Making a Tank in Poly Bridge 2

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hey guys it's been a while but i'm back in poly bridge i've wanted to make a tank for a few months now and i finally have the opportunity to do it so let's get right into it first thing i did is push the islands back together and i wanted to start working on the tank tread now the reason i wanted to start specifically with the tank tread is that everything else i do is gonna be based basically just off of this so you see there i had a bunch of roads in place and that was sort of the start of what i wanted but the roads ended up being too big so i have these small road segments instead and the idea is i'm gonna have a big chain of these that i'm able to just drive around and that's going to be basically just my tread now i have to use road here because it's the only material well i guess besides reinforced road that'll actually span across the entire width of the track and won't look weird when i'm trying to drive it so you can see here as i just load in it falls straight down and that's actually okay that means the whole thing is loose and i'm gonna be able to support it with some sort of wheel in the center this is the next thing i wanted to start on and for that i'm just gonna start out with some bridge pieces since usually it's the easiest way to go about things so i'm using some pieces of wood here and i'm just putting them together in this sort of spoke formation and if you give it a quick run road falls down and doesn't interact with it so i sort of expected this because the wood and the road don't interact with each other unless they're connected with a node so i just got the spacing right with all of these wheels and that was about what i wanted and the next thing i wanted to do is get it to start interacting with the roads so i put two roads on those wheels themselves but the roads pass straight through each other and this is sort of why i held off working on the tank for a while because i knew it would require custom shapes so by putting one in like this you can see it does interact with the roads and i'm pretty sure this is the only way that you could actually make a tank tread that like can move around in the way that tank tried normally do because you can't just use the standard bridge pieces but the custom shaped worked pretty much perfectly so just deleted all of those wood pieces i had in place and also expanded out the tank tried a little bit because it's a little bit too small to hold the custom shape in place so after just expanding it out to the size i wanted i put the custom shape in place and also put a dynamic anchor in the center now this is going to allow me to move around the shape while still being able to hold on to it and what i'm going to use that for is tying all the wheels together so i put all those other wheels in place here and i'm tying them together with a bunch of pieces of steel and once i did that the tank tread immediately broke so this is also something kind of to be expected because i need to put in an unbreakable mode and for most big vehicles in this game you kind of have to use unbreakable mode because the materials are incredibly weak i think someone figured out the steel was even weaker than styrofoam so that's just sort of the way things have to go there's a lot of slack in this track so what i decided to do is replace the steel pieces at the ends with springs and you can see here i have that and the tank tread is much more taut so now that i had that i needed some way to be able to power the tank tread and there's a few ways to go about this but the one i did for my armored vehicle that i wanted to try here was using some monster trucks and pushing them against the tank tread so as their wheels rotate it rotates the tank tread as well and allows it to move so i built up the basic basic frame for the tank here so i know where i'd be able to hide these trucks and after i did that i just put a truck in place and the normal procedure to get this to work is just to use a bunch of road pieces surrounding the truck and use springs to pull those road pieces against the truck which forces it against the tank treads in this case which allows the wheels to rotate the tank tread and the tank to move now here we went to test it i realized there's a lot of problems that i actually have never had to deal with before because the tank tread is still not perfectly taut it's allowed to move around a lot and that makes it very difficult for the truck to be able to get compressed against the tank tread and it's really hard for it to get really good power transfer so in this case when it's going perfectly flat it's fine but if you even give it just a tiny little bump like this these two trucks are really struggling to move the tank treads eventually here they just get totally stuck and can't even do it at all so i delete the tanks and it decided to work on a hydraulic engine instead now to get started on the hydraulic engine i just put in a single hydraulic like this told it to fully expand and then put in a single piece of steel at the bottom of it attached to another fixed joint so the idea is as the hydraulic expands it'll be able to rotate the steel piece around and here after i put a little wood piece on it just to bias it a little bit you can see i sort of get that movement now the problem with this is that at the top and bottom of this hydraulics rotation that has a weak point and will allow the engine to rotate backwards again which is not what i want so i was hoping to use some sort of imbalance to get this engine to work and my first thought was using a bunch of small hydraulics as opposed to using a large hydraulic since small hydraulics contract faster than large hydraulics do so here you can see that i have a large chain of hydraulics and after those small hydraulics are fully expanded the large hydraulic's not even halfway done and same for contracting so is hoping to use this imbalance and contraction and expansion speed to be able to somehow drive an engine so my first