I found 3 RINGS | Lots of SILVER | Beach Metal Detecting

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1920 i saw a sock yeah singing a sock i think it's a watch guys i think it's a watch i'm just gonna put this away right now oh my gosh please be a rolex oh my gosh oh my god [Music] [Applause] hi guys we are back to metal detecting the beach today and today i'm at a very special location i uh woke up early hopped in the car so i live in huntington beach and i drove through newport beach through laguna down to dana point pass san clemente pass the trestles pass san onofre best ocean oceanside past carlsbad past encinitas past la jolla and i ended up in coronado guys there's a lot of beaches between me and there but this is a true true true south facing beach it's the truest of all south facing beaches so we have a low tide event coming up next week and you know i'm looking for the moderate push-in events and seeing if there's anything from the water that got turned churned up and spit out you know otherwise you know it gets really sanded in and hard to find good targets so so guys the sun's gonna be coming up here shortly i don't know how much you can see but right over there is the hotels i'm gonna start off right here at the volleyball courts i'm gonna work my way down i do have a little bit of starbucks left in my coffee in my car so i'll probably detect for a little bit go finish up my coffee and then get back out there and get this place cleaned up all right i got my first target right here it's some overcast here today very good oh he's picking up garbage okay oh it is a nickel look how shiny that is guys this sand allows me to crank the sensitivity up to 22 23 with no issues so i do have the sensitivity cranked up and uh it's been a long time since i've been on this beach just like all other beaches it if it's ringing up on my knocks i'm digging it [Music] you know but i'm not digging that stuff but i'm digging it but i don't dig it reading you know i don't like it okay guys on to the next hey guys i don't know if you could see the hotel in the background but i don't see the beach erosion that i was hoping for it's too flat this beach tends to do that the cuts develop closer to the hotels that i have found my experience but when a cut does develop out here the pickins are good it's just a rare very rare and i've only found that nickel so far i'm working my way down very quiet interesting what he's piling up on the beach over here i'll turn it back on i want to get a little closer to it so he is making piles oh we got a 12 right here it's making piles of the debris that washed up now it's a solid 13 chirpy chirp still says it's deep now still 12 13. now 12. got it oh piece of cancel nice and sharp and jaggy okay let's go back to look at what he's doing since he's doing it right behind me when i originally walked in i go wow interesting rocks right but i've seen a lot of interesting stuff this morning so he's getting all the seaweed off the beach but what you don't know if you guys can see out there see the boat with the flashing lights in front of that is a boat with about four guys in there and i think each one of these lights this is a naval base over here for the training so i do believe that seal training that's going on over there so i'm going to hoof it down to the hotel area and see if i'm getting any signals if not jim is gonna find a new beach i got a lot of beaches to hit on my way home but again i'm looking for activity and right here is activity a human this is just like hitting the dry sand back home it's hit and miss you never know there's no rhyme or reason there's no science behind it you just know that you dig anything then you detect if it's really deep especially at least take a couple holes out of it man that stuff stinky that's all seaweed piled up oh man am i getting raindrops on me right now seriously i think it's just frog fog so guys what you don't know i don't know if you can see the hills in the background that's mexico oh you guys might need you might be able to see the guys in the boat out there right now okay it's one of the things i love being out on the beach guys so even if i'm not finding targets like what's happening right now just being out here and searching is all i'm here for is the experience man this is not what i was looking for i was hoping for a little bit different all right i need something to sing something to make this snox sing loud hey guys we got a target right here finally something's singing probably just a penny it's nice and loud it's a target so happy to have a target and i'm happy to have that penny all i need is a dime and a quarter to hit the cycle i keep thinking about my starbucks sitting in that car and how good it'd be right now that's a long way over there i guess my car is sitting right over there it's not too far but and i'm only walking further away man see it's moist out so this coil is getting heavy okay got a target right here but might be able to see the hotel a little bit better right in front of it i think i might got my quarter here oh 29-32 out there's that quarter all right i just need a dime for the cycle just need a dime for the cycle okay dime people you lost a quarter here why don't you lose a little bit more man that coil is getting heavy i really noticed it with this uh light shaft and guys i've almost had this uh carbon fiber shaft from ckg for a month and i'm loving it absolutely loving it 75 bucks guys