Burning Ekklesia | Becca Greenwood

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would you welcome becca as she comes to share what holy spirit is saying tonight amen go get them all right thank you well i moved in amen how is everyone whoo yeah so you i'm gonna you may be seated you may be seated and i just want to thank carol and tim so much for the invitation to be here with you tonight to share uh the word of the lord and to pray for our nation and what god is doing in this time amen and carol just told me you can go online to get our books as as tim just said we had a blizzard this week in colorado springs and uh and 27 inches of snow in different places we had eight foot drifts on our ranch woo-hoo and so even the tractor and the snow plow got stuck anyway and so uh because of that i guess shipping is behind and the books did not make it is that right man all right so you can go online we i've written 10 books and our website is christianharvestintl.org to look at the books that i have written and the classes and the teachings that you can stream and download christianharvestintl.org and so i'm going to pray and we're going to jump in to what uh the word of the lord is during this time amen so lord we thank you father god for this night lord i thank you for tim and carol sheets lord i thank you for what you are doing here in the hub lord i thank you for what you are doing in this region lord i thank you for what you are doing in our nation and in the nations lord we thank you for the privilege to be alive in the most historic time of christianity in the history of the world lord you have appointed and anointed and commissioned us and called us for such a time as this so holy spirit i thank you that you come and that you have your way tonight lord may we be ignited on fire for you and may we be your burning ecclesia to bring awakening revival and transformation to our cities to our region and the nations in jesus name amen [Music] how many of you have not heard me teach i got to give the disclaimer about the giggle if you've not heard me teach before raise your hand if you've not heard me speak sometimes when i am speaking you will hear a giggle begin to rise up out of me and i used to try to control it and peter wagner who was a spiritual father in our lives he asked me uh why are you holding back that giggle and i said because it'll be a distraction for people and he said darling let that giggle out let that impartation of joy come but the reason why it's so strategic is the lord radically set me free from depression 30 years ago i keep having to change the time frame ha ha and when i had that encounter with the lord i literally rose up off that floor full of joy and i have not battled with heaviness or depression or torment again since that encounter so when i start talking about the holy spirit when i start talking about the glory when i start talking about the fire sometimes it comes out and sometimes it doesn't and if it does just receive the impartation all right because we're not going to try to hold it back we are alive in a very interesting time yeah and just as i said when i was praying i believe and i know many of us do we are alive in the most historic i don't believe i know in the most historic time of christianity the history of christianity in the world and if i had to say what i am going to talk about tonight if i would title it i'm going to i would title it burning ecclesia you know when we went around the nation tim in december i gave up my month off right that was my vacation time like you know we all did so the lord gave me february off praise god glory hallelujah and he did something really interesting during that time that i didn't know uh was going to happen and during that time that month off i spent i always do a lot of time in prayer intercession getting refreshed getting revived and he had me begin to study about past revival moves like immersing myself and what has god done now i'm not saying god's going to repeat the past but literally having me listen to documentaries listen to teachings reading books about amazing things that god has done in revival moves throughout our nation and the nations of the world and i believe the reason why he is doing that not so we can relive something because god's going to do something greater and better than what he has even ever done in the past but when you read what he has been able to do when you read those testimonies and you read that history it begins to fill you with that faith and it begins to fill you with the fire that burning fire of oh god do it again and so i began to study about different scriptures about the holy spirit which i've already done but i'm going to start by reading one to you tonight second corinthians 13 14. and i'm reading from the passion translation you might feel like we're on a little bit of a bible drill at first tonight it says now may the grace and joyous favor of the lord jesus christ the unambiguous which means undeniable irrefutable beyond doubt unquestionable love of god and the precious communion close association and fellowship that we share in the holy spirit be yours continually without ceasing without ending that fellowship continuously see i believe the time that we are in right now is that we are there we are at that time now that that beginning of this awakening of the move of the holy spirit and transformation that we have all been prophesying and it might look like darkness is increasing in the earth does it look like that but what does this say in isaiah 60 a rise shine for your light has come and the glory of the lord has risen upon you darkness covers the earth in deep darkness the people but the lord shall rise upon you and his glory shall be seen on you so no matter what we're seeing unfold right now within our nation no matter what we're seeing unfold within the nations with