Tearing Down Strongholds | Tim Sheets

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I have a different kind of a message today anyway it's more of an exhortation concerning some things happening in our nation and happening in our churches and our individual lives and I want to talk about that today I'm going to talk about spiritual warfare and try to give some perspective on some things yes hell does it does fight our of values we don't want to overemphasize that and I think if you've been around here you know I don't we are those who rule and reign we are to reign in this life and we are those that that are a part of a necklace SIA that has authority and we live that and we declare that but we don't want to be naive either and the Apostle Peter writes in 1st Peter 5:8 these things first Peter 5:8 amplified be well-balanced temperent sober of mind to be vigilant and cautious at all times for that enemy of yours the devil roams around like a roaring lion in fierce hunger seeking someone to seize upon and devour the message Bible reach this way keep a cool head stay alert the devil is poised to pounce and would like nothing better than to catch you napping we want to be balanced we want to keep a cool head and we certainly don't want to be caught napping after all the real lion the lion of the tribe of Judah is on our side and he has given us authority he has empowered us to win he has empowered us to overcome all the wiles of the evil one but the admonition is don't get caught napping pay attention be alert and in some ways I'm concerned the church in America is it's it's kind of napping a little bit and it just needs to wake up and and be alert to some things and I'll try to put those things in in perspective for you today let's pray thank you Lord for the promises that you have made to us in your word thank you for the authority that that we feel in the room today the power of your kingdom that is present help us to be balanced in our views today into and to represent you in wisdom to bring perspective into our times that we would be a people that are indeed Watchmen on the wall on alert we're not asleep at the switch and we are aware of things we're watchful may we indeed be that kind of people and I pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit to bring understanding and direction revelation and perspective into this room today ask for the anointing of Samuel that not one word that I speak fall to the ground challenge us change us correct us if we need it but let us today hear what the Spirit is saying to the church and we'll ask God in Jesus name Amen you may be seated so many today seem to be in a season right now where they are winning there's there's victory but it's really been a hassle they've they've they've had to overcome setbacks and unexpected battles and delays and it's happening a lot the past three months you know have been very busy for me I've traveled quite a bit I think I had 15 weeks in a row of conferences and every time every one of them was a hassle it was amazing I mean I knew God said to do this and he confirmed the assignment but it was such a hassle every time planes were delayed planes were canceled flights were missed three times the entire airport shut down nobody moved one night I spent the entire night in an airport in Minneapolis just sitting at the gate nodding off all night long it was something every time it almost got comical who really was and it was a hassle but every time I call home I'll I'm gonna be delayed and will be delayed I don't know how many times and mzee scan be indications of spiritual warfare spiritual aggression not not all the time of course but sometimes nature itself starts talking to us sometimes the land starts talking to us and again many are experiencing it many of you that are here today are experiencing it it's like you're winning but it's such a battle it's like Daniel prophesied in his book and and he said concerning the tactic of hell was to wear out the Saints just wear us out where where are you down now this often occurs when there is a fierce battle in the nation the atmosphere becomes suppressed yes evil does have an atmosphere and the spiritual ones can discern that atmosphere and you can probably discern in our nation right now that evil is pretty rampant right now it's like satanic attack in this nation then filters down into our lives in it filters down into into our our businesses it filters down into God's people it filters down into the church the oppression of satanic Satan's Kingdom attempts to make things hard it it attempts to corrupt blessings and and delay blessings and promises and answers to prayer they come but it was such a battle it's a hindering type atmosphere this of course is something that must be dealt with by prayer and by decrees of our faith we know when we've been taught how to take care of this it is especially good at those moments to pray in the Holy Spirit the governing intercession that he brings the good news is we have authority to buying this we have authority to change the atmosphere you can change the atmosphere in your home you can change the atmosphere in a church a region and we can change the atmosphere in the nation but we cannot be passive we cannot be ignorant of satanic devices the Apostle Paul often wrote about this as did Peter and well James and and John remember too Paul told the Thessalonians he said Silas and I were coming to you many times but Satan he said hindered us first Thessalonians 2:18 I don't know how many times many is but he just said to them many