Debunking Your TERRIBLE Minecraft Escape Rooms

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so you guys sent me over a hundred Minecraft Escape rooms ranging from Tiny Bedrock boxes to torture chambers to carefully crafted masterpieces in the hopes that I'd play them all and be impressed and honestly I am impressed at how bad they all are look how easy this is to escape who designed this what even is this you guys are cooking your Escape rooms well done for the Gordon Ramsay of Minecraft prisons okay but in all seriousness playing your Maps was a roller coaster from completely broken puzzles to learning insane glitches I never knew existed but they were still far from perfect so hopefully you all learned something from my debunk videos because today I'm debunking you so I find myself trapped in a tiny Bedrock box in the corner of a Bedrock room I couldn't reach any containers except this one hopper that only had four Oak planks looking around I also noticed a crafting table below me but there was nothing behind it so this is everything I have I can't quite make a trapdoor or a boat so I don't think there's anything I can craft that's useful this is really not a lot to work with I almost feel like giving up already but then I had you know fine I'll just say the line but then I had a very good idea I used F5 see using F5 gave me a whole new perspective and I was able to see outside of the escape room where I realized the walls were only one block thick and there was a room right next to me that didn't have a roof but then I looked around the room I was in and I noticed the hopper I couldn't have seen before I wonder where you got that idea from anyway I realized that I might be able to open the hopper if I jumped and right clicked at just the right time and sure enough it was possible and inside the hopper was oh oh no well okay thanks for the end of pearl I guess I mean here's the sad part I don't know how but this was somehow the most common mistake I saw putting ender pearls in a room with one block thick walls this map for example is called Speed Run Vault animated in 20 seconds like seriously do you guys realize how broken ender pearls are at one point I felt so bad for choosing so many prisons the exact same way that in one room I just gave in and used the ender pearl the intended way and then just seconds later it gave me a second end of pearl you know what at this point you're just asking to be debunked forget that screw this I'm skipping ahead till we find a different map I don't care nope no no wait what's this what the all right I found a good one so I trapped 100 feet underground on a small platform surrounded by void on all sides and this room looked really strange there seemed to be some kind of contraption with pistons torches observers and carrots I guess that explains this rabbit stuck in a glass cage here now of course I found a hopper on F5 which had a powdered snow bucket a stack of carrots and three snowballs it looked like the goal was to update that Observer but for that I'd have to break those carrots from all the way over here and to do that I think I need to somehow break the Torches so I descended start throwing my snowballs at the Target piston Contraption thing to start breaking them because no crops in Minecraft can survive in darkness and that was a perfect plan until I realized I I can't even break the second torch so I double checked at five and noticed a cauldron with another powdered snow I didn't see now I'd love to just parkour to the other side using the powdered snow but I don't have leather boots and that's when I remember the rabbit suddenly I clicked the achievement you get when you step on powdered Stone was light as a rabbit which implies that rabbits can step on powdered snow not only that they can eat planted carrots this whole time I was thinking I had to break the carrots but I just have to update them the goal is to get this rabbit to those carrots and powdered snow is the key I'll use my carrots to attract the rabbit towards me as I keep moving the powdered snow until oh all right let's try this again don't jump off this time okay everything's fine we're fine why finally a rabbit with the will to live well he made his way over to the carrots and after staring into space for 40 minutes he ate them updating the Observer activating dispensaries above me which gave me two shulker boxes the first one held a looting sword and four cobwebs but the second one dispenses a block so I tried standing in the first stroker to see if I could jump and reach it but I was just one block short luckily I know how to make an extra block with just these items pretty simple cut up the cobwoms with the sword get string make wall the second shulker had three leather and three rabbit Heights now if you remember from my Hopper prison all you need to infinitely nerd pull out of a pit like this is just two powdered snow and leather boots so I can completely escape this room if I can just get four leather all I'm missing is one rabbit hide uh Hey Hey Oh I swear to overall it was a pretty fun escape room 8 out of ten next this next map was a lot more challenging he's a giant statue of a shulker nearly filled with bedrock and you start in a tiny room in the center with no openings and no items except for a single occasion of plank now I wouldn't blame you if you thought this was impossible how do you get out of a fully sealed Bedrock box with just one plank well I don't know about you but I have a very good idea I use the F5 glitch to look for Secrets Behind the Walls and it didn't take long for me to find the Next Room the question was how do I get there and then I caught a glimpse of it Redstone of course I have to make a button oh what else would you do with a plank of wood lo and behold after trial and error the Redstone dispense and ender pearl it's all too easy the best part is that Pearl glitching through the wall is actually