Overthrowing Thrones of Iniquity | Tim Sheets

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i heard the lord say july 14 uh 2020 just a few weeks ago i heard the lord say for the church to see the change desired it must partner with holy spirit and then he added this line it is not an option on july 21st 2020 the lord then said this to me and he spoke it emphatically he spoke it so clear it was like he said it out loud i will now reintroduce holy spirit to the world he will function in visible leadership of the ecclesia and visible was emphasized visible leadership of the ecclesia in worldwide ways and with explosive power about five years or so ago i asked holy spirit a question you know sometimes people say when they get to heaven they're going to ask a question i got a question i i chose a while back that i'm just going to ask him now because he knows him now and i asked holy spirit about five years or so ago now i said holy spirit why tongues why why a spirit language what's the reason behind it beyond people on the day of pentecost hearing the glorious works of god in their own language because the apostles and the ecclesia from then on practiced speaking in other tongues holy spirit why tongues what's the what's the revelation of heaven behind it he spoke three words to me that has forever changed me it it began a download of revelation that is still going on in this present time i said why tongues what is it about and he answered me immediately saying it's governing intercession it's governing intercession those words rang in my spirit it was like all of me when i heard those words begin to vibrate with the anointing of the holy spirit with with with what heaven was saying and i thought immediately of course it is how in the world did i miss that how have i not heard that of course it is it's governing intercession it's about government yes it's about many other things that are beneficial but it's about government it's governing intercession of holy spirit it's the governing intercession holy spirit leads through the heirs of god and the joint heirs with christ it's government language of christ's kingdom on the earth it's spirit language that helps the kings ecclesia his new testament church rule and reign with him as governing heirs on the earth in this life romans 5 17 says in this life as as god has determined that's one of the vital strategic meanings of tongues and i begin to see the scriptures uh about this begin to unfold in the old and in the new testament it's part of the restoration of the dominion mandate that god gave to man in genesis 1 26 have dominion and subdue the earth holy spirit came to empower the heirs and empower the kings ecclesia to fulfill that mandate he comes to fill us with his power and with his presence and helps us pray governing prayers in restored spirit language and in the natural language that we have that we pray in jesus name he comes to fulfill zephaniah 3 9 that describes prayer in heaven's spirit language this way god says that it is restored he tells zephaniah it is restored language and it's pure prayer it's restored language in pure prayer that brings the ecclesia into a supernatural unity similar to the unity the godhead has and puts all our shoulders to the wheel pushing together for a kingdom cause and battling in spiritual warfare with one united or unanimous consent as holy spirit leads romans 8 26 says holy spirit prays through us getting hold of things together with us the phrase in the greek is soon anti lamb bana may i and it means he will grab hold holy spirit will grab hold of things together with us in spirit kingdom language helping us pray governing prayers now today i i want to focus on holy spirit helping us to come against a throne of darkness a throne of darkness he helps us overthrow thrones of iniquity and in fact we are commanded to overthrow them he also supplies angel armies to help us do this in fact they are keys to helping us do this angels are keys to help us remove demon thrones demonic powers he does this through praying in spirit language through prayers in english or whatever your native language would be also through rhema words that he makes come come alive out of the scriptures also through prophetic words teachings dreams or visions that that he gives to us that we are then to decree through our faith now listen to a couple of passages i read last week because they are foundations to an amazing doctrine that that is being reintroduced into our times the apostle paul writes to the kingdom ecclesia in corinth second corinthians 10 verse 3 through 4 the amplified remember he's writing to the ecclesia when you see the word church to the church in corinth or ephesus wherever it is always the word ecclesia so to the church in corinth for though we walk in walk live in the flesh we are not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh and using mere human weapons for the weapons of our warfare are not physical weapons of flesh and blood but they are mighty before god for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds notice there is clearly a war there is a battle and there are powers that he expects the ecclesia to overthrow we certainly see that in our times right now there are demon thrones operating on the planet that we must overthrow and destroy the message bible reads paul who said i use tongues or spirit language more than all of you said this the world is unprincipled it's dog-eat-dog out there the world doesn't fight fair but we don't live or fight our battles that way never have and never will the tools of our trade aren't for marketing or manipulation but they are for demolishing the entire massively corrupt culture as we saw last week yes the bible says we are to battle hell's culture we are to be involved in the culture not stay out of it we use our powerful god tools for smashing warped philosophies which are shouted to us nearly every day tearing down barriers