that's all they're selling them for you can look down in the video description and you'll see a link to it but you could just go to the ckg website and order it directly i think it's free shipping so okay that's a bottle cap so there's little targets are out here right now i need to find a pocket i think the pockets are gonna be over there where you can kind of see how the ocean and everything's funneling together it just passed those rocks might be good plus there's a when men make barriers man makes barriers uh ocean causes and eddy currents in areas so some areas have good areas and areas like this may not be so good so you're just hoping for a dry sand drop today oh yeah sun's coming out i wish it was uh sunny man it looks beautiful when the sun comes up here absolutely does i think it might have another quarter right here 30 29. i love the screaming of that come on silver ring but i think it's a quarter i heard clacking and that's the clack i like quarters now come on rich people that stayed here drop me something good you know so i came over here because i saw a target at me target a hole usually when i see holes sign activity right if people dug a hole or i look around it to see if it's a detectorist hole i don't see anything it's just somebody digging a hole i know that the workers here are really nice we talked to one for about five minutes just a little bit ago yeah guy who's piling up all the seaweed on the beach how'd you like that job man talk about beach coming if you're a beachcomber that would be the best job in the world man that really would be all right guys i need to find some rich people gold here they got a loud target here that i think is large a loud large target [Music] maybe a long thin target what is that okay wet it all okay paintbrush and yes we get a lot of artists that come here and they do a lot of painting out here this is one of the most pictured uh places in all of san diego target right here it's kind of all over the place i'm hoping it's my dime now maybe a penny now oh oh what was that a euro or something maybe canadian my eyes can't focus in on that one i can't read it i think one euro i found enough of those that's what i think it is all right that's a weird spot for a euro and literally just shut it off on you guys as soon as i shut it off like that's when i got the target all right okay guys so closer to hotel i want you to see those red chairs that they have right there they uh they'll bring out the your chairs and umbrellas right on the beach wherever you wanna so as long as it's within there you know right in front of this area so i always found that to be a kick i love the concierge service of beaches it means the wealthy people are losing good stuff for me hopefully all right go on to the next so hey i'm getting spit upon here a little wet hopefully it doesn't rain because i am wearing my cordless earphones look at that not even metal made of plastic at least at least the metal ones biodegrade right may take years but uh yeah i don't think that plastic will ever maybe but i don't know i'm not gridding anything i'm just trying to walk that way a little bit see if i could see any erosion to see if i'm going to stay on this beach because it's been awfully quiet but there are certain sections on the way back i am going to grid real careful like so guys i've been taking a lot of scoops out of this and it just keeps sounding better 12 13 still deep so maybe right here out still solid 13. there's a nickel gosh i was hoping for something better there's one crusty nickel but i'll take it take it and i dug deep you know all metal mode guys that started off with the grunt so i took out a scoop and then i heard a chirp again another scoop so you have it in all metal mode and you hear a deep grunt take out a scoop especially in this dry sand because we're gonna have to dig i think uh i need to stop and have a little breakfast over there with these people guys look at that each little private little area has got their own little private fireplace going oh yeah i like that yeah in my coffee so far away right now but i don't care i'll drink it cold cold lattes aren't bad they're not good either to me i thought this is beautiful i love this area like i said if i get my dime i'll be happy even if i don't i'm happy just being out here but i won't last long out here and uh high tide was a little bit ago the tide should be going back but it's not a very low tide uh low tides about 11 o'clock today so we got several hours um if the targets aren't good here i move on and hopefully i'm at a beach where i'm there right at low tide all right first target in a while it doesn't even sound good it's a solid 14 right now probably pulls tab pull tab pulls tab hopefully something better yeah there's that fool's tab i wasn't fooled by it i knew what it was it's just i'm just now getting closer to the area i really wanted to hit and it's not at all what i like see see how the the sand is kind of pushed up against the rocks here a lot of vehicle traffic here and then the wet right there right well no visual sign of a cut lots of wiped out erosion over here what i mean by erosion i mean when the waves come up and hit the rocks they literally wash it away that's why it's clean and there's not many targets so the targets you're gonna find here are freshly dropped since the last big event that they've had here which uh it was just a couple weeks ago at the la bomb as well hey guys i think