the intended solution this time now the first thing I saw in room tube was a wall of signs that said real Bedrock not clickbait and uh yeah seems legit there was also the side room with a Target block across a pit of lava it seemed like it would activate the strawber in the ceiling but why power the dropper if I can't even reach the item it drops the only other thing in this area is this exit three blocks up here but there's nothing to access so that's everything and I was stuck in this room for six hours until I realized oh wait it's not actually bedrock what I uncovered looked like some kind of almost cool worshiping room why and of course the hopper in the middle of the room contains another Hopper you guys realize these jokes aren't going to make any sense if people haven't seen my other videos well I figured I'd collect all the candles banners and this chest and also check out of the altar just in case what I found was interesting one shulker spanic okay first things first I have enough blocks to get up to the exit and the next room is an even higher exit of course we're probably thinking the same thing right now if I spawn the shulker here I could get up there with levitation but there's one thing we're still missing there still has to be something important in that dropper right but I'd have to be able to get through the window to actually reach it fortunately I think I can shulkers have a solid hitbox so if I spawn it right on my face I'll get forced into crawl mode where I can just about Open The Dropper myself look I know using the shulker here is risky and this probably isn't even the intended solution but I can't leave this area without at least checking the dropper first what it's just a piston what was the point ah that was such a waste of a shulker I should have just used it for levitation the first time okay this isn't hopeless yet I don't have the shulker anymore but I have candles which conveniently don't break when you remove the block they're standing on so if I keep placing and breaking the Piston I can create a staircase of candles so I guess the Piston wasn't completely useless after going down the next Corridor I noticed another wall of signs that said real Bedrock not clickbait yeah I'm not falling for that again behind the Deep slate was a tall room with a floor of lava three hoppers in the wall and an exit at the top presumably I have to open each Hopper to get to the end and I can just about reach the first one it's another shulker okay yeah I've learned my lesson I'll just get levitation I guess we'll fly to Hopper number two another shulker well wait a minute I don't have to summon this I can still use the levitation from the first guy Hopper 3 you'll never guess what's inside again though the first roll crew can still reach me so I'm leaving this room with two shoulders to spare already room number five and we have a pillar of shulker boxes and a sign that says if you're cool you do it the correct way so the sign is referring to the fact that if you were lazy you could just mind the shulker box as a nerd pull back up but the second and cooler way is to parkour up the shulker Boxes by opening them one at a time you want to guess which way I picked option three room six is somehow weirder there's a few things dotted around the room but like the exit's only two blocks up so uh let's just pick option three again I don't know how to properly Express this but every single room in this map is weirder than the last let me just summarize the final room is a cinnamon bun shop for some reason I got a fence gate and I'm told I have to look for something under the floor so in other words I have to mine every block of the floor to find the exit to the whole map and the only thing under the floor was one obsidian block so I spent five minutes of my life and mined it and there was another one I mind that one it was another one oh no this map is evil why would you put this in your escape room I thought I was finally done it's not even a puzzle it's just mean eventually I made it to the bottom of the pit but now I have to mine obsidian blocks horizontally luckily I figured out a trick with the piston and the button from the first room so I could get into crawl mode and only have to mine half the blocks but it gets worse after hours of mining I started seeing pockets of water and lava this was literally designed to be tortured luckily I was able to block off the fluids with shulkers and the arms banners from the cult room this is why you conserve resources kids soon I made it to the final stretch a 100 block long tunnel of obsidian on top of cobwebs on Soul Sand on ice and a command block to give you slowness just to make the experience as tedious as possible wait a minute Soul Sand on Ice there's no way you made this mistake I can just mine under the cobwebs even better I can still will get into crawl mode with a fence gate now I just have to mine the ice and block off the water with the alms banners I guess you could say the solution was uh alms anyway that's the longest escape room I've ever played three out of ten hopefully the next map doesn't have as much mining oh I'm gonna have to mine all this ice aren't I okay this might not be so bad it looks like there's just Bedrock behind it in the meantime the only other things in this room are a lever a full cauldron and a bed but if there's a bed in theory I can just reset my spawn build a staircase and die of fall damage to respawn outside nope they set my spawn point in the cell well since there's nothing left to do I guess we'll have to start Mining and hope we find something so that's what I did I dug through the snow until I found a chest boat inside was a bucket and a snow block but those weren't what struck me as useful it was the boat with both a boat and a bed I should be able to perform the squilly glitch this is that glitch where you put a boat in the way of your respawn point so the game