The Kingdom's Five-Fold Ministry | Dutch Sheets

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thank you for being here we're glad you're here thank you for those of you tuning in online and watching this later and that amazing how the Lord has enabled us in and out to talk to so many people and and this amazing tech technology we have you think you're talking to a few hundred you're talking to a few thousand that's pretty cool in it amen well open your Bible if you have one turn your phone I'll excuse me I meant to say that it properly get your phone Bible out I'm gonna read two passages and then I'm gonna speak to you today on the expanding kingdom and the evolving Church the expanding kingdom and the evolving church I said recently God's been doing more in the church in to the church in the last few years than he has through the church and we're moving now into the transitional period we actually been in it for a season where we're moving into the era he was preparing us for what he was transitioning us into but before he can take us to the next phase of his plans we have to go from that glory to glory and the path of the righteous it gets brighter and brighter till a full day not darker and darker brighter and brighter and we go from faith to faith not defeat to defeat we go from victory to victory strength to strength one verse says strength to strength everything about him that he's doing with us is increasing so let's read first Daniel chapter 7 verse 13 for 13 and 14 Daniel had a vision and he said I kept looking in the night visions by the way if you read this entire chapter later you'll find eight or nine times it says Daniel kept looking it's that prophetic revelatory gift and anointing that we talked about Friday night it's not enough it's not enough just to know what God said yesterday or what he spoke then you have to keep looking and keep listening so Daniel kept looking in the night visions and behold with the clouds of heaven one like a son of man was coming he came up to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him and to him was given Dominion this is the Lord Jesus receiving this to him was given Dominion glory and a kingdom that all the peoples nations and men of every language might serve him obviously there are many people and leading movements and governments that don't like this right they don't like this passage his Dominion is an everlasting Dominion which will not pass away now you need to he you need to take comfort in that because the Kingdom is secure the domain of King Jesus is secure his Dominion is an everlasting Dominion which will not pass away and his kingdom is one which will not be destroyed now I'm gonna read one more from Isaiah chapter 9 great Christmas verse you should read it more than just December though verse 6 says for a child will be born to us and a son will be given to us and the government will rest on his shoulders and his name will be called wonderful counselor mighty God Eternal Father Prince of Peace there will be no end to the increase of his government or peace then just say doesn't just say there'll be no end to his government that's pretty much what Daniel said this one this passage uses another word there will be no end to the increase of his government or peace on the throne of David and over his kingdom to establish it and hold it with justice and righteousness from then on forevermore the zeal of the Lord of Hosts will accomplish this so we're part of a kingdom the kingdom I grew up thinking being taught that the kingdom of God was something that would occur in the future during a thousand year millennial reign of Jesus on the earth I'm not sure how the theologians really got there because the kingdom has been in existence since the king has been in existence it's not something coming it's here and coming it's here and it's increasing the kingdom is the domain over which a king rules is the realm so our king obviously his kingdom you can't go anywhere it doesn't include his kingdom the reason it's expanding is because it's increasing in the hearts of people it's not expanding in the sense that he finally gets ownership of or authority over more parts of the universe it's expanding because it's expanding here in the hearts of people so it's the realm over which he rules so with that as an introduction I'm gonna list several things and I believe God is shifting changing into thinking we who are part of the kingdom and the church number one the changing caught in mindset of the church we are now thinking and this is by the way this is I don't like to throw the word rim nut out often but there is always a for running company in the church that goes before others as I said we're not that doesn't mean we're smarter we're not saying we're more spiritual we're saying some go and plow and prepare the way others come on there are others who are more gifted in other ways they can build they can do this that that maybe they're great evangelist but God has to have some who are forerunners pioneers so there's always a remnant that he's using to move things forward now there's a remnant thinking this way now but that will increase increase so the first thing that's changing is leaders in the church are beginning to think more about extending kingdom rule and principles not just building a local church or house extending Kingdom rule not just building a local house or a local church I was when I was pastoring Colorado Springs God began moving me through this transition I thought I understood these things I guess that's at a certain level I did but not at