How Age of Calamity changed the Zelda Universe forever

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zelda's next birthday will mark the date of calamity gannon's return yes that is what the images we recovered indicate at least you think you have time to busy yourself with things like that zelda you and the knights will travel to the spring of courage no matter what it takes you must awaken your power before the calamity returns [Music] see fate decides all even this defeat hi hello this is our continued playthrough of breath of the wild prequel hyrule warriors age of calamity if you guys haven't seen the first part it is right right right wait wait it's right there and then today's the third part where we're finishing the game seeing what happened with the destruction of hyrule because of the calamity alright onward excellent i finally finished my pain staking analysis oh yeah yeah yeah we're all very impressed now what did you find [Music] stop right there i was too careless this is bad [Music] oh they are in trouble let's go egg so many are awaiting my inner power believing in me so crazy knowing where exactly they are in breath of the wild right now it's crazy it's my last chance princess it'll all work out everything will just align at the spring of wisdom time to head out farewell father huh lego my eggo something must have happened it's happening it's happening no i can't believe it oh my god the blights the blights are coming well then we seem to have been taken by surprise this is bad extremely bad if the calamity was able to overtake hyrule castle he's deactivated all the towers here we go father will be within the sanctum quickly there's not a moment to lose oh i remember oh okay i gotta get back into the um like how to play this well you know oh oh oh oh god there it is oh will you stasis oh i missed stasis i missed stasis what the hell is that move okay here we go there we go awesome and we'll do a second one right there too there we go okay at least we dealt with the guardian pretty easily but this is the lead up to uh hyrule castle this is nuts and you know what else is nuts only a small percentage of you guys are just just subscribe if you like the video that's really just subscribe enjoy the rest of the video oh god there's another guardian here this is the sanctum versus king rome oh god oh god here we go we'll do the double again do the double right there take another one it's not the triple oh we got it okay that's good actually we'll take that we'll take it we'll take it we'll take it oh he's so close he's so close there we go we got the weak point and it's gone oh oh uh okay so i guess uh i guess that happens too let's go let's exit to the back as well then i'm relieved father's all right all right so king rombas for almost hyrule is alive so far that's crazy that would suck if he died sometimes oh we know where this is this is where the uh shrine is about if i recall we made it somehow still can't believe the guardians have turned on us we must hurry to my father well this is the entrance of hyrule castle right here [Music] oh god like i'm smiling because it's epic but it's like it's so serious [Music] one swing damn king robots promise hyrule didn't know you had that kind of power you are the knight to princess zelda i trust that you understand your duty link is in the doghouse link's in trouble stop let go is that the last time we see king oh my daughter protector i'm smiling because it was like a cool sequence and it's really cool and awesome but then it's also sad that's why he was basically like i'm happy to see you again you know please save us that's crazy it's rape here [Music] [Music] the divine beasts ganon has [Music] all of hyrule my friends even my own father [Music] it's my fault why won't you awaken for me [Music] oh oh god don't play zelda's little boy all of it was for naught [Music] what don't tell me [Music] look up can we still do this all is not lost we can still do something come on what just happened there did that egg just do mifa drew urbosa and ravali are trapped in their divine beasts here we go onward oh wow they look so much more intense look at them oh my god look at these designs oh [ __ ] oh my what we're not even going to cover what just happened with the time travel what [Music] don't worry about that i'm here to help what the swamp is this the calamity he's doing in any case we can't get close to baruto like this might be a way to clear it let's investigate this vicinity oh my god look at this let's can we just like take a moment just appreciate this yo wait defeat and ice lionel the hell is an ice lionel all right here we go [Music] yeah yeah don't worry we got it there we go we got the ice lynel perfect appears the little ones powers allowed people other than the pilot to enter varuda thank you thanks egg they're siding so cool water blood ganon nice sister please don't you've come at last the pov oh nice god damn here we go that's a lot of damage oh my god there we go oh midairs are good take that get the easy break off on him there we go to have aided my beloved sister i'm endlessly grateful for your help thanks sidon oh we're playing as sidon oh this game is worth 60 dollars i will tell you this uh you should get this for sure yep they're doing it crazy are with the right time during a strong attack for a power boost okay interesting all right during a strong attack there we go so that's the r oh damn what's his a don't stand for it damn the shark there's varuda all back and ready a fire lynel nice oh my god look at that damage this is why we love max infa got him point and that should be it let's go fire lionel defeated nice let's go i mean so far yeah fire blight ganon oh my god shard of claim again i love how they call them shards [Music] the stupid is very calm stupid is great i love this you're right sir i will if i came here to save you but you have to save me then what's the point yes that's the spirit that's the spirit hello all right let's try that again from the top all right fireflight it is oh my god the amount of damage we're taking nasty all right we gotta really just beat him without taking any more damage and we're going to die and we're going to die i will use this weak point smash again please that again then we'll go through it do another weak point oh that's good that's good we'll take it oh my god we clutched it whoa let's go and that's how you play the game [Music] well the deed is done