darkness and schemes of the enemy the time we are in right now is the glory of the lord is rising on us and increasing on the ekklesia to where the glory will be seen on us and it will rise and it will shine brighter it will the authority of that glory will begin to permeate through it will surround us when it is seen on you it means it is in virtual proximity to us when i was just interviewing with sid on my last book discerning the spirit realm he said becca do you think it's actually going to be seen on us that people will i said absolutely yes you know moses you know he got to encounter the lord in that burning bush right and he put that veil over his face but not only do we get to reflect him as we are transformed from glory to glory we get to radiate him so when the glory is seen on us it's literally like enveloping us surrounding us engulfing us so i'm going to read to you another scripture that jesus spoke to the disciples in acts 1 verses 4 through 5. jesus instructed them don't leave jerusalem but wait here until you receive the gift i told you about the gift the father has promised for john baptized you in the water but in a few days from now you will be baptized immersed engulfed in the holy spirit this gift literally means that it was a pledge and it was a promise it's our inheritance and i know this sounds so simplistic we're going to go deeper because i am a prophetic warrior so we're going to get to the warfare side of the burning ecclesia but i grew up a daddy's girl i wanted to be tim everywhere my dad was don't stone the prophet i grew up in dallas texas my dad was an avid dallas cowboy fan okay i'm just saying and so i got to go to the home games on the 40-yard line with my dad and this was back in the glory days right roger stallback drew pearson two tall jones i'm just saying tom landry the glory day you see we're prophesying about the glory right and he told my mom he said i don't know if she goes because she likes the game i don't know if she goes because she wants to be with me i don't know if she goes because she knows i'm going to buy her all the cheese nachos she can eat and then i'm going to tell her don't tell your mom the truth is i wanted to be where my father was i wanted to be in his presence i wanted to be in his shadow i wanted to love what he loved i wanted to learn what he loved and so even when we go to these games my dad was a good sportsman there's a point to this hold on when the opposing team like the pittsburgh steeler or the washington redskins the rival would come out yeah on the field all a texas stadium would stand up and go boo but my dad said that's bad sportsmanship you don't do that and i thought oh my dad's so cool he's setting a standard right we don't do that but when the ref made a bad call it was a different story he would jump up boom you know okay and and so i would jump up with him and i'd start shouting and i had no idea why we were doing it and we'd sit back down and i say dad why are we booing and he would laugh and he would explain it to me the truth of the matter is what we're talking about with this gift of the holy spirit literally this is our kingdom inheritance that he has given us each as sons and daughters i'm preaching to the choir here we're going to go deeper but he has given the holy spirit with us to us alive in us so we can be ones burning on fire with him i think sometimes we're too lukewarm as the church and he goes on to tell him i love this part in acts 1 8 he spoke of what holy spirit brings and makes available to us he said i promise you this the holy spirit will come on you and you will be ceased with power and you will be my messengers to jerusalem throughout judea the distant provinces even the remotest places of the earth this word lambano literally foresees and it means as we take it as a possession we take hold of that power we take hold of that fire it literally means we put it on you know what else it really means it says that you will be seized with power another translation is you will seize that power how many of you sometimes want more of the lord right how many of us want to see a revival and awakening of the lord right we want to see him move i want to burn for him and so this is where we jump to and we're you're okay we're not going to go through the whole bible but he told him he's going to come and you're going to seize that you're going to take possession of that so they go and they pray right and they're in that upper room and i'm not going to give you the whole teaching on acts 2. but the lord told me four years ago to study the fullness of what happened in acts 2 when the holy spirit fell at pentecost now i was raised southern baptist praise god woohoo became spirit-filled many years ago baptized in the holy spirit right but the lord said study the fullness of what happened in acts 2. and so i began to study the fullness of what every word meant what was the fullness that was occurring and it says in acts 2 this is the moment where the holy spirit's coming and they're going to seize that power they're going to be seized with power and so it says after they were in the upper room praying 120 and suddenly a sound like a mighty rushing wind came from heaven and in my baptist mind even though i was baptized and spirit-filled for many years i thought oh that was just like a little you know nice little breeze that came into that room it was like a whirlwind that came into that room and began to swirl around them and it carried a burden that literally it means that mighty rushing when the breath of life the fire of god went to the deepest part and all a hundred and twenty of them at the same time that could respond to god and they were transformed from the inside out with the very breath of life of the holy spirit so they went from jesus has told us all of these things and we've seen him operate to all of a sudden