Carried! - Hutts Streams Dungreed Ep2

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welcome back everybody let's do this thing type I did the second slot got about just as far just to get the controls down embarrass myself less on screen what do we have going on let's just touch base with everything so this guy builds stuff in town I'm nothing for him to build this lady trains when you level up you can spend your points I have zero points to spend I'm 10 mystic 5 swiftness so I get double jump dash plus 1 items in the shop for 30% cheaper and cooldown time and my skills decreased by 40% I'm trying to save up for this guy at 20 when slain allows the adventurer to take back one item [Music] level up mystic all the way but I'm thinking in a mean time would it be smart to level up the other things before I get to 20 because I can always reset it like more gold would be nice right now I did not mind the Black Rose sword but before we do this let's talk to the blacksmith he gets as a free thing throwing knife is that any good 8 to 16 that's actually looks pretty good [Music] katanas not terrible let's let's try the Black Rose sword here and I don't care about the sandbag you do damage dashing through enemies sorry knife is insane you say it's not very accurate but it looks like it's good damage and that's all we got to do I think that's the only people we can talk to you so let's let's roll increases throwing speed does she know about combos I don't know what the combos are no have a certain range to them this is [ __ ] dude this is a tough first room okay Oh [ __ ] that [ __ ] goes to the walls man goddamn it mi hell I really practice you guys off camera I feel like really Oh like I'm really good at the game first [ __ ] room half my god an [ __ ] hell I don't like it what else complains you try losing half your health on a recorded thing and as part of people expect you to do well [ __ ] about everything you do wrong and that's people complaining about complaining by more complaining calm down butts no you calm down food meatball with garlic sauce why is that one green red red red red green is it's super food it's very low here on the food thing too I'm going to eat that we can afford 60 more pea soup evasion max health or defense I do a Friday since I love fried eggs we found this early so we'll probably able to come back and do it more food gives you the operates that I was just reading right there it costs money fills up my say shitty meter what I'm gonna call that kinda like it 300 you can't do any more rice bread cookie is nice is it the defense [Music] so this is very slow-moving but it does multiple hits per first wing that [ __ ] silver ring what do you do silver max help and power [Music] so it battle to lose this game multiplayer know your friends you know what the - damage I do trying to think about it was a nice little jump down that dogs part I didn't take the sandbags I usually don't - your enemies [Music] how much does this cost I don't remember give me a chat remember like semi-competent dodge is going on right now so y'all can suck it oh this game like like this is how it happens ten year old $10 10 euro this is all games happen you guys when you pick it up like I'm you should try to get into my mindset sometimes I also try to get into your mindset to understand what you guys are saying and why you say them and this is what I'm thinking right when I pick up a game and I'm home alone it's just me I come in here and I'm like God took so much damage it's like oh we got shot oh I died oh let's start up again oh my dad again no let's start up again oh no I died like three hours later right just absolutely embarrassing just totally just got crushed by the game but I'm like I like this game okay next day you come in here you do the same thing right but you do a little bit better and you're like wow and then the fifth day that you do that you're like okay this game is like actually pretty easy if you really think about it this is how you dodge that guy this is how you do this I know it's because my 50 hours I put one hour into the game right and just flop around and you guys are like god [ __ ] are you complaining you know kind of a horse killer [Music] looks good like it step up poker [Music] interesting I don't know about 23 to 25 is massive damage 1.5 times damage in the second attack increases your critical chance for 15 seconds I'm just saying like when you guys play games on your own or when I play games on my own you just kind of soar through this learning curve and that's not how it works on stream at all toughness is huge by the way so this is a good [Music] I'll take that rep 69 L just gotta get good which you like better for done greed keyboard or mouse and keyboard a mouse or controller keyboard a mouse seems like it's working better for me with the whole like I don't know it is weird though I don't normally like having to watch my body and my crosshair but you can kind of keep both you can kind of keep it close to your body it's not too bad it's not it's not as big of a map as gunjan is important is have fun I'm not judging I'm sure not the only one don't listen to the haters complainers and I can't necessarily say that because I'm a hater and complaints rule but I'm not a good time definitely a different feel when you're strumming got eyes watching the rage on this thing is great for those purple bats if they do anything to they attack at all what I would chop of madness max health down but Power Plus is that worth it Dovan mama plus one toughness you guys are saying toughness is nice let's do it ADL o2 so you know it's special I can't even afford the Charmin madness I could sell my black rose sword but I you know I think it's actually really good under beds I'll still make you spin the wheel even if you stumble on the controls it says with a hundred bits so not spinning the wheel alright food then boss we can only afford something fifty and I don't think anything is fifty so rip [Music] toughness is straight damage mitigation did you get a Donal from true when I miss oh did I miss something I was job training for you from linkers pool nothing that I see you know [Music] when when would this be a while ago or just now I think it was spam dude a beautiful lots this is the right way to go this is the way down sub gift a little bit ago been binging the eating streak on Bumbo and huts to the past week I feel honored to the gifted a sub to your channels as Mac appreciation is notice five minutes ago it showed in chat in a weird way so I'm confused by it I didn't see anything No true has donated $100 of the message enjoy the game I'm sure t-shirt true is uh you ain't get everyone's Jane can we kill this guy probably could probably can do damage for sure with the throwing knives but we'll see if we can keep up with this the horse killer he's not a horse but [Music] let's let's see what up and see what's up with this other one [Music] Heyman's way too easy man but it up switch this is challenging [Music] heater shield I can uh okay okay what do you got what do you what do you want +2 toughness even more toughness man all right I guess we're going uh nothing but throwing knives all the way well gang another mystery solved testing huh I'd ask you how it's done but I don't want you to say it so that other people do it +5 block and 17 defense noise doot-doot-doot you still don't know what that is about