really interesting to see two groups that usually just yell at each other in their own echo chambers sit down with each other and have that discussion and only somebody with his power can bring them together because most people most people don't have the power to get to people from completely different parties to sit down and have a thoughtful discourse not at angry one where it's just like I'm trying to prove my point that said but both hear each other side out and this this lawyer she was [ __ ] sharp for Twitter really sharp and so to answer your question like some of the things that Tim Poole brought up there was this hashtag that was going around called learn to code right and they were people that got fired from BuzzFeed after they you know put out like the fake news articles and [ __ ] conservatives were tweeting at them learned to code because they're no longer being hired as journalists and it was mocking these elitist liberals who were telling that to coal miners back in the day they're like hey learn to code get a new job so they're like hey now you gotta learn to code and then learn to code came became a hashtag where you could get kicked off Twitter for it was like that so he was like why are we doing this that doesn't seem fair that when you were saying learn to code to coal miners they didn't get disrespected go [ __ ] coal mine and learn the code now maybe I'm [ __ ] code that's why I bothered them right it's like it's easy to say hey figure a new job out but this what you've been doing your whole life yeah a [ __ ] computer coal miner yeah you know the [ __ ] we live at yeah right we still live it off the lane is good but I'm just saying like what a [ __ ] a coal miner not to learn to code yeah pretty well and by the way I'm cold you bullshitting a person that knows code couldn't call mine right couldn't call mine hate that person who knows cold put him in those conditions they can't do it I don't think they could right personally I don't think they could if I could learn faster how to do it but they wouldn't want to right because it's not something that you necessarily have to learn how to do something you have to be conditioned to do those cold people in Silicon Valley and they not conditioned the [ __ ] money no the whole vice versa vice versa I guess that was the point they're making it was just a cool discussion and like I would love to have these kind of discussions on this and I think we've had them in the past but for me I think like when we had somebody on maybe I was a little bit too like the baby and a little bit too like I'm gonna prove you wrong and expose you and I feel like now I'm at a place where I would truly just like to hear these views and then maybe that person would like to hear another expert not necessarily me but another expert with the opposite views and then you and I could really kind of mould and push the conversation it'd be really just cool to see these two people talk you know I want to say I want to go back to something we talked about these people being talented I want people to understand what I mean when I say that because I think that people probably see the reaction that the sean hannity the Candace owns that they get from people when I say talent I'm looking at it from a different perspective I'm looking at it through a different lens I'm looking at it from the perspective of a personality a media person acts like an athlete exact somebody who's on the team that you hate is still talented he's good yes so you can disagree with everything they say but you can also appreciate them as a content creator where they are communicators that's the way they articulate the way they communicate I don't like everything you communicate but I acknowledge the effectiveness of your ability to communicate absolute you know and I and I see it and I go that is done well I don't I think that if you just go they're bad at doing that you're not being objective at all no and I love people like saying it's like saying Minister Farrakhan can't speak yeah it's like you might not like what he says but you can't deny the dude can talk in front of people got a strong POV just like Candace has a strong pichon has the other strong POV I um I don't like having this conversation publicly okay but I do feel like and I like when I when I when I unpacked one pack in there when I watch you can use the butcher knife not the scalpel everybody when you're black right a lot of us have the same goal most of the most people most of us want liberation for our people right I'm saying they want our people to come up in this society because we've been down for a long time when I hear can to speak and and I see the things Candace said I may not always agree with it but her ultimate goal always seems to be the liberation of black people she's like yo I want y'all to break free of the Democratic Party and you know this is the party that has kept us you know it was the party of mass incarceration like the stuff she's saying I mean if some of it's true some of them may not be true but her ultimate goal is the liberation of black people from what I see judge intention not interpretation her intent is aligned yet your intent you've just kept different ways of getting there same thing with Van Jones I used to have so many differences with Van Jones I look Evangelic like what the [ __ ] are you doing Vangelis what the [ __ ] are you saying but when you sit down I have conversations with Van Jones Van Jones don't give a [ __ ] Jones mentality is I've been doing this prison reform [ __ ] for 20 [ __ ] years right same conversations I'm having with this administration I had with the administration before that all van wants to do is see some progress man is like it when I'm in these prisons these people aren't saying to me yo man get me out of here but not if the Republicans do it you know what I'm saying you get me the [ __ ] out of here yeah that's all van cares about in Van is willing to sit with anybody to make that happen as he should he was at CPAC people got mad at him cuz they said yo he said conservatively I think [ __ ] expect the restless' a convention for Republicans right but it's a it's a group that raises money for the party right would that be every best way to put it yes right so him speaking there they feel like yo he's helping Donald Trump win again in 2020 and I think he said something on stage like y'all conservatives are leading leading the conversation on criminal justice form or something I don't know the exact wording was absolutely I think he was talking about legislation if he's talking about only legislation which I believe he was and this just for me having conversations within if he's talking about just legislation yeah the Republicans did get the first step back and what's wrong with that I don't get it so he said for the moment give yourself a round of applause now they an always give credit to the people on the ground man always gives credit to the black lives matter people he always gives credit to the people that were out there marching for prison reform for years he gives credit to himself his organization like if that's all true he'll say that it took those grassroots organizations to make the government make some type of change we're talking about Barack Obama not visiting a federal prison until 2016 he was the first sitting president to ever visit a federal prison so if we're being honest neither party seemed to give a [ __ ] about mass incarceration until most recently right right so I don't have a problem with Van Jones per se even though when I hear things like that okay he rubs me the wrong way and I can see where everybody's coming from when they say yo you're empowering the other side but all I see is a man who's willing to do whatever it is he needs to do to get his ultimate goal done which is prison reform in some way shape or form I don't have a problem with that so once again it's another brother who's helping to liberate black people I think that everybody instead of us liberate anyone