ICLV | ProCon2021 | Session 02M | Chuck Pierce

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here he comes here he comes here he came to you before riding on a donkey's coat they threw their coats to the floor as they wave the palm branches but he's coming now riding on a great white horse and he's got in his awakening [Music] [Applause] wherever he goes wherever he goes he goes we will follow [Music] now we want to welcome all you that are joining us for the second service in this building or online welcome we didn't stop the first service we've kept going so all those that just join us online through chuck's uh facebook or our facebook or youtube whatever it is we want to tell you how much we love you we want to tell you that we welcome you to iclv the international church of las vegas we welcome all of you that are watching online mwah we love you my name is paul mark goulet it's an honor to be with you and i want to ask everyone to stand in this sanctuary don't forget this goes on today tonight tomorrow morning with sammy rodriguez tomorrow night with sammy tuesday with malik tuesday night with dutch sheets it just keeps going on and then on until wednesday night we are so psyched that you could join us today we love you we never stop we've been on the 21 day fast because we want more of jesus [Music] here we go hear the sound of the new creation singing praises like never before hear the groaning of all the nations we will lead them right to heaven's doors [Music] we [Music] jesus says [Music] jesus hear the sound of the songs of freedom often sing and oceans roar there this is a season and now is the time we're foreign [Music] you ready break it down [Music] in your presence thank you lord everybody prays everybody praise the lord everybody [Music] prays everybody prays everybody praise the lord everybody pray everybody praise everybody praise the lord everybody prays everybody prays everybody brings [Music] [Music] dance [Music] is [Music] so everybody praise the lord everybody prays everybody prays everybody everybody prays everybody prays everybody praise the lord everybody prays everybody everybody prays praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord [Music] [Music] has break it down come on [Music] come on church go go fills our hearts with cheers foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] forever we rejoice [Music] we love to go find the presence of the lord along the face of the river we run we dance with love giving praise to the sword [Music] [Music] we rejoice [Music] all right let's do that percussion [Music] come on [Music] come on cuz we're stepping in we're singing [Music] [Music] [Music] do it again forever [Music] come on rejoice [Music] we rejoice for the river we rejoice [Music] i rejoice i rejoice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what a wonder you are what glorious freedom you bring don't you love that in romans 8 the glorious liberty of the children of god belongs to you and me the glorious glorious liberty so i will rejoice i will rejoice [Music] and be glad remember that one [Music] just a simple declaration declare it over your heart i [Music] i there is a river full of grace that [Music] [Music] flows [Music] i will rejoice i will rejoice [Applause] [Music] i will rejoice i will rejoice and be glad we rejoice in you jesus i will rejoice i will rejoice you have made me glad you have made me glad you have made me glad you have made me cry you have made me glad you have made me clear you have made me a simple declaration [Music] [Music] i will rejoice [Music] i will be joyce [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you have made me [Music] god this morning [Music] [Music] [Music] testify [Music] to sing it right to his face him in the eyes [Music] us [Music] you know what the bible says that in the end this is the nations will bring to the lord their riches and their honor and their glory it's not just talking about money you know how rich the nations of the world are in culture god never wanted a cookie cutter people right that's why there's different languages there's different clothing there's different food thank god anybody grateful for mexican food in here hawaiian food chinese food indian food man thank god for the different expressions of the cultures and we are called as the people of god to bring the richness of who we are sound the same and he likes it that way it doesn't all look the same and he likes it it doesn't feel the same and he [Music] that's what the bible says i am [Music] you're [Music] your songs oh [Music] i love you i love you i love you [Music] oh i love you i love you i love you i love will fall the love you are the hope that i'm [Music] is [Music] you are the love of my life you are the hope that i cling to me more than this [Music] untold [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] to me i don't know how you do what you do i'm so in love with you it just keeps i'm gonna spend the rest of my life right by your side forever [Music] it just keeps i'm gonna spend the rest of my life [Music] right by your side forever [Music] jesus i'm amazed [Music] i'm a man [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] as lawrence comes up i just want you to know that we're paving the way for the whole week i want you to know that can you lift up your hands just start just moving in the spirit pressing in deeper than you've ever been before we don't want silver and gold we want you jesus we want the next great jesus movement go jesus go jesus go jesus [Music] [Applause] we just want more we just want more this is our cry [Music] [Applause] [Music] i just heard heaven singing that over you with just one more you can have it all you have the yes and the amen of heaven you've got access to it all so give us more father son holy ghost says give us more lay it down lay it down lay it down we just want more elohim cries i just want more i just i just want more of you [Applause] just that merits a response on our part father in jesus name we say yes give us the grace it's all by grace no one can brag it's all by grace give us the grace to give you a bigger yes god a laid down yes a committed yes all in yes you can have more yes you can have it all yes we empty ourselves before you to have more of you i've been crucified with christ it's no longer i who live but this life that i now live i live to god that's galatians 2 20 been crucified with christ no longer i it's no longer [Music] [Applause] it's no longer [Music] i live to go [Music] come on guys come on let's go higher this morning come on make that your prayer this morning say god take me higher come on just begin to say that i say god take me higher take me higher god come on as we worship i feel he's going to remove every lid every boundary every barrier that's been put on you from last year come on you've had to shut your mouth you've had to do all kinds of things but i believe this morning god is removing the lids come on just begin to worship let's go higher this morning as a church as a community come on just begin to lift up your voice go higher this morning go higher go above your fear go above your anxiety [Music] we go i go deeper i go higher [Music] [Music] my roots are searching thus says the high and lofty one who inhabits eternity whose name is holy i dwell in a high and holy place with him who has a humble and a contrite heart to revive the spirit of the contract and to revive the spirit of the humble in the name of [Music] i think jesus 15 a more sure word of prophecy he dwells in the high place with the lowly and the humble the poor in spirit the child life these are who he chooses to associate himself with holy spirit asked me this question one time he said who does the kingdom belong to which of course was an invitation for me to go figure that out and i found three groups of people in the scriptures that the kingdom belongs to blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven a little later in that same chapter he said blessed are those who were persecuted for theirs is the kingdom of heaven and then later he said don't keep the little children from coming to me for of such is the kingdom of heaven so the poor in spirit the persecuted and the childlike all lowly states these aren't the famous these aren't the wealthy these are the lowly theirs is the kingdom of heaven theirs is the kingdom of heaven so we go low we go low we go low we go [Music] i lay it all down [Music] worship [Music] lay it all down [Music] down come on if everyone could close their eyes in here and lift up your hands wherever you are maybe this is uncomfortable to you just for us here at iclb we spend so much time worshiping jesus because he saved us he set us free from so many things and while you have your eyes closed and your hands raised i want to read this to you mark 5 25 says now certain woman had a flow of blood for 12 years and it suffered many things from physicians she