times many times we were coming but Satan hindered us it wasn't a lack of will it wasn't it wasn't a lack of knowledge it wasn't a lack of our our commitment and it wasn't sin Our Lives know Paul says Satan fought us and for a time he got in the way the kingdom of darkness got in the way and began to hinder us yes he says we won and they of course did get to Thessalonica but they did it through warfare they did it through a battle remember Paul talked to the to the Corinthians and he said I was given such great revelation from the Lord I was actually taken up into the third heavens and I heard things that that it's even hard to even talk about and because of that revelation Satan sent one of his messengers and that is messengers we know from from studying angels that's the name for angels they are angle us they're messengers but this is a fallen angel this is a demon Prince this is demonic Satan he said because of the revelation that was given to me Satan sent a fallen angel to buff at me to fight me to battle me to get me to back off and to get me - he said - he said in in some ways he said to keep me from thinking more highly of myself than I ought to think now yes he won yes he said I obtained victory over that messenger but I had to learn that God's grace was sufficient for me to get through that I had I learned and I trusted God's in ableman and I engaged divine enablement I engaged the authority that I have been given to bind that and take care of it I I focused myself on the enablement of God and I trusted it then I over came it but it was a battle in fact he said and he was very honest with us he said this it was like a thorn in my flesh I didn't like it you ever have a thorn sometimes you know I like to hunt and you get out in these areas so you get a thorn maybe a thorn in your hand leaning against a tree or going through something and that thing I worry you do you get it out of there you just and every time you touch or move it it's there he said I won but it hurt it was stressful it was hard it he was just such a hassle but also he wrote something to the Romans that is so so important remember he told the the Romans in Romans 8:35 he said this he said I have never been separated from the love of God the love of God has always been constant his love it's unconditional and I am never separated from the love of my god nevertheless he adds in the same line nevertheless there was tribulation there was distress there was persecution the message Bible says trouble hard times hatred bullying and backstabbings and even a play implied that that that was the marks in some ways it was the marks of his Apostleship it was the mark of being apostles and and of course apostles have to overcome those kind of things quite a bit so do apostolates now yes he won yes he knew God loved him but there was a battle Satan hated him Satan hated what he stood for Satan hated the G in him and Satan hates the Jesus in you as well in other words the spiritual warfare was very very real and Paul had to learn governing intercession in the Holy Spirit he had to learn to pray in the spirit he had to learn to use the keys of the kingdom that are referred to in Matthew 16:18 and bind it so he could overcome it there are probably many in the room today that if we took the time you could testify and say Amen I've been there I too can testify I have been there I've been through a few fights with with demons I've been through some spiritual battles and I too have had to overcome the same way by trusting the enabling grace of God and by trusting that the authority that he has given the keys that he has given is going to be more than enough but I must engage and use that authority and also I can testify his grace is sufficient in such a way that I know and experience his love is always with me but life isn't always easy we know that it is a it is fiction and some think well you get saved and everything is going to be just fine well everything is fine in our spirit we're going to heaven but we still live in a fallen planet and there are still obstacles hell throws our way now again one of the times this happens is when there is conflict in a nation it's like it it gets in the air and demons start to feed upon it sometimes in a nation it can feel like there's a demon frenzy going on that's what happened with Paul under the Roman oppression it's also what happened to the early apostles it's happened it happened to the first ekklesia in the book of Acts persecution came and scattered them everywhere but it didn't stop them they overcame that in such a way that we're told they finally turned the world upside down we are here today because of the victories they fought though there was intense persecution from the religious crowd and from a nation Satan was battling to stop Christianity and in some ways that is happening right now in the United States of America yes we are winning the people of God the true church is winning good things are happening and they're going to continue to happen but not without a battle and the spiritual warfare in our nation right now is very very intense it appears that there is a battle for the soul of our nation I want to read you a scripture from Isaiah and I want to give you a perspective about at least some of what is happening right now maybe it's something you haven't you haven't considered before and I want to start by talking about an ancient king whose name was Cyrus and let's see if we can see some context for just a few moments and see it in such a way that we won't be caught napping King Cyrus you