deliberate anyone anyone who's wrongfully accused or anybody who's serving crime for you know a meaningless serving time for a meaningless crime like but he'll but he'll tell you the prison system just disproportionately affects without a lack people apps around people so that's he's a black man I mean of course you want to see anybody come home but he's really looking out for his people right but my thing is this instead of us have any shouting matches on social media and being mad at this project we don't agree with their methods why can't we just all come to the table and figure out how that's how you do think effectively people who are the ones yelling about this don't understand how discourse or change works right this is how it's done it's like you have to talk to people change always comes from outside right change never comes from inside government never will change anything keep that in mind no great change in the history of the world started in government it starts on the ground Gandhi's on the ground Martin Luther King is on the great it's always somebody complete Jesus right it's somebody who is outside of the normal structure right and he forces change upon the structure yes right so that's really on us to swell up the movement so much that we make the change yes that we want to see and we make the change that reflects our interest yes you know absolutely what I what I would say and I think that there is an interesting balance here now and I'm curious to know how you feel about it is because I've seen I've seen you really leaning into your pride and what you want to do for black people specifically and how you want to help black people specifically vote managers in 2020 you absolutely show interest in blackness is blackness and that's that's great and I don't think anybody would knock that what I hope is that you can love yourself and love you people want your people to win without hating someone else only thing I hate is white supremacy and bigotry and racism which we also you probably would hate Asian supremacy if it held you down too right yeah you you like you just hate any bigotry it's about the supremacy it's about the bigotry right about the racism right hey wait it's coming for you probably hate a black dude that was holding down other black people right hundred percent right so it's like for me sometimes people get lost in this idea of like in order to love me I need to hate other people who are like you know like other problem would be impro anything they think being Pro something means you're anti everything else that's not true but sometimes like it can be misconstrued like I know you so I see pass it but like I remember you did a post and it was about Ava's movie series coming up and you're like I'm gonna need a day without whiteness after this that's true yeah but that isn't true for me it is so you really want to not be around white people I've said that before like listen you've as a black man when you watch but trait that's problem you just wanna watch this [ __ ] right be honest with I don't watch late movies so you put you so you put that action on all white people because you see it yeah so can you be upset at the white racist who sees a black person commits a crime and puts that on all black people then no I understand I get it it's wrong so why you fighting white supremacy if you're trying to do the same thing what do you mean like why would you be fighting against that mentality that those people have well you got understand with me supporting it what if three white people and black people as black people have a history in this country meaning like slavery meaning segregation meaning massa cars racing meaning now right now you see the onion justices that happened some black people sometimes at the hands of the police so it's not like when I watch those movies I get triggered right you know what I'm saying so when I get triggered I'm like all right I need a break from all white people for a day or so right you know what I'm saying guess what I don't know who's who but I know you but don't we got to check our triggers right like don't we gotta like when we notice that we're feeling 'we don't we gotta go hey man that's bigoted thinkin I'm better than that and I got a set an example and you go to therapy right yeah yeah yeah you got to give yourself you gotta you gotta allow yourself to feel I can't help how I feel if I get triggered by this [ __ ] Braz I feel like yo man what the [ __ ] white people but can't it be something that's you're triggered specifically by the people that are doing it and not just everyone who happens to have white skin I know I'm sorry I'm Taylor Taylor you can tell against it when you miss a different thing when you black I guess you don't know only that only only white people I could be accountable for the guys I know right the women I know but and I get mad at them do you see how you're making the argument for why what why some white people are racist like it's the exact no no it's like because you're saying you see these things and then it triggers this stuff in you right and then all of a sudden you have an adverse reaction to everybody of the rate of that race I get exactly what you're saying there just to finish the point right so it's like there's a bunch of white people there who bunch of white people who might see these things in media and the news and all this stuff I mean disparate there's a disproportionate amount of crimes that are reported on that black people commit meaning the news is focusing more on these crimes that black people commit than white people commit right so you're getting all this messaging that is kind of unfair for to create a world that's unfair for these people and for me when I look at those crimes I just see two people that do it right I don't go I need a little break from black you're very rare but I guess what I'm saying is like we should all be that rare right like we should all we said all we should all see two guys commit a crime and then be like that's those dudes that did it it's not their blackness that made them do it it's those dudes that did that [ __ ] I hear what you're saying but why people have no history to connect that to black people have a history they're connected too right you know what I'm saying is this like right now if some Muslim terrorist god forbid did something here in New York City right I probably bring up a whole a bunch of emotions in you immediately because of what you saw heaven yeah but I wouldn't put that on all Muslims I guess was what I would say a lot of people did though they and I would say they're wrong right I'd go guys I'm right I'm just saying that's how I feel right now I'm not saying it's right at all right right I'm just saying I'm allowing myself to feel Plus is actually I thought it was a great joke it's funny like I don't know I put the laughing emoji just because no I knew somebody would feel that I know you're funny I just don't want like I know I know you and that's why I don't care about these things I just don't want you to alienate people who really are inspired by you that might not be black right and maybe people who need you because I know there's people who need you they gotta take me far away sometimes I need a white people break I'm sorry okay and if you need a listen sometimes I need a WPP yeah sometimes you might need a BPB okay which is a black people break man I don't I don't rock with that you know I that's what you can't live without us the music to fire the sports is too goddamn good live where the food is too amazing you can't live without us great time in Sweden when my black friend got arrested I just when you want to be Alex is [ __ ] Dominican is Puerto Rican I'm sorry the same thing it's the same [ __ ] and put up I get I hear what you're saying it is and you know you take it you take it how you want to take it we do it I just you know what I was i we had stuff like that made I wish that it made everybody else's mad I wish that people I wish that we watch stuff