Bret Ernst - Toilet Paper Runway - This Is Not Happening - Uncensored

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- I was a little cheesy back in the day. Like, if you're over 30, I don't know, you remember that one asshole in the club with just a vest on? [laughter] I mean, like, like, who goes out with just a vest? Like, what are you, Han Solo? - Welcome to "This Is Not Happening." I'm your host, Roy Wood Jr. We all have that special woman in our life, the one we like to put up on a pedestal. - Finger sandwiches, boys? - Aw, thank you, Mom. - Go on, little Roy, make it rain. - Aww, skeet, skeet. - There you go. <i> ♪ ♪</i> Now, make sure you separate the ones from the fives. - I know, Ma, I know. - Such a gentleman. - Now I got to pick up the money. Separate the bills. She the one that told me to make it rain. <i> - That's my boy.</i> - You all know him as the host of the "You're on the List" podcast. You know him from his comedy album "American Comic." Bret Ernst, everybody. [cheers and applause] - I'm actually dedicating this story to my mom. It's a story about her catching me jerking off. [laughter] Listen, I'm a comic, all right? I don't write songs or poems. I'm dedicating a jerk-off story to my mom, all right? That's--that's the extent. Well, I was raised by a single mom, and she had three boys, and you know-- and it's hard for moms to try--you know, to try and talk to their sons about the animalistic shit we do, you know what I mean? Like, my little brother and me were animals. My older brother was a little bit nicer and knew how to act. He was--well, he was gay. So it makes sense. Gay guys know how to act. Literally, they're amazing actors, but I meant they know how to behave. But we never had the talk. I mean, I learned how to be with women from, like, R&B videos and porn. And my little brother learned from me. So when you're raising sons, you know, they catch you doing messed up shit, you know? I remember one time I hid my rubbers--remember, you ever hide your rubbers? You know, 'cause I don't want her to know. But then one time, I opened my drawer, and they were there, perfectly folded in the drawer. So she let me know she knew, but then never said anything. When moms catch you rubbing one out, they don't say-- like, I've been caught a few times by my mom and by my wife. All right. [laughter] But I'm saying, like, when your mom catches you, they don't say--like, if your wife catches you, you know, now there's a problem. Now we have to have a sit-down, you know what I mean? Is there a problem in the relationship? You know, moms are cool. I remember, one time, I was rubbing one out, and my mom walked in. She's like, "Hey, Bret. Okay." Turned around and left. Nothing was ever said, you know what I mean? [laughter] So I'm home from college. Like, I was one of those losers that went away to community college. You know what I mean? Like, I went to a community college in another town, acting like I was doing shit with my life. So I come home from community college, and... [laughs] And it's a Wednesday night. We're going out on a Wednesday night 'cause, you know, that's what you do when you're in community college. And my friends are picking me up. They're like, yo, we're gonna go out. We're gonna go down to Miami, you know, so get ready to go out. So you know, and you know, and, by the way, I'm a reformed guido, okay? There was an intervention, like '99. They took my cologne bottles away. [laughter] But, you know, I was a little cheesy back in the day. Like, if you're over 30, I don't know, you remember that one asshole in the club with just a vest on? [laughter] I mean, like, like, who goes out with just a vest? Like, what are you, Han Solo? Who the fuck? And I would wear Timberland boots, like that would offset the vest? Like, yeah, I do construction after I fly the "Millennium Falcon." [laughter] So my boys are getting ready to pick me up, so you know, I'm doing my pre-going-out rituals, shaving the chest. Cologne daub. Did my curls. Got the vest on. You know what I mean? I'm ready--I'm ready to go out. So now we go pre-drinking. There was this club down-- it was, like, a little ways down from me. It was called Crickets, right? It was a real shithole. Like, people got stabbed there, whatever, but, you know, we would pre-drink there, and then we would head down to Miami to go out. So we get to the bar. Vests everywhere. You know what I mean? It's jumping. [laughter] And as soon I get in there, I make eye contact with this girl, right? Beautiful girl, cute, strong six, know what I mean? So I see her, I zero in on her, you know? I'm like--just walk right up to her. I'm like, "Hey, how you doing?" You know, "What's your name?" She's like, "Francesca." "Okay, Francesca. How's it going?" So I'm talking to her. We're doing shots, you know, getting hammered, and then my friends come up to me, and they're like, "Yo, we're gonna go down to Miami. Let's bounce," you know? And I'm like, "All right." And I go to the girl. "Can I get your