erected against god's truth or the truth of god fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by christ our tools are ready at hand in other words they are present and available they're at hand they're right here we got them our tools are ready at hand clearing the ground of every obstruction and building lives of obedience into maturity so yes we have weapons designed to clear the land of barriers to god's truth we have them now there are times when christ instructs the ecclesia that is to be led by the holy spirit to come against enemy strongholds in their region in their state or in their nation sometimes he calls us to demolish cultural iniquity sometimes there are times when holy spirit leads us to overthrow thrones of evil it is a part of the calling of the ecclesia but sadly the church has rejected that and not uh not participated in its godly assignment all that much the past few decades in fact many preached the opposite again as we said last week don't worry about the culture don't don't don't don't worry about society leave it alone leave warped philosophies alone leave the lies alone stay in the four walls of the church although now they say you can't even be in the four walls go outside in a tent somewhere and just deal with spiritual matters we're not supposed to be involved in cultural matters but as we saw then why has god given us spiritual weapons meant to demolish corrupt culture why has he given us weapons designed to smash warped philosophies if we're supposed to leave them alone why are we given weapons meant to tear down barrier walls to god's truth if we leave it alone why are we even called an ecclesia of king jesus on the earth why does holy spirit pray spirit governing prayers designed to overthrow it and lead an effort to demolish it demolish it it's demon doctrine to say don't be involved in societal cultural or government matters it is antichrist doctrine and far too much of the church has bought it we are to be declarers of what god says we are to stand for what god says without compromise now the apostle paul also writes to other new testament churches ecclesias continuing with the same theme he writes to the ephesians concerning overthrowing thrones of darkness and he says in ephesians 1 26 the ecclesia the true church the ruling body the reigning body of christ he says is to rise and to sit in heavenly places in christ jesus places is plural and it refers to regions or realms heavenly realms or heavenly regions that are over us between earth and heaven and he says very clearly the ecclesia is to sit there sit notice please that a throne is involved it's to be seated the church is to be seated with christ in those realms a position of power a position of rule is involved a seat a seat of a a government position seat is involved a seat of authority oftentimes when you speak of someone in government you will say they have a seat in government they they have a seat of authority that's the idea paul's presenting paul also writes uh he writes this to the ecclesia in colossae colossians 1 verse 12 giving thanks unto the father which has made us meek to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light who has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of his dear son in whom we have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of sins who is the image of the invisible god the firstborn of every creature for by him were all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth visible or invisible please notice what he says visible or invisible whether they be thrones plural more than one many thrones or dominions plural principalities plural powers plural all things were created by him and for him and he is before all things and by him do all things consist and he is the head of the body the church that's the greek word ekklesia there the the ruling body he is the head of the ruling body he's he's head of the governing body he put on the earth the ecclesia who is the beginning the firstborn from the dead that in all things he might have the preeminence preeminence simply refers to the highest position of power or authority that there is jesus is king of kings he is lord of lords and he has preeminent authority no one has greater authority than him his is preeminent now notice thrones plural it says are created by god visible ones and invisible ones throne is the greek word thronos and it simply means a stately seat of authority kings we know they sit on thrones it is a seat of governing authority and you can see kings today and their government on the earth all around the world today they're visible you can see kings they they rule their territories they rule their their nations the they rule with authority the same is true with dominions dominions is curious and it means governing power governing power it means lords or lordship and it means the one who possesses dominion principalities that is the greek word rk and rk means a leader or a ruler or an originator and it means the active cause of something and this word rk for principalities can be used for either angels or it can be used for fallen angels demons the word powers that's the greek word exocya exocea means executive power it means the one with position permission to use authority they have executive power all of these are visibly seen in the nations of the world today they are visibly seen governing regions of the earth and governing over nations and of course to capture a region or to capture a nation to capture the territory you first of all must capture the throne now that's not hard to understand because we see that all the time we've seen it in libya we we've seen it in crimea we've seen it in in iraq we've seen it in syria it's very visible you can see it but what about the invisible what about the heavenly spheres what about the heavenly regions between earth and heaven that paul talks about what about the heavenly places the heavenly realms because clearly