oh nice sit in the food shop early crit chance evasion crit chance health Maxell defense power [Music] feeling some crit chance right now and spice up these uh these knives huh Andrew prime sup what's up welcome just can snow by on just like it lays it on so thick unreal [Music] [Music] I don't know why I wasn't using my Q ability I kind of forget about the Q bilities honestly butterfly night that's like just like real up and close oh you equip that with a different one like I could do that like this and I'd stab and throw at the same time so if anyone was in my square remember add that with range weapons I can just [ __ ] hold [Music] I put how to do it in work chat Hut's Ave even in the normal chat [Music] this Pokemon I'll have two pieces of armor on - movespeed but maybe worth [Music] [Music] [Music] stupid sandbag defenses junk if you get hit you deserve to die noted [Music] vegetal soup say she's too high I need to be 36 what all power is power any good evasion sounds nice one more room let me go back Borger is Borger the straight power one stop missing dammit [Music] power defense and health for the Borg [Music] max out your defense so you never get hurt they have a chat saying defense is for stupid people who get hit I need more defense okay a gun speedy boots the earring or the gauntlet I don't know what any of these do I'm assuming that makes me move faster that's I know what the gun does it shoots glove boots gun you get green bad again don't get rid of it and gun gun three hearing boots I don't really need the gun if I got the throwing knives right Pallavas melee me I might be able to put it on with my throwing knives right gun sucks Spock [Music] well this for one-handed weapons no it is a weapon the glove is a weapon recreate baby shark family as green bats in this game holding question mark thought that glove was a weapon well no one's really explaining what any of these really do if I don't maybe you guys don't know we just guess it up no one knows anything says cowboy games I think some people know some stuff love's an accessory glove is for science you shark ready Peter attack speed increased by 25% when equipped with one hand a weapon good that's faster right oh definitely faster attack speed good Kerrigan flurry and Sharon love happy Leif Eriksson day [Music] oh my god a slope was perfectly set there to [ __ ] me over serrated sword or what do you got attack multiple times in the second attack ten to nineteen damage I'm sure that's any better fear of the mummy poisons enemy attacking you a poison resists damage against weaker enemies I could use that maybe in the forests to mitigate the poison damage I mean forest I've never been there before sounds interesting oh yes the forest no horse not ever subs figuratively speaking life's a big forest you know boomerang how about that though boomerang better than throwing knife probably boomerang is amazing and crossbow it's not a one-handed weapon though is it do I still get the bonus oh hell yeah trying to sell a gift you got from someone else shut up all right the right knife is better boomerang is way too slow with unreliable damage just alloy [Music] seems okay to me might work better with my play style I don't know [Music] big fan of nut it's paid for by night company just say that but the this is more reliable damage here I still got the knife so like I wasn't able to sell it so could sell that though [Music] like right there [Music] worth it to teleport one room super worth it it's [ __ ] C screen always comes up every goddamn time I don't want to see it ever need dual wield boomerangs again [Music] that's the boss well we did everything though and I doesn't know food 4:30 well we're ready to go knives are generally better with lots of crits due to fast attack speed I think that I'm gonna like the knives better here maybe we'll just cut both of them I don't see myself using the horse killer sword on this boss but we'll see I think this would be easier because it's kind of set it and forget it I don't to like catch the damn thing I own that heals on crits that's pretty sweet is in the game where you can recreate the baby shark family you ask that I don't know nifflheim I switch this is going great so far oh my I took both of those heats okay we're good bomp ouch once I called nasty rod the nasty rod cold damaged 50% - damage and hands cold damage okay the vilasa someone's a frozen spear that automatically attacks enemies an orange hair band when attacking an enemy with - connects with a strain that increases - damage - stuff there all right sweet well I gotta kill Elsa Elsa crossed me should we equip our mirror of the mummy immunity of poison sounds pretty nice here nao Rosen hello adventure I can sense the energy of Reno but Paris got reach her him from here by pull here what at what at spice I already feels much more chilled in the ice biome some health welcome to the jungle there's nothing down here there is something down here sneaky boy you got bud you trying so hard though you know you tried boomerang goes through walls that's right kind of growl dad the boomerang for a second there I don't know though this might be better kind of looking at now my not be boomerang that that was the inconsistency that I think that chat was talking about sound was impossible hit enemies were on top of you but that's rubbish without a melee weapon in that point in time but whatever whatever I don't even know what that heart lady did anything at all [Music] only is it for going through walls oh you old vampire equality points at the sign give blood what do I do here heart lady is a succubus this is actually hurting my head taking the Hat tower off taking that tower off oh that's a lot of my max health for gold candy [Music] well which one am I getting rid of your poison resist oh yeah I'm moving real quick now I try to dash through that didn't work out for me [Music] so a devil deal yeah I know the cold Candy's pretty good all right [Music] doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo [Music] finally grilled shrooms onion soup pea soup hot chicken stew meatball with spicy sauce Griffon egg omelette + 1 - - sounds nice [Music] I got max health back I need it 69 I mean come on tell me I'm wrong near 17 months or dr. Ghana puss I'm nearly legal a question here huts is dead cells worth on switch I have not played it on switch I wouldn't know but I put in controller with max box controller so I would assume so yes max health is for [ __ ] bags you take damage I'm gonna do that health [Music] [Music] only he knew how to jump oh wait C clock [Music] and then everyone cheered silver earring what do you do the evasion and Max health get rid of chain armor you don't need it and replace it with the mirror of the mummy you don't need a fence just never get hit something maybe they're all their spikes in the wall and see them those are spike traps in the floor yeah yeah yeah yeah I saw those ones those ones I saw those is his ones this is odd did hungry fellas I'm going to get rid of here bomb when dashing silver rings boring if I'm not gonna use this anymore that Yolo it's the sword of vines attack multiple times with one swing poison damage for ten is pretty low 22 is nothing impressive but it's multiple times green bat get it do I really want to get stupid green bat I the only one who's that's in mourning right now it's just Kota bassist going to sleep goodbye