New Era for Breaking Curses | Chuck Pierce

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you know if we allow the enemy to do things see the enemy has no power that unless we give it to him and because when uh yeshua went all the way to hell and then ascended into heaven on his way up he gave gifts to mankind and he gave gifts that were necessary for us to enforce the breaking of satan's headship and uh so his headship is broken but unless we enforce it unless we press into that unless we demonstrate that he he tries to resurrect his head again and that's why you see so much happening uh another state tim mentioned all the states that we're addressing here another is illinois and and chicago needs to break through lord we asked you right now for chicago to break through father we say that the people there will rise up and cry out for your spirit to come we ask for a revival anointing in chicago see i think i think that's the way we have to be praying now for lots of areas that they that there's just a breakthrough that that sovereignly the spirit of god comes down now with that i want to talk about several things this morning first of all thank you for coming and now let's thank god for oasis apostolic center here such an awesome place i've watched the lord remake this place and remake the leaders in this place and that's really what's about when god's doing a new thing we're going to talk about that it's about us allowing him uh my wife gave pam gave a word in sept in september head of the year last year and she doesn't get up much she doesn't say much but she got up and she said the church will have to have a redo this year and we've had it and we're still being redone some of us are being undone but it's working to our good and that's the important thing now as we enter this year ahead i always want to always tell you i start looking very carefully in august and let me show you what it what it looks like uh chad if you'll help us let's thank god for chad foxworth we're back on the road again i mean you know he's got a beautiful new baby uh boy he's a year old and uh you know chad is such a joy to be with and uh fun sometimes you know he's so much fun sometimes he forgets lots of things i mean we get there to get our car at dayton uh la yesterday afternoon and i walk out to get it because it's always in my name because of the status that we have and i say that when you travel you got to have something because it is not an easy road to do and we walk out there to get it and he said well mr pierce we don't have any reservation for you and i said how can that be [Music] because chad had already shown me the number the reservation number that we had so chad's bringing the luggage and i said well when my assistant gets here he'll straighten it out and he chad gets up there and he pulls up the number chad has made us a reservation in daytona beach i mean this is the way he thinks and and i said we're in dayton not daytona beach and he said and the guy said that's why you don't have a reservation and chad said well they're close i said one's on the florida coast we're in the middle of the nation here i said we're flying out of cincinnati it and china sound close to each other i mean so we entertained your avis man at dayton it was very interesting but it keeps things light and lively uh now as we enter this season as we enter this year ahead in this new era that's the way i want you to think this new era is about breaking curses from an entire 70-year structure in our life and so uh i'm going to show you why it's about breaking cursor it's a new era for breaking curses so we're going to have to know that lots of curses will manifest because god wants them broken even this covet thing is a curse because sickness is a curse it is part of the curse but you can't you have to understand there's a reason it's sweeping the earth and there's a reason some areas are worse than other areas and hope deferred makes the heart sick that's what allows infirmity to work so where you see that the promises of god have not manifested in a territory it's going to be stronger in operation with infirmity we want this spirit of infirmity run out and but as we enter this era uh in this new era pay with our mouth it becomes an apostolic era and uh therefore we are not in the same church structure that we have ever been in before and we have to understand that you're gonna have to recognize in your territory that last season's church is not the driving force of what's happening spiritually now this is hard for the body of christ because we think church we grew up in church some of us grew up in church and with that we have to understand that is not the era we're in so we're going to have to enter in so we always at head of the year whether you can be with us i i'm still moving toward that our building is big enough that we can have groups in lots of areas so i i do know that we're going to host this gathering and we'll have it set up for people to be there and uh yet if you can't be with us the web is amazing uh and we have been in the process the last six weeks of updating everything for you so that you can get the revelation that is necessary for uh the year ahead in the new era now that's the way i want you to start thinking and um i i look back when i was one of the very first to say we're going to do church on the web this was 15 years ago now that's a long time ago to be doing web church it was such a radical shift that i got called before 600 leaders to try to explain why i was doing that peter wagner had to moderate the gathering and uh because god had told me i want you to gather the scattered sheep that's out there i want