Breaking Into DrugDealers Abandoned SAFE!!! Its Full! (Not Clickbait) #Storagewars #Grimesfinds

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[Music] hi good morning winterheads [Music] yo that's early guess who's coming with the show candy hey y'all look it's a white trash table in the friggin driveway [Music] we are heading back over to what is it 510 50 550. we turned that dang you know hi man speaking of dinging hey look who joined us oh hey my battery's dead that can't even be true i just freaking unplugged this [Music] hey we gotta start this video off right y'all with the birthday girl oh she wants to drive the new truck yeah that's right yeah she does like driving the red hiv truck hey look at those old guys grumpy old dudes they're probably not something they're probably do they sell cbd in there um let's see if we can spy on them oh they're watching hey let's spy on these dudes hey we gotta get a new lens we're gonna update oh look that dude's about to grab his own butt look at that he did you see that what if someone what if one of them i'm commentating right now then he's probably laughing oh let's see how long until they realize we're feeling them what if they're in tifa and they come out here and attack us i'm not going to get out i'll just kennedy can take them both i said you could take two antiques you're pretty strong [Music] did they figure it out who i don't know i think that dude was trying to hide something in his prison wallet he was selling him some of that good cbd i shouldn't make accusations against that guy i don't know he might have been a pastor hey man but he was in one of them they just put this place in what is creighton crap craton freedom i don't know is that something like you sniff smoke snort put it under your eyelids which drug hey let's do a quiz which drug do you put under your eyelids chapstick yeah i'm glad you didn't know that because i would have been real concerned if my 14 year old a 15 year old sorry she just turned she just turned 15. we are gonna go dig in a big old dirty storage unit sometimes dirty money is good money you know what i'm talking about [Music] dirty money like single dollar bills ew oh no no you know i used to be a stripper what oh i forgot kennedy was in the backseat why are you at school buffalo did you know i used to be a stripper you did not you don't even believe i used to be a hand bottle what not right now but you don't know you give me about 45 pounds of weights in about three weeks big things will happen yeah i know let's stop this right now y'all forget that i'm gonna edit this out because yo i can't get my license because i've had eight dwos which one i'm joking y'all i've never had a dwi but some of y'all fools y'all's comments to get blocked i'll be like y'all grimes has got dwi's i never had no freaking dwi i ain't never actually driving while something drunk or something like that i ain't never had no dw nothing how about that crap how about i just have bad anxiety i don't care i just said that do you whatever they know what i mean i had no ds this video's not going very well is it family day on grimes fun we are heading over to the 510 unit where we found those rookie cards me and gina were talking about it i think the rookie cards have covered the cost of the unit you think we made 500 bucks on those i think i think we can because they were in phenomenal conditions all right before gina breaks my freaking camera because she's a birthday girl she got a muffin in her hand and things are about to get crazy y'all told you hey since we're starting this video off really good let's start off with a rant so gina's birthday today so i said i'm gonna give you some little special features for the day and i'm gonna get out and get the gas right a lot of y'all leave comments like man she's a girl man why is she pumping gas same reason i freaking dust mother i'm joking i wouldn't say that but for real like i dust i do a lot of lady like things you know what i'm talking about wonders about people who want to critique marriages it just makes me want to see yours because look if she likes to pump gas and i don't like to pump gas and she don't like to dust and clean stuff and like do dirty toilets and stuff and i i enjoy that why can't we do that without you being upset why is what we do such a big deal you know why why because i just made it one hey guys are we focused kennedy didn't bring her mass so she can't go in with us because we are living in 2020 year of the rhona somebody started calling it the election infection the infection they said they're done calling it the rona they're gonna call it the election affection and i'm like man that is so there might be truth to that but hey we gotta go inside because i've got to get one of those little cool net things for the back because i want to be able to hook those in all those green tubs that are in there the flappy ones that we're going to keep i want to be able to stack those real high and just i want it to be nice and neat and i think we could use one and we're going to see if they have truck nuts i'm joking we would never buy truck nuts we had a conversation on the way over here about truck nuts the uselessness of it and how if you are anywhere over the age of 16 17 18 years old and you still have truck nuts it's time to hang the nuts up guys it's time to hang them up and we gotta switch over to the cell phone [Music] so [Music] darren that's this beautiful mess all right guys here's the dang deal we've got the big trash bags right here uh we're gonna just we're gonna go through this real fast we're gonna trash this