Breaking Out of the Narrow Place | Chuck Pierce

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i am honored to turn this platform over to a great man of god prophet chuck pierce come and tell us whatever god is saying to you and do it however you want to do it stand and let's let him know we're glad he's here wow wow wow everybody shout breakthrough well that was awesome let's thank god for the worship that was tremendous you may be seated what a blessing to be here what a what a joy to be here with all of you and it's really interesting uh my wife yesterday maybe it was this morning she said uh since you're doing so much zoom stuff why did you decide to go [Music] to ohio which i'd already done three this week uh things in other nations and various uh uh gatherings and i said well first of all there's certain people up there i like [Music] and i'm tired of being here you know i mean i want you to think about it last year 578 000 miles in the air this year then my life drastically shifted i mean and that a normal year for me is about 450 000 miles throughout the world and so it has been a very interesting adjustment in my life because it's it's been good it's been awesome i don't think pam and i we've been married 48 years i do not think we've ever spent this much time together ever in our entire marriage and she said you know only god could have done this in your life only god could have done this and i know that but i asked him what i did to deserve it because you know i'm i'm i'm different and i'm not a domestic type and it's it's real interesting and so and i've really been a majority of the time uh at our place so it's been it's been interesting and the other reason that i feel like i'm here in ohio it's because god spoke to me and that's what i want to deliver during this message he spoke to me about ohio specifically and when i say that now i i went back and read a lot of the prophetic words now tim i'm going to have to tell you i'm sorry to tell you this it's been over 18 years that i've been coming here yes you you look younger because you're lost weight uh you look great but it's been 18 years that we've been gathering here and pressing forward together and to see so many of you is just it's just incredible and of course dutch sheets i have probably other than pam now you have to understand pam and dutch my wife and dutch sheets have the same birthday they act just alike now dutch and i probably have synergized our gift together throughout the world and especially in the united states more than anyone i have ever synergized my gift with uh but just think what it would be like if we live together uh i mean you know he he can be very very mean to me see how nice i'm being with him not here but i have missed him so much this year first of all he went through his back uh crisis and then of course with this uh incredible event that we're maneuvering our way through throughout the world where we haven't been able to all be together as much as i like us to be together and but i i believe god had a plan in that and that's what i want to talk to you about and then i want to loose the word that he gave me for ohio and so during this time charisma called and said is there any way you can write a book in eight days and i said well you know i'm maybe i i'm i don't have a lot of other things to do you know uh and yet i do think perhaps i could they said because we want to get a now word out now with that within by the end of may this book was ready for all of us it's called the passover prophecies now i want to encourage you this book is worth you getting now i was telling tim i read tim's newest book and wrote a forward for it yesterday and that book is incredible some of the best books that have been written during these last five to seven years have been by dr tim sheets let's thank god for those books but this book encapsulates the time we're living in and where we're going based upon what god has said to us it really will help you through the next six years and i want to explain to you why now i've got another book out there that i've been rereading called god's unfolding battle plan that book also is very helpful i was listening to rachel as she was leading in worship up here and she kept singing lots of issues from that book because we are in a mind war and we're in a presence war and we are in all this warfare dynamic that we're in and we have to know how to maneuver it that book is also very helpful for uh you to move forward but this book on august the 2nd of last year god started speaking to us now about this time every year we gather together as a staff and we've been doing it for many years almost 40. and we seek the lord based upon what he's doing in the year ahead now our calendar always has been built around his covenant plan here in the word of god which god gave his covenant to us from a hebraic it's a hebraic covenant and so it's built around understanding that the hebraic time system the whole word of god is so we have always sought the lord based upon the hebraic here as well as our own uh gregarion uh calendar that we have that we use and so starting about august we start seeking the year ahead that's what makes us prophetic now uh apostle tim said something that's very important about these hub meetings what the early ecclesia would do is once a month gather together now that's how they operated they didn't they didn't come every sunday together they didn't come every s shabbat together uh look at somebody and say shabbat shalom i've been doing shabbat since 1978 my wife and i have and uh so they they didn't come every shabbat uh together like they did corporately once a month and we have always come together once a month in what is called rashkadesh which is first fruits new moon every time the moon would shift biblically they would gather it was a timing issue because it's linked with harvest and what god would do tim is the very thing you said while you're having these meetings he would draw them together prophetic revelation would come forth then they would use that as their prayer guide to bring them into the next step for the ecclesia to advance so in other words what you're