24 Hour Stream, Part 8 - Modded Isaac

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like boom I'm back thirteen Ravens all right make sure we don't miss anything let's do this you guys I you know there could be some cool mods in here this is popular this week right we could go ahead and say popular three months why does it go from one week to three months does that make any sense whatsoever where's one month all right three months then goblin goo globin goo Ryoka Tier one sub welcome my friends I'm glad that people are still watching and still subbing stuff it feels pretty nice abortion birth I do not see abortion birth so get the Lenny guppy mod there's a Lenny guppy mod Lenny Lenny this is a Lenny mug not much to say about it right now so far it gives damage up and speed up I don't know if that's it is it Leonard da pili oh hey look at that there we go this mod changes all the guppy items some transformations itself into the Isaac youtuber huts cat Leonard it's me hey some of these might also crash the games because if there's been updates and stuff but we'll see nerd out with us 18 months in a row welcome back 18 months that's crazy just wish I could watch the streams more often if I only didn't if only I didn't have 10 hour days at work lobby man I love the community I hope I can continue to support the best I can thank you nerd out with us I appreciate the 18 months of support seriously means a lot bone ball bombing we did that one do we have alpha birth we do have alpha birth playable little horn should we do that one delirious void remastered I mean it's gotten like really really good ratings so we have to get that one it's that it's the number one over three months so please no abortion birth I like you not losing your mind since 13 Ravens all right let's make a pact no abortion birth if we do abortion birth we do abortion birth right and we won't do that today be cute as [ __ ] I'm giving that mod glob and goo turns Isaac into a glob of goo upon death oh wait what if he takes no damage for a short time he will reform with half a heart of Health synergizing with most upon damage items interesting so you can actually like survive death if you don't get hit close shortly after that's interesting I don't think I really need it though do I need it internal mod mod expands your gameplay by adding a huge amount of items they synergize with each other as well as with items from the original game eternal mod could be good good to catch you in Aussie timezone what's up I don't know what items are but let's get him he becomes a meat thing yeah a globin a globin GUP I'll bomb boy transformation when he got there explosion immunity explode on hit 50% chance to defuse troll bombs that's actually like super cool I like that a lot any mods that you guys know of that like I need to do somebody said something earlier about a challenge mod I don't know what that was though I'd remember did you hear about the all-powerful beyblade that helped Moses split the Red Sea oh my god that makes so much sense now levena freaks is a back house how is hut so far I'm uh you know tired I have a headache it's only gonna get worse in the next like six hours strawberry milk jinx Jynx okay pink milk gives Isaac extra shot range diagonal Loki's horns shooting pattern as well as damage up and shout speed can I see a video this huh I mean sure it's kind of weird but better cook its body don't care even more bums a dead bum gives one bone heart per six to eight soul hearts yikes man that's six to eight soul hearts is a lot of soul hearts he's got to eat up Robo bum gives one charged keeper one battery huh holy bum gives one eternal heart per eight to twelve red hearts oof that's cool I guess we could try it but I don't know man ultra bum which does everything the individual bums do but give us double standard doki-doki literature Club I didn't play the game so I wouldn't get the references though literal names plays oh we already had that downloaded we're gonna play with literal names absolutely what is this accurate character stats no don't care about that stackable one plus one mm I'm not sure I care about that either hardmode mom's heart all right deal I swear to god this is gonna crash don't need anything else with this nope some mods yet they have like some sort of like other API mods whatever blog blah Ecch know the platformer I don't want to do the platformer really don't I really don't do the jinx to challenge let's try it play a sieve five or six so you can just chill out I've never played those games they sounds stressful how do you spell jinxed did I spell that wrong I'm obsessed with D DLC to be honest it actually [ __ ] me up I spelled it right yeah g'nite basser JY n XC d huh jinxed challenge yeah I think maybe someone spelled it wrong when they uploaded the mod results for jinx or jinxed challenge just look up challenge but we're gonna go there it is yeah jinx with an eye okay there it is not how you spell it that's fine though the basement is all messed up weird things keep happening non-stop it's up to apollyon to make it to the bottom of all this to put an end to the madness features more randomness than you've ever asked for including but not limited to per room random seed effects unfamiliar and enemy encounters random resetting rooms that okay this just sounds like another abortion birth I'm not gonna lie should we keep going so we keep trying to download more mods Cthulhu spirit angry flies angry angry fayek yeah angry feck auto resupply hmm delirium music beat up more butts virile vist bugfixes oh man I need that in my life not angel and devil fix makes the door shadow symmetrical see I don't care about these things hydrophobicity yeah forget that we did the popcorn mod already more mushrooms that was kind of fun I think I'm already subscribed to it I am we had to turn it on pulled teeth a Chinese edition anti-birth trinkets could be cool the red-room 500 bits from Ryoka damnit nuts every time I think I've gotten away you pull me back in mm-hmm playable little horns mod please we could try mom you try a little on already pass it playable littlehorn introducing a new character based off one of the most suicidal bosses there is little horn this character while being able to fire homing black balls instead of tears possesses a a new active item called the hole which allows a little horn to teleport anywhere in the room with the arrow key control crosshair every few seconds hmm that sounds like it's gonna be difficult honestly what else is there it's cool but it's not amazing okay you should play music awkwardly quiet [Music] I've been here for over 12 hours and I think it's time for me to just chill out for a bit here's to the triumph I might come back in the morning goodnight Parker thanks for sticking with appreciate that thousand bits too awesome also 13 Ravens get to the sub the DP addicted Thank You 13 Ravens and welcome DP fantastic stuff did swan song 2 new items Swan bombs explain yourself dark prime sub welcome dark you field resilience yay waiting for something to happen you get 40 seconds to get your health back if Isaac takes mortal damage so that his health plus is so hard to zero a time or 30 seconds on normal 10 on hard 10 to lost 10 with the keeper per item will tick down upon this time reaching zero you will die and I like that I need your crushes all right the hell out of here no heart cap please huts it could be epic where do you see that we could do with revelations again that was super awesome no hard cap is it here do you see it d 18 what was that that's the D 18 reroll the variance the page before this one no hard cap no hard cap no health cap this one holds many hearts as you want oh my god that doesn't even make sense that's ridiculous I break the game once and I have infinite bad breakfast little friends seriously though if someone makes a mod and they have like cool artwork and their thumbnail it immediately draws me in like a moth to flame and my life Seinfeld death music already subscribed though so it's fine there's the portal gun yay breakfast let me see that I missed it LSD consumable no absolutely not charged bombs demonic conversion boner there it is a fun boner red shoes familiar red shoes was significantly increasing your movement speed give you an interesting health mechanic which allows you to retain hearts but also makes things more challenging sonic shoes dude I don't even want to know what they do I just want to download it good night to those of you who are falling asleep what else we got golden nickel Killer Queen click effects pinworm trinkets who are you calling pin if it's here kills an enemy the tier travels on with leftover damage I like that baby's first shapes bending of Isaac no can we get started please this idea I just want to make sure we got a good balance of mods going on to who music replacement there's a challenge pack called questing of Isaac lots of questions questing of Isaac what is this ads 102 challenges that's that's like too many though that's like too many gonna take like 12 hours for us to boot up the game 12 hours watch it be like half a second make me look like an idiot it took longer okay what do we got we have other mods too that we can turn on like that it's gotta be on right we could turn the Alpha birth on on boy curse of gravity that was kind of fun I thought this is just gonna crash though dick man we got a play dick man don't we little friends more mushrooms oof what else sonic no what was the shoes already have shoes on Seinfeld death music the Red Room no I don't let the Red Room on I think the Red Room was buggy literal item names that's the one all right here's the the the truth of it is it gonna crash we played Isaac now a little horn right it looks so cute polling always pulling on all right all right that was weird I'm not sure I would ever like actually want to use the teleportation I'm now I'm stuck and now we're stuck boom oh that's right with the sound pack on bong and you guys even hear it fire rate is abysmal by the way polling was not on ok good I don't want polling on not yet at least no yeah it's at least here we get to our first item room gonna have all these cool mods on we're gonna get like able and the first item rum it's complete waste of time it's nice that we have 9.5 to image yeah yeah we look almost the same missing hut huts what I'll be missing something super-secret tinted rock I'm down I'm down