got to go back to around 550 BC for his reign he was the king of Persia and he was a heathen it was ungodly yet the Babylonian captivity remember God's people were taken into captivity the the Babylonian captivity of God's people actually ended under his reign God made that king of the most powerful nation of that time he made him sympathetic to the people of God and in the first year of his ring Cyrus's reign God prompted this heathen king to decree that the Temple in Jerusalem the temple in Israel Jerusalem was to be rebuilt now that that was astounding to to most anyway also he sent back certain of the holy vessels that had been taken when the first temple was destroyed and he also gave the builders millions and millions of dollars from the Persian Treasury to get it done the question beggin to be answered is why in the world did Cyrus do that I mean we don't know all those details perhaps perhaps his family was behind it perhaps it was because of a friendship that he was involved in and we know those things that some sometimes they happen but we also know that somehow God got through to him somehow God got hold of that heathen ruler even though it was true silent Cyrus was not considered to be a godly man God anointed him to govern in a way that would bless his people stating Cyrus the man is not the source of blessing and restoration I am and I am restoring my people and I'll use what or who I need to that we know would also include a donkey God used a donkey to prophesied to Balaam and and keep his people free let's read the scripture account Isaiah 45 and verse 1 this is what the Lord says to Cyrus notice his anointed one his anointed one he's an ungodly man whose right hand he will empower before him Cyrus mighty Kings will be paralyzed with fear their fortress gates will be opened never shut again this is what the Lord says I will go before you Cyrus and level the mountains I will smash down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron and I will give you treasure hidden in the dark darkness secret riches I will do this so you may know that I am the Lord the God of Israel the one who calls you by name and why I have called you for this work why did I call you by name when you did not know me God says you don't even know me but I've called you it is for the sake of Jacob my servant Jacob is course Israel Israel my chosen I am the Lord there is no other God I have equipped you for battle though you don't even know me so all the world from east to west will know there is no other god I am the Lord and there is no other I create the light and make the darkness I send good times and bad times I the Lord and the one who does these things open up heavens pour out your righteousness let the earth open wide so salvation and righteousness can sprout together just as I'm doing this so salvation and righteousness can sprout together Lord says I created them what what sorrow awaits those who argue with their Creator does a clay pot argue with its maker does the clay dispute with the one who shapes it saying stop you're doing it wrong does the pot exclaim how clumsy can you be how terrible it would be if a newborn baby said to his father why was I born or if it said to its mother why did you make me this way this is what the Lord says the Holy One of Israel your Creator do you question what I do for my children he says this is about my children do you give me orders about the works of my hands I am the one who made the earth and created people to live on it with my hands I stretched out the heavens all the stars are at my command I will raise up Cyrus to fulfill my my righteous purpose and I will guide his actions he will restore my city of course that was Jerusalem he will restore my city Jerusalem and free my captive people without seeking a reward I the lord of heavens army have spoken there are many today who consider President Trump to be a Cyrus and there are many there are actually many prophetic words that have named him Cyrus even before he was elected now before you throw rocks in fact don't throw rocks I don't feel like running but anyway let's see some perspective and let's look at it honestly he is not a godly man and perhaps he is even a heathen I don't know I know there are there are those who say that he has accepted Jesus as his Lord now and I know some of the ones who prayed with him to accept Jesus as Lord I hope that's I hope that's true but we have to say at least he is a baby Christian and he certainly doesn't know many principles of the word of God he just doesn't but I do know that he is sympathetic to God and to Christians and I don't know that hearsay I know it myself I have been in meetings where he shared he shared with us what he would do for the church and for God's people I was at I had pastor Daryl Scott's Church in Cleveland Ohio and I heard him say the words myself I heard him say these things with my own ears no spin and what he promised he he has done I even heard him ask us for prayer and then I watched as pastors laid hands upon him and actually prayed for him when he dared to do what other presidents would not do not Bush senior or Clinton Bush jr. W or Obama he dared to recognize the capital of Israel as Jerusalem restore the city back to its recognized position its its rightful position which is so significant I mean it's as Bible significance it was so prophetic say did did he even know what he was doing yes he did he had been told those prophecies and asked asked to do this he knew it but I don't know if you knew this because it's not been reported at