doing here is a tremendous biblical model let's thank god for that and so last august we started see seeking the lord and we saw that we weren't just entering a new year and uh the best book out there uh is a new era by tim sheetz and but we were entering a new era and a new era is not the same as shifting to a new year shifting to a new decade it is actually shifting into a new historical realm of action and so what we've done during this time is shift into this new historical realm of action and because of that we knew we had to really seek what was going to happen in hebrew we entered into the year 5780 which was the new era now with that in hebrew numbers have word meaning they have picture meaning they have sound meeting it's a whole language why did god choose hebrew as his covenant language well it's because he made covenant with abram abraham the hebrew now what that means is abraham the one who is able to cross over so through the lord jesus christ and by the power of his blood we are grafted back into the blessings of abraham and that means each one of us built into our dna is the ability for us to cross over tell somebody nearest to you we're crossing over now so that's why you want to always see it from a hebraic perspective the word of god is written around three major feasts you heard tim mentioned pentecost it's written around passover it's written around pentecost it's written around the feasts of tabernacles harvest feast and then rash kadesh moves you from harvest to harvest to harvest always keeping a harvest mentality and a blessing mentality until the blessings of god overtake you now that is important for this area of the united states what god is saying right now you're about to be overtaken [Music] it's going to surprise you how you're overtaken it's going to surprise you how the interaction begins to occur so when we started looking at the word pay on august the 2nd of last year we noticed that it was linked with purim that was a pay word it was linked with passover that was a pay word it was linked with pentecost that was a pay word and it caught my attention and we're sitting there holding that up at revelation because the word pay has tremendous meaning that i'll show you in a moment and all of a sudden it meant to me that watch the feast times this year for they will lead you into the new era and so while we're seeking the lord there i put two things in my notes which i copied and sent when charisma was asking me for documentation i had this sentence in my notes the coming year at passover at purim there will be an attack that keeps us uh that tries to confine us and wipe out the movement that god is moving in the earth ahead now that was the last august and then i said there will this passover will become a modern day passover now many of you know we've been doing passover for years big passovers we've had 10 000 at times we we had a tent that we used for five for two weeks that held five thousand so we've had these big gatherings at passover but robert heiler would always say you know at the original passover the people of god had to go into their house shut the door and really worship they had to be alone they they couldn't be together they had it was a family unit getting ready to war for the future and he would tell me that every year and i'd say well maybe one year god's going to do that this year this year for the first time since the original passover all of israel was held behind the shut door of their home all of a sudden in history we are back at the beginning of a new era now because of that something else this time it just wasn't the jewish people it was the gentiles people all of a sudden god said i'm going to make sure all of my one new man jew and gentile get shut up together so i can start them off new and fresh to pass over and cross over tell somebody we're crossing over we're going to keep crossing over so with passover i knew there had to be some modern day pandemic that would come and here we are in the midst of [Music] the exercising of this infirmity that's the way i want to say it because some way another god has used this infirmity to redo his people he's created a divine pause from this infirmity yes you know there's lots of things none of us like somebody said will you wear a mask i said if i get hungry enough and i want a steak yes i'll wear a mask to the restaurant i said there's certain places if i want to go i'll wear a hazmat suit if i have to go i am not too proud to try to dress differently i'm telling you and so it's been a lot of issues flying it is not near as fun as it used to be i mean i used to fly when you have a status like me you fly first class they take care of you now they don't give they don't give you water i mean i said no wonder americans american airlines is bouncing back they're doing what spirit airline does at american prices i mean it's really interesting so it's been a lot of interesting things that's happened but from this my real issue was that there would become such an economic rearrangement worldwide that if god's people were not aware of what was going on we would not make our shift into the next season correctly and so in here have a whole chapter on uh the economic ramifications summarize that we're up against uh uh lots of encouraging things this is not a doom and gloom book and somebody said well why didn't you just jump up and tell us in august that we were coming into this pandemic that was going to kill so many people i said wouldn't that been really fun for all the rest of us i said because that in how true prophets really operate true prophets exercise both the mind and the heart of god and therefore until the heart of god is expressing what's going on you need to keep your mouth shut and you need to learn wisdom and from your revelation that you're carrying so it's been a very interesting dynamic as we move forward and what i want to say is it wasn't just this passover this past passover that would change us we have now entered a passover era that's why you have to understand the concepts of passover and how you're going to have to understand crossing over at every key place that you get to it becomes very