like the Central Park five I wish we watch stuff like Birth of a Nation I was black white people anybody that lives in this country and says right that's [ __ ] up but it does I think the assumption is it doesn't make us man I'm speaking up for white people but it makes a lot of us mad you know it makes us it infuriates a lot of us right yes I mean I would hope so I just sounds like a human being it infuriates you know like when you see that kind of stuff you get pissed off like you don't think white people when we see some [ __ ] white lady call the cops on a little for you know selling Chiclets on the street like all the criminals whatever look white-collar something like if you don't think that we're in bad like we're a Barris the same way y'all are embarrassed when some black dude does something at some white function or some other barriers by O'Kelly we embarrassed to like it's not like we sitting here going well why would you sell Chiclets that's not the conversation amongst white people come on [ __ ] are you [ __ ] kidding me again do me but we need more of that that's what I call using your white privilege to combat the prejudice that's what we need we need more of that like I have a front I love Marianne Williamson she don't got a shot in hell of winning the presidency but I like the conversation she is stars sometimes that's your role sometimes it's your role to start a conversation absolutely right now all I think all these Democratic candidates talking about reparations in some form is because she started that conversation but her conversation is stupid though the operation is the dumbest [ __ ] argument in the world reparations so do I go to England as a Scottish guy and go hey I need some money you could you imprison my people like how far back do we go with reparations [ __ ] everybody it's a lot it's a lot back people go to the African slave traders that sold them to the white pick it up and get hold on let me ask this do you go back to the people the black people that sold you guys to the white people and then get reparations from them don't need some money for those [ __ ] I know we can start here in America and we can say that we gave you two hundred plus years of free label right help build this [ __ ] car then another two years of Jim Crow segregation so that's 400 years of oppression and marginalization yes America needs the right that's right oh and by the way here to the history of the world where slavery existed from the beginning always hog and always grease got a call turkey like what's up we need some reparations baby Armenia got a call up turkey like what's up baby this is all our land maybe maybe genocide and our ass is like what's up listen Native Americans have gotten it right about the Chinese for the Japanese the rape of Beijing China got a call if Japan like yo we're gonna need Zim attend America give it to the Japanese no no some for its Chinese the Japanese I'm saying sorry Nanking give it to the Japanese something never [ __ ] monument in LA Fitness as I apologize for y'all want a monument Deal or No Deal I don't know I don't know what it can be but yes black people need reparations a phone for some form and we're acting like it hasn't been presented to us you're acting like they didn't say here's 40 acres of the mule and ginseng well you know what we changed our [ __ ] mind you can't no you're acknowledging American needs if America wants to move forward as a real society that's about justice and it's about equality you got to write some of these wrongs that wasn't wrong I need to be right and I'm not saying you gotta give out a check to everybody right but I'm saying that yes there should be some type of reference for the African descendants of slaves and some shape or form I think that was history I think that would be a good good way to move things forward as an as the other new system and that is hey listen if that ends up happening I highly doubt it that is a that is a cool thing that will happen and if it works and god bless it and it's the best possible thing if it works then that is the best possible that being said no he said that's what we can't complain if you can't complain the war that you want to set you want to we know I don't if there's one thing we know about complaining is that when you enable and reward complaining it doesn't stop well you're not rewarding complaining you're rewarding the fact that it was 200 plus years of free labor right but you're rewarding the complaint right like for example the Oscars thought last year they're like okay let's make sure that there's a lot of black representation last year right and then there was black representation and then this year they're like let's make sure this representation and then of the green book one and people like well I this movie got a wet like Spike Lee won and he still was upset that he didn't win for Best Picture it's like this second ogre got the Green Book did [ __ ] I don't know I didn't see it all I'm saying is like I didn't see either one it spike is one of my favorite characters yeah so it's like I think it's [ __ ] unbelievable right I guess what I'm saying is if that is the thing that works then god bless it and then we should do it what what I'm also saying is whether you like to believe it or not the past is dead whether you believe it that's classic that's classic white ass classic things white no no no no no let me just explain what I'm trying to say because I understand the sentiment that comes with that just let me unpack it the past is dead meaning we cannot go back we cannot physically go back that's why you make it right now but listen cutting a goddamn check that's possible that's possible maybe I can make it right let me get the idea maybe that happens maybe that does right maybe that does what I hinge my life on that what do you mean what I hinge my would I be going yeah we're gonna get this we're gonna get this check and then everything's gonna be good I would operate as if it's not gonna be there and find a way to succeed and then if it comes that's icing on the cake god bless but we'll see is I think that you should I'm saying I don't want to put false hope in people's eyes oh then they go well I don't I'm about to get this operation checks lose it I told me I could be more crippling I told Marianne Williamson that the day I said you know I don't want my people to vote for you because of the hope right of reparation that's all you're gonna get out 99 now that attendance it probably is not going to have there we go anyway you know what I mean so I don't want people to vote on that that pipe dream of all is reparations but do black people deserve reparations in America absolutely like that's that's making a wrong right that's acknowledging the fact that yes we did enslave you all for 20 plus years yes y'all did give us all this free labor that helped to build this country like that's that's a small token of acknowledgment to the past right something that you can't undo you can't bring back all those ancestors that were killed right but you can make sure that the the descendants of the of those ancestors moving forward have a better footing in this country yeah now I don't know if it's in the form of checks are just some type of economic empowerment to the african-american community they did hand out checks to the Japanese mr. Asian no no no 20 of 20 grand for each but you're talking about different thing you're talking about the internment camps a formal apology which i think is not a nurse can you clarify that though yeah I'm not talking about the Chinese and Japanese America talking about the Japanese who lost and I think that's not a great deal because the Japanese farmers owned some of the most fertile profitable farmland in California mm-hmm they lost all that that's where most of the produce we get in this country comes from oh that's why the my name is in California yeah so they they you know not only did they lock them up they essentially stole some incredibly valuable land for real