good night what up why do I want bats so I can get a family of bats you get more - I've got four dashes though brah and like the toughness and like the shot speed and the poison and the gold candy I vote nothing I'd be willing to try the sort of vines but I'm not sort of vines it's good it's this galaxy gamer I I'm not a huge fan of like if I'm if I have a sword I don't want to apply a poison because if I have a sword I want to kill them I'm in their face with it I want to kill them dead now I don't want like wow maybe sometime in the future they'll walk away they'll go home they'll just jump in the shower and then they'll pass out it's rare it must be good it's bad this is Neil it kind of seems not that good and the boss already goodness gracious man I might as well grab the hell [Music] it's her food at 70 hung as anything that's 30 now we were late to the food shop this gon be tough [Music] to knock me tunak tunak a I like tuna the Lizard King well I tried to - I'm not sure how I got stunned there was this little sword shield 'voice oh god I didn't even see him [ __ ] power that [ __ ] up dude he's off the map Oh easy stuff man to ana.k is gone getting my 69 back boom pouch OH - 30 percent - damage good [ __ ] - damage bit of years is cool - only run against all odds fool this game is too easy I yearn for a challenger oh god stop [ __ ] see [Music] bring on the mustn't noise in the world okay this is fair this is super fair this is just it's a good time this is a good time I thought this was if I could stand on this thing the whole [ __ ] time I was trying to get onto this ledge and stand on it back in my interview went pretty well I think what I miss me not losing ever Oh Cerberus hello twin swords of madness ice and ice slice [Music] what ten sword kills and inhale oh okay fun stuff man the I think the biggest part that I don't like about this game is that it it throws it so quickly at you that it's more about like a reaction time being luckier just getting the most ridiculous items that you can just tank through everything and kill them before anything happens and less about like right like I feel like this is like the exact opposite of Dark Souls Dark Souls is like slow moving and like timing everything correctly and like oh there we go push the button now not not now but now this one's like and like that's just kind of how it works that's how I that's how my brain feels every time I play this date this is game ace is seven months it's up welcome back it's about knowing what the enemy's do and killing them in point zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero five seconds duh sacrifice a weapon to receive a new weapon providing proof of adventure to Paree new through these altars he will bestow great rewards even for small prayers bread pickaxe [Music] seventy damage part of the cosmos massive energy when you - dad my ears yes I have yours too you guys want me to maxima steak but it's only good at 20 [Music] samurai sword is nice [Music] nicest time of year I can't buy anything because I spent it all on your stupid temple for you you can use the altars now [Music] and you can you equip it can you put it can you put it in one slot can you put it in your one slot you put that in your one slot [ __ ] you game holy [ __ ] press tilde I liked the game but even at 0.25 seconds of room prep would be great that's it's it's a little fast for my taste I'm not gonna lie but ya know it's about grinding it enough it's kind of like getting to the Clocktower in dead cells you have to know what to do before it happens but it happens in point zero zero one seconds it takes you 20 minutes to get there you won't be able to sit there and do it enough like Dark Souls at least you're like ah I got hit too like okay oh so he charges on like the he doesn't move like this so I had to die dodge left this one's just like Burger dead you're like I don't know what happened I didn't see anything I I learned nothing today I observe our money I gotta go earn some money [Music] you can if you've got super mega brain ADHD aren't you on ritalin bruh like the rest of us progression system it's a roguelike if that answers your question oh good sandbag every time do your thing [Music] [Music] dosbal stupid-head when Dark Souls is comparatively chill I'm not saying it's like easier but it gives you time to like use your eyes and then therefore your brain the mentioned sword new tilde it's not working though could you cover on number one could you grip it on number one could you put it on number one could you put it on the number one slot no oh you equip it first oh that I told ya I could do that done okay all right deal oh that's what you wanted to do spawn kill aah big beefy boy comes through when I get confident [Music] flap flap flap flap pop-up Wow Deluxe burger it's a grilled shroom on some sparkling water I can't afford [ __ ] you guys big nose 33 what's up [Music] [Music] never bring a sword to a bigger sword fight [Music] to true damage is great isn't it some were suddenly last time that it was not great [Music] this is also quicken all this is nice [Music] how do i tribute something like this [Music] could you put that on there can you put it on the altar can you put it on the altar to do maybe put the sword in the altar the sword on the altar could you sword has an ability charge charge charge that's been fun are you [ __ ] kidding me wait you can't drag it onto the altar you're at the right click it's from your inventory not on an active slot empty slot not the second slot nor the third but the fourth of the fifth and the seventh ought you can then right click it if you right click at three clicks per second for 10 seconds then then but then you have to do it then you do switch it to the third slot and then it'll work the old dad does is [ __ ] of all games [Music] sacrifice the gifted weapon probably die I decide don't put that down there I mean professional bitching is called streaming no no no he's got a point Plus look what I can do got that [ __ ] stringy thing [Music] yeah the harp yeah and that's a dress what up ba bop boo boo bee bop will be Bob plus to true damage doesn't sound like it's a whole lot [Music] which one's better [Music] dungeon-crawler you done read imagine if you could block projectiles with melee swings Berger true damage ignores defense burger or pie chat [Music] if you got a fast weapon it'll apply in each hit pi PI pi PI pi PI pi PI pi Kelvin Ghul asks that moment when you gamble agha coins on a scratcher and win and now have way too many coins not pi PI [Music] you can break one table but you can't break the other table it hurts my brain it hurts my brain not be able to skip these cutscenes too that's off do you do anything else you know life bro Lily steel dual swords what's the damage on that thing 7 to 10 my dimension starts still better it already has the attack speed everything you don't buy dead cells I got to the point where I was just too difficult and I didn't want to grind it you're enough freaking range for these stupid bulls water buffalo water booth m'lady come my lady come come my lady see them small bird Road mushrooms [Music] do I you're too high man shot their bats and money show me the money should you sacrifice these things and the sandbag [Music] train about watching an old Hut stream and icon him live Great Dane meatball is best this hold over multiple runs [Music] the armor yes