very important and you're going to have to understand time and place that's why i'm here in ohio i feel like this is a central place that is important for the future of this nation the other place i will be going is pennsylvania i'll be going to pittsburgh uh and it's something about this area that determines the future of our nation that is very important for us to see and then the other word another pay word that was really interesting that i i didn't put into but i want to discuss it that we started discussing at the end of the year last year another pay word was riots that this would be a year filled with riots to the point where things would be so stirred up in the atmosphere that only the glory of god could settle it and i really believe why i'm telling us this is this is key for us to understand that this isn't just the devil running rookus with the world we are in a time where god is saying just what was said a minute ago we are rising up we are coming into a place like never before as god's people and so i started looking at passover principles that become very very important and this became the real issue he pulled them aside to bring them out now look at somebody and say here we are he brought them out by armies see that's a word we don't use for the church and yet it is the model for the church he brought them out by armies by tribes every territory every people he he gathered them together in their like-minded war fashion that's why we're here and then he brought them out in to and with wealth he brought them out to bring them in to a promise he had been waiting for them to occupy for 476 years it is not much different in america right now he has been waiting for us to occupy this land and then he said you'll move from a modern day passover to a present-day pentecost mentality i loved what you were saying about pentecost here and then i'm going to take you beyond into a place you've never been before so tell somebody near you get ready to go beyond now tim i went back 15 years ago to show what we did here at this place now this is 15 years ago and i think we see i think we lose track of what god says in time but i can look and see what god's been doing here and remember we were here for an incredible gathering school of prophets that was 15 years ago 2005 and with that we started making decrees that we were coming into a new pentecost now listen to what you just said i think sometimes we lose sight of how god brings us into the moment everyone say the moment and so in other words when you start talking about pentecost you talk about getting ready for an open heaven to come and 15 years ago when we were coming to this all of a sudden two of our dear friends who minister all over and who minister especially in the 13 colonies john and share price for coming here to the school of profits and she saw this word in the cloud over this place and that word was over middletown ohio and she just drew it out and she brought it to robert heidler because he was here for the school and uh he knows of course greek and hebrew and on and on and she said do you know what this word means and it was a greek word that was up in the sky over this place 15 years ago and it means schizo it means that all over this place there is a ripping apart that is going on over this area of america there is a tearing apart that's going on now that takes us into kentucky that takes us into uh indiana that takes us into uh pennsylvania west virginia over this area there is a tearing apart portions of michigan see god has not changed his mind in other words he says i'm tearing this thing apart and now what you're doing now is beginning to get an open heaven resting above you where there will be just a dynamic a flow non-stop between heaven and earth now since then we have seen all sorts of things happen that brings us to what this era is about the next 10 years this is about coming face to face with the sound of heaven so that that sound penetrates us in such a way that we can't do anything but release it see in other words what started 15 years ago now it's got such an openness here which it wasn't open 18 years ago oh it was from hell and i'll just go ahead and tell you that and at that school of profits it was from it got worse and yet now all of a sudden god has said i've got this thing to a place where now you're going to demonstrate who i am from this area i am bringing you i'm just not above you telling you what i'm doing i am bringing you face to face with me so you can demonstrate what i'm doing in a new way that's what this place is about as we move forward and so with that you see the line of the tribe of judah with his mouth open roaring and roaring and roaring and coming she's precious we have 15 grandkids it's never quiet it doesn't bother me at all you just learn to talk over or listen carefully you'll find out what's going on with all the rest of them now you see what staying his home at home has done for me i could tell you stories now and then my wife you know went through this crisis with her sugar levels so she and she was she was a vegetarian for 10 years so i've had to listen to that for 10 years prior and now she is so disciplined i mean i have to you don't know how alcoholics operate where they sneak around you know and they drink and they have their bottle hidden and you know you read about it i minister to people like that i do it with biscuits and gravy and bread and butter now you know all my vices now now let's show you what this looks like what pay looks like is where your mouth is opening up and decreed in other words it's gotten it's taken us this long to get us to a place where we decree and god had to pull us aside to get us into this place so he could form in us his voice in such a way that we could say what we needed to say and with that what we're doing right now and he had to teach us this people starting at this passover really here's what the word means it means that not only are you vocalizing and speaking and breathing now look what we're in contending with as we all have to wear masks in most places we're contending with the breath that is the way to say it and this was stated last year we