estate man so but this looks from what I'm reading right here it was $20,000 in conversation they've given Holocaust survivors reparations writer did you American did in 2016 what did they do it do no no I'm not American it was something oh look at that looked at when I was twenty sixteen was like twelve million dollars and it was either America wit France or something to that effect but it's happening all I'm saying is it's not like it's never happening yeah it's a present for us it's not like it's not like we're just waving our hands like yo it's happened right before you know I mean by the way I still take the 40 acres I don't want em you you know I'm saying it's boy can you imagine 40 acres could have changed the course of this country it couldn't what kinda could have been right here in America right nothing about that dude again and just to clarify what I'm saying is I think that I agree with you in terms of let's not put false hope but if something does happen regardless of its monetary maybe its land maybe it's maybe it's rights to higher education might be through the manor might be through to new marijuana industry what exactly like in the similar way that they've done with Native Americans with casinos maybe there's some way that you can do I'm not against this whatsoever but I also want people to go I don't want people to sit there going hey man just chill out because his reparations check is coming so we don't gotta do it's gonna be stupid because oftentimes that's what cripples you like there are you know the Native American tribes got these casinos right things haven't gotten better you have the same rates of you know alcoholism drug use you know murders and that kind of [ __ ] on these reservations it's like shockingly hi and the argument was a once they get the casinos they're gonna be self empowered there can be money in the community everything's gonna be fine and then you haven't seen you know I'm saying like that's all I'm asking but don't we care more about truly uplifting people like we'll figure it out we'll figure it the [ __ ] out you know saying they're right that's wrong I just think by the way everything we're both saying I think is true like to build a wall thing whereas I just build a wall and then people are like well it might not be the most efficient way to stop immigration I don't think I just think it's about doing what's right slavery was wrong right Jim Crow segregation wrong wrong let's just do what's right like it's just it's just I guess my argument is like let's really find out what's right and let's use our pass but as an example like if the casino thing didn't work out for what we wanted then maybe that's not the right way to do it but I probably keep saying in some form I'm with you of reparation that's what I said let's buy in the forum let's find let's let's look at all these other countries and find out how they took certain groups and economically empowered them absolutely let's find a way that is most effective and we can turn that gonna be checks a check no okay but but let's find the best way where we can empower these people and empower them in a way where human beings at the end of the day we have pride man we want to [ __ ] earn our [ __ ] you know what I mean like the reason the 40 acres and a mule thing was dope is because you had to work that 40 acres that [ __ ] was yours yeah it wasn't like okay here I'm gonna get this check like the casino thing doesn't work because it's just okay I get a check every month and I'm not doing nothing for most valuable thing anybody can own in this country is land but its land it's like here's the land what you gonna do with it exactly oh you wanna you're gonna plant that set [ __ ] you got the mule plowing it we've had a sweet potato fresh otherwise but now that the ground come on man from the south yeah see that's what I'm talking about go on right off the cop like the stalk there's no way you're eating a sweet potato out of the ground we shot the ground I guess was grown yeah every mother what I was just saying yeah but yes that shouldas dope like that that would have changed the course of America and it and all I'm saying it was offered and it was taken back yeah so let's figure out a way to keep this [ __ ] going moving for I think that's a great Innes it's something that I'm not necessarily saying I always believed in but let's have a specialist come on and talk about the different parts of them let's have one it's so many likes one on tiny he coats wrote a great article in the Atlantic a couple years ago about the case for reparations but specifically what taught in since we're from how would work and how we think that it would be implemented effectively yeah that's what I care about because it's easy to throw out a talking point as hey let's do some reparations because you basically buy of s I've asked every Democratic candidate yeah you think people the Democrats are really uh you know thinking about this reparations thing or they have a good talking point for 2020 and hey Bernie said I don't want speak for everybody else yeah Marion winter said I don't want to speak for everybody else I got almost be say what everybody else is doing what they're thinking I know what I'm thinking about you know I'm saying I'm even with Mary Ann Mary Ann said she wants to get two trillion dollars you know in reparations you asked her how she got no clue has no clue what she says you know see you like yo they find money for war than everything else okay yeah yeah that's what women always got credit card debt okay all right I don't know what that means I don't know it's I never met a chick this is not five thousand in debt Taylor how many debt you got on your credit card I told you they got that they always in debt yeah I got a 806 credit score's I don't know what the [ __ ] that is 806 Ambro that sound like an area code turn your dreams I gotta piss you do it I gotta pee guys turn your dream into a reality man you got to get a Squarespace web site I'm about to redo my website I'm going Squarespace because my [ __ ] is [ __ ] up man there's just too difficult to update too difficult to change it's too [ __ ] difficult Squarespace makes it easier than ever to launch this new project I've literally looked at all 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idiot offer code idiot I guess I guess what I was trying to articulate about the reparation conversation is that the the reparation should be about improving the future not writing the past and that's what I meant by saying that the past is dead is it if the goal is just hey here you go shut up about that thing that happened the past that's useless to me right because no amount of money is gonna make up for slavery no amount of money is gonna make up for the horrendous acts of Jim Crow right like money doesn't justify that what what does I mean nothing is gonna justify that but what helps you know restore some normalcy in a community and uplift the community is up is a project or a plan for the future so whoever is taking on this reparations argument please don't make it about hey you owe us from back in the day make it about how can we be on a level playing field in America with everybody else in the future what are the goals for that and if that's if you want to call that reparations if you want to call that black empowerment whatever you want to call it and put it under the quotes go for it but that for me that for me should be the goal and I think that's realistic oh saying is a strong mission coming back right now is that the point I was trying to make for reparations is it shouldn't be a payback for a wrong that was done it should be a plan for a level playing field in the future the same difference but it's not because you have to acknowledge the wrong and you can order in like if you let me explain let me explain okay meaning if the goal is to go hey guys we [ __ ] up but here's some money shut up that doesn't put you on the level playing how they have to go I think the goal is for America