Breaking Into An Abandoned Safe With A Plasma Cutter!!

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today we bought an abandoned safe online we had to pick it up in person and let's just say we were far from home like really far from home and it weighed like 800 pounds that's like 360 mm skittles and it was abandoned in a cellar so let's just say things weren't easy we're gonna try to break into it using everything we got and with a little Sun next round a guy was in the cellar he didn't want any more you know how to break into it and we okay no we got it here great difficulty this thing is rock solid like like this is insanely insanely heavy giant steel and while we were gonna try to just like put in a code and get a locksmith but we may have broke the handle off broken into a couple of N and safes now except they've been either smaller or lighter or thinner I'm annoyed even if I'm being honest what happened to the candy on the melon well these axes was broken before but you see that oh oh the tip yeah I feel like a lot of my weapons are gonna end up broken today which means that I should probably just order more weapons okay Amazon or whoosh calm I might just do that everybody stopped to actually cut the metal it's actually not that bad so if we have like a couple thousand axe heads and we have an axe head launcher yep then we might be able to get in after like a year ah we don't have either of those so next I was gonna say now I know you guys know this day cost a lot of money but bringing you here also cost a lot of money I'm breaking all my weapons also cost a lot of money which makes these videos really hard to make happen except a phone booth partner with me on this video at a house make it happen so we could buy giant steaks and do crazy things now you guys know around I got a lot of games on my phone and at the moment 8 ball pool they've got me hooked on viously I gotta share it with you guys first of all look at my character the resemblance is uncanny I can change his hat his hair and even his face not showing you guys my face is good enough but let me show you the features that really got me from that main go choose to play against friend but I'm Way too good for them so I started challenging people online and I may even go up against some of you guys guys seriously Jeremy's he's not good at at a public just he's not there is this new mode that really caught my attention though 8 ball pool pass the pool pass and I gotta say they're amazing now as you guys can see I'm a pro so I've already got the love of fire for fire to get the pass but don't worry it will take you guys long that actually did some damage that would take a long kick up your phone download via the link in my description and get winning best thing is you can play anywhere and everywhere even when you're breaking a safe oh yeah you thought I threw my phone oh I didn't why don't I actually start using real weapons again let's do it even though I'm a weapon hasn't worked before I should stop yeah you should stop that ninja stars you miss yeah I know oh dude the wall it's been through a lot yeah oh oh come on to this another broken weapon another broken we're like 2 4 3 out of broken weapons right now should we just stop no all right you do the tops weaker yeah I think the tops weaker oh I don't think the tops we top is actually stronger I think dude the top is stronger okay ah I just I don't know why I thought maybe wood can beat metal but like generally it's the acts that chops the tree not the yeah cuts the axe physics actually is physics yeah flex clue dude let's fix these things not break things that's a ball game like up back oh my goodness it almost hit me right here the thing is attacking I know right it's certain to fight back but no I'm okay okay Changez broke off it's not a slap my knuckles okay Jamie when you said damage was it all these little paint scratches it's not like that one okay it's not a lot of damage yeah that's about it but we need a lot of - yeah we do we've broken more wiling like them we've not broken it's like five nothing for the safe ride pretty strong safe school claw blade thing here we go not a chance you see see this right here see how close these are to like my wrist I see it that's that's that's not very and then my knuckles yep I'm gonna throw it nice just like a paper airplane there's nothing like a paper airplane nothing like your paper airplanes my people Europeans are amazing you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball safes don't dodge either yeah yeah that's mark not as big as this mark will be oh I think it's just breaking the tip what if we put it in here and then twist no nothing's nothing there's gotta be a weak point on the safe oh there's also some type of skull and bones thing here that probably means do not enter or there's something there's probably something in here that's toxic maybe maybe you know one seven nine oh five what if that's the code imagine we get this right 795 oh we can't even reach in kind of like far the rents anything no back back to weapons active probably breaking our weapons hey you know you think this safe is rated for fire I think so ha hmm I think ready for fire well now I think about if it does melt it's just gonna melt in here or like this is not a good situation either way I know next weapon next weapon next weapon grappler time here we go this is actually not bad okay oh my Jerry oh yeah the the grappler well it's still my grapple but it's our grappling days might be one minute from now on you know what though what grab those are meant for hitting things they're meant for like going on roofs and stuff but if I throw it on that roof I may never come down so instead whoa let's do it I can do it I believe Kiki let's pretend I'm better at this it's Han oh nothing nothing next weapon next weapon next I've been borrow aqua claws here we go let's duel Oh Jeremy yeah did you kick this earlier yeah I was hoping okay it says Nike right there I respect that I respect you I'm not sure if I can but I'm gonna try cry oh wow okay first thing they teach you in football is don't hit with the head it's probably not that but it's one of the things I teach you Oh I'm fine I'm moving it you're moving it okay okay oh I'm not gonna lie I didn't hit it as hard as I could but if I did it wouldn't work out well for me oh if we're gonna beat this thing we're gonna need a little bit more than just basic old manpower back to weapons you know yes should say that more enthusiastically so here we go not with swords though those don't really work that well you know swords haven't really worked well but it gives me the courage because it like puts big sparks on them and it makes me that I'm doing more damage than I actually am confidence is what we call it now we need to like do some damage I think so John steel ball okay this is good this is like a giant Club except it's better okay please see that now we're making big dents it's a decent sized dent if we throw that harder enough times it's gonna warp and then look the sides here have been like welded together yeah that'll pop out okay again again again again look at the damage okay looks good we're actually getting somewhere see this I'm sorry to think I don't know but I'm starting to think more which makes me smile I need to use my brain Wow okay except I didn't use my brain you guys always say to wear gloves I wore gloves so the ball was working the bat was not