order of business though is getting these chains of small hydraulics stable so that they weren't just a chain of small hydraulics they were a rigid body and after using some horizontal hydraulics to get that done you can see now i have a totally rigid set of hydraulics that are able to contract and expand faster than just a single hydraulic so the next thing i thought to do is use another hydraulic to pull in a second piston a little bit closer to a first one and it's incredibly hard to explain i'm not even entirely sure how it works but it just did and what it's going to do is offset the rotation of one of the hydraulics just enough that it biases it to rotate in the correct direction so even under load i can have two hydraulics move exactly how i want now this setup is impossible to do unless you're on unbreakable mode because otherwise having that small hydraulic pull in is gonna pull on the hydraulic badly and mess things up totally so the setup i had didn't quite work under load but i thought it was pretty close to working so i decided to continue working on it here you can see as the small hydraulic expands how it pulls the hydraulic end allows the engine to continue rotating so to improve this i wanted those large hydraulics on the outside to be the fast contracting and expanding ones so i just had to copy those in place and now you can see the engine is technically rotating now in a linear fashion but under load it doesn't quite do that and it ends up just oscillating between two different positions but since i was getting much closer i decided to put in a large hydraulic like this which is going to expand and contract much slower this is going to pull on those rotational points which is going to allow the engine to continue rotating in a circle even under load and here you can see how that contraction works it pulls in those two points and allows the engine to continue rotating now in this case it didn't have a quite set right and it sort of exploded on itself but after just adjusting its position a little bit i eventually got this sort of rotation which is exactly what i wanted and i tried a fairly heavy load here with just a bunch of roads and at first it seemed pretty promising and was able to rotate around but it was here that it ended up rotating backwards again i realized what i had was my hydraulic solution that i made before worked for when the pistons were fully expanded but when the hydraulics are fully contracted it didn't do anything for that so i needed to create a little bit of an offset so that the engine would have a desire to start rotating clockwise when it initially starts and then the hydraulic will help it to bias it to rotate clockwise when it's fully expanded so i felt pretty good at this point and thought about putting it on the tank no i didn't realize how massive this engine was in comparison to the tank and it was literally like its entire size at this point so it just basically got all the connections together to hold the engine and then just temporarily set it off to the side and then expanded the size of the tank a ton so i just added a bunch more wheels and also expanded out the level area so that i'd be able to move this thing around now if you're putting a bunch more custom shapes i just put in a bunch more tank tread as well and i finally see all those custom shapes in place and then connecting them together with a bunch of compressed springs to push out the tank try to keep it's hot and the next thing to do is connect the engine back up to the tank now this is a little bit harder than i thought because all those connection points that i attached the engine to the wheels with have some issues in that they're all just directly connected together and they aren't able to just freely move up or down or whatever so they wouldn't work so well as a tank since there's literally no suspension there but together to start driving the tank wheel what i did is added four more dynamic anchors to that last wheel and then use the four bar linkage to connect the rotation of the engine to the wheel and as the engine rotates you can see the wheel rotates so nothing was really happening and i think it's because i didn't give the wheel any bite on the tread so i did some teeth under the wheel to be able to have it grab onto the tread and pull it forwards and after i did that it seemed to help but it was having a lot of trouble i think it's because i just have way too much tread and wheels and it just doesn't have enough power to really rotate around around there's just too much friction so i lowered that and it was moving around much easier except for the fact that it ran back into the wheels that i had before and after moving those you can see it pretty much able to just easily move the wheel and move the tank tread so i'm not entirely sure why i did this but i decided that i wanted to move the powered wheel from the back to the front of the tread i think it's because i thought it would have an easier time pulling the tread forwards instead of pushing it forwards but i'm not actually sure if that was the case but in any case i'm moving the power from the back wheel to the front wheel now i also realized that the engine looked really ugly at this point it stood up way taller than it needed to and the steel wasn't even like symmetrical or anything so i just gave it a big makeover and shrunk it down quite a bit so now it's just getting supported in a much more efficient way so i needed some way to be able to transfer the rotation from the engine to that front wheel and for that i'm going gonna use a bunch more four bar linkages like i did before but this time i'm just gonna chain a bunch of them together and i'll put in the second one here and as you're just making sure to support them you can see as the engine rotates that rotation gets carried further forwards so finally all i have to do is connect the rotation from that last four bar linkage up to the front wheel and once i got that you can see as the engine rotates it rotates the front wheel so that was pretty much good for the