that holy spirit comes in and they are shifted in that moment to kingdom mindset and understanding and when it's said that they were engulfed that pillars of fire appeared over each of them and then if you read the passion translation it says they were engulfed with those flames and we know what happened they began to pray into uh in other languages right but not only did they begin to pray in other languages but they became engulfed surrounded filled with that fire and what's so amazing and i'm preaching to the choir here instead of looking at the burning bush they became the burning bush [Applause] see this is where i've been this is where he's taking us we want to burn for him we want to be on fire for him when i teach this always tell everybody burn baby burn burn and think about peter right and this this is where god's taking us this is where we are we are about to see an outbreak of the holy spirit and awakening that will sweep across this nation there is a remnant that's on fire and that is burning of the ekklesia that will be ones of awakening and that will be ones to release transformation i don't want the mediocre do you guys want the mediocre and so here we are and the sound that came into them this sound how many of you know there's a distinct sound that comes with the holy spirit that comes with the fire that comes with the glory that comes with the breath of life of god and everyone outside heard it they heard that sound and they came running and all of a sudden peter he had this understanding of what he had to do and he began to preach and 3000 got saved but i want to back up can we back up a little bit and i i'm not going to teach tons about ecclesia because i know you you guys could preach that to me as well you've had incredible teaching on this by the best so i felt a little funny when the lord said talk about it a little bit so i defer but i'm going to share what the lord told me to do is that okay and many of you know this already so i won't do this whole teaching but when he jesus was walking with his disciples and he stopped them in front of caesarea philippi you know who do people say that i am and they said oh say some say john the baptist some say jeremiah some say a prophet but oh who do you say that i am and i love peter because he really makes me feel good in my humanness praise god because he gets commended in this story and the next one get behind me satan when he gets it on he's on when he gets it off he's off i'm just saying and he said you are jesus the son of the most high living god and he said oh blessed are you simon barjona because this revelation came from my father in heaven and he said upon this rock i will build my ekklesia my legislative assembly and the gates of hades shall not prevail against it now he had him standing the disciples in front of the most demonic stronghold you know this in that region a shrine to caesar temple to nemesis temple to pan there was a cave that they called the mouth to hades so in the prophetic version of the bible according to becca greenwood jesus wasn't just giving a visual object lesson to the disciples he was decreeing out loud and announcing out loud in front of the gate of hades in the most darkest principalities of that region upon this rock the revelation of me i will build my ecclesia my legislative assemblies and the gates of hades will not prevail against it it wasn't just an object lesson for the disciples it was a declaration and a decree from the kingdom of heaven to announce to hades itself i have arrived on the scene and i am commissioning my ekklesia and you will not prevail against them i'll give you the keys to the kingdom so not only are we his legislative assembly but we're packing keys and in jewish culture when you give keys over it means you are being given the full authority as if you are the master of the house yourself so i'll give you the keys of the kingdom and we know this whatever you bind on earth must be bound in heaven whatever you loose on earth must be loosed in heaven so then let's think about the transfiguration are you guys good some scholars say this happened some say it didn't so i'm just going to say according to the prophetic version of becca greenwood i think it's way cool to think that it did some scholars and theologians will say that the transfiguration occurred on that mountain isn't that amazing if that did happen jesus and moses and elijah at the demonic stronghold in their glory burning on that mountain but the point of the story is this peter when he woke up and he saw that he said oh lord the kingdom is here we're going to build three huts and we're going to have everybody come here because this is what we've been waiting for and the bible said he didn't even know what he was talking about but when he got the holy spirit and it came alive in him and he's engulfed in the fire of the holy spirit and all of a sudden the people in the town that heard that sound they came running and he didn't say come up in here he went out to them and he released the message and 3000 got saved i was watching a documentary by jay edwin or it was so awesome and he made this comment let's see if i get it right in times of evangelism the evangelist goes looking for the lost in the time of revival and awakening the lost come running after the lord they heard the sound and they came running and peter began to preach and 3 000 got saved because now he's understanding whoa we are of a better kingdom than the kingdom of this world we are of the kingdom of god he's the king and we are his legislative assembly and we are walking in dominion whoo so then the lord took me about three weeks ago into acts 3 and this is after they have preached the gospel and 3 000 have gotten saved and peter and john are going to the place of prayer and as they're on their way they came to the entrance called the beautiful gate