it may hit the cycle right here it's deep let's go ahead and get this i think there's something else in the hole yeah it's a copper pattern all right it didn't get the cycle yet it says 19 deep out 1920 zinc penny probably there we go yeah i like those copper ones much better okay doug got it at least we found something over here okay i'm not giving up another quarter baby 31 now look at that nice and green all right still need that dime for that cycle come on all right now i may hit the cycle right there out yes we hit the cycle all right i got the whole spectrum of coins covered all right and that's a dime and we'll take them all the time all right what else you got around here i didn't have to go very far from the last spill it was just a 35 feet maybe that's just a random dime shallow it was a little green and a nice breeze but the wind picked up and if you look at the way the wind's coming in it's actually coming in this way which is not the way i predicted it to be so um i might jump over to la jolla la hoya shores beach all right i got a deep target here it doesn't even though it's coming up 20 21 i don't think that's a penny yeah tent stake aluminum this one at least an aluminum one yeah you can recycle you know okay guys yeah still can't see mexico but mexico is right there tijuana right there guys another 20 19 20 but this one maybe a penny and that's your point we got a penny a shield penny uh you stopped to look to see what it was i get to kick it i usually try to show them see how my uh knocks made the you know the coil rim mark around it around the hole mark i mean when you rest your coil down it's an obvious sign oh this sounds like one of those tent stakes again oh it's a car all right i got a new car man look how fancy this thing is dang yeah oh yeah i don't know if i would like that uh style it's like batmobile style you know target right here deep 20. says it's deep out maybe a penny there we go zinc penny yep target right here probably there when you can or something out yeah yeah that was a shallow luminous can it's full of sand this whole thing is just that thing is so heavy full of sand okay okay got a 25 right here and that is a clean dime we'll take those all the time let's see if there's anything else around here maybe a quarter says it's deep oh my goodness finally yeah it's a quarter i believe yep okay guys that's it there's anything else that they've dropped around here hey guys we got a target right here solid 14. what the heck sand solid 14 5 it's a ring 14. oh it's soft too doesn't feel too heavy huh let's take a look at that all right i am working my way back that's nice i got it right got a target right here right there probably another dime we'll take them all the time oh that was thick huh i guess i don't have it somewhere right there nope i wonder if it's just real small i think it's a dynamite here clanking it's a ring back-to-back rings this one's gonna be silver i think cause look how black that is and what's this ringing up 21. all right and by the way i think there's stones in there maybe we'll have to clean that up so that other ring i is it here or maybe it was over there no there's a quarter and dime over there ring here and then another ring here okay man and i was walking the the rock line out so and uh what i was digging was originally i kicked this with my foot and then i got that high chirp so i saw that and i just said okay this is over here all right let's get this area real careful two rings here okay another dime right here oh that's all over the place now maybe a bottle cap i hear something thinking it is a dime all right and nice and clean hold on okay there's a dime spill maybe there's the other dime and uh in a crazy you know one of those cranberry raisins i think that's what it is okay so two dimes one hole oh my is that what i think it is i'm hoping if it is what i think it is i'm in for some good luck it is it is i think it is you guys see it it's orangey whenever i find fruit on the beach guys i have good luck look at that beautiful orange looks like there might be a hole in it gonna get out of this guy's way see this hold on show you see he's got that thing see and he's got the rank going behind it here goes all my good chains that thing's a chain grabber okay let's take a look at my piece of fruit ooh that's burned but yeah that's gonna have sea water in it all right well i usually have good luck when i find fruit on the beach i love it when like big things of watermelon wash up on the beach i know i think you guys saw that it was a night hunt ran out of uh battery on my headlamp so i know i showed a few pieces of the the watermelons there's a few different watermelons that washed up on the beach but usually when i find fruit it's a good sign i don't know if it's a sign of good luck just a good karma to get it off the beach come on now i need something good i got a solid signal here walked around it a couple times and i just dug a bottle cap right here so so it sounds kind of like maybe it could be a bottle cap oh what's that 1920 i saw a sock yeah singing a sock i think it's a watch guys and i guess i'll watch i'm just gonna put this away right now oh my gosh please be a rolex oh my gosh oh my god all right all right well i had a one bushnell golf huh i wonder what this does okay i play golf but guys i'm still so close to this i'm just i'm hoping i have a rolex and i'll explain why i don't want to look at it why i'm here okay okay out