drive mechanism and what i wanted to focus on next was the gun now here you can see i just ended up putting on some springs and a model t and it shot it out but i didn't really like that and really the main reason is just that all i did was pre-tension a bunch of springs and then i just told them to let go at some point and then just shoot the model t out which wasn't that interesting and i thought what would be more interesting is to actually have the engine pull back the springs and then launch something out with its own power and the first thing i did was make a rack like this and i'm putting an opinion too and move that pinion down under the tank and then connected it up to one of the four bar linkages and just had to support it and then you can see as the engine rotates the pinion is rotating as well so what i did as well is put on the rack and the idea is that as the pinion rotates it'll be able to pull it back and charge up some sort of spring mechanism and you can see for the most part it's able to pull it back fine here so it is delete the barrel that i had before since i wasn't really going to use it and i put in a second pinion like this because i was originally thinking of having a second gear in place to reverse this direction so i could pull the rack backwards and be able to shoot something out the front of the tank since if i didn't have this i'd have to put the gun on the left side of the tank which is fine but it's just a little weird that it'd be shooting in the opposite direction that it's moving so to hold the rack in place i'm just using a bunch of roads like this and then i tried to support those roads somehow so i just made a simple truss system but i decided to support it from the bottom instead since it looked a bit cleaner and then i put some roads in the bottom of the rack as well to be able to support it but i realized immediately having the second pinion in place is kind of a problem because as the bottom pinion rotates the top one ends up getting stuck a lot because the gears just don't mesh very well now having a four tooth gear isn't exactly the best idea but the issue is if i put more teeth in the gear it's gonna try to pull back the rack faster which the engine isn't really powerful enough to do so i'm sort of just stuck in an awkward spot but i decided to just continue with it because it was good enough for just some simple testing and to do that i'm just putting in some springs like this so as the rack moves back it has to pull on these springs but immediately as soon as it starts putting tension on the springs the engine ends up getting stuck and rotates in the wrong direction so to hopefully decrease the amount of friction between these two pinions i changed up geometry to top pinion and it seemed to help a bit and ended up getting a little bit further but the engine still ended up going in the wrong direction and letting the rack release some tension so i deleted the top pinion and decided i was probably just gonna need to use one it's not that big a deal it just means that the barrel of the gun is gonna be on the left side of the tank and it's gonna be moving from left to right so it's a little bit reverse it's gonna be like a strategic or treat tank we'll we'll call it that so now as the pinion rotates exceeds easily able to move that rack backwards and i'm putting in the barrel here so i just go for a pretty simple shape and i start out i want to shoot out a vespa now this was just a small bike like this and it should be pretty light and pretty easy to move i move the vespa in place and just put in some springs to tension up and i can see is the rack moves back so spring gained a bunch of tension and at some point i'll be able to just release that all at once and hopefully shoot the vespa out so just change up the launch mechanism to make it easier to release and put in a split joint which will release once the racket's pulled back to its maximum extent so now you can see i have that in place and the vespa falls out because i have nothing holding it in place yet that's fine but you can see that the springs end up getting let go of and pull it forwards so that wasn't too bad so to hold the vespa in place i put in a little bit of a road here and then just a steel piece to be able to pin it in place and the exceeded vest was totally stuck but it's still able to get thrown forwards so i just have the rack tensioned back and once it lets go it's close to hitting the vespa but it ends up whiffing it so i change up some of the spring geometry just a little bit and once i do this you can see it ends up hitting the vespa straight on but it barely moves it it didn't even get it out of the barrel now i thought at this point what was probably happening was just that it was too heavy and instead of shooting at a whole bike we could probably do is shoot out a small road piece which would go a lot faster and further and would just look better in general so i added a custom shape and this one i'm going to use to hold in that single road piece so i got it just like c shape and put in a bunch of anchors then just rotate it up in place and once i get that you can see i'm putting in that road there that's what's going to be shot out and now as i go to test it it's close to working but the road ends up just falling straight out of it so i change up the carriage size just a little bit just make it a bit beefier to hopefully not have the road fall out but it ends up just tilting down and no matter what the road is going to slide out so i added another anchor like this and then connect it up to the rack and once i do that it ends up being perfectly stable and the road gets held in just fine so we have the rack go all the way back and now once it releases it's not too bad it ends up getting pulled forwards but it goes straight into the ground and the road ends up having to bounce on the ground so what i did is shrink down the size of that carriage just a little bit to hopefully encourage the road to go up instead of down i put in a couple cables to keep that carriage from going too