goal is to go hey we can call this black empowerment economic reparations we can call whatever we want to call it doesn't matter the name sometimes the name reparations people the wrong way called black empowerment whatever it is doesn't matter but if the goal is hey we need to do these programs and institute this to get black people on a level playing field with everybody else in America that how can you be against that I do not know whenever you hear people say reparations some type of some form of reparation thought is money the thought is always money I don't know why I mean I get why you get why because that's usually what it is it's like reparations mean what are the world origin' mean like when you bring up when you burn up what happened with the Jews right it was money that they were giving though Jews you can save the Jews okay yes and and thanks Chris and then like you said with the Japanese right it was money that they're good usually it's money and it's like well what do people say like affirmative action is a form of absolutely yeah but it's not okay well and that goes to me in America once again when do they apologize for slavery two years ago they apologize two years ago are you like yo man this great book man cannot remember the name of the book right now may have and put me on to it but they talk about how he changed everything after Hitler like like we got monuments of slave masters up we got highways named after races biggest like America that's that you have to change all of that if we're really America like we say we are we're really one country like we say we are why we championing these people let's champion the people who actually made the world a better place made America a better place do you you believe in a lot of Muslim philosophy or you find championing the Prophet Mohammed yeah but I ain't telling you to name the highway Elijah Minister Farrakhan no I'm just saying Muhammad it you know it you know had slaves I don't know I'm telling you he did so it's like if he did is that something that we can look up to 100 interesting no slavery is not good what about my samosa no so nobody in the past we can look up to I'm not saying that I'm just saying let's not celebrate it especially American slavery I don't know I don't know anything about Mansa Musa I don't know about Prophet Mohammed but I know American slavery was brutal I know American slavery was murder I know American slavery was rape how many [ __ ] movies we otherwise how many books we have to read to know that there's nothing to celebrate about that yes that used to be the American Way but guess what things can change right right I don't think that those statues are celebrating how good they were at slavery I think they're probably celebrating other things they did for the United States of America for example like George Washington is always gonna have a statue in America can you see the good and then we can see the good and a parent thinking Michael Jackson can still dance after him I say this again it's not my kid but this is your country listen if you're George Washington's slave I don't think that you think he's the greatest guy but did say a country you say like George Washington had slaves so he yeah he put other Americans right in in [ __ ] up positions correct has an American who stands for what America's should stand for right we can't agree with it so you're saying you truly write an hour or sitting here and saying you don't believe George Washington can be celebrated in American history and if they do wasn't yes you did you're just said robert e lee i'll whoever the [ __ ] Strom Thurmond whoever these [ __ ] that I know we're racist °o° biggest I'm fine not celebrating the losers you lost here you're you're a traitor like it's not like we celebrate George Washington he dishonored outlook now we do celebrate it means the founder of this country like I believe in celebrating Alexander Hamilton I believe in celebrating these people because without them we do not have America now you should understand why the parents are still happy and excited about Michael Jackson know why not because if I was somebody who was enslaved by those people I'd probably be pretty upset at them and I wouldn't want tell them I'm black my people were enslaved by them so why the [ __ ] would I celebrate Washington you have every right not to no all right no but you have every right you have every right not to and if I'm an American you're also looking at you like why are you celebrating them cuz didn't we just talk about because just talk about how when you look at these movies or you read these books and you're like why are you not pissed off ya know you have every right to be pissed off listen you have every right to be pissed off and you should not really I mean I've pissed off at the idea of slavery I'm pissed off that anybody could do this to somebody else but I also have the privilege of time I have the privilege of the context and when I was born I was born at a time where slavery was looked down upon it was an abhorrent behavior so I can look back at people and go how could you ever do this these people were born at a time where it was normal like right now you like alright you and I both have cell phones that are made by slaves black slaves you have a cell phone made by black slaves look over they are I don't think you do either cobalt is mined by black slave children okay in Africa it goes into your phone you are okay with that because of the context of where you live I'm not okay with that so why you get a new phone I don't know now you know so next we can get rid of mine I ain't gonna but what I'm saying is I can accept the context of where I live you're saying you can't accept the context of time in the George Washington argument I can I can go George Washington lived in a time where this was a normal thing and was allowed right I'm only judging people in the context of their time I feel cool now in the context of our time you know it's about slaves to make our phones and then we just look the other way and you know what else could be allowed right now in the context of our time let's have reparations for the descendents of those [ __ ] who I just said I'm supportive of it so that's what George is on the bill you want to remind us how he's throwing this [ __ ] kick it up make it rain I'm not even saying it's a check I'm just saying some type of economic empowerment for the descent for the advocate for the descendants of slaves for African descendants of slaves that's it that's what I think I don't think that's a bad idea at all and I think that I don't see how any true American would be upset at it especially when its precedents for it we've seen it happen several times around in America and around the world yeah I think that a lot of Americans to support like Chris was saying like the whole idea of affirmative action is is a version of that I think people I think people get caught up in the fact that wow I just black people because of what black people went through in this country right that's it like it's not even rocket science your arms and like it's not just like literally I could when something doing but when the buildings of the World Trade Center got bombed those families got compensated you know I mean it's just the right thing to do sometime simple method I think would they get compensated by do you mean why would the government pay them I always thought that was a little all the time somebody over in the West Side Highway year ago yeah but why would the government didn't do the attack why would the government a groundswell of emotion and they just want to do something bro that's weird right no but like it makes sense for me the idea of reparations makes sense because it was a federal government implementation of these rules that affected a certain community but I don't know why you're in power blows up some [ __ ] here and then the government here goes hey let's beat you out they did it to make people feel better pretty much you know say and