Can You Beat Poly Bridge 2 Only Using Roads?

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hey guys today i'm back in poli bridge and i want to try using only roads to beat world three now worlds one and two i already beaten my one wood piece challenge and i wanted to try stepping it up a bit for this video now roads are pretty weak and really heavy so this is gonna be quite difficult so let's get right into it so i headed over to the world selection menu and she selected the first level here and just got started now fortunately this level actually isn't too bad so it should be good to ease into here and normally you're supposed to build a big ramp going all the way around that plane and you want to go to the top platform now i realized i could probably cut it short here though and it saves me a ton of reinforcement and you see the ramp i'm starting to build up now now i'm getting a lot of height but i'm also getting a lot of speed horizontally and i want to try reversing that a bit and finally here you see i end up going straight up in the air so i finally end up reinforcing that top wood piece that's just falling down and you actually see here i do go into the platform but it's just one layer too low so to hopefully improve that i end up reinforcing a few things in the bottom like this and after that it is a little bit better i'm actually touching the top but it's just not quite getting there so adding on some roads hopefully get me all the way there but it seems to be a little too heavy and i end up falling down so i end up deciding to add some platforms to the top like this and the idea is the car is gonna get caught by them but it seems to be just a little too steep and if i try extending it the plane ends up hitting into it and breaking it so i end up just smoothing out the bottom platform to make it as good as possible and i reinforce it a little bit and you can see now i'm getting a little bit closer so i just keep tweaking it and finally here you can see i actually managed to get all the way on the top platform and i just missed the flag so after even more tweaking i just pull in a piece and it finally ends up tumbling and i hit the flag so that first level done got the second one here and this one is way harder so you see now i have to get this truck all the way across and it also has to dip down low enough to hit a checkpoint and that's a big problem because you see all this reinforcement i have in the middle and the problem with the roads i can't reinforce in the same spots because the roads are gonna end up interfering with the truck so i end up just going for a dangling road here to see how it would do and it actually didn't seem to be too bad i got pretty far before it ended up breaking so my next thought here was to actually stabilize the first two roads in the last two roads and the idea of this is that it's going to create a smaller section that's dangling and hopefully make it a little bit stronger now unfortunately here it ended up breaking so i have to use a diamond like this but actually it wasn't really too big of a deal you see truck gets right over it just fine but it ends up snapping that second road and i have to make that a diamond as well but after i do that you see ends up going into the diamond and it gets way farther it's almost all the way to the middle before it ends up breaking here so i ended up just copying this to the other side and i was curious to see if it make it way better as well but it seems like the truck ends up falling a little bit earlier and the problem here i think is that the roadway is now a little too shallow and i have to make it dip down a little bit further to behave better so i end up doing that here and you see now truck gets on it and it ends up getting to just about the same point as before when it ends up breaking so i try lowering it even more to hopefully make it better but seems to break a little bit earlier this time so it seems like i reached that local maximum now i also tried to reinforce the center of the bridge here but it broke way earlier and i think it was just all the extra weight from those roads was not doing it so i decided to support the third road on each side to give a little bit less of a dangling section and i figured this would probably be enough to reach all the way to the middle and get to the other side but now i actually have to make this piece of diamond as well because it ends up getting over-stressed so just do that here and you see now giving you a test and ends up breaking in about the same spot but this time i actually forgot to lower it again so now it should be doing a lot better so see truckets on it but the problem is all the extra weight from those roads i added is now a bit of a problem because the truck comes down and ends up snapping the diamond so i tried lowering the first two and that actually did seem to help the initial shock but it's still a little too weak and you see here one of the legs ends up breaking so end up doubling up the first diamond like this and once i have that done see truck actually ends up getting to its checkpoint and it gets all the way to the other side but just before it gets on the last platform it ends up kind of doing a wheelie and falling down so i end up lowering that piece of it and it helps but it's still just not enough for it to make it stop falling so i lowered the roadway just a little bit more and finally here you see trek ends up getting up it and works out fine now moving on here you see i'm actually going to level seven now and the reason for that is i thought levels three through six weren't actually that interesting but this one i thought was pretty good and you see here i start out with just a dangling road but it ends up just breaking immediately under the bus's weight but i was thinking maybe it was the way that it fell was causing problems so i ended up trying to add in a teeter-totter mechanism here and the idea is that the bus was going to fall on it and then slowly rotate onto the bridge that didn't really happen though but it did seem to still get that effect i wanted of it smoothing it but it still ended up just breaking it