would be contending with the breath and yet what really we're doing go ahead chad is we're commanding a new opening to occur see in other words that thing that cloud that schizo cloud that was above you that means tear apart rip apart now we here in the earth are commanding this new opening to come forth you're commanding new openings for your family you're commanding new opening openings for the worship of your region you're commanding new openings for your territory you're commanding new openings for this nation you are decreeing a thing and watching it manifest that's a pay word you are commanding uh it uh one of my favorite verses is out of isaiah 45 it says for the lord the holy one of israel its maker says this ask me about the things to come he wants to show us the future concerning your sons and daughters and command ye me the works of my hands command me to work that's why he had to pull us aside to get us to a place where we had a new confidence to decree and that's what's happening with us and with that now we're moving forward now egypt when you look at it egypt was a narrow place where they had to leave the but here's what i want you to know about the exodus it occurs in every key era in god's people's lives therefore we are in a divine exodus right now but we cannot be held captive and not get to the place that god has intended us to get to now that's what apostle tim was prophesying and why did he do that we were in types of slavery we weren't even aware we were in all of us see you can get so familiar with slavery that you want to live in it the rest of your life and and tate sent me a word today that i gave last year i said washington dc get ready because you think you're in control of everything with all of that bickering that you're doing there up there god is getting ready to surprise you how he starts setting a new order in the earthrail see i look at how we're moving right now and it's sort of a reprieve before we have to go into our next crisis because you see with the slavery what slavery wants to do is to keep you in a narrow place paul talks about it in romans 7 6 7 and 8. slavery will keep you in such a narrow place that you are confined and not capable of really expressing fully of who who you are and what you're about and what a territory is about it will slavery is not the same thing as racism so don't confuse the two any of us can be in slavery uh racism is all of the root of racism you can go back all the way to uh cain and abel the root of racism will will always be anti-semitism where some way another you're not really getting in god's order of breakthrough and you're exalting something above someone else and so slavery comes where you are held captive and constricted you can be enslaved to things that hold you captive personally physically spiritually and emotionally and this is at the very end of the month that we must break out of now i'm going to explain that to you when you start studying the months throughout the word of god you get to a month where they got so constricted they agree with the slander against their promise for the future that's the danger of august that we're in right this moment we could actually instead of pressing on through into that place that changes the course of all america we could come into agreement with the narrow place we're in i love the way you got up and set the course for this meeting we cannot agree with that which will keep us in the dire straits and the other reason i felt like i needed to be here i needed to celebrate the last sunday the last weekend the last shabbat that is linked with this dire straight time where we say we're breaking out of it in jesus name [Applause] and so see the dire straight months is where they agreed with a curse you can go to numbers 12 13 14 you can read it all through there this is where all of a sudden they had been just totally upset over the conditions of what they had been in but they determined that they needed to see their promise and so moses took one of the leaders from each tribe and sent them in to the promised land they got in there they tasted they touched they saw how incredible the promise was the greats the riches what was ahead for it then they saw the warfare that it was going to take to secure and occupy that promise and all of a sudden they turned and they slandered the promise well you know the whole story they get back and 10 out of the 12 are doing nothing but talking about how bad everything is two are saying we can take those giants we can move in against them the ten became the voice of rule now this is what i want to say to you we are here in ohio tonight to change the voice of rule for this nation the lord has to have a people who change the voice of rule and when you look at ohio at middletown crossroads central to the future of this nation kentucky pennsylvania indiana west virginia all of a sudden the lord says i've destined you to be the voice of rule beginning now some way tonight god didn't choose texas to be the voice of rule i'd be in texas having a meeting he chose i know the lord too well when you've gone the millions and millions and millions of miles following him you know where he says this is my place this becomes the voice of rule for the future now put your hand right here and say this that means his voice is in me that means this place becomes a dynamic place of gathering and days ahead for decree that means this place breaks us out of a narrow transition as a nation and breaks the power of the curse that's operating against us see what happened at that time from that time forward in history to now until jerusalem three years ago was declared the capital of israel it has had a curse operating against that people we have the history of how that curse is operated over and over and over but something has happened to shift that and the shift started coming from this nation and now because of that that curse wants to hold us in a narrow place captive to where we don't break out break through and break over tell somebody we're breaking out now let me show you this narrow place of transition so it's not an easy place but tonight we're coming through it tonight we're