Brilliant Idiots: Stink Ass Jawn (FULL EPISODE)

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it's so stupid Solomon the God answer show we are two brilliant idiots and today's episode of the brilliant idiots are sponsored by Squarespace turn your great idea into a reality which Squarespace alright Squarespace makes it easier than ever to launch your passion project whether you're showcasing your work or selling products of any kind with beautiful templates and the ability to customize just about anything you can really make a beautiful website yourself and if you do get stuck Squarespace is 24/7 award-winning customer support is there to help okay Hector right now and use backslash idiots for a free trial okay that's go Squarespace backslash idiot for a free trial and when you're ready to launch use the offer code idiot to save 10% off your first purchase of a website our domain let's start to show and tell you what I think is the best show on television no god we know what do you think the best no you know I know we're talking about another one oh inside the NBA come on you late this show Briony is for basketball is brilliant idiots for basketball did you see the clip last night so Shaq and Buckley going at it that was a real moment cuz that really did get in this field boxy and Kenny's liver and Ernie didn't give a [ __ ] they've been working together long enough that they know they real friends and I whatever [ __ ] Ernie was crying he got about a seat laughs is hearing cry he but did you hear what I started that was the funniest part to me that was so [ __ ] slept on go go go it started because Kenny was [ __ ] with Shaq in the locker Felipe Lopez was a better understand from stration high school I got a bus Felipe but how do you prove that think about that you had a story NBA career hall-of-famer four-time champion high school I love that competitiveness Shaq don't want to be bad at nothing no nothing [ __ ] no no no smear my resume why is he so insecure I don't think it's a security bro in a confidence did you see his hot ones did you see him on watch that he he comes off very insecure oh but he is an insecure dude like literally every time they get into a disagreement on the show with Charles he goes yeah but hum a rings you are toast how many rings you got I'm gonna tell you something I got a theory about that I just thought about it just not literally just came to me yeah if you're NBA player right yeah our football player any absolutely anybody whose stats are secured meaning they're their facts did that's the numbers everything backs up what you say in this era yeah if you don't maintain your legacy maintain your resume and control your narrative that [ __ ] could change what do you mean meaning people who say things like LeBron is the greatest NBA player of all time Kevin Hart is the greatest comedian of all time because social media is the big voice right now so that's what they know that's what they've seen you know I'm saying so Shaq could easily Oh Jo Ellen beat is better than Shaq uh uh talking who's another good big man that they've seen in the last 10 years the Marcus cousin Oh like they can say things like that so if Shaq doesn't look that [ __ ] in the bud somebody will run and say hey Felipe Lopez is better than Shaq cuz they're not going to do no [ __ ] research they heard Charles Barkley say it they trust Charles Barkley they trust Kenny Smith and they're running with it Shaq didn't say anything against it so you got to kind of like hold on to your [ __ ] bro you gotta let [ __ ] know what it is you know I think I think you're 100% right my guess my one question is like why does a guy that accomplished wealthy and successful care I cuz I gotta let y'all know bruh okay but why that's insecurity right on some level it's like I insecurities is rooted and really caring what other people think he cares what people who don't even know basketball if you know bad [ __ ] yeah but if you were sitting around i Andrew show someone gets three YouTube views yeah do you not go sit damn let that [ __ ] ride give me sex money facts don't matter give me shacks indoor shades we had a good we had a good debate the other day the dinner table how was it it was good it was it rather it was about it started with Russell Westbrook because I just think I hate the fact that you know guys like skip bills they even saying things like Damian Lillard is better than Russell Westbrook and it's based off one city see you make an epic know what basketball I watch this man Chris demands a triple-double the past three seasons but unheard of bro get intoxicated by a trip Andrew you're [ __ ] a guard tomorrow who you put in first Lillard or Westbrook Lilly why ten times out of ten why when you get swept not swept when they lose the Denver D Series all that rhetoric gonna change well what is Westbrook done by himself in the playoffs what is anybody done but I'm just saying like it Damian Lillard has gotten one first-round victory in the playoffs and what is Westbrook on by himself 0-0 right so like form to me but went but Paul George been in two years right right and he was here yeah before that yeah before this he was hurt this plateau year before that was forgotten nobody nobody like literally KD left he said I'm gonna stay here hug it out average the trip with BB dr. Rob is his record Tina has done it two more times since then so here's how it's not about better right means for me if I'm putting a team together right which pieces are gonna go okay right so for a guy like Damian Lillard I think Russell Westbrook is an incredible force he's one of my favorite players to watch he's the antithesis of James Harden right it's like he is I'm gonna go all effort I'm not gonna [ __ ] I'm not 100 percent Lane I'm max Kelvin said he goes too hard too hard yet God yeah yeah what kind of arrow do we live in there's an argument to it I just think that Damien Lord is a better piece to build around because his ego is I'm not trying to knock Russ's ego because Russia's ego is also what makes him great it's just tough for him dominating the ball the way he does to be the best player on his team and if Russ could accept hey I can be a number two I think that the sky's the limit for any team Russ is on but he cannot be a number two he is an alpha in his purest form he is Jordan esque in his alpha you know what Russell needs same thing Jordan had a system well well yeah better cific he he's the one who destroys the someone who knows the people involved was in his room saying first-hand knowledge that whenever the coach would call a play Westbrook will come down the floor and say [ __ ] that that's not what we're running whatever run watch it well that's do B maybe you haven't had a coach he respects well you know I'm saying like Joe Jackson is an outfit coach right yeah alpha male can study Brooks wasn't an alpha coach go look they are there's only one it over the NBA right not by the way that's it right and and there's certainly plenty Brad Stevens's know what what what Brad Stevens is is a great X's and O's guy but he not a pop is a straight personality guy he knows how to get the most out of you I mean they are yet array they almost took out Denver carried out listen to Brad Stevens [Music] anyway so the point is the point with wit with Russ is he is so effective and he's so great does that effectiveness and greatness translate to winning winning that's it that was my argument then you believe it I don't know yet I'm behind with you I really don't know I don't know like because it's still kind of early for Russ in a lot of ways dirty yeah is he 30 Chris yeah I mean and by the way we don't know if Damian Lillard is the one he just beat rust in a series totally true you know if there's like true and that's my art that's what I was saying I was like Damian right now looks like he's more of a winner then Russell Westbrook is you can be you what is it called of the moment president reason is you can be a physically dominating player you can have all the gifts fill up the scoreboards yeah and not dominate yeah LeBron James right and so that's our honest dominate no LeBron and that's that that was the argument and I was surprised I was really it was a good argument I thought people go to disagree with me yeah one person Dibble he works on the shop soon to tell me what LeBron has dominated a conference LeBron has not dominated the league it's a difference he's dominated the Eastern Conference he has not dominated the league going to the West Coast this year exposed to brought a lot even though the team was hurt and had the problems in they had the issues also hurt he was hurt they didn't make the playoffs I would argue that LeBron has dominated a conference but not the league what about when he was the team that came out of that conference and then they dominated the best team in the Western Conference he didn't dominate though they went down three games one and then and I was at one of the greatest comebacks of all time but I was with Miami that's tough to and I'm gonna tell you why first year that they won the championship it was a half a season can it be the young Oklahoma City Thunder team second town was against the Spurs Ray Allen bailed them the [ __ ] out then they played these birds again loss to disperse and they lost to the Mavericks in the finals the finals four times lost to the Mavericks the first time first time they won a championship beat Oakland OKC and a half a season third time Ray Allen bill demott against the Spurs four times Burroughs beat them I just don't take a look I don't think a LeBron led team has dominated the NBA Michael Jordan led team dominated the NBA Kobe Bryant led team dominated the NBA but they also lost you know Kobe lost to the snow to go off to you know and then take those a great team but he didn't get there tons of times as well got there seven times but I'm saying he listen LeBron dominated the conference he dominated a conference that was weak East is way better now than it was when LeBron was running through that [ __ ] this is better I don't think LeBron even comes out with the Cavs this year I don't think LeBron a Cavs led team could be the books if LeBron was still in Cleveland yeah that definitely couldn't beat the Celtics don't think we could beat two rocks your reasoning say Philly to knotty before what's the reason for that just because you think that the players on these teams have improved since he's beaten all these guys he just beat them younger absolutely I think the town has raised exponentially where they couldn't beat him I don't think that when he beat them a few years ago when he beat them last year I don't think that I don't think Milwaukee like Drew Bledsoe wasn't on Milwaukee a few three years ago what's it called not drew bledsoe freak was what's the guy's name what's his name let's hope Drew Bledsoe was the quarterback for those yeah but I don't think Eric is gonna be that you know difference maker I think John is like changing as a player it's gonna be much more difficult to manage but I think LeBron still comes out regardless I think they they they have a shitty team in LA and I think what happens is when you play in LA every person on the team gets inflated the reality is Brandon Ingram is not a good basketball player young no I think you can only be young for so long yeah I don't think that he's a good basketball player I don't think that they really have anybody that good that besides Alonzo and Alonzo is a decent basketball player hmm I don't know who they have that's really good whose was good I wouldn't I can't put him and their example with Kuzma it's like another guy who was inflated like he'll have these big games but yeah I don't think he's consistent enough like what are you getting from are you just giving the ball to block and he can get you to like what is what is it who else on that team can get you to like LeBron say what you want about Kyrie LeBron had Kyrie who could get you to whenever the [ __ ] he wants carries a better finish it in LeBron too though oh come on Kerry is the best non dunking finisher in the history yeah am I Kyrie or Dame curry Jane I go Dame Carrie healthy Kyrie all day Dave attend Kyrie is too much of a diva and he's too much of a distraction damn is real listen everything y'all saying about Russell yep people say the same exact thing about LeBron this I think LeBron Achilles heel have said it before is he gets too involved in personnel decisions and he's not a great he hasn't been surrounded by elite talent for the most part except for Kyrie and at the