a practising level because my focus was still building a congregation and my definition of success was how well can I build this congregation how large can I make it how fast can I do it how much of a splash can this place make and the Lord begin to challenge me in this thinking and he said you can measure success that way if you want but I don't measure success that way for you and I will and I won't I will only measure success where you're concerned by how much you impact the sphere of authority the region that I've called you to I will never judge you as successful because you build a large congregation or have a big following I will only judge you as successful based on how much of my kingdom rule is impacting the region that you're in now that that really began to mess with me because I knew in my heart that I was making a very small impact on my region for the most part I was impacting a few hundred people on Sunday morning and I had to begin to shift my thinking and say how would this happen and it was very difficult because most other pastors were in the same place I was their concern was their congregation and there was just this subconscious thought that controlled all of us that if we just all do our job right and build our own little thing well somehow God will miraculously use all of that to change all of this but it didn't happen all we changed was our house and so I realized that churches were growing so was the divorce rate churches were growing but so was violence in the home and so drug addiction in our city and Colorado Springs was being becoming known as a hub of evangelical benzylic of Lucas ISM in the nation and people writing stories about the city and how we were this stronghold of evangelicalism and but but as my prophetic gifting increased I came to realize this is what it looks like outwardly but internally my city is in trouble because I could discern and see things that most of them weren't looking at that were hidden seeing him by the spirit and I started trying to warn them say hey we we better not believe our own press things are not as they look and you know how many of you think I was well-received eventually and I didn't I was not belligerent about I just kept bringing it up eventually I was sort of gradually for some reason more and more uninvited to things well we had a meeting I didn't hear about this because they didn't want anybody raining on their parade because no and secondly they didn't believe in me anyway because their church was growing of course it was growing because they were pulling sheep from another fold it was all transfer but hey we measure by how big we can get it and how fast we can do it well they had you know the verdict is in now in Colorado Springs even though I don't live there anymore the statistics begin to show that everything I had warned about was true and even one of the pastors that led that group came to me later and said we're in real trouble you were exactly right I'm not saying that to just say I was right I'm saying it to to as an illustration that we can't judge success by what we see here or in a local church there will never be a time when God leads us to not gather so when you start preaching a message like this some people start thinking you're dissing the local church and that's not happening at all it's it's only if you if you point out problems in a dysfunctional family that doesn't mean that you're critical of family or home of a home it means that you that some things in that home are not right and if we're gonna have functional rather than dysfunctional people sent out into the into the marketplace and life one day things are gonna have to change in that dysfunctional family that's what we're saying so what God has been doing is he's been challenging leaders just like he did myself and he challenged me to begin to think differently and judge success differently I began to realize and I knew it but it never really became a conscious thought to me things like he never said seek ye first the church he said seek ye first the kingdom and seek first my rule if you can get my Dominion the kingdom the domain of a king if you can get my rule into your city things are going to be fine growing your church building or size carga she is not going to change anything out there but if you get Kingdom power and authority released out there it'll change everything so it says seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these other things will be added to you he didn't say pray church come growth of the local church come and his will be done he said pray and decree your kingdom come your will be done that's not saying pray for the they'll reign of Jesus on the earth that means pray for his kingdom rule to be released now in your situation on your region that's what it means it's his kingdom come it's here but it needs to penetrate some things here his kingdom is everywhere rules over all but he's got a he's got to be with that Kingdom Authority has to be ministered here kingdom come will be done and I started thinking you know I started being challenged by these things he didn't say preach the gospel of the church he said preach the gospel of the kingdom the good news gospel means good news the good news is not that we can gather here right now the good news is not that there's a building we could meet in the gospel the good news of the kingdom is Jesus rules and because he rules we can do these things so then I began to think this through and realize and had to start walking out fact that the kingdom of God is not an outgrowth or extension of