least not very much but when he recognized Jerusalem as the the capital of Israel which it is issue o Israel issued a commemorative coin concerning what had happened this is true you can get I want to get this coin somehow I've seen it online I've seen pictures of it but they issued at that point a commemorative coin and on one side was the image of King Cyrus and on the back side was the picture of Donald Trump now that blew my mind because I wouldn't have surmised that I would have thought surely it's going to be the image of King David it's his City Jerusalem so I would have thought Cyrus yes that makes sense to end the Babylonian captivity and to restore the temple but David it's his city that he's going to be on the flip side but no it was Donald Trump does that speak prophetically I think God is saying yes he is a Cyrus now I want to put some things in perspective that I believe is important for our our future for our children's future especially as we approach the midterm elections yes we are at another tipping point moment we've been at a bunch of them we're at another critical moment where the church must get engaged and also in a few moments I want to lead us in prayer for this nation there's just so much spiritual warfare taking place right now so much demon activity so much a cultic Act it's happening in individual lives it's happening in churches it's happening in in our nation it's it's not something to fear because again we have Authority and we can change that but we cannot be passive and we can't nap our way through this what King Cyrus accomplished had massive prayer behind it and what gets done today must have massive prayer behind it also we must pray we must pray for this nation we got to pray for our president Paul said you got to pray for those in authority over you so that you can live a peaceable life 1st Timothy 2:2 says whether whether or not you voted for Trump whether you voted for him or not whether you voted against him or not whether you like him or not whether he remains president for very long or not I mean I don't know the future I don't know how long his reign is to be and I'll take pence if if it comes to it although I don't think that's the way it's going to happen but I don't know we have got to understand some things beyond politics because see through the fog God may use him or may not but God is our source not Trump he's not the source he is not the source of blessing he's not the source of restoration God is God is our hope not president Trump God is but I do know this Trump is president right now and we must pray for him we must pray for wisdom and we must bind witchcraft demon activity from attacking him which would also keep them from attacking us from attacking the church now to set this up a bit I want to show you a short video a short video clip of something Pastor John Kilpatrick preached last Sunday it was at this the end of his message and he was prompted to say these things he's recognized as an apostle he's a pastor and in a lot of ways he's very prophetic you may remember that he led one of the greatest revivals in our nation's history in Brownsville down in Florida great awesome awesome revival he is a man of God he's a man of Prayer and so when I heard these things and I had all these things kind of just kind of rolling around inside of me trying to say give me some perspective I want to I want to share some perspective with the people of God we heard that there's a these last few moments I thought that's a good way to that's something good to share then then I'll make more more comments but listen to what he said then I'll comment go ahead Jezebel's son came in contact with Jay here they passed each other look what the scripture says it came to pass when joram saw Jay hew he said is it peace Jay him and he answered what peace so long as the whoredoms of thy mother Jezebel and her witchcraft are so many so here's what I don't want you to stumble over don't stumble over that word which crowd when Elijah faced Jezebel he was facing which crowd want everybody to hear what I'm saying to you I don't know if you know this and I don't know if you don't believe me when I tell you this but what's happening right now in America is which Krauss trying to take this country over it's which crowd is trying to take America back over and I want to tell you something else I am NOT being political but I don't see how president Trump bears up under he's as strong as I have ever seen a man me but here's what the Holy Spirit said to me last night and here's what he said for me to tell you he said tell the church that so far Trump has been dealing with Ahab but Jezebel is fixing to step out from the shadows that's what the Lord said to me and I couldn't understand the other day when I was preaching in Houston why I felt something so much on this when I was preaching I felt a real powerful function on me when I was preaching this about intimidation or I was preaching this about containment but then last night when the Lord gave me this about the witchcraft the Lord said he's been dealing with this but he said pray for him now because he said yet there's about to be a shift and the deep state is about to manifest and it's going to be a showdown like you can't believe so I'm coming to you as a prophet as a man of God and I'm telling you it's time to pray for the president [Applause] here's what he said Jay he said hope peace you say he said so long as the whoredoms of your mother Jezebel and her witch crafts there won't be no peace witchcraft was in full control in