it says some thrones and some powers are not visible they're not visible now that does not mean they are unreal it just means you cannot see them with your natural eyes he made thrones visible and invisible if for example god himself sets on he sits on the throne of heaven you can't see that throne right now you you can't see it in the natural but what occurs at that throne decisions he makes from that throne does affect what happens on the earth jesus he sets on the throne at the right hand of father god you you can't see that throne right now at least not with your natural eyes but it is a very real throne and decisions made from that throne does affect things on the earth right now so you you can't think imaginary thrones you must think real thrones but unseen ones and you can't think this has nothing to do with affecting things on earth because it most certainly does and you cannot think it has nothing to do with affecting the culture because it has everything to do with affecting culture before man was ever created there was a battle for god's throne lucifer and his angels dumbest decision any any uh one has ever made lucifer made it lucifer and his angels fought god for the throne of heaven again a very real throne though we can't see it right now this battle is described in isaiah chapter 14 and of course in revelations chapter 12. lucifer attempted a coup d'etat in heaven lucifer and his angels fought and they fought for god's throne that's what the battle was over the battle was was over who's going to set on the throne and we know from the book of revelations 12 that michael and his angel armies begin to battle lucifer and his fallen one-third of the angels fell with lucifer michael and his angel army fought with lucifer and his fallen angels and what was the battle about the battle was for the throne the battle was for the throne of heaven lucifer of course was unsuccessful to say the least we are told jesus said that i was there and i saw him fall like lightning out of heaven as god threw him out using angel armies because god did use angel armies he had michael and his division of warriors fight fight lucifer and his fallen angels and we are told by the king jesus they struck like lightning and there was no room left they cleared they cleared the atmosphere of demon forces they were cleared but the point is if if he would dare attempt to take god's throne why don't we understand he will attempt to take other thrones it has been his plan from the beginning which is happening in the real the real not imaginary real spirit realms in heavenly places or in heavenly spheres right now his idea has always been to occupy the throne of a territory to occupy the throne of a nation he wants his kingdom his fallen angels his demons to occupy thrones over regions why to affect the natural throne or government of that region that territory or the earth so that through the natural throne or government of the region he can battle against christ and affect the earth with his diabolical schemes with his thinking with his laws with his philosophies with warped ideologies or warped philosophies that control culture it's as old as the coup in heaven lucifer wants his his principalities his powers his dominions influencing the people on the earth he wants to do that working through natural peoples on the earth natural powers on the earth and natural government on the earth through ideologies and through demon philosophies he does that so he can empower those who agree he wants to empower those who agree with his ideology with his oppressive nature with his lust for power which he most certainly dominates him pride and lust for power dominates lucifer with his demon thinking with his agenda like abortion that's why that's why all you're hearing right now is about abortion because he's trying to affect the culture or the normalizing of the sin of homosexuality or atheism or humanism he wants his kingdom empowering and promoting that demonic thrones have this assignment then hinder confuse harass slander and accuse those who stand for christ on the earth as adam and eve lucifer wants his kingdom to present idea ideas ideologies philosophies thinking demon thoughts that are not what god says why so he can usurp their authority for take their authority and rule in their place and so he can oppress the garden or press the territory so he controls the culture with demon ideology and you are seeing that right in front of your eyes every single day you won't be gone from the church an hour before you see it it is evident and plain it's real ezekiel ezekiel 28 talks about this and it says the prince of tyrus was a man this is ezekiel 28 the prince of tyrus was a man he ruled the territory or the nation of of tyrus but it says the king of tyrus was not a man he was lucifer himself according to ezekiel ezekiel named him it was lucifer in other words from his territorial throne spiritual realm spiritual sphere from his spiritual territorial throne lucifer controlled the prince or the king of tyrus he controlled the government on the earth of tyrus and through that natural government on the earth the people of tyrus were oppressed they were dominated they were controlled by an evil culture a massively evil culture that served baal and what did pale baal do he sacrificed he demanded sacrifice of babies please understand where we're at what's taking place through natural government earth the people in tyrus were oppressed this battle has been raging for centuries now health kingdom has consistently fought the church for the throne of their regions for the throne of their territories or nations it's happening right now all over america it's happening in every state the battle is for who controls the throne that's what this election is about who's going to control the throne what ideology is going to control the culture and it's time for the church to to realize what's happening and do what christ said his