immediately and with that i ended up just deciding to go for a normal bridge here since the dangling road even if it was going to work was just going to be kind of ridiculous so starting out here i'm trying to go for a pretty normal under support here and the way i'm doing that is just having a big arch in the bottom going all the way to the land and unfortunately because of the way this level's set up i have to brace it further back than i would like but actually it does seem to sort of work out here and you notice i'm supporting the middle with a bunch of roads now i do it in a pretty inefficient way and it ends up breaking like this but the reason i used regular roads instead of reinforced roads that they're a little bit lighter so if i can get away with it it's a lot better to use those now i copied it over to the other side i did some general reinforcing to help it at least hold its own weight up and once i did that you see it pretty much broke immediately under the bus's weight now i realized that adding two roads into the middle instead of just one might be better here and it's cause having two roads allows a little bit more rotation between the two halves which means it's a little bit more stable now after doing some just general reinforcing you see here i'm actually getting pretty far at the bust but it reaches the middle and that's when it just gives up so just do some more reinforcing and you see here it actually starts to climb this part but as soon as it touches it it pretty much breaks so i lowered it just a little bit and after that the boss actually got pretty far on it but now the right side is actually a little too weak so i ended up copying over what i did to the left side again and i used two more pieces in the middle but the problem is once i added those back in they weren't the exact same configuration ended up breaking now i tried out a few different things here you see i tried biasing it to the one side and it actually seemed to work really well it got all the way on the right side and that's when it ended up breaking so just used a few more reinforcing pieces on that side and once it did that bus ended up getting all the way over and that beat the level so three seven done next one's three eight and this is my solution to the level using a single road piece i have a video on this if you want to check that out but the idea is the taxi needs to get all the way over to the right and the top and the truck needs to get all the way over to the left and the top now in order to do this i'm gonna need some sort of crossing roadways which is going to be a little tricky to do when i only have roads so i just started out here and what i want to do is just build a very simple bridge on the bottom because i'm going to need that anyway to hold both the taxi and the truck sort of started out here with that and i didn't really brace it too well so it just immediately broke but i realized the left side looked a little bit better than the right side so i end up just copying that over and using a single road piece in the middle and once you do that seems to hold itself up just fine and this all the way over but now we need a way to get it up and my original thought was to use some sort of teeter-totter mechanism and i was gonna have the truck hold it up so that the car can get all the way to the top but the truck's still gonna be easily able to push it out of the way now here i actually balanced it a little bit too well and it was actually not coming down enough so it adds some more weight to the left but i added too many so i had to add some more to the right and finally here once i did that it actually came down just about right but the taxi ended up coming into it before it settled down and it ended up breaking it so try adding in some road pieces hopefully delay it a little bit but the problem is they ended up just infinitely stalling the taxi instead of just stopping it or they just broke the bridge but i realized just putting in two road pieces to the front like this created quite the challenge for the taxi took quite a while for it to get all the way over and once it did it was pretty well settled now the problem is it still ended up just instantly shattering once i hit the truck and i had a better idea instead that was a lot simpler here i realized i could just use a dangling road like this and you see the taxi gets on it it ends up stressing it out quite a bit but it ends up getting all the way up it and getting all the way over and you might wonder how i'm gonna get the truck through this but i remembered this level actually as a hydraulic controller so i could just set some split joints that once the taxi gets to the flag and ends up just dropping the dangling road and the truck should just be able to get across just fine so you see here taxi gets all the way across his flag and the whole road falls down meaning now the truck can get across and all i have to do is get the truck on top and this is probably going to be the hardest part of the level so starting out here my first thought was to use some sort of structure with a trapdoor to allow the taxi to pass under it but then it'll create a roadway for the truck to get on top now the reinforced road is a little bit too heavy so i just switched to a normal road but it was still too heavy so i had to create a smoother roadway on the bottom and this ended up allowing the taxi to get across but this is way too steep for the truck and it can't even get over it at all so i had to extend it out a bit and to do that i have to use this triangle shape to brace it against the land but now it's just way too heavy for the taxi to push and i'm not really getting anywhere so what i was thinking of doing was adding some under supports here and using a counterbalance system to hopefully help the taxi a little bit on this but it ended up being too heavy and it just broke my structure so i had to delete it and i ended up going for an over support instead and this actually ended up breaking it as well but this time you see the taxi was able to get under it so what i did is just reinforce the back a little bit more and now when i try to run the taxi