none I mean it's not it doesn't make sense to take nothing I get to take it and sell it slingshot it's pretty lame what's this one the left what's leather armor penis clamp that's not a penis plant metal armor leather armor cowhide her leather yeah one little bit speed other armorer is the most useful this is awkward [Music] [Music] just can't - to that guy - into the stacks of your time mace windu [ __ ] spikes underneath that guy what the hell man I think it's about memorizing the room layouts more than anything goodness all I can get food now 23 power really that's the best powers is damage I don't know [Music] look in the stats page weapon strength power increases your damage based in the attack damage of your weapons it powers 45% damage bonus Verma necklace at max health penis clamp Longstaff blunder bud so we take arranged should we sacrifice her cell I don't know what I get by sacrificing things spider was non-staff sac is better I'm assuming I get permanent upgrades as soon as I get that or is that you just get all you get an item back [Music] [Music] point-blank blunder budding better start weapon max sack power guarantees a legendary [Music] simply to music a lot of months just want to say you've been a great influence on me since I started watching thank you for your hard work and dedication you're fantastic thank you about months simply [Music] get the dog jump right into that [Music] doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo-doo [Music] [Music] suicide the bomb will bat put a douche everything down here special no [Music] but the sword is more efficient at killing but long range is nice to have some guns [Music] you get to start a run with the legendary start the run we're gonna get it right when you get it max [Music] range is gonna be better with this boss or what maybe he's real strong because when I just let it hit me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] got her got tough honestly I don't have that all fight memorized goldstar keyboard where I'm in the game or why does it still mark her as an enemy on my screen sorry Old Yeller got it put her down perfecting this boss is impossible with an extra heart bash had to smash the ice lady into bits what's the weapon the red mark the keyboards a weapon I said best what our worst weapon in the game my home their home their home just close your eyes and start swinging this limey boy ouch [ __ ] you Landy boy he's stuck idiots got all day come on boy jump you can SWAT most of the ice projectiles out of flight with the melee attacks aside I'm really good do check on your shop boomerang boomerang or blunder but we're chunk of ice blunder see late that seemed pretty underwhelming now that's some sort of upgrade you open during battle this just seems good for just like popping off some shots quick [Music] oops sorry watch me get the watcher with whatever the no magnifying glass Lodge father I read seven actually remember to use twitch prime blame the game for months welcome back appreciate it why can't I say the food lady there's three things for sale a rib all right this one 71 minutes less than this defense any high glass is good with blunder to I leave that I mean it's like pop it off wick have to sit there and wait for the bloom rain to come back row sword seems cool but galaxy is killing it and killing them [Music] [Music] nothing I have yea gotten like nothing as far as accessories so I shall not say no free-moving thing that doesn't have a path set cool I thought it was locked onto the platform Wow [Music] Boop rarely ever get to see this live sexy amazing to your three sub but Niebla welcome back thank you for that [Music] take shotgun out in just a small snake good shot though well struck you can John pickin even know what those snakes do to attack zany with the tear once appreciate that welcome can we eat some food yes we can good snake is a dead snake [Music] why is it calling to me is it even that good [Music] got eat it hundred hundreds a shitty [Music] whatever we call it satiety [Music] I don't think were gonna be able I the boss I'm in quite honest with you with this combo cattle had armor Mosby attack speed evasion you are fines is cheek why don't you throw backwards sir Eames this way and Alston goes like - it's me in the [ __ ] neck excuse me I would have known to dodge that how do I know and you'd be throw it backwards trick shot dead snake is time to call your doctor ask your doctor if your snake is healthy enough is there any way to heal here not really yeah well [ __ ] we're dead I don't got I don't have this guy's attack patterns down enough to be able to melee em along with his lizards that are charging me he's ever played to rock I can't I can't I can't look in there it's such a [ __ ] show of things happening all these pixels on top of each other that I was like wait a second was the shield guy charging at that point in time is the boss charging I can't see it I can't see past three different enemies to see their tells their Telegraph bet that was [ __ ] that was [ __ ] and I learned nothing I don't like that boss battle what is this I don't understand what she wants bless Aegis what do these things do [Music] Tarak was fun sponge lust lizards if you're in the air more I keep getting him to jump with me blessed uses the SAC bar to give an item takes away your SAC bar so don't bless until it's full though because I don't get a legendary and don't go for that until I've got twenty high mystic so I can keep it is that what you're saying what about ages Aegeus is level 30 reset so don't do that it's prestiging right because I play call and the duties a lot and yes I get it hurt right like in fishermen Cod the Cod fisherman games bomb pouch that's so useful that's not even that much bigger oh the washer is not the main event glass I got orbitals all right you can reset your skill points I've to pee quick let me go pee quick I'll be right back okay don't go anywhere [Music] [Music] okay [Music] hungry so a pretzel dog time [Music] first stream ever for valor on or is it bail run patches for life and leads to skipping through his bathroom Blake breaks [Music] all right yeah let's do it meteor blows doesn't it I thought it was a main event glass i watch her whatever it kind of looks like a like a lens dude I almost killed you what do you have something better slingshot iron hook steel boots ignore spike type damage hmm flanged mace 8 to 17 was stunned you wash your hands nope why I didn't touch you I don't know what iron hook does I wish all the gold chests upon you sir he has gotten or at least tried for any sets yet no I don't know what the sets are dregg's enemies towards you pause the game is a menu sets bat-family the power of space god of thunder Oh roll the coldness yellow trope they shred all the armor antibacterial silver ring and silver earring what is the combo do though unidentified set effects longsword heater shield stereotype all the Rings dagger cloth and Hawk earring tugger quando and sandbag night dr. gravity honey [ __ ] my boyfriend is snoring while YouTube videos playing also I ODS didn't think you were so straining I am so we could've had a set still can get the bomb bag and a slingshot set go now what oh you shoot bomb it's okay I'm in for that thank you to whoever gifted me one 404 no name says put a lot of sub love sub gifts going out today [Music] they're 35.5% attack speed hello good