end of it he hasn't has not considered the Miami stuff it's on the different soccer you know we don't know who's responsible for that might guess is he's played a role and like if you look at those calves teams there's nobody from those teams that stands out right but what he's always done is he's packed his teams with the exact role players that he needs to be successful and if he's smart here's another elite guy who can get buckets cuz we all know about LeBron he likes deferring especially an important points of the game he likes passing and guys who can hit shots and then he has you know what's the white boy's name from that's at Utah right now the rover yeah the Kyle Korver yeah so have a glyco white guy who could just drop you know threes out the asset center that's the perfect solution for for LeBron and when you put these pieces around you can be successful and he wanted an Eastern Conference in a least least three conference I think that he could do it in the West - no way Jose I think he could do you don't think that they can beat the Denver Nuggets you don't think they could be the Trailblazers they didn't even when they were helped yeah I think when anyway when they're at their healthiest this year they was like a number four seed oh I'm saying if you take that Cavs team he was on and you put it in the West I think that Cavs team goes to the Western Conference Finals in plays no absolutely and in curry of curry yeah with Kyrie cab Tristan yeah absolutely I would need a little more from Kevin Love you know in order for them to really really really treating the west so that's that's the other question is like who's better Kyle kuzmic Kevin Love I think Kevin love's way better because you gotta take two years ago when they had that team yeah they would have to get through OKC with Russell Westbrook [ __ ] KD and he would had to get through the warriors yeah yeah no I think I think they got that I mean OKC was Abby's yo here's the thing about okay see everything's couldn't be patient that's what I honestly believe it you know just could not be patient you know what I heard it was and this is on okay see the franchise looked at Russ and they looked at Kevin and they saw Kevin is as a single mom no connection with his pops dead serious oh yeah you want to know some real [ __ ] single mom no connection with the pops and they looked at a truss and they're like real strong family unit doesn't even have a lot of friends outside his close circle and they go this kid's gonna be harder to kind of move and generally use the word manipulate and like move and shift what we're gonna do is move and shift this KD kid stupid dumb is [ __ ] dude Katie walked in there and he was like hey listen I just want to shoot her give me a shoe gimme Mike Miller track get me Mike Miller somebody that we can kick to and hit the open three cuz I'm gonna draw attention and they go get Fabio Sefolosha or whatever whoever the other [ __ ] was and it's like eventually Katie's like Doug if you're not gonna do what I'm asking and I'm Kevin Durant like I can have an ego what is he saying this year I'm Kevin Durant he already keeps saying he's the best player in the world right now him it is I have not said it until right now he might be the best player in the world is go Bryan cuz he played you know I like Katie cuz he played both sides of the ball bro so there was a blockage yeah but he wants to know but he's been bowling so here's a question here's a question straight up do you trade I mean obviously don't have to do this but straight up would you trade KD for LeBron right now yeah yes would you trade KD for Jonas if your hoop any time I'm not training Katie for nobody I'm cute I got KD I'm candy absolutely but I can get KD I don't know about John if I keep John John is too young good yeah Katie's like wonderful King is prime you gotta remember there were real own Tariq concerns with him for many years though with Katie yes foot foot like it's been good but let Becca go that's the only thing shoot he could take you off the dribble and now he's playing [ __ ] at the rim right is it different getting so here's the question they're saying that he's gonna come to the Knicks I think one will [ __ ] it okay I think the Knicks will [ __ ] it up no no no I'm not delusional ask Alex I've been saying for the beginning we will [ __ ] it up I know this yo they think that they gonna get Kady Kyrie Irving and Zion Williamson listen I that's what they think I think we're gonna get Chris Middleton and Tobias Harris I know she comes to the mix then I mean I think the NBA is doing that on purpose so who do you put Kady with on the next unit you have another you have another Mack salary spot you go Kady and now you have the choice between Kyrie or Kemba Walker who either I actually will get Kimble thank you I would take Campbell because it's less added to absolutely Kimber is gonna be a good number two and it may be happy with being number so happy Howard I would definitely take him think about how devastating Kemba Walker is now when he has no help on his team from New York that's even better for the stage I'm getting Kimbo Vicari I love that move everybody's so intoxicated by Kyrie beretta and Kyrie still injury-prone I'm taking Kimble walking and KD now you got something and if I'm Katie I'm not making no move until somebody goes first go first you decide I really fear that VA MBAs doing that on purpose well I want them cuz the missus sucks was so long we and it's bad for the league bad for the [ __ ] league it's bad for the league and I don't think nobody's going that way okay what other hot topics you guys discuss him you need a dinner I saw that picture I was like who was there with the two guys from barstool yeah what's their names big cat and um PFT common commentator or Jesus was there not one cloud well Michael Bennett Malcolm Gladwell Jesse Jesse Williams in his girl Taylor Jesse told his wife she not Gant [ __ ] he did his ex-wife or something for like two hundred thousand a month plus three hundred twenty thousand lawyers visa said he was like a free ride shorty but not that much [Laughter] she was like I love black woman just cuz her name is Taylor doesn't that mean you're on the same sure you did we say I'll tell us what's up today p.m. Barack was in there I can't be robbed from Philly you know she goes crazy wanna philly [ __ ] come in the room act like she too good for him but when they come around and they just like just still got a little bit of dirtiness in them but they just started like just started cleaning up a little bit right but you can still see the ash on the knuckles turns out the [ __ ] on right so she a just smiling she's in whatever whatever the PMB rocket was breaking down the difference between different people from Philly yeah he's from Germantown he said that's what all the fly dudes come from you know I'm saying that's not true then he said oh you know West Philly is where all the bad chicks and Taylor goes yeah that's true never heard tell us you safe Stevie from West Philly ever in her life all before was Lower Merion where do you say what is the place calling for Batum I said that I yes I'm from West Philly my dad moved our family to Lower Merion but I was always in West Philly cuz I only got my cousin's everything else so yes technically a big girl but she only saying that cos PMB rocks it all the Flyers girls if she was ever you know for all them people that say I'm from Upper Darby everything in your there you go I'm not like happy we know you from Upper Darby Lower Merion you're from Upper Darby when I met you your access you have Upper Darby accent it is right there who made sure PD was gonna see you today the human highlight reel I've never seen you wear that Jax glasses is it birthday PMB Roxette I say yeah we got somebody feeling he goes oh yeah I know me and hello John was talking outside what you did you pulled up hello and I mentioned yes what do you say my filly Brett that's that's an ashy knuckles brother you got like a beard but it's not a beard so it's like really bearded right here but shaved right here so you know you could just grow it out she turns her on cuz you see the hope he's not my type what section of Philly is your type Taylor section of Philly yes I like you don't gotta be I really don't mind North Philly guys I'm why they have a different demeanor really wear the whites in Philly wear the whites yeah this rounding us actually there y'all getting in our neighborhood my y'all North Philly but he getting y'all [ __ ] about is it that's happening in every hood in America why you think we have these stop the violence campaign this week and a lady from Raleigh dorm said it's not even the fact that the value goes up like they said a white person could come and occupy the same space she was like not only did the value go up everybody starts behaving differently and that's the [ __ ] that's the most [ __ ] up [ __ ] about gentrification so you're gonna talk about the jay-z's blame is just necessarily jay-z lyric is just the fact that black people really schedule a def away people everyone what the concert [Music] we see the consequence of the white privilege what's the point of white privilege if we say you ought to going to fight whatever age most likely it's say you the one that hit Charlemagne first I kill Andrew L if I kill a black bird you see yeah but I'm just saying they're gonna be more hearty you like did you see that you saying like white people get treated like women in the judicial system yeah cuz women will go jail for [ __ ] yes and they get like 10% the sentences of men did you know that yeah I got you did y'all see that viral video I'm a kid this officer like just got real aggressive with him and then the his white friends I stood and I was like no don't touch him - then the officer like just backed up because he has his white friends on the side I saw the one with the where the officer hit that step back on black dude that was violence that was police brutality for real bro he hit that step back on that black dude you know see that no there played one-on-one baseline bro yo hashtag black lives matter yo you can't be going into black communities and just dropping buckets on them like white cops going to they like play basketball - like you know establish rapport and then they gave the white cop the board he like hit a little jab step so a couple dribbles to the left step back dime Jesus Christ who you gotta curse out fine guys clammy hands are not fun to shake in an interview thankfully for him calm the wellness brand ferment you 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shelves and it absolutely works man it should had my hair coming back I gotta find a picture there's an old picture of me doing a show on music choice and I like been down in front of the camera and you could see my my my balding my meal pattern balding and that [ __ ] went away so god bless for hims remember that's fo r hims dot-com slash idiots for hims dot-com such idiots see the website for full details and safety information what no no no I don't believe in that say what the [ __ ] [Laughter] this guy has real alopecia do you know what that is yeah do you really dare you hold on but what were we just saying tell us something but I have a question for you yeah do you cook great yeah do you wash your chicken no you do you don't wash your chicken yeah why cuz why people don't do that right well so I hurried oh because you saw we also don't wash our buttholes in the shower you saw everybody took that that conversation we had on brilliant idiots and did their own thing with that yeah but the but yeah the little bath towel or whatever we don't we don't use that but yeah about washing the chicken it's a stupid thing to wash your meat because you cook everything right off of it but when we're thinkin survive fire you know that right right so chicken isn't the night cake when we're washing it we're not over watching it written I um like just putting water on it like we have vinegar lemons yeah all that goes right off I know but you don't think it's like weird slime yeah I can't do that I gotta have to watch it that's how I was raised chicken yeah just washing it like this because when you pick it up it's like so slimy you know what they're spraying on it the process of it is anything that is on it gets cooked off so what's the problem with us is watching it just to be safe nobody's knocking you for washing it if you want to waste your time there was a big debate if we do wash are taking this mad germs bacteria and you get eco lice