I Bought EVERYTHING Inside This Warehouse Without Looking At It First! πŸ˜…πŸ’Έ

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guys i may or may not have just made the best or one of the worst purchases of my life and it's not my semi because i love this is already a great purchase it's this giant warehouse full of stuff that i just bought sight unseen that we have to get cleaned out like in a couple of days and i paid for it i don't know if this was a good idea flashback all right guys today you are in for a treat and by treat i mean this could be an absolute show you see this right here is my friend this is this is old man gardener old man gardener has been collecting trinkets over the years when i say trinkets i mean like full warehouses full of all sorts of army surplus government surplus you name it and i've been hearing about this warehouse for a long long time i'm talking years and uh i've never been able to go inside the warehouse because it's always been magically locked for some reason i just put a bag over people's heads that won't let them see anything that's the problem how did you get in here don't ask questions you don't want all the answers to listen so i got a phone call that old man gardner is finally ready to part with some of his goods and what you mean by that is i'm willing to let you have everything in there for a price everything inside the warehouse everything inside the warehouse all or nothing you know i've never been in your warehouse i don't know what's in there no you don't know anything about it let me ask are you asking me to buy this site on scene well look i know this guy you know he's like he's a good friend he's a good friend of the whole families and i know that if i sit give him a price he'll jump at it because there's enough stuff in there to make a lot of money how many square feet is that that's probably 12 000 square feet it's 100 120. so old man gardener's brought me here today to say hey you go you don't get to go look inside but if you'll pay me which he has not told me the price yet the asking price you can have everything inside my warehouse that nobody's really been in for years it's been just kind of i won't let anybody in there that's a smart man so there's there's i've heard myths and there's got to be at least five or six generators in there there's all kinds of yes well survival stuff hey you know what why don't you just cut to the chase where are we at what do you want for us i brought my truck i brought my trailers i bought my guys oh you brought them out here so you must have a do you have a check or do you have cash well i guess we'll have to see what the price is 15 000 for everything in there and that's at least sixty thousand dollars less than it's worth let me just let me just put you in real quick he wants he wants 15 grand i love this guy and i love the family and i know he's going to take care of me but i have no idea what's in there 15 grand i have to buy it side and see and he won't let me go inside [Music] jake's as good as good 60 days cash [Music] big dan gardner sold for the entire warehouse well all the contents of the warehouse obviously not the building for 15 grand honestly i think that's probably i think it's a good deal i hope as long as there's some stuff that's still worth keeping i see the door open now take a quick peek inside this is just one room i believe i'm actually super super stoked holy oh man i don't know how many rooms but this is one of many rooms guys this might be one of the most interesting finds ever like you've seen the show hoarders you've seen storage wars this might have those just absolutely crushed because this is just the one door there's multiple doors and i'm seeing i'm actually seeing some valuable stuff i'm seeing a lot of junk so i probably wouldn't do this deal if i had to take all the trash but uh i don't know i hope that was this definitely roll the dice i hope i can make my money on this is there a forklift in there we just breached the first bay door and what i'm first seeing is a log cabin kit a forklift and a whole bunch of [Music] i mean look at this this is this right here though is a good example of what's not this is a giant roller bearing this right here this one baron is probably worth a thousand bucks like a monster and there's just random stuff like that floating around everywhere so you may be thinking heavy dude you're an idiot why did you buy this and i'll probably think that at some point as well but i think there's some value here otherwise this is gonna be just a nice service project [Music] there's a lot of freaking nice hardware in here so we're gonna go through and make sure we pick up all the nuts and bolts and anything that's worth money and start 100 start adding up the dollars this stuff these are like 10 bucks a piece this is a lot man this i might have been off more than i can chew there's a lot of good stuff there's a lot of [ __ ] so much hardware so much hardware i'm talking like there's a five gallon bucket of those a five gallon bucket of these doesn't know but i've got a bunch of copper i've been hiding and pulling from the shelves and hiding out back electric motors he knows now way to go no it'll be sold by the time this is edited i found the new apple imac i think it's over very overwhelming but you'll never have to get cups again that's the paint guns [Music] check it out i gotta get something off my chest hey your jokes suck we're clowning around in here you guys a lot of stuff very overwhelming earrings they would make these packages for days ibm computer parachutes an old vintage roomy