stuff out of the tubs look here's the baseball carts so we'll get all the good sellable stuff i'm gonna dig the trash out of each box real quick then i'll come back after i get the trash out i'll show you the good stuff in each and every single box in this unit guys i told y'all what i tell you what i tell you i was gonna find it here crack oh there it is yeah yo that's a big one that ain't no bait it's got double holes in it they must have smoked a lot of crack out of that yeah look at all that crystal stuff in there i just got the energy to run a marathon i'm joking crack don't work like that don't do drugs what's that lt thing kids remember is it in little giants or something don't do crack do you remember that i don't i'll see if i can find it hey but y'all i told y'all what i tell you did i not call this yeah you did go back to yesterday's video i called this like in the first two bags or buckets whatever the heck i looked through i said it was a it was a i shouldn't say crackhead but that's the only thing i know that y'all can relate but i told you i was a crackhead unit i told you i knew it yeah so i'm holding this up with my hip look right here that's a safe but here's the deal this is how it was normally in this unit i think there ain't nothing in here this dude was on meth for sure it could be empty because he could already cast out or he could have forgot about what was in here but look this was literally covered like this and this was all tucked in and i told zina look hold on holy [ __ ] we're gonna have to drop it y'all this tastes full listen i mean it's full yeah it's so full this joe there's co there's metal there's metal in there and it all sounds like a jewelry box you want to try to give it three drops yeah we'll give it a couple drops real quick cuz i gotta know i can't do this right here the camera is right there y'all we'll bust this open when we get back to the house what we got to say baby say y'all y'all know how we say like man as soon as we buy one we're gonna find one in the unit not playing stretchy freaking cover thing to do all right y'all did you get me singing the aladdin thing no all right no you shouldn't y'all look it's jasmine she the box is in really bad condition but she's in there so that's gonna go aside uh here's another holiday barbie again boxes just gently used gently gently using y'all look at this this whole thing's full of cell phone cases like new cell phone case obviously they're cheaper versions look at all these and then i found her down here yo what is this what's up oh some kind of electronic thing i was hoping it was another steak oh look here's a fish oh look a crystal is that waterford no but that's pretty though that's pretty are you going yep all right guys so okay where to go man shoot hold on found some exciting stuff in here look more drug paraphernalia yeah that's gross dirty bong water yeah y'all that's gross that's disgusting all right guys so check it out i got a trunk back here i've gone through all this i found a ton more crackpots i thought you're probably done with the drug stuff for this video i have a ton of stuff out there i want to show you guys but i'm going to try to get this trunk out found a bunch more baseball cards and some other stuff definitely this is a money maker there's a lot more trash than i like but hey it produced some good videos for you guys we found some cool finds i'll show you in a minute and we're going to find out what's in this freaking on the safe yard like he ain't even playing i'm going to show us what's in the safe i showed y'all what did i show them in this video no you haven't told them yet yeah i did i told them in the beginning the goal part yeah you just don't know how to edit they already know that that goal was fake so hey check it out i told you the goal was fake i'm gonna show you the safe i'm gonna show you the safe in this video just wait did you get it all right it's more bags of course y'all we have found of course if y'all do this business y'all know y'all know that these drug units for real like this is all you find you find bags with stuff in them bags of bags look look what we found though more cards yeah look at this though they're all in freaking containers look in here look oh whoa yo i think these might have been you might just like collected rookie cards because look these and he's got price tags on these so we'll go through these a little bit better but i mean look there's tons of these in here yeah uh and these are rookie cars too all the others iverson rookie i'm not kidding look iverson rookie allen iverson um so there's probably about four or five no there's more than that in here so there's more of these let me get these out of here i'd like to just pop the trunk open and freaking show you that there's cool stuff in it but i gotta dig through 18 bags because god knows why he did it all right guys so check it out it's as i expected there's some stuff up here i want to show you uh we've gone through everything we're gonna come back tomorrow or saturday tomorrow we'll call her ask her she'll give us until monday she said they were real flexible we'll ask her but yeah look at this these are these are all rookies look juan gonzalez grant hill chris webber rookie brett favre rookie this is from 1964. so look at this y'all these are all rookie cars like for some reason his i don't know if it was his meth addiction or what uh drew brees rookie y'all i bet he's got every major player rookie in here yo what if we found a 1986 michael jordan rookie it is possible with what we found in this unit but for a look these are all