we should all thank you you really came through little guys you know wasn't it i owe you some thanks too oh without your help i'd have been in deep trouble said on it's all so mysterious is it truly you my brother yes it is yours truly i know this is hard to swallow but i journeyed here from the future none of this makes any sense but oh well we have they even addressed that okay princess okay all right please tell us what happened at the castle all right we'll take it we'll take it i'll tell you with the aid of sidon and yunobo who had appeared within the divine beasts nepha and daruk emerged from the battle unscathed which is not what happened in the original timelines this is weird that's so crazy god i love oh yes i love how they're doing this the melting guardian that's why you're the great girl i told you to drop the formalities [Music] looks like rodania part two oh my god so cool so cool all right get ready for the frames to just absolutely feel obliterated and drop oh there's lionel's here too jesus christ let's do our super it's just satisfying you know am i wrong i mean just like just look at it all right there we go yeah and breath while i didn't feel like they were prepared and then you see this and like yeah they were totally prepared just gannon just like screwed them over can we save her volley last oh god there's thunder blight god it's so devastating i love these cutscenes way too much honestly windblade was like the easiest of them so i don't know how rivali lost look at this [Music] just a scratch tis butter flesh [Music] love it love it diva i think you can tell my preference here and patricia the best sand seal so now let us focus on winning oh my god all right let's go over and assist bottom boards first thanks to the little one others can board up bottom boris all right so similar to the other one here we go vile creature how is it moving like that thunderblade cannon oh he looks so intense i love the oh my god that's crazy listen you bought us much-needed time now look who's come to help oh let's go here we go thunderblade oh that's so much look at that damage right there actually nuts oh he oh whoa he has like mirages the hell oh nice i like how they have to make these like in the actual fight that's so good god i love what they did with this can we get another break here we did awesome and i think that's it i think that's it let's go let's go there we go that's how we get to von meadow we're playing as riju now patricia rampage is dr hold it oh my god yeah i i like patricia patricia is my favorite divine beast valmetto [Music] all yours master of [Music] some olly is in order damn what that thing's just standing yes and yet i can't help but feel that the wind may finally be at our backs that's pretty badass all right oh okay nice we love that all right let's get our symbols first all right we dodged that cool and we got the third one not bad oh that's so much damage let's go info take the bomb let's go oh he's so gone oh he's so sweet point easy look at that dude it is over for you steal yourself that should be it oh we're close doing a second got him let's go now then first i owe you my gratitude thank you for your help truly and second read you you sent we could not have prevailed without your aid i i would not presume to take credit [Music] we all of us fought as one well we would have been just fine without you but i suppose it's better that you were here hold that thought for now [Music] little bird please tell us what happened at hyrule castle everyone died including the old man let's go all pacific rim again god that's so cool huh there he is the champion of the rito well then i suppose the time has finally come to reveal palmetto's divine power let's go kill some [ __ ] death all of the death oh wait why is whoa windblown getting in his back wait wait wait wait what so these are a here that might be it we'll just we'll just sit there easy you know it doesn't matter not bad not bad and this should finish them off excellent there we go when it happened i could faintly hear a voice calling to me as i searched for who it was i suddenly saw my dear sister under attack my only thought was that i had to help her next thing i knew i was inside varuta that was your doing wasn't it thank you now we must hurry to ocular citadel what's the problem hurry it up what is that what's your game free eyes my you really are slow despite our best efforts the enemy has only grown stronger why to succeed we must adjust our strategy finally the two of you can actually be of some use for once in your life i can't wait you're my best lucky in that case i will protect you even if it cost me my life a blood sacrifice for the calamity fate gives you real dark really fast and you will play it [Laughter] here we go oh the style enemies oh oh my god look at all those guardians making this easy lady at both side we've come so far we must persevere until the battle is done after my own heart you never give in huh all four div oh my god all four divine beasts are going to be right here wait all four of them are right here [Music] it's about time what took them so long this is dueling feats oh this is dueling pete's look at just look at this this is this is what fort hittano looked like before the at least during the war yeah so right over here like this right here these ruins are where the stable would normally be kind of crazy that they're all gone now your thread will be cut here your highness impossible oh it looks so cool but i hate it but it looks so cool princess come with me we can't leave him oh my god link look at this man damn [Music] i must [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's not supposed to happen there that light [Music] oh we died oh the guardians broke through our defenses oh so i just failed the mission all right there's like an objective i'm trying to focus here i have to there we go okay we got the invincibility frames too so we got one guardian we have two guardians in the lionel here [ __ ] lie this is kind of unfair look at that we take those we take those hey guys is foreign about to fall yes or no i'm curious i can't tell jesus so fortenos survived here everyone hear me now with calamity gannon now awakened here we stand at the threshold of the unimaginable despite that we must not give into defeat we must not despair let's go zelda we must stand and fight hyrule wields the divine beasts and their champions we are armed with the knight