sparkling water later i can't afford anything else spent all that money damn doesn't like anything would be able to beat that oh my goodness the bear I'll save my life [Music] ttttt Kool Kreem 7 - 9 - per second [Music] increase your evasion against enemies I don't understand why that would be any better than the short-sword [Music] with an AoE damage though monocle that's what I'm talking about crit chance and movespeed another man's is welcome [Music] to get rocks baby seems like you can use like there's this magic wand what do you do [Music] shooting stars that's dope well so much with a synergy seems like he can take certain weapons like pretty far into the game where the go though they they heat-seeking something press Q Sun they do heat seek this isn't fair be more fair if I was in a room that was right tight though Xan Thea prime sub welcome you reading this it's too late I don't know what to do with Penny's loss of star day thanks for trying one of the best weapons definitely fricken boomerang shows up like what what about me so we had a good thing I just found the cup you guys but we'll put Batta Batta Pope brocco peteyboo pop up up easy run cleaner mr. a cleanup detail how much could I get though for tributing it though not that much I'll bring it back accidentally dumps it whoops somebody gets scared if a bunch of stuff here I don't really see that [ __ ] boomerang it could be useful is it am I gonna use boomerang over Laura's magic wand no wait did you get rid of the bomb bag please thank you focus build around it's when to hydrate did I miss anything Laura's magic wands turn into Kirby [Music] okay do-do-do-do-do is the roguelike roguelike rogue lights oh okay it's the boss Ramones like hello hello 12 shots and this thing is ridiculous like it should have like - oh hi it's not supposed to be fair though and there's a fire it upgrades of this thing [Music] I've been eating food no we have not been through crit damage Kochanski chance crit chance max health tomato soup water real mushrooms really I need to get like three off fire it up Opie [ __ ] dragons genital jousting coop waiting room I'll be right there poison bottle what do you do poison status affects him he stacked five x plus ten enhanced poison damage hit them through the walls and bleed them out I get down with that can't even see you have to scream when that's going off that might be the biggest problem with it get too comfortable I'm getting hit through it because you weren't even looking not much Shantay get the two subs thank you hello wonderful sounds like a boss killer stacked poison yeah it does you're right I'm spinning the wheel of doom for that biceps let's do it [Music] and share the love well welcome tre Dimitri and me bruh cz welcome back to tre [Music] I love your YouTube and enjoy watching everyday man I appreciate it thank you so much right now what that's all not all the rooms there's more none of it's anonymous cheer me out faster [Music] do anything that we could dump off yeah all right let's see how well this doesn't a boss fight though it's it's slow attack so it might not be the best better than my regular sword Oh probably there were more rooms really I can't go back now [Music] [Music] [Music] I was like hi in the corner like oh and almost everybody in chat right now is sub is you gonna be pretty sorry who that isn't one-handed weapon isn't it so a stun damage it does have the 25% still okay okay okay okay okay now what freezing enemies when they're close to the adventure or maybe we can get rid of that all right yeah I'm in I'm in a minute minute good star power beats Lich the tide of the rooms though and the fast the enemies come at me the worst his weapons gonna be but I should really focus on thinking about my cue ability when that's happening and the stupid icicle spawner guy is gonna get me in trouble and dead I get them mike marin give it a sub 2 elemental whales phenomenal stuff thank you that echo rain sub for months squad bud [Music] I'm back mystic Podge I don't have enough to combine Wow thank you says elemental winds very oh my goodness we into business get rid of washer you think whoa okay we in that business music reminds me of Final Fantasy open worlds there might be a sonic heavily reminds me of Sonic so we killed the dinosaurs blow your load ah Ruby Nicholas max health whatever [Music] Wow Torinos hue ability is saving my life here [ __ ] and that's how you do it you just walk in the room and press Q hey works [Music] what the [ __ ] was that high school fall in my head do-do-do-do-do dated I said really reload before I walk it around oh my god he got me so ever girl cards off the ledge ballsy move earn that damage where's my food lady have you found her yet should be a priority all right and take a Health probably I am the bull God under vet say this is all I can afford right now or else I would sub lull and joy I've always wanted to make it to one of these and I'm super loyal YouTube watcher love your stuff Thank You bull guide I appreciate it welcome to the strand life answering the call when I'm like man if only all my YouTube watches just come to stream feels good though well I think I would probably want to combine things in the pot more than I would like to sacrifice them right steamy noodles prime sub it's a it's almost like we've did we show a hype train today at all we probably did and I just missed it I'd even like think about watching it chest in the room above the boss torque and the Sun samurais soul increases a attack speed increases by 30% when using a weapon with a katana tag and the katana tag it sounds really good but I don't have anything like that now back side watching you two for a long time only now started watching the streams and I'm not at all displeased keep up the good work and exam backs sounds super cool you guys but I don't have samurai in it it's not a synergize well with what I have Seoul has a set with the legendary katana although I am done I miss that mike marin get it a sub two eye on the bull God look at that fantastic work glorious the small there's just a very small boomerang just a little guy [Music] and all the rooms get the stuff and then maybe go to the pot what gain that to this one I don't think there will be a game after this one but we'll see it's like still up and I am fine with skipping dinner I don't know I just didn't go to the room was a teleporter in there the iron hook seriously though where's my food lady okay I can't help myself have this love appreciated thank you you got a swing-off see I'm telling you I can't see the screen I can't see the friggin spikes down there - that was cheap that was absolutely cheap the little tiny spikes on the side yeah right [Music] where's this healthy where he at all this is the room of the help inhale isn't it I already grabbed it cheeky tiny spike old lady's gotta meet a lot to this oh well how do I know if it has a hashtag katana it says but it doesn't say samurai the food lady power defense power max health power Defense Grid through another sparkling water though it's for the season small birds sparkling water and a samurai sword and samurai soul are a set let's try it out then so it does do you know dangerously funny III not personally but yes let me see you doing what you do I probably won't be able to check out the stream very often this is an via because the time schedule but I wish you the best and I'll try to