cube look at this don't tell me you're not into roomie cube because if you're not you should be yes football cards chris martin leon seals tutti robbins 50 years ago with grandma gardner no way that's rad you know hang on to those dave this is as good as gold plus a pair of needle nose pliers dude robins in here judy robbins that's what i got my brother ryan actually did he lost a whole box of his like nicest cards they're worth a couple probably a hundred thousand dollars honestly oh yeah he was a crazy collector so if you find him in here did you hear that he said that there's a box of baseball cards somewhere in that building we've made it through one room so far the hardware room auto parts industrial parts pretty much anything that's like metal nuts bolts all that kind of stuff probably if i had to guess roughly twenty thousand dollars worth of stuff in there oh yeah between the different like hard to find truck parts and the big bearings and stuff like that yeah the boating we got some buyers for that stuff we're gonna check on tomorrow um but we're gonna let those guys keep working in there we're gonna start i mean you gotta realize that's only twenty percent of the warehouse yeah we still have a lot to explore this is the costume station that's where i found the jester hat this is where you're kind of just right here did you fly around right here i didn't inflate it but yeah that's cool oh geez there's a lot there's a lot of garbage in this one oh this is the jewelry department yeah look at this so they had a jewelry business in here they would actually make earrings and stuff and there's literally just jewelry necklaces earrings stuff everywhere and then you go to the lunch tray department just piles of lunch trays and then it's fifty percent off still look at this elsa look at this though you don't you don't like i don't know if your camera's picking up how much this is this is insanity bro i don't even know where to start here like this is just here's the problem let me explain to you there is a lot of a lot of stuff in here i bet you 99 of it is absolute just trash but i'll bet you there's one or two items in here that are super valuable somebody told us that there's some missing baseball cards supposedly don't try and say everything's trash what is that aloha from hawaii the homemade it's just it's going to boil down to whether or not we have the patience to sort through all this or whether we just get our money and run which i love kind of leaning towards that right now because look at this where do you even start this is the jewelry store slash office department some of the pricing from the old jewelry store here's a giant electric motor being used as a doorstop bunch of wheels and tires in the old jewelry showroom maybe there's the old old jewelry cases they say that a pissed off disgruntled old employee or somebody came in here and just ransacked the place and did just to vandalize or did it to try to steal stuff i never really understood the story but since then like bums and stuff broken in here and just gone through a bunch of the stuff so it's been ransacked pretty pretty pretty bad if i use this as a tow rope stuff like this like a rope with like a nice sheath on it i'm telling you it's gonna get to the point where it's gonna have to come through here and just kind of grab whatever we think might look good and then everything else just like look at all these lights somebody takes the time to sell these 10 bucks a piece yeah this looks like a ghost town like someone was making jewelry and then these up on abandon some vandals came and trashed it and that's it sorry you got a price tag on 5.99 5.99 look at this this box is a brand new jewelry over there or is that some packaging this stuff's got all be i think the jewelry business was 20 years ago so i don't think anybody's been in here for 15 20 years doing any business here's all the backs of like the earrings and pieces uh you got boxes this was like a legit operation big jewelry business i don't want to say i regret this purchase because i think we're gonna make our money back but i i'll tell you this i'm not gonna go nearly as deep as i expected uh in here like i thought i was gonna go through here and sort through every box there's no way we would be here for months oh what's this thing some sort of jewelry making press machine i don't know like raccoon fish oh yeah that's a that's a musky musky aroma oh that's so strong smell in this room this one's this one might just be one that we just leave behind oh my god nope i'm not doing it we're about halfway through the warehouse at this point and we found a lot of junk we found some decent stuff too it's just such a wide variety like it goes from vending machines to old jewelry to old appliances to office furniture and the issue is a lot of it is old and outdated stuff what'd you do in here alex i didn't bust out the windows they told us that there was a section or an area in here where somebody had come in and broke in and vandalized i think we found it this is nuts it's like a ghost town though it literally feels like they were in here doing business one day and then they just up and left oh no oh no did you just find those on the ground put them in your mouth you didn't breathe i've never seen my friend act that way i'm impressed wow worth it was definitely worth the joke this is we we're about 75 through there's still two more areas that we have to go look in i wish i could describe to you the smell in here it is and this is going to be the final area he said there was generators in here i think i see the generators up