for more health hell yeah teleport to the items I could do that actually but I'd have to sit here and wait for the teleport back and I can't even pick up that ruin Oh what have you done what have you done everyone i holding up I'm super tired my throat hurts my throat hurts honestly from talking this long I don't know if you guys have ever spent a full 24 hours he probably spent a lot of time up have you spent that much time talking and yelling and screaming and crying and drinking hot things full bonds are key Oh a nice fart dude it's a rarity to get hurt by a fart it was one of those one of those times did you guys say if you could hear um hear it or not the the sound effects these are pretty ridiculous I could turn them up if you can't turn up the derpy sounds please I'll turn it up over here too who's doing stuff five months in a row for hey listen hey dad it's up welcome back the voice of reason prime sub hello welcome sorry I'm super late crashed okay that's gonna even get to that bed thing but we've got infinite bombs panas Ridley I'm back I'm struggling or stay with it I need my tea to be drinkable that's what I need is that louder by the way can you guys hear it okay now man I have just pooped turn up the sound still could hear it before fun so you guys can't hear it then I'm gonna look for the top secret room that's part gonna be worth it don't I have no idea where it would be though don't have a clue you spy right hurts me by giving me the sticky nickel huh I invented this picky nickel did I am like having such a hard time focusing oh man it's only 1:30 this is the hump we're passing the hump we're helping I don't know what that is that means I gotta take it right thirteen Ravens parchment under Bates you're gonna lurk nap on and off got lots of work tomorrow so have fun and mint is good for headaches love yeah good idea should chew some gum I that would be really annoying for you guys though might a mint that could suck on that be better I'm weird like chewing gum into the microphone plastic fork weighs like a feather strikes like a pitchfork did our stats change I have no idea looks like sometimes we shoot out a piercing yeah okay that's good all the homepage is Chino Oh T could you cool off a little bit here nine more hours only nine more hours that's less than 10 [Music] I'm just like slowing down just like Murr you can do it nuts my eyes feel like they're sinking into my face well did you see that it hit the enemy and split up into more piercing I liked it there they should have called it a spork sugar just went to pick us up some excel coffees I'll take one please like I need to like stop drinking coffee dude little R & B little horn fight me there can only be one dude that's kills himself yeah it took me until now to realize I'm fighting myself it took seeing his balls versus my balls it was a it was a ball slap the ball is collided in the middle range is probably pretty good for my homing tears there's about it though I could have black ruined it but more like little Highlander I don't know how the hell we would play dead cells you guys dead cells it'd be so hard to focus the game is so hard we need some easy games we need to like switch it up to something that's just relaxing what's relaxing what's the most relaxing game that you know stupid Lenny hair it's like covering my microphone to roblox roblox stardew valley paint look you do a live painting stream huts Bob Bob huts Ross this is why I was gonna sit there and maybe download some more mods I'd like maybe we didn't get enough for a full experience here but [Music] could I like put some revelations on this too or something okay already the same as mine medium roast butter pecan and extra breast milk also too relaxing will put you out something numbing would work I play don't starve together that and time slips by even past exhaustion yeah we need something that's like I just zone out and just play it for a while graveyard keeper they apparently fix bugs in graveyard keeper but do we really want to start all the way over on it slime rancher I want to play slam Rancher when I'm like awake but you know they make a try slime rancher the Detroit become humans pretty peaceful cough please play coughed yeah it's not peaceful it's gonna take thinking goats like finger movements click her hero slime rancher is chill and awesome how about you dip a toe in graveyard keeper yes what mods are we playing I don't know ton of them money I know you just want to snuggle dude Dark Souls there does that's a relaxing game that we're all looking for nailed it dark Rancher soul Rancher imagine running around Dark Souls sucking up the little stupid enemies everyone at Dark Souls is such a dick I like this room though I don't want that I don't want that dark slime soul Rancher no I literally could not have been worse hey that's good was that white and white [Music] black room this then got a better fire rate out of that go pretty decent about it really anybody boom I don't want to earn my deal the devil now that I've already been there but we sure we're gonna stop that from happening [Music] that was spooky those noises though aren't they awesome aren't they the best bring on pride this guy does have a pretty ridiculous amount of health oh it's here regular secret room could contain some cash money cash advance subnautica would be relaxing but I already beat it something that's like visually pleasing enough to would be awesome so that like I don't know I'm not using my whole to get these things visually pleasing enough that I don't have to sit there and focus it's hard we could just like kind of all just enjoy the graphics of it yeah that kind of worked I don't get any money though that spiders trapped no he's not you think I'm trapped warframe for sure Diablo 3 you could try raft growtopia is growtopia is that that thing with a little like alien dude with the like jumps around and [ __ ] people are asking questions and stuff sweet as Simon Ross asked a question do you have any ideas and hats I could crochet for you you guys have any ideas for hats to crochet what do I need a hat of what about a Lenny hat soon as salmon roll what if I wore a Lenny hat and I snuggled Lenny in my Lenny hat raft is decided says chin L you guys want raft legit that sounds like it's still gonna take thinking power though a bum buh hat Cthulhu hat Godhead hat hold a Godhead hat look like rim world dude that would take so much brainpower what are you fighting me for he bit me I put my hand down next to him and he wasn't he's like you're not petting me with this thing the [ __ ] am I gonna do with this bite it and then he fit it and they did it he knows he's in trouble too he's giving me this look like ooh I'm sorry and now he's peaceful now he's peaceful I didn't miss the donation I'm sorry I'm getting to it we're going really slow today five dollars trying to take a quick fiver to do some squats to get the blood flowing and breathe slower to help your oxygen saturation as for relaxing games maybe try a city building game or some Puzzle Quest hustle quest bruh oh hey it's me IRL all right it's oh hey it's mayoral you should try a game called raft it's like minecraft style survival game that takes place in an ocean kind of like subnautica shine pause says slime rancher moonlighter I know we played it already but it might be nice I'll random visual novel on Steam some of them are really good and hearing you read could be nice if you don't mind buying some buried something buried is really cool never heard of buried all this eight months in a row Chino hundred bits rob has decided dono Soros I just like to ask how you're doing super tired blab Zack blab Cosette's ooh prime self welcome Omega pegasi hey hots what's your opinion on streaming around the midnight time do you find viewership is higher or lower I it just honestly depends on the game I think people are watching all the time before watching all the time depends on streamer attendance on the game like right now we're higher than we were when we're playing beat Sabre my face just like my jaw wants me to stop talking I would be ready for some Minecraft woman says moonlighter for being relaxed and do math slime rancher for visual and relaxing raft for suffering and rage oh good that sounds very relaxing well I came to pronounce half my letters that sounds rare read relax Shane okay we whoo whoo the beard looks so weird I like it does look super weird I just need to wash it house flipper is so relaxing the hell's house flipper you flip houses [Music] / - buh buh buh buh buh what's our goal right now I don't know what's your fight but try to play some of those new challenges that's what we should do we wanted to try out this guy I wonder if he's got any like really really cool synergies that's what really gets ya with new characters they have some items that look like just really change the game up all about that I don't too bad honestly kind of floundering all over the place I can't believe we were doing this well and beat Sabre when I was this tired I didn't feel like I was that tired about my jaw is like literally tired like I had been chewing gum for the last three hours this is just nocopyrightsounds for my playlist eat savor gets you moving - Drock no bombs I said it multiple times but he ignored me I didn't hear my first comment in-stream made how to stand up and walk away I'm ignoring anybody it's I'm not trying to do anything besides exist cuz I'd survive it's about survival at this point how'd you miss especially homie tears his beat saber recorded I didn't record anything so often go on to twitch it would just be too much worked for me to keep clicking the button on and off and I'd end up forgetting it anyways and ignoring the apologies again can we play a beat saber again please that could be helpful typos man is a word platformer No you want me to read all this it's a noodle noodle that's a bunch of balls [Music] read the one before this one sowhat's I'm sorry for saying you looked weird I was joking I'm sorry I know I read it a bunch of times I was just ignoring it kidding that's what we call a joke that's all right I know it looks weird I agree can't say I'll ever want to get my beard died again but after I'll watch it wash it it might look super cool we'll see right now it kind of looks like I fell into some ink or something like I let my kid get happy with a sharpie or something well we have a chance