from washing it yes but that's for like if you just don't wash your sink that's so washing your chicken can make it worse yes that's what they say listen do whatever the [ __ ] you want to do was lying when I said I cook I don't honestly I've had my apartment I think for over like maybe a year and a half now maybe it's come coming up on two years and my oven doesn't work the entire time I've lived there what I use the entire time I've lived on my part of my doesn't have an oven hasn't worked I just found out a year in that hasn't work I'm trying to cook something and she was like does this not preheat and I go honestly I don't know I just that you're the first person to turn that nozzle so yeah the burners on the top work but not something and microwave for that it's a better oven you never read anything you know i reheat a lot in the microwave beg what I don't reheat a pot roast why would I put something in the oven like for instance I'll put something oven if it's like hmm if it's like fries ah oui you don't even really suppose reheat fries but yeah I'm not reading front I'll do crab later probably you'll what hurry reheat crap yeah I don't eat crab legs white I just don't get them yeah I'm not I don't do that what's gonna read eat crab legs no wait you don't eat crab legs either a period no it's are you serious it's a stupid food it's a stupid food crab it's so much it's so good though no but you look like an idiot just chewing on these yeah it's just so good yeah you know my buddy said a funny thing about crab legs if you ever go to a buffet and there's Asians there that's the only thing they eat at the buffet they wait for the crab legs Brian cuz everything else is okay this is a and I was like I never really put together but Asians think the rest of us are idiots at a buffet right because white people we go to like the pizza the potatoes the fries so we're filling up on all these carbs and we're not even getting our money's worth at the buffet these Chinese people straight to the crab legs they're making $100 every time they go to the buffet yeah spend 30 they eat 300 dollars worth of crab legs spike the cholesterol through the [ __ ] roof okay they come out clean up ahead I spent $40 in a buffet I had three sighs of Pizza first of all I haven't even been to a buffet that had crab leaves say what I never been you got to get out of West Philly bro I don't think I even trusted people they literally wait at the dish for the crab legs to come in right in crab and they'll be waiting there for 30 minutes and then once they get it they're greedy and they grab all the crab legs and they fight it was donkey other day one time with some lady stag I almost witnessed that before Carly's a good spot they're really not hot butter you have have you been to the boil it's not a baby boy yeah it's the only reason you think it's good is because it takes work to get it out no [Music] wait wait doesn't hurt put anal on this pedestal because it's hard to get right you gotta convince a girl to do it you have to saliva you have to use Lube yeah it has to be your birthday right that's to me all these things to make it happen so when you finally get it in there you're like oh my god I finally got anal it's like a pistachio like have you ever had pistachios that are already detailed yeah time to shitty nut okay cashews away better not but you'll have to do all the work for the cashew so you think it's less valuable you have to do all this work for the crab leg to get a microscopic amount of crab meat go to the boil David bed to the boil they throw your food in a [ __ ] plastic sack so what disrespectful work that out why am I here Korean barbecue and they make me cook my own food it's like what is your job what are you going what did you just trick me into cooking my own [ __ ] dead who's washing the plates me you want me to take care of that too there's a [ __ ] place in Japan this girls say to me there's a place in Japan where they make you it's like part of the gimmick you fish for your own food it's like the balls on you the balls on you you're gonna feed me sushi so you don't even gotta cook it and now I gotta catch my own [ __ ] food just send me to the forest you know it's funny sit down you bring me my [ __ ] food that's what's fun paying to not do dishes is that what's happening yeah I don't know what accent you're talking to right now Philly you're here everybody's fishing in this little days oh my god we didn't get a fish now you're hungry now you're starving yeah paying [ __ ] I don't catch a fish where's Japan I have issue with these places it's like they try to go all highbrow at their food yeah right you don't need to go highbrow with your food just bring me the food you know I don't like though where I really pisses me off when I'm at a restaurant and they don't take the tails off the shrimp that bothers me cuz well I'm mad hungry and I choke on the tail yo let me tell you something the balls on you balls on you to think you could serve me shrimp and charge me for it and you didn't finish making exactly taking off the shelves no no you believe the tale that's dish they take the little legs all that I feel like that the tail gives you grip though like when you eat a shrimp and you just pull it off grip I got a fork yes what are you either with chopsticks no but like Otis wait what depends who are eating we acknowledge how stubborn the Asians are for not adopting the fork who's the chopstick I don't get it do you you when you eat every time I'm eating with a chopstick like every Titan well I don't eat with one but every time I mean the chopstick and like it just falls and you're like what are we doing here what are we doing here go just say it so when I eat Chinese food whatever age recently um my intern asked if I wanted chopsticks with it right I said no cuz I'm in America I would like go for it yeah is that ignorant to say that's not because it's not because you're in America that it's ignorant to say right you want to eat with a fork because I know it's better technology easy right it's like hey would you like Wi-Fi or dial-up I like to Wi-Fi my yeah Chinese food you see what I'm saying I don't now granted granted 100% that's why they're skinny cuz it takes forever to eat like the amount of food that with their fat people this should only be allowed to with like I believe this base they should weigh you when you walk into a restaurant and based on how you weigh based on your fat index they give you the utensil that you can eat the food with so if you're a fat person you should have to eat soup with a chopstick one not even two because you haven't earned the fork does that make sense first while you eat soup with a spoon out of four that's my point it's like you're getting this soup in too good so we need to reverse that a little bit it clearly the fork is too effective for some people we were in Orlando we were in Orlando and there was this chick this is gonna see mean but whatever there's this very big girl and she had braces on she was like big fat girl but she had braces and it's like the teeth are working overtime yeah like those work perfect I don't know like you don't need to fix that at all like they are chewing and digesting great it has nothing to do it chewing though what is it her teeth weren't straight she wants us to eat well however they were working it was sawing through food with no [ __ ] problem clear okay they were doing their intended purpose understand maybe you want to have you know that's not expecting them to because when your teeth are jacked up food gets stuck in between that's more food for later usually opportunity you never eat beef jerky and then you like suck your teeth you've never been eating a cheesesteak with that thin slice that paper-thin me all up in your [ __ ] teeth I don't enjoy when I taste that no I don't enjoy that you don't enjoy it a little bit that when it loses all its color now the meat is just flesh white I pay for this hey listen you can make me fish my own fish in the restaurant you can make me cook my own fish in the restaurant Chris you're Asian did you notice in Japan there's a restaurant that makes you fish for your own [ __ ] fish with no fur is there a lake or something inside like if you just ask if there's a lake in the restaurant it's a [ __ ] aquarium where did they keep it but there but it's aquarium around yo fine I tell you something about how these Japanese are on another level I figured it out okay you can make that sound all episode so so friend of mine is in Japan right these [ __ ] are geniuses they lean in to the animal instinct of people right there but I think they got it down they're polite is [ __ ] in society right but they're not afraid of their like Ross animal instinct like all their porn is crazy tie you up every 15 guys jerking off on a girl etc so I think they find the perfect balance I think it's like yo we can walk around and be polite as [ __ ] and obey these rules and everybody treat each other accordingly as long as you give a little space for us to be dark as [ __ ] as well do some weird [ __ ] exactly and I think in America we operate in this kind of like middle ground where it's like hey we're not really polite but we're not really dark so we're not indulging in either extreme of humanity and I think on some level would be better if we if we did that yeah you know be like I think you need to tap into your darkness and light like make it obvious though they're not afraid like they got that you could cuddle with people like it's like 10 bucks yeah just go into like a cuddle thing and a chick just lays there you cuddle sometimes you need a cuddle Dave commodified every desire they're not afraid you know like it like in Western culture we push away designers in a lot of ways right they've come modified every culture so they're guys they just like to smell panties that girls wore right so you could buy some pain he's at a little kiosk you know you buy a mountain Dew baby already been used already been used you could buy Mountain Dew and then right next to it you could buy some undies with a little do you got a go to like the [ __ ] the the doldrums of eBay to get some panties you feel like a fetish store in the mall fam you could go to Uniqlo you could get your fresh underwear and you could go to the store next door and get your little white underwear that's disgusting it's disgusting but people need it like you understand what I'm saying some people would think it's disgusting to eat you know a steak them sandwich we're talking with she's think when they see what y'all eat in Philly the bag why do you lean and over oh so the juice doesn't get on that shirt go back to what you said with chopsticks and suffering yeah so what what's happening to like the sumo wrestler some big sumo wrestlers yeah they feed them to get them that size they have to force them to eat okay it's not like America where we have to force you not to eat like it is a challenge to get that fat okay you think that's actual sports like get fat that's the competitive advantage it's like offensive line is like ancient - it's interesting what was that you were eating on a I forgot what the Canadian food you're eating their hand Oh Jill off jollof rice jollof rice i'm pronouncing it wrong my bet it's a West African food and it's a is we don't use any utensils yeah we had a jollof off on you well good about the Somali food that we had Somali food [ __ ] was kind of yelled man Somali food is bombed the joke I had is like I understand why they ate it all [Laughter] dude it was really good we're in Minneapolis Minnesota we went and we had this Somali food now here's a crazy thing about Somali food is they eat a banana with everything like pasta they're eating pasta with their hand you never see pasta with your hand in it that [ __ ] is white into the pull of pasta breaking off a little bit of banana and then putting it in his mouth dude it is an experience you gotta see that [ __ ] but there you go that's the next level it's like I don't need chopsticks I don't need a fork this my fork this is a real effective fork right here so you rather you just use your hands you don't want to use when you reach it the wings use a fork no I'll be polite though I like bring I won't like if there's company if you buy yourself [Music] what you mean independent like I'm not that hungry white girl white girl nothing about anything from you I'm seasoning it to the bone but I'm saying like from hungry if I'm hungry hungry like this got done smoking I'm [ __ ] around here who's around but if I'm like that hungry