of this hole right here i found it out here kept falling out of the scoop i see something gold here a broken ring a broken junk ring all right and i am so curious i just want to open up that sock right now guys i just want to open that sock up oh my god i know it's gonna be something good why else would somebody put that in the sock all right with all those wealthy people right where i found it that's where they put up those the uh the chairs and give them concierge service i'll see if i have an image of that uh from the last times i was here or actually stayed at the resort okay 16 right here solid i thought it was a little deeper than that but still sounds solid what happened can i put something on end it's a ring oh i have no problem with somebody seeing this little thing i think we're gonna have a i don't know chunker ring maybe silver okay zip this up i think three rings so far coronado guys you never guess what i found another i found another ring pop ring oh i don't have no idea why i'm getting a kick out of finding these yeah that's that's yeah i'm setting a record yeah i don't think any detectors has topped that this year i know i have a record on ring pop rings and no guys i am not eating them myself and yes i'm still curious about what the heck that i found over there in the sock but i got a lot of beats to detect it's secure in that sock and i see something that just is uh it's a charger so looks like a charger some sort is that yours okay good there you go just swapped out batteries but i figured you might want to take a look at that thing [Music] that's pretty cool i wonder what they do with all this seaweed that they pile up he's working furiously down there and i'm so curious what's in that sock look how deep that is all right let's take a big scoop out another big scoop out i love them when they're that deep out so right there come on silver ring but that quarter is clanking i'll take that crusty thing spread so you know it's gonna be clad oh man that thing was deep that just shows you how much sand really is here and this sand is so nice it's actual sand from fish poop and uh shell debris not like in huntington which you got combination of shelled or debris fish poop and run off from the riverbed from the san gabriels they're from the santa ana river okay guys i'm just gonna do some zigzagging and then i'm gonna head up to my car which is parked over there i know it's got a good cup of coffee in there and i'm gonna just grab to this tower here and i hope i find something good it's been awfully quiet on this beach a nickel or a pool tab here 13 14 i think pull tab yep there it is that golden pools you know when you find a pull tab made of gold you can quit detecting you know that's what was that somebody else made this hole that's why i walked there okay hopefully they lost the ring when they were digging i could see the pennies and then i covered it back up what is that okay there's that penny this is a piece of like wire oh yeah barbecue skewer i think i'm not sure i think on this beach at times you can have a a bonfire on this beach but they don't uh but they don't have fire pits so guys this is free parking along here free parking in there as well and so if you are coming to coronado beach like i did today you come here early you get good parking all right beachside parking that's one of the nice things and this is a fun swimming beach area it's just not very busy because it's morning time right now remember i came in when it was dark early five something this morning and i'm not sure exactly what time it is now but thinking we're close to 9 30 10 o'clock let's take a guess that was my guess let's take a look it's 9 32. well guys i am not staying at this beach i'm gonna move on i walked all the way down one end walked all the way down the other i didn't work too much of the wet it was awfully quiet but i want to see what's in that sock all right come on unlock all right now guys it is that's the new dog okay all right camera bag yeah it's for my second gopro and my uh let's get in here and take a look sorry guys i'm doing my belt back up remove that orange that is heavy [Music] we got a chain we got a big old silver chain look at that that is that's that's a truck all right guys wow okay [Music] let's take a look at the beach guys there's a del coronado hotel [Music] this is where we metal detected and by the way this spells out coronado these sand dunes right here all right coronado beach this is what they spell out so guys i hope you enjoyed it i did and i'm on to another beach okay guys here's the wrap up it was a fun day down at coronado i actually had a very long day uh went down and hit la jolla shores beach right after that and then the traffic was bad on the way home so i stopped and hit alisso beach which i always loved which i walked up towards the montage but it was going into high tide so i didn't have great huntable area but anyways i got out of the car anyways a lot of garbage i didn't really feel like i dug that much garbage and got a few tent stakes out of there um i did get three and a half rings and a ring pop ring i think i got all the other detectors beat on the ring pop rings in 2021 um got a new car not sure if i like the style of it maybe one or two passengers that's about it um i'm honestly to have a hard time fitting in that one myself but got a new car what can you say this bushnell golf thing is actually a remote control for a speaker that's got a gps