for an Jerome's filigree a feather would be awesome I need a bomb to make that work though I say go out with that beard and vlog I literally walked in yesterday I walked in because I had to get a new propane tank so I could grill and everyone was looking everyone wanted a piece is it permanent color was permanent color mean hair dye permanent like as in like I got it bleached and dyed like I didn't just get a spray can of like I got a professionally done now I just have a bomb and then use a bomb what happened there what was I doing no I just walked in got some soul hearts right go see if I can buy a bomb by a bomb we shall I'm gonna say my money well y'all just spend our money too this isn't so bad everyone was looking cuz you your sexy with that beard yeah I don't think so something says a bunch like forty to fifty year old women they were like suggesting a relaxing game called past parked out fast part 2 I think I look that one up earlier a while ago you keep ignoring me since frosty pickle studios I'm not ignoring anybody all right and even if I am ignoring you like let's say that like worst case scenario I was ignoring you how is yelling at me gonna make it any better I wasn't gonna be your friend but now that you yelled at me now we should totally hang out I looked at that game before I don't remember what it was though past part two is honestly pretty smooth luckily I remember it is I looked it up but I sent about 30 messages like that okay I see maybe like one and a hundred messages on the chat I do what I can try in she's in the cross bathroom Cayenne I feel like you played it before but if not you heard a game called papers please I have heard of that game that sounds like a game that's just like not visually attractive but pure brain power you better pay attention cuz that guy just ran past and you but you know you didn't look at the paper underneath the thing with the stamp like oh can't right now can't do it honey it's like a visual thing where I just like I can just like put glasses on and then sleep while like there's like a like a two hour cutscene just like be over you're like and then you guys like constantly huh what I was totally playing I'll just enjoying the cutscene what I really need is is to stop playing games and go to bed what is that a 24 hour stream then when an apple pear green apple are green okay and pray don't you puke on me my typing letter now well you said about hots burning all your messages in the last one asking if he loves you that he reads that and I said I wanna bet he doesn't I didn't see it I'll just write do you love me in every message now please please do that was nice nice go ahead do you love me are you paying your love games away of me I'm old brick got a mangina that's why the sunglasses it's nice on my eyes blocks uva/uvb sunlight oh my god I can't oh my goodness selves is the raunchiest little toot nose I've ever heard know what that was a toot annoys that wasn't a fart noise that was a toot nose that was like like your mom has been trying to hold it in for the past hour and you just hit it too big of a bump and she couldn't hold it any longer Raph's is a pretty survival game that takes place wait for it on a raft and you have a shark stalking you chill but engaging or you can try bard's tale for christmas it's not as visually pleasing because it's old but I promise you'll love the humor past part 2 is a game work you make art and sell it on the street oh that's some good tea all right let's just go to bed honestly I think if you need sleep and sleep BOTS don't give in a chat it's not worth it tonight we just got to get over the hump play some bad flash game see now that's where the money is they can boot up some old flash games or it doesn't even freakin matter stick castle like that the bubble tanks that I did on YouTube addicting games calm what about armor games I want more of those games like Burrito Bison revenge I want more of the little fly games and if you like make it further and further every time play whispy haunted house I actually love your beard so much machee though leonard kept touching it today that's a hundred percent just Leonard dander just hanging out in my beard right now ah so itchy Hots is the newest member of Blue Man Group Spooky's mansion of jump-scares I had that for VR so I'm waiting to play it on there so you the full experience play some Zelda as an ad to gonna play something new though in relevance I feel like something engaging something that makes me engaged for marriage you know anything like that you know I'm almost 30 I need to sort thing about making family the sims try terraria I need something new and engaging in in recent how a terraria ever now I now pronounce you man and raft alright something you guys want me to play raft we still got sleigh the spire I don't know jam pad gamer I'm not sure I'm gonna be up to doing another rhythm based one I'm just I'm feeling like my body is about 10 seconds behind my my brain load up the houndstooth still it's gonna howl in the secret room nice doesn't exactly tell me like which side it's on but it's trying at least did you say terraria my guy yeah made fun of the last person who said terraria I mean you didn't even hit me that's such a lie the orange ones name in the fast one right money it's stuck on my goo complain too much blazing beats I keep feeling like like coins are gonna disappear dude we have filigree feather and bombs to back it up look at this that's a bunch of balls though 250 from Kyle you could play learn to fly it's like a bison burrito but you are a penguin trying to learn to fly you know I've played that one a long time ago and I beat that one a long time ago it's classic maybe we will play it if I'm just like sick of the runs [ __ ] also don't be afraid to do the big giving up especially if you have a heart condition of any kind 24 hour streams have killed before yes they have I don't have a heart thing that I know of then I know of I'm still I'm opening myself up to having a beer or two or seven at 5:30 in the morning I'm not sure I'm gonna feel like it at that point in time so we'll play it by ear thank you so much the donations you guys and four months for the last unknown welcome back dick hole man these fires just douche are just all that is douche is it just me or does everything seem a little choppy I think my brain is just like got some lag to it [Music] Chino 100 I have our thing it's inside ah my ribcage oh my god no [ __ ] dice all funny everything looks like it's choppy though it's weird the hell was that noise yeah we need some help actually I'm not even mad Virge you're willing to play Detroit become human if I send you a copy already have a copy Virge already have a copy way ahead of ya wants to play beat Sabre that was a lot of fun though you might be sitting there like saying Hudson's trash the thing is I had the sound right now mirrored from my oculus rift so it's it's gotta the sounds gotta go out through an HDMI cable that's actually hooked up to my other computer and then I have that mirrored unto my rift headphones and it's about half a second delayed so and I'm go like you could do good do good do good do good do it and do it all the ones in a row it doesn't line up as well as I want it to be as long as I wanted to it's super easy to like do the ones like bong bam bam that's nothing but when it's like do good you do good to get on a row I don't know I'm gonna turn that off and just have the sound come out normally when I play it on my own and we'll see if it makes a difference maybe I still suck yeah I still suck he did great huts I just felt like I was kind of guessing on a lot of them and I wasn't going with the beat I couldn't ever feel the beat and I feel like that's kind of a problem for beat saver is that a cat noise oops your cat's confirmed Watts is imitating the game sounds I like it a teeth I like a doo doo cha cha Dame has you beat stupid balancing maggots do they charge through my goo oh my goodness threatening boom 48-hour stream now that I think I would literally actually die that one would at that require about eight to 10 hours of nap stream watch hut sleep bye fart or pop a chub when I'm in the middle of my sleep that's not my fault it's normal don't tell anybody don't get me banned 69 hour stream a year straight stream truman show screw it become truman that's you reckon it smells like up dog in here I'm not that tired I'm not sure I'll ever be that tired you can off dog me when I'm dead please actually stop after 24 hours I love The Truman Show I'd watch isn't that kind of what ice besides doing isn't he kind of doing IRL Truman Show isn't the camera just on all the time Zera Annie Oakes is SAS a question why don't you play Skip chaser it's a new rogue light skip chase or never even heard of it a lot of the big ones too like I get the developers that reach out to me alright hear about it in some way shape or form I'm like 17 different email chains / like games and codes from developers is it small it sounds small skip chain I'm not trying to like beef it up and say I'm super important I'm just saying if I haven't heard of it it's probably pretty small when I'm into the movie idea now the movies called the back of huts his head and snoring it's an Excel floor we've got a shop at another rider bug to get [ __ ] off dude a picture you sleeping in people watching intently and when you pop a chub people gasp and there would be one person that would be like a girl don't go in there I don't know if you're tired or if I'm tired or both but I'm not I let's yeah let's leave it down will you play Halle Knight DLC when it comes out I have no idea I love tall a knight it was awesome I just don't know why like none of the DLC has ever done anything for me at all did you put the play this one boss 17 times in a row that'll make you rage so hard your teeth will fall out without any more of the whole like storyline it was all about figuring out the storyline for me that's what that game was about all the DLC has been nothing but rage that was the worst part of the game would you like more rage leaving now night dad night burrito isn't that what you do with Isaac though technically continue playing with the DLC yeah but Isaac's not about the story Isaac's about the game so you add more to the game it's awesome it's never been about the story for me story is [ __ ] weird dude tell us something about the story of this game