had spent all that she had and was no better but rather grew worse when she heard about jesus she came behind him in the crowd and touched his garment for she said if i may only touch his clothes i shall be made well immediately the fountain of her blood was dried up and she fell into her body that she was healed of the affliction and jesus immediately knowing that himself power had gone out of him i want you to just picture this this morning as we worship this is what we're doing i'm praying that god would give us a desperation in 2021 like this woman that we wouldn't get complacent we wouldn't allow circumstances and situations even what's happening in our heart to keep us away from god but instead it would give us a desperation to push past the crowd i'm not going to be like everybody else i'm not going to stand on the outside while jesus the healer the miracle worker the person i need the most is right in front of me and i want you to just picture in your mind whatever you're struggling through whatever you're facing just imagine pushing through those things this morning and getting a hold of jesus maybe it's financial problems maybe it's marital problems just begin to push through that this morning go higher this is what we're talking about go higher this morning go above it and get a hold of jesus so come on just for a few minutes just a few minutes just begin to invite the holy spirit into your heart invite him into your life take me back i'm sorry i've come with my chance i'm sorry [Music] to you god we open up our hearts back up to you god we start the prophetic conference off god with our hearts wide open god got any offense any disappointment from last year man we shed that thing off i even see some of us like uh a caterpillar shutting that off turned into a butterfly i mean we let go of the last season we get the old things off of us god we're going higher we're gonna get a hold of your presence god our hearts are open to you come on how many of you in here say your hearts are open to jesus this morning what he's doing we're stepping into a new season god it might not be easy it could be tough i don't know what it is god but we're going to let go of the old season and step into that new thing come on how many guys believe that receive that you say amen hey before you're seated find someone that you haven't met or that you have met say hi to them love on someone next to you introduce yourself to someone tell them you like their clothes their hat whatever it is make them feel welcome here at iclv [Music] wow corey i love that verse i'm sorry can we say it again i'm sorry come on gang help me with the lyrics [Music] to oh come on sing it again i'm sorry when i've just gone through the motions i'm sorry and i just sang another song take me back [Music] i'm sorry lord for the things [Music] maybe it's all about you it's all about i'm sorry lord you know what this reminds me of in the earlier days here at iclv you asked the lord how we would see revival in this city and the lord said lead them into my presence remember that yeah this is a house of [Music] presence so it's beautiful yeah it just reminds me of that has never changed because god doesn't change he doesn't need to we all need to so it's good to have all of you here today welcome to this beautiful sunday morning every day that we have it's the day that the lord has made we just started this we're launching tonight actually the the conference and already just we're already like in deep waters i'm in my doctoral program right now and i'm reading a book called the river of god and he talks about that there's a pure river coming from the throne of god and as it flows the cults would be tributaries that would go away from the river and away from the real river of god into into religiosity or garbage or cults or whatever but there was one pure river coming from the throne of god and i i heard it this week as i was reading the book and i heard the song in my spirit i said corey can you sing that song because i just feel like how many want to jump in the river here come on man we've been damned up and locked up and shut down and i'm pretty sick of it i just want to jump in the river get out of my way i'm going to flow in the river you all got that come on listen this is what i always say in my prophetic classes whatever we don't want to be a swamp we want to be a river it is possible to be a swamp as christians we're just wet but we know going anywhere we're not going anywhere but a river goes somewhere so i this is awesome i love it we're in the river of god so what is this baby girl so here's what's going on all kinds of stuff is going on here on the campus but we also have worth fighting force presence which is which is really like a ministry and this is our heart is to end trafficking as you can see this is a major problem all over the world so we're doing our part and our share and what god has you know helped us to do and the last 10 15 20 years what it really but we have um [Music] it's like a store but it's you go there and you can actually go shopping it's basically for free it's just donation and it helps the worth fighting for clothes are for free just give a donation to worth fighting for really nice new clothing uh and you know big brands so come and visit us it's on it's gonna be open all week and also i want to do this we have a you know you're worth fighting for sweatshirt isn't that awesome i want you to know that you can cough louder if you want but i want you to know that um everyone is worth fighting for everyone and i want to just throw that at amber right here just come on just you you are worth fighting for and i'm telling you amber it is just the beginning beginning of what god is is going to do in you but through you do you understand that so i just love you and i know that the joy that you're talking about in your is worth fighting for you're going to see you're a fighter and a warrior so that joy can be in our midst so back because the body of christ needs strength so i just wanted to release that and i you know i'm standing looking at uh malik and ashley who are going to be speaking this week in ministry of course and they're here for the whole week but i just saw you like a shotgun i don't know if you ever shoot guns but i literally saw both of you it's like you're going to blow the enemy away this coming season you're like a shotgun i follow him on facebook and i love when he runs out and he just says something it's like you're like a shotgun and this is a new era like like chuck prophet man this morning i took two or three pages of notes now this is the beginning tonight chuck is sharing again the binions are flying in this afternoon they're going to help us worship how we love our worship team come on [Music] they're the the most amazing worship team in the galaxy right now i'm just telling you they just are our prayer it's not about them it's all about jesus it's so pure i love our team right now and we want to invite you to the rest of the conference starting tonight so uh tomorrow morning guess what sammy rodriguez is coming here speaking at the 9 a.m session then we have what we call intensives which is all about tomorrow morning we start equipping you to change your world so mama g what are you doing mama do you what are you gonna be doing tomorrow morning it's called flow with heaven yeah and so we're gonna flow with heaven it's going to all about you know the supernatural the glory of god is what we're talking about the relationship with the holy spirit miracle science wonders and i'm going to have malik and ashley in my first session oh oh with me today and where is pasqual paul norman run up real quick because pasqual and norma people say well how come you have such an influence in your city your state uh the our nation the world it's because of people like pasqual and norma that god has given them the keys to impact justice issues uh governmental issues they're just going in it doesn't matter what brand they are they're just going in fearlessly i know you've got a meeting soon with what a king or a prince or something of the sort uh what are you going to be doing tomorrow tuesday and wednesday morning well pastor this is the whole thing we're called to influence and you know that and all of us know that but there's one story that i know in the bible and it talks about a young girl that was captive and when she was captive by by there's the commander name and but the influence of god can go from the top to the bottom and from the bottom to the top it works both ways and i believe what god is doing he's releasing this anointing to go and influence people to influence kingdoms it's talks in scripture and revelations it talks about the kingdoms of this world would become the kingdoms of our lord there was a global awaiting awakening on january 26th that's global awakening now the kingdom is rising up through this whole thing it's going to be manifest we're