church should do demolished warped philosophies that control demon culture demolish it bind it tie it up cast it down overthrow it and loose angels angels in heaven onto the earth to assist us as god did when his throne was attacked we follow his pattern what did god do when his throne was attacked he loosed michael and he loosed his angels to fight and defend his throne and they did they won revelations 12 verse 7 says this war broke out in heaven michael and his angels fought the dragon the dragon and his angels fought back but were no match for michael they were cleared out of heaven notice that they were cleared out they the ground was cleared the the territory was cleared they were cleared out of heaven not a sign of them left the great dragon ancient serpent the one called devil and satan the one who led the whole earth astray thrown out and all his angels thrown out with him thrown down to earth and now on earth on earth it's time for christ's church to follow his lead do the same thing he did and cast out hell's dominions and powers from territorial thrones in their region we are commanded clear the ground of them clear clear of the ground of them clear them you've got angels to help you it's time to displace hell's kingdom princes it's time to overthrow them and demolish them he says there's a destruction involved don't just throw them out destroy them someone thrown out could come back throw them out and demolish them now we have weapons to throw them out and demolish them it's time to displace hell's kingdom and loose with our decrees loose with our decrees angel armies that have been freely and willingly uh and graciously given to us by the holy spirit loose with our decrees of god's word angel armies who come alongside of us to what cleanse the heavens clear it clear the heavens of territorial demons clear the heavens of principalities and powers might and dominions of darkness clear the the area clear the heavens over us of thrones of darkness demons of darkness thrones of iniquity demons of iniquity it's an assignment that we are told the lord of hosts that is lord sabe oath one of one of the names of the holy spirit remember is lord sabe oath that's the lord of angel armies and one of the ways he is being introduced or reintroduced right now on this earth is the lord of angel armies holy spirit's going to be seen visibly as the lord of hosts isaiah 9 6 says the zeal of lord sabioth will perform this he will pray prayers through us he will pray governing prayers through us and the fiery passion of who holy spirit really is will perform this he's going to be visibly seen performing this perform is the hebrew word asaya asaya and it it's actually a phrase meaning to make war a say to make war holy spirit lord sabio says asea angel armies make war alongside of the king's air and expand my kingdom and clear the land of territorial demon thrones clear them out over throwing thrones of iniquity destroying thrones of darkness destroying massive cultural thrones of evil angel armies lord sabio says lord of angel armies assist the ecclesiast to sit in governing authority over their regions to sit in governing authority over their nation influencing that region influencing that nation or a better word is discipling matthew chapter 28 we're to disciple the nations with the gospel of the kingdom it's one of the ways holy spirit performs this he does it through praying through us with spirit language government language he prays drawing us into unity as we saw last week he draws into unity the remnant warriors with prayer in the spirit he draws us into unity putting all our shoulders to the wheel it's pure prayer it's it's governing intercession it's creative it's creative power language it's prayer that agrees with heaven it's prayer that activates angel armies see the ecclesia right now it is so strategic we must learn to use the smashing power of spirit language hell is scared to death we're going to learn this the true ecclesia must use the smashing power of spirit language it must use the demolishing power of the holy spirit and his restored spirit language it must use this powerful god tool this powerful god weapon and led by holy spirit demolish evil cultural uh evil culture clear it from the land if there was an ever a nation that had an evil culture that had to be removed or cleared from the land you're living in one and the only hope is whether or not the ecclesia will rise and use its authority and clear the land it must use the weapons of our spiritual kingdom and tear down systems of evil call it deep state call it whatever you want systems of evil that obstruct truth when you come against truth obstruction the scriptures that we read said you have been given weapons to clear the land of that obstruction to truth we have authority to do this we have the backing of the holy spirit in his power to do it and we have angel armies to help us do it holy spirit's power his anointing upon us which is now going to grow it's going to increase after may 31st we know a new era of pentecost is beginning his weapons his his prayer and decrees through us in natural language and in spirit language there are vital keys that must be engaged right now and god says it's not an option it's not an option amazingly according to king jesus in john 16 7 he said the baptism of the holy spirit and speaking in other tongues which that's the king james way of saying it it's better said spirit language we understand it's governing language at least most or some of us do the baptism of the holy spirit and speaking in spirit language jesus said gives us the advantage it gives us the advantage when in spiritual warfare or in natural warfare either one actually it gives us the advantage in cultural warfare we are not we are nodding to engage in a cultural warfare battle that we cannot win no we have the advantage but we must use that advantage it gives us the advantage in societal warfare but we've