the church the kingdom of God is not part of the church it's just the opposite the church the body of Christ the Bride of Christ the ekklesia is all part of the kingdom his kingdom and if you reverse that I think it's meant then you're satisfied with what happens here I'm not satisfied with what happens here I'm satisfied only when what happens here is extended out there so then I began to think this is a huge going to be a huge evolution in the thinking of leaders not begin to think not what is best for my local church but what is best for the kingdom of God in my region might be better than having a couple thousand people it might be better to plant three or four churches and 500 maybe we want to take this extra money we have and instead of expanding here maybe we've got a plant and outreach into the heart of our city where all the drug abuse is and the gang violence maybe maybe that would be better for the king and the kingdom than just build a racquetball court or a gymnasium now I'm gonna knock in fellowship I'm just saying my thinking began to change what would what would the King want in order to extend his kingdom that'll mess with you as a pastor because you're not allowed to do anything to do things now we're your number one priority is just this place this vision and these sheep now your priority has to be what is the king one not the not how happy can the sheep be messed with me and it messed with the people more than me when I started applying this I grew my church one year from 700 to 400 I knew we were experiencing revival had to rebuild it with people that would think Kingdom not happy happy happy so secondly and these are very related the evolving the evolution that's happening in the church which is a part of the expanding Kingdom was that people is that people are becoming and I've already alluded to this just wanna say it so it's now clear point becoming regional envision and mission versus primarily Congregational in this ministry envision regional and vision and mission versus primarily congregation they leaders will begin to as this expands this mindset this paradigm continues to change leaders will love and pastor care for lead impact the city and region they're called to not just the congregation they lead does it mean that at times you know to pay bills to take care of people that there will be times when you have to think what's good for this group of people that won't be the dominating motivating thinking that'll just be part of it because here's a father when my kids were small had to take care of my household had to make sure they were fed the bills were paid they had a roof over that had to do that but I couldn't just think us because I had to go to work I had to prepare them for school and help them mature so they could not just live in my house and we all take care of each other all the time for the next 50 years cuz I wanted them to become functional not dysfunctional mature responsible expanding I wanted multiplication out there I didn't just want more kids I wanted my kids to have kids so I became apostolic father I sit them I married him off and set them to their own homes I didn't say you just have to live here if you find somebody bring him in here because I'm not just a pastoral daddy I'm an apostolic father apostle sinned they govern yes they multiply yes but they're always thinking big picture not the small piece so as this thinking evolves and it's happening but it's really stretching leaders and I'll go to a place and teach things like this with a lot of leaders there and they'll come up to me and they'll say things like you know I don't really have all this figured out yet and but and I don't have language for it but something is resonating in me when you say that and I realized that's what I've been feeling because they're dissatisfied with the way it's been and they're finally becoming also themselves as they watch the news and see what's happening around us that the mindset we have had has failed so we felt like we're building bigger ministries and churches the world is going to hell around us and we have a nation now that doesn't that is look completely lost their bearings that foundation the only thing about our history they've grabbed we're graduating people who can't read and write do arithmetic and everything's gotten crazy we just won we're just paying philosophers to pour garbage into their brain and I talk to pastors and say I'm just come just tired of coming together every Sunday morning giving my people a little pep talk to get them through the week you know it's just kind of we're not I want to make a difference in my city and so there's something stirring and with everyone there may not be language yet for everyone but I tell you when they start hearing this message something goes off in them and leaders start saying that's what I want I want to make a difference in my city in my region in marriages in families I want to change that the drug addiction in my city I want to change the the morality in my city so they're starting to think differently and if you think differently the way I'm describing to you now inevitably it has to happen you start judging success differently your definition of success changes because you realize no matter how big my congregation is if I'm not making a real difference in the whole I'm just I'm just building my own Little Kingdom and so that's what happened to me I you know I just started being honest with myself and said I've got to redefine success I'm called to our city a region eventually a nation I'm not called to a few