witchcraft is fought not Elijah right out of his position took him out of power oh my god I heard the Lord say there's gonna be an attempt to take him out of power let's stand in pray right now shout out about Rob I saw Tara about yond oh come on help me out right now what you lift your voice everybody help me pray and he led them of course at that point in a lot of Prayer now obviously some type of evil spiritual attack got pastor Kilpatrick's attention and it's got mine it also I've been trying to raise my voice concerning some of these demon activities for quite a while yes there is evil in our world and there is a real demon Kingdom and it wants to influence our world through people who share its ideologies share its philosophy share share it through greed and lust that they have bitterness in their lives or whatever it is wicked laws and it uses demon thinking in entire people groups to influence cultures and though it seems seems warped and senseless to God's people we cannot pretend it's not happening we can't nap our way through it I mean what some people say what some people believe what some people do is astounding to me it's just it's astounding there's just such a truth vacuum as Paul said to the Galatians who has bewitched you who's blinded you is there an evil Kingdom that seeks to blind and confuse and promote godlessness they're now signing up young ladies that have an abortion to shout it out it's a religious experience shout it out and they're shouting out how good they felt when they aborted their big one one actually said it was like a religious experience and it was one of the most loving things that I've ever done saying goodbye to my baby that's demonic and now it's a movement is there an evil Kingdom that seeks to confuse and blind humanity yes and we've got to be vigilant and we got to be Watchmen on on the wall and our voice needs to blend with millions of others and in governing intercession put an end to this we know that we are to pay attention to the prophets that's something that has bugged me about the church for a long time they hear prophetic words and news to go on about their life and don't pay attention we're to pay attention to the prophets if if we believe the prophets we're gonna succeed that's 2nd chronicles 20 and verse 20 if you believe the prophets you can succeed you can win you can overcome I know John Kilpatrick I i don't know him all that well but I have preached in his church and he's preached in this one and I know that he's a man of Prayer I saw him at first the year at the inauguration of President Tom Trump in Washington DC he was there we actually rode the bus over to the inaugural ball with him and I believe he's accurate that demon attacks witchcraft is accelerating don't fear that but take note of it it's pretty obvious I think to most they're paying any kind of attention that demon principalities and powers are being stirred Lucifer the forever loser doesn't like seeing the changes that are beginning in this nation which again means we've been winning we've been making inroads so hell is organizing counter-attacks to try to stop us from reconnecting this nation back to its covenant roots which is a direct assignment on this house and has been for a couple of years we are to release angels that uncover the deep state expose iniquity and we are to be those stick an apostolate that reconnects this nation to its covenant roots don't have time to go into it but you know it if you've been around here this counter-attack is of course vicious it's demonic also it's manifesting in a pure outright hatred of the church hates Christianity hates our values and it hates all in authority that believe the Bible is God's Word we are now starting to see the reversal of some very very evil laws that that hell has been using to confine into silence the church like the Johnson amendment that said the church can't be involved in politics pastors can't make political statements which I never followed any way the president Trump said when I get in I will reverse that he did it it's reversed we do whatever we want we are now seeing a change in our judicial system hundreds of federal judges have now been appointed to the bench around this nation with a constitutional view which is a view that is based upon the Word of God they've now been put into power our Constitution was based upon Isaiah 33 and verse 22 the Lord is our judge the Lord is our lawgiver and the Lord is our king the founders said if that's good enough for heaven's government it is good enough for us we'll have three branches of government judge we'll have the judicial branch we'll have the legislative branch and we'll have the executive branch also Supreme Court justice Gorsuch has now been put on the Supreme Court that was a major major win for the ekklesia and now Brett Kavanaugh is being nominated I believe Ruth Ginsburg will be next I personally have fired her these are these new voices in the court can bring about a reversal of decades of evil law well hell hates it so so it has stirred up its activist voices and in many cases these voices are being stirred they're being motivated by a Jezebel spirit an absalom spirit a python spirit and a Leviathan spirit and millions they don't even know it but we need to know it we need to know the root cause of this and we need to engage our authority those things are demon powers with hordes of fallen angels assisting them yes spiritual warfare is real and the ekklesia the New Testament church has got to deal with it no napping engagement the Apostle Paul said in