that's what we want to feel better to be they got free Giants tickets season tickets for life Knicks tickets for life right and some people that came up you know I mean it's not worth it of course you so you'd much rather have your parent back or your your friend back or your uncle back right you know whatever I got I got a meeting man as always do this podcast you think we're smart you think more intelligent you think we're brilliant absolutely right if you listen to this podcast you think we're just a couple of idiots who don't know [ __ ] you're right to is to burn in his podcast thank you for listening and today's episode of the brilliant idiots is brought to you by Jesus and marrow the brand is stronger than ever with their new late-night talk show now on Showtime go to Showtime calm /hi $4.99 a month for six months artha expires March 14th all right Charlemagne to God here I've been listening to a lot of things that people have been saying people always say to Breakfast Club we lean too far left everybody y'all have on is liberal we do try to get people from the right on but they just don't be wanting to come on you know I'm saying I think the last further from the right we had on was a Bob Huggins Huggins who ran for governor in New Jersey but I have a brave guy who's from the right side of things your mayor y'all may not know him I'm gonna let him introduce himself good morning sir how y'all doing that's Hernan Caracas no relation oh column a [ __ ] first of all I don't trust you number one you don't took the name of a good old white French man and using it for your own [ __ ] jury I don't trust you Charlemagne I'll be honest with you but that's what black people do we flippin bounce things you know saying we take things that may not necessarily be ours you know I'm saying you can stop right there you take things that's my [ __ ] known for their take into taking the takin whose took more than the white man that you worship sir don't be that guy Charlie man you making a fool of yourself right now Lord the white man has given us so much and right now he's giving us his greatest gift of all mr. president mr. president Donald released gift anybody could ever say okay I was gonna ask you what do you think about the job that Donald Trump has been doing as president of the Stella Stella the best thing we've ever gotten you take a man who made all these promises he gonna build a wall and look at it most of all already up look sidewall already up and built he's helping out the colored folks everywhere colored folks thing and never been happier than they ever Donald Trump right now but if not he what what I mean contrary to your popular belief you are colored but I mean like you know you're probably wanted a few people who like Donald Trump sir but first of all I am NOT colored I am a white man I happen to be struck with something called Rivera like oh it's that same thing that Michael Jackson that child molester had but in Reverse okay so let's get that's great first of all second of all Carla let's enjoy the times of day lives how would you talk about how look in your bank account Charlemagne look in your bank account Charlemagne to God look at all that money Donald Trump done put in there through the tax cuts I'm sure you out right now about to get yourself a brand new Cadillac or whatever the hell it is y'all driving now you out there about to get yourself some nice they eat like us Oh a shrimp biscuit or something like that whatever it is you put in your greasy black mouth oh it's all because of good president mr. Donald Trump mr. president good down a child well the thing is I I'm blessed to be able to make a living but I mean that doesn't mean that everybody is as blessed as I am you know when it comes to finances so it's a lot of things that Donald Trump is doing that you know just aren't good for the country like you know I feel like hate crimes are at an all-time high racism and bigotry that an all-time high because of Donald Trump sir bigotry bigotry I think you mean [ __ ] tree is at an all-time high they ain't no bigotry going on under President Donald Trump he done cured racism we had a raceless society right now the only bigger trend [ __ ] tree you see is what you're doing to yourself case number one mr. Jesse Smollett now they have a [ __ ] who paid a [ __ ] to beat them don't get me wrong don't get me wrong I enjoy seeing any black man get beat down by another black man but he brought that onto himself don't call it bigotry call it [ __ ] tray and it's brought on by you if you look around you right now you'll just see smile and smile and colored folks living the dream living the life that they've always wanted to live and because of one man a man whose heart is as big as his hands mr. president mr. president Donald I'm sorry mr. president I'm really feeling like the only Negroes you be around is diamond and silk no not now them them them to women I can respect right now then too smart colored women now I don't you know me I don't like colored folks I got a real problem with them but don't owe them some smart colored folks if they could if they could go out on a tour right now and teach the rest of y'all how to act I would pay for it I'd pay for it with it with the expansive tax cuts that I got from this president mr. president on which I miss presidents now let me ask you about a few colored people uh yes since you love diamond and silk what about Candis Owens oh let me let me tell you about some colored folks that I will discuss how are you trying to get me riled up in here let's talk about the colored folks that y'all are nominated to get run for phrase with them let's talk about them Charlamagne no I what do you do what do you think about mr. Cory Booker even [ __ ] don't like Cory Booker he got nothing new they're saying he looked like what's that [ __ ] fella from key key and Peele the tall like scandal okay yeah that's key look just like key matter of fact I think he's just keep willing to put a little fake out on everybody [ __ ] don't even like Cory Booker he's done he's over he may as well book look at his last name and do what it says book book get out of hand Cory ain't got none no damn okay what about uh senator Camilla Harris now call mother Harris I'm only admit something tell you that I didn't even want to admit from the behind view she looked like a fine white woman with that nice chocolate a hair from behind but when she turn around you see that the [ __ ] jury is strong within Camilla Harris or she thinks she's slick because she locked up a bunch of black folks though them in jail and got on the good side of us Republicans she thinks she slipped like that but I can see through hot I can see through her Martin nationalism what is she pop what was she made up of what countries went together to make that woman I'm Jamaican India if I'm not mistaken uh-huh lady [ __ ] whole country's anything else Oakley yeah the dirtiest [ __ ] of all we know it Carla Harris ain't got a chance in hell if she could keep my mouth shut keep turning to the back and we see that chocolate ahead make me think of a sheet of white woman then she'll be fine other than that no done I'm asking about some other Democratic candidates what about Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders look he guess what y'all [ __ ] need to do first of all if you're looking for Sanders y'all may as well be voting for Colonel Sanders because that's the only way he's gonna get any vote he is a crazy man he is insane look the problem with big government you give too much stuff away all right health care for all now that would be fine except the colored folks don't take it if it did not include color folks and I just think it's fine but to be honest with you health care for what does that mean people don't live longer they mean color folks don't live longer we do not need a world where colored folks out here living as long as a good white man colored folks supposed to do what color folks did in the past by about age 53 you're done leave