has to keep looking higher and higher for an unobstructed spot to respawn you and I'm guessing that's where the next room is going to be so to test my theory I set up the glitch and started obstructing all the other potential spawn points around it but then as I was breaking the ice I noticed a block of stone oh no maybe there is something hidden behind the walls well I mind to check and what I found could not have been better nothing literally it turns out the reason there was Stone is because the map is built underground and uh to put it lightly one of the Bedrock walls is missing maybe the map Creator accidentally deleted it don't ask me how or why but honestly I'm sick of these tedious escapes so I'm just gonna rebuild the squiggly set up a few blocks deep into the wall so when I die I respawn on the surface and skip the entire escape room 10 out of 10 next map okay so there's a light gray stained glass pane and a hopper good luck wait what did I just say about tedious Maps finding a single glass paint and all these Hoppers would take forever and I'm in adventure mode what is this oh no I just checked who the map Creator was do you remember the first room of my 150 player event when one player completed the entire parkour and then failed at the very last jump that person made this escape room to get revenge and every room is designed to torture me why do you guys all just want me to suffer fine you want to play like that I'll play your game throughout the map I had to find Hoppers and dirt head hitters five block jumps mlgs and eventually a triple Neo the same jump the map Creator fail but there's just one problem I did one test jump just to see how hard it was going to be and after I failed I got back up and without even adjusting myself I made the Neo second try is that it that's your pathetic attempt to torture me that was easy oh oh there's more oh time for a quiz wrong answer equals Death that doesn't sound too bad who created this map uh why not 690 9 plus 10 not 21 like charges repel oh this is easy angles in a dodecahedron sum to how many degrees well since you asked a normal dodecahedron has 12 pentagonal faces with five angles each jumping to 60 angles total we can figure out the angles of a pentagon by cutting them into five triangles each and realizing each Center angle will be one-fifth of 360 making them 72 degrees each every triangle's angles sum to 180 degrees meaning the outer two will be the difference between 180 and 72 that's 108 degrees per angle times 60 6480. oh that was all one breath okay final question what are one syllable words called monosybolic or monosyllabic well actually it's monosyllabic with two L's but I'll assume this is what you meant what wait wait I Googled it I was right the quiz is wrong how do you have the audacity to put a quiz in an escape room and not even have the right answers okay now we're in the real final room let's get this over with it's a giant maze where I have to find all the letters of a password and put it on paper lucky for me I have the power of F5 so using F5 gives me yeah you get it well after about 10 minutes of searching I found all four letters and figured out the password was Rock what's wrong I know I had the right password is it broken what uh oh I missed one letter the password isn't Rock it's rocks I hate this map 0 out of ten alright so the next map has uh rules and I'm not really a big fan when it comes to rules and Escape rooms but let's see no breaking netherrite blocks no breaking deep slight breaks stairs no breaking signs and throw away items when told hang on that's better now despite the existence of rules this first puzzle was actually pretty good I found a chest with an enchanting table and there's a crafting table below this water so I only have three blocks but I need to get up to an opening that's five blocks up now it didn't take long for me to realize that to some extent you can actually use the water itself as a block because you can just barely swim onto an enchanting table and after that parkouring onto the chest and crafting table get me to the next room and the next room is also pretty neat I only have an oak slab and a piston and I need to get to this crawl space down here but there's only one power source in the room a redstone block all the way up here it seems impossible but if you place the slab on the bottom half of a block and place the Piston one block away from the Redstone it just barely Bud Powers the piston and solves the room by the third room I realized the point of the don't break deep slight stairs rule don't worry I'll be very happy not having to mind anything excessive Again by the looks of it the exit to this room is that tiny hole all the way over there in the ceiling above this giant pit of void so I checked out five for more information and found one chest we're working with a lava bucket and a redstone torch to get all the way over there I'll admit this one took me a while but I'll give you a hint I can't do it with the items in this room alone if you remember there's a source of water in the very first room and now I have a bucket conveniently my remaining three items are just enough to build a setup so I can get back through the crawl tunnel so I made it all the way back to room one picked up the water as well as everything else in that room and crawled back through the tunnel and suddenly I realized why the water might not be so useful yeah even when I try crouching every time I right click the stairs it always waterlogs so I can't really place the water in this room well that's not completely true is it the only reason I can't place water is because I'm clicking on stairs but I can just not yeah this works okay I just have to keep breaking and placing this piston over and over and I think I can pretty much climb all the way to the other side as it turns out this isn't actually the way you're supposed to solve this part but if you think you