they were captured by the sight of a man crippled from birth being carried and placed at the entrance of the temple and we know that he was brought there to beg for money from those going into worship when he noticed peter and john going into the temple he begged them for money and peter and john looking straight into the eyes of the crippled man said look at us expecting a gift he readily gave them his attention then peter said i don't have money but i'll give you this by the power of the name of jesus christ of nazareth stand up and walk this wasn't just a gate to the temple this actually and i know many of you probably heard this herois it means belonging to the right time and season it was a gate of a time and a season for signs and wonders to begin to break out among the disciples and among the apostles i believe we're there we are there now how many of you want to come to church and you want to encounter the holy spirit in such an awesome way that we are filled back up and we are sent out amen and you know the beautiful thing about this i'm so thankful for mentors in our lives because when greg and i first became spirit-filled after being southern baptist pastors we went to a church in houston that was experiencing revival so we thought that was normal spirit-filled that was normal guys people would drive down the street lost feel god's presence park the cars rush in the back door of the church fall at the altar and cry out for salvation [Applause] jesus would come to people in dreams go to this church at this time on this day lost people and they will come in and they will get saved i believe we are at a horres moment now a beautiful gate moment now where signs and wonders and miracles and salvations are operating through the ecclesia not only for a move of god in a service but for a move of god that will go outside the walls of the church and influence culture in a way of transformation and so then we know what happened with peter and john they got the sadducees the religious people got all upset right they arrested him questioned him the next day and what did peter say it is impossible for us not to talk about what we've seen and heard it is impossible they couldn't find why they could keep and they released them and they go back to the church and they told them what happened and what does the church do they they heard all that had happened and we are in the decade of pay you are in a house that decrees you are in a house that declares you are in a house that prophesies i know many of you are coming from around the region but in this decade of pay where we are speaking out and we are declaring out when peter and john came back and told the other believers they began to remind god and speak out with their mouths of all that had occurred and then they said so now lord listen to the threats to harm us empower us as your servants to speak the word of god freely and courageously stretch out your hand of power through us they were they were doing lembano they were seizing the moment and they were speaking it out to heal and to move in signs and wonders by the name of your holy son jesus listen to this guys as they prayed the earth shook beneath them and this word shook doesn't mean there is just shaking going on it dislodged things in the heavenlies so as they prayed it shook and each one of them was filled with the holy spirit and they begin to proclaim god with unrestrained boldness this is where we are one of the things when we were in that revival move that our mentors would say to us they would say don't wait to get to the service to burn for jesus burn for him before you ever walk through the doors don't look to the pastor don't look to the leader to help you start to burn learn to get in that place and burn yourself and when you come in we're all on fire and we catch the wave of the spirit to cause the shaking and the presence to come to where we see signs and wonders and healings and miracles we see principalities dislodged over a region because of the fire and the shaking of the holy spirit we have welcomed in and we decree we declare with unrestrained boldness there's a sound of the fire there's a sound of the glory there's a sound this word in acts 2 sound it meant the blast of the trumpet a good report the roar like the waves of the ocean and the roar like a lion so when we are filled we and we speak boldly we got the roar of the lion of judah resounding out of our mouths as his legislative assembly to disciple nations ethnos every part of society and sphere of culture the enemy has never nor will he ever play fair he's not going to get up give up real easy are we seeing that but we know we're not fighting for victory but we are fighting from victory with victory and this is what he's doing he is causing us to burn for him i don't want mediocre i don't want slumbering christianity i want to burn for him you know catherine coleman had this great quote that she would say it isn't golden vessels that he needs it isn't silver vessels that he's looking for he needs yielded vessels amen so in this time and i'm speaking prophetically guys this whole message of this burning ecclesia unrestrained boldness that glory that is awakened in us which means splendor i'm not going to go through a whole teaching it means honor it means wealth it means glorious presence manifestation of power a reward in our inner person transform from glory to glory and we rise up and become men and women rulers of high rank ones who govern with him right so in this time that we are in this horreos time that we are coming through a gate at the now time to see signs and wonders and miracles occur god is going to work in time for us and for his kingdom in very strategic ways and i wrote a whole chapter in my book discerning the spirit realm about time i'm not going to give we know there's chronos and kairos and we talked about