and I'm just like trying to be yeah now I'll just take pieces off but I'm still cleaning the bone off but don't get that twisted culture I don't clean the bone off you some parts there that aren't even chicken is that the point you gotta make sure oh yes you do what are you doing I mean you get a pass very upset with Alex right now what do you mean you supposed to clean just say you pick it off I never seen it before my life yo why do we have to click this is the stupidest thing that like you have to force yourself to eat parts of the food good no it's not when you're out on a date do you think that the guy that's on the day with you is observing how you eat the type of phone yeah when I'm on dates with girls and I order like dick like things Oh oh she cuz you have a banana and then and then like just like a [ __ ] you know maybe should get her potassium up or whatever like that and then I'll just kind of watch her eat the banana yeah Molly restaurant maybe that's how all point the Somalis are there like y'all put a banana in every meal so you can see what that mouth these [ __ ] are pranking off piece of the banana we need a banana there's a video of a long time ago this video she's just one of those she's just testing my people out she is a random girl that you know how they do pranks on YouTube and stuff like that so basically she's going up to strangers just eating a banana roast low like that right yeah you're running away running away why cuz that's a setup well guys like so like what you doing lately falling for you go but it's not that big girl's gonna come on just start deep throating a [ __ ] banana in front of me that's why everybody in California got herpes now that's what happened at Coachella right some girl and Molly starts sucking on some [ __ ] inferno who or should hook up with her no first of all if you've been California you're not getting no dick for a good six months we got to let that flush out your system you can't flush out herpes I mean you can't flush it out right but like it only it shows up yeah my point is right now what's that how many people got yo I don't know it was like 11,000 new herpes cases in California y'all are yeah how many how many summer James we had here and not one person got herpes yeah don't kiss anybody at somebody you know what it is cuz why people love making out for different dudes one girl making out the same way too I'm not yeah Billy you don't whiteness of white girls you got fake dreads [Music] you don't know how to eat chicken wings you eat chicken wings with your fingers first of all I say I told I'm aliens Real Talk only an alien would look at the chicken wings dissecting it yeah but go oh he's in what is it with you guys like making out like why are we like making out but y'all [ __ ] make it out not white bean white people they really make our each other's faces yeah we like this and we're affectionate people like when I'm in it when I used to party this be I'll be over a fast song I'll just is this weird or would you rather a guy do a guy look you deeply in the eyes or make it and make out with you or a guy be like oh so long what that you don't say you said it's a Philly thing we wouldn't understand you I just let you know the guy's taste and then I back please what what do you think oh my god but you never said you saved a you do shave I don't know sometimes you need to drink more water to eat more peanut butter for edges I hate you I told you that earlier peanut butter goes first so don't make it seem like I don't sometimes don't have no hair the edges are good but sometimes they look more the temples one spot I can show you one spot way to edge you know what the best thing the ledge is down is me yeah what is it peanut butter this company's called but has a purple lid I want more for you Taylor guys I want like a real white was in the room see I like this kind of [ __ ] does corny [ __ ] the same old custom it's it's the same old corny [ __ ] all the time it happens to me all the time it's nothing new you know I'm saying you show love to somebody and then they end up violated right so it's a homie from from Lafayette South Carolina tweeted something to me this morning about somebody else being on Breakfast Club and saying how I've never invited him so I do what I think you should do with your home he's cuz I already know how that Twitter back and forth can go yeah I hit him and I just asked him you know not a did not in disrespect I just asked him how what make what other than me being from South Carolina yeah other than us having that connection yeah why should you be on The Breakfast Club What did he say a whole bunch of nothing you know I'm saying cuz all I was trying to explain to him was your resume has to be at a certain level you got to have a certain amount of buzz you gotta have a certain amount of push going behind you because guess what if you don't have that it doesn't do anything for us and it damn strangle do nothin for you right you know I'm saying it's literally like being the tree that fell in the far and nobody saw yeah we could do an interview with you put it on YouTube who the [ __ ] is gonna watch you had to tell him the hearing popping he's not popping like he thinks he is can we say who it is now I'm not gonna say his name it cuz I cuz I cuz I I'm not I'm not going I'm not gonna put him out there like that and now my whole thing to him just now what I was explaining to him was that's how you lose access to me right no Zayn cuz you've hit my fault like y'all I'm in New York I want to pull up sure how many people reach out and say they want to just come up here yeah yo come up you know he comes late every single time now we get petty man you should have heard the [ __ ] fingernail [ __ ] clip in his shitty and how does she clipped in years oh really but long story short and stuff like that really pisses me off and the reason it pisses me off because I've never done number have open arms for you so it's like y'all don't do no cloud chasing [ __ ] I hate when people do [ __ ] like that you take the text somebody sent you and post it on social media I can't believe Charlemagne sent me this today she's corny yeah you know like it's corny like you a grown-ass man like that [ __ ] is wack to me especially when we're Texan and I said y'all imma call you when I get off the air which I had every intention of doing and you know what I was gonna call him and if I'm out the loop a little bit I might be out to loop a little bit but I want to see where you're at cuz I don't see it you know I mean I see you moving but I don't see you there yet so let me listen let me let me do more talking let me do less talking and more listening right so I was gonna listen him hear what he had to say and if there was a way I could y'all know how I get down if there's a way I could help elevate what he's doing I'm gonna do it okay now I might not I'm not [ __ ] with you no more probably honestly I guess who it is yes Petey Pablo [Music] has an open invitation to The Breakfast Club okay really bro PT is a whole legend to me has he been there nah Pete not only a fede a whole legend right Petey has had platinum records and PD got a hell of a story I don't think you people know Petey Pablo story people think that North Carolina come on and raise up they hate that song right now knowing Petey was a whole [ __ ] goon right you did like a decade in prison Pryor's about you know yeah so I would I would deftly that conversation Pete but the moral of the story yep don't ruin your access to people chasing small moments of social media attention small moments of social media fan your on the for me tell me and everybody on my side [ __ ] buddy I have no boss you wouldn't saw that I follow you where you said you don't be on Twitter I'm still at work no what the [ __ ] same way I started [ __ ] this morning I'm gonna see this [ __ ] again where I'm at work we're doing the podcast I'm looking at Instagram I'm looking at you to see if we're missing anything right so it's just like now I may not [ __ ] what you ever again straight up whoa big one the bestest simple is this [ __ ] like that's just it's just corny to me and for him to think that's okay you know the end everybody always has to be aware of their place in the am I'm fully aware of my place in the game you know saying I know what my position is right I'm not going look at you know Trevor Noah and and say in media I maybe I don't know I'd say I'm on that level you know I mean you're way past I don't know we'll get into that all I'm saying is a mogul like Diddy days different yeah I'm not I know I'm not that hands down I'm saying so it's like everybody has to be aware of their position in the game and that makes you work harder and it makes it that much more rewarding right Andrew how many [ __ ] notice in your comedy now a lot a lot why cuz of the Jews have let me in [Laughter] yes and you continue to build your buzz yes - where at this point is undeniable right and if a [ __ ] is acting like they don't see it and not acknowledging it is really frightening right simple simple of that yeah that's all I was telling all me like he was like yo somebody gave you a shot when you didn't have a resume that's not true I worked at four radio stations in South Carolina I was utilizing the Internet I had interviews that were going viral that you did get shots but they were like lower on the totem pole and I think what you're you're trying to say is hey this is the top of the totem pole no no Wendy gave me a shot because he wasn't aware of what I was doing right right meat but what I guess what I'm saying it's like you getting on the radio in South Carolina was a shot like all these things are shots but right now with Breakfast Club that's the top of the totem pole and you're basically saying this guy like hey there's a lot of other radio stations that you could do to get some buzz you know you come up here but I just told me what's that I'm the biggest artists in Sakhalin right now I said well how many regulations I can learn invited you for an interview he said none so you need to do just as simple like you want to do you just want to skip steps because I'm you and that's the problem when you know somebody and they know you from the same place and you give them access right and you talk to them and you and you know and they are telling you invite them up they think they think that they can take advantage of that and now they feel like oh I should be on just because they get in I told Charlamagne man I remember when the baby uh they wanted the baby to come on right I said to the label I said man I I don't I don't want because I just how serious I take the Carolinas I don't want the baby on if all he got to talk about is his antics you know I'm saying the shootings killing somebody in Walmart the shootings all that stuff like that even though he did talk about all of that yeah I said is he ready for this look that he's gonna get from being on the show right right so um my man Chuck - hit me chuck was like nah Charlie he would he ready and he gave me the numbers to back that up you know I'm saying and in sudden music I'm like oh he is dope you know so have needed a much better broader in abuse I'm like I pump and then she did like a million plus views right so that was a great look for the baby right and a great look for The Breakfast Club right so in the case of this guy that's hitting me what do you have to back it up other than your ego telling you you know you ready and I saying you're not ready I'm just saying you don't have anything to back that up like where's the buzz right you know it's in like the yeah I'm glad I'm happy for you that some some publications in South Carolina writing about you like you told me about to sell a painting for a million dollars right if you bought the sella pain for a million dollars then you got to be the biggest artist in the [ __ ] country that's Warhol left hope he's an artist like not a music artist no he's a painter this guy songs better slap you tell me he uses oil paper is a good guy man [ __ ] outta here bro is this just a rich bird no either this guy got to get in line I mean are you as socially awkward as Justin he's been up but Justin's been on the podcast and probably honestly I would have do it on the pocket I would have had dude on the podcast you know I am furious the [ __ ] unmitigated gall that you think you should be on The Breakfast Club for a painting what does he paint bro pictures of what things in South Carolina South Carolina first of all if you put that painting up I don't even know what