through it it actually does sort of work but then it ends up breaking too early and i realized here if i delete a single road piece and ends up getting under it just fine and ends up not shattering when it hits the bottom but when it comes back down again it does end up breaking but it breaks in a way that almost seems to be better but the truck ends up hitting it at a weird angle and that causes some problems but ended up raising the roadway up just a little bit for the truck and you see here it gets his front wheel over and it just needs that back wheel soap ended up raising up a little bit more and after that taxi just barely gets under it after that hits its dangling road dangling road falls down truck gets across gets on its little pathway back wheel just gets on it and pits its flag so with that one done next one here is three nine and this one is really tricky because it pretty much requires springs you see here i have to get the vespa across the top because it's two checkpoints but the truck also needs to get across and it's two checkpoints far lower and in order to do this normally you have to use springs so i ended up deleting everything here and my first idea was to use a sort of ramp system to hopefully catch both checkpoints at once and i could hopefully use one roadway for both cars now when i was planning this out here i didn't really think it through too much and you see it's just way too steep for the vespa to get across efficiently so it ends up just hitting the wall and stopping so i lower it down a little bit more and this helps but you see it still ends up just not getting there so adding some more road pieces like this to hopefully smooth it out a little bit more and this actually did seem to help a lot see the vessel gets a lot closer but it still ends up just breaking as soon as it hits that wall so i lowered it just a little bit more as well and you see here it actually does start to get over it and i raise up the entire platform a little bit more because i realized i'm probably wasting a little bit of energy by doing that you see here vespa gets across and it almost hits its star but it's off by just a little bit so ended up raising the roadway up a little bit and it got way closer but it's still quite far off and raising it up anymore and ends up just stalling so add in some more roads like this and the idea here is to make it even smoother to get a more efficient transfer but now it's still just not quite getting there i didn't seem to help out all that much so into adding some more roadways to the right side as well and doing this ends up causing a big problem because you see here the whole thing ends up just shattering under the weight and i ended up changing a lot of the reinforced roads out for regular roads and i ended up adding some diamonds in for support and it was so close to hitting the star but it was still off just by a little bit now to get a little bit more speed what i was thinking of doing was adding in a little bit of a ramp for the vespa to get up at first and hopefully that little extra bit of height would give it all the power it needed to get to the star but it didn't seem to actually help that much and i think the problem is that the extra height it gets is pretty much equal to the amount of speed it would get anyway just naturally going across that platform so it didn't really help out and after quite a bit of optimization i ended up deciding to scrap that and i have another idea instead that i thought would work out a little bit better so what i'm going for here is another one of my teeter-totter mechanisms and you see here it holds itself up for a little bit but then it ends up falling down so i have to reinforce a little bit better but you see here this way goes across and the truck's actually holding it up right now so it ends up hitting its checkpoint and you see it start falling and i can use this falling to allow another roadway to appear and that's the one the truck's gonna ride across and it's gonna be able to hit its checkpoint they see they're extended out and the vespa actually hit a checkpoint and i ended up copying it over to the other side just temporarily to figure out what sort of range i would need after that i ended up deleting the one on the right side and i tried reinforcing this middle platform just on the rock once did that you can see here if the espa gets across just fine hits the middle checkpoint roadway and left falls down entirely and now all you need to do is get the one on the right and i thought for sure this would probably just work and you see now vespa goes across it was over to the middle tries to go over to the right but now it's starting to fall and it actually falls a little too early and the vespa just doesn't get there so i tried adding some more roads here and adding more weight i was hoping would make it fall a little bit slower and originally it was actually too much stress and ended up breaking but even after reinforcing it it ended up not really working and adding on some more weights made it fall even earlier so i reverted to what it had before and instead i made it fall in a little bit of a different way and once it did that you see here it actually doesn't get across but it raises up at the end and i can use this raising up motion to allow another road on the bottom to catch it so that it can get all the way to its flag now you see there once i got it put in place it was caught but it was still a little too low so i raised up that roadway a bit and once i had that vespa got across was fine and all i have to do is make a roadway for the big truck to get across and i started out just by making the first node for the truck to ride across once i had that i just started making up the roadway like this and then i just started bracing it fortunately the bracing was actually pretty easy here because it was a pretty short length of road so it wasn't too bad you see now truck gets across just fine and it ends up reaching its checkpoint quite comfortably and easily enough gets over it says ton of power now that done just have to make the second roadway and it's basically the exact same thing except for