might know the real intended solution let me know in the comments one unnecessarily long tunnel later and I arrive at a sign that says throw away your water bucket here there's that giveaway or items rule coming into play now on the one hand I could just ignore the sign and move on right but on the other hand there's a sliding block gate similar to the one from the hopper prison blocking my way I can't mine through it and it won't open unless I give up the water it seems like I have no choice if it weren't for the fact that this kind of gate has been debunked yes I have been debunked a couple months ago this guy named plighting explained how the only reason you can't break moving blocks is because every time it slides you start mining the block behind it and so of course your mining process just keeps resetting over and over simply put all you have to do to get around this is find an angle where you wouldn't be mining another block behind it and it just won't reset and boom with that simple fact you can break through almost any moving door and I get to move on without giving up my water bucket now the final room piqued my interest there was an nether portal as well as an empty Hopper and a crafting table on the wall down this hallway was a sign that said throw away your water bucket here wait what didn't know didn't know I was gonna smuggle it okay well anyway all that's left to look at is this huge shoot upwards at the very end of the hallway with another moving stone door it looked like it was there to stop me from placing the water so I can't just swim up it but uh yeah let's just ignore that I just want to see what's in the nether first I real quickly walked through the portal and the first thing I saw was six item frames with five Oak planks and a water bucket oh there's a second water bucket that makes a lot more sense the only other thing in this room was the Slava in the wall but now let's be honest I've already figured out how to escape the final room using water I'm just too nice to actually do it and I realized what the intended solution was they wanted you to build a cobble generator and then craft a wooden pickaxe to get all the stone but I know of a third way to escape and it's even faster and cooler than the last two it has to do with a flaw with Nether Portals that I learned from an actual speedrunner the first thing you need to know is that a player takes exactly four seconds from entering a portal to go through it but if you play Place water in the portal after exactly four seconds has passed you can break the portal on the exact same tick you go through it now if that sounds really hard to do I'll let you know I've had a lot of practice with this glitch from speedrunning Escape rooms and it's actually made a lot easier with a 120 beat metronome to help you keep the timing the empty bucket indicates that it works and with the Overworld portal broken when I walk back through it'll generate a fresh new portal outside the escape room entirely that was a pretty good map and a good example of me knowing both the intended and unintended Solutions but this next room is kind of the opposite I don't know of anything I did in this map was intended or not so all the confusion starts and another build up to a ledge puzzle we're given string a button a chest two Oak planks an oak slab an oak fence a carpet and there's a slab and an End Portal up against the wall I tried to see just how far up I could go and it went about as well as you'd expect the Cobble slab really isn't helping I know there's nothing hidden in this room so I either need to figure out like the perfect order of block placements to just barely make it or I'd have to somehow use the same blocks multiple times now that sounds impossible and it mostly is technically the reason you can't reuse blocks while nerd pulling up is because the item it drops spawns to the coordinates of the broken block which is always much lower down than you can reach but interestingly a carpet is a unique Block in that it acts like it's here when you're standing on it but its actual coordinates are technically here this means as long as you have something to put the carpets on you can reuse the same carpet multiple times which is perfect because I have string and a button that little trick got me to the portal frame where I saw yet another piece of string meaning I got to use the same carpet three times to get to the exit room number two is not like the last I couldn't immediately see any items but there was a hole in the wall two holes in the ceiling one of which had a Target block and a block of real Bedrock not clickbait behind it was a dropper with white stained glass and behind that was a chest that was just barely Out Of Reach I was half tempted to place the glass block so I could reach the chest but I probably need to use it somewhere else well actually I don't see any reason I can't just borrow the target block if it ends up being important I can just put it back in the hole later so let's see what's in the chest a bucket and three redstones yeah I checked and apparently that's every item I can get in here so which hole am I supposed to go in I know I don't have enough blocks to build into the ceiling so the only option would be to get into crawl mode somehow wait okay okay so remember that video where I got in crawl mode by clipping into an iron bar because the adjacent snow layers were slightly shorter no well either way a Target block is shorter than a fence so the same principle necessarily applies in theory if I place the fence up against the wall and I place the target block adjacent to it then as the fences hitbox updates to touch it it will clip through mine allowing me to phase all the way through it and below it that was crazy but probably not intended well the crawl tunnel sent me through a quick maze that ended in front of a stupidly huge lava pit like massive lava pit this time the only Box