I Made his HOUSE COME ALIVE in Minecraft...

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Minecraft houses are so boring look how they just sit there and do nothing do something do something I know you're thinking I wish my house was alive well in this video I thought my friends about making his Minecraft house I'm alive I create distraction wait for him to leave and use the power of Micron bombs to make it come alive then when he gets back and he's about to walk into his house here comes alive and kills it where he stands he's gonna be so mad sit back give yourself some multi-doo milkshake let's do this all right guys and this is my friend lyrics and this is his house this is the house that we want to make come alive but we can't mess with it while he's close Okay I shouldn't have waited for him to come online but okay I thought about this as you can see beneath me look I have the world's longest Minecart look how long it goes on for it goes on forever I'm gonna tell him to meet me here in these chords because there's a new event happening and then what he says this way I I'm gonna wait till he goes Daddy he gets on his bike and then he sits on a minecart for 30 minutes while we missing this house the whole time right here look loads of my car so you can go okay and then while we're doing that we're messing with this house easy peasy bungle but if I let him know about it he'll be very suspicious so let's see to every single person in the Discord and put it in the announcements chat and because he's streaming he's gonna see it and show his chat this is gonna be too easy man look how sick this looks I just need to get all of them should I bring my armor with me might not right leave my armor here no I probably should bring my armor does it really matter probably not oh sword put my stone sword there for now okay let's cook some gold here we go got that now we can create our the rest of our armor which is pants pantaloonies there we go and we just have to upgrade them dude this is probably the most progress I've ever made in a Minecraft world I'm so serious making these making pants and dude can I get in making these pants in a helmet hello everyone in the announcements chat for those of you all in the server minus 1840.106 minus 1692. meet me at these coordinates that looks pretty cool actually oh there we go cool trust me I'll see you all there there we go you see how easy that was I'm a freaking natural I need to send a message in the announcement you guys know what that means but now we need to wait for him to leave his house go to the event and then it's too late baby that means either the server's broken one or two there's an event static still I hope that means he's reading it please listen to it on the server minus 1840.106. meet me at me at the third place gets 2 500. you don't want to miss his event truck thank you wait there's a second and third place prize yo this is a dub the odds are in our favor here because there's only like five or six people on the server bruh that's perfect okay what am I doing what am I doing what am I doing okay let's go to those chords okay I've watched this stream he's leaving write them down please negative 1840 someone said he's leaving please let's go it's just too easy sometimes on a 6 negative 16 92. it is this way wow that is creepy oh my God he's found it here we go please just go down there please man dude this is like right next to my house this way nobody here oh mama here we go oh there's like nobody online if I get there I could just complete the event by myself unless it's like a group event the second he steps on that Minecart we have free reign with this house for the next 10 15 20 30 minutes or something is this white car goes on forever oh my bro here we go dude oh my God and it's begun wait what I'm the second against in the end all of them might got everything all the might Cuts go how far do you think this is probably a couple hundred blocks he doesn't he never like puts us near it because then what if we stumble across it and like someone's just gonna go complete the event before he even like gets a chance to do anything that would kind of suck so he has to run back but I'm gonna do that I'll do it I'll do it for the squad now it's time to mess in this house let's do this I'll complete the event for the team so the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna take his house so we just right click this little quarter here Goodbye lyrics how many times has this house been deleted oh my God don't worry guys we're gonna replace it with the house that's alive foreign welcome you can fly to the roof of the house at which you can do space there you go perfect and just like that we have linux's house on top of Dr dungey's lap you know on a real note though like if Greenland's green then why is Iceland ice we're gonna if you're gonna color coat islands and countries why not stick to it really makes sense because this isn't every place green because what's stopping an alien from flying down from wherever being like where's Greenland and then his buddy next to him is like right there but in reality he's looking at La he's looking at Nevada he's looking at North Dakota he's like that's Greenland because it's green but it's not so now any mob that we put in here will be fuse with the house and the house will