some reason ended up being a little bit more annoying to tune but you see here after just a couple tries vespa gets across after that truck gets crossed as well his second checkpoint and that level completion now moving on here we got another really tricky level now 311 here you see i have to get two trucks across like this and i'm using a bunch of springs and i have a bunch of random supports above them so it's going to be a little tricky but i wanted to start out just by using the normal ramps i have and see any problems as they arise so just starting out here just made the first ramp out of road and seemed to work out just fine the truck actually was a little bit higher than it was supposed to be but that's easy enough to just limit now that done second ramp here pretty much the exact same idea i'm actually using the rocks for support right now but they seem to work just fine and i'm just getting all those roads in place like this and testing it out and you see works out just fine ends up breaking but it doesn't really matter truck gets crossed hits this flag so with that done i just have to work on this next ramp here and you see this is not very difficult just have to replace the four pieces out that truck it's across again and this ramp is where problems start to arise i have really no way to support this right now because if i try to support it on the bottom it's going to block the truck on the bottom but if i try to sport it on the top it's going to block the truck trying to go over the ramp so what i end up doing is deleting that really small ramp and i make it a lot bigger now what i want to do is make the truck on the right go all the way to the top platform and by doing that it's going to allow me to brace to the bottom platform without having to worry about anything so ended up just doing some basic bracing like this and the truck ended up breaking it a lot but after some rough changes you see here truck on the right ends up going all the way up the ramp and defending the top platform and once that was done it gets almost all the way to the end and once i had that next thing i need to do is make that middle ramp now i can finally brace to the bottom here and you see pretty easily ended up getting all the way over to the right it ends up breaking the ramp in the process but it ends up working out just fine and now all i have to worry about is this truck trying to get over to the left and in order to support it i can't make it go off the bottom but what i can do is use one of these teeter-totter platforms and it holds up for just long enough that the truck goes a little bit further and by extending it out just a little bit further i just barely avoid being over budget fully but you see here two trucks get across they just barely miss a ton of stuff and they end up breaking a lot too but doesn't really matter because they both hit their flags and beat the level now that done i just have one last level here and i ended up skipping 312 because i really wanted to try this level out now you see here i have the model to get all the way to the top and the van get all the way over to the bottom now i need some way of making the model t go over to the top and my first thought was just building a simple roadway on the bottom and what i want to do is make a sort of lever mechanism so that once the model t gets over on it it's going to flip up and hopefully go all the way over and allow the model to hit its flag now starting out i ended up going to reinforce that first bridge but you see here ends up stopping on its platform and now i should be able to make something happen so ended up waiting the platform a bit and you see here and as it was starting to move up but it gets stopped and it's because it hits the rocks and i'm gonna abuse something here where if you make split joints they're able to go through terrain and you can see now it's raising up a lot higher so after i do that i ended up just bracing it to hold it in place until the novelty gets in place and once you do that you see here starts flip up and model t gets some height now it needs a lot more power so what i end up doing here is add in some bunch more roads to the left and once i have that multi gets across and it really starts to flip up but the model t starts to roll down which is a little bit of a problem so they do is add on a little lip and this lip stops the model t from rolling and it actually gets a little bit higher up but it's still just not quite there so i ended up changing some of the reinforced roads to road so it wouldn't break as easily and what did that you see i also added on a catch and this actually helps a lot the model t gets almost audibly the top but it just doesn't quite end up getting there so my solution here is to move the lip a little bit further to the right and once i did this you see the model t just misses its checkpoint but if i move it in a little bit more you see it does hit it and now it's a lot higher up when it flips over and once you do that it actually gets really close to hitting its flag so the next thing i did here is actually just change out the cap just to make it a little bit steeper and now it rolls down just fine you see there ends up going across and looks pretty good but the catch is actually blocking the van from getting across and what i wanted to do is change out one of these roads for a diamond but in this case instead of make it stronger it's gonna make it a lot weaker and you see here the model t gets across but as the van hits it that diamond ends up breaking and that allows the model t to actually break the catch and get across fully so with all that done here are the final results so guys thanks for watching this definitely a really fun series and i'm really glad i got to continue it in this video so if you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them down below make sure to subscribe if you want to see more content like this and otherwise until next time
Channel: Reid Captain
Views: 1,376,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jSS1PSkkNW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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