heroes already and aura and eddie which is now time but i want to reference a story about joshua and i'm going to give some testimonies when joshua went in to possess the land he had been in that wilderness with moses for 40 years and we know that when moses went into that tent of meeting he would meet with god face to face moses had to go out and lead the people but joshua got to stay in so it comes time to possess the promised land and god gives him those strategies where he possesses he'd yadas he takes and he possesses as an inheritance right and in joshua 10 we know the story where the amorites right they're battling the amorites and in this story in joshua 10 it says on the day the lord gave the amorites over to israel joshua said to the lord in the presence of israel sun stand still over gibeon and you moon over the valley of agilent so the sun stood still and the moon stopped till the nation avenged itself on its enemies the sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day there has never been a day like it before or since a day when the lord listened to a human being surely the lord was fighting for israel isn't this amazing that in this midst of the battle this is where i believe we are heading tim even in the midst of the strategies god is giving us as the ecclesia that when we hear him and we have been anointed from that place in his glory and in that fire we step out and we and we rise up with him and we begin to decree in agreement with what needs to happen at that moment for the victory and god moves supernaturally to ensure what is decreed even out to the sun and the moon occurs for the victory to happen joshua was so in tune he didn't have to say god cannot say it he knew what god wanted him to say and the lord honored what he said how many of you have been in times where god has caused time to stand still or cause time to increase we were on an assignment several years ago in spain and the lord told us to go to a specific location to pray so we go and we're up at this high place and we're looking down and it's like we need to go pray in that old cathedral it's like an old worship place dilapidated the lord just highlighted it and so to make a long story really short half the team drove the van down the other half walked down and when we got to the bottom we were going to walk up and meet them and when i'm in europe i love magnum ice cream bars i'm just saying so if you see a sign with magnum ice cream you just turn and you get a magnum bar and you pay for it and you eat it while you're going and we turned in to get the magnum bar and there was this gentleman in there and he began to speak with me in spanish now i don't speak spanish very well but all of a sudden something supernatural started happening and i was speaking spanish almost fluently so the team's watching how is she doing that so then he practices his english and i'm speaking spanish and the rest of the team shows up they heard our voices they found us and i looked at him and i said we want to get into that place that old building to pray and he he looked at me and he goes well you can't do that it's impossible no one can get in and i said oh man you know we we've traveled all this way and we're visiting historic places now this was a place of occult empowerment and the lord was telling us to pray and so i said is there any way we can get in and he goes well you have to it depends on who you know and i said well who do we have to know and he said you have to know the keeper of the keys and i looked at him and i said well who is that and he goes you're talking to him can you get us up there and he said oh this will be very difficult but yes i'll let you in so he closes his shop he goes have you eaten lunch i said no he goes oh you're going to be hungry i'll make a reservation at the best restaurant in town for you i said great it was 45 minutes from that time we get all the way up there guys and this guy was the history buff i'm talking like 30 minutes of a history lesson all the way up there he made our reservation for 3 15. when we were walking in it was 5 till 3. i was like there's you know wow i didn't speak the negative thing out but i looked at my watch i said but then under my breath i said lord cause us to enter into your time we got in there and he took us to the only active altar that was left of this occult practice that that he showed us at the front gave us a 45-minute history lesson welcomed us to worship in that place god's glory fell while we were in there worshiping he said i must go now i'm making a long story really short we walk out and i look at my watch and five minutes had passed on my watch we got down to the restaurant and i looked at everybody i said guys look at your watch they said it's 3 15. i said how much did you record in that temple when we were there praying 45 minutes in this time of ecclesia when we are engaging on assignment with him and we decree out with that holy spirit fire and glory god is going to cause even supernatural things to unfold in time for his purposes to be released and just fyi after that happened gold that had been hidden was uncovered beneath that temple and released into that town in that village to help the people so when we are on fire for him and we are the burning ecclesia and we are legislating with him god in this time is moving in revival and signs and wonders not only with people but even in the midst of what we are decreeing in the midst of the assignment in order to see his kingdom purposes fulfilled amen so one of the movements of god that i was studying and actually joseph garlington gave me this book when i was with him and it's about an argentine revival but it's the one from 1949 to 1968. and god was not moving at all in that nation and there were missionaries there and they were just done and the lord told him to go into a season of prayer and fasting