you to be able to pull in those who aren't capable of being in church and of course many of you know we have 440 widows that we pray for and take care of and a lot of those a lot of people can't go to go to into a church building and uh so the lord wanted a different type so we use the tools that he's giving us at a time now think about what happens 15 years later the only way we can do church for a while was the web now think if certain people don't if they don't press through and and keep keep us moving in what god is doing and that's why you just want to throw some people out on the front line there and let them they're capable of taking the brunt from the front line and uh that's really key for us to understand because we're about to press into some new territory i'm here to tell you now with that this new era has broken into the atmosphere again if you don't have tim's book you need tim's book if you don't have uh the passover prophecies you need that book all of my books out there will be three for 25 today if you've already bought a couple just get another one free so that you can get what you want and uh we're we're shifting from a maintenance season we are not in maintenance any longer we are shifting into conquest and we're gonna have to know we're up against some big giants dutch needs to do i'm sure tim will tell him certain things that are said here he needs to bring an understanding of every one of the giants that were up again a biblical understanding of what we're up against with the giants now this era that we're in is about sound it's about breath and it's about voice now that's what is so important to understand you see why hell cut loose at the beginning of this era now they'd be this would be different if i hadn't been using this since september of last year hail cut loose against this era said wait a minute the breath of god's about to get released through his people i'm going to have to shut down their breathing and you have to understand that is part of his plan to do and we take a breath now say out loud we're still breathing that's what you have to do with the devil you have to tell him what he's trying to do you have to say this is what god's doing and then demonstrate it and the era is let me summarize the era for you this era is about the voice that comes out of your house now by not this year but next year the house does shift with a new voice that's when the church will reform it will be in 2022 the church will become authentic again don't ever say we need to be relative to the world we need to be authentic in the world that's what we need to be and but it's going to take us a couple of years to get back there and it's gatherings like this kingdom gatherings that's reforming us that's why we have to stay focused in really letting the kingdom redefine the building of the church now that's a statement you need to write down because the kingdom now is re redefining how we build the church in the future and so that becomes very important see in matthew uh 16 when peter all of a sudden has a revelation of who yeshua is yeshua is saying what what's people saying about me i mean don't you just love it what are they what they what they talking about out there you know you just want to know sometimes what all the all the ones out there talking about you about and then he said well what are y'all saying about me and he said uh all of a sudden peter you know peter who has all these issues look at somebody next to you and say if he can work with peter he can work with you without any problem peter had lots of issues now i'm telling you lots of issues it gives us all hope peter and jacob give us all hope you know and he he um and then the woman at the well you know she gives us hope too for some of you you know i mean she ends up being an apostolic evangelist fatigue when you study her all the way through the word of god you know you take a woman who's sleeping with everybody in the city and then she leads the whole region to the lord i mean that tell somebody there's hope for us now and so peter all of a sudden he has this light go off and he says you're the messiah the meshock the anointed one we that we've been waiting for and the the lord looks at him and says only father could have revealed that to you now i want to talk about that psalm today because revelation is really the key right now uh how we're moving in revelation becomes very very key uh of what's going on and then the lord gives them that incredible prophecy that apostle tim is always using the word ecclesia he said upon this rock i will build my church the ecclesia now here's what i want you to understand they did not understand that they weren't familiar with that that was a roman understanding and he's and yeshua is using a worldly term to define our collective gatherings in the future and uh they had no concept for that and yet when it's prophesied now here's what i want to say to you it's done and it's that prophecy is still moving through the earth realm right now upon this rock of revelation i will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it and i will because you're going to learn how to bind you're going to how to learn how to loose and then i'm going to give you keys to unlock the kingdom big difference in building and unlocking so we're in an unlocking two-year period that's what i want you to understand we're having to unlock some things that have been unlocked sealed up when you when you're reading through your bible this year and you see see those things that this is for latter days i want you to look at them because god has already given revelation through this word that we're unlocking now now that