coming through it not just here not just individually but for our nation transition has three phases it has an ending and that's why we don't like transition because you're going to have to die to something it has a confusion about it where we don't know what we're doing that's what we've been in and then it has a new beginning eventually you come into the new beginning you need now think about after they came back with that awful report joshua and caleb had to set in that mess for 40 years where they did the same thing over and over and never got out of that narrow place because it's linked with wilderness bemidbar it means you're in between and it's very dangerous how you're going to come all the way through any woman who's ever had a birth understands this you get to that place where you are transition and something's got to give there's no turning back uh our pam's first pregnancy i i still remember how awful that was you know i mean it was just uh she got in there she the baby would come down and then go back up come down and go back up finally the nurse actually got on her stomach and started pushing the doctor got forceps and he looked up and he said we have a problem i said get this child out because we couldn't have children and this was our first promise to come forth i said do what is necessary to get this child out and it was very dramatic what she went through to do that and then the second child came in eight minutes that was very dramatic for me on the way to the airport on the way to the doctor's office on the way the hospital i was screaming so loud you just have no idea and driving and you know and you know how bad that is driving and screaming driving and screaming and she says but the baby's head is out driving and screaming driving and screaming i had to take all of her pills so transitions aren't easy they're just not easy we have to help each other get through them we have to help each other press through them because see the narrow place it it's that place where if you don't get out of the wilderness you can't get into restoration if you don't travail through the narrow place and through that position of transition you get caught and confined and your life becomes real precarious now this is very prophetic for us right now we are at this place and my my hope is that ohio and i use that inclusive for this region is going to press us through if you don't adjust in your narrow place and come through you can't ever get into your new place see it it's it's a strange thing but see it's a place where the stewardship of your future depends on it now this is what i want to get to tonight and this is what why this book is so helpful we're at the most critical place of the provisional release for our future and because you look in the word of god you get over to luke 18 this is where the rich young ruler says i want to be your disciple i want to follow you and the lord says go sell everything you've got he said whoa that's too hard i can't make that shift and the guy went away and the lord said it's easier for a rich man it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle than a rich man to come into the kingdom of god and i really think this is where america is tonight i really think this is where we are pressing forward tonight and remember for the camel to get through they would bring all this load of spices and beautiful things from the silk road it had to be totally unloaded become very vulnerable to the thieves the camel had to come through then they would bring each piece through one by one and reload the camel we are in the process of getting through so we can reload now hear what i'm saying to you all of us we're all at this place and so with that i want to say to us god has an order for restoration he has an order for prosperity he has an order for breakthrough see in deuteronomy 8 it says now it's time for you to finally go in remember the lord he's brought you to this land this 40 years later after those who didn't want to go in died off now one of the things that's happening right now there is a structure dying off that would keep us from going in has nothing to do with age because caleb and uh joshua waited it out for 40 years they were 80 years old and they said let's go so it has nothing to do a matter of fact anybody in here that is 80 and above this year you are going to prophesy in ways you've never prophesied before any of you 70 and above are going to start breaking powers of captivity that have never been broken off you're going into a place of great authority with your words to break off captivity off of your promise 60 and above the lord says you're breaking out of a flesh and coming into a completion of what god has for you 50 and above the lord says you decreed jubilee over your land and over your family i could go on and on and then he says to them here he he says to them here i'm giving you this and he says and you shall remember the lord for it it's he who gives you the power to get well now nobody teaches better on this than dutch because that word actually means he gives you the strength the capacity what this actually means is he causes you to be able to adapt so you can prosper change your colors if necessary shift any way you need to shift and so here we are and what i want to do tonight before i prophesy is i want to loose an anointing of timing on you we are in god's moment here tonight that anointing of timing that means that you have come through a process and god has you here ready to move forward can anybody witness to that in here it means you're at a significant time of shifting and here's what the lord showed me we have to do see god is the same yesterday today and forever the lord woke me up one morning he said who am i i said you're god remember moses said who do i tell them sent me and he said tell them i am sent you that means in hebrew i will be what you need me to be i said your god you'll be who i need you to be and he said how do i operate i said you're the same yesterday today and forever and he said that's what i want my people to understand because i have created them in my image and they live in three time dimensions and they are