and the like the hell where is your mom how about getting over it with Bennett body I don't even think I have that game no I don't even have it even if I literally wanted to take that joke seriously I couldn't Lucky Penny what Lucky Penny do you prove that where's this penny oh yeah it's got a little green tint to it you see that dang I get quick different different button we should just we should go into my games list and like literally pick out just one random game in there that I haven't played once how does that sounds got tons of games that I haven't even played just get a number of how many games I have put it into a random number generator whichever one it lands on we got to play it for at least 10 minutes if we hate it we pick a new game return to see how things are how are things you know I yeah I'm tired [Music] it sounds like a good idea until we get something that like I've played before and stop playing for a good reason like Fez or something like or some stupid like game that I got with a pack like one of these 75,000 half-life 2 pieces of [ __ ] like blue shift get out of here get out I do play don't starve or have played don't starve slow down breath so down breath slow down you're going too fast you got to make the morning last just get down the cobblestones looking for love and feeling movie instead of that goes let me get a lyrics check then I out for I guess you have played super hot yeah VR the best version of it oh man best VR game ever best VR game in the worlds that's simon and garfunkel noodle noodle mushroom Arno mushroom mushrooms are kinda lame it's like who shot speed-up with the health down we keep going or we could try to be adventurous here and take the mushroom mosh mosh go from lush mushroom mush it looks nice mushroom badger badger mushroom moosh get on the shrooms explosive spore shots now we're talking check that out does that hurt me it shouldn't if it's living inside of my body already why do I only get one ever are they that rare okay fine then never mind I don't play [Music] [Music] hey fart shots that's a little bit more exciting than shot speed up I thought it was gonna be super lame I haven't had this one yet though apparently there are some some gems in there still looking for that shop though found it four shots been pretty good to me so far [Music] check your questions if Nicholas released another it'll do would you play it yeah I could comfortably say I would do you work for Nicholas why did my bomb do that apparently a little horns bombs can just sometime just do the little horn thing not show up where you wanted them to sweet man that's actually pretty sweet and though I didn't bomb this as well boom-boom [Music] poop in my soup yeah hard pass shop refresh should be a nice thing to find at this point I'm the noodle maybe says mo noodle Oh mr. mee Africa yeah right I remember he what you are now I forgot for a second that it was something else okay you could do that too if you really wanted to hug me hug me menudo Oh people say that if you get it perfectly placed between the number and the item then it'll work every time right there perfect okay and you know it worked that time doesn't mean it's gonna work every time all right I'm talking to you up in your high horse over there menudo the two diamonds luck is raging menudo menudo how is this machine still going though it's a real question here there it goes [Music] that seemed like a good spot what happened there let's go to the really big room to pop this sucker general Java sting was nice and soothing if I remember correctly yeah why don't you play Skip chaser that's a new robot I think I already read that one then I read be water for five months I'm sorry if I missed that D water I picture you sleeping in people watching intently I read that already all right I think we're good we were caught up hmm seems forth just top-notch sound effects man sounds like those weird noises you make with a balloon mini Metro seems relaxing human fall flat this is gonna take way too long dude this blows this is not worth it riveting all right I'm gonna take a quick nap you guys let me know when I'm done with this roll this is relaxing fast-paced gameplay I wonder how much better I would be feeling right now if I actually got like enough sleep this morning they woke up and I was like I'm tired but I got to get up but I'm tired all right you know this has been fun it's been loads of fun you should be playing an intense game need to pump yeah maybe we have mr. me but no more shops two shots best shots good mess off this fire rate I know I'm trying Tim Allen needs more time Allen what's the sound that it makes when the foot comes down I'm trying to figure that out I haven't figured it out yet he's like literally the worst I think we have good damage though 13 I don't understand why it's taking so long it's hard to believe we yeah we still the filigree feather I really wanted to get angel rooms but they didn't they didn't happen so I guess I'll take this bowl bowl of blood what what is that supposed to do a long time watch her first time father just found out that my son likes your voice and you helped put him to sleep so here's some bits for a job well done awesome zero in the Oxus congratulations on being a father thanks for hanging out in the strands I don't think we need to filigree feather anymore that's for sure and howling best part of this run is the 2d tears no clear indicator to like stomp that's a nonce and I'm supposed to be fair what is it [ __ ] I mean hush little baby don't say a word Papa's gonna buy you mom's leg that's here did a full 180 though pretty impressive they knew where I wanted to go I hate my voices Malikov try recording yourself all day every day and editing videos for hours straight you'll get sick and tired of hating your voice I don't even know what that was was it the bowl of blood I think Lenny wants to play he's yelling at me let's play with Lenny just for a second at least he's just yelling he's screaming man he's so mad he's such a mad lad he's such a mad lad he's so mad lost his mind he's got the toys like uh-huh I said look at him go [Music] it's cotton is laggy he's so mad he is an angsty teen dude everyone hates their own voice I do too but then again what I don't hate about me but then again what don't I hate oh I'll stop being self-deprecating look at him he's just mad now he's like I wanted to toy I want to tell you that the D took my toy away now I'm pissed off I was gonna walk away the toy nice scarf Lenny I want to see him walk away with it again oh here he goes here goes yes he's so proud of himself right now he's so proud of himself be like Lenny JP be proud of yourself even if the only thing you've been able to do is catch a little feather on a stick he's so proud of himself he's sitting on top of it now he's showing it who's boss easy yelling at it he's so [ __ ] there I don't understand why he's so unbelievably upset right now he's just sitting on it yelling and screaming it's a shame that you guys I can't have a microphone on him at all time at all times can you see his mouth moving each is like did he look like there's a there's an issue I caught something human look I don't know he looks like he's pissed off he's probably pissed off because he wants to go to bed what is his deal well he's having none of that he's gonna have none of that do cats even sleep I'm not sure next time he's still just trying to destroy that toy he's very upset with it he's been vocal at times but not this vocal I've got a Lenny here an eyelash in my eye oh that hurts [Music] IV bag doesn't do anything for me not really I just need to increase the amount of toots that I have get some catnip he doesn't care for catnip he sniffs it and walked away I can't believe I forgot about the 4-hour screen music still getting a laugh out of the fart tears grow up right everybody - but I just stars card out of here sometimes sometimes everybody - my favorite song makes me feel better about my excessive Tooting eyes I do $1 cats are always vocal to their owners when they catch prey it's their way of saying come here I caught something for us it's perfectly normal lull you guys just like me to see him right now [Music] he's like draw me like one of your french girls that kills things I'm so proud of himself look at him do you pride yourself buddy yeah is [Music] [Music] [Music] he's like it's still alive it's still alive it's gotcha dude it's gone chill look out I think it's stuck on his tail watch him freak out I think he's gonna lose his [ __ ] in like three seconds [Music] [Music] he's so dumb dude he figured it out he got an unstuck what a mad lad all right how far up we need to make this right there and reset this he's liking himself on my stream again Leonard come on man yeah this seems like a good time to lick my dick all these fart noises of God [ __ ] what's that noise boom that's just like a wet arm fart these guys aren't even trying that hard that's a wet arm part remember when I was in fourth grade [Music] arm farts tea with string have we been like listening to all the literal names that's like I just been not paying attention good morning huts good morning aim gamer you missed a sub mister munchkin two months in a row welcome and jumbles prime sub hello everybody rosco two months in a row welcome everybody welcome welcome welcome he's still just back there just being pissy he got it stuck on his tail again he's such an idiot he's eating a stick that's not even the toy dude that's the stick he's gonna break the damn thing he's gonna break it he's definitely gonna break it can we just like have a stream where we sit here and wait for all the cat to break it so could you stop chewing on the damn stick that's important that's some important part of the toy he's eating it he's eating the stick this is good I'm such a good cat dad right now buddy could you stop he's going ham on it what are you doing could you stop oh now that pissed him off goodness what a crazy cat right yes please can I use mr. mee to get those pedestals for free I forgot I probably can mad lenny streams time if i could have him stream for eight hours while i went to bed what does he do he's back he's so mad i'm leaving the camera down no i'm dude we gotta see this this is probably the most important thing that's happened all night could forget about the streams i'm gonna watch leonard you can going out a lot spin want lenny