becomes important it's called present truth that's being unlocked and this is about the voice that will come out of the house in every territory and another thing you have to understand a pay word is mystic mysticism we are coming into a supernatural mystery unlocking time don't be afraid of words like that that's just nothing but superstition and religion god's word calls lots of what he's doing a mystery the mystery of antichrist the mystery of iniquity we are unlocking mysteries right now in these next two years so you're gonna hear revelation coming out that has never been really expounded on and you're going to think is this real i mean like all of what tim how god has unlocked the whole concept of the government of angels i don't know that that's ever been unlocked like that before uh i don't know that what all is in that passover prophecies that's ever been unlocked before uh to really understand as we move forward but know this we are contending for authority and so with that we are now determining a new rule in the earth now this because i used that last night but we are determining a new standard a new rule that is uh being determined over how we operate and this becomes very important for us you don't have to understand all this you just have to rethink it you have to ponder it you have to move in it because that's why i'm telling you they didn't understand what the lord was prophesying to him until 70 years later when he comes back to visit john on patmos island and he starts talking about all the seven key apostolic centers and the seven key churches of the area and he starts redefining them it took 70 years for that to happen see that's what you want to understand we came to an end of a season now he's giving us revelation on how we progressed he's not chastising us for how bad we are and listen don't get into that thing or you'll be cursing what's being cursed goodness he's just saying you've made it through this far this is how you've come you did all this well yes you messed up in lots of areas but here's where we're going see that's the way you want to think or else what you're going to do is end up agreeing with the devil's judgments that he's trying to produce rather than holy spirit's voice [Music] and that becomes very important now all orders see god has a new order for us but all order comes through the voice of the one who creates he has a and one of the things about this 10 years that we're in right now he's bringing us back face to face so we can know him in a new way see what happens to us we get familiar with church we get familiar with worship and we think all of that's god where he has to bring us back to know him in a way that we can express him in church express him in worship see rachel will write new songs for the future uh the songs she's written have expressed him in an era but now there's new songs for another era that's coming forth now uh apostle tim and in his new book he referenced this this is an era of holy spirit movement now this becomes important for us because it's as if we're going to be baptized again that's the way you need to think about it doesn't matter how old you are it doesn't matter how young you are the baptism is coming again you're going you're going to be i mean i don't want to get real theological you're just going to be you're going you're going to feel that [Music] i look at kathy and gary back there we were in that move of god in the early early 90s i mean it was wild it was wild we were with barbara yoder i mean it was just as wild as it could be people i mean we were piled up i remember i and that the joy movement was just flowing everybody was laughing and falling and on top of each other and i never could get in and you know that all started uh that newest movement started in argentina back in the uh like 1990 1991 and i never could quite get it i mean i loved it i just couldn't get it so i don't want you to get frustrated god knows when you need to get it i'm sitting on the front row because i'm a speaker in a conference barber is having and it is a lady up there speaking do you remember and she's speaking on joy and that is the dullest person i've ever listened to in my entire life she is monotone and she's talking about joy and i'm just sitting there and i'm saying lord i'm not sure this is what i'm trying to get all of a sudden something starts bubbling from my toenails all the way up through me this has never happened to me again except one time driving home from some meeting we had been in and all of a sudden i start laughing uncontrollably and now i think i've lost lost it this is what happened when holy spirit takes you over uh it wasn't like the time i sat down in a chair and fell out and i just rolled an act like the spirit hit me uh you know you got to do certain things you know save a little face because you know but that wasn't what this one all of a sudden i am thrown off the front pew onto the floor and i am rolling and uncontrollable i am uncontrollable i am usually never uncontrollable now hear my words that's where we're headed uncontrollable we all have lots of control and god knows how to at the right moment say it euphemism get delivered and uh i mean all of a sudden that thing hits the whole congregation it is the wildest thing and then gary and i the next night the spirit of god is just moving on everything and this big guy comes up now when i'm talking big remember the scary he was probably 550 pounds big we're talking about big and he comes up for ministry because it's where we're all laying hands on people the power of god hits that guy well little gary is standing behind him and gary sees this giant coming back like this