far forwards so at some point it gets caught and then the road ends up flying forwards instead of it and i also changed up the springs a little bit so there's two springs at the end instead of just one which keeps it more straight and now to go for another test you can see the road ends up getting shot out much better than before but it still kind of goes into the ground so i lowered that bottom anchor just a little bit and once i did that the road ended up getting shot straight up and pretty much just worked so if you notice the tank wasn't moving during any of those tests and it's because i just straight up deleted the connections going from the engine to the front wheel so it just had no way of moving now it's going to need some way to be able to destroy that connection so that the tank can end up diverting the power from the wheel to the rack to be able to pull it back and be able to shoot something out so here you can see you set up just a simple four bar linkage and if you put a small road on it you can see it ends up swinging back and forth and the rotation from the top wheel gets carried to the bottom wheel this is like the tank was normally before but to destroy that connection my idea was to use a mechanical lock and i could do that here with just a couple pieces of steel and a hydraulic so once the hydraulic expands and ends up breaking this diamond hydraulic and the connection from the top wheel isn't carried to the bottom wheel so if you hook that up to all four bars like this now before the hydraulics end up getting broken you can see the rotation gets carried just like before but once the hydraulics expand the rotation in the top wheel no longer is getting carried to the bottom wheel they're only loosely coupled and that means i should be able to divert all the power from that front wheel to the rack and now you can see once i got that hooked up to the tank it moves forward just fine until those hydraulics expand at which point the tank just stops moving and the rotation from the engine is no longer getting carried to the front wheel so similarly i need some way to be able to stop the power from going into the rack until i want it to so once it stops moving it could start shooting should be able to divert that power properly what i can do is use a single hydraulic like this it's gonna initially push on the pinion to just push it out of the way so that it's not interacting with the rack at all but once it's time to charge up the rack it's gonna pull it into position so that it can start rotating against the rack and you can see that here once it starts expanding it gets pushed up into place it's pretty violent there but once it's in place you see once the engine rotates starts pulling back the rack and you could also notice that the wheel isn't rotating at all so i have a way of diverting all of my power from the wheel into the shooting mechanism now i want to start off the showcase a little differently instead of having a full level this thing goes through i wanted to try a few small tests so here i have a limo and i just want to see if this thing can get over a limo so it initially has some issues and you can see it ends up moving backwards there and that happens sometimes because the engine doesn't rotate fully and ends up going backwards instead of forwards now it's not a problem because it actually does kind of help sometimes it ends up moving a tank out of the way pushed it back into position and sometimes that new position is a little bit easier for the tank to get over which helps it out a lot so you can see here ended up getting over the limo just fine and the next thing i wanted to try out was a tow truck now this is going to be kind of hard because the top of the tow truck is above the center point of the wheels i was a little worried it wasn't going to be able to even get over this at all but the front wheel did end up getting over it and eventually it ended up just falling into this loop where it seemed like the top of the truck got caught in between two of the wheels and it just would not get over it so the tow truck wasn't quite possible but i was kind of asking a lot of this because it's kind of a massive wouldn't get over so the next thing i thought was just a pile of espas which is sort of similar to the tow truck but i was hoping they'd be able to move around a lot more freely and the tank would be able to get over it they ended up being very stable though which surprised me and it ended up having a similar problem where i got caught in between a bunch of wheels so i just deleted those and i wanted to see if i could get over a bus now just having the bus directly i knew it had no chance of getting over but having a bunch of cars with a height leading up to the buses height i was hoping you'd be able to get over that so there's some initial success you can see got over the first three cars but ended up moving backwards and forwards in the bus for a while until eventually it did get a grip and was able to pull the tread and fell off the back of the bus so now we just find a simple level for this to go through starts out with a sports car here and once the level's over the sports car will reach its flag that's how it'll end but it has to climb that gets over a little ledge has to climb this bridge here which the custom shapes can interact with so that should be perfectly fine and then once it's done with the bridge it ends up going to this flat area which it'll settle on and that's where it'll pull back the rack and be able to shoot [Music] and that's it so guys thanks for watching i held off on this video for a little while because he was gonna involve custom shapes which i wasn't very familiar with so i'm glad i ended up figuring out how to use them and got to make this so if you have any questions or comments feel free to ask below and otherwise until next time you
Channel: Reid Captain
Views: 1,770,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kc7e6q8ijbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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