not pressing fully into their future see you're sitting there right now you're living in your past you're living in your presence stomp your foot present right this moment and then he says you can command an expected end to come you can command and create your future that's what makes us prophetic and in the midst of that what happens to you god's not in time we're in time time is a circle and what happens is we look at it linearly and then we'll step back and we'll say well my past is doing this or this is what's happening and before long you're held captive in your past and as your held captive in your past you miss your moment and then you don't prophesy your future see tonight is a moment that's why these meetings are being held and because of that we are moving from an accepted time into a fulfillment of time where eternity is starting to operate beyond where we are and god brought us here you know why because faith works in time and place he predetermines our time and place and why he predetermines it is for us to express and grab hold of him at that time and place and all of a sudden the word says in acts 17 we can grasp him and pull him down and create a new horizon that's what this is about all of a sudden we're doing that and we are in this time to aggressively press for the promise the transference of the power we need for the future the word wealth is linked with power it's linked with favor it's linked with everything we need for days ahead and god gathered us into this central place this hub so we can do this now i want you to stand up we'll discuss more in the morning but i haven't said what god said about you and what we're going to do tonight when you've been to a place you feel his presence here you don't want to just go back to things he said you want to hear what he's saying but one word he did take me back to was that this would be a central place that would be used as an armory for the whole region so the lord says start developing the weapons of my people here start unlocking those weapons that's been locked up in them start unlocking those gifts that can cause the enemy to fall what he said about you is this he said ohio will be my fulcrum beginning now now fulcrum is that place where it's resting on something but it creates the pivot for the future it's where the lever comes to cause the shift that needs to be shifted it's a place where force is applied so everything shifts and when the lord said that to me this week he said ohio the ohio valley really will become the fulcrum for this nation beginning now there is a force in this region that has the ability to pivot this nation into its future and that force is within my people and i am here to activate that force saith the lord and he sent me because i need to have it activated in me and he's i had to be here to get it activated therefore wherever i go i can activate it this is the place he's chosen it's something about you that you need to see who you are and how you're going to be used so let's lift our hands father there's a supernatural force in this people that is beginning to be exercised i'm not going to say about to be really it's beginning to be exercised there are gifts in this people that are here and those that are listening on the web god had you tune in because there's a dynamic force a dunamis force that's coming alive here tonight the lord says that dynamic force in you will come alive starting tonight even while you sleep you will feel the stirring the lord says you will say i will not remain in this transition place we are coming forth shout it we are coming for [Applause] father i decree right now that ohio now the open heaven over ohio will start invading and let me explain in this passover book how passover art became a part of my life because i would watch ten commandments when i was a kid and see that dark icky green thing invade into everybody's room at passover the lord says my open heaven is starting to invade in in ohio i'm going to invade through your windows i'm gonna come through your doors i'm going to stand and knock on your heart the lord says there will be a harvest here because i'm starting to knock i'm starting to knock in kentucky i'm starting to knock in indiana i say indiana get ready for that crossroads that you are the lord says send the wind the right direction i say ohio is the fulcrum and indiana causes the wind to shift i say i say to michigan rise up now for now is your time to say who you are and to advance in my kingdom plan i say this is the beginning of my people causing an opening to occur where that opening would say i will stay shut and the future will die i say tonight we will not die but live and declare the works of the lord let's give a shout up into heaven father you say rend the heavens and come down read the heavens and come down rachel bring the team up we're going to sing that breakthrough song again read the heavens and come down in this area father i decree this place will become an arsenal and be sending out the word of god that will be like an era that tears down and penetrates the lord says it will not be limited week by week you will send out the word that says this is what god says and it will be carried through the airways the lord says tim tape it say it sing it let it go forth for the lord says now the opening for the next season has begun and i decree the curse that rested in the region now has no power to hold the nation captain
Channel: Oasis Church
Views: 21,235
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Keywords: the oasis church, tim sheets, dr. tim sheets, oasiswired, oasis church, middletown ohio, oasis middletown, tim sheets middletown, heaven made real, angel armies, planting the heavens, the new era of glory, new era, no more delay, dutch sheets, chuck pierce, prophetic summit, mikey lamb, rachel shafer, jen tringale, raise the bar, breaking out, narrow place, prophetic word, the hub chuck pierce, breaking out of the narrow place, chuck pierce prophetic word
Id: kUtUJyTJ57I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 49sec (3709 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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