and he just jumps out of the way [Applause] and this guy hits one of the wooden pews big guy well i i think well you know we've killed him lord let's just move on with this joy thing for a while before we all get put in jail you know we killed him and and he hits that pew and he's out when that guy wakes up the next day he is going he is scheduled in surgery the next day because he had cancer around his heart when they get there that hit broke all of that loose and that cancer let go of him now i'm telling you we're gonna have to let the spirit of god move that's where we're in now it's an explosive but see it's not a church move it's a kingdom move so tim you've got to teach on kingdom where we really get it you know i'm not a teacher i just like to expound on what the lord's doing and uh we're gonna have to get kingdom now i've got it in some of the books back there you know when i write i have to use that side of my brain to make sense but uh it it's we're headed into this kingdom season where things are gonna happen differently now let's talk about holy spirit because this is an aspect of holy spirit we don't usually see but i got in the aramaic and looked at the aramaic and hebrew relationship of the word and holy spirit actually is a pay word when you start decoding it and it's linked with the word proc and it peresh kaphlemann alif now let me tell you what that means from hebrew in one sentence it means the one who ends the curse that was begun in my house so see holy spirit coming now and empowering us is to break us open so that curses that have had right to work will be ended that's the era that we're coming into we are coming into not just holy spirit being our advocate but he is coming to manifest through us by his gift so that curses that are operating now when you look at first corinthians 12 you see the manifestation of holy spirit and the nine ways he manifests in us and it says he does this in diverse unusual ways so that we all profit [Music] p r f we have been held back from prophets that belong to us and this decade holy spirit is coming so that we all profit say it out loud we're ready to profit in new ways in other words things in your bloodline that held you back from profiting god's saying i'm gonna break those curses so somebody in that bloodline profits now holy spirit's voice manifests in four ways that we see and when i say that i'm talking about the overall manifestation he manifests in us so we decree that yeshua is lord see any time you say yeshua's lord it has to be by holy spirit so there is a manifestation coming where the lordship of uh father is shown in the earth the lordship of jesus christ is shown in the earth he convicts us of unrighteousness so there's a convicting power he has not a condemning power people that's why if you agree always listen the two are very close and religion can condemn holy spirit convicts [Music] conviction is coming back to the body of christ where we say oh my goodness how did i get so far off with that and then he creates different ministries diverse ministries very very creative so we can't just get a method yet don't try to get a religious method in the next two years because he hasn't gotten us to a place so we can get that religious med that method in in in the order of that see that's the hardest thing we go from faith to faith you see we have to be moving we go from strength to strength that means the power we have the power to withstand one attack and then we move into a new power to withstand another attack that's what those words mean then he goes from glory to glory and that is our hardest one because religious forces tries to get us so settled in the methods of last season's glory that we're unwilling to go to the next season of glory and so we're having to be careful about methadeia because that's where religious spirits work now here's what the enemy wants to do and here's the conflict especially this year we're going to have a conflict because the enemy is desiring our blessing cycle that's why we're in this mess out here he don't let this covet thing throw you off i mean we've had chicken pox we've had measles we've had all of it i mean you know i have to get tested for tb once a year because i fly so much there's there's things out there i mean and the only thing that makes us want to hide out the bible talks about it in proverbs there's a line on the street let's hide out till he leaves do you know what that is related to poverty so this infirmity and poverty have hooked hands in america because america has the greatest voice right now worldwide still even though china is trying to gain it you hear what i'm saying now i've got that all written in books out there and that was why again i could watch so carefully starting last november i went to china i went to china four times last year because i've been involved with china since the 80s watching china very carefully and when this thing came out of china you have to know you have to watch and spread to 185 nations within a month now how does that happen without a strategy people because what i had said what god showed me in 1986 and it is written prophetically was that by 2020 china makes their play to become the most dominant economic facet in the entire earth realm above us their goal is for us to look like them by 2026 and if we don't shift right in this decade we end up see china isn't your normal communist type environment it's communist that knows how to use materialism and economic strategy to control and because as long as you're prospering for them they love you and so we're in this incredible war and all i think the enemy overplayed his hand in march april and may