device in it so you put it in your golf cart and it tells you how far you have to the hole okay so pretty interesting on that um i dug nine pennies uh two nickels four dimes and five quarters one euro three and a half rings i do believe all these are silver even though this is ringing up a little odd we'll have to test this i do believe that's going to be silver and i believe this could be silver or silver plated i really didn't look at any stamps on any of these yet we'll have to take a look this was like a two-part ring um i've seen these before i've actually found them together before um but they actually don't touch each other at the end here they just kind of wrap around and they got some bogus fake stones in them but man i thought that was a watch when i felt the heaviness of this thing it felt like a watch right this thing is a big silver chain it thing is thick it is a big silver chain and look at that clasp right there i don't know if you can see it but it does say 925 and uh so i didn't go totally skunked i didn't get any gold well i got gold plated but that thing is pretty sweet hundred 138 grams and it needs to be cleaned because it's uh you know what happens he didn't lose this in there but i'll tell you what happens is things like these the sand gets stuck in there and they'll slide open even though they are pretty secure and when they slide open then that's how they lose them because this thing is heavy 138 grams all right so really nice silver chain so guys it was awesome today in coronado didn't start out with a lot of targets and i know it gets detected quite a bit it's a popular beach to metal detect and i know a few detectorists who live right in that area who do hit that beach fairly regularly still i was looking and scouting we have a low tide event coming up soon and i want to scout these certain facing beaches and that's a south facing beach and just see what kind of what it looked like right beach cams really don't tell us the type of erosion that's happening in so i know the sands pretty much laying down on everything and the targets you know were fairly deep except for the fresh drops and you know that sock man it had me going i thought it was a watch just the weight of this chain this chain is just is so massive guys i've looked on ebay on this chain um i haven't found anything less than like 500 bucks nothing less because of the quality you know in 138 grams all right so [Applause] i always like those nice scores and i hunt in front of hotels a lot because i like to find when wealthy people lose things right so i keep those fines to myself and then i'll reveal them or look at them when i get back to my car because i don't want the attention brought to me that i found something good because i have been in multiple situations where people said they've lost something but couldn't tell me what they actually lost right it's because they're jealous of what you found they know you found something good and they want it it's like this lady today who may have dropped that charger i don't know if she dropped that charger all she did is stuck her hand out you know like she wanted it back did i know it was hers i didn't know it was her i see it laying on the sand i know she walked by i know she walked through that area and when i did go back and i looked at the video footage indeed she did drop it it is hers right but those are just the scenarios that happened many times to me and over 30 some odd years at the beach when i was younger it was just adults telling me no you found my watch or you found my ring i would say can you please describe it and they would get quite upset and angry give it back to me now you know those are what jim has had to face almost his whole life in detecting all right not sure where people get off thinking that they can just take whatever you just found from you but again i will tell you i'm a treasure hunter and that should tell you all you need to know i like to find good stuff all right i like to find the treasures that wealthy people drop preferably very nice things like that chain and man i thought that was a rolex when i felt it in that sock i could almost feel that it was heavy like a rolex would be and why would you put something like that in a sock well you know it's probably a smart idea probably just didn't realize it fell out of his shoe or what have you and you know once something gets covered up in the sand it's kind of hard to recover unless you do have a metal detector so guys if you like my videos please click like if you'd like to see more consider subscribing ringing this bell and receive all the notifications every time i release a new video and please take a look at either one of these videos here you
Channel: Fun with Jim
Views: 30,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fun with jim, metal detecting, treasure hunting, metal detecting finds, metal detecting beach, metal detecting gold, beach metal detecting, metal detecting videos, metal detecting 2021, metal detecting videos on youtube, treasure hunt, metal detecting coins, metal detector, minelab equinox, beach detecting, metal detecting silver coins, metal detecting finds beach, metal detecting gold finds, metal detecting tips, metal detector beach finds, metal detecting for beginners
Id: StY2wvqKCwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 53sec (3413 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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