the [ __ ] it is unless I'm in something is it gonna be a dirt road with 8,000 people saving it's gonna be the monks corner mural you know he's about to take this and post it on his own instantly good just want you to know that and this will get more views than any painting he's definitely won't you put some music on the back of it some PT Pablo I roof all my South Carolina people and like I told him he saves about to sell a painting for a million dollars to whom I have no idea cuz I need to get that guy on the phone too cuz I got a painting also so I told him I said if you sell a painting from number one if yourself in familia dollars you would not need Charlemagne and no way shape or form you are you are Warhol Matta fact let me Google what's the most somebody Google with the most expensive painting I mean millions and millions of dollars yeah Picasso's Picasso I said I'm saying we're talking about the Mona Lisa if you sell the pain for million dollars what type of level you wanted the artist Chris top level super top level right for a million I mean there's there's levels above that but million you're in the million dollars a year out of here yeah he's not doing conversation at the breakfast exactly I think but whatever I think he was just talking but the moral of the story is I don't like if me and you have a relationship yes and you have access we have you have access to me I have access to you yes we're talking through text or whatever yeah then you take this [ __ ] and post it on social media you're only doing that for club yes [ __ ] carne bro now I don't [ __ ] with you no more now what you know what I'm saying I got done he told me I don't trust you how you don't trust me what have I done to violate your trust charming this might be the best promo you could possibly do for this guy cuz everybody listening is like I gotta see this guy's heart go look up meet Nelson goat Nelson M ent Nelson go everybody please rush to his pain EMT a me auntie Nelson please everybody go rush to his page go look at his art work you know comment on it tell him Charlemagne to God sent you this is this is King take all his love my brother and Antti Nelson Emmy aunty Nelson is these are pictures they're not uh yeah would you yes is website yes son I see one painting itself watermelon if that's not the most rate oh man Oh what are you talking about don't tell me just mother [ __ ] got no peaches you got one you got picture of watermelon didn't know pains oh those people ain't pains I'm on his Instagram that's where people find [ __ ] there's pictures of people he's got stuff on his website he's got a hat with a grandmother that's kind of cool okay I'm trying to pull it up a camp butow I'm not gonna lie man this picture right here this is worthy of a sway no Jasper Johns okay well listen MIT Nelson M ent and Els Owen all right please you're saying he got a million dollars for this stuff that's what he says this is really awesome I never said he wasn't time that I actually told him verbatim it's not about Talent most of the time you know what I'm saying it's not about how talented you are it's about what kind of buzz do you have perception arts all perception even just not even just art but just in the entertainment business why wouldn't you want your roving last year Andrew say what why weren't you on Joe Rogan last year because of the Jews [Laughter] [Laughter] because I took my life in my own hand huh the bubble of the day yeah correct it's dead now yes it was passed there like you in a different space you're in movies and [ __ ] like right right that's that's all I'm simply saying but listen mint Nelson M ent any LF so in my heart is from South Carolina god bless him I'd go to his page follow him on Instagram follow him on Twitter I've done my part but and do you think it's over between you and men's now as far as what like you are a relationship your friendship your love isn't it I love love values and appreciate my brothers actually told him that a few weeks ago because when I was telling everybody to tell somebody that you love me if I'm appreciated me text me so I texted back I love you how about you I appreciate you but I'm a work in progress so even though I love and I value and I appreciate all my brothers it's gotta be [ __ ] some of y'all sometimes you know I'm saying like I'm a work in progress I'm working on myself you know I'm saying but yo when you do certain things I'm looking at you like that's just some clown [ __ ] to do that's just corny yes that's when you got my number we just was texting why take the text and post it on social media yeah that's a little bit weird it's corny yeah it's very corny as [ __ ] like I don't care what that [ __ ] is so goddamn lanes like sharing nudes I can't believe Charlemagne texts me too you just want a reaction out of people that's all you want you want the attention that comes with that with it you want people to know opera huh no I don't think you tagged nobody but whatever man god bless them ours is pretty odd when you think about it just art it is yeah it's like why can some people make that I never understood it like why is it like when I try to draw a face it doesn't look like face and then they just control faces what the [ __ ] is that no it's not focus if some people have a gift they can just do it what the [ __ ] now this is amazing because I I can have that [ __ ] in my head and that's it I can - it is not gonna come out of there but why I don't know this is it I think that they have something different in their brain it's like singing some people can just sing sing you know what I want to ask you what you think about Joe Biden Joe Biden yeah I think it is very interesting what is happening now with Biden talk to me I think there's been a what happens is when you when you say you're gonna be present president everybody goes into your past and they start looking at all the mistakes that you've you may have made in your past you have to vet this person most important like don't not you run it on your record you're running on your record you 100% I guess without with the cry bill specifically I would look back and because I would look back and see who else supported the crime bill at that time and if the black community was vehemently against the crime bill then I can say okay this is some misstep this is a time where the black community looked and their prayers were not answered if the black caucus and like the black senators at the time and the black lobbyist groups were like overwhelmingly supportive I don't think you can hold Biden against the fire if you're not willing to also hold them against I don't know about the Black Hawk is in the black senators I know that they said a lot of people in the black community was for it like a lot of black leaders who leaders like John Lewis was like a huge proponent of congressmen yeah right so I was like so I guess that's my understandings I keep the same energy like if he's answering the requests of the black community then there's a heroic value to it because he was answering a call that no one else was answering and he was for it now did that call end up not working out yes but he's still answering a call for the community you know it's like you know it is it's like hey there's this new material called asbestos this is really cheap and we can build buildings and insulate things and people can be warm and it can be cheaper to live in like let's start building [ __ ] with this and then 20 years later we're like oh [ __ ] asbestos gives you cancer do we go back to the dude who who brought up the idea of asbestos and say and say hey how the [ __ ] could you give all these people cancer he wrote that I didn't want to give anybody cancer I want to make community seen what to do with asbestos would have to apologize for it though right a thousand percent he would have to apologize manufacturer has been sued I mean that's what happens oh yeah but like I guess but for me I would always judge intent if we knew deep down vitamins like I just want to imprison him as many blacks as possible yell [ __ ] out of here Biden but if the goal was truly because I looked at that thing there's that speech about it no he was on the Senate floor yeah and it was it was actually specific speech and he was like we have to we have to like nip this in the bud now or else these people will grow up to be this yeah I didn't like that speech because there's so many different parts to it and he says things like he doesn't care about the systemic conditions that put people in these environments and that caused them to behave that way right you know I'm saying so therefore you're not trying to get to the root of the issue or cure the issue you just trying to treat the issue cuz that's all that mass incarceration [ __ ] was all that hard discipline was because you by by saying that you're acknowledging right that there's systemic conditions that cause people to be in these positions that may have caused them to resort to crime you're acknowledging that right we're saying that we cannot worry about that because they're gonna hit people that look like my mother and your mother and looked like me and your sisters and I'm like nah maybe I saw a shorter clipper or a different clip it's a few clips it was like I don't know how long the whole speech was but I got a lot of thoughts on buddy number one you say keep that same energy yes I agree I hate the fact that Hillary Clinton people [ __ ] on her yeah all she was was the first lady when Bill Clinton passed in 94 crime bill but they held that [ __ ] against Hillary right now like Oh Hillary use terms like super predator Saudis [ __ ] Joe Biden I hate the fact that Carla Harris is a prosecutor a prosecutor prosecutor slap people to [ __ ] up here I God never vote for her she's a prosecutor but when it comes to Biden and Bernie Biden wrote the 94 prime bill Bernie voted for but nobody gives a [ __ ] so or if you're gonna keep the same energy right be consistent all across the [ __ ] boil a lot of people give a [ __ ] about it yes like they said 46% all black he will vote for by yesterday really yes I guess I guess well yeah because there's there's some security there because they were well you know Bo isn't Obama his bro isn't Rossum bro is this whatever you have some out of the black community but [ __ ] with you that is that is my feels can't wait to make people not black whoa but you know what's funny that knows and this is just the outside of perspective it's like people you know you hear and you believe so much about how the great difficulties of being black and like the the things that you have to overcome right and how truly hard it is to be black right and how do black people punish other black people they're like well you're a black no more yeah so you think black people like oh my god deal with that [ __ ] the great difficulties and the tragedies don't change it but it is a weird thing to like remove blackness it's a it's the fittest it's the cancel coach you know saying yeah that's all it's the fake cancel coach it but we need to cancel cancel closer absolutely you know what else about Joe Biden to an instant stuff that I just be researching yeah when you make a statement and you see and I'm not saying I wouldn't vote for Joe but I'm just simply saying that there's certain things you got a question you got a question people's record because there's certain things that I see about Joe Biden and I'm like why would Barack pick him as his renomii Joe Biden once said that Barack Obama is the first mainstream American that is bright articulate and clean like think about Ted wait wait there was a big article about just clarify it he's the first mainstream American that's bright articulate clean no first mainstream african-american first mainstream african-american yes bright articulate in clean I think I think there's been a few before that yeah black people you around yeah [ __ ] Biden yeah old enough to know like what was the context in which he said that cuz we know contact isn't for him as a candidate he was a he was evaluating him as a candidate a candidate that's different first mainstream african-american candidate that's bright so name the other candidates their happiness a candidate he said first main screen to the race this was when Barack first emerged as a candidate he said first mainstream african-american that's right articulate that you know has been has been punished heavily by people not applying context to things that you've said they seem problematic is it fair that maybe we're not giving Joe the benefit of doubt in