available in the room are a bit of dirt and 16 planks and I was struggling to Fathom how 30 blocks could get me across all of that even if I made slabs I don't even have a way to tell how long that is it could be up to 200 blocks while I was brainstorming I started to wonder if the roof was open or if it was just covered in barriers it doesn't hurt to check so I built up and it turns out yeah there is one layer of barriers at the top but if that's true then actually forget the lava I may be able to cheese this entire escape room with a trick that involves just two boats basically all you have to do is place an enter boat just below the roof and when you get out of it you we stuck but your head is sticking out just enough that you can place an end through a second boat completely exiting the entire prison which brings me to the main issue of this video it's a basic problem with game design that most of the puzzles in this video seem to struggle with and if I'm gonna debunk you guys I might as well give some constructive criticism okay imagine a river that flows from a high altitude eventually all the way down to the ocean through whatever path takes the least resistance if you wanted the river to go in the direction of your choosing you would need to make said Direction be that least resistant path it can't be told the right way to go it just goes a player in an escape room or any puzzle game is exactly the same way whether they think it's intentional or not they'll get down to the metaphorical ocean via the first route they find which isn't necessarily the same for everyone but the key issue is that other less resistant Solutions can very easily slip through the cracks in such a dynamic game the whole point of my debunk videos was to show escape room YouTubers who somehow never found the most obvious path because they only knew the intended way this video is the opposite if you want to overcome this problem you have two options a just make the intended path easier the other paths will still exist but almost no one will find them because they're more complicated or B carefully play test and review and micromanage every detail to rigorously eliminate every single path except the one you want this is easier said than done in fact it's impossible but this final map is a perfect example of trying that it's called The Devil's puzzle box and he uses glitches I'd never even heard of now let me be clear this map is actually designed in a way I prefer over regular Escape rooms it's a puzzle box which means you're not supposed to role play and pretend you're in a Bedrock prison in fact you're encouraged to analyze everything in spectator before you start because it's only about the puzzles admittedly this kind of does make the F5 key become useless but if you think about it spectator is really just the ultimate F5 well here's the first room it looks very simple it's about 50 blocks tall and completely sealed in Bedrock no exits there are two enclosed layers of lava above it and above the lava is the entrance to the next puzzle so what items do I have to work with 15 planks and 12 string now this seems impossible but I think I know the glitch I need to get out of this room it's the squilly glitch but actually pulling it off won't be simple at all I'd have to build the schooly setup at the top of the room and if you thought my limited supply of blocks was bad now I need to use up four planks just to make a crafting table five planks to make a boat three planks and all the string to make the bed leaving me with only three planks to make slabs so how are you supposed to build 50 blocks up with just nine blocks well you multiply it by 5.5 yep that's the solution see after some contemplation I realized there was a simple trick that could turn all of these blocks into five and a half blocks and it all comes down to every escape room Creator's favorite item the boat it is an obvious right away but once you see it happen it's very obvious you just have to build five blocks up place the boat and then recollect everything else this just happens to be the furthest above you a boat can be before it's just out of clicking range and you might be able to see the pattern from here the crafting table and chest can be used on even multiples and the slabs can be used on either even or odd multiples of course as time progresses you run out of blocks to do the nerd pull part with but you can still do it on smaller increments I'm realizing only now it would have made a lot more sense to craft the bed later so I could use the blocks now long story short though I just barely made it to the top of the room and built this squilly setup so after I fall and die I respawn above the two layers of lava if you're not sure how that works basically there if you have any questions just remember what I said in slow motion the next objective is to build 15 blocks up with just 10 planks that's enough to use Labs right wrong because after making the crafting table there's only enough for 12 slabs that won't do in fact here's a list of everything I can make any ideas well you can technically infinitely scale a wall with ladders or trap doors but doing that 15 times in a row would require dream luck here's a hint the map is on 1.18 yeah that hint didn't help me either until I was briefed on the door glitch apparently in 1.18 Java if you put a door in your offhand at the exact same time you right click you place the door and keep it too well not really it's a ghost block but a ghost block you can stand on so you can do this glitch again and keep all the doors and again and again as many times as you want and build a staircase out of the top half of a door I am walking up non-existent doors how have I never heard of this glitch before well that was exciting and after I got to the top I saw a crawl tunnel and quickly learned a more interesting application of the door glitch you can get into ghost crawl mode now since