hundred people on Sunday morning only I'm not sure that everyone listening to me now fully grasps yet how radical of a mindset change this is as this happens it is going to change everything in the body of Christ the reason you vote you've heard this before but you know we've never experienced it here in America but the reason that persecution usually makes the church stronger in other nations China and places like that were they've had great persecution then you when when when people finally get in to see what is happening in the church they find the church got stronger and the church multiplied yeah they had to do it underground they had do it and sell in a home churches etc but signs and wonders dreams vision is happening in Muslim nations right now and it's because the persecution forces people out of their comfort and congregational safe zone and people have to start thinking man none of that matters we got to hear from God just on how to meet somewhere so everybody's sort of that just gets thrown into the same problem and persecution and things change radically and the kingdom of God becomes preeminent not local churches which brings me to number three and that is this will create and is creating more cooperation and less competition in the church among leaders they're becoming cooperative not competitive no you know it's seeing that across the board obviously did you know there's a verse of scripture that actually says King James is kind of brutal with their language sis it when we as believers compare ourselves among ourselves were fools no American Standard is much nicer just says when you do that year without understanding but Paul he said it this way this is second Corinthians 10 verse 12 we are not bowed to class or compare ourselves with some of those who commend themselves but when they measure themselves by themselves and comparing themselves there without understanding if if you're going to in the church the body of Christ as a part of the kingdom if if all we're doing is measuring our success based on one another all of a sudden we're not trying to build the same corporation or Kingdom in our case we're just concerned about our little franchise now that's what's happened in the church what size of your church brother I used to get to where I just want to smack pastors when they do there I just want to look at and say what's it to you how many did you have this Easter Easter sure is it I don't know where they got this but somehow they got this mindset one day that they were going to start counting everybody that came and start reporting to me after the service how many were there and the first time for true they did I said what do you what do you do what why are you doing this we just thought you'd want to know so well I really I can see who's here I really don't need the exact number I'm not basing success on how many we can get in the door I'm basing success on what are we accomplishing in extending the kingdom of God into this city the rule of Jesus how many people are getting saved delivered how are we doing in our schools well so what's happening now us pastors leaders around the country are are they're realizing how foolish this is this game we play who can be the biggest who could have the shortest service to be the biggest we're we've learned how to package it so well we can do it and first we could do it in an hour now somewhere down about 45 minutes I've been summer day on how I ended up there but I sit in the front row and in my heart I cursed two or three times I didn't say it out loud I just kind of to myself what am I doing here is that going out over the yeah it's out there in it okay what right I repented okay I'm clean now so you will have 17 we we normally have a 15-minute message but we've changed a few things today and you're gonna have 17 minutes and I just looked at my said wow thank you so much but we gotten so good at it you know we don't really need Holy Spirit anymore and we don't want him don't talk and pray in tongues no prophecy we don't want any manifestations of Holy Spirit we got a we got accomodate seekers maybe we ought to accommodate him he said I'll draw people to me I don't know how I got off on that I take I I just that's just backing up and starting over I'm gonna be nice again here for a few minutes I will say this though if if every pastor in America would suddenly at a heart level begin to think I don't care who's the biggest I don't care who has the most and I'm not gonna measure myself that way or compare myself that way my only concern is how can we together impact this region for Jesus if every pastor at a heart level felt that way we could change this nation pretty much overnight we have the resources we have the people we have the power or we have the authority we could win every election that's a fact we are the majority don't believe what you hear we are the majority we just don't work together so anyway I'm just I'm just saying this is changing doesn't mean everybody's going change but there is a group there will be a strong group of leaders that think this way and I'm getting ahead of myself a little bit but you know it's Tim and I've talked several times about what God uses him to do in this state in region bring together pastors and leaders and praying for Ohio and now expand span it's expanded to other states well we talked about the fact that there's a there's a large group of people leaders out there that and most of them don't have mega churches but they're just hungry to see God move and I'm not knocking megachurch pastors by the way okay there's