and they're like we haven't seen anyone get saved we haven't seen anything changed there was corruption in the government there was persecution so in obedience tim they fasted and prayed and god slowly began to move through those leaders but there was a group of students at a university and one of the students was from a russian country can i come down and walk right here is that okay and he um god began to wake him up and to go out at night and pray in the middle of the night so he goes out and he prays and the angel of the lord comes to him and it was so holy he was completely overwhelmed just in that holy place goes back out the next night same thing happens but the holiness was so overwhelming that it was almost more than he could take he didn't understand he was more traditional so he runs to the dorm and he starts beating on the door let me in and they open the door and the students let them in and the angel of the lord comes in with them so they're up on the bunk beds and they're like and they're praying and they're weeping but it was so holy and the faculty comes and they go into this deep deep time of like four months of deep intercession for themselves deep intercession for the nation this deep holiness surrender just they said they couldn't even when they were praying sometimes stop the flow of travail that they were experiencing an intercession and then the fire of god would fall and all of a sudden they would get these messages and other languages and the other teachers and students were having to transcribe the messages they were getting because what that person that was speaking in their language was speaking in the language that that person wrote so they had all of these prophetic messages and they said after four months all of a sudden this victory broke out and when it did this joy flooded them and they all began to laugh they began to shout they were they were speaking out in joy and then the word of the lord came the prince of argentina has been dethroned oh and then he spoke to them and i'm just going to get really real we can be free here it's you the lord highlighted corruption in that government mountain and he said i myself will clean house and within a year he did including the president's wife because she was a spiritist in persecuting the christians then an unknown evangelist gets on a plane at the word of the lord and flies to argentina doesn't even know anything about the nation and i hope it's okay i'm just gonna do it it's okay he asked the flight attendant does the name perone mean anything to you and she said what do you mean what does that mean well that's the name of the president he goes oh i need to meet with him and she left she goes i feel like that's going to happen he gets into the nation this is after all the cleaning house took place and he goes to the pastors i need to meet with the president because i have to get permission to hold an evangelistic crusade in the stadium they said that's not going to happen he goes i've got to go so they go the next day and he walks up out of faith trying to get in and they're like you can't get in but then one of the men needed healing he saw that he was in pain and limping so he prayed for him and he got healed and he said he said who are you again he said tommy hicks and he said come back tomorrow that was the president's personal bodyguard he comes back the next day gets it walks in gets an audience with the president he needs a healing laid hands on him he gets healed and he says what is it that you need and the stadium was released and revival swept through that entire nation and harvest came forth and we are in a better time now than then this is why i laid this out burning ekklesia we've got to burn on fire for him we want to be ones that when we go out there's something about us that people go what is that and there is a burning sound of the fire of the lord as we decree as the ecclesia that what the enemy tries to do to get us out of god's timing he will burn the strategy we step in we decree in agreement with him we get where he tells us to get and he's going to move on our behalf in partnership because he wants to bring the awakening more than we want it [Applause] he's just saying who's gonna burn who's gonna burn and who's gonna rise up who's gonna burn and i'm preaching to the choir and who's gonna rise up listen guys and i i'm not saying this to you but we have got to get on fire again with the holy spirit to where there's something contagious in us that is different from the rest of the world we gotta burn look what happened to peter 3 000 get saved then they go and they heal this man they walked through that gate which was the time gate the now gate hoorayos to say not only are you going to see souls but signs and miracles are going to follow you oh peter's shadow people got healed catherine coleman would walk into a meeting you know and she'd go through the kitchen and the people just working in the auditorium because of the fire of god maria woodworth etter would come into a town and preach the gospel and people in their homes who didn't even want to go slain in the spirit and encountering the lord and what we're coming into now what we are now is greater than that i want that i want that as the ecclesia i want that as an intercessor i want that as a prayer warrior there is a sound that comes from the fire of the holy spirit that causes a shaking in the atmosphere and a dislodging of the principalities and powers you know what i've been doing on my knees in february oh god i want that sound jesus awaken the sound awaken the fire lord let your revival fire and awakening sweep this nation well we will rise up as a peter and john and we will say i cannot remain silent about what i've seen and heard don't even try to make me burn baby burn just listen to the lord listen prayer warriors we don't just pray because