trying to remove our religious freedom from us too quickly now you hear what i'm saying the enemy tried to remove our religious freedom too quickly and and the voice of god in us stood up against it see and yeah we need to clap and thank god if we hadn't stood up against it by the end of may by pentecost we wouldn't be sitting here today that's how quickly this thing was trying to move against us and i am thankful that we are a rebellious bunch against the devil and yet you have to try see choose your wars wisely don't go to war over some mass thing i mean choose your wars wisely it's it's interesting and and learn to take your advantage uh of watch what the enemy's doing and learn how to speak into him my brother you know who's on the crazy edge but he's he's loves the lord with all of his heart he's over the largest title company in north texas and he so you know even though he's wild he's really sharp and but he's got such a mouth you know and you like people who have a mouth like that but especially in this era and the other day he was at this place where we've been going for years now the place is in a bad area of town and he just keeps going because we know the guy that's been there for 30 years and he'll go there i i don't go there anymore uh but he he'll go there to get what he needs and he went to get a coke the other day in this it's like a convenient store place and mo who is an arab guy and we've known him for years we shared the lord with him uh he he is is a great guy and uh a guy came in without a mask and he just served him took his money and he left well there was a guy behind him that did not like that he took that guy's serve that guy without a mask he went absolutely ape right there i mean started yelling at mo who is the owner of the store started yelling at him telling him and say and this he happened to be uh uh a black man and he started saying and black lives matter and you have put me at risk by serving this guy i mean taking it to a degree of craziness well keith who we lived through a lot growing up you know so we're not real fearful of things so he's by this time back up there standing behind him and so he taps him on his shoulder and he said listen philip the only thing that really matters is whether you go into heaven or hell by the end and by the time you turn around moe's gonna have that shotgun pointed in your face and you gonna have to determine real quick what really matters [Applause] that man left quickly you've got to take your advantage to really let the lord use you and not be afraid i mean that's really is what matters where are you going to end up in all this because when you get to heaven we you know klu klux klan used to say that growing up i'd say that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard that god had sections of color and certain color couldn't go to heaven i said that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard all we are spirit people now hear me right now and we have to talk about this we are not just color we are not color oriented on our outside we are spirit supernatural beings and we have to determine the bible says he is the father of our spirit and in this decade we have to say holy spirit's taken me over and what really matters is how i represent holy spirit in whatever structure god has chosen to to put me in that's a kingdom culture mentality we're in a kingdom culture and this becomes very important because the enemy's trying to keep us out of this new thing that god is doing now let's talk about the new thing behold i do a new thing do you not perceive it that means we can miss this and get settled down thinking the government is going to be our protectorate in the middle of all of this no only the spirit of god when you come into a territory and his government is in order you are protected that's why god is developing centers and hubs like this and when he says i'm doing a new thing look at what you can just go through the word of god and see what that means new teaching with new authority a new way to gather see tim can teach on the new better than i new is linked with something that's never been before or a greater quality of something that is and it's a new way for us to gather this is a new way together we didn't all need to be sitting on top of each other and it's until we you know i'm going to show you why in a moment it it there's new presentations there's new dimensions of recognition and faith coming to the body of christ don't think we have experienced all the faith we're going to experience faith has levels faith cometh say it out loud faith cometh new relationship some relationships from last season ain't gonna make it that's why when he invited me to come i said this one remains see some don't make it because they went in another direction a new grace level see grace is given to us unmerited but when we grab hold of it right and exercise the grace we've been given do you know what rests on us favor see grace and favor are kindred and if you want favor on it you have to grab hold of grace new authority new identity a new wine skin a new desperation think of the woman who pressed through with the issue of blood she was in last season and all of a sudden yeshua is coming through this season 12 years she's been in this mess and she's lost all her money she's a woman they're not supposed to do anything remember i've got a book out there called the apostolic woman she's not supposed to do anything and the religion has relegated her to her house so she can't come out she said i ain't got a thing to lose i am so desperate i'm pressing out and pressing through say it out loud i am pressing out and pressing through and