some that are really good you know they think of this way but most of them are have smaller congregations but that doesn't bother them because they're not judging things based on their size they're judging based on are we getting the job done for him and there are thousands of them out there now and they'll come if you bring you get a prayer gathering into their region you may not have all the Megas and you may not have ten thousand people there but you have a core there and they'll be sprinkled out there in any given little small county or region you'll have a dozen or ten or fifteen pastors there they don't care about any of that stuff anymore they just want to eat you calling together people to pray for my community I'm there and see I'm finding that everywhere I go there's this remnant of people that that's what they're all about now and it's starting to make a difference it's made a difference in this state big time okay moving on I've already decided I won't get all these done but that's okay I'll get the main ones and I'll skip one or two here and there leaders in this evolving Church that's a part of the expanding Kingdom are becoming more fivefold and they're thinking if the apostle prophet evangelist pastor teacher they're becoming more fivefold in their thinking because these gifts are not positions apostle prophet advantages pastor teacher it's not a hierarchy they're not titles apostle so-and-so and prophet so and so they are identifying function and they are gifts and if you read the passage carefully in Ephesians 4 what Jesus did was he he divided his anointing into five anointings that's what Christ means The Anointed One and so he broke himself down into five gifts or anointings and gave them to the church as gifts so that the church could reveal and represent him on the earth so he gave us his apostolic nature anointing he gave us his prophetic gifting nature ability evangelist pastor teacher now it stands to reason if you if you only have a portion of those you can only represent and reveal him at that portion but to that portion so if you have if you have one fifth of Jesus anointing and gifting you're gonna be able to reveal the manifest 2/5 of him if you just oh you has the pastoral you're gonna be really good at pastoral things nurturing caring for people feeding the sheep tending sheep etc you're gonna be built a family gonna be really good at that but that's the only part of him you're gonna be able to really do well does it mean that that's bad it's one of his that's that's one of the five of who he is he's the great shepherd so you know everybody find me criticizing pastor gift but if that's all you have you're gonna have a very dysfunctional Kingdom expression is all you care abouts this you don't care what happens out there well yeah so so so he's at it now in and we started a half century ago the church pretty much just had pastors and then evangelists came along and then a decade or so later and through the charismatic movement the teaching gift became preeminent and that was restored to us and we had pastors and teachers and evangelists and then during the 80s part of the 90s the prophetic was restored prophets were recognized as we rise oh okay God's still talking go figure of course restored understanding to us of his apostolic nature so it gets really confusing because what we have done is week we have taken gifts and we've made them a position so if you lead a congregation you did here called a pastor in America you may not really be a pastor gift like I was called a pastor for years that was kind of a joke when I really figured out what the pastor gift was all about I mean my idea of nurturing people getting healthy was just get over I mean read your Bible pray everyday you'll grow grow grow everything will be fine here's a good book go read it he'll help you but I but I tried to be pastoral and there was enough of that in me that at least I knew there had to be more than what I was able to or wanted to do so I recognized hey there are some pastor gifts in the house and I'll just empower them because that's what apostles do I realize I'm apostolic in my thinking apostles think big picture apostles are generals they're their legislators they're governors they're they're called to regions not just a house they sinned they don't just gather the very word means sent or sinned and the reason as we moved into fivefold thinking with apostles too many that are understanding this becoming the preeminent or the first priority to have to think Apostolic Lee is not because apostles are are at the top and everybody's supposed to serve the vision of the Apostle it's that there's no other gifting that thinks more how can I release help and power all the other gifts to do what they're called to do that's the way apostles think the more apple stock after stock Authority I've gained in this nation the more I serve other people's vision I don't go into churches haven't done at one time in the last 30 years go ahead and tell them here's how you need to do things I go in and asking the Lord how can I help what do you need me to do how can I serve the vision of this region and so that's the way apostles is but I'm not saying all of them do it perfectly I'm just saying that's the more you mature in an apostolic anointing the more you're going to be thinking that the more of a servant you become the greatest of all apostles was his was the servant of all the one who gave us his apostolic anointing was the servant of all it's not a hierarchy it is how that's the way an apostle thinks that how how can we work