this situation and maybe he's referring to by Obama not as a black man but just as a presidential candidate and then we would be comparing him to a Jesse Jackson we'd be comparing him to who else is it so the story was it was a big problem and he apologized Barack publicly stated I don't have a problem with Joe Biden that was like the exact quote but the the Baxter I just read a big article about this the back story is Barack was like Joe Biden the same way people are looking at him now represented security he was stolen unknown he was the first yes you need a rock he made a compromise but the story at least in this article the narrative is it was a compromise they clashed a lot initially and then over because Barack is very calculated and Biden's a bit of like a loose cannon especially what he says publicly in the press and they clashed a lot and you know eventually they built this friendship and then it turned into like a real bond especially when Biden's son that was diagnosed with brain cancer and died like for whatever reason they really bonded on that it was actually Obama who talked Biden down from running in 2016 because Biden was gonna try to run because you know you're the vice president now sure shot but basically Bhama tried to tell them like in a kind of backhanded way like you're not gonna you're gonna get wiped out and plus you're not emotionally ready to do it right now your son just died right you're not ready to go on the train campaign trail it's Hillary's turn this is the deal we've all worked out but now it's like you can't really stop him like he's gonna do very telling Barak adding in those bud why wouldn't you come out the gate endorsing the guy that rocked at you for eight years in a row three rocks with them I just how about the gate would an endorsement I don't think so because I think there's a lot of negative Obama sentiment and I think that that exists not only amongst conservatives but amongst black liberals I think that there's a little bit of a movement amongst black liberals that's like well what did Obama really do for us yeah and some so maybe Biden is going well [ __ ] if I line up with Obama all these Trump guys that hated Obama they're not gonna go with me and the black vote that's slowly starting to feel like Obama maybe didn't represent them to the flaws of their ability they might not go with me so why I just not talk about it you know Joe Biden did the eulogy escrow thermos funeral and I'm just saying it's unquestionable [ __ ] when you actually go look at the [ __ ] your body knowing can we acknowledge that this is the most powerful position in the world and if you do not extremely vet this person then we're being we're not doing our due diligence as voters with all this information but guess that's when you run for president oh I'm sorry she was already out there yeah and I'm not saying that any of those things or reasons not to vote for Joe Biden all I'm simply saying is it's good to be aware this man is 77 years old it's hard to teach an old white man new tricks bro yeah I've said how old is Joe Biden said before I don't father he said he'd be 80 I think if he was a count or argument is yeah when you've been in public service for 40 years or whatever the case very true I read a great article by gonna be a lot of protein yeah yeah yeah versus someone who a doesn't have a traditional political background or bees only been doing it for you know that's why intent matters right that's why the intent of every bill that you sign and agree to matters it doesn't matter what happened as much as the intent does right because if you're in public office as long as these guys are you're gonna make mistakes and I'm fine with that but admit to him that's all Oh admit somebody's that you did was wrong right missed some of this that you did didn't work right are you a listen I'm learning and unlearning every [ __ ] day I'm doing more unlearning at my age right now then didn't been anything ever it's fine just admit you were wrong admit you made some mistakes but I feel like man a lot of times especially people running for [ __ ] president you can't trust nothing they say now you want to call Anita Hill you know what needle is know was the woman who sued Clarence Thomas for sexual harassment a huge huge case and Biden famously came down harder on her on the stand then probably even some of the Republicans so it became like a clash it was like the one of the first big you really never heard of an either he'll know it's one of like the first baby pubic Aaron right it was Dori sorry what you know but I think we've got men Nelson's newest I do you become an IceCube Meyer gone so yes she she was I don't remember the case exactly but you know essentially she worked at his office in some capacity accused him of sexual harassment and then when it was time for him to be confirmed it became a huge kind of battle situation but Biden actually was even as a Democratic senator it was like one of the most kind of aggressive towards her and kind of undermining her and questioning the legitimate in words like if you like him the positive is that he's willing to work with Republicans right right if you don't like that that's one of the big negatives against him so it kind of depends where you land on all that sort of stuff all right here's a guy who's gonna play ball in Congress so you might not want this Charlemagne yeah at what point at what points is the extreme vetting of the candidates just gonna fracture the party and give it it being Democrats a worse chance of beating Trump in the ending election I don't think extreme venting of I think if it's anything Donald Trump showed us they scream vetting of a candidate doesn't hurt cuz you're still gonna vote for whoever you want to vote for all I'm simply saying is be aware right of the person's record that you're voting for like I'm not voting just because yeah you can't do a video you know saying you know you will prompted to run because you didn't like the president's response this charlottesville not being racist she'd be the bare minimum of what we asked for our [ __ ] president you're not I'm saying like that's not enough for me I I'm not racist right so you should vote for me no bro what's your policies you know saying what's your what's your initiative that you're gonna implement how are we gonna move America forward in the next ten years you know I mean like that's what I wanted no I look like you've been invested I've seen you doing the CNN thing I'm not gonna fry like people for different reasons I like me repeat yeah you know I like Kamala Harris how do you pronounce his last name um don't know and there's no need for me to say something now is it Buddha judge Buddha judge I thought it was like Buddha judge judge or something like that I thought it was bootie guy they tried to get they tried to [ __ ] my feet up the other day oh yeah what did you say macaroni in the Greens mellow you got some chicken some collard greens but no fun all the way look at this picture up he got no silverware to eat the Flies clearly black people vote for me I eat the same food as you listen I do wonder bout me repeat that I do wonder about his diet I know he's a young man let me ask you see this bring Charlie cuz you can let me get it do you think mayor Pete's husband once mayor Pete to be in spicy as collard greens fried chicken and macaroni and cheese do you think I love Murphy so does his husband and you got a deal with the remnants today okay far-right smears far-right smear merchants try to slime Pete budded judge with bogus sex assault claim oh yes these two [ __ ] controls were going around I don't even want to say their names yeah they got him on tape though so they were going around is trying to set mayor Pete up with a fake sexual associates and he sexually assaulted some young boys yeah or just anybody they were like going around asking people he always mayor Pete ever done anything inappropriate to you they said the other I mean this is one of them somebody actually posted that he did do something to them but then they took it down oh yeah it was trying to go in but this is the climate right this is it is a weapon this type of [ __ ] is a weapon to get someone out of here that you don't like thank you pager I like me repeat I like um calm below and I like Tim Ryan I don't know Tim Ryan I liked him Ryan Tim Ryan is um quite see a white he's white he's in the House of Representatives he's uh he's actually represents Ohio and I like him because he's big on SEL social-emotional learning and you know implementing you know social-emotional learning in therapy and schools he just he just seemed like a cool dude I got I liked when we interviewed a morning on The Breakfast Club he's solid and I like people who have some political experience you know what I mean those three are the ones that really really like at this at this moment mayor Pete Kamla Harris what is mayor Pete saying he's going do for black people cuz I know that's very important for you as the black agenda um he talked about uh he talked about he said something another day where it was he said you know we talk about housing and giving people affordable housing but you know that's not enough you know you have to empower these people so they can afford their homes like I can't I can't remember exactly how you worded it but when you ask him what his black agenda is like when he was on Breakfast Club he he has one you know he understands why the conversation about reparations needs to be had he understands America acknowledging you know probably its greatest sin he understands that you know systemically America did things to put black people in a certain position so they did systemically do something to get them out now how that looks it's always up for debate you know I'm saying that she does that checks in the mail that means that we know but it's just like something should be done and you know you're talking about HR 4040 should be passed why should me it's awful to be pass HR forty it's a bill that is for the research and the study of reparations and in the development of what that reparations would look like and they've been did they'd ask me you need a bill to study that's birth that's what the [ __ ] I say but even maybe pass initiative over 20-plus years they've been trying to get a little [ __ ] talking point this is this is something that is one guy who's the doctors guards to what the guy that's been trying to pass these off with you every every year he tries to push you do Congress don't know I'm talking about I don't hold the the this is nonsense it's not legislation he's wasting his time all you have to do is ask some committee to don't to donate funds or not donate funds but delegate funds to the research of reparations John Conyers Connors Connors yeah yeah the DA the corners John Conyers from Michigan I don't know where John Connor is from but you've been literally trying to get this passed through sin because that's I mean I guess that's the first time I guess it's still legislation on Connors it's not determinate don't look like that John Connors Co n NY ers from Michigan yeah he first introduced the bill in 1989 so this is not enough this is not anything new you know I'm saying it and it's basically to study Commission to study reparation proposals for african-americans right and he said he's he's been trying to get it pushed through since 1989 and he said he'll continue until they've passed the law so is this not it's not something new it's just the conversation has actually been elevated that's all now do I think it is a talking point for a lot of Democrats abso-fucking-lutely 100% it's a hot-button topic you know what I'm saying it's like you let me tell everybody what they want to hear in four votes honestly it's the worst question to fumbled Oh do you agree yeah wait the study of reparations are do you agree with after Maghrib is it very easy the study thing is the easiest question yes when you go do your growth reparations the perception of what reparations is versus what you're bringing up are different when when a congressman goes on breakfast color goes absolutely brief reparations white people think oh [ __ ] we sex right yes what you're saying is maybe there are systemic ways to uplift a struggling community so that's what they just have to clarify that's it that's why people got so mad at Bernie but birdie actually say with true render like what does that look like what does that look like tell you one thing about Bernie and this is why I vote for Bernie right even though I disagree with