it over to the white man to take care of you no son you know now that I think about it uncle ruckus you you the first transracial like before Rachel Dolezal and generation yeah before Rachel Dolezal and before the little girl from dr. Phil show you you was the black person that that thinks they was born white really just in the wrong body once again I am a white man and I have I've been stricken with reeve it'll like oh so I keep getting dark and dark and dark ever yeah but science cannot lie that is absolutely not true what you just said if you was to count my DNA right now I will spell out the word white science no line let's come to something like global warming something like that dinner just all a bunch of [ __ ] run by the Chinese but science do not lie I am a white man but I do thank you for appreciating me for who I am I've been getting donkey a donkey every day as a blessing yeah that's a case one of the biggest cases I ever struck upon man what do you think about Elizabeth Warren sir Elizabeth Warren you talking about that uh that Native American that beautiful Native American woman yes first of all had she not lied about being Native American with her beautiful smooth sexify skin I could see me getting behind huh I could see me laying beside her but she lied to the American people that's one thing Donald Trump never did he never told a lie he liked the original George Washington I can't not tell a lie but she lied to the folks said she was a Native American so she can get all kinds of good Native American things in a discount on whiskey like Native Americans do so I cannot support running for government but I could sexually suppose she want to call me so I assume you just think Donald Trump was a shoo-in for 2020 it sounds to me like you don't think he has no competition on the other side there have never been competition for Donald Trump yeah I've never been compensated Donald Trump is the kind of man when a doctor tried to pull him out of his mama's vagina when he was being bone he said no thank you mr. doctor I can do this myself he's like a superhuman but super beautiful half there is no competition for Donald Trump do you think everybody do you think he grabbed his mama's vagina on the way up no don't don't do that you know that's not real you know that was something that somebody set up to make it sound like Donald Trump plus I got to be honest with you if I was a woman the first thing I would do I would call mr. Donald president mr. Donald Trump's up and I would say excuse me sir if you have time would you like to come and grab my vagina to be have your vagina grabbed by somebody as great as Donald Trump is one of the biggest gifts that any woman could receive but I don't think he did it but if he did it would be one of the biggest gift that any woman anywhere could ever receive no that's actually called sexual harassment sir sexual it's not when it really no not not when it's done by somebody as good as he asked would you let him grab your dick I've killed me I said would you let him grab your dick I guess I would I hope that don't sound wrong buddy I guess I would never I never thought about that before I'm just saying that if if Donald Trump came to me and saying this is a case of national emergency in case of a national emergency may I grab you may I grab your dick ruckus then I suppose I work for our country for our country I suppose I would let Donald Trump grab my dick in case of a natural emergency like if you're walking down the hallway and you see that little fire thing on the thing said use a hammer to break the glass in case of emergency for the fire extinguishers and then I was you don't grab off the rocks by the deck in case of if it wasn't natural emergency then the answer that salutely has and I suggest you do the same I think that you was very jealous something tells me he was very jealous when you saw Kanye in the Oval Office hugging on Donald Trump calling him daddy I will be honest with you when Kanye did that I thought he may be the smart other than diamond himself the smartest colored man I have ever seen in my whole life Macca my nega nega my [ __ ] that's all I could think about then he done winning switch screams then I just don't trust them no more but for a time for time I will be honest which I was jealous I remember falling down to my knees one night and just praying to white Jesus up above please right Jesus up above please just for a moment let me have the grace and beauty that Kanye West has sitting there in Oval Office across from our good president just talking truthful talk talking smart man talk with the smartest man in the world ain't gonna lie to you I have human emotions and that was one day that I did shed a tear in hopes that I could be Kanye West just for a day in fact I wrote a book called Kanye for a day okay do you think America is ready for a woman president uncle ruckus no sir I do not and why not women women don't have women don't have the mental facilities at a white man white man's can think about so many things at a time white man can run a computer and why he riding with his left hand with a ain't pen and he's googling something on the computers with his right hand and then he's using his other hand and to pay pay people who working for him white man has a mo developed brain I don't know if you know anything about bumblebees but bumble bees got complex eyes they can see all kinds of different ways that once white man's got complex brains they can see things you could possibly see with your little Negro brain things that you don't know it's coming at you the white man can already see it the white man is omnipotent the white woman is now that colored moment is not but here the hierarchy for president got to be a good white man then second if ain't got no good white man then a good white woman can take place with the guidance of a good white man third nobody else Barack Obama proved that a colored man cannot run the country that is not true Barack Obama was one of the greatest presidents of all time sir no white side of Barack Obama did all right then [ __ ] side [ __ ] us up you know man something's wrong with you ain't nothin wrong with me you know I'll tell you one thing I've been working for Trump for a while Trump sent me to Hawaii to find Barack Obama's birth certificate I'm the one who found Barack Obama was a Nigerian or Cancun you know whatever the hell he's not Nigerian or can't Cooney and he's from Kenya uh-huh King kuhnian do you think Cancun he's a Cancun how do you feel about Nigeria since the justice Millette situation oh I will say this I've always said that the Nigerians was the biggest threat you got a country in Nigeria let's basically got to wait [ __ ] in the name we already know where they coming from but once again I cannot be angry with somebody who has beaten up another colored man and I do propose like just a small let that he come out with a brand of neckties it just looked like noose is hung around your neck well bourbon buzzie say that again Burberry did that Burberry has the deserts with the noose around the neck oh that's beautiful I'm gonna put all my money in Burberry oh oh this expansive tax refund that I'm getting calls for mr. president good mr. president don't try mr. president sir I'm putting it all in Burberry and just regular nooks is for [ __ ] have you have you have you ever watched Empire no sir I do not watch colored shows I don't watch white show what's your favorite show on TV then Fox new that's that's the best show on television I'm sorry I'm sorry if you can't handle the truth why have you had a good chuckle Carson cuz they speak nothing but the truth they don't speak they don't even know how to lie I think when they go to fox they have a jean remove for lying out of they brain all they do is tell the truth not on believin color shows good times good time with the last color show that made any sense why cuz I got to see colored folks living in poverty and just having a good time which is what color folks enjoy to do