going to pray for people normally knows what we're doing there we're just going to have fun right we're just going to have fun it's that joy girls just want to have fun girls jason our our newest team member is going he's an expert nationally on small groups so he's going to teach you how to become a discipleship maker at work uh in your home in your neighborhood wouldn't you like to make disciples that's what matthew 28 says go and make disciples he's going to teach you how to do that binions are going to teach you how to worship and write songs and i'm doing a little class called crossing over i feel like we've been in the desert and god wants us in the promised land so i'm going to be talking about that issue each class has limits we're trying to follow all the coveted rules and all that kind of stuff we're trying to do that so you got to sign up today someone say sign up today so you want to sign up because space is limited very very limited i think i've got a just a few more spots left for tonight and for tomorrow morning there's a few more spots sign up for your class because the classes are going to fill up then you only have the next class to go to that's god spoke to me several months ago about three months ago four months ago he says paul do the conference and i said well lord you know we're only allowed to have 50 people at the time we're only allowed to 50 people and we were trying to fight it i i've been talking to the attorney general saying come on that's not fair but casinos could do 25 what about us and so uh long story short they changed the rule now we're allowed 25 and we got a pretty big building here so we're allowed 25 but they're still we're almost there for tonight uh for the morning sessions we're almost there so you want to rush to the lobby after service and sign up for one of these oh we're supposed to show this guys one of these main sessions with uh sammy rodriguez will be doing one uh binions will be doing one uh malik will be doing one in ashley and dutch sheets will be doing one so so mornings are all about equipping everybody say equipping all right i don't think you get this okay the evenings are all about inspiration and empowerment right but the mornings we want to equip you i don't believe you can go into this next war season without weapons of war i don't believe you can go into the next season without tools to rebuild a good future a business a family so we really focus this here nights inspiration empowerment and we're going to give you the word it's going to be amazing a prophecy but in the morning we're going to empower you and equip you and i ask these key speakers to to do the morning sessions as well so it's not just our gang we've invited these amazing people to really pour into you so what we're going to do right you all got that so you better run to the lobby before these these sessions are getting filled up you want to sign up you want to get on now if you're watching online what we love you more than swiss cheese i love you more than pizza i love you more than cheeseburgers you're the bomb from donkey kong now you can go to the online conference every night we'll be free online for you all you guys out there we're expecting 200 000 a night to watch us because we didn't believe it was just for us although it's it's for you right it we believe believe this was a national conference so we believe that tonight 200 000 will be watching and and then uh tomorrow night 200th we're just expecting some massive uh uh release of live stream and we we it could be up to a million how many say i'll pray for that how many believe that that america needs revival [Music] so if you're online go ahead and sign up for the morning sessions because those are exclusive those are amazing i mean the whole conference we're giving away ebooks and we're giving away uh breakout prophetic rooms there's all kinds of things happening this week so go in the lobby get the directions or go to icw.com and sign up before they get completely filled all right now i want to give you a promise how many like promises all right okay these guys do okay i heard them how many of you how many like money you think your money's money's okay remember nobody wants money here what would happen if i was giving away ten thousand dollars right now would anybody run up all right so the bible says the love of money is the root not money there's nothing wrong with money you should be blessed someone say i want to get blessed so i can be a blessing as i prayed about that this past week i i came to the scripture this morning when i was in prayer over the city overlooking the city in malachi chapter three it says bring the whole tithe into the nation into the storehouse now the tithe is ten percent of whatever comes in the sale of a home or your salary or your benefits or or inheritances he says the whole tithe he doesn't say five percent or two percent or one percent somewhere you and i start obeying the tithe and then the second part of that promise happens and test me in this he says see if i will not open all the store gates of heaven to pour a blessing on you that you can't even contain some would say more so he asked for a little to open up the more 10 is not enough my wife and i do way more than that because we found this to be fun we cannot give god but if we do a tithe to the lord then all sudden everything else opens up imagine if he paves heaven with gold the streets what will the storehouses of heaven look like i'm thinking wow there'll be opals and diamonds and gems and and salvations of my family and healings and miracles see because when you open up the storehouse miracles fall in your life businesses ideas somebody can stop me at any time but it all starts with a little thing called the time 10 of everything i love when we sell properties or homes or whatever we do we just give 10 right away and we'll get more but we like to give at least 10 and so bam we do that and then we know that the next blessing is coming so that's the gift for you today you're about to come into a new era you're going to learn this from chuck today where i believe that your finances are going to explode to those that start with step number one it opens up all of heaven young people this is for you teenagers this is for you moms and dads grandpas and grandmas this is for you those watching online this is for you so let's pray lord jesus i want to thank you for this revelation that that not only is it a revelation for everyone now but we've been living with that revelation so i'm asking god that as we come and give you the tithes it's not ours even it's yours now you said it from the beginning the tithe is the lord's it's not even mine so lord as we bring you your tithe and your offerings we place them in these buckets knowing that we're sowing good seed and heaven is going to open up over our lives our businesses our church our friends and we'll be able to bless even more in jesus feel name presence of god right there so get your giving ready in this room and you're online push the button and give your the lord's ties back to him because he deserves every little ounce are you ready to give let's do it right now yes the world will bow down and say you are god [Music] every [Music] so let's start right now [Music] why would we wait king of glory fill this place i just wanna be [Music] this place i just wanna be with you i just wanna be here [Music] yes the world bow down bow down [Music] so let's start right why would victory [Music] [Music] i oh wanna be with you i just wanna be with you [Music] so i'll sing come hallelujah [Music] and i'll dance in your presence until you come again i will sing hallelujah until you come again that's our hearts bright and we'll dance [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] until you come again [Music] is i just wanna be with you glory be [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on let's give god a big hand we just want to be with him tell him how you feel towards him tell him what you think about him come on tell him that you just want to be with him we just want to be with you father we just thank you we just thank you come on i want you to take your seat we are ready to have our friend chuck pierce come before he comes up to take this microphone and share the portion um the portion that yes the portion that he's going to share with us i'm going to let you watch this video hey guys it's laurence anna and we are pumped that we are officially in prophetic conference 2021 starting today january 31st it goes through wednesday february 3rd you don't want to miss any part of it guys there's morning sessions there's night sessions there's intensives we have worship with opinions tonight we have amazing guest speakers the whole conference chuck pierce dutch sheets malik edwards samuel rodriguez is going to be so awesome the other awesome thing about this conference is you can customize your experience you can customize your