together and impact this region oh I need a pastor I need somebody to help these people on drugs I need evangelists to go over here and do this I prophets somebody tell me what God's saying about this problem we have teach that's the way apostles think and the reason that Satan I'm not calling every people everybody that disagrees with me theologically satanic that they're motivated by demons but I'm saying that the reason Satan fights this understanding of the fivefold giftings is because he doesn't what that mindset he's very happy if the pastor gift I'm not talk about the position because a lot of people called pastor that do think Apostolic Lee we took a gift and we made it a position so don't don't don't makes it - right now just don't gifted but the reason the reason that the enemy would want pastors in gifting and thinking and I gotta just take care of the sheep the reason he would want them to be predominant and preeminent not apostolic is because if he can just hit us all relating to one another and we can all be happy and take care of each other he's not really threatened if it's if it's going to compare this to an army the pastor would be the medic and the cook taking care of the soldier you got every reconnaissance and your network gaining information the prophets you got to have the general the apostle you got to have the drill sergeants you got if the evangelism these were the recruiters you gotta have somebody takes care of these people if you just leave it up to the Prophet he's not gonna care if they get anything to eat or the girl sergeant but somebody's got to take care of them or you gonna have a you're not gonna have a healthy strong army but an army doesn't exist to be healthy I just feel like I don't know where that went that went over your heads or if you just think anyway an army doesn't exist to be healthy an army has to be healthy to be a good army but the general knows why the army exists and he knows I need the drill sergeants and I need the recruiters and I need the instructors and I need the cooks and the medics and maybe some counselors when the drill sergeants done but he's never gonna let it deteriorate into the only thing we care about is feeding these soldiers he's got a big picture in mind he's the Kingdom guy and he's gonna make sure this thing is functioning in a certain way where when we need to we can take territory and defend territory we don't just feed people we kill people [Music] we'll sit at the negotiating table if we at first but when push comes to shove we got what it takes to deal with this and he's going to make sure that everything is operating in a way that this army can be an army now whether they call themselves that or not because there are some pastors that really do think that way they call themselves a pastor but really they're an apostle then there are other pastors who are called pastors they're really just a pastor and if you have that leading a congregation where it's a true pastor gift and that's pretty much all that person moves in you're gonna have a nice healthy caring congregation but they're really not gonna be advancing the kingdom of God or any real level there's going to grow their thing so we're starting to understand that we've got it we've got to have all these things working together and what you know I talked the other night about the need for the Apostolic and the prophetic to flow together and work together you know I Chuck Pierce and I we run together a lot he's a prophet he some people call him an apostle because he's apostolic in his thinking but his primary calling and gifting is that of a prophet I've he's looked at me certainly said well I'm a prize what do you think how did you get I said I'm a prophet but I've never didn't say well I'm a bottle he understands he's apostolic but he's a prophet I understand that I'm apostolic that I'm an apostle I'm also prophetic but I'm not a prophet like Chuck Pierce but when we work together we both go to another level his anointing rubs off on me a prophesy more when I'm in a meeting with Chuck he decrees and releases governmental authority into a region more when he's with me he will look right at me and he'll say and I'll say once you go first tonight Juncker or why don't you do this won't you that he said no no no no I'll get up and introduce that people do this and that but I'll really start prophesied and my gift will kick in when you get up there because your Epis taluk anointing awakens my prefer a gift so he get him teach a little bit but 90% of his prophesying and what he releases prophetically in the region comes after I speak or while I'm speaking they come up he'll come up and just to know my message her prophesy but when these things begin to work together without us being threatened by one another not in competition with one another then we can begin we can do we can get the job done you know I think there's coming another another group of Evangelist God's about to raise up and this time they're not going to have to be out there doing their own thing and competing with the pastors and you know all the other you know leaders to get an offering this we're all going to say hey we need you man I think they're you going to find pastors or evangelist on salary they don't have to live off of meetings they do out there they're going to be part of a team of people and your assignment is win the lost and help equip this group of people who win the laws we're going to start working together in ways that will enable us please hear this to reveal this is what Ephesians 4 word after it Mitch