a tag team lenny jeff stream he's so salty i know but like IRL he is like my sleepiness and the toy is me it keeps coming back chewing on my face [Music] super-secret ended rock young three of them oh that's right we have infinite health Maude I forgot about that has he done he's done apparently for now we'll still keep the camera where it's at what am I just kept it there all the time big Bluto just go like this and now we're back to square one look at genius no one's ever been smarter than you got me good all the blood not so bad I'm not even mad not even that [Music] let me know if he comes back you guys scratch that I'll hear it I think he's done I think he's a little bit exhausted excuse up my mister me I get a damage boost here how do I get one charge all battery buddy you screwed me dude should I get rid of my charge just when I get my dim bulb my dim bulb rocked that's not gonna be good oh this is harder harder it lives fight all right Oh what is that tone oh okay okay sure yeah sure sure sure sure sure sure right didn't know what that was right of course should have known right right right right right that was cool especially past 25 hours awake go to bed man are you past the hump did you already hump it you still have that Lennie hair or whatever it is in my eye still bugging the crap out of me the more I dig at it to the words gonna get probably no teleport card I like this right where I wanted to go I'm up for at least another 16 cuz I'm batshit insane [Music] [Music] yeah crushing it right now you can't focus at all yeah what am i doing right now then huh no one's ever done better than me right now krusty-krab can we watch Spongebob episodes season one only though please I wonder if we could actually legitimately finds episodes of spongebob on YouTube oh it spongebob vine compilations I would watch Azria season one was best season when I volunteered for the fall market in my town I clocked as good 32 36 hours actively working but this is different [Music] Pisces makes them look bigger which you know makes me feel more secure well like I literally feel like I need to stretch my face my face is like hurts I'm gonna get lockjaw you guys selling them hot dogs as a fundraiser that sells hot dogs and brats and burgers down the street for me every weekends I've stopped at least twice all right that one made me laugh god dammit is that a nipple or a mushroom speed up fire right up to all I got [ __ ] in the corner nice breath skull buddy pics so hearts though I kind of want those our slogan is you need a hot dog in each leg before walking a hot one in each leg why is that your slogan each leg that's four that's how hot dogs work I am also fellow human and I like to put hot dog in legs so I can move a robot aliens anyone remember hot dog flavored milk goals yes these bars are still making me laugh grow up mr. bones this is like really annoying lays one bomb during the entire fight it's when the other guy dies already there Oh what the hell was that what did he bring it with them was it tied to a string what happens of sticky bombs what why tears I don't know don't ask questions good seems pretty good sac tag pretty good too what's up with the big one seems pretty good to me I'm liking it shut your face huts I left but it came back to the beard still being blue what if you came back and my beard was pink I like bright yellow don't you freak out a little bit and I was like no who's always bright yellow Ryan would you feel crazy would you be surprised all my bombs have wings to it out that's awesome beard should be green I'm hesitant to go green with it as soon as it fades it's gonna look like I like just got out of Chernobyl or something dude the bomb flies are amazing hello I don't the a mom I just dropped them and they do they have bang Ritz how good is that quality service oh man I got rid of the filigree feather what happened I didn't hit any kind of void portal what happens okay I'm intrigued yep but you did did I I remember doing it nothing I remember ma'am Oh Oh everything is delirium oh okay I like it makes a lot of sense really you stir in the portal did I must have been looking at something else I can shoot the flies of the rock steel of course so good [Music] you stood where it spawned I thought it was well to the right think about fast bombs with the fly bombs we're gonna drop a bunch of them getting hurts hurting me Sackett is good though use the door [Music] what is that a golden turnip golden hearts actually made of gold I don't know what that did help up plus money maybe what about dr. fetus applied tears that could be super epic bong bong it just sounds like an arm fart I can't even do it I can't even do it right now I'm too tired to do an arm fart that hurt my mouth only 16 arts Lenny seems like he's fully recovered from his episode [Music] well good one you got me good there Satan mmm that'll be interesting I wonder if those things fly too and it's split bomb boy we did it we're immune to my own explosions good yes good little guys do not fly good good six more hours dad it's not six more hours I started at 10:30 eight more hours what is this curse of delirium no it's delirium plus floors one of the mods that we got I like it it makes a lot of sense I don't know if it's just a reskin or if the enemies are actually like if they have a more HP or something like that there's things I do not know Oh [Music] Joe says you should ban me what's in it for me I mean what's up Joe I haven't let my bone buddy get like one soul heart but that's fine as I need it mama Megha [Music] Oh God Oh noses sugar what [Music] so sugar wants to know what did Papa Smurf's but tastes like ha oddly sour like sour raspberry kind of exactly how you'd think you know you do what you got to do to get the hair dye all-natural organic so you beat that garbage reroll Oh like rotten Smurf berries that sound that sounds like a dingleberry that a smurf would get Smurf berry Papa Smurf says make sure you wipe poop one swipe twice courtesy its Smurfs I see it sounds like Smurfs heresy [Music] whoa wow wow what is freaky get away from me we pull this off here this fight is gonna be long arduous that's a word right that's Eleni hair my hands are turning blue II guys from scratching my beard can you see it my fingers are a legit turning blue from the beard they stop touching my beard good morning I joined in the middle of the run what is this is geologic we just got on we just downloaded some random Isaac mods and we're playing them Chino says I'm sorry man I had to she was like no don't but it was funny and and I know you had a sense of humor also smurfberries or what the Smurfs would eat other than Smurfette high-five whoa that is disrespecting its more culture [Music] I got unlimited bombs now just let them rip let it rip beyblade let it rip I'm letting these tears rip that's for sure water ripping going on many much macho rips what did Smurfs what the Smurfs did you say about my people I'm 127th Smurfs on my acquaintances side kappa something like this post update failed to attempt to call a nil value sweet dude that sounds really interesting give item fast mom's as fast Bob's not there what's fast bombs called fly with beam 2 flies loud black loud black fly Wow demon's face loud blue fly blue bloody knife what do we think that the literal name for fast bombs is called 10 bombs Bob time bomb scared bombs dead bombs Bambang green dead bomb very happy bombs crying bombs 2 bombs in a paper fire bomb Bomberman bomb bomb ception ba paper mache bomb sparkling pink bomb sleeping bomb you think time bomb [Music] no that's kamikaze why did we call time bomb what are you crazy speedy sperm what it didn't give me anything I didn't get [ __ ] are you gonna give me it or not I don't even have anything t27 yeah nothing all right sperm is a life fast bombs are called fast bombs and not called fast bombs you think bomb ception that's gotta be cluster bombs that we have already yeah that was cluster bombs I think well how am I gonna give it to myself if I don't know what it's called paper mache bomb sparkling pink ball mount is very obvious very happy bombs what do you think that is scared bomb what does it look like it's a lightning right it's it's a lightning on there so like shock bombs I would say shock light ball lightning lightning ball bulb lightening bulb on lighter slightly pink I try lightning bombs i yeah it's not in there sperm was your trinket dummy can you give yourself trinkets oh is that why it's called T oh yeah gotcha it's called fast bombs no it's not t guys it's not in here fast it's not in C C five one seven electric bomb day we were close [Music] cool all right now give item we got a guess what dr. fetus is oh my god I can finally donate to you take my [ __ ] entity hello from Russia thank you Venga so and appreciate that I probably butchered that name but I appreciate that still what would dr. fetus be called jar were managed are angry bitte Sh British worm in a jar jelly bean jar glass jar fly in a jar I would say what worm in a cookie jar yeah worming cookie jar I got it fast bumps is still not cutting it though so we have to give ourselves something that will make our fire it--go better so give item what do we think that soy milk would be called angry british worm i mean they're not wrong how do i resub looks like you already subbed t o bad milk though rotten milk no milk mug coconut milk [Music] no that was just literally coconut though that's its own item okay I'm not it glass glasses glass jar glass of water glass container with beige liquid glass container with beige liquid gun it's still 13 fire rate you gotta be kidding me you have to be kidding me all right what about Libra libras is Libra man 8 fire rates still what to do how would I make my fire rate any better cancer trinkets I don't know what cancer would be called that's not it it's gotta be T something blue remote coat hanger rotten milk carton dog [ __ ] c16 cancer is still cancer no it's not see it would say T something this is cancer the item mmm 69 see I don't want that get the right spawn trinket and it will give you random I don't want to do that over again over and over again it didn't work whatever this is good enough I was cool I had some loans a couple lulz Tara cloth cancer t39 it's too late it's over let's do one of the custom challenges all right you guys pick one that you like you see and you really want to you really want to