Brian Regan - Boo Sailboat - This Is Not Happening

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Jesus he had me in tears. Why did the video start with the punchline though?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/braised_diaper_shit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 02 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

I like these.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dustball πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 02 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

When he starts talking about it being louder than a jet engine I was fucking crying. This dude is an absolute legend.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HistoricalNazi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 02 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

This video sounds like it has a laugh track added to it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/didgeridoome24 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 03 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Holy shit that was a romp! God damned Brian's the undisputed funniest person on the planet

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ColinOnReddit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 02 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

I need all the mirrors for the new season, all this is blocked in Canada now!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 02 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

OMG at work trying to contain it, which made it far worse! The guy next to me thinks I'm mental. Brian Regan is the funniest freaking man on earth!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Coin0p πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 02 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Now they're all booing. Now it's unanimous. It's the loudest thing I'd ever heard. It was... "Boo! Boo!" <i> [percussive music]</i> <i> β™ͺ </i> - [screaming] <i> [dark electronic music]</i> <i> β™ͺ </i> [crashing] [all screaming] <i> β™ͺ </i> [screaming] <i> β™ͺ </i> - [growling] <i> β™ͺ </i> [cheers and applause] - One of the best comics of all time-- I'm super stoked he's on the show-- please give it up for Mr. Brian Regan, everybody. Let him hear it. <i> [cheers and applause]</i> - Years ago I was a campaign manager for a dog. [laughter] I'm not lying. I was a campaign manager for a dog. I'm not making this up. You guys know... remember Bud Light had Spuds MacKenzie? crowd: Yeah. - Yeah? Well, I wasn't qualified to be his campaign manager, but I was the campaign manager for Alex the Dog from the Stroh's beer commercials. Now, Stroh's beer used to be one of the most popular beers in the country. And then I got involved. The Stroh's ads, they would have-- Alex would go get beers for his owner, and everybody loved the ad, so they thought, "Let's capitalize on this. Let's have him run for president of the United States." So...yeah. So Alex can't talk 'cause he's a dog, so they thought, "Let's get, like, a funny campaign manager," and that's where I failed miserably. [laughter] And what they would do is, they wanted us to go around to different cities, and we had to do, like, six, seven, eight events a day with this dog, and I had to do this campaign speech to get this dog elected. I'm not exaggerating when I say that every single one of these events was worse than any hell gig I've ever done before or since. And I had like, eight a day. We would have do radio stations. We wouldn't bring Alex, 'cause he's a dog... [laughter] And can't talk. And we'd show up and they'd go, "Where's Alex?" And I'm like, "Well, I don't know if they told you, "but Alex is a dog. He ain't got no vocal cords or nothing." I don't know if that's true, but... [laughter] He can't talk. And then-- I said, "I'm Brian. I'm his campaign manager. I'm gonna do all the talking." They go, "Oh!" I'm like, "Damn." We go into the studio, and they would have a microphone on the floor, with a bowl of water, and they would say, "We were hoping we'd get him to bark into the microphone." And I'm like, I gotta get a manager or something 'cause I'm getting upstaged by a dog that ain't here. We would have to go malls, supermarkets, and I had to, like, try to get the dog elected, and... [laughs] I would say, "Man, he's a great dog. "You really-- look at him, man. "You should vote for him. He's got great ideas." And the handler for the dog would sometimes just say, "Alex needs a break," and he'd just tug on his leash and he'd just leave for like, 20 minutes to a half an hour. I needed a guy with a leash tugging on me, "Brian needs a break." I was getting no breaks. So I would tell the Stroh's people, "What do you want me to do while Alex is gone?" And they would say, "Well, just do the campaign speech anyway." And I'm like, "There's no dog here." [laughter] They say, "Do it anyway." So as people are walking by, I'd go, "Man, he's a fantastic dog. You really got to hear his ideas." People are looking, going, "What--what is this guy talking about? "There's no dog. Somebody should get a straightjacket for this guy." It was horrible. Every-- I was having nightmares at night. I was literally having nightmares. I would wake up in the middle of the night go, "Aah! Aah! Oh...oh." And then I didn't know whether it was better to go back to sleep or to stay awake, because both of them were hell on Earth. It ended up-- we were in Minneapolis. This is true. I get in the car in the morning and they said, "All right, here's the deal, Brian. "You're gonna bomb in the morning on the radio, "and then you're gonna bomb at the supermarket, "then you're gonna bomb on local TV, "then you're gonna bomb at a pub, "and then