got to use it it gives us the advantage against antichrist agendas it gives us the advantage against natural government's actions that become obstacles to god's kingdom government on the earth and again that's so easy to see our natural government's actions locally statewide and nationally have have become obstructions to the kingdom of god on the earth and we've got to clear that using the weapons of our warfare that are not natural if we fight this in a natural we won't win if we fight this in the spirit realm we can't lose it's time to get smart it's time to engage with superior power superior authority it's time to activate what god activated the armies of god if you battle your adversary with your natural mouth you lose if you battle it with decrees of faith you win we got to get it right it activates angel armies to help us prevail and it is time to do some prevailing that's why holy spirit these last few weeks and probably throughout the fall he is re-introducing the lord is insistent church ecclesia understand this engage this and you'll change everything it's time for us to understand the real power the real authority that we have and stop using it to get a new car or whatever or a new house forget about it god will give you favor he'll give it to you it's time for the ecclesia to take on the mental king jesus placed upon it and the calling to take upon itself the calling of king jesus and rule in the midst of its enemies it's time to be the true ecclesia and clear the land of an evil culture and clear the heavens of demonic thrones singers and musicians come please hallelujah praise you lord stand if you would please lord the government of god is on this earth for a reason help us understand that that reason help us to understand what you are all about and the calling you placed upon us not just us here but the new testament church the ecclesia throughout america throughout the world everyone listening around the world today a part of a kingdom and we need to engage right now engage in such a way that we begin to clear the land of demonic thrones and as a representative today we engage ourself in declaration i engage myself in a declaration of faith but lord let it be picked up by ecclesias around the nation and the world let there come that supernatural oneness of unanimous consent in this declaration and let there be the activation of angel armies to do what you said they would do clear clear the obstacles clear the thrones so that the ecclesia arises to sit in governing power in christ jesus and so today in the name of the king of kings and lord of lords i declare the effort of the kingdom of god against cultural demonic warped philosophies we bind you in the name of jesus and we clear the land of your ideologies or anyone behind it your resources dry up in jesus name we come against the powers of hell sitting in government thrones you have no permission to be there holy spirit lord savio hear the decrees of your church and release angel armies to overthrow that throne and destroy it destroy those powers of hell over washington dc we come against those lying doctrines of demons seeking to influence the culture of america and the world and oppress it come against the truth of the church the true ecclesia we bind you in the name of jesus christ we rebuke you in the name of the lord of hosts understanding we have authority to do this we have the weapons to do this we have the power of the holy spirit to do this and we have angel armies to enforce this and we declare the ecclesia will begin to rise by the power of the holy spirit and sit over ohio in governing authority sit over indiana and governing authority sit over illinois and governing authority sit over all the states in governing authority sit over washington dc in governing authority sit over the nations of the world in governing authority may it rise up and fulfill the teaching of the apostles in corinth and in colossae and in ephesus to sit on the throne the territory of the region and the influence of the kingdom of god and the gospel of the of jesus christ begin to influence the culture with the true ideology of the kingdom of almighty god we bind the rk [Music] those fallen demon spirits that followed lucifer you will not sit in government over us in jesus name and those that you anoint in the natural government to influence us we command in jesus name the covers to be pulled off of them and we rebuke the power behind you and we say to you you will not govern us we resist that in jesus name and we say from the government of heaven the government of almighty god the ecclesia seated in heavenly places holy spirit will begin to anoint powers government power that influences in righteousness that gives us godly leaders [Music] we rise lord and ask that revelation and enlightenment would come to the churches of america to see the principles of your word and to understand the revelation of true authority and government to understand the governing decrees that we are to make and to pray in spirit language activating the influence of the kingdom of god that begins to clean the heavens and begins to clean the earth so that the heavens and the earth align with the third heaven your heaven o god we declare that in jesus name may the intercessors rise and begin their governing decrees in spirit language and in natural language let it be in jesus name
Channel: Oasis Church
Views: 24,651
Rating: 4.8855782 out of 5
Keywords: the oasis church, tim sheets, dr. tim sheets, oasiswired, oasis church, middletown ohio, oasis middletown, tim sheets middletown, heaven made real, angel armies, planting the heavens, the new era of glory, new era, no more delay, dutch sheets, chuck pierce, rachel shafer, raise the bar, Overthrowing Thrones of Iniquity
Id: wDSmarDcYYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 57sec (2997 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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