we can we can but we want to pray from a place of burning that causes the atmosphere to come to attention that's where we are you have the roar of the lion of judah we have the roar of the lion of judah and i want to say this and then we're going to we'll release pray a little bit then i'll turn it over to you is that all right tim we all ward really hard this past season yeah and we still are and in the natural it looks like oh there's a setback right i know one thing the lord is doing is he's bringing a fullness of exposure to everything that cannot be denied and i do know this as we continue to partner with him he will fight for us and with us just as he did in argentina reece house the lord gave him a vision right hitler would be defeated the nazi structure would be defeated he even said they're not going to even invade into poland or to belgium that's what reece had you know felt that he hurt but what happened they invaded and he went to the lord and he said what do i do and the lord spoke this to him just because it didn't unfold exactly how you thought doesn't take away from the victory i have promised you do not shrink back do not stop praying you keep pressing and when the victory comes it will be a greater glory than even if it had happened the way you had originally said and thought don't defend yourself reese i told him that you carry the burden till the fullness of victory comes we are the burning ecclesia to make history in our nation and the nations of the world amen so i'm going to pray for i even hear the lord saying prophetically right now before i start praying guys we're gonna have to he's already doing this he's speaking to many leaders right now because of what is about to unfold in the awakening the lord is saying he's giving expansion of vision to prepare the place for the harvest that comes in and he's saying he is stretching tent pegs and he is speaking to many of you as leaders to prepare the way in order that when the revival breaks out and guys this isn't just about revival i want transformation but when the souls start coming in that there's got to be an expansion not only for the souls but for the equipping of what god's going to do in this new era and for you personally and even some of you pastors corporately i'm going to say this and then i'm going to pray and turn it over to tim so we can start the lord gave me one more piece and he's nudging me saying don't go till you release this and it was the end of january and he said he spoke at our prayer network meeting and he said as the ecclesia were in a wine press now i haven't used that word in years and i had to do a study what is a wine press now in the word sometimes it means judgment but that's not what the lord was saying at all this is what he said becca he said i've got my ecclesia my sons and daughters in my hands of the winepress and i'm pressing and squeezing the grape the wine out of my ekklesia in this season for the new wine for the new era for the new wineskin and then he said i'm in that pressing the best wine is coming out and all of those those things and he had me list these in your walk and so i'm going to encourage you personally and even corporately if he leads you to do this write down those moments that were so life life-altering and transforming of encounters with him and he says what he is doing is he's bringing all of those moments together in a wine press of his hands producing the best wine for the new wine skin for this new era so all of those moments that were so incredible so life-altering so fire igniting go back and say and you're not going backwards but he's bringing them together to produce the beautiful wine of awakening and transformation for the new era just like what david prayed in psalm 57 8 awaken my glory he's awakening in us individually and ex the ecclesia his glory for this new era so i'm going to pray so lord i thank you for each person each leader each of your sons and daughters that are represented here each of those that are watching online and that will watch online lord i thank you lord that there will be moves of your fire that they will have encounters with you lord that there will be a fresh filling of your spirit with your fire lord that will cause a shaking lord not only in their lives in an awakening in their lives but lord in their churches in their cities and in their regions and lord i thank you lord that they will have holy spirit moments with you where they will seize what you are releasing an awakening in them in this hour and lord and i know tim i need to turn it over to you but lord not only do i pray that for each person here not only do i pray that for each person that is watching lord we pray it for the nation lord that even is what we are praying and standing and believing for lord within this nation lord that their lord will be an awakening that will go from the north and the south and the east in the west lord that will sweep through the remnant during this time and lord strategies will come that we will see your hand move so supernaturally as we stand into your kingdom assignments to see your kingdom time released for victories thank you lord thank you lord and tim and carol i just i hear the lord saying that even in this region that you haven't seen anything yet and that you have been plowing for many years and in this season that apostolic mantle that god has placed on you in this time that god is going to cause there to be that apostolic father and mother anointing that sweeps across this region that will cause an awakening to come and i just i see and i i haven't asked you this but in the past there have been moments where god has moved in the past and there's been like revival fires but then there's been a resistance that has come you know even religiously and the lord says in this time and in this season that that religious stronghold that has