here's the sound creates movement we have to have sound going before us this is the judah concept of what god is saying see in god's order judah goes first you know why judah in the praise team judah is the apostolic prophetic uh team tribe that knows how to war with sound and run the enemy off or jar the enemy loose and here's what hell hates we're developing a new testimony right now that means when we come through this testing we have a testimony and hell can't deal with your testimony hell can't deal with it that's all this is hell doesn't want you to get to the end of that test that you're in because once you get there you've got a testimony now how we gonna get there we're gonna move past our fears fear is a valid emotion when god is expressing it through us but fear is a spirit that's why fear is hard to detect sometimes because all of a sudden god can make you say don't go that route don't go that way and your fear of god in obeying him makes you go another direction but fear is a spirit what it will do is attach into your emotional being and try to hold you captive and mobilize you immobilize you and so we have to get past fear we you have to receive who the lord says you are say it out loud i am he's got a plan for you i have never been ashamed that god made me prophetic i've never been intimidated by the prophets well a little bit with tim because you know i i mean with the teachers i mean you know because they're so gifted to expand on the word of god and so clear with what we're doing but god made me who i am he loves me skinny he loves me fat he loves me [Music] [Applause] you don't curse yourself you don't dislike yourself because he made you who you are yes he likes for you to change sometimes and make shifts because he knows he wants you here longer that's the only reason i don't eat biscuits and gravy every morning because but you know once a month i try to branch on out and splurge he doesn't not like me because i do that see we've got to get a bunch of this stuff off of us so the gift of god in us realigns properly this is so important for us and with that you have to give him space right now now hear what i'm saying you've got a portion that you meditate on meditate means you're you're looking at your portion and saying how do i secure that portion and multiply it this is one of the ways we do get judged when god gives you something and you don't multiply it he talks about that in the new testament uh the one who had the talent and just held it under secured it put it in the bank didn't do anything with it so our stewardship is important and right now we're having to give the lord space like they had to give the ark space to move forward into the promised land if you don't do that you're going to run up with expectations from last season before the new development occurs and so that is so important for us to see that and what you'll end up doing is religion will make you judge and criticize when god is not doing any of that god's just saying back off well he actually is probably saying i can shut you back in the house again if you want to i mean there's ways i have to deal with y'all till you get this now hear what i'm saying to you he had to put us on pause because we're redeveloping who we are in this new era now that's important for this now here's keys to this new era go ahead chad with that we have keys we have to ask the lord for our revealed identity there's certain things in you like i said last night even if you're 80 you have never god has never revealed certain things to you yet and you if you'll ask him he will start revealing to you who he is meaning you to be during this time uh you've got to be willing to shift your way of thinking see that's what's really called repentance it's where you change your mind in a way that you're not doing the same pattern you did in the past you've got to review your relationships you've got to understand see no greater faith have i seen in all of israel than the one who understands authority and i think this is the weakest thing to him in the body of christ we are not a people that understand how authority works god god affirms gifts to develop them into an authority a dimension that you can stand upon i'll show you that in a moment you have to know where you're a part of see faith works in time and space and then with that you secure your boundaries i've got a book out there called possessing your inheritance but i need to write one on securing your inheritance you uh here's what warfare is about see it's war to get in your abiding place go ahead it's war to get in your abiding place and then there's war to stay in your abiding place because the enemy is going to try to do everything to pull you out from under that wing of god so with that you've got to get rid of all these faith destroyers see they'll they'll attach just do this say you're getting off of me you getting out of me if you're destroying my faith and all you've got to do is listen to what you say see if you'd go one day just writing down everything you say you'd say oh my lord what a mess am i see because it's always going to speak what's in you that's not a faith is sin and you can always hear it come out of your mouth and that's part of what this season is about don't condemn yourself over it just let it come out of your mouth and then capture it and say we fixing to get this we're fixing to deal with this issue once and for all i mean and help each other well you know the body of christ they'll always help you they'll always tell you what a mess you are i'm telling him and here's the biggie we got a lot of wealth that god's trying to transfer to us now don't just think wealth