this is this is uncle ruckus and he is actually black but he will not admit that he's black I don't know why you keep saying that yeah you know it's interesting you've always thought that our Kelly was guilty what do you think about him getting charged with ten counts of sexual abuse I will say this about Eric helling first of all you shouldn't do what he did but second of all at least he had a common decency and sense not to make love to or piss on into white children now that I appreciate leave the white chi'lan alone so with that said you probably hate Michael Jackson I am NOT a fan of his and I do think that nature is not kind nature gave Michael Jackson that little table that's Michael Jackson Nature gave him vitiligo which made him go from being a colored man to a beautiful beautiful white man and Here I am with the exact opposite I am not pleased that nature messed me up like that and did something good for a cha molester and could not help me out so I'm a little bit jealous of Michael Jackson Jesus Christ no don't don't say Jesus Christ without saying good white Jesus crying let me ask you about a few more people who uh Juan Castro what do you think how in the hell are we gonna have a country like the jell-o United States of America where the Mexican president named Warren Castro I mean what we gonna do build a wall around the Oval Office that ain't right I won't stand for one Castro I am NOT ready to pay for stuff in dinero's or whatever that Mexican money is called I'm not ready for that I'm not ready for a taco truck Oh never coming I'm not ready for that I'm not ready for free almost free home carrying my half of somebody come about cleaning every two weeks and making sure that everything is put away in my house but they speak Spanish are you ready for that I speak American language what about Joe Biden sir Joe Biden for a while I thought he was something he was a DS hunt white man then he went and worked for that damn Barack Obama that Kenyan coma once he did that I realized Joe Biden a wife nuttin look at him he was a sidekick to a colored man a sidekick to a colored man that don't sound right the white folks ain't supposed to be sidekicks color man cult folks supposed to be side kicks the white man look at Lethal Weapon we should have line that in that story which was a true story by the way that's how sidekicks work not the opposite way around I just don't understand how you love Donald Trump when he lies so much Donald Trump has never lied tell me one lock down the Trump everything you tell me I light it down a trap ever said one line I will kiss Carla Harris great on the left I'm great on I'm not even gonna sit here and waste my time because saying Donald Trump is not a liar is indeed a huge lie okay Kenya Kenya Charlemagne oh you name to a French name but you can't thank Annette Donald Trump has never lied in his whole life yeah you just lied about you know that the whole Barack Obama being a birthday is a lie Barack Obama rock Obama Barack Hussein Obama in a Kenyan Cohen okay he was not born here he's straight out of Africa I'm surprised he's even able to put some English language together he don't have to smooth voice like a Donald Trump guy that is not a lie Dona Trump proved it and made Barack Obama apologize for being a foreigner in our country Donald Trump is a great man what do you think about uh you know Donald Trump's administration having over 30-plus indictment sir I'm sorry I'm sorry how many indictments do Donald Trump half say that again I mean he have his administration that's 30-plus sir oh I'm sorry behind me goes down or chopped off zero now but is they don't say exactly right cops not thinking yep when you got somebody as pure hearted on a Trump he like Jesus Christ mm aha Jesus Christ surrounded himself by with wit with people who was beneath him like pasta tubes and stuff like that Donald Trump is like that he's trying to help all them people up help all of the downtrodden he said bring me Oppo bring me Oh hungry bring me all of that stuff as long as they know that wasn't Donald Trump that said that damn Donna Trump said that bring me hard on people as long as they fight and he surrounded himself with some narrow elves and never do well ups he surround himself with that but that is only to lift them up and help them have a person who been indictment ever one of them well somehow that Donald Trump was trying to help lift up by the bootstraps there's an old poem about Donald Trump as a man walking on the beach and a man only see one fair footprints and a man says excuse me I thought she was gonna be there for me well your pair of footprints and Donald Trump said to the man no doubt my footprints I was carrying you the whole time that was God not Donald goddamn Trump uncle ruckus you just added middle name Donald got drunk okay they Trump did J Safra jeiza when the last time you talked to Trump man I know you I know you worked I talked to him the other day I talked to him every day I'll give him a call sometime I will be laughing about something that we see on color like a color new show we're like oh no the black man found guilty of doing whatever black folks doing we were laugh about that oh Lord I talked to him all the time I got a pillow a pillow in in mine in my bedroom with his face embroidered on it on the pillow next to me and every night before I go to sleep I say good night to that pillow I say a prayer for America and how great he has made it again Charlemagne don't you feel happy that we great again shut up I want to end with this question yeah uh what do you think about some of the Democratic candidates saying they agree with some form of reparation yes all right wrap uh ray John let me tell you something I do believe in reparations really I believe that's a surprise for the white man the white man he brought you all over him he brought you all over hand a fine ship he gave you a meaningful day's week he gave you food to eat he gave you exercise now what have you all given him what have y'all given him oh hey you gave him you gave him crying you gave him drugs Oh Jay damn Simpson and Whoopi Goldberg that's what y'all gave him hey there's a reparation I suggest this I suggest oh y'all know the laughter y'all get off from work today if you got a job I suggest you stop by the check cashing place in cash no check and then send that money straight to Donald Trump and he would L it out over the white over the white nation yes reparations partial but for the white man so I appreciate reparations now I am reminded why we don't really have people from the right on too often this is uncle ruckus see John he's a racist author and radio host yes I am he's the leader of the fascist American populace Republicans I actually don't start calling myself a race I'm not racist I'm gonna be raceless because there's only one race and that's the white race so the rest of them don't even matter it's raceless I'm a race list that's what I'm on I just can't find that time today I'm a raceless and I don't see races as long as they lie and I guess I should congratulate you on being the county executive for Woodcrest County Maryland you guy that would be nice I do have a new position in would crash there white folks have trusted me and and trusted me to run a country Grande County and to make sure that colored folks stay exactly where they belong out of sight okay uncle ruckus have a blessed day sir you too hey Magga my [ __ ] Maggie
Channel: The Andrew Schulz
Views: 149,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brilliant idiots, flagrant 2, podcast, comedy, comedian, stand up, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, andrew schulz, andrew schultz, charlamagne, charlemange, breakfast club, interviews, r. kelly, r kelly, gayle king, gayle, gail, leaving, neverland, trump, will smith, jada, smith, kardasians
Id: dmXMnsAI3W8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 17sec (8177 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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