stop by somewhere in the future yeah just good see you I hope everybody from Hut's to pops on by remember from hots 1 Tuesdays and Thursdays 3 p.m. central us Defensor max health what would you guys go for [Music] God to your content the feds alright man [Music] I'm not going to [Music] go buy this the the samurai soul so if it's a set should be able to put it here and get rid of maybe the poison bottle it's everything else is like attack speed this is really good at the magic wand and this is a quick chance move speed think that's pretty good what's better crit chance move speed or +10 enhance poison damage and it 5% attack speed probably attack speed obviously it's hard to say though that it didn't do the thing I don't think it did the thing I'm going to see you like what the difference is here that's definitely difference move speed I think mu speeds better katana family is weapons with the sheath get like 75% off on all attacks off of what 30% isn't a lot doesn't make it to set though that's what I'm trying to say maybe I missed it Samurai set where was that maybe it was a specific samurai blade but I'm I said it again or was it I don't even see it anymore maybe it wasn't a set he was a bunch of lies yeah I don't even see it I see nothing okay it could be a hidden one or something but maybe it's a specific samurai blade otherwise we would have unlocked it Jat lies [Music] [Music] dude dude dude it to do to do so is this not good then there was never a samurai sets what if I just stuck the samurai soul into the pot then and made it into something even better [Music] I wish there was a samurai set [Music] stays the same tear if you put all blues you know I watched all the huts channel by the way when are you gonna have more cooking with huts probably not anytime soon I don't have very many dishes that I'm like good at making that one is like my top any tier can go up or down smoke the samurais I stick it in maybe The Watcher since is blue and the blue and then I would be okay with getting rid of not really have to throw something else in you guys [Music] get rid of greatsword you got - yeah it's white or white right it doesn't matter that's really nice of you to do that for me thanks for eating two of my items it literally just jacked two items and it's gonna go sell them yep nope no I used him up nope that's what you get by creative that I made that you didn't give me that knife I made that for you you're welcome but up what I bought a flop [Music] boss I'm not ready with a boss though is there any help lying around of course 50 l to fight this switch 59 health very nice music go get rocks [Music] bro [Music] that's crazy I got it though it's still like just like dad our yield [Music] girl [ __ ] stop hacking that's a good time what did we get again oh yeah duel sword got a the next level sorry m'lady I fired on you [Music] Stacia two levers I'm what come on you're close enough eat boy green bat orange hairband it's not gonna move - connects a strain I don't die any of the - ever bloodstone longsword ten power for every 50 HP I have 90 HP so that's not that good it doesn't seem like crit damage pretty pretty quick slices though on that thing something's got [ __ ] range though food is a food as a permanent buff it's a bad shop [ __ ] she knows vacuum in this room or something fear what it is blood stored for set sucked what's the set though I can't even afford to set bamboo stick völuspá frozen spear that automatically attacks enemies I love how up and personal with the enemy he is even though the stars go through the wall I like to see the light go out of my enemy's eyes so when I kill them thousand bits from the Sookie look at that you missed my sub and message I'm sorry it's okay though you're still great after working out by in the Sookie with a twelve month that's a full year with our message before that because there was no message attached to the sub but I see the thousand Vincent thank you so much my friend have fun at work don't work too hard Volvo spa is great with this is that what's called little spa Rock the Kasbah well we can eat food to food shops we go for good chance in hell and max he'll get hot chicken stew next probably [Music] if I slurp it means I like it see you nerd that's where everything for usual appreciate you let's just hide up here you're saying like a coward it doesn't hit them they'll fight if they're not in range if I can't see him right oh they're dead oh they're dead sort of the bloodstone necklace and bloodstone ring gives you point 5 HP every time you attack or yell at me at BC the bloodstone ring that scared me not gonna lie but that was coming for me [Music] [Music] thousand bits of wheelspin you're absolutely right thank you for reminding me squats about selfie with my Spanish homework hit me what's the homework weighted lunges good stuff both are lunges weighted lunges [Music] [Music] all his health drops some of that do it again do it again make me roll the wheel again then yep Punk [Music] he's coming in make me do it out of you what I ain't your monkey [Music] you need some max health this context the game out of the game [Music] they steal boots immunity to spikes any else on top of that nope the ball of Defense 3c Empire [Music] it's the catch here at this room nothing oh that's the boss fight ah is this gonna be a good weapon to fight the boss with maybe if I could just stay in the opposite side of the room all right where we even headed one up yes finally he played it thanks dad get away sir no thanks [Music] matricide for helped me deal with my four or year-long depression the pressies love you God's wish I could donate a quote billion a quad billion what billion would be like enough money like people that win like a billion dollar the the whatever jackpot [ __ ] and then like their whole life just Falls to [ __ ] get rid of the bloodstone long sorry guys alike gonna be really good for health but I'm not am I gonna get the ring you know am I does that do anything that reach is full right that's full that's full that's full that's full oh all right so if we can do get the combo I mean I would I would like to help hello what's up with this room secret here no this is none know what these are words okay [Music] hi how are you doing mr. Hutz [Music] [Music] are you guys in chat murid uh 3234 i can only have bread can only bread if I did my math correctly [Music] filling well mate hotter bets from liquor rarity keep forgetting I'm not watching on YouTube so when I go to look something up and your voice stops I get confused and I'm a annoying but will you have my kids I'm gonna kidnap your kids so you can charge me bring me in jail corner bits dance I return smarter than when I left I will conquer this can't exam confidence good now just make them for me to rock is gonna be hard man he's always hard I don't get near him though Oh baby got smoked I want some smokes to knock I can even equip my heater shield with this combo will you go do inventory for me low dumb military [ __ ] lately I have to go to the field next Sunday I don't come back into Friday so unfortunately for me I don't get no streams at that time ribbon fairy Trump's once more you have officially gotten farther in the game than meas his plant lust burning Kingdom oh Jesus that scares me every time man who'd myself [Music] ah please I lost where I was there for a second I had no clue where I was way too much