online experience and you can even customize your in person experience for more information guys go to iclv.com or again after the service visit our foyer they'll have all the answers for you i am so excited that game changers is coming we're going to go through pastor paul's book game changers we're going to have a new sunday morning series we're going to have game changer groups all of this is starting february 21st be a part of this and if you want to host guys a six-week game changer group go to the foyer after service sign up get your free gift bag today it's going to be so awesome guys i'm lauren sana that's it it's prophetic conference 2021 peace okay well are you ready so here's what it says in matthew 10 41 whoever welcomes a prophet who's that this morning who's that this is a love offering for the prophet how many of you love chuck pierce come on so welcome whoever welcomes a prophet as a prophet will receive a prophet's reward come on whoever that's you put your name there when you receive a prophet as a prophet and you actually invest in his life and thank him and actually it costs you something then you get the prophet's reward is this amazing the ability to be able to see to hear come on to prophesy i'm telling you when chuck is here or any other prophet is here it all of a sudden we're prophesying good that's the truth it affects the whole region and of course nations and then it says uh whoever welcomes a righteous person how many of you think that he's a righteous person yeah how many of you know that you are we are righteous people and we have welcomed each other in the house of the lord this morning so we'll receive a righteous person's reward so here's the deal we are actually welcoming one who is a righteous prophet he's right with god he loves god and this is what it helps us to do too because this is what he's helped us personally and as a house to to really go after god's heart and really hear what god is saying and help us to be who we are called to be in every season that we find ourselves is this so amazing he's been a friend he's been a prophet and he has been a father even to me like you know when how fathers talk to you sometimes others that love you and so that's what i've experienced with this amazing amazing man and he is a friend of this house so i want you to welcome him as you bring your offering to bless him at any time during the the time that he's preaching you can do that you can do it now but we want to bless him good come on bless him good and bless him big so father i just bless this offering those that are giving and all that we bless the generosity in this house and we bless our friend as he comes to you know preach and teach and share stuff here hallelujah let's stand up let's thank god for what he's doing now turn and look at somebody and tell them you look better in this new era that's what's called encouraging now bless them and tell them they're going to have a new anointing in this new era all of you on the web out there just decree you're going to have a new anointing now let's thank god for what he's going to do today let's thank god for iclv wow amen you may be seated this is a very interesting time but it's a great time you know why because it's time that uh it's the time the lord chose for you to be here it's the time see you were before the foundation of the earth he knew you tell somebody you've been around a lot longer than what you look but what god did he chose to set you in this time see he knows he's not in time we're in time he chose to orchestrate you in this time and because of that you have great impact during this time and on time so that becomes important for you to understand i've written several books about time interpreting the time redeeming the time uh time to defeat the devil a time to triumph i'm writing a new book called a time to go beyond look at somebody and say we got to go beyond oh you can't you can't settle down in a place none of us want to settle down right now in this place we have to go beyond we have to see beyond you have to learn to see beyond into a place and really uh when you look at my life now think about it my wife and i have been married now 48 years that's a long time and starting last year was the first time we've really ever spent together now think about that she they asked her we've written two books together chosen asked her because usually i blend when i write a book with someone but chosen said uh this ain't gonna work it's so pam wrote the first half of the book of rewards of simplicity and i wrote the last half of the book rewards of simplicity because simplicity the word actually is a vision word how clear you can see it and what you can see that it's a wonderful book it was more of a secular book than just christian book and uh the opposite of simplicity is distraction and uh i wrote that part and with that they said uh how have you two you're so different when we read this book how have you two lived together and pam said it's real simple he's traveled all of our marriage but not this past year so now this is important for us what did i have to do to be new see that's what you have to ask all of a sudden you're going to have moments in your life where everything changes where you thought you were going what you thought you were going to do now my average each year is to go to 30 plus nations it's all shut so what am i going to do all of a sudden when i have to cancel all of those nations and stay home since i've never stayed home you see all of a sudden you have to say okay lord how are we going to move forward with this well all of a sudden i saw my backyard i'm not sure i'd ever seen my backyard i saw how incredible it was i knew the garden that the lord had used my wife if you've ever been to our place the israel prayer garden just incredible place and usually when i would get home from a trip i would go stay at the garden to get off lots of things because you know i do lots of things that and i'm with lots of people and i am uh in places that you wouldn't always know about and so i used i would go back to the garden but i'd really never spent any time in my backyard ever the place is amazing and then of course daniel and amber had been gone for 10 years and all of a sudden god put them there in my backyard you see what i mean all of a sudden you begin to see your boundaries reforming and you have to learn what to do in those boundaries you know my wife has raised all of our kids by she's been a single mother [Music] with a husband so all of a sudden i get to know my kid all my kids are incredible cooks that came in great uh it was a great blessing especially when we couldn't go to restaurants every one of them i can't they don't even let me boil water so all of a sudden we're having to get to know all about each other and we're talking about things and we're learning to hear each other see when i'm saying that that's why god did this all of a sudden he just put a pause on things he said you're gonna have to learn to communicate in a new way you're going to have to learn to deal with things in a different way you're going to have to learn to see things from a different perspective i watched you know when you travel all the time you don't watch a lot of tv you're my tv you know y'all can be quite a show i'll tell you that right now and uh usually you've got your own show going so each one so i've always in my spare time watch somebody else's show that's going on and have to uh work with them and yet you miss a lot of tv shows so i i decided i would watch three series see all of a sudden you've got to think what is going to speak to me and what will relate to me see if you don't learn to do that you're going to get way out there crazy and you're going to keep them you're going to keep trying to war in places that you weren't ever meant to war in so i watched the mentalist i loved that i loved it i could relate to it see i i could relate to that and it was an older show i watched monk i could relate to mike in the midst of his he was always obsessive compulsive but in the midst of his trauma he got worse and uh and so i watched i loved it and then he comes through at the end then i watched you know you got to relate to where you've come from especially in a year that's about your roots so i watch blacklist it's real interesting but i come from a different family with different interests and uh the first very first show that i watched i said this is what's going to happen as this uh series progresses and pam said you are not going to be prophetic if we're going to watch tv together you're not going to talk you're not going to do all those things you do you see what i mean all of a sudden you're having to make some shifts in who you are now that's what i want to talk about too i want you to get that first message because it pretty well pairs uh you know it paves the way for where we are i wrote two books passover prophecies now that book is real