whose sword will seal the darkness and we shall strike with you you brave soldiers everyone you are mine to leave now ganon will be sealed away forever but the power i possess who's gonna tell her guys anyone who's gonna tell her standing in strength we begin our march hyrule's fight to rescue all within it is now [Music] let's go [Applause] [Music] [Music] queen zelda well then what did you want to tell me oh god what are you oh my god it's because he locks wait huh do we get to play as master koga do we we do this is so this is what the great plateau looks like wow this place was so much more built before and we're fighting with the eager clan that's so weird to me alright so how do you play coco whoa damn relieve stress to use big glowy blast by pressing zr so he's being he's really stressful right now oh what oh sophie one of his combos is literally just having his men carry him yeah yo shrine of resurrection oh look there's a second stair uh set of staircases yeah you know this is the great plateau how it's supposed to look like too is who's that old man father [Music] so he's not it is all thanks to this [Music] oh my god i forgot about that relic this little thing i forgot about that saved me hmm okay wait so it was a shield all along that's so cool your heart your boundless compassion with those precious gifts you have saved my life while i accused you of evading your duty in truth perhaps i was guilty of the same forgive me that's not [Music] father you've always loved me everything you've done has always been for me the burden the heavy load you've shorted all this time from now on please let me help you carry it zelda like sweating out of my hands my pride and indeed the pride of all [Music] [Music] troops from all regions shall gather at hyrule field alongside our princess we will retake hyrule castle let's do it hacker man look over here [Music] what what oh she's teleporting people in okay interesting wow [Music] this is end game this yeah this is avengers end game all that is left to do is to join up and destroy smash ultimate everyone is here vibes as well time to rock and rampage yeah you know yes sir let's do this i never imagined things could go this way awaiting your orders your highness i'm so excited tell me we're going we'll be brought to you again again is our home and we must band together to protect and defend it divided our strength would never have been enough but together all of us united in our great power together we are unstoppable we shall overcome this threat [Music] goddamn the music [Music] now to the castle huh is that so here you all are all of you despicable pests double egg but that looks like i will crush you beneath my heel that is my face seal calamity ganon you i will sever your thread once and for all oh [Music] we're against link right now guys i cannot see anything which means we have to go over here here we go whew he was broken let's go [Music] so much all right he's almost dead oh we got a flea rush oh my god we got the opportunity we'll just do that oh we got him the story of my triumph was written long ago how dare you ever face it he's withdrawn for now okay well we can't we temporarily got him how the great calamity ganon selected me this humiliation cannot be my destiny it cannot be hear [Music] peace [Music] [Music] oh he's dead always quick oh sweet mother of oh no our egg friend's gonna get [Music] [Laughter] corrupted jeez oh all right we have to kill the egg guys i'm sorry we want your sunny side up oh god no i know every time you hit you he makes a pain sound i know oh my god [Music] oh [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] oh oh my gosh this baby zelda it's done look look [Music] mother [Music] that's when their mom died the egg was there for me to leave me too right tarako father no please don't take it away the return of the calamity has been foretold as the princess of hyrule your sole focus must be on your training a toy such as this is merely a distraction please please i'm sorry i'm not crying you're crying calamity ganon the sake of hyrule for all those harmed and slain for our future oh she pissed this is where you fall oh my god oh my god hatred in malice incarnate [Music] uh oh i love that oh that was so let's go ahead let's go you got this egg [Music] everyone uh no more oh just when you thought it could get worse it is time to end this now this this is why i'm a zelda fan tell me that this isn't amazing i dare you oh i'm so underprepared for this fight too here we go oh we're going to the observatory boys oh we love it we love it oh using all of the runes too for the counters let's go damn damn boy oh god i get this and then he's almost dead he's almost dead oh this might be it this might be it and we seal him [Music] you can do it little guy don't screw this up oh god [Music] uh [Music] [Music] this is why i play zelda games [Music] this is why i love the zelda franchise [Music] [Music] hmm the stupidest grin on my face what a great day oh [Music] sending him back it seems the time has come i could not be prouder it was an honor to be of service i know you'll lead our people well read you thanks for everything you know we didn't get much time together but always cherish it i will too it was so this has been enlightening i even got to see the face behind the champion [Music] i know that we'll meet again dear brother yes you're my beloved sister and our hearts will never be apart i will never forget today's miracles how all of you fought by my side and the trials we overcame together our treasure our friendship always [Music] [Music] and now as you return to your future [Music] may the light shine upon you for all time [Music] you
Channel: PointCrow
Views: 1,416,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pointcrow, point crow, age of calamity, age, of, calamity, breath of the wild, botw, hyrule warriors, hyrule, warriors, hyrule warriors age of calamity, the legend of zelda, tloz, the legend of zelda breath of the wild, the legend of zelda age of calamity, zelda, zelda aoc, challenge, zelda pro, zelda speedrunner, speedrunner, speedrun, impa, link, playthrough, gameplay, lets play, first playthrough, breath of the wild challenge, age of calamity gameplay, reaction, aoc gameplay, botw challenge
Id: 2V7vQLGHsgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 50sec (3350 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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