going on for my eyeballs charm of madness + power - max health + gold drop this floor literally has the easiest boss you say that bucket spank though that was fun oh no I can't get up there psych how many floors are there [Music] 37 [Music] meatball with garlic sauce has got a lot of stuff going on right there plus one - worth five technically six floors and we've done four of them probably place to be bringing it in why can't I just save her I mean it's nice that she feeds me a while on you know doing my thing so I I shouldn't complain dice gods trig plus thirty critical chance 40 percent critical damage and +1 - damn let's try that do it do it do it do it do it five floors hell yes keep it dice god is good like perma-grit almost I had no idea what would happened there did I learn anything from finding that room I did not [Music] besides the fact that all I do is win win win no matter what but fire down oh my god I don't want to touch that down there [Music] a bad this double jump fell [Music] doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo did it did it dude Jesus that scares me right dice so quick [Music] keep your eyes peeled for traps mama green bat I don't even know if I want to sell stuff don't you only just come back with 3,800 if time isn't like a set amount look at rarity hundreds have to go do inventory now if you're not streaming when I get back then have a good night you're awesome thank you for doing what you do you make me laugh and help me relax so I can sleep lovey butts twitch unity nicely under beds wicked rarity good luck with the inventory crap [Music] with rebuild up you go into the dungeon with more money samurai soul I've never seen that before [Music] the cook the heater shield and the great sword for set short sword [Music] it's our health from the floor somewhere No [Music] like one of the hardest enemies is that I super guy that like spawns icicles in your face nothing like that in here [Music] [Music] your HP decreases by 4 per second what cuz I got burned dirty Dan no wonder today what has been your all-time favorite roguelike ever Isaac [Music] Gunjan more crit chance defense power for defense [Music] Peggle hey man a peggle met a roguelike horniness is full good who Udo block by your looks you look new or you an adventure you are rescuing the townspeople that's a relief I'll see you outside that was I don't wanna know what that was [Music] that's it [Music] jump into rooms and they're already swinging at you daimyo oak bow more done greed or anything tonight done greed and then we'll see how I feel yikes can't touch me that I got 69 health little thoughty2 stop in here before I go to bed thanks for being great huts you're stopping in tonight last room last room last boss there we go math we ready with 69 health easy boxes jump a lot we played anymore terraria in your free time I haven't not taken advantage of my ability to not do that how do i where do I go I think there's a secret rooms as galaxy oh well hello mom envy Rock little devil Lord gerbil I jump a lot I'm jumping Oh who are you I didn't even know what that was come back here and fight me how are you dead maybe I will come back in front discing terraria time to unsub I didn't even I just said I'm not playing it and I'm taking about to my ability not to I didn't say anything about it nothing bad just that I'm not playing it it's a fun game it just it really sucked in the backseat me challenge what do we get here cosmos sword damage against stronger enemies plus 10% 20% attack speed plus 9 power two-handed legendary ways wave of cosmos I think we've had this before cool as cool as this thing though cosmos sword you had it oh yeah I've had it before completely carried by the wand yeah of course peaceful grassland this is so nice I can eat so much food [Music] everybody [Music] hello nitrile gauntlets oh excuse me - 35 power gold dropped one - auto-attack automatically attacks when the enemy button is when the attack button is held down what would I get rid of [Music] why do I oh the gloves are uh I don't get it the fists Lycos heat seek trash kalus what am I doing here this is not friendly nothing shot missiles at me oh my god I'm dying peaceful grassland my ass I thought this was a joke stop hitting yourself wasn't the I don't understand how the gauntlets auto-attack them what are you the tribute you talked about this go away [Music] don't like it it attacks when you hold down just like almost everything else what is this misleading us [ __ ] I in the corner and cry nephritis can I jump down there and touch that or is that gonna hurt me if I walk down there didn't bite my butt oh my god helped boss all that gold one must assume about that [Music] Zoe Louise prime sub welcome thank you for the side my friend [Music] oh my god I can't see half the [ __ ] that's coming at my face man until it's already inside of my face chefs down here am i full maybe I grabbed it today corner time corner up did you beat noida i've beaten [Music] Dragons is this year dragons and these guns are like Oh target that squishy guy [ __ ] dragons robot dogs you're right oh hey nice koalas fancy liver [Music] check for better stats check stats what do you mean check stats Oh the weapon it might have better stats 13 to 20 to 15 to 22 plus one evasion plus one evasion yeah all right okay didn't see that guy back there unfair I'm gonna die on the way out here yeah super dad yep dual wands no one runs an offhand this is main hand on it I mean I kids I could switch when I need to reload like shoot shoot shoot shoot and instead of our loading just go over one it was my heat shield maybe at one point in time I would need to use this I don't know probably not what are you guys thinking it's not worth it a dual wield it I mean let's just say that I did this and I'm like q.q right I switch over oh okay the Q is smart smart to my [ __ ] [Music] don't do a wheel Angus thickburger looking good as [ __ ] should we go back and get some food IRL though I didn't need dinner I need this stuff but I don't need any of this stuff Plus 75% gold drop that's crazy talk could save it if I get like a bucket or something that's so much [ __ ] save it in case you get a set lets you have to eat I snacked on peanut butter pretzels don't act like I'm not eating but anything I'm trying to lose weight boss I'm be worth it just head to the boss now unless there's somebody to unlock here [Music] health defense evasion [Music] come on [Music] some boss is hard FYI there was a guy to save Fiat I was sure I was decorating with guns until I was here all of a sudden there are creatures that aren't even human here could you perhaps take me to someplace safer well gangster don't you know there guy [Music] it's not something it's gonna be a good room for me yowzers man they were dropping bombs [Music] aerial strike or fluffy dog though instead what majestic is [ __ ] though [Music] what is that chubby costume because I ate a deluxe burger damn it game I'm gonna feel subconscious about the amount of burger that I put in my mouth should we just boss I really love cheese yes [Music] different starting stats boss fight me boss do the rooms I don't want to do the rooms though why would I want to folk here I've already I'm not the guy I don't need to sacrifice anything I eaten all the food I could eat I'm only gonna get hurt money I can't even have thirteen thousand in the in the town I'm gonna