helpful for you i asked a couple of people that are in our ministry on staff i said have you ever read one of my books you know and because they were just clueless to what was going on it wasn't chad chad actually can read and has read and uh and passover prophecies uh sort of tells us what we're being reset into and what we're gonna have to learn to cross over time for to triumph i wrote that book 10 years ago and it tells what we're living in today see that you want to think uh dutch call one day and said do you want to do this and i said listen i would be no good for you right now i am already living in april you see what i mean and pam that's what i'm talking about in my backyard but it doesn't change my gift my gift keeps working your gift is irrevocable but your setting has changed and the people you have to talk to have changed and if i wanted to live i had to change you see what i mean with my wife and uh so you you have to learn that we're in this big crazy shift that's going on you can either kick against it get mad about it or just enjoy it look at somebody and just say you're gonna have to get a little joy to make it through this next season i've met new people i've been able to and and one day i was at church you know and in our ministry we were doing the zoom thing because nobody could come all of a sudden god flashed the whole building he's we it had taken eight years to get everything in that place of our identity in that building lord said remove everything now we're talking about 268 000 square feet he said this isn't what you're gonna look like as you go in the future you're going to have to know you have to ship now that's just how simple it is now and so here's what i want to say just learn to go with the flow don't try to change everything only change those things the lord puts his finger on don't try to be the most spiritual person in the world matter of fact by being at home i realize i'm going to have to even think different so see that's what's so key all these books i know we ran out back at the back of these books but any five books on our website you can have but especially these all you have to do is put your code in if you're watching on the web the same way iclv you can have the special and we'll pay the postage since we ran out so those five books will help you they will help you understand china better you say why would i want to understand china because during the process that god started showing me in 1986 i started god showed me 10-year increments and how china would the chinese people are some of my very favorite people but the government has a different philosophy and how they would start buying and start and before long by 2026 they would have the greatest influence on our economy in america which was the greatest economy at that time an article came out daniel uh sent it to me on monday it it came out and it was on you know one of the news groups that it was on cnn actually it said where china was progressing toward 2030 now because of covet now they will have and dominate in the economic realm by 2026. see god shows things without a prophet of people perish uh that's what that word extra means vision without a vision of people perish without prophetic revelation of people perish and it it's strange how we have made a shift in the last three months toward a play now i'm going to say one more thing we're not of this world look at somebody and say remember who you are we're a nation above all nations we're a people above all people we're a peculiar people now look at somebody and say he's getting to you right now see we're peculiar we're a kingdom people see we're not even in a church era right now we're in a kingdom era right now so you have to think kingdom you have to know kingdom's changing how are you being positioned how are you moving forward now i i want to start back with one uh uh powerpoint that i had in the first service this is what the year looks like the line of the tribe of judah is rising up tell somebody that you and you've got fire in your bones [Music] how do we get fire in your bones because the word of god is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword dividing asunder soul and spirit piercing down into your bone marrow you have a hidden strength in your bone marrow that has never come alive before and the lord is blowing on his people causing that bone marrow and the word that's down in it to come alive all of a sudden you're going to start saying things you didn't even think you could say kingdom has a culture kingdom has a language you have to learn to speak kingdom culture and kingdom language and walk in it whether you walk in a casino or whether you walk in the business world you have to know you have a different way to walk and a way to demonstrate the glory of god see that's who we are that's what we are and then though notice that fire in us is hitting a fiery dragon over these next three years that we must understand that we're up against fire against fire i was so thankful when the lord told me years ago he got me up at two in the morning i'd been spending time with him and all of a sudden he said you can turn satan into his own fire see we have to know we have the ability to turn the enemy when the enemy's trying to rage and stop what god is doing now i also want us to know there are certain things in this word of god that will happen i watch people trying to pray sometimes and they're trying to i i i heard one group say we're going to pray away armageddon no you're not you're not going to pray away armageddon it's a given there are certain things given and you might as learn you might as well learn how to get in them and walk see you can't get way beyond your sphere of authority and notice how god changes us he changes us in spheres moved me from being worldwide all of my life since i've been in my early 20s worldwide into my backyard he said now start working out see things differently as you work out of that backyard see how i'm completing things that i told you i was going to do 30 years ago watch me as you start moving from your now new sphere into the new sphere that i have for you see if you don't think like that you you get lost in the chains it it it moves all around you now so we're being thrust into this identity crisis you're thrust into it because your you would have never been willing to go into it so god had to thrust us into it and say now work with it and work with the changes go ahead chad now with that we are in a season where we must go beyond and the only thing that's going to keep you from doing that is your emotions put your hand here and say i still need a little work now how do i look at a person sometimes and this is very prophetic i see a ball of twine when i look at a person you know they've got a good ball of string should you know you should throw it and it should go from here just very smoothly all the way straight line across there but you know that's not how we are we look like a ball of twine that even different colors in it all been tied together and what happens when you start trying to throw that twine out all of a sudden where one of those knots have been it gets tangled i so when i look at a person i try to look at them and say now how they gonna have to untangle that knot or they're never gonna get any further see that's the best way to look at your emotions it's the emotions we'll look further into it tonight but they're they're the biggest part of your intellect that's a scary statement but it's a true state so your emotional semantic being is much greater than your intellectual knowledge you remember something something affects you something causes you and to rise up or causes you to be depressed and all of a sudden it's that structure within your soul that you're having to deal with in the midst of change now so your emotions are key and you can't just try to stuff them and get away from them a lot of people do that and you know what sooner or later that night it's gonna get have to get dealt with it's like a necklace sometimes your necklace gets knotted well it's not gonna hang right if the knot stays in it see so one of the things that's going on with us right now we're being unknotted you're being untangled you're having to look at things differently you're having to look at how certain things got tangled up and how you had a hard time in one season getting past them but in this season god's got a grace to get you on through you're going to have to say i'm going to have to cut that portion of the string and just let it go you see what i mean because if i tried to use that to weave my next garment it wouldn't work so you just have to cut it off you have to bless it you have to say lord i learned a lot from that lord i don't want to ever go through that again lord help me as i move on into this next season now here's a difference that we have to go through you have to determine are you being tested or are you being sifted