number?" And she's like, "Well, why don't you stay?" I'm like, "Well, they're my ride. I got no way of getting back." And then she's like, "I'll take you home." [laughter] I'm like, "All right." [laughs] You know? I told my boys to bounce, you know what I mean? By the way, we didn't have Uber back then either, all right? A strong six was your Uber. So now we're drinking. We're getting hammered, right? And she's like, you know, "Let me take you home." So we drive back to the house, and, again, I'm drunk. You know, slamming around. And we lived in a little apartment. So I'm making noise, and then the lights go on, and I woke my mom up, right? And my mom had like-- she had that mom robe. You ever seen the mom robe? She's like, she's like, "What are you doing?" You know, I'm like, "Fuck." I'm like, "Yo, go to bed, Carol." You know what I mean? [laughter] I'm like, "What are you doing up?" You know? But she's like, you know, "Who's your friend?" I'm like, "Francesca, this is my mom. Ma, this is Francesca," you know. She's like, "Can I make you guys something to eat?" And I'm like, "No." So my mom goes back to sleep. Now Francesca was half Italian and half Spanish, all right? So she understood the family thing, you know what I mean? 'Cause the fact that she met my mom-- now the whole dynamic changed, you know? 'Cause I'm making out with her, and we're fooling around, but it's just not the same. She's like, you know, "I can't do this." You know, your mom's in the other room. I'm like, "Carol don't care. Don't worry about it." You know what I mean? We're still going, and she's like, "I can't. I feel disrespectful." I'm like--you know. So she gave me her number. She said, "Hit me up later." And she left. So now I'm alone with a worked up... [mumbles] All right, so this is where it goes south. [laughter] Now this is back in the VCR days, by the way, okay? They had DVD players, but I was still working with VCR. [laughter] Well, I amassed, like, this huge VHS collection, okay? And, you know, back then, you had a porn tape like, that, you know, it was on a VHS tape, but I had so many tapes that I would hide my tape in plain sight, so, like, my mom would never find it, you know? Like, my porn tape said "NFL's Greatest Hits" on it. You know what I mean? I found my older brother's one time. I'm like, "I haven't seen 'Grease' in a while." [laughter] Ahh! You know? [laughter] Anyway, so... And that's the other thing. You didn't have Internet porn back then, all right? You had a VHS tape that you passed around to your friends. And when you put it in, you saw exactly where he finished, which made it really awkward. Right? And you had to rewind it, and find your own little scene. [laughter] All right, so I got "NFL's Greatest Hits" in the VCR, right? And now I decide I got to get one off, you know what I mean? And the whiskey's really kicking in. I'm hammered. Room's spinning. So I get butt naked, okay? And I'm laying in bed. Now, I don't know if you ever do this or not when you're rubbing one out in bed, but do you ever make, like, that toilet paper runway? You know what I mean? It's relevant to-- [laughs] It's relevant to the story. You know what I mean? Like... You ever make that toilet paper runway? It's like nice quick, easy cleanup. You just throw it under the bed, wake up the next morning, get rid of the evidence, nobody knows nothing, right? So I'm laying there butt naked, covered in Charmin two-ply 'cause I knew it was gonna be a strong one, right? I got my little root in my hand. I'll literally maybe five strokes in, right? I'm so drunk... I pass out. [laughter] Now, when I wake up the next morning, okay? The TV's off, and I'm tucked in my bed. I'm like... [laughter] [cheers and applause] Now, you know when you were like-- you know when you were out drinking the night before-- you ever get really drunk and then you wake up the next morning and there's, like, ten seconds where you forgot you were drinking? And then you realize you were drunk and start praying to God for things that don't exist? You're like, "Oh, God, please let there be "little magical jerk-off elves that came in here and cleaned me up?" And I can imagine my poor mom. Just imagine being a mom, walking in, seeing your son laying there covered in toilet paper like some perverted mummy with just a vest on. [laughter] And she's never said a word to this day, which is why I love my mom. All right, guys. <i> ♪ ♪</i> <i> - Bret Ernst!</i>
Channel: Comedy Central
Views: 1,695,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: This Is Not Happening, storytellers, Bret Ernst, parents, sex, masturbation, porn, toilet paper, club, mother, mom, humiliation, taking her home, comedy central, stand up comedy, comedians, comedy central comedians, comedy, funny, comedian, funny video, comedy videos, stand up videos, funny jokes, funny clips, hilarious videos, hilarious clips
Id: _2EbRZKQ8hU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Wed May 09 2018
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