first Corinthians 2:11 don't be ignorant of satanic devices don't be ignorant of Satan's tactics if the remnant of God's people don't deal with it hell's kingdom is going to advance and we're gonna lose ground again see this is not about Republican or Democrat I'm not talking politics but good government is something that the true church must be involved in it involves our lives it involves our children's lives and it involves our faith see we got to understand God is government God is Authority you can't get higher authority than him and he is the ultimate in government and he has delegated to his heirs he has born again once a responsibility to use his authority and fight for righteous government that's why we have been given spiritual weapons 2nd Corinthians 10 and verse 4 the weapons of our warfare are not carnal they're not flesh not political it's not flesh that's mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds we have powerful weapons at our disposal and we can win we can fight battles and we can win those battles but we've got to fight we've got to engage Matthew 16 18 and 19 the King Jesus said this if my church doesn't bind it it won't be bound and if they if they don't loose things on the earth it won't be loosed I'm giving them the authority to bind it and to stop it the true church has got to respond to hell's attack against our nation against our leaders against our president we got to pray for God to help him and change him regardless of our politics no he's not a perfect man let's just be honest there wasn't any perfect men or women but he was someone God could use to reveal deep state corruption corruption that despises Christian values and has worked to undermine the church for almost 50 years yes I wish he wouldn't say some of the things that he says I wish he wouldn't tweet some of the things that that he tweets and we cannot condone it sometimes he acts like a heathen but his legislative actions have been different it's like God is pulling the chain somewhere and his action in government and in statues have begun to reset things I I think God is tapping into in this Cyrus truth that his mother put into him many don't know that his mother was involved in a revival in Scotland it was a it was a prayer revival that saw entire cities one to Christ she was an active part of that revival she was a part of that revival before she came to America before she ever came to America and got married and it is his own testimony that that when he was young his mother taught him from her Bible in daily devotions and taught him some of what happened in that revival in fact at the inauguration he laid his hands to take the oath upon his mother's Bible and God can take he has a way of of tapping into things taught when you are very very young and activating them into your conscience also we know because of her background there is no doubt that she prayed over that young man young Cyrus and prayed for his destiny God can use that also no he's not a perfect man but again he's not our source God is our source God is often used imperfect people imperfect men and worked to change them he did it in some of you here did it in me he can do it again he did it with Moses a murderer he did it with David an adulterer and a murder he did it with Paul a murderer and a torturer of Christians he can do it again no he's not a sinless man he's probably done some crazy things and we cannot condone that we can't be hypocritical and condone it but for some reason God has said at least till now I'm going to use him and it is our responsibility to look beyond the politics and and spiritually govern some things in prayer it is our responsibility to bind lying spirits in this nation it is our responsibility to bind Jezebel to bind witchcraft we have authority to do it and we have got to do it no one else can bind it that authority has been given to us so there's the perspective singers and musicians come I want us to I want us to engage these last 15 minutes or so and I want us to pray I want us to accept responsibility I didn't get near where I thought I was gonna go today but that's okay I wants to pray for this nation I mean look at it it if America ever needed prayer we need prayer I mean the nature of satanic to understand the satanic is confusion look at it or disunity look at it we need to pray for our leaders we need to pray against Jezebel and bind it we need to pray for the iniquity to be exposed in this nation Republican Democrat or independent makes no difference again rip the band-aids off pray for the Supreme Court we can we can pray for for God's men and women to be placed there pray against the attacks that are hindering pray that hell's counter-attack be exposed use our authority and also we can pray in the spirit pray in the Holy Spirit language governing prayers this is not something I normally do but I felt almost burdened to [Music] to say church we got to pray we got a we got to activate our faith I know we're not the only ones but we've got to do that here it's an assignment on our lives so I'm gonna ask you to stand so people can get out some may want to come to the altars some can kneel at your seat if you want but let's begin to pray let's sing a song and those that need to move around if you want to come to the altar you can do that however you want and then I'm going to start praying but let your voice be heard today let's allow Holy Spirit to intercede on behalf of our nation and begin to shift the atmosphere this demonic atmosphere that we all see we have authority that you have given to