see me play it I'm not even reading them you tell me what they say all right electric bombs why don't we think of that 12 police girl killing spree 37 I saw a couple thirty-sevens in there do do dual 69 rock on okay you guys gotta like agree on one of them though so why does so many people want doo doo duel that Yugi or something this is incredibly lame how is it supposed to be special there's nothing special about this nothing I don't get it it's a good item to swap that [ __ ] out for backstabber and an extra finger what's doodoo duel all those nerve babies just pop Plan C boom run runs over done I just stabbed that void in the back Oh hurts such a dull Tim Tebow yugioh yugioh monsters yeah I know the theme song I'm cool like the kids just go yourself and play roblox isn't this like lame I mean it's just gonna be a normal run pretty much which is fine I guess biti biti bullying it's a pretty good run so far it's pretty good hots is a cool dad not like those other dads did I feel like who I'll have barbers of mobile that's not a challenge change the game you guys are a bunch of whiners now that I'm doing well once you whine about it you picked this damn thing you pick this damn thing why didn't want you to do well quick me too but what being a stinky Smurf Bud Lane that's the run will be over before you know it hey dad I'm glad I can come home from working a double shift and watch my favorite streamer says doodlee whoo Dilys do dilly whoo dilly mir up welcome to the strands how will we speedrun subnautica now that we know how to play oh my god that's got VR goggles let's play beet saber what is this run what is this what is this run dude we could probably speed run subnautica probably before the 24 hour stream is over this is not a challenge that I've got some toasty socks with shards of pain not sure what my fire rights doing but it's them oh the faster I'm walking the more I cry black key from the cabinet of the devil okay I don't need it ah nah the more I'm walking the cake shards of pain in my socks that makes a hell of a lot of sense good job I get it I get it pow play raft I'd have to buy wrap who wants to buy me raft someone pays me however much wrap costs I'll buy the damn thing and one one spot me anyone want to spot me like a cheeseburger or something like I'm not even hungry but I really want to eat I think it might help me stay awake I never am tired after I eat some people eat too much and they're like all I'm tired I eat too much and I'm like I got some energy I need to burn what's your draft even cost Lenny's paw oh no [ __ ] better damage though how about like a Papa John's Pizza with that garlic dip that's definitely not good for you I want that what's the name of that like stream food service we talked about this a long time ago and then it never came true I never went to their freakin website dude blob asked a question so if in Star Wars everyone judges age in years but the year is relative to the earth and there is no earth in the Star Wars universe what would you do if there was a 5 if there was five people tied down onto a train track would you push the a fat man to save the five people was that before or after I open the box to see if the cats alive [Music] raid tomorrow it will give you adrenaline $2.99 from Lord silk Lord slick is it a three-hour game give me a lot away that's cheap it's gotta be at least fifteen right great post office rath is 20 bucks donation train is $20 I found out I could order pizzas on Sunday what kind of Jesus loving pizzas places do you got over there oh you can order pizza on a Sunday thou shalt not eat pizza on Sundays that's God's day God didn't have pizza on Sunday sinner sunday is bad day oh I can pretty much almost get down to one yr8 yeah if I walk diagonally I got one fire right Hoffman ooodle ooodle ooodle he said he'll do it on another stream just not today we're done about abortion Merce probably still first firm of cotton a while his life is toxic nonsense life is tiring I'm not gonna get a youtube video over the next couple days either cook us tomorrow afternoon I'm sleeping tomorrow night I'm sleeping tomorrow's tomorrow day might be sleeping who knows I'll just be sitting on the floor feeling like crap probably [Music] [Music] hey hey what's up mate anything special for tonight's Isaac mod was you're asking if you're trying to tease out that I'm gonna play abortion birth it's not happening I got a lot of crazy let's get out of here cop all right I'm looking it up right now Stream food what I call it service treat stream that's gotta be it followers requirements are a thing of the past anyone can receive ADD treats now you can even send treats to a friend family and yourself treats are now added instantly treat stream receive food delivery let your friends and supporters send you food delivery all personal information is kept secure and confidential trusted and used by streamers since 2015 wow that's like a couple years since dozen 15 established 2015 tawny man $20 go play raft after you're done with Isaac thank you bill has it been 24 hours already kappa straight stream then what do we even have here ensuite treat stream let's see here treat stream permissions obtain your email address get a list of all subscribers to your channel and log into your chat and send messages do I want do I want to allow treat stream to do that someone by that man a pizza a pizza would help but I'm not sure that any pizza place is open at 3:17 I think everything-everything is closed I don't know do you they're gonna get a list of your guys's names they're gonna get my email address and they're gonna be able to type in the chats does anybody that you know that you follow you Street stream I don't think I have any 24-hour establishments no all right I'm there right now Mackie DS open for 24 hours if I'm not mistaken there's McDonald's deliver though and then deliver add new treats what does that mean you must set up your delivery address said to be develop op okay make sure you're not live-streaming the following content that's a good idea [Music] nobody look ok Greece [Music] it's not my right email address but the one I want buzz code please call doorbell broken no I'm gonna push off buttons and some of my keyboard buttons are like tied to [ __ ] that's nothing that's nothing no worries here then who's doing stuff by the way vangor sone tier 1 sub thank you for that hell yeah uber eats + McDonald's should works as bill I don't think that's even through the street stream though we're getting a web it's getting webbed out bill alright what's my address struggle fest right now [Music] uber eats or GrubHub says there's nothing open in your area that's how I'm Sam brah add new treats man I just want to see what they even have I want to see what the what the website looks like make sure nobody can see this the following may contain your home address or we'll ask for it okay I'm serious you guys you look at this I'm gonna punch you right in the upper reproductive organs which everyone's our top for you you know you're going down use the treat scream extension to add treats instantly and add treats as you go even while you stream add to chrome' I want to treat stream extension this is getting intense if this is a if this is a bad thing if this is like giving me some sort of virus man they're gonna be deep all right but I want to okay select a food delivery service Papa John's GrubHub or Jimmy John's that's all it tells me Papa John's GrubHub or Jimmy John's you know I really like Jimmy John's though so it sounds a bit like a scam not like this is Bill and doodly Woodley says what was the total amount of money raised for st. Jude's over $10,000 ten thousand five hundred something like that I think there's awesome it's a trap select GrubHub Papa John's though that's the garlic sauce that's the garlic sauce [Music] start adding items to your cart as if you were placing the order on the site itself GrubHub it says the where the what the delivery how to GrubHub order from from favorite restaurant is easier than ever okay wow this is so intense this is way too intense oh no not my warble do I don't have any spares huts I don't have enough gas to get the Pegasus galaxy right now unless doesn't know what that is Sparrow twelve months in a row sounds like Hitchhiker's Guide or something I really don't want to what do you want for me I just want to click on buttons and have you give me things not you guys technically and the website I just want to like know what's going on here don't worry I'm being careful [Music] fine food that's it honey baked ham cafe yeah let's get a honey baked ham for a $15.00 delivery fee I gotta spend a minimum $35 this is poop unfortunately all of the restaurants in your area all three of them this can't be right you can browse these restaurant menus in order when they open later that's not right two Asian restaurants two Chinese restaurants and a honey baked ham all right I guess we're not doing treat stream ever sweet brah all right I'm so glad that they can access my email now for nothing can you imagine you guys just like it's like a whole ham damn I'm hungry I need a whole ham three hands naked and extra grits there's so much variety in my area well I could have select Papa John's and you guys could have gotten me just a bucket of garlic sauce bucket of garlic sauce challenge [Music] [Music] like garlic sauce is great what's wrong with your fire rate I've got I've got her tea socks on they hurt it's like crying more when I walk don't you see my socks you can see him I think that's a pretty unique item I like the idea of it luck plus speed wasn't worth it really in the end okay what's letting your health go over the cap magic definitely magic oh man I think I'm crossing the Hongki guys you should invite the delivery guy to join your stream hasn't people haven't people actually done that like legit the last thing I need though is some delivery kid being like I know where huts loose didn't know him before today but now I'm gonna sell his information number one time I got it uber ride in LA I didn't mean to pick that up dick hey fungi awesome I'm glad I picked that up [ __ ] I was in LA and the uber driver was like hey have you ever heard of like I remember what her name was ha ha ah she's a big youtuber but she's super famous I drove her home you do you want to know where she lives no don't give out a girl's address especially a famous girls