him on a lot of economic [ __ ] this is why I vote for him he wants to help he truly wants to the only I would vote for Bernie the only problem I have with bernie is the long hairs coming out his ears and the long hairs coming out his [ __ ] nose because you don't got time to cut it cuz he's trying to help everything about this [ __ ] trying to help I know he look like the bad guy Sonic okay he's trying to help he's doing his best to help and that's the one you want to go with I'll [ __ ] with him listen I would have voted for Doc Brown for president Bernie is the closest thing we gonna get to Doc [ __ ] bring right back it didn't work the play is wack trust me run it back gocbar will be the perfect president run it back that's his campaign you know we could run it back listen once again I I I'm not I'm not knocking Joe Biden I don't have anything you don't [ __ ] what y'all could tell and that's fine I'm just listening just a lot of things yeah that I didn't know yeah so you got to look at people's record cuz I just think that when everybody conveniently starts running for president and they just start telling you everything you want to hear how you're telling you what you want to hear bro I'll be honest I don't really I'm doing it consistently for a long time and it's not she's been trying to help like you said progressive you know man Pete got the [ __ ] out of here who's that hate oh oh oh they said adios goofball your name is Albert dork stop his name is that bado he's name is Albert O'Rourke he uses the name bado so that he can seem Mena bull to the Latin voting really course these people are fake Europe all the sudden Elizabeth Warren is like black women died during birth we got to do something all too sir mortality rate Chris the black infant mortality rate has been jumping for a while I'm telling you but I agree with some what Anderson insist if the timing we'll say I've had senators tell me you know I've had senators help me off the record that when it came to like black issues whenever they would be presenting black issues on the Senate burn you wouldn't be around all right and Biden wouldn't be around and that's what they would say that and that's what they would are they what they will say to me when these people when you're talking to these people don't just ask them what their what their black agenda is yeah that's come with their black agenda has been right what have they done yeah thoughtful for African Americans throughout this whole time they've been in the Senate because it's a lot of them to say yo and they were on the floor putting certain issues out there that had to do with black and brown people these people were not showing up that's to me that's that's that's good Intel they have but maybe I really was busy helping the one black in Vermont boom and that's what I will say and Bernie's defense helped you know black people in Vermont like small I can vote on this bill or I can help you with your you know laundry but think about that there's really no black people in Vermont one maybe two to write comes here the other partner so if you move to Vermont you go home with white but so it's a lot of issues that got to do with african-americans that Bernie just may not be familiar with right cuz you'll have to deal with them in Vermont right when you're from these big cities you know I mean you've been a citizen somebody's big places where it's more of a black population you understand more of the black issues yeah that's that's though he did say when he ran last time he's like being poor in black and is different than being you know porn whiter is different than being poor in anything else in America it was an acknowledgement of the difference in in lifestyle here and he got grilled for it remember last election when he was in a primary and he got destroyed by the working-class whites cuz they were like nuts Oaks being poor and white too you know and I thought it was look I didn't think it was a well calculated move but he least is acknowledging all I'm saying is like all these people are sociopaths you want to go with the person that you feel like you can trust the most and everything and that's saying a lot for any politician I'm gonna [ __ ] who it is you're associated you trust a politician and right now in this climate you watch a goddamn mind this is dream selling season like a [ __ ] of course come on bro that's the thing you know it's been very quiet for Kamala but I think she's gonna have a push I think she's doing the smartest yeah let everybody else go out there and cannibalize each other is Game of Thrones I'm out here working in South Carolina I mean goddamn Michigan I'm in Iowa you know I'm saying her tough record is gonna help her you know that's gonna with white White's are gonna feel very comfortable about that Brooke will say who is white people in my life that like I prosecute Authority we like rules that's white people comfortable tough okay we're the only people that call up the city and go that the light is broken because we like the light to work when can I cross the street when the light tells me I think caramel is gonna have a major major push as we get closer and closer some biology I want the freshness I do that's why I like to make peace that's why I like the caramel is like the Tim right like you like Bernie to pick us a running mate then you get first of all any white man yeah in the Democrats that makes it to the primary has to pick a woman I know that so in this era you have to a couple whoa I love that because he's this softie she's tough strong hard-nosed whoo that is an interesting I don't know if Karl go visit by Carla is a great ticket you know they saying Stacey Abrams with him I don't know I read somewhere that Stacey already said no Stacey will be a good look to them she'd be great be is now they got the fast food in the White House I'm vice president I need to be closing any man that's white that comes out of the Democratic that becomes the Democratic nominee has to have a woman running mate yes they have to I love Kamala I love Kamala Biden and I love Kamala Bernie I think Kamala Biden is frightening for the Republicans because they're both on the conservative side of liberals yeah and now you're gonna have a lot of those fringe conservatives who have felt that Trump didn't answer there yeah he said they're looking for something else may come slide right in I think Kamala could win now if you know but I think she could win out of everybody stop you know drinking the Biden you know Bernie kool-aid because once again the same reasons that y'all are upset with Kamala or the Bernie and Biden have the same type of violations exactly like Bernie voted for the crime bill Biden wrote the crime bill so if you're mad about black and brown people being locked up you can't just hold Carmel accountable for that because he was a prosecutor cuz nothing got more black and brown people locked up then the Joe Biden crime bill as he called it back in the den right so you know I think commonlook could win now if everybody stopped drinking that kool-aid but if she ends up being you know on somebody's VP ticket I think that any combination of Biden Carmelo Biden Bernie kills why jump on windows in Carmel MFP that's what about so you go Camilla yeah and and Mayor yeah and if people say things like all America is not ready for a woman of color president they're not ready for a gay president man you know I wrote a goddamn dice there's America doesn't care as long as you satisfy there nobody gives a [ __ ] what you are as long as you feed them and house them isn't that the ticket dope think about it right Barack Obama first my Pharaoh I wants black president right President Donald Trump Oh reality star never win nobody hears we need some spice baby a gay man running for president new resident he gotta go by Pete bootie judge that I really believe dude bootie the judge bro the bootie judge dude that you can't look he's never heard that one before no he has it I'm just saying that is marketing right there that would be killer marketing but he could win it's not as many gays and well you know what that's a but to say it's not as many gays in America as people think but it is because it's a lot of gay people got to openly gay and then there's all of Atlanta think about all them letters they guy that's a big population say what all in lettuce LGB cuties just keep I don't know why don't take the alphabet I like that ticket I like comma ylim ap but I I like Tim Ryan pseudo I don't know who Tim - I liked him right man Jill Biden come up Carl Harris is the scariest thing for Donald Trump the scariest thing for Donald Trump without a doubt I agree is Joe Biden Kamala Harris if if and buts but Chris that's if the Democrats don't cannibalize Biden cuz right now there is the move to go he's races or he did these things he's not serving black people and then Dems will eventually go okay he's not the one for it yeah that's that's it's not my personal ticket that I would pick but it's the most winnable ticket what's your personal take person uh some combination come now Zedong right what andrew way Andrew when you're both proud Taiwanese men so obviously anyway I would like some combo of Warren and Bernie now Warren and Bernie I know I know it's not [Music] the drink but lights with our husband Trump knows he's a threat that's why he's trying to cut the [ __ ] what's so goofy better ready I'll show you oh here's a beer oh just got bubbles in it sometimes little tough going down but I love I just love a good beer after a hard day Lou I don't know I've read her her proposals on housing and student debt and I think they're both good you know well yeah she might not be dynamic look on your seat no college loans people fall for this [ __ ] it's crazy that's not what she's saying she's gonna tax the richest 1 or 2 percent and then get a lot of services out of that that's not saying nobody has to pay for anything there's a free Buick under your seat but yet is increasing the taxes on the people the country who can afford to bear it the most I have no problem with this is real [ __ ] Christmas I'll pay more taxes your engine more taxes we need you know a lot of being a president about making deals right sure now do Native Americans have a good track record with deals okay alright I gotta talk to wax I'll be back Wow you know you know that was a hot tip when somebody says I'll go talk to waxing no 50 cent to go can you explain what happened to me do you know what fully transpired Iran to have kicked it like me and Randle got things going on like a [ __ ] already really I like Randall but yeah listen I don't get in-between people's business you know what I'm saying happen I really don't know all I know is that Randall old goddamn 50 cent some money a million he was not paying 50 cent back in a timely manner so 50 cent took the goddamn history I love it [ __ ] Randall came up off that bread you know I'm saying like I don't know like 50 can do that I guess I don't [ __ ] know that's my question I yeah that's weird to me know cuz rap I and I wanted I'm at the hip 52 I forgot I wanted Randall I thought was the money guy right so I thought he was behind power I thought he was behind the upcoming BMI film I don't I don't know that's what I thought right so I don't know all right I meant to ask if about that but the long story short got his goddamn money why is v able to get away with this when nobody else I'll be lying to you if I said I didn't ask my agent that all the [ __ ] I'll be like brah hey I'm like yo and I listen I admired 50 says what the [ __ ] he wants to say unbelievable what he wants to do yeah [ __ ] song who he wants to [ __ ] on and still go does deals with family-friendly networks like ABC I never seen anybody straddle these worlds better than 50 ain't even scrabbling him what is he doing it's like he's one person on Instagram and one person of you bro all right listen I know how he's a cancer that's all I can say maybe I'm not oh I haven't reached that level of cancer yet I'm a cancer too I haven't reached that level maybe there's something that comes with age experience I don't know what the [ __ ] it is all I know is goddamn 50 cent is obese why does nobody bring up his past he's probably had problematic things done in his past nobody care if it is clownin young buck right now for having sex with don't know that the Trump 50 cent has whatever Donald Trump has they are Teflon high you know what it is I think I think it's truly because 50 is the only person who really doesn't give a [ __ ] and I think that I