mentions these gifts working together like a body human body this is what the passage is all about it says once you get to that point then you can reveal the fullness of Christ because you have the fullness of the Christ anointings functioning working now now you can reveal him fully when this happens we're going to manifest Jesus to a region I'll say to the average church in America the average leader then it will look around this I have and see what how we failed in so many ways they say well we don't need a basel in profits anymore obviously how's that working for you yeah how's that working you think just reading the Bible is enough you don't need a word for now from that we'll be in line with Scripture sure you don't need a prophetic word for God to forgot to show us how to deal with this mess over here you think just we're gonna all get together have some good ideas you'd think we could just do that because we're all most of us want to change it we've gotten something done by now to change some of these problems but we have to have help we have the prophetic strategy and apostolic wisdom on how to apply it and then you got to have your recruiters and your trainers and your and so there's a there's a group of people God is raising up in America that they're past that the thing of this is a tire or apostle apostle oh my god there's an apostle I said across from a lady once say something apostolic Smith hello there's a group of people there they're past that sort of not just elementary but unbiblical understanding and realize we just we all have different functions we get it get all these things working together and if we can we can reveal Jesus not just the pastoral Jesus but to take charge Jesus not just the teaching Jesus but the prophetic decree revealing exposing Jesus talk about a game-changer let me just do I'll do two more but I'll do each one in like two or three minutes and then we're going to transition I don't know why we have to honor these guys today but I guess we're going to somebody past or around here I want to nurture and minister to somebody's heart thinking to myself are you kidding me so we're becoming now in this process is we're builders yes but we're also forerunners and pioneers so once you get the apostolic and prophetic on board it's not enough just to do this and build it's like here's here's a front tier out here that's not been dealt with we're gonna have to go get that and it's and it's a very challenging calling because when you think about the synonyms of a forerunner or pioneer Pathfinder a scout those are all people that go ahead and prepare the way for others to come if your scout for the wagon train you're gonna go down two or three passes that aren't the right one for you find the way through you're never going to do things perfectly right or get it all right every time if you're a full runner because you're going to be a risk taker somebody has to do that to save the wagon train but you're going at some point be able to come back and say don't go down that road you'll die this winter that's a box canyon don't do not do that there's nothing detour or you can't get through there or there's nothing to drink whatever you know I found the way so we're here but it's challenging I mean I watch biking train I know this stuff and they have to go out by themselves check it out and take risks and there there's there's an element though of them in the church now that they're tired of status quo they're honest enough to say this hasn't been working we're not getting the job done so somebody's gonna have to get out of the box in the safety zone and go on out there and say let's try this well you know it didn't work well half this part worked that part in okay throw that away this do this and now we'll do this and and they're they're listening they're hearing they're plowing and they're going out there and and and when all said and done somebody's pioneered a new way of doing it in it new way of thinking that's what apostolic and prophetic leaders do now you may know a pastor that did that but I would say to you if that pastor did that he's primarily a pastor in title but he has some other gifting in there that's apostolic and prophetic don't mix up the gift in the position or the title we've given it so you know there's a there's a a purchase in our growth as of America when we purchased Alaska from Russia and it was in the day called Seward's folly because when mr. Seward said we need to purchase this and Russia was hard up for cash and so we ended up buying that whole territory up there which is I think what like the third the size of the rest of the country for a dollar in acres what it boils down to in today's terms it's like a hundred hundred and ten million dollars in today's money hundred and twenty maybe in the day it was called Seward's folly it was not a folly but somebody had to be forward-thinking somebody had to be willing to take a risk to be stretched at the time financially to do some things you know maybe it's wrong okay but it's worth the risk let's try it that's that's the way forerunners think in there and they don't care if they're persecuted by the way they and if they have to have a message that's different like John the Baptist they're okay with that because they know somebody's got to prepare the way for him for him coming behind me and for the people coming behind me and when he gets here he'll do things differently anyway he's a forerunner I watched Oh of what's the evolution and a lot of leaders myself included I watched it in Tim who has this understanding that I've