address you dick the hell's your problem people can't handle information next donation goal hot tub hot tub streams aim it diagonally moving shots oh that's my fault [Music] going down it says that mum was the only person you need to get to but now there's a whole downwards of course that's so messed up but um but since we're on the subject what was her address again get spin a paper doodle II wouldn't Lee I'm bleeding my wallet dry just to be generous for her bits thank you worried about you man you have to worry about me I'm just gonna spend it on hot tubs and pizza and bills and surviving and getting a colonoscopy and putting awesome right ahead and getting money food you know I practice I probably had to get early colonoscopies you guys colon cancer runs in my family that's like one thing you know you're like I don't want to do that but better than dying hot tubs and cat toys and mixed reality webcams it's just a logitech webcam you guys probably noticed it wasn't too impressive but you know what gets the job done that's a pain in the ass huh oh yeah we got we got to do what we got to do especially if I drink too much garlic sauce it's probably lead to some blood cancer [Music] Hayati still alive maybe depends on your definition alive pun master prime sub that is a hefty name to be swinging around the Hutt's gaming channel the pun master you guys havin let that one slide you think the pun master is the pun master yeah superior to you in every way in puns I want some puns as mr. bones you're not even mad about it you don't even like yeah right I'm better at puns you like oh can I hear something please you're very welcome here pond master same here [Music] I can't wait to hear puns can't wait to hear a man a new challenger approaches puns are banned put the pun master on the spot am I gonna be able to follow deaths list no pawns or buns favorite type of bread go and if you say Sara Lee get out that's the Drakh No [Music] garlic baguette white like me white Canadian white tiger baguette garlic bread sourdough I'm just waiting to see like who like really knows their their breads here long bread banana bread bread makes you fat question mark carbs you know you got to use them you got to burn them that's it over there for if you don't burn them your body's like okay we're gonna burn this later then I'm gonna put this over here I'm gonna put this on your backpack you and me but though we're burning it right we're gonna handle this later yeah you're like Oh totally you and me body went like wouldn't it be interesting if your body out of mind of its own strictly outside of your brain that was just solely dedicated to trying to be healthy would your body be pissed off all the time I think I would be I was my body I'd be like you're sitting in a chair you're still sitting in your chair you're still sitting in it now you're eating food you never got out from the chair but you're putting food in your mouth hello what's the we're not burning this I'm gonna put this over here in your backpack that's conveniently located on your ass hmm big question depends on what it's eaten with but I couldn't pick just one I have an affinity for rustics but I do love a good focaccia focaccia forget you the question depends on what it's eaten with has happened again that's a double whammy Gino you really wanted me to read that Cocteau [Music] good shot good shot mr. stompy heart fight I didn't mean to pick them up I got stuck on the demon did it take you double bits which just gave you an extra buck stupid twitch dude you need to figure out what you did so you can repeat it all the time double your bits double your bits double the fun Doublemint bit gum I don't want that balls oh I should have saved it should I say my chart if you get that Bob brain well they held that chest come from chancer crawlspace in the item rooms no is that just like a guaranteed thing because I feel like I've done that before and I didn't get a crawlspace so spooky Oh didn't see those flies up there where are these chests coming from though Bob's brain is like the herpes of Isaac that might also be able though itchy nose itchy nose pull-pull-pull up up up up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up up if you got enough bombs it always recommends to bomb all the rocks it's always it's always recommended I don't know how in a bomb spill I kind of saving him you know I was thinking I needed at least 39 bombs for the darkroom generally speaking I take between 39 37 to 39 bombs it's [Music] oh these are the bits by the way dude right son of ah ban bill immediately arrest him all right going down Bill's a goddamn lie oh but stallion you gonna play some moonlighter soon that game is the [ __ ] we played moonlighter earlier and we beat it the whole thing down right you're darn tootin it's way too easy we did get really far anything honestly a lot further than I feel like we should have been able to get but Bill Nye the Science Guy inertia is a property matter Oh moon later got boring at their post game though got boring after post game after post game I feel like close game like after I beat it the whole thing down right bill no your mom's a guy that covers raft and then some through bits thanks Bill for the $9.99 I gotta read the numbers on that top in the big ones some steamy things post game completion did you beat it already are you going along with the joke that I beat it is I feel like most games get a little boring after you beat it look tired or something strawberry milk cool sweet did that is sweet dude totally fed after beating the giant purple swine all the other bosses do not respawn and there is no actual economic risk for ever selling items if you play your cards right interesting so you're saying we're kind of like well we sold to beat the other bosses right all right I think I'll still try to get to the other bosses but I trust you [Music] eat up their bosses don't respawn is it still early access or is it the whole game is it the full game full game yeah there are DLCs plans interesting oops they need to use that really or updates for responding bosses hopefully [Music] oh man nah I just don't have coffee again bone saws ready in that movie gotta go fast that's the best sound effect do it way better than the farts oh why do I died there's items in there I wanted to grab the items I am back and my hair is dyed says sugar did you go get your hair dyed can't wait to see you better tweet that at me I want to see it I can show the peeps I can show the peppe's oh man who else got their beard died in celebration good night now it's that work in five hours do till they will be doodlee doodlee good night you did well today we're proud oh man you'll have to pop into my scram sometime low key cam is now a sugar and low key camp because of our new hours that's the only way I'll be able to see the hair [Music] [Applause] [Music] now I hate that room I hate it I hate it I hate it good morning good morning welcome how many of you guys have I mean besides those are you doing it right now have pulled all-nighters before it's so depressing to see the Sun coming up when you're having honestly for me at least [Music] sure yelled at me I did not mean to advertise I'm sorry it was convo through bits and I didn't consider the viewers I'm sorry it's fine Gina bill I don't know seeing the Sun come up gives me some sort of relief kind of make me feel bad yeah kind specifically like I've stayed up all night quite a few times yeah I pulled a three nighter I have I have everyday I've done that for studying and it does not feel good good hate every second to me tears going on [Music] [Music] they'll six-six-six dude you're on fire to bits man let's see here oh I read that one what was the noise for then Ruby the legend did a sub for Tier one Alico three months Hayati what are you doing you can't move that fast what are we playing right now modded Isaac we want to play a raft immediately after this or keep the Isaac going for a little bit longer play like maybe one more challenge what do y'all think we're actually dying moving too bad there is does it have to be raft says human I mean someone in front of the bill for a raft I can't just not get raft now let's be rude needn't be only play it for a little bit Isaac uno mas one more challenge he buys it going beat saber one more Isaac mix it up man rat I see more people saying they want one more Isaac's let's do one more Isaac so I'm all night however that jinx challenge that we downloaded alright what's the deal here we have a lot of items right now but fruitcake broken modem three dollar bill under bed some comic sans hots your mom gay haha like my funny and original joke alright serious love you and your content keep up the amazing work in my opinion you're the best Isaac player your content tends to make me happier than I usually am Thank You Comic Sans I appreciate that the bed send the words flying and I got ice skates I got ice skates ice skates confirmed alright why is my head so big get off my face dude gosh farts what's happening help me breathe denim ages up here my brand shooting behind myself okay can't pick a direction to shoot I just shoot behind myself as I walked and myself up against the wall genius oh my goodness who are you where'd you come from Green syringe you did what sure man I'm very confused it's a weird one I can shoot like normal now whoa man silver penny and there's a rain random Easter egg seat applied per room I think that's correct bill I think that is correct I can nail it on the head but then you have this right oh jeez there was a tented rock also was an old lady who lived in a shoe bowl of blood all right Isaac is on crack do the [ __ ] is damaged challenged what is love baby you don't hurt me don't hurt me no no what bone I don't know that noise was but I loved it hey where'd everyone respond what the what is this nonsense man that's one of the seeds though that's one of the easter-egg seeds if you backtrack right I'm super tired dude I'm zoning what sound of pack is this sound pack it's the debuff bop-bop-bop whether the Chinese sound pack I remember is exactly called it's the best soundtrack why are all their fish heads spawning oh man this is messy all my controls are reversed I like this one bit that was odd messes my controls man random dice effects - it looks like you got some sort of data miner of fact because of the turning of the things yeah do my head hurts