come alive so if we somehow go out and find like a cow or a pig or something maybe there's a frog okay let me just pick up the Frog don't ask why we can pick up frogs okay I look like a poor view of the Frog oh God and if we just take it go grab it and put it underneath Dr dungey's lab we can now fuse the frog with the house this is gonna look so ridiculous you wait in there unpopular opinion I think I would do people as a person I think if if I was President right now hear me out I think I could do a lot of really good things for the world but man there we go it's ready there we go perfect oh Mr froggy where did my frog go no as you can see now we get a frog house okay it was that easy and now we need to figure out if this is the house that we want to put as a replacement for linux's house or if you're gonna go for a different mod I want to see what this looks like before I spot on my house what is this gonna look like please let's be honest with me does it look like if I walk this in this direction would I be going into heaven I get I blend in with like the background a good amount because like if I put my hand up right look at that I almost disappeared let's see if this is the house we should replace it with okay it's it's the exact same house it's just jump what was that I think if I walked let's see if it looks like that does it look like I'm going into heaven who is that was that the tongue hey yo hey yo with the front door opens look the front door's gonna open wait wait stand still oh my God what is going on in this house there's a tongue in here I feel like you never really have to like poop or pee until you get into like a long car ride like this because now that I'm like sitting here waiting I'm like dude I really have to go is it just me the rest of the houses see we cannot go for this okay I'm sorry we have to get rid of you I'm so sorry we cannot for the life of me have linux's house a frog house okay I want to see what else we can mix it with we need to mix it with the boss bro who keeps tagging me in tick tocks like this you guys are done when that one guy calls you ugly and looks like this this does not look like me stop tagging me and stuff like this this isn't me bro okay there's a pig here I'll take the Pig instead the pig works I'm so sorry for what's about to happen to you my dog you can wait right here and then the sky oh where's the scare wait there we go there we go this guy comes through nice and perfect and then there we go Pig house okay this doesn't work I saw it that's what it's just as bad we've got a house they go sorry because it was close by oh my God should we make a polar bear house hey yo let's be crazy all right I use this in a video that I recorded yesterday and like I used it to suck the juices out of a fish and now that I think about it and say it out loud it's kind of wild like what do I do with this now my look at that where is the face what am I looking at I'm sick and tired of these months they're getting out of hand why is the pig ginormous I just have to pee you know maybe I should go pee no uh what if I get there no PSP I think I should pee what's going on here what color is it what micro book is that come on like what now I'm gonna pee oh yeah I mean it does yeah I'm gonna pee okay listen all right wait what color are Pig's eyes usually surely they're not what is going on here oh my god pig eyes are black that is crazy all right it just looks they look so dark and mysterious anyway we can't get my house he's supposed to die to a pig house like what is he gonna get high cholesterol from the bacon like what's going on here no dude dude when are we gonna get there we need like a different type of mob we can go or what we go horse should we go horse hey yo we about to act this horse is about to look good do not make me act up do you mind just waiting there sir getting my hands there we go you can enjoy your new home I'm so sorry about what's about to happen to you oh no I'm so sorry sir you're about to die bro I ordered I ordered doordash because I was like let's kill some time I ordered McDonald's and they gave me seaweed what we'll see where the doors go horse house why does that look so it looks terrible what am I supposed to do with Organic seaweed snacks Sesame flavor what's the point what's actually what am I what am I supposed to do how do you eat seaweed isn't that like eating leaves why would you eat leaves it makes no sense leaves are for like giraffes okay Donnie bobes is on the server right now and he lived over here before I just got on he lived over here before so if he's not in vanish odds are he's somewhere over here he'll be kind of close to everyone else what is this why are the toasts pink What's Happening Here what wait is this oh my God this hey yo hey yo yo why am I flirting with the house what's going on here those knees look absolutely destroyed those are the worst beats I've ever seen in my life your hair is oh God we need some conditioner baby what's going on here get a court hearing today you know what's crazy about that right I got called in it was like you got I got summoned to go to court or something like that because I was supposed to view it but like I just I I don't know I just I woke up late and I just didn't go I haven't heard back from him but like I don't even know they said that I