been talking to you about today has evolved and it's been happening in many leaders him being one of them and I've watched him his focus changed just like mine did where he became more and more concerned about the region and less in proportionate not at a heart level of love but proportionately less fixated on what happens right here this became a hub and a family unit to facilitate that that's different that's a forerunner and people will leave you up to that I fall over that by the way because when the Sheep figure out that they're not the most important anymore the Sheep will find somebody else that will make them the most important and there are places I do not care if all you ever are as a sheep they like sheepies they don't care if you never become an eagle or an ambassador of the kingdom or representative of the roaring lion himself taking territory they don't care they're happy for you to just be a happy sheep but thank God for forerunners and pioneers because the landscape believe me I'm out there I see it the landscape in America spiritually speaking is changing its changing and there are many many many times more of us that think this way now than there were 15 20 years ago let me do one more I just alluded to it so laughter he's basically just say it we're becoming sheep conscious but mission focused okay never the great Shepherd is never going to bring a movement that doesn't care about it about his family and which he symbolizes with sheep you know call what you want family body of Christ obviously he's thing he's not gonna do that and he went out of his way to minister to the one but when he did that it did not become the norm the king was always thinking mission the kingdom for God so loved uh come on help me world I mean he's gonna set the example if he's got it if he's got to sneak over here administer to the one he's gonna do it but he still don't even make his way over here and teach ten thousand on a hillside so we're there I'm not implying that the one is not important but I'm saying that apostolic leaders and Kingdom thinking people are more focused on the overall mission of the King than just the one now a wise apostolic leader who does that we'll have somebody on the team that just loved to sit with one and put band-aids on tell them they're gonna be okay and love on them and minister Jesus the great Shepherd and his healing to them and show them how to fix their marriage that's a good thing it's one of the five but somebody's got to sit back and say okay got that covered what else we're doing here okay let's go kick some butt over here this prayer meeting so we're never going to lose love for his people the Sheep but we're gonna make sure they're they grow up into Eagles warriors and ambassadors of the kingdom so let me pray a pastoral blessing over you real quick and then who am i handing this to Rachel lord you're doing a good job he said as the king of the kingdom you would build your church he said you would increase the family and save the lost but you also told us you're the king of an ever increasing never-ending always triumphant Kingdom and as you have been building and expanding we're doing our best to listen and I'm asking you to manifest fully what I saw Friday night this window in the spirit opening of Revelation wisdom and revelation I'm asking for the the disillusionment that many leaders have had about the way we've been thinking and doing things would increase until we are just completely dissatisfied until we are truly thinking with Kingdom mindsets representing you into our cities our states nations always while we love people and nurture them and win the lost I'm asking in this house that has become an apostolic hub for the nation if this service is anything like recent services a few hundred people here but tens of thousands will see it around the nation's as this hub increases in its scope I thank you for and I know that the anointing and the mantle the weight of the mantle and the wisdom needed and the revelation needed and leadership will continue to increase let that happen significantly that the revelation increase significantly in Tim and the team and the body the family and the wisdom and authority thank you for his willingness Carol's at heart to be risk-takers to pioneer to know there'll be hiccups and failures here and there but we'll keep advancing we'll figure it out and it's happening Lord it's absolutely happening we thank you for that but I'm I know now that I'm talking to thousands of people who I know that I know that I know their hearts are resonating with this message give them understanding revelation give us books on this and teachings let apostles and teachers grab this bring significant wisdom and instruction on how to move into and how to change systems and structures and or it's all about you so we just say in closing this prayer yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever so we pray your kingdom come and your will be done and we're gonna submit to you
Channel: Oasis Church
Views: 50,674
Rating: 4.9052711 out of 5
Keywords: the oasis church, tim sheets, dr. tim sheets, oasiswired, oasis church, middletown ohio, oasis middletown, tim sheets middletown, heaven made real, angel armies, planting the heavens, the new era of glory, new era, no more delay, dutch sheets, chuck pierce, prophetic summit, mikey lamb, rachel shafer, jen tringale, raise the bar
Id: lLyXWMB7sm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 54sec (4074 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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