the door isn't really placed you aren't really in crawl mode yet by Minecraft logic you still have the crawl perspective and so I'm able to open containers I couldn't have opened before ghost crawl mode is kind of like a weird version of Rage hacks but in vanilla Minecraft okay hopefully the confusing part's all over I'll use the Anvil I got from The Dropper to get into real crawl mode and then crawl into the final section there are two paths in this room a hallway in the ceiling blocked by barriers and a portal the portal leads to a small closed off room with a barrier window with a bed on the other side as well as a warped door implying I should be able to get to that room somehow there was basically nothing to do so I jumped into spectator to look for Clues first I noticed there was actually another bed in the Overworld surrounded by lava there wasn't anything hidden in the lava so I took no to the bed and flew down the hallway block by barriers each just had a block of ice and a boat at the very end but there was one final room on the other side of the hallway with a second nether portal and I'd be willing to bet it's linked with the first and there's an easy way to tell see you with a second portal is relative to the first one in this case it's southeast of it then go to the Nether and stand in the furthest Southeast corner you can while still being in the portal just as I expected I end up in the new room which has nothing in it except for a shulker box containing 12 ender eyes and 12 portal frames ah so we're going to the end wait no what good isn't the end the index of portal would just lead back to my last bed not to World spawn maybe that's the point of the other beds well I built the portal anyway just to see what was up and of course the spawn Island was completely surrounded by Bedrock giving me a good indication I'm not supposed to be here but if I'm not supposed to go to the end why do I have 12 Portal frames what do you do with Portal frames oh this is also confusing I actually seriously planned on giving up here but then I had a very good idea I used alt tabs using alt tab gave me a whole new perspective and I was able to see I had a Discord DM from the map Creator himself qcom he sent me a short video of someone building an End Portal but vertically and when he lit it the portal generated sideways why is this a big deal and portals can destroy anything you could punch a hole through a Bedrock wall by generating a portal through it admittedly I wouldn't be able to crawl through the hole it generates without teleporting to the end but I could at least interact with stuff on the other side such as say a button or a container or even better a boat there's only one room tall enough to even build this and of course it's right by the boat I saw the pieces were starting to fall into place I started building the portal sideways in the room I first got the items and to my wonder it actually tore through the wall and after getting just the right angle I was able to narrowly click the boat and slip past the portal to the other side from here it was already obvious I just had to break the ice at the right coordinates in order to phase back into the first room with the boat the only mystery left is what to do with those beds I know I have every item I can get in this map and the boat has to be important well after looking closely for long enough I realized something huge I didn't realize before the beds in the Nether and overworlds are at the exact same coordinates and orientation if I have the right idea now the solution is a combination of three different glitches first if you write anything through a portal you won't go through it until you get off the mount second if you click on a bed while you're in a boat you'll fall asleep on the boat and as you'd expect if I did that right now I'd fall asleep inside the portal so I use the f3a glitch to see when the sun would set and right click the bed and the third and final glitch I fall asleep while traveling through the nether but Minecraft remembers all the data of the bed I slept in so when I wake up I'm standing on the other side of the bed and that's it I'm free by the way if you want to see a lot more glitches on puzzles like this there's two things you can do the first way is just to subscribe that sounds like a joke but I mean it just subscribe and I'll do the rest the secondly is to go to the first link in the description this guy named Alexa made an entire website database of every single escape room you guys have submitted to me and you can still submit more in fact Alexa has a map of his own with five Escape rooms and one which I played and loved it's number 49 on the database and it's closer to the puzzle box style I said I preferred though I didn't put them in the video because I think they're much more fun to play and solve yourself rather than just be shown the solution especially the water and piston puzzles not to mention this video is already way too long also very sorry to everyone whose Maps didn't make it in the Final Cut to be honest as much as I made deprecating jokes for the sake of the video I loved solving your puzzles and it's not out of the question that I'll still play maps that get submitted here either on stream or for another video seriously though this video would have been a lot harder to record without the organization from the website so thanks to Alexa thanks to you sorry it's been three months I'm getting better good night thank you
Channel: Kenadian
Views: 2,698,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft prison, minecraft bedrock prison, seawattgaming, seawattgaming prison, minecraft challenge, minecraft 1.20, minecraft 1.20 glitches, minecraft hacks, minecraft bedrock escape, minecraft escape challenge, minecraft debunk, kenadian debunk
Id: K_qsaF-ICDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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