what if we combine those you're wondering how yeah I'm wondering are you some call it a mace I call it a ball back you've been saying ball and bat yeah I think it really does okay usually about this point in the video where I start to give up yeah and get my second wind okay so why don't I get my second wind now get it except that I have the wind on it I don't know what I'm doing with it she's gonna tornado what heads yeah I don't know what I'm doing it's going straight through from the backhoe okay what is that it's like smoking see that I see it all the baby Oh what is that what is going on why is it like tickets on fire in there I don't know that doesn't sound good well what it kind of sounds good oh yeah yeah well actually just did but I know that this is just gonna break but this one okay you know where I'm going with it I know are you going with that inside oh my ears yeah I know right my ears are destroyed right now look at that how about that nice and look at that we got down there something's on fire I think we're there maybe there's this help defense mechanism where like you hit it and it says I don't know someone's gonna break into me and it incinerates the evidence Wow it's possible Wow by the way there's a little bit something on the lens here let me just my guys got a lot of clarity for this next one because you're gonna need it okay yeah if that breaks the candy floor it might break a safe this is always a good go-to oh look are we in we're a little bit in I think in the back yeah look the back he's like oh maybe the sides are two in the front let me try the front let me try the front again just what I thought yeah the front plate has to be like super thick metal that you can't break through but I'm guessing the back is not super thick metal it's like thin layer of metal that they welded on concrete and then there's probably another smaller safe within this safe oh my goodness that's what I'm guessing but we got to break through this wall to figure out all right I mean if this is working keep going keep going keep going you know what I'm realizing what's up I think if we hit these points with more blunt force like a big blunt force really big one okay it might just pop the whole panel off because look it's welded on here here here here so maybe we could just bash the whole panel in and I'll fold to plan not about climbing my bad enough let me do it okay truth is we just spent five minutes off-camera turning this around yeah it seems easy it's it was not it's not but let's break into the back now which is now the front no it's just the back facing this direction I confused myself sometimes you guys know if I'm gonna go with a sledgehammer it's gotta be line ax [Music] you go that's most concrete inside is shattered and if this hammers working decent for that and when we get through that wall we're gonna have to break that concrete anyways here we go watch the spot see this all right though the sledgehammer is just gonna go put it back yeah we just spent another five minutes turning around again we can do this it just broke my arrow didn't it I think it did we're hiding in a room right now full a bunch of my video supplies so the world's biggest bouncing ball over there money box below me we just thought you should know we're as scared as you are unless you're not scared then we're more security yeah here we go ready three two one oh my I'm still scared no no my super sharp pointy tip is now a really blunt almost non-existent tip where's it hid always right here these team points right here look a little open yeah open for the destruction business okay like that yeah okay let's open the business prior our time see the hammer it in oh yeah oh maybe okay the bottom doesn't see much weaker but it's just kind of cool to see the bottom no no that's what I'm really interested in oh you guys ever seen a pry bar this big oh my goodness all right this is gonna get us in to say thank you yeah we got a lot of work to do a thing okay consider though this is gonna be literally like an hour for all and probably only seconds for you smash that like button please we do it for you just like that I'm tired Jamie's really tired Jeremy did a lot too but look we got this play lifted up check the funding can they see what's on this yeah see it there's a bunch of concrete under it so you can sit here inventory all night trying to take it off I'm using my lifeline and phone-a-friend try to speed things up a bit we got a plasma torch this thing is like there's three elements you know gas liquid solid and then there's plasma okay that's what this is we can get really sciency but the air and compression and then the basically this cuts metal that's the ground that's an air compressor tank we're really scared nope we're still gonna do it obviously I really don't want to do this one I know I'm and down like taystee I ain't never met a limitation it apply my elimination gotta go to Google for the information I'm a superstar so I gotta shine top dollar betta bottom line yeah looks like we uh we didn't crack it as much as we thought we did I know there's some solid concrete here that well I'm gonna try to see if I can make not solid what is this this is literally like bone cement sort of it's not even cement it's not heavy it's kind of heavy but it's like styrofoam but really really hard styrofoam weird this isn't this is really weird okay we're gonna keep digging to get inside I'm excited you do all so cold after some time we cleared our path for the plasma torch here this is the safe within the safe it's metal hopefully it's not too thick and we can cut through it okay we hope no a Houston I already know exactly what this is and it's good we got some targets wool do you know what kind of safe this is that kind of safe okay let's get this out of the way there you go I can already tell though there's nothing but I might keep this this is good okay Oh what is that I think it's uh I think it's a collar I think it says Dog Pound but there's a read on it yeah clean you know though I don't blow on it just do it I don't want to do it what if there's like oh yeah something on it I wish I didn't do that okay two more things oh wait three more things a lot we got a paper clip we got an annoy and we got a case look at this you can see the bolts getting through the front would have been like super hard I think we did the right thing going through the back oh look at that this is actually pretty good yeah I know Gerber I don't know if that's good or not but I can appreciate this put this in my pocket because I'm keeping this on a person I think this is like a hunter's safe because like I mean I mean we found in cottage country so it makes sense you can see that they're kind of the vision I mean oh oh what's that say Mike that Mike looks like I'm like okay here's where the money is cars your fingers Boston them ah wait wait wait whoa nothing something actually inside boom boom there my tool is video shoe shots a bubble for making this video happen their link to download is in my description down below you guys know whether I'm breaking into a safe or not I always like to leave on a high note how am I gonna get rid of this
Channel: JustDustin
Views: 5,139,163
Rating: 4.8467584 out of 5
Keywords: safe, abandoned safe, money, auction, justdustin, justdustin safe, 1000, 10000
Id: s-D_Lb6OrhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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