rookie cards and look bag of rookies bag of rookies bag of rookies bag of rookies and we have all those boxes in the uh bags of the other butt bags the whole big box of rookies dang it that's a hard word to say but y'all look uh actually okay so let me just show you a few more things whoa uh good thing those are protectors oh no look more bags of rookies yep yo these are all rookies what if man we might have to have a rookie auction i know i just thought about that so look this is new in the box so we kept it found some more this is uh this is definitely not original but it's really neat it's kind of a mayan water jug you hang on the wall here's some of the barbies and stuff jasmine we found all you beanie baby lovers look at that i do like the military one so i might keep those military nascar this was kind of fun oh yeah look at this wizard this is like a carved piece of wood and it's like a wizard how cool is that there's that i found this thing of cards i didn't look in there to see if that's what it was i have a feeling the cards i guarantee you the cards of the money oh where's that shirt that you found i found several shirts no the the uh the one i liked yeah rock and ride don't know what that is yeah no we found like a really cool older shirt it's in there somewhere oh here's the one you found dope dope uh y'all don't know where it is what'd you do with it oh here it is i bet this is it y'all on top of the safe we gotta save y'all what if it's full of like graded cards what if his good cards are in there because everything we found that was taken care of i'm trying to see but look at this y'all that's a cool t-shirt that is a cool t-shirt so look down in here we got some more sellable stuff i'm really excited about these cards i know without a doubt you want to pop one more open just to see look these are baseball rookies no i guess they're all mixed let's just peak i want to find some older cards like 60s 70s uh okay let's see if we're right so yeah look another juan gonzalez rookie uh yeah oh my gosh y'all look king griffy uh rookies i know what have we sold those cards his other rookie y'all look both of them yo frank thomas okay so i've got to go through all these very carefully but it look another frank thomas uh so look all of these are literally rookie cars y'all this is crazy like this is like for real like that's all this is all right guys so we're gonna look at that beckett complete metal sale price five dollars uh look at all these so i don't know eight dollars but here's the deal depends on when he priced all these uh i can guarantee you like like look at that jason kidd rookie you know what i mean like these are all rookie cards so we got one two three four five six more bags of rookies in the big box i guarantee the rookie cards doubled our money for this unit all right guys we're gonna go ahead and get all this pack back up get it in here that way that we can just come back do our thing grab it and go but we got a safe to open so let's go back to the house all right guys i don't think we got to go to the house let's move my stuff look right here i just did the oh and the freaking the lock is bending see it looks like it's been open before so guys give me a minute uh let me see if i can this is all this is a meth addict's tool kit that's what i got see look how it's bending up if i put pressure on that side almost oh sorry patriot you hurt the patriots it's on the side that nobody sees all right guys give me a minute actually no let's keep rolling as soon as you turn it off right i'll pop it open that's how it always works if i can get this big fat daddy in there again yeah there we go that was my nickname high school daddy that daddy and i was only 145 pound juggernaut 145 pounds what was i in high school like 170. all right so let's nail this down some more probably down here they don't look right here they want to see what's going on here they don't care about seeing my face all right see right there see it's bending up [Music] i feel like maybe that's gonna get me in the face [Music] it's about to open uh here here's what i'm gonna do look right here i'm gonna take actually here i'm gonna push straight down on the block oh yeah let's go what if it just like exploded why would you say that yo look it's so close all right look right here it's bending yeah get in here look so ready see right there see how it's dented hold on candy we're almost done okay oh come on baby you're almost there come on better not just be crack it's paper well we heard oh i see a drug peggy i can't do nothing with it here we look we're gonna put the big daddy in there ah yeah still not going to show you what's in it until tomorrow night i just said rewind go back i said i would show you the safe i didn't say i show you what's in the safe but just like i showed you if the gold was real or not in this video tomorrow night at 7 pm i will show you what's in the safe [Music] you
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 22,670
Rating: 4.520196 out of 5
Keywords: Grimes Finds, Storage Wars, Reseller Channel, how to make money, Extreme Unboxing, unboxing, what's in the box, Storage Wars episodes, family vlog, best vloggers, Googan squad, Googan baits, abandoned storage units, I bought an abandoned storage unit, I found this, garage sales, sourcing, eBay seller, amazon seller, funny videos, duck dynasty, family videos, breaking into safe, american pickers, safe, abandoned revel casino, breaking into a safe, drug lab, auction hunters
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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