needed to go sit or go interview something like that I said I got summoned but like I'm pretty sure Donnie had an event that day regardless so like I mean bro how am I supposed to miss the event like sometimes Donnie will just put 10K on the line like look at him he's just standing there menacingly that linux's house oh my God it has feet I thought it just had wings I was floating in the air it has feet to it too is that someone looking at me did he never return his house after he stole it in the last video wait spy gloss what what is this guy doing I can see you looking at me oh no oh no go away he sees me he spy he has a spy glass too this time 10K sitting in a court I mean come on guys the answer is simple here go away I'm busy doing stuff it's got nothing to do with you I'll hide behind the grass ain't no attention it's just grass I need to get a better look is this like a mob like will it kill me if I get a really close I can still see you where'd he go actually I lost him do I do this whisper Donnie bobes I'm fusing moves with linux's house plays with his house bro I'm not even looking he said bro I'm not even looking okay I better find him I don't see a huge house with legs IDK what you're on about I don't see a huge house with legs I don't know what you're on I hate this guy now I'm worried that oh there he is what is he doing is he like feeding it he had enough look at me if you want to be turned into a house I need to get a closer look oh he's he's right there I can see you right here are you good I can still see you right here dude I think you're on something I'm in my house let me be out busy there we go yeah yeah no worries I'm just observing get out of here oh my God I hate this guy so much he actually just gave me like heart palpitations there everyone's like oh the cave noises mod is so scary no Donnie Bob's coming out of vanish right next to your face while he's holding a villager is scary [Music] I can't do that voice shut up but you guys don't even know who sung that original song D you don't do I knew it sorry sir oh my God he's not a he's not a farmer anymore I'm so sorry I I made you unemployed I'm sorry sorry about to get scanned I'm so sorry okay kind of moves but it works is this enough oh hey look this house is gone this is different when he from when he picked it up last time right so this is like a different Meme and he'd even take the whole house what even is that horribly designed by the way but he didn't even take the whole house okay well I'm just gonna get away from that before it spawns back in as a monster or something and kills me you think I'll have time to go get a haircut I feel like we've been here for years give me a good one villager house spawn egg this is gonna look ridiculous Donny's been missing for a really long time so he might be at his evil laboratory but I need to approach with caution okay okay that's linux's house so is he in there nobody make any shutdown moves I don't see him moving around at all he's got low render distance because he's got a garbage PC so he won't even see me anyway and get a little bit closer so he's doing something with his lab use carrying a villager that time the time before that I don't know if I was supposed to see the fact that he had a house with legs he like turning houses into like Monsters he's like I'm Yugi and I use polymerization on linux's disgusting house and the Villager with a straw hat to make a stupid monster that he probably has a dumb name for is that it like he's he's doing that in his lab like my brain is moving very fast to where I'm not very much thinking about what is happening right now like I'm not worried about how far we are in the journey because the journey isn't the whole point of this it's the friends you make along the way and the happiness of the ride so I'm not too worried but like can I get a haircut I think we need to do like okay because I I swear dude what are your trades give me some treats what are your treats you don't even train anything typical villagers you're broken what is your purpose if Linux walks back and he walks in even though he's on the world's longest wake up if he walks back and sees this you think he's just gonna walk in are you absolutely brain dead I wonder if you can like suck me up with his nose dude oh my God I was right oh he's right there it's right there look at that thing that's disgusting it's a villager house wait wait oh I can't see that okay maybe it wasn't a monster get out of the way leaves is that is this guy still watching me okay maybe it is a monster I don't know if it's a monster or not but at least he's making the houses alive and that actually low are you good are you good what is wrong with this guy I really hate using my glass sometimes I promise guys I'm so close to doing this exact same thing with his house back away slowly making noise so you don't frighten the monster he will become collateral right there yeah I'm making noise so I don't dartle the monster are you good are you good you need something that's weird pretty good thanks for asking over to the house a bit hungry but good yeah I'm pretty good thanks for asking a bit hungry but good how are you doing shut up you know what I meant if you're here when I get back I promise you're next I promise we need to go get a water one anyway is impeccable oh God okay