us we stand knowing that you have placed a call upon us and you have given a responsibility to your church to pray you said if we pray we humble ourselves and pray you'll heal our land that's what you says we pray for this nation today and we speak in the name of our King Jesus against the Jezebel spirit that wants to engage our government not find you in the name of Jesus the corporate conscious faith of the Kingdom of Almighty God come against you to scatter you and shatter you demand you cease in Jesus name speak against the confusing hindering spirit of darkness the kingdom of hell entrenched into our government in the deep state into whatever branch of government the CIA the FBI whatever we come against you in the name of King Jesus we ask God that you would rip the band-aids off some more and we come against this and we declare the victory of the Kingdom of Almighty God we refuse to come under this oppression we have refused to allow it in our lives we're in our churches and we will not be governed by Jezebel we will not be governed by witchcraft this divisive spirit of darkness we rebuke it in Jesus name we pray God [Music] for our president today for it's his cabinet for his leaders we pray for the leaders in Congress the leaders in all levels state levels everywhere Lord that the witchcraft the lying spirits the darkness that has come to confuse harass or delay or hinder prayers to come against your people we declare against it in the name of Jesus raise up an army of Watchmen that will not nap we're not gonna sleep through this as though enough go away they will be engaged warriors binding on earth what you say must be bound in heavens loosing a good government of God if you want to use a Cyrus user Cyrus you're our source we declare no other source but you you're the source of breakthrough you're the source of blessing you're the source of reconnection you're the source you're our source Lord anoint who you want to anoint anoint the Warriors that will stand and not blink anoint your church to arise for such a time as this Lord down through history it has happened your people rose up and said that's enough as we face this attack of darkness against our nation ik against our principles against our values against Christianity against your word Lord [Music] as we make our stand let an army rise up declaring its authority and say that's enough you go no further there's an army of warriors rising up that will bind this let it rise up in every state all apostolates begin to arise [Music] supernaturally engage you finished your discourse on cyrus by by stating that you're the lord of Angel armies loose them loose them in the government loosed them to fight for us and assist these decrees to shift this nation to shift its atmosphere back to you Lord we come against the lying spirits in every level of government [Music] and in the name of Jesus we declare you will be exposed and you will not rule over us in the name of Jesus we declare Lord this attack of hell will be exposed it will be scattered and shattered by a mighty by a mightier kingdom yours by the name that is above all names yours and that we will battle and we will win this the atmosphere of a nation the atmosphere of America shifted in Jesus name Jesus is Lord you're the source shifted the darkness Lord be dispelled by glorious light let the truth vacuum be filled with those that will declare what you say your truth your ways your will give us eyes to see make us pure Watchmen pure Watchmen that see through the fog of politics and through the the lies of political parties and we see the kingdom of darkness for what it is and we bind it in Jesus name give us leaders that have your heart change things change things give us your perspective on things and a confidence that a confidence rise inside of us that if we trust you your grace is sufficient if we trust you this can turn if we trust you we can reconnect the covenant roots if we trust you there will be righteousness there will be salvation that's what you promised we trust your wisdom we trust your your understanding Lord your ways are so far beyond us and you know things obviously we do not know and so like Paul the early apostles we leaned ourselves upon your grace and an enablement that is beyond the natural realm and we align ourselves in agreement with what the Spirit of God is saying to the church to be vigilant right now beyond the alert right now and use your authority right now pray pray pray pray may a spirit of prayer are up from the body of Christ spirit of faith arise in the body of Christ prophetic voice rise to declare the way it ought to be make any changes you need to make remove from office any one you need to remove do whatever you need to do we understand in some ways you're a sovereign God but in other ways you have said I'm on a partner on earth with my people I'm gonna give you authority bind it it'll be bound I pray God that somehow you begin to get through all of the fog and confusion that is being presented in our world and in our nation let the church see things clearly and declare with eyes of faith you're their source no one else is our source you're our source do what you need to do in any level of government [Music]
Channel: Oasis Church
Views: 34,934
Rating: 4.8351002 out of 5
Keywords: the oasis church, tim sheets, dr. tim sheets, oasiswired, oasis church, middletown ohio
Id: 5N1B4G-k_4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 9sec (3729 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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