tonight we're going to an NHL hockey game. "It's between the Minnesota North Stars against the Chicago Blackhawks." And I said, "Great. So when we're done, we get to, like, enjoy a hockey game?" And he said, "We're not gonna be done. "You're gonna go on center ice between second and third period, "and you're gonna do the campaign speech to get this dog elected." Now, at this point, we were in the car going about 60 miles an hour. If I'd been smart, I would have opened the door and just taken my chances with the roadside gravel. We get to the hockey arena that night. My heart is pounding. I'm from Miami, Florida. I've never been to a hockey match. I'd never seen ice. [laughter] I don't want to do this. I don't want anything to do with this. During second period, there's a fight, an NHL fight. Gloves off, blood, teeth all over the place, and I'm thinking, "Wow, this is cool. I've never seen a hockey fight." And then I went, "Wait. I have to follow a hockey fight." [laughter] Buzzer ended. Stroh's people came up and said, "We're gonna do something "a little different, Brian. "What we're gonna do is we're gonna put Alex on the Zamboni, "and we're gonna drive him around and just let him circle around the arena on the Zamboni." I said, "Fantastic. So you don't need me." They said, "Oh, no. "You're still going out there to center ice "to do the campaign speech, but we thought it would be nice if Alex"... [laughter] "Is circling you on the Zamboni." I'm like, "Can't you think of any more obstacles? "Why don't we get an NHL guy to fire some slapshots at me?" So they get on the voice of God. "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome from the Stroh's beer commercials, Alex the Dog." And the Zamboni comes out. Alex is, like, confused. [laughter] He's sitting next to the driver. The crowd is going berserk. They just saw a hockey fight. Now they're seeing a dog on a Zamboni. [laughter] They're plenty entertained. They don't need to see what is about to happen. [laughter] "And now please welcome the campaign manager: Brian Regan." They don't explain that I'm his campaign manager. They don't say he's running for president. There's no context whatsoever. Just, "Please welcome the campaign manager: Brian Regan." So I walk out. I'd never been on ice, so I don't want to go fast. I'm just walking slow to 12,000 people going, "Who the hell is this guy?" I slowly walk out to center ice and I'm thinking, who--who am I? Wh--why am I-- and I'm looking around, I'm seeing just Alex going by on the Zamboni. And I keep turning the opposite direction and I just keep seeing him. And I'm like, "What happened to me and my life "that I'm here now? What choices have I made to be here now?" 12,000 completely confused people. I'm not smart enough to reset and go, "Hey, he didn't tell you Alex is running for pre"-- I don't say nothing. I just go, "Hey, how about that election, huh?" [laughter] 12,000, "Huh? What's this guy talking about?" And I said, "You know, a lot of people think this election is going to the dogs." [laughter] "We might as well vote for somebody who's qualified." People start booing. I start hearing this low, "Boo. Boo." And I'm like, "What the hell is going on?" And I just keep turning around, and everywhere I look I just see round lips. "Boo. Boo." I see Alex going by, "What the heck's going on?" "Boo." So I figure, "Well, maybe I'll get them with the next joke. "Bush and Dukakis. "Dukakis, that sounds like something Alex might do in a bush." [laughter] Now they're all booing. [laughter] Now it's unanimous. It's the loudest thing I'd ever heard. It was louder than any jet engine. It was... "Boo! Boo!" And I--and I just--I thought, "Well, it's not smart "to face the boos. I'll turn around," like over here it's gonna be people throwing roses. [laughter] Over here, "Boo!" Everywhere, round lips. Kids, "Boo!" Little old ladies, "Boo!" The Zamboni driver was booing. [laughter] Alex was booing. "Boo!" So I'm thinking, "This ain't doing nobody no good." I said, "Well... you guys have been great!" [laughter] "I'm gonna get out of here. "I just wanted to come out and have a good time with you, so good day!" "Boo!" With all the circling, I couldn't remember what direction I had come from, so I'm just walking going, "I don't think this is the right way." [laughter] "Boo!" And I see this guy with a security vest going... So I have to turn. "Boo! Boo!" And from the fight there were blood and teeth all over. I had to move-- I didn't want to go fast, 'cause I didn't want this to be the end. And I look at the exit and it's this little square rectangle and it looks like it's a million miles away, and the closer I get, the smaller the rectangle gets. It's, like, mathematically impossible. So I realized with the boos, I didn't even need to walk. "Boo!" All I had to do was stop, and the force of the boos was push--it was like a boo sailboat. I just put my arms out. "Boo!" And it literally pushed me through the little hole, and the next day, Stroh's filed for bankruptcy. [laughter] You guys are great, man. Thank you.
Channel: Comedy Central
Views: 2,671,763
Rating: 4.7530928 out of 5
Keywords: Brian Regan comedian, Brian Regan videos, This Is Not Happening, watch This Is Not Happening, Ari Shaffir, campaigns, dogs, alcohol, hockey, fights, Miami, Florida, speeches, sports, elections, George W. Bush, Michael Dukakis, Zambonis, stand up comedy, stand up comedians, funny video, stand up videos, funny jokes, funny clips, hilarious videos, hilarious clips, best stand up comedy, watch stand up comedy, comedian, funniest stand up comedians, stand up comic, best comedians, fails
Id: metSo5FcbfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2016
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