there so there's some money i'm thinking between this room and the hardware room is where we're gonna make our money back somebody's gonna give that a big bandsaw too how about you that old table saw in the bandsaw are probably worth a couple grand i don't think so i don't know if we're gonna take the time to go through every single box i think we're gonna come through here get the bulk of the big items that are obviously valuable sell those and then maybe do one more run through to find anything valuable it's hidden and then get the hell out of here because this is like years of work years of work there we go a couple of engines detroit 353's these are worth at least two or three grand a piece they got a boat out driving on them too there's seven grand there's a couple diesel generators military grade that's another two three grand probably four grand with the generators right there got another probably thousand dollars with the plywood this is the room where the values at this is definitely some value you got this giant saw right here that's a cabinetry saw that's probably another i bet you that's probably a five thousand dollar saw i bet it's a fifty thousand dollars all brand new but used that's probably five grand all day ice cream machine it's probably an antique you'd sell on ebay who knows what's up in those giant military boxes the military surplus stuff is what interests me because you can buy some nice stuff in the military especially back in the day there's like there's probably about a thousand of these in here and these are probably worth at least five bucks a piece because they're all kerosene and water bottle jugs so i'm gonna try to collect every single one of those see them literally tucked everywhere i want to say we've probably got there's probably at least a thousand dollars worth of those blue buckets uh fan saw blades this is the stuff see right here this is the stuff you can't just go buy like that's i mean you can but that's like a that's like 50 60 bucks right now i think i just found another on the low end 10 grand worth of stuff just in this room so between the other room roughly 20 000 here we got about 10 doubled my money so far and that's just on the low end that's not collecting that's not counting all the other little like small things we haven't looked at yet [Music] now i'm beginning to see the picture the bigger picture [Music] it'd be [Music] but there's something holding on [Music] hey take your finger and subscribe to his channel because he's number one wow yeah see next morning what up bro welcome back to paradise boys are up no good bad boys right there don't put that in the baddest boy around [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] got some serious cash here some of this old military equipment is heavy duty and super rare and when someone needs it they gotta have it and they're willing to pay a premium for it so we've already got some of this stuff sold which is awesome [Music] there you have it i told you that when i started doing youtube i was gonna show you literally everything that we do the good the bad the ugly and sometimes just work stuff as you can see this was just work it was also an opportunity to help out a friend's dad who's retiring he's done he didn't have the time or the energy to go through the warehouse and do all that himself so we went through paid him some decent money for all of it so he didn't have to touch it and now we go through the effort of selling it luckily a lot of it's already sold all the military equipment specialty we spent about 15 grand i think all in all we're gonna get about 30 to 35 grand back out of it maybe a little bit more depending on what some of the stuff sells for cool thing is you got to see some really interesting stuff from those old military parts uh the forklifts just the wild stuff in that warehouse from the jewelry the beads the just the insanity that happened in there it was chaos but this is part of our business guys is what we do literally we specialize in the weird random stuff that other people you know doesn't know what to do with but as i have always said there's a butt for every seat so it doesn't matter how special tv item is actually i prefer items to be more rare and more special because that usually means you can get a higher price board because you're the only one that has it for sale so listen hope you guys enjoyed uh this was definitely different side of our business than we normally show and uh after this video i'm pretty sure we'll get back to some regularly scheduled programming of putting tracks on different vehicles so buckle up stay tuned and if you enjoyed give the video a like drop a comment and most importantly subscribe because remember we're well on our way to 500 000 subscribers when we get there i'm giving another one of you another one of my vehicles so buckle up stay tuned and enjoy [Music] [Music] you
Channel: HeavyDSparks
Views: 2,056,512
Rating: 4.8974991 out of 5
Keywords: helicopter, heli, flying, flight, asmr, vlog, heavy d, diesel, diesel dave, dave sparks, adventure, zion, utah, moab, go pro, travel vlog, diesel trucks, trucks, giveaway, ASMR, adventure vlog, vlogger, instagram, plane, Heavy D Sparks, diesel brothers, diesel power gear, diesel truck, how to, Polaris, Rzr, Utv, Atv, Offroad, Fun, Crazy, Rope swing, Heavy d, Heavydsparks, Diesel, Dave Sparks, hot tub, reveal, finale, exploring, silver, gold, tug of war, tug, tug o war, battle, tank, 6x6, world record, stradman
Id: B6hFRorsiC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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