tried to hold back what god is doing the lord is saying he's given you the keys and you know and that the keys that he has given you is going to see that religious stronghold over the region that it will be dethroned and it will be broken in this season [Applause] and he says not only is it for this region but it's for the nation and that god is causing increased increase increase to come even within the nation of the prototype of what he is having you establish here in the new era and that i even see that as it sweeps through the nation that there's even going to be those that will even go out to nations to carry the prototype of what god has given you for the new era hmm wow and i hear the lord saying that even as he is positioning the two of you governmentally apostolically that it will cause a righteous alignment governmentally in the natural in the region that there's going to be some shifting and moving around that will begin to unfold even within the next year to two years governmentally in this region because god's positioning his righteous ones amen amen amen thank you lord just do you mind playing rachel do you mind can is that okay yeah thank you so lord even right now over each person i'm just in this room i'm going to ask a question how many of you in this room and there's going to be some online and i'm going to do this and then we're going to start praying more into you know the region and the nation as tim leads us how many of you feel like that you have been in a time of i don't know how to say it of delay that keeps reoccurring in your life raise your hand if that's you yeah so i want you to stand and i'm going to pray over you real quick once you stay where you are but i'm going to stand and i'm going to pray and i'm even seeing this for this region this is one of the assignments of the enemy with that religious stronghold is to continue to cause there to be a delay in what god has spoken not only corporately but for individuals and it's like what happens with this is like you feel like you're advancing and you're moving forward then all of a sudden something happens and a wall comes and it's like and it just stops and there's a halting and so right now in jesus name lord for each of them that are here in this room lord right now this assignment of the enemy that would cause there to be a delay lord in their lives in their vision in their homes in their families in their churches lord right now in their ministries in their businesses lord right now in jesus name i take authority over that assignment of the spirit of delay over your ekklesia in this region and i break your power off of them now in jesus name i say right now that that repeated pattern that comes in this region as they're advancing and all of a sudden it's like a wall i break that pattern i break right now even trauma in the land that is in the land of this region that has caused that delay to be a repeated pattern and i break that trauma now in jesus name right now we say that assignment is canceled and it is finished that that assignment of delay that would grip even provision of finances for kingdom vision i break that assignment now in jesus name thank you lord [Music] and i'm just seeing this in a vision right now tim and in this region and i literally i i there's there's there's a body of water near middleton is that right and i literally am seeing at one point in the history in that area there was an outbreak of the holy spirit and lord right now we say that every attempt of the enemy even in that move that occurred in this region that revival moved near that body of water that where religious came in that religiousness and that delay came in at that moment lord right now in jesus name we break that assignment now we say it is over it is canceled right now in jesus name and we say right now lord let the your spirit move from that river we say let it flow through middleton let it flow through this region let it flow through the cities and let it flow through the churches lord we say let your river flow let it be a healing river that flows through this land and lord let that river flow through the churches through the streets lord into the government buildings of this region and let that river flow into those government buildings and let it bring awakening within those government buildings within this region lord lord we thank you lord that there's going to be a shifting and a moving around that the righteous ones will be positioned in this time thank you i'm just going to release this one last thing that i'm saying even as this ecclesia the apostolic prophetic kingdom move is established that there's even going to be a move even within i'm seeing high schools within the region and that there's going to begin to be a move even god's going to start raising up leaders that are going to feel the calling that are going to feel the assignment to begin to go into those schools to release his presence and i the lord is saying watch what will even unfold within the high schools within the region because there is a hunger that is springing up within the young in this region and even the move of god that occurs will occur among the young people of the region
Channel: Oasis Church
Views: 14,058
Rating: 4.9424462 out of 5
Keywords: the oasis church, tim sheets, dr. tim sheets, oasiswired, oasis church, middletown ohio, oasis middletown, tim sheets middletown, heaven made real, angel armies, planting the heavens, the new era of glory, new era, no more delay, prophetic summit, raise the bar, angel armies on assignment, prayer and decrees, releasing angels, becca greenwood, the hub, the hub ekklesia gathering, ekklesia, hub middletown, prophetic word, pray for america
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 52sec (4912 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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