diaper Oh number two why oh no oh my head hurts three dark bums huh that seems fair three heard of oh now they're gone I gotta clean this looks with nothing on the hood drink water Utz all right goodnight Alger knocks seems like all consumables have been randomized all enemies are randomized that was probably a bunch of flies remember I went on the stream treats and it suggested for me to get a ham what's happening with my consumables oh jeez that's a bomb I should've got the ham who wants to order huts at least $35 with a ham with a $12 delivery fee hey takers what do you mean no I thought you loved me it's simples move with you as an easter egg seed boob to be admin with the boob tube one member ID a series of going through the Easter Egg seeds and then I got sick of it like halfway through cuz most of them were just dumb a lot of them were just not worth a full video of its of its own so I gave up 4 a.m. and this [ __ ] is hilarious is it looks like we're all these shooting away from us again you up my fire right like that though I don't give a [ __ ] what you do what the hell are these brimstone noodles [Music] Oh brimstone noodles of doom look out this is dangerous to go and alone take these noodles safety pride ghosts haha that looks like me after I was done with VR why don't we Taurus every single wrong what's up with that they'll still going at it brimstone noodles holy shot try Saigon plus my reflection feels like a more intense April Fool's Day daily kappa good be they ported something else imagine playing this with abortion birth check your items I think you got missing no now we have very consistent items and pulled the zodiac on you know we just have zodiac that's why what do you think you're smart bill what do you think you're smart so many - noises do you imagine this challenge with abortion birth on and binning off I SEC it would be the worst thing that's ever happened on the planet a black hole might open and why would you have I agreed and pill baby what do you mean why would I have pill baby I picked up pill baby I picked up I of green - didn't I black hole Sun won't you come I'm gonna rear all this time I'm gonna reroll the noodle loud black fly yeah I appreciate this red but that's fine sure I know that one president amount of Tooting boy these rotten baby corpse he burger is rotten baby corpse really all right I would have thought it was rotten baby would be rotten baby corpse would what do I know he'll do I know [ __ ] with face crying Bob small sack [ __ ] with face Oh what are these sounds even hey I'm immune to my own number two bombs now fantastic because of my bomber boy thing yeah gamblers choice prime sub what's up gamblers choice screaming Facebook why would you say screaming Facebook it just looks like a seven to me black book with 27 wait what the screaming Facebook would be the other book I'm just lost super confuse don't know what's happening Necronomicon know ya Necronomicon would be screaming facebook the Necronomicon got rear old it seems to bill are you just sitting there ready with those three fitties Oh only one movement at a time okay figure it out figure it out without a three-fitty from this drawing I'm learning I'm also dying though can we not have all these things to fight where the hell did all these our enemies come from I don't write them the door blew open it's go all my stuff for getting rear old or disappearing altogether my consumables gone soon pentagram book all my books are being rear old why stop it got double Bob's garbage dude bill disappearing consumables is another strike seed I know Bill I blatem gun soon even knew the name of it thanks Bill so wise oh this room again where I gotta go I beg - one lucky lucky probably Domino I gotta say I like down below the best parts uninstall abortion birth please this is an abortion birth right nobody understands the reference to Domino okay that's fine that wasn't too bad at all we really got to make it to inverted family picture so we really have to make it to mega satan is the thing that must happen what that say [Music] boss rush to oh I have a branch we go I gotta put up the Bob Bruin it's a restrike seed dude dude ha it's just just die please I'm so tired I'm getting panic attacks I'll never know if I ever need to use my per throw because all the item pedestals are just question marks that came from oh it would certainly suck if they arere old due to the twelve heart damage seed Geno they're approved finally Chino love your new emotes looks pretty good oh my god you know stop advertising tell appeals oh let me out oh well put me back into the mom flight room though I don't want to be over here the probably tired Hut's you shouldn't do that long screams too late I should take that soul art Oh pills immense guilt now sorry Chien helm giving you [ __ ] giving you [ __ ] I'll give you [ __ ] you turn it into gold oh that noise perfectly sums up how I feel right now oh yeah perfectly okay after this run I'm literally just gonna go like lay down for like five minutes just shut my eyes if it's longer than five minutes no one can yell at me if it's shorter than five minutes fine close my eyes get my Center we'll come back I'll do that as raft is downloading all right I'll kick raft off a thread buy it and I'm gonna shut my eyes for five minutes famous last words yeah pretty much I have a full intention though coming back on after that happens sleeps dreams all right someone just has to donate and and get as my as my alarm someone has to donate money get brain power to start playing that'll wake me up I'd be the only thing well I'll sleep in the floor behind me so you can see me reverse controls in this room I did not feel good who has a spare $100 role you mean you haven't been saving up hundred dollar bills just to wake me up for my nappy booze we got our electric bomb I can't wait to take a shower to wash my beard that eyelash or Lenny hair or whatever it is back with a vengeance how are we still alive why can't we just die our vlog stream if ice can stream himself getting a [ __ ] why can't I see myself showering saying we can favorites know what I just picked up another book take a nap in the shower sounds safe can't we thought my bathroom has done you guys and I have a big tub in there I just start off the tub make it all nice and toasty it would feel peaceful have a tub that's supposed to go in if I can finish my freakin bathroom shower is going to be done though on Monday the shower glass guys are coming to put the shower glass in Monday I'm not supposed to be able to see something areas this is this is just [ __ ] up dude I can't see anything I can't see a damn thing I'm taking damage apparently sure bruh Tunis is an odor being better man notre bean how long has the stream been 17 hours and 59 minutes [Music] happy bums dad's fishing rod actually was dad's fishing rod Hellboy whoa that was cool I like it it's nuts that's gonna be perfect oh that's gonna be good hush does not like to be bugged on I love a good hot shower but this like really fancy tub it's like really big saving up a lot of money for this bathroom funded by bills bits you bought me a bathroom bill you ever visit you're free to use it first dibs - it's like you need to go like use the shower but I need to poop I'll give you first dibs you know nice like that Cousy tub it's not a jacuzzi tub what do you think I am mr. moneybags I want a hot tub soups bad now I want to sit in my hot tub with the beer if I had a hot tub if I had a million dollars I had a million dollars all right we're ready to go we're going up no we're going down it's a random mud run spelled the jinx challenge pretty messed up five million dollars I would have a gamer for life mansion built so it'd be like a commune I had 1 million I do my calculation about 29 hours now kool-aid and everything none of this run makes any sense I'm Louie just walking between runs and just kind of like not doing anything I don't know what I'm doing for electric bombs fine a new soap No I hate everything [Music] okay oh my god they look so good the emotes yeah rotten milk carton I think we can fight I think you fight mega sent sad mega stain biggest and like I say column right now Oh what we're getting more bottom up grades though which is good thing I like how if I sit in a room for too long all the enemies respawn when I say I like that I mean I really don't like that unfortunately have to maintain many tears it's three into your two subs make sure you guys take care of yourselves like I always say feels good to get back but it also feels good to be able like actually do it without killing yourself without straining your funds I should be asleep but who needs that no you take care of yourself we're doing it [Music] [Music] I'm the vinner can we just not with this void floor can we just not I'm tired I'm so tired you guys so weird how quickly just slip into like brain doesn't work it's what the bright lights to you guys the bright lights all of the lights the dirt dirt if it did the dirt up better fire all of the lights how many other lights all of them yeah this auto auto avoid features are you dead yet we're gonna have to go wait here invisible horse let's called the horses snake look at these try Saigon lasers Oh tella pills Oh Oh thunderstorm hitting us Thunder was so close and loud I nearly pooped myself be right back bathroom who still life there is a water cooler that's not a water cooler that's a light bulb a flashlight feels bad man I just wanted it to be over I want the pain to be I want the pain stop bombs are good dying in the class Cougars are good bombs are good phone oh I'm getting health downs - that's not so helpful [Music] more bombs [Music] roley's chests come from like 50,000 chests sitting around the rear do not use your hermit card please one the loss now it's time to switch alright alright you guys you want to do raft I can do raft I see your store lets realm royale be the champion standing in a realm royale choose a class then loot deadly weapons and powerful abilities okay cuz I it looks exactly like fortnight realm Royale right sure do
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 30,298
Rating: 4.8070741 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: FoO13PYjpVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 0sec (12720 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 22 2018
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