and money are the same thing wealth is power wealth is favored wealth is strength we're in a wealth transfer right now throw your hand up and say i need every bit i can get now here's the way time works i love the way dutch teaches on it you look back to move forward because see it's circular so you can glance back at where you've come from but what god does then is speak into you where you're going and because god's not in time he takes that mess from last season and he sets it in front of you because he knows you're ready to move forward tell somebody i'm ready to move forward well that means some of the messes from your past are going to be put in front of you and you know what you're going to do this time step on them by faith you're going to look at them and say i ain't stepping i ain't stepping in that i'm stepping on that does that make sense to you now now let me show you apostolic prophetic rule for this territory every territory has an apostolic prophetic rule you have to know your field and your sphere tim and oasis apostolic center are being used by the lord tim and carol and the team here to establish an apostolic rule in this territory not they're not the only ones being used but they're becoming a hub in developing what i'm showing you right here this is what i wanted to get to today and from that apostolic rule is where you mobilize the armies of god now the armies of god are not just us the armies of god he is lord saboth the armies of god are the hosts of heaven and the army of earth working together i don't know of a place in the earth that understands this better than here but what i see is tim you're going to move out of that teaching dimension of trying to teach people last season into when we gather you're going to mobilize the armies out with us that's what makes it apostolic you're going to send us and the armies out together from this place and all of a sudden we have the help we need to do what we're being sent to do that's what apostolic centers are becoming and see they're sending places the apostolic has six key functions about it first of all it has a warring function don't it's not the pope some hierarchial function uh it has a warring function it's a gift that god dropped into the earth realm to enforce the headship of satan to remain broken so it's got this warring function it's got this governing function it's got a finishing function that means it knows certain things that wasn't finished in last season that have to be finished this season it has a building function so it has to recreate what things actually look like to give us vision and building means you're adding sons and daughters to it so it has a tr it has a realigning of a generation's function and then its major function is sending it is the word is linked with sending us out of here that's what we're going to do when we leave here we're going to send us out with the host of heaven and the army of earth leaving this hub to accomplish something because the hosts of heaven are dwelling here see the apostolic is a foundation the apostolic prophetic rule produces a foundation jesus is the cornerstone and then god set this order you can't do anything about it you've got all the functions of you've got the functions of the apostle on top of that are the functions of the prophet seeing bubbling and projecting preaching opening the heavens nataf is one of the prophets then you've got third teachers see we have to have the teachers and really that's where the pastoral office works some but it's not totally just linked with the pastoral office then you've got the miracles and healers these are people put your hand on somebody next to you you we've held up the miracle workers we've held up the healers and that's where evangelists break loose out of miracles and healings then you've got pastors and who are when you look at the pastor biblically you see five uh three of its five function and that's why it's not mentioned very often three of his five functions are prophetic the pastor was meant to teach economic rule to the congregation so they prospered and then you have administrators what happens is we start trying to put administrators first to get something in order before we have really gotten god's order of movement in place and then you have tongues and interpretation and i'm going to tell you what we've tried to run this out of the church and when you do that you have a weak foundation tim was up here speaking in tongues last night and see i don't hear tongues when somebody speaks in tongues that's a gift i hear words it doesn't matter if i'm in china doesn't matter if i'm in mexico it doesn't matter where i'm at and the lord was saying you've been socked in but the fog is beginning to lift and i'm getting ready to i'm getting ready to set you in flight [Music] i'm getting ready to cause you to rise into a place you've been able to unable to rise into see if you'll listen you can hear any time tongues are in the congregation it's from heaven bringing a clear message to us that's why interpretation is part of the rule of tongues now let me look at this because i want to i want to finish then we want to send you out you prophesy and predict and interpret your future see revelation becomes very very important to us who who do the people say i am who are they saying what are they saying i'm about because we're prophesying into a new level of fullness now that's a time word the time word that is linked with fullness is the whole issue of uh things all the parts coming together and a moment where all of a sudden you can see what god wanted you to see and see revelation is just the opposite of the occult the occult hides until