the house is gone man whatever I know what I saw I'm not Linux but I'll be like can I see a house right there okay I always make him sound really stupid he doesn't sound that dumb he's really like do not see your girlfriend I don't know if I saw a house right there okay I'm just being mean now I should probably leave before he gets back I don't care I need something that's gonna kill him all right and you know I know what you guys are thinking Dory that's the end this is underneath the sport nobody's even seen okay you can tell I've never seen this Auto there are people on the server they're gonna think it's me so there's in the seed there's the end right there and then there's a like the skulk place here I know what you're thinking why are you here I need this guy to wake up where is the warden how do you wake him up yes this is me running where is he where's your wooden friend please guys there you go call him pull your homie up bro I don't care because I have a secret weapon I can go creative mode whenever I want okay nice straightwater where are you is it bad at the same time that I'm like trying to do YouTube and like make videos and stuff I I genuinely think I could get my pilot's license if the pilot were to get knocked out in a plane and then the co-pilot is like hey I'm blind like I can't fly this plane does anybody know how to drive I would be like me let me do it I feel like I genuinely could like I dude give me give me the give me the give me give me the give me the controls of a flight and we'll land it I will land it bro there you go there's big boy hello big boy I'm sorry I know I'm just gonna have to I will make sure that we land that plane safely okay I'm back here I need to see what he makes next I need a good vantage point right here and I'm just going to sit and observe I'm prepared for this [Music] oh my God okay he's got a warden nope I don't care help me guys who do you know cause this is this is hostile mob no matter what it will kill him so we're just gonna have to hope for the best we're gonna have to spawn this I don't care what it has I don't know what it becomes it's gonna be his new house I won't watch it anymore someone's gonna die I'm gonna put you down don't break anything relax good boy relax relax don't move don't move good good good here we go the warden house easy peasy okay stay awake so all right if you guys don't know by now this is Dolly big brain more time if we agree and such a stick grass look and then we spawn the wooden house here look at this it goes boom and now because it's in this area it will just sit like lyrics's house was until someone comes close so even if the Villager wasn't there it would have just turned into a villager which kind of sucks and we don't want that this one I don't know what's gonna happen all we have to do now is sit around and wait for Linux to get close enough to his house and then he's game over baby oh oh there's no chance anybody else is here they are probably Linux police long behind and the longest Minecart ride of their entire life just look at this side now look at this annoying so much nevermind is canceled there's no chance and look he doesn't realize that this whole time all the mine cars are now gone so he has to walk back please come back please no this wasn't the troll you just need to go home you need to go home for the real troll please so next please don't do this to me there's no chance what does he expect me to do please okay um okay let's just dip then let's just go back home look now he's gonna realize that he has to run home I can't be bothered I genuinely cannot be bothered to do this right now now we go even more time to waste of this uh okay well I cannot be bothered there's no chance there's not a single I feel kind of bad though I don't need any more time I'm good I'm good I'll call it there guys [Music] not today not today I'm good guys he's just good AFK Landings come back please [Music] waste all that time for nothing please okay you know what I'm just gonna go to the house and wait for him at the house okay this is too long he's not coming back lyrics please please all right gotta get iron so I'm gonna get it from linux's house and let's hope he's not in there and your Linux no Linux inside okay we're good boys [Music] oh what's he doing wait I call him I'm gonna call him I'm gonna call him oh I got iron doors nice all right wait what the he says why are you why what's the water when did he join the silver the house it's a flipping Warden what am I looking at I just want to get to higher Joe what the what is this it looks so cool it's destroying everything okay you know what you want to fight let's fight them that's fine he's scratching the server he's scratching the server what did he do oh my God hey everyone what's up I hate everyone this summer I hate everyone in the summer this house turns into the warden like that bro
Channel: Doni Bobes
Views: 243,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, no swearing, no cursing, doni bobes, mcpe, minecraft mods, minecraft funny, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, challenge, try not to laugh, doni bobes face reveal, doni bobes face, I Made his HOUSE COME ALIVE in Minecraft...
Id: 9VbPJdL1wkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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