because remember peter had so much emotion in the bible he was an emotional basket case poked somebody next to you and with that up and down you know he was just constantly we look at sometimes these bible characters and they're they're heroes of the faith but they're just like you god's still writing that faith chapter and he wants you in it see that's the way you want to look at it he is still writing that faith chapter today and he's seeing if you qualify for it because the word of god says if he came to earth today would he find faith and so in the midst of it peter he has this big revelation there at caesarea philippi daniel taught on it once that's where the god of pan dwells that's where they worship the god of pen what pandemic comes from and they worshipped it at caesarea philippi and they were there because the lord took them there because it was the darkest most occult place there was and then he asked him see you've got to see the context of what's going on he asked him he said uh what are people saying about me now how's that for a crazy discussion to have in this dark occult place what are people saying about me and they said well some think you've been reincarnated that's really what they're saying some think you have come back you were elijah and you've come back they believed in reincarnation he said well let me ask you something who do you say that i am in the midst of this pandemic setting see see it the way god sees in the midst of this pandemic setting where pan is ruling and they worship pen who do you say that i am i think i think he's asking the same thing today who do you say that i am and peter oh i mean so spiritual so awesome so emotional jumps up and says you're what's been prophesied about you're the christ you're the messiah you're the one we've been watching for over these last 400 years you're the one that's been you're the one that's been prophesied about and the lord said only the father could have done that right here in this dark place don't think that a dark place keeps god from coming down don't think you have to go to church to find god all of a sudden peter found the lord right there where pan was being worshiped and the lord said only father could have shown you that there's no other way for you to see that and he said then he started prophesying to him he said upon this rock i will build my church upon this revelation i will build my ecclesia i will build my governing body for the future now hear me they had no idea what that meant people i'll stand up and prophesy sometimes and they'll say what does that mean i said well i don't know they had no idea what ecclesia was they had some of them might have had some government understanding they didn't know what the church was when he prophesied it now hear me we don't know what we're going to be building yet but we know we are see and here he's prophesying then he said and you're going to be able that thing you build will be able to withstand the gates of hell hades but uh and and you're going to be able to bind you're going to be able to loose and you're going to be able to get the keys unlock the kingdom of heaven see we build the church we unlock the kingdom all of a sudden peter's got all this revelation flowing he's out of his backyard right now and then the next thing that happens is well the lord says now that you know who i am this is really what he's saying it's one of those big i am scriptures he's saying i can go on to jerusalem and do what i was said to do and some way peter remembered what he had said he had been sent to come to be crucified so we could be delivered and peter immediately says you can't do that are you aware what we do sometimes when the lord's ready to move on into his next phase and we're not ready for him to do it all of a sudden he says you can't do it and the lord whirls on him and says get thee behind me satan my greatest adversary wouldn't you hate for the lord to look at you in the midst of this pandemic and say you're becoming my greatest adversary because you don't want to move forward the way i am moving you forward oh that'd be bad wouldn't it see a sunday morning you got to be a little preachy on sunday morning and all of a sudden he said peter and i'm going to paraphrase it i've been dealing with you since the foundation of the work world but in the last three years particularly and that's the way we are with some people and in the last three years you have been like this the whole time like on a roller coaster ride whether we were in the boat whether we were on the land no matter what we've been doing you're either way up there or you way down here and i've been dealing with you for these three years and i have prayed for you and i've already prayed you through and satan has desire to sift you i'm going to let him sift but i've already prayed you through now a lot of us sifting means he's taking that ball of your emotions and the way you think and he's pulling it all apart and looking at parts of it and saying that part's not going to work in your next garment that part won't be able to go into the next garment of identity that i have for you and so and because see this is how why the lord has to sift us it says it in john john seemed to get sifted easier than peter got sipped some people go easy some people go hard but when you're god you go remember that and peter gets this peter was harder his emotions were more volatile john some way even though he was a son of thunder someway submitted and saw the lord and was able to make it through his crucifixion see you have to look at your emotions peter couldn't make it through his crucifixion he was way too emotional though so you know what he did he did what judas did he denied him denial is a function of emotion so he denied him and yet he didn't go away i'm going to tell you right now the lord's not going to go away you know what happened he had already said he was going to resurrect and they're locked up now after peter's denial in john verse chapter 20 and the lord they have the door locked because they're filled with fear and the lord just comes through the door now i'm going to tell you when he is ready to deal with you he will find a way to deal with you and if you don't let that sifting start you're not going to recognize the dealing different prophetic message today but i'm gonna tell you it's where we are we're all over these last nine months to be dealt with we've had to make changes we've had to choose and see if you don't let your emotions get sifted your will won't choose correctly you'll make wrong choices out of an emotional upheaval and so this becomes important as we go through the four the the these divine resets we're going through right now and see in john 8 john learned because it says satan is a liar he's the father of all lies and yet he can't work with anything unless it's his resource so what that says to us is if we have something in us that belongs to the devil he comes for it he hunts for it and he has right to it that's where we get frustrated with a nation we know it should be a covenant expression of the lord because he wanted this nation to be a covenant expression of him and yet we've given lots of resources over to the enemy so he has right to use those resources that's really key to understand now here's the resets we're going through we have had to go through a worship faith reset and it's amazing how the lord's resetting us through worship we've had to say i'm gonna have to back off and let worship go in front of me that was one of the things we we really had to do and we've concentrated on it and i i met with our worship here's something else i did my own backyard i met with all of our worship which is amazing and creative and beyond lots of times and i said you're gonna have to take me to a new place for me to get to a new place and they said then we're gonna have to go to a new place to get you to a new place see that's really how it works with us a faith worship prophetic reset we we've had to have a prophetic reset because some way or another our desires got entangled with what was really going to happen so the lord has had to say we've had to have a reset and you say well this happened or that happened or this really was still we've had to have a reset another thing we've had to go through is we've had to have a new generation denise said why in the world and then she'll stop herself and she'll say well but i know why god does this you know why because judges says this the book of judges said i had to leave the enemy in the land to teach a new generation to war and so i've had to come to conclusions sometimes that which my one of my next generations going through it's really not my war i've already learned to war in certain areas and this is going to be a prophetic year where a new generation learns to war not to want but to war all right we've had to go through an economic reset this is so hard on us because we're entwined we're just