don't give a [ __ ] energy makes everybody else not give a [ __ ] so when you do some watching like I a success 50 I really think I really do I really think what he does when he's like I've just finished she ever worried about being sued for the character defamation the day lost the lawsuit yet Odyssey 50-win lawsuit bro Richardson is an amazing amazing mind bro 0:50 said I'm just talking when you look at the whole totality of 50 cent 50 cent is absolutely positively top three greatest personalities characters in the world of hip-hop ever yeah yeah he is he I don't even know if you call him of healing like I don't think I don't know ways that he's the bad guy he's the bad guy but he's the bad guy that you cuz because he's actually a good guy he's the Joker yeah the Joker's not on point enough but it's the closest thing that I could think of where it's like a bad guy where you're going I kind of wanted you to stay around and when you think about his reasoning I even like everybody always [ __ ] ja I was [ __ ] with ja Rule you understand that allegedly like they shot 50 they tried to kill him like they did they stabbed 50 thank 50 like it's fun you for life and I'm not mad at that you trying to kill me every right oh I'm not mad at 54 that that that line of thought to where John rules is permanent enemy I'm not mad at that you know that yes I don't know why he's doing what he's doing a young buck but I do know that 50 cent studies afford a lot of power and I do know that you know one of the forty a lot of powers if you don't have any enemies learn how to create them I'm kind of the same way in a lot of ways too I like conflict uh-huh you know saying like I don't know I don't even know what it feels like to not have some type of conflict so me just cursing out a [ __ ] earlier today why does it say that it's one of the laws of power what is that it's learn how to is uh never put too much trust in friends learn how to use enemies and then create them why do you yeah what is that how long we read you the whole thing I don't want to put any misinformation out there yes law to never put too much trust and friends beware your friends they will betray you more quickly for they are easily aroused the envy they also become spoiled and tyrannical but hire a former enemy and he will be more loyal than a friend why because he has more to proof in fact you have more to fear from friends than from enemies if you have no enemies find a way to make them so I guess they're saying find a way to make enemies because if y'all ever do really make up and that former enemy becomes a friend he'll be more loyal because he has something to prove he's got to prove that he's loyal to you he's like y'all I'm not your enemy anymore look how good the work yeah and I think friends betray you more quickly not only because sometimes they are rather the envy but they do become spoiled you know I'm saying because all the time date date they they feel like y'all have a friendship and they feel like they can just take advantage of that friendship so they take advantage of your kindness they take your kindness for weakness so they do get spoiled in a sense you know I'm saying so I think 50 has just mastered the art of what the [ __ ] for me I really know I just think it's amazing the remarkable and it's and you better not try to duplicate it seriously do not try to duplicate what 50 cent is doing because it's for everybody 50 cent is a unique case we have not figured out why he's able to get away with the things he's doing I don't think it's cuz he got shot no I guess nobody has sympathy for that I just I just why they scared of him because he got shot yeah but if they're scared of you that's all the reason they get you the [ __ ] out of here they're scared you they don't want to deal with you you know I'm saying I don't know what it is I just I'd listen I stay in my lane I have my own unique thing that people can't figure out you got your own unique thing that people can't figure out 50 got his own unique thing that people can't figure out I ain't trying to duplicate none of it you know I'm saying I'm just here living my life but I would be lying to you if I have not talked to my agent of three or four times in my life said haha [ __ ] just 50 get to say this kind of [ __ ] don't worry I'm a read you with my agency okay I'm gonna read utilize to my senses okay i'ma read you this hold on this was April 22nd okay all I saw was fair question one I can't say I have an absolute answer - I think you have blinders on when they get in biz with 50 I mean they associate him with his TV success which is power and didn't look at all that encompasses 50 which you they just get unnecessarily spooked and it's hard to accept this thanks for nothing alright okay okay it seems like when 50s doing business with somebody he knows more about them than they believe so he always has leverage Brahminical city and try to figure it out bro 50 cent is an enigma that we've never seen before we gotta talk not even just in hip hop period 50s in the t fifties way big in the TV world right now then he is Ronnie brand was unbelievable he's got a show on ABC bro ABC is the most family-friendly [ __ ] net wasn't Disney on ABC I mean this is insane it's just insane I'm frustrated now are we done here what lift robber oh you got paid his bills for us yeah let's do turn your dream into reality with Squarespace Squarespace makes it easier than ever to launch a passion project whether you're looking to start a new business showcase your work published content 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unsupervised you know saying and if you're really not feeling well how about getting the car wouldn't let the live drop them off and can have the live take you back why this shit's so complicated yeah so I put my kid in the lift for the dick dick that's what I think it was fall I really do I think she came out he'll probably I think she had some dick in the house and you know that morning Taylor you wanna talk about morning days okay oh really that's perfect I don't like it you don't like morning dew I don't mind because I gotta wake up in the morning like I don't like to be woken up for sex like at all what if you already wake up and I'm re awake you say like you're already up and then you start giving the guy head and eating first probably don't yes but that's fresh in the morning what's better for breakfast yeah you missing out on the nutrients you need you don't really make you yes we sweat not sleep you know no blank oh oh yeah I'm a night's winner but I got anxiety oh yes ma'am I wake up in puddles of that [ __ ] I wake up thinking I peed myself and I get up and go to the bathroom and lay back none of them damn past [ __ ] sheets I'm definitely a towel down sometime do you wanna sleep cold though and then you just wake up hi I'll be having a hot flashes man like that I know I I'd be tossing and turning so listen faithful boom you wake up a Michael B Jordan right you wake up Michael Jordan you might be Jordan go out tonight before y'all are both super drunk y'all both pass out right so y'all do with the respectable thing is wait and say y'all sober so you wake up in the morning and he's laying there with a hard-on you still don't like morning dick if I'm awake I'll do it I'm just saying if I'm not awaking you waking me up then we're gonna have issues even if it's Michael B Jordan who you like Taylor who's that who's the sexiest men other than PMB Rock no the sexiest who's the sexiest man you think alive okay what's his name again he came to the show Joe Biden O'Malley from Philly who and no not Michael Ealy either oh he's dark-skinned he's a white man he's dark-skinned linga dark-skinned white Thomas Jefferson no less Jackson Thomas Thomas the Train to be a football player Thomas Jones you wipe his ass you don't know worse everything he was like Randall son he's a football player Randall Cunningham you like Randall Cunningham he's like rope he's nice-looking what about me he's a man [Music] hey what girls with filly get picky yeah dude open all that fake girl bro that face your head now you don't like chest hair no I like a guy with chest hair I don't care this can't be a lie what I don't want like a lot you hey hey you never put your [ __ ] on a chest also blessed never done that you know but Chester why was that doing for me that's why I was trying to envision a [ __ ] Network Wow run it up and down like octopus anyway that's it you leave his chest smelling like fish that's what HS what is it have you ever smelled yourself and ahead of odor [Music] [Laughter] don't be [ __ ] fake Taylor sometime talk about that crab legs [ __ ] leggings and you've been working all day farting this [ __ ] and you go home and when you take this [ __ ] off that [ __ ] just hits you in your [ __ ] not really drunk yeah to pee a lot okay so you get a real drunk you had a pee lot and then it smells like what smells like piss leggings make your shits think oh okay this what I want to touch now we can get the plug I hold on I'm not done with this just go ahead so now okay if you smell that it has an odor right do you wash it do you wash it isn't that how people from Philly talk or do you wash it you clean that's all so like great you're about to have sex with a guy then you reach down there you go back oh my John stank [Laughter] like a song yeah we bout to make the Philly funky [ __ ] anthem we gonna kill it for this summer we go kill it for that summer okay call it down to custom producing when it when it stick when it stinks a little bit you shower you wash you just throw some water underneath it yeah I don't happen to shower though no you just wash up so like oh bath so like before a Muslim prays you do that kind of thing little baby oh my god I'm getting the [ __ ] was a Chris Rock thing but I don't care yes a mad at Chris Rock cuz he posted their pictures and he put hurry up I got crack to smoke hey come on yo she smoked the crack but he's talking about Whitney in the context of this photo right you know saying like oh he's making fun of the dead know he's making fun of the whitney houston that exist in this photo right but he will respect our icons we gotta respect them all the [ __ ] time yeah because you can't say that jokes are cool when somebody's alive and then when they're dead you think you're not gonna get these jokes so y'all stop making car - new jokes on the Kardashians that huh-huh you will start making our Kelly jokes and I'll Kelly die Michael Jackson's dead and y'all did a hole leaving Neverland special on I don't get what the issue is if we're not deaf if we're if we're not talking about people when they're dead we need to monitor how we talk about when they're alive I think that's a great point all right so one question so what has a guy ever said yo that's just kind of like what if would you want a guy to say that if you felt like it was smelling how would you want him to word that no like be polite don't be like it's a little right really so that if a guy should say that to a girl just bet yo you're a little right what about you if you go down armed but you're just like you just go like this just do that unless you crawl stroke all right I just want to know I just I feel like a lot of women and and what ladies you could react says I think a lot of women would not want a guy to tell them that they were right probably not but you had to like if you like probably be real with yourself though significant other I don't care if it's a random person or not I want to know late yeah all right well now we know now we know what to do if girls vaginas are a little right we'll test-drive it this week and we back to you guys you know peace there's been another episode of brilliant idiots if you thought that they were at we were absolutely geniuses and we said some thought-provoking things you're right if you thought that we were absolutely mind bogglingly stupid you're right to has been a brilliant ideas podcast peace
Channel: The Andrew Schulz
Views: 211,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew schulz, andrew schultz, comedy, comedian, stand up, brilliant idiots, flagrant 2, podcast, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, charlamagne, charlemange, breakfast club, interviews, nba, politics, cnn, msnbc, fox news, westbrook, lebron, jordan, kyrie, kd, food, jawns, philly, alexxmedia, alexx media
Id: HZkhnMzZdmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 12sec (7392 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2019
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