come back and I look like three thousand left there are no age you can find I probably would find death this will be going on YouTube yes you flip us off first of all second of all third thirdly [Music] oh you're on tired sorry awesome my my a quick a chance a pot to combine items or death she you lost because you didn't combine items or I lost cuz this boss as hard as [ __ ] and I don't even what I'm doing I've never even seen him before hots for the boss move right continuously and switch platforms often a new [Music] a tea - tea - tea - tea - tea - the swiping [Music] okay I'm definitely die I'm honorbound I'm [ __ ] dead for sure dude I don't know what I'm doing right now [Music] I win yeah well it's easy simple stuff right there that was so I just wish it would you know mini Smitty slim slime it's a typo the slime wasn't being created by a robot's scatter bullet spray a bullet in three different directions bullets split into three directions but damage decreases you imagine that with this combo they'll be ridiculous what do you want gun the wave in are we done I like slim more than slime with a real Slim Shady the lunar desert you guys said we were done using five and then six and then we did five and then we did six and now it's like seven liars this boss is BS pranks Mini Slim's careful of black hole Knights I'm dying the turnt down [Music] not even try to leave this is this is [ __ ] [ __ ] dude I know how do I dodge that there's way too much going on inside of my own face plus eight block two toughness hers is better that is a better shields I don't know that +8 block means [Music] [Music] those blade Fang he's super nice if I knew what was going on [Music] like me do [Music] don't remind me in the 24 hours dreams is lovey 50 percent evasion 50% block easy win except when I'm dying my super dying I don't know what these enemies do [Music] I'm just flopping around they're smacking me they had like a ranged attacks and [ __ ] that I'm walking into then don't get hit lull help place Spike's [Music] we're just bleeding out yeah bleh now I'm gonna make it [Music] he missed three mr. e was three Seagram's outs I totally know that see grooms are but they look like telling me now that I miss them is incredibly helpful so I just like to say thanks for that this is let's skip the combo if you're going on right bloodstone long stored in the bloodstone necklace I thought that was combo is that not they lied to missing their bloodstone ring you need help you don't say literally just trying to jump around randomly hope that nothing bad happens what do you know what should I get rid of what am I not going to use samurai thing bring a madness I thought that was gonna be the bloodstone power - help - defense and that no thanks oh you it's gracious man will you play God of War for well I didn't play one two three four I didn't play anything God of War never even heard of this we're just slowly bleeding out here [Music] I want this thing I got way too much stuff you can destroy it you can't sell it but you can destroy a gift and then I'll give you [ __ ] for it you need armor cause go r18 what's up destroy the katana equip the armor instead of my Balu stuff maybe that's me I'll do it I've never seen this game just cause Gore it's pretty fun but I'm dying so you find my food lady you're dead next boss is almost a meeting arranged attacks benchwarmer five months what up tell me something I don't know how did I I was walking over them though straight path give me some [ __ ] help give me some of that hell yeah you're not health couldn't sell you some stuff though I guess Charma madness ring of madness I should have seen it that was a combo keep somebody's I could turn him into something else like yellow stuff washer cowhide Armour Smith 27 what's up made the stream first time in some time welcome back to me worth picking up you watch this for 10 seconds and then you can decide yourself exactly what it looks like cowhide over our iron armor the bloodstone necklace it gives you health so there's no crits then or what no shot speed no magnifying glass but the data bones my health 215 but I don't have it glad I had got at that shoot shoot taking a sweet [ __ ] time reloading Demon's boots leaves a trail of fire all right I can't shoot when I'm using the e mover something probably that's why why you stop shooting anything in the bottom you think [ __ ] there was so boss thanks for rating red art studios death is on the bottom no yeah GG I don't stand a chance anyways I'd like to see them there but there's probably somebody to find here right and unlock cuz that could be fun as well food there's no food that is there's been zero food food lady died chat I walked into the spike honestly the whole time that we were playing that room they didn't even know there was a spike fame there I had no idea until I hit it and was like a sob late digit tier one said what's up if I'm I'm gonna be honest this game is definitely not my style really question mark yeah I'm just I'm not vibing it I don't have motivation to get better in this game it's like you're doing it very well I'm not doing well but I did get carried once here [Music] but I did get carried but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn look through your collections of costumes and changed them here it sounds like a fantastic use of my money let's go for chubs that's the most innate our innate sorry or innate costume shop I've ever seen it looks way better than everything else that I've built [Music] materialistic shits yay [Music] subdue you I love your streams digit I appreciate that a lot [Music] plate male warrior plus defense - max health gunmen of the Sun Tzu - 14 Mac self - 15 defense power increases by 50% when using weapons with a handgun tag Alice Farsight power decreased by minus 20 when enemies are nearby plus 40 power though so like get away from the enemies use ranged minus 30 max elf Lotus attacking an enemy leaves a mark which increases power by 6 it's kind of like Lilith not Lilith mei-mei had done the Isaac mod rage gains rage when attacking or defeating enemies when rage gauge is full rage gauge temporarily increases attack speed by 100% minus 20 power minus 5 defense ride or H speed series power by up to 50 racing your current speed criminals silhouette [Music] flossed of king of pickaxes fatso full-swing power increases by 30 when using melee weapons - 20% moves speed - 10 % attack speed got a flame him like that see a bow god I don't need more money old man [Music] that's a while game rude rage bear [Music] Boutique what about this guy increase power based on your current speed how do I do it [Music] late male useful +10 defense [Music] choose Alice but rocket I love cheese you already said that though in a bed soon since I see slug good night I I don't think I have another run at me I'm gonna be honest I'll save this for another night huh don't think I haven't got another run in me [Music]
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 20,549
Rating: 4.85782 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, dungreed, action roguelike, pixel graphics, roguelite, 2d, singleplayer, platformer, difficult, indie, great soundtrack, rpg, let's play, playthrough, boss
Id: Q-1O764SVOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 36sec (9456 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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