entrenched with the need of finances you know vegas has lots of finance flowing through it and we've had to go through this economic reset and we're having to you learn laws of use and laws of multiplication where it's it's a god thing people or else would just want something new we want the next new phone when we don't even know who to give our last one to and do i think 5g created covet no i get asked lots of questions that aren't logical to the end see we've had to have our thinking reinvigorated how how and see if your emotions are all balled up and tangled up you can't think straight that's what the bible says i've not given you the spirit of fear but before it says it you know what the word of god says what timothy paul told timmy stir up your faith do you know what that word means stir up your emotions stir your emotions up let faith penetrate your emotions and then come on through to the next place then he said because i haven't given you a spirit of fear but a power and love and a sound i do some things in my life just because i don't want to fear doing them going to say that again i look at religion and how fearful it is and i'll do certain things in my life just so i won't fear i remember this one time of course being always connected with israel and growing up making and our family sometimes made wine alcohol can kill you my wife we had three of our four parents die prematurely by 40 from alcohol one parent that dies gives the next generation an iniquitous structure of almost 60-something percent to enter in now think about three out of four and yet i've never had a fear of alcohol i take nyquil if i get sick it's got more alcohol than wine has in it that's how religious things can screw you up therefore i said we're gonna use someone brought me this incredible uh prophetic wine with this dragon on i said we're gonna use this because our communion overcomes the dragon this one lady came up and said i've been an alcoholic for 20 years if i take that little cup of wine i'll become an alcoholic i said that is not how that works for you to commune with the body the grape juice can cause you to go on an eating bench just as easily she said well i've never thought about she went and took communion and got so set free of her past [Applause] she didn't i said i'm not going to allow you to have the whole bottle of wine because some of the rest of us are going to drink from it that's what the body of christ is about when one glories we all glory when one suffers we all suffer yes if i gave you a whole glass of wine it could set you off if you haven't dealt with the emotion that is it's linked with see we got all sorts of stuff in us right now in this awesome prophetic setting that we're in that god's dealing with you've got a few knots have you ever had a massage and i'm sure there's massage therapists here when they find that knot do you know what that is that's where all those tensions and emotions have gotten all balled up right in the back right in your nerve structure and this is my doctor uh it was also a chiropractor and he he said you have to find that one point that causes all of that to release then all of a sudden your movement comes back no different with your emotions you're gonna have to find that one thing that sets you off are you never going to become who you're called to be that is a prophetic word for you before we get to the end of april now hear me prophetically before we get to the end of april you you don't usually get this sort of prophetic word you're going to have to find out what could set you off after april the 30. because you don't want to get set off in the midst of a crisis that you're in you want to go ahead and get set off now so that when in the midst of the crisis you don't go up like fourth of july in april you get my drill now that's an interesting prophetic analogy but it's where we're at see yourself like a firecracker with lots of fuses and if you like one of those fuses the whole thing can blow so what you're gonna have to do is some way get those fuses out so that dynamite that's within you becomes what it was put there for dunamis power authority demonstration miracles there are so many miracle workers in church and god says some way i have got to get them flowing are evangelism and harvest won't happen i i just can't go to church think about it i travel 550 000 miles last year a year before last this year i had to go to church without people half of it and i have to sit there and say lord what in the world are you doing what are you doing with me why are you doing this you have to and if we don't get this it doesn't matter how much we know what's going to happen i mean my family had was filled i had a godly and an evil inheritance half of them were psychic it's the same gift only mind got redeemed that's how simple it is i can look at a person and do what the psychics do it's a gift they have the guilt but their gift never has gotten submitted and realigned therefore they use it illegally my grandparents the one thing my brother could that would set him off of course lots of things set him up but our grandparents chose after the trauma of our family never to see us again now we own the whole inheritance of that clan of people it was called rehoboth they chose never to see us again it had a road up to our house that a lake was around it and then it had a road up to all of the cemetery where all of those the inheritance for three generations were five now they would choose to go visit our dad every night at 11 o'clock but chose never to visit us my dad was dead to gain insight on how to move into the future because he was very capable my brother never could get he had a hard time to finally i said you're going to get delivered of this i am dragging you back down to that cemetery and you gonna get delivered one way or the other or you ain't coming out of the cemetery because you're gonna have to die one way or the other to this night it was it was amazing his life forever changed my life went into more trauma dragging him in there but it was okay i was strong enough to deal with now i'm trying to tell you we have been through a traumatic time it's been different we would love to rebel i don't rebel i just find loopholes around things you see you want to think like that how am i going to press it you know why because jesus did they would say uh this woman's been caught in adultery see you've got to figure out who you are right now this one has been caught in adultery moses tells us to stone her what moses did and that's what they went by and jesus was a rabbi you think he's going to turn around and say well just because moses said it we ain't going to do it he had to find a loophole around that law so you know what he did he drew this line in the sin and he started writing in it and i think what he wrote was he wrote from young to old the word of god says everything they had done to violate a law and he said and then he looked at him and said now if you want to play with the law we'll go law but if we gonna go law this is what's gonna happen to you see that's how prophetic people really know how to work if we gonna go law we're gonna have to deal with this that you've done you know what they did the word of god says they backed off one by one and he said but there's a greater law the law of love and it's filled with grace and then he looked at this woman didn't stone her didn't kill her where he could have and he said let's go and sin no more receive the grace of what you just witnessed and don't do it anymore and all of a sudden she has a new identity all of a sudden she becomes a follower mary magdalene cast out seven demons that girl was demonized cast out all those demons she got so delivered she could recognize the prophecy the minute he walked out of the tomb and was in the garden that's what deliverance does for you it causes you to see clearly now what am i saying we are becoming someone new we're becoming someone new individually as well as together you have a script that i have to blend in all of a sudden there's daniel and amber in our backyard i want their script blended in reggie came over after work i want his script blended in see this is where the church is right now it's having to blend in the script of how we're going to move forward of lots of different changes that have gone on all of a sudden in that we're reestablishing and unlocking kingdom here in the earth realm kingdom justice will rule now i'm going to say this again there comes a time where kingdom justice will rule and the bible says fret not yourself about evil doers if you walk around fretting the opposite of faith is fretting it's called anxiety you can pray all day long you can pray to your blue you can pray you can be in every prayer meeting available but if you're fretting it ain't gonna work for you not gonna do it you have to have that fair prayer of faith all of a sudden see those kids they can run you crazy or kids can you