a spirit of revelation comes into a territory you can't put pull off what is being hidden from you because revelation uncovers see there are two spirits the spirit of revelation comes through god's people to uncover what the enemy is hiding don't think this covet thing is just some sickness going on he's hiding trying to hide a plan with it that will cause us to come into a level of control that god doesn't mean us to come into now and so with that we are saying revelations coming now that's what i'm going to send you out with and there and he knows angelic structures that cause revelation to come to us and when you walk out through this whole territory that we've described you're representing revelation flowing through you one small word will fill him every place your footsteps the bible says the glory of god penetrates that ground and the ground has to let go of that curse and the voice of the voice that is held in it see the earth is crying out for liberty the earth is crying out for liberty and you know heaven is crying out and coming down on us to bring liberty and you know who's right in between that you so you're gonna have to walk in a new way you're gonna have to talk in a new way and you're going to have to say what needs to be said just like my brother did that is a simple example do you know what really matters for you is if you go into heaven or hell and that might be in the next five seconds here so all that you raving about ain't gonna make any difference in the long run now hear what i'm saying to you we are in a new place and god is saying i'm ready for you to walk it out i'm ready for you to walk out of here with carrying what i am saying by the spirit is going on and start speaking it you're going to look at people like they look like paul looked in ephesus you're going to say to them a lot of church people who have been in church for the last 50 years some of you you can do this and say do you know the holy spirit and they're going to say to you some of them are going to say to you what they said to paul we don't even know who the holy spirit is and you're going to lead them into the baptism of the holy spirit and in doing that you're going to get baptized again and listen you're going to move right on past salvation and and and move from salvation quickly just like paul did in emphasis he said well what have you been baptized in they said we've been baptized into john's baptism and you're going to say well there's something beyond that and we fisting to go beyond that's all you have to say tell somebody we going beyond i mean you need to say it out loud again we're going beyond we're all going beyond let's stand up listen we're a dangerous people tell two or three people around you they might have us distance but we're dangerous now say this out loud satan because you've distanced us we got more room to be dangerous [Applause] now hear me we need to see this thing for what it is look around here this is awesome this is way beyond gideon and he overthrew a seven year long curse tell somebody we about to throw overthrow 70-year-long curses and this racism thing in america that is a curse that's been working for 450 years and god says i'm ready to overthrow it [Applause] the bible says we come from one blood that's why you don't exalt yourself about above somebody else or you don't turn and be prejudiced towards somebody else because you're probably cursing yourself this is how simple that is my grandmother taught me that because of various reasons hear me we're making a shift we're making a shift we're coming into the new tell two people around you you are the new [Music] who you sense the spirit here the spirit of god's here lift your hands father by the authority you've given me i decree the spirit of revelation like paul decreed it is resting on this people i decree right now that spirit of revelation that is starting to stir in their spirit will come out their mouth the lord says my people will have sure words and i say in this place called ohio in this ohio valley i say you are the fulcrum of the future of this nation and i say to you your words will cause the seesaw that's going on in this nation to level out i say you will become a leveling force throughout this entire nation watch what is said from ohio watch what is said from pennsylvania watch what is said as indiana strikes and moves forward watching michigan as that which has ruled become submissive to the new rule i say to you i am moving in kentucky and you are running a race and decreeing right now that that race is coming forth in an a winning force is coming to this land i say to kentucky even though the enemy tried to shut you down and actually put a lid on you the lid is coming off of kentucky i say find your hubs connect the hubs connect the hubs throughout the throughout this nation saith the lord connect the hubs for i am starting to move this nation in a new way i send you forth with this spirit of revelation now let's worship
Channel: Oasis Church
Views: 38,780
Rating: 4.8821492 out of 5
Keywords: the oasis church, tim sheets, dr. tim sheets, oasiswired, oasis church, middletown ohio, oasis middletown, tim sheets middletown, heaven made real, angel armies, planting the heavens, the new era of glory, new era, no more delay, dutch sheets, chuck pierce, prophetic summit, mikey lamb, rachel shafer, jen tringale, raise the bar, chuck pierce prophecy, new era for breaking curses, breaking curses, the hub chuck pierce, the hub, prophetic word
Id: KlB059rgZik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 58sec (4198 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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