got to get them to that place where you get them up on that altar and you're not fretting about him anymore god can kill him he can keep them he can send them back changed but you've gotten it up to it therefore you don't have to be anxious tonight i'll share something with you because see coming through all the trauma we lived through anxiety became a way of life so when god delivered me from it i would have to walk around saying where is it who am i i've been i don't even know who i am anymore i've been so delivered i'm not anxious all of a sudden faith i can really pray a thing and think it's going to happen now hear what i'm saying to you you want to get to this place where you have such a relationship with the lord that when you talk to him whatever he says you you're fine with it and you're okay and so let me leave this with you tonight we'll define our stressors this morning you know before this conference starts tonight the lord said you know let me work with this people they're in a stressful city i mean when i came here in june it was like all of a sudden the in i had never seen the city look the way it looked are you questioning who you are right it's okay nothing wrong with it and who you are is usually linked with what you've been doing but if doing is changing you're going to start questioning who you are okay i mean think about a woman who's been a stripper all of her life all of a sudden she quits being that which i'm sure she's going to question how do i make this show see sometimes we think if we'll just lead them to the lord they'll be all right but then there's that big ball of twine inside of them that has to be untangled and pulled apart you need to like yourself i mean even if nobody else likes you you need to like yourself god made you he wants you to like yourself you might not like some of the things you end up doing but that's not who you are are you questioning the future listen i i still remember when all those people in 2008 left our church because they said the lord has told us that he's coming back this september and you won't say it i said well okay i'm sure he'll leave me here i'm sure half these people will agree with you he'll leave me here they came back last year when we had the gathering at starting the year off right at head of the year and all i could do was say oh it's so good to see you again i i wasn't haughty i just hugged them it's great you're still here you know i'm still here maybe the rapture came and none of us went up you know now you're gonna have to find out what your stressors are because they're pulling on and the enemy will grab that resource that's stressing you out and run with it like a wild man and then right when you feel like you're going to not make it then he lets it go and it pops back knocks you down again then he grabs it again a righteous man will fall down seven times but always get up all you can do agree with your adversary say you might have knocked me down but i'm getting back up i love what keith does my brother our family was quite famous in the area we live and they'll say something to him i i remember y'all you were y'all did this and keith said you don't know the half of what we did come spend an hour with me and let me tell you the real story it will blow your mind and you just won't have to fantasize over all the awful stuff we did have your values changed your interest are you desiring a new level of passion if you're not something's wrong i do not want to be like i was yesterday i don't i'm a passionate guy i'm filled with the fire of god i know the fire of god i don't want to be settled with the fire going out i don't want to end up being an old white-haired man of wisdom i want to be filled with passion and revelation with good white hair that is wise at certain times but i don't want wisdom to take me away from the passion of revelation see two different worlds i don't want to get so wise that god can't say something to me and all of a sudden i'm lost as a goose and i've just got to figure my way through it that's our passion you're going to be passionate to change that's what this year's about you want to know prophetically it's about how are you going to get passionate again and how you going to make this shift and come through your sifting and either be put back together or how are you going to [Music] uh just really be what god's intending you to be so you're not tossed to and fro with every wind that comes through different prophetic message this morning in this second service but it's where we're at and if you don't know where we're at you won't know where you're going you'll get lost along the journey so i want us to do something i want to stand up i want you to put your hand right here and i want you to ask the lord to untangle any knot i've heard people say i'm so knotted up over all this situation ask him to untangle any knot that needs to get untangled just ask him right now just pray just say lord you know i i've committed my life to you but i got a bunch of knots and you're going to have to untangle these knots some way just tell them that then ask him right now lord i need the fire that's here to blaze up just say blaze up i need you to stir up stir up the faith that's been put in you put your hand right here decree right now that he's starting to stir do you know what that means he's stirring your emotions that word comes from emotion he's stirring your emotions in such a way that there's a fire within you that's going to come alive then ask the lord just say lord i know i've got a reason for still being here take a breath take a breath right now just breathe in a lot of people lost theirs last year take a breath right now there's a reason you're still here because the word of god says in acts 17 he gave you that breath right there you just took so he's very near to us he's present now ask him in the midst of you breathing say lord will you show me where i need to breathe ask him that don't be afraid to ask him that show me how to breathe you in and out wherever i'm going whatever i'm doing [Music] then finally decreed those stress i call them tag lines that are on you decree they're being removed from you decreed their being what what stresses you out to where you're about to break that's coming off of you [Music] now say this out loud lord i want to enjoy life lord i want revelation in the midst of all this pandemic that's what peter got but lord i want you to be who you're supposed to be i'll be who i'm supposed to be lord we asked you right now move upon us just raise your hands and give him a wave offering just say here i am lord here i am lord you might not have been ever been able to just walk around lifting your hands and praising him just say here i am lord lord i'm just waving at you come by me just say it out loud father right now i can't think of a better city and a better place for you to show up than las vegas nevada [Applause] i can't i can't think of a better place for you to reveal who you really are than las vegas nevada lord right now blow your wind over us blow away those things that's trying to cloud who you've made us to be this year now everybody say now [Music] then i have one last thing to say i want you to look at somebody near you and say i'm going to give you some space to become who god wants you to be tell him that now point at pastor paul and say we're going to give you space to be what you're supposed to be this season point at prophet denise we're going to give you space to be what god's called you to be this season your voice is better this season than it's ever been we give you space to let us hear the lord through you look at somebody and just say i'm giving you some space become what he wants you to be this season as we move in to our future now let's clap our hands and thank god for what he's doing [Applause] i love you guys don't i'm ready for tonight are you ready for tonight tomorrow morning tomorrow night tuesday morning tuesday night wednesday morning wednesday night i love you more than swiss cheese i love you more than pizza i love you more than cheeseburgers you're the best in the galaxy quick go sign up go sign up i love you i love you i love you i love you we got the whole week until wednesday night it's going to be off the hook go sign up you're online right now bam love you guys sign up sign up sign up we're gonna be together for the next four days see you tonight at 6 30 get here early for a good seat god bless you guys [Applause] [Music] i'm [Music] and it's all about you it's all about i'm sorry lord